Nicolas Cage
aktore estatubatuarra From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nicholas Cage, jaiotza izena Nicolas Kim Coppola (Long Beach, 1964ko urtarrilaren 7a), Estatu Batuetako aktorea da, Gizonezko aktore onenaren Oscar sariaren irabazlea.[1][2]
Nicolas Cage | |
![]() (2013) | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotzako izen-deiturak | Nicholas Kim Coppola |
Jaiotza | Long Beach, 1964ko urtarrilaren 7a (61 urte) |
Herrialdea | Ameriketako Estatu Batuak |
Bizilekua | Las Vegas |
Talde etnikoa | Italo-estatubatuarra Estatu Batuetara joandako poloniarra germano-estatubatuarra anglo-estatubatuarra Scottish Americans (en) |
Lehen hizkuntza | ingelesa |
Familia | |
Aita | August Coppola |
Ama | Joy Vogelsang |
Ezkontidea(k) | Patricia Arquette (1995eko apirilaren 8a - 2001eko maiatzaren 18a) Lisa Marie Presley (2002ko abuztuaren 10a - 2004ko maiatzaren 24a) Alice Kim Cage (2004ko uztailaren 30a - 2016) Erika Koike (en) (2019ko martxoaren 23a - 2019ko maiatzaren 31) Riko Shibata (en) (2021eko otsailaren 16a - |
Bikotekidea(k) | ikusi
Seme-alabak | |
Haurrideak | ikusi
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | UCLAren antzerki, filme eta telebista eskola Kaliforniako Unibertsitatea Los Angelesen Beverly Hillseko bigarren hezkuntza institutua Justin-Siena High School (en) |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | aktorea, zinema aktorea, film-zuzendaria, zinema ekoizlea, ahots-aktorea, karaktere aktorea, gidoilaria, telebista-ekoizlea, ekoizle exekutiboa, telebista aurkezlea, errealizadorea eta idazlea |
Altuera | 183 zentimetro |
Lantokia(k) | Ameriketako Estatu Batuak |
Lan nabarmenak | ikusi
Jasotako sariak | ikusi
Sinesmenak eta ideologia | |
Erlijioa | katolizismoa |
Alderdi politikoa | Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Alderdi Demokrata |
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Nicolas Coppola du berezko izena -Francis Ford Coppola zuzendariaren iloba da-, eta harekin nahas ez zezaten aldatu zuen. Bere izena Marvel Comics-eko Luke Cage pertsonaitik hartu zuen.[3] Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) izan zuen lehenbiziko filma. Hurrengo urtean (1983) bere osaba F.F. Coppolaren Rumble fish-en lan egin zuen. Pertsonaia bortitz eta liskarzaleen paperak egin izan ditu batik bat: Coppolaren Peggy Sue ezkondu egin zen-en (1986) Kathleen Turnerren senarrarena, Joel Coenen Arizona baby-n (1987) haur bahitzailearena, eta ustez banpiro bihurtzen ari denarena Robert Biermanen Banpiro musuak-en (1988).
