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Alternative forms


Etymology 1

From con- + legō (bring together, gather, collect).


colligō (present infinitive colligere, perfect active collēgī, supine collēctum); third conjugation

  1. to gather, draw, bring or collect (together), assemble, pick up; contract, draw up, compress, concentrate; harvest
    Synonyms: cōgō, stīpō, glomerō, compellō, congerō, cōnserō, contrahō, cōnstruō, coniungō, cōnferō
    • 160 BCE, Publius Terentius Afer, Adelphoe 5.3.59–63:
      DĒMEA. Ego istuc vīderō,
      atque ibi favīllae plēna, fūmī ac pollinis
      coquendō sit faxō et molendō. Praeter haec
      merīdiē ipsō faciam ut stipulam colligat.
      Tam excoctam reddam atque ātram quam carbō est.
      DEMEA. I'll see to that,
      and full of soot, smoke and flour
      from the cooking and grinding I'll make her. And, besides that,
      I'll make her collect the straw at noon.
      I'll render her as burnt and black as coal.
    • c. 52 BCE, Julius Caesar, Commentarii de Bello Gallico 3.18:
      Quā rē concessā laetī ut explōrātā victōriā sarmentīs virgultisquī collēctīs, quibus fossās Rōmānōrum compleant, ad castra pergunt.
      With that concession, as if with victory assured, they go on their way to the camps with twigs and brushwood gathered, to fill the Roman trenches with.
  2. to make thick, thicken; bind or mass together
    Synonyms: cumulō, struō, accumulō
  3. to get, gain, acquire, produce, collect
    Synonyms: acquīrō, adipīscor, cōnsequor, parō, pariō, lucror, impetrō, mereō, sūmō, emō, comparō, potior, apīscor, obtineō, conciliō, nancīscor, alliciō, possideō
    Antonym: āmittō
  4. to think upon, weigh, consider; deduce, conclude, infer, gather, recollect
  5. (in a reflexive sense) to collect or compose oneself, recover one's courage or resolution
  6. (of a number, chiefly a distance) to amount or come to, extend; be reckoned (in a passive sense)
More information indicative, singular ...
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present colligō colligis colligit colligimus colligitis colligunt
imperfect colligēbam colligēbās colligēbat colligēbāmus colligēbātis colligēbant
future colligam colligēs colliget colligēmus colligētis colligent
perfect collēgī collēgistī collēgit collēgimus collēgistis collēgērunt,
pluperfect collēgeram collēgerās collēgerat collēgerāmus collēgerātis collēgerant
future perfect collēgerō collēgeris collēgerit collēgerimus collēgeritis collēgerint
passive present colligor colligeris,
colligitur colligimur colligiminī colliguntur
imperfect colligēbar colligēbāris,
colligēbātur colligēbāmur colligēbāminī colligēbantur
future colligar colligēris,
colligētur colligēmur colligēminī colligentur
perfect collēctus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect collēctus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect collēctus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present colligam colligās colligat colligāmus colligātis colligant
imperfect colligerem colligerēs colligeret colligerēmus colligerētis colligerent
perfect collēgerim collēgerīs collēgerit collēgerīmus collēgerītis collēgerint
pluperfect collēgissem collēgissēs collēgisset collēgissēmus collēgissētis collēgissent
passive present colligar colligāris,
colligātur colligāmur colligāminī colligantur
imperfect colligerer colligerēris,
colligerētur colligerēmur colligerēminī colligerentur
perfect collēctus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect collēctus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present collige colligite
future colligitō colligitō colligitōte colliguntō
passive present colligere colligiminī
future colligitor colligitor colliguntor
non-finite forms infinitive participle
active passive active passive
present colligere colligī colligēns
future collēctūrum esse collēctum īrī collēctūrus colligendus,
perfect collēgisse collēctum esse collēctus
future perfect collēctum fore
perfect potential collēctūrum fuisse
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
colligendī colligendō colligendum colligendō collēctum collēctū
Derived terms
  • Balkan Romance:
    • Aromanian: culeg, culeadziri
    • Romanian: culege, culegere
  • Italo-Romance:
    • Italian: cogliere
    • Neapolitan: cògghie (Apulia)
    • Sicilian: cògghiri
  • Insular Romance:
    • Sardinian: coglire, collire, cullire, gollire
  • North Italian:
    • Friulian: cuei
    • Ligurian: cugì
    • Piedmontese: cheuje, coj, cujì
    • Romansch: cleger, culeir, cler
  • Gallo-Romance:
  • Ibero-Romance:
  • Vulgar Latin: *accolligere (see there for further descendants)
  • Borrowings:

Etymology 2

From con- + ligō (tie, bind, fasten).


colligō (present infinitive colligāre, perfect active colligāvī, supine colligātum); first conjugation

  1. to bind, tie or fasten together or up, connect; bandage
    Synonyms: illigō, ligō, dēligō, cōnserō, cōnfīgō, adalligō, alligō, nectō, cōnectō, dēfīgō, fīgō, vinculō, dēstinō
    Antonyms: explicō, absolvō, dissolvō, solvō
  2. (figuratively) to unite, combine, connect
    Synonyms: applicō, implicō, contribuō, iungō, iniungō, coniungō, consociō, contrahō, conciliō
  3. (figuratively, in the sense of preventing free motion) to restrain, check, stop, hinder
    Synonyms: impediō, obstō, moror, arceō, supprimō, cūnctor, contineō, retineō, intersaepiō, refrēnō, inclūdō
More information indicative, singular ...
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present colligō colligās colligat colligāmus colligātis colligant
imperfect colligābam colligābās colligābat colligābāmus colligābātis colligābant
future colligābō colligābis colligābit colligābimus colligābitis colligābunt
perfect colligāvī colligāvistī colligāvit colligāvimus colligāvistis colligāvērunt,
pluperfect colligāveram colligāverās colligāverat colligāverāmus colligāverātis colligāverant
future perfect colligāverō colligāveris colligāverit colligāverimus colligāveritis colligāverint
passive present colligor colligāris,
colligātur colligāmur colligāminī colligantur
imperfect colligābar colligābāris,
colligābātur colligābāmur colligābāminī colligābantur
future colligābor colligāberis,
colligābitur colligābimur colligābiminī colligābuntur
perfect colligātus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect colligātus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect colligātus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present colligem colligēs colliget colligēmus colligētis colligent
imperfect colligārem colligārēs colligāret colligārēmus colligārētis colligārent
perfect colligāverim colligāverīs colligāverit colligāverīmus colligāverītis colligāverint
pluperfect colligāvissem colligāvissēs colligāvisset colligāvissēmus colligāvissētis colligāvissent
passive present colliger colligēris,
colligētur colligēmur colligēminī colligentur
imperfect colligārer colligārēris,
colligārētur colligārēmur colligārēminī colligārentur
perfect colligātus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect colligātus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present colligā colligāte
future colligātō colligātō colligātōte colligantō
passive present colligāre colligāminī
future colligātor colligātor colligantor
non-finite forms infinitive participle
active passive active passive
present colligāre colligārī colligāns
future colligātūrum esse colligātum īrī colligātūrus colligandus
perfect colligāvisse colligātum esse colligātus
future perfect colligātum fore
perfect potential colligātūrum fuisse
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
colligandī colligandō colligandum colligandō colligātum colligātū
Derived terms


  • colligo”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • colligo in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to gain strength: vires colligere
    • to become thirsty: sitim colligere
    • to recruit oneself after a severe illness: e gravi morbo recreari or se colligere
    • to beg alms: stipem colligere
    • to find favour with some one; to get into their good graces: benevolentiam, favorem, voluntatem alicuius sibi conciliare or colligere (ex aliqua re)
    • to win golden opinions from every one: omnium undique laudem colligere
    • to become famous, distinguish oneself: gloriam colligere, in summam gloriam venire
    • to conjecture: coniectura assequi, consequi, aliquid coniectura colligere
    • to collect, accumulate instances: multa exempla in unum (locum) colligere
    • to draw a conclusion from a thing: concludere, colligere, efficere, cogere ex aliqua re
    • to recover from one's fright: ex metu se recreare, se colligere
    • to take courage: animum capere, colligere
    • to incur a person's hatred: invidiam colligere (aliqua re)
    • to pack the baggage (for marching): vasa colligere (Liv. 21. 47)
    • to collect the wreckage: naufragium colligere (Sest. 6. 15)

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