Paper erromantikorik ere egin izan du: Cheren maitalea Norman Jewinsonen Ilargiaren lilura-n (1987), edo senargai etsiarena Hirurentzako eztei bidaia-n (1992). Salbuespen horien ondoren ordea, ohiko pertsonaietara itzuli zen. David Lynchen aginduetara Bihotz basatia (1990) egin zuen, eta 1995ean Gizonezko aktore onenaren Oscar saria irabazi zuen Mike Figgisen Leaving Las Vegas-en egindako lanagatik.[4] Hiltzear dagoen akoholikoarena egiten du Cagek aipatutako filmean. Hurrengo urtean Michael Bayren Harkaitza-n lan egin zuen. 2000. urtean Family Man egin zuen. 2003an izendatua izan zen berriro ere, Adaptation filmari esker baina ez zuen irabazi. [4]
Taula honetan ikus daitezke film bakoitzaren zuzendaria, enpresa ekoizlea eta beste izenburuak (gaztelaniaz, frantsesez):
Urtea | Filma | Zuzendaria | Ekoizlea | Izenburuak (es,fr) |
0 | Lords of War | Andrew Niccol | -- | |
0 | Frank or Francis | Charlie Kaufman | -- | |
1981 | Best of Times | Don Mischer | -- | |
1982 | Fast Times at Ridgemont High | Amy Heckerling | Universal Pictures | frantsesez: Ça chauffe au lycée Ridgemont |
1983 | Rumble Fish | Francis Ford Coppola | American Zoetrope | gaztelaniaz: La ley de la calle frantsesez: Rusty James |
1983 | Valley Girl | Martha Coolidge | -- | gaztelaniaz: La chica del valle |
1983 | The Outsiders | Francis Ford Coppola | American Zoetrope | frantsesez: Outsiders |
1984 | Racing with the Moon | Richard Benjamin | -- | frantsesez: Les Moissons du printemps |
1984 | Birdy | Alan Parker | Columbia Pictures | |
1984 | The Cotton Club | Francis Ford Coppola | American Zoetrope | gaztelaniaz: Cotton Club frantsesez: Cotton Club |
1986 | The Boy in Blue | Charles Jarrott | -- | |
1986 | Peggy Sue Got Married | Francis Ford Coppola | TriStar Pictures | frantsesez: Peggy Sue s'est mariée |
1987 | Raising Arizona | Joel Coen | -- | frantsesez: Arizona Junior |
1987 | Moonstruck | Norman Jewison | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | gaztelaniaz: Hechizo de luna frantsesez: Éclair de lune |
1988 | Never on Tuesday | Adam Rifkin | -- | |
1988 | Vampire's Kiss | Robert Bierman | Hemdale films | frantsesez: Embrasse-moi, vampire |
1990 | Time to Kill | Giuliano Montaldo | -- | gaztelaniaz: Tiempo de matar frantsesez: Le Raccourci |
1990 | Wild at Heart | David Lynch | PolyGram Filmed Entertainment | frantsesez: Sailor et Lula |
1990 | Fire Birds | David Green | Touchstone Pictures | |
1990 | Industrial Symphony No. 1 | David Lynch | -- | gaztelaniaz: Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Brokenhearted frantsesez: Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Broken Hearted |
1991 | Zandalee | Sam Pillsbury | -- | |
1992 | Red Rock West | John Dahl | Touchstone Pictures | |
1992 | Honeymoon in Vegas | Andrew Bergman | Castle Rock Entertainment | frantsesez: Lune de miel à Las Vegas |
1993 | Deadfall | Christopher Coppola | -- | |
1993 | Amos & Andrew | Eric Max Frye | Columbia Pictures | gaztelaniaz: Amos y Andrew frantsesez: Amos et Andrew |
1994 | Trapped in Paradise | George Gallo | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: Atrapados en el paraíso frantsesez: Descente à Paradise |
1994 | A Century of Cinema | Caroline Thomas | -- | gaztelaniaz: Un siglo de cine |
1994 | Guarding Tess | Hugh Wilson | TriStar Pictures | gaztelaniaz: Tess y su guardaespaldas frantsesez: Un ange gardien pour Tess |
1994 | It Could Happen to You | Andrew Bergman | TriStar Pictures | frantsesez: Milliardaire malgré lui |
1995 | Leaving Las Vegas | Mike Figgis | -- | |
1995 | Kiss of Death | Barbet Schroeder | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: El sabor de la muerte |
1996 | The Rock | Michael Bay | Jerry Bruckheimer Films | gaztelaniaz: La Roca frantsesez: Rock |
1997 | Face/Off | John Woo | Paramount Pictures | frantsesez: Volte-face |
1997 | Con Air | Simon West | Touchstone Pictures | frantsesez: Les Ailes de l'enfer |
1998 | Snake Eyes | Brian De Palma | Paramount Pictures | |
1998 | Junket Whore | Debbie Melnyk | -- | |
1998 | City of Angels | Brad Silberling | Regency Enterprises | frantsesez: La Cité des anges |
1999 | 8mm | Joel Schumacher | -- | frantsesez: 8 Millimètres |
1999 | Bringing Out the Dead | Martin Scorsese | Touchstone Pictures | frantsesez: À tombeau ouvert |
2000 | The Family Man | Brett Ratner | Saturn Films | frantsesez: Family Man |
2000 | Welcome to Hollywood | Adam Rifkin | -- | |
2001 | Captain Corelli's Mandolin | John Madden | StudioCanal | gaztelaniaz: La mandolina del capitán Corelli frantsesez: Capitaine Corelli |
2002 | Windtalkers | John Woo | Saturn Films | frantsesez: Windtalkers : Les Messagers du vent |
2002 | Adaptation | Spike Jonze | Saturn Films | |
2002 | Sonny | Nicolas Cage | Saturn Films | |
2003 | Matchstick Men | Ridley Scott | ImageMovers | frantsesez: Les Associés |
2004 | National Treasure | Jon Turteltaub | Walt Disney Pictures | frantsesez: Benjamin Gates et le Trésor des Templiers |
2005 | Lord of War | Andrew Niccol | Saturn Films | |
2005 | The Weather Man | Gore Verbinski | Escape Artists | gaztelaniaz: El hombre del tiempo |
2006 | The Wicker Man | Neil LaBute | Saturn Films | |
2006 | World Trade Center | Oliver Stone | Paramount Pictures | |
2007 | Werewolf Women of the SS | Rob Zombie | -- | |
2007 | National Treasure: Book of Secrets | Jon Turteltaub | Walt Disney Pictures | frantsesez: Benjamin Gates et le Livre des secrets |
2007 | Ghost Rider | Mark Steven Johnson | Columbia Pictures | |
2007 | Next | Lee Tamahori | Paramount Pictures | |
2008 | Bangkok Dangerous | Danny Pang Phat | Saturn Films | |
2008 | Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired | Marina Zenovich | -- | gaztelaniaz: Roman Polanski: Se busca |
2009 | Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans | Werner Herzog | Millennium Media | frantsesez: Bad Lieutenant : Escale à La Nouvelle-Orléans |
2009 | Knowing | Alex Proyas | Saturn Films | frantsesez: Prédictions |
2010 | The Sorcerer's Apprentice | Jon Turteltaub | Saturn Films | gaztelaniaz: El aprendiz de brujo frantsesez: L'Apprenti sorcier |
2010 | Kick-Ass | Matthew Vaughn | Plan B Entertainment | |
2011 | Seeking Justice | Roger Donaldson | -- | frantsesez: Le Pacte |
2011 | Drive Angry | Patrick Lussier | Saturn Films | gaztelaniaz: Drive Angry 3D frantsesez: Hell Driver |
2011 | Trespass | Joel Schumacher | Saturn Films | frantsesez: Effraction |
2011 | Season of the Witch | Dominic Sena | Saturn Films | frantsesez: Le Dernier des Templiers |
2012 | Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance | Brian Taylor | Crystal Sky Pictures | gaztelaniaz: Ghost Rider: Espíritu de Venganza frantsesez: Ghost Rider 2 : L'Esprit de vengeance |
2012 | Stolen | Simon West | Saturn Films | frantsesez: 12 Heures |
2013 | The Frozen Ground | Scott Walker | Grindstone Entertainment Group | gaztelaniaz: Frozen Ground frantsesez: Suspect |
2013 | Joe | David Gordon Green | Worldview Entertainment | |
2014 | Rage | Paco Cabezas | -- | gaztelaniaz: Tokarev frantsesez: Tokarev |
2014 | Outcast | Nick Powell | -- | frantsesez: Croisades |
2014 | Dying of the Light | Paul Schrader | Red Granite Pictures | frantsesez: La Sentinelle |
2014 | Left Behind | Vic Armstrong | Entertainment One | frantsesez: Le Chaos |
2015 | The Death of "Superman Lives": What Happened? | Jon Schnepp | -- | gaztelaniaz: The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? |
2015 | Pay the Ghost | Uli Edel | -- | |
2015 | The Runner | Austin Stark | -- | |
2016 | USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage | Mario Van Peebles | -- | frantsesez: USS Indianapolis |
2016 | The Trust | Alex Brewer | -- | frantsesez: Le Casse |
2016 | Snowden | Oliver Stone | -- | |
2016 | Dog Eat Dog | Paul Schrader | -- | gaztelaniaz: Como Perros Salvajes |
2016 | Army of One | Larry Charles | -- | gaztelaniaz: Salvando América |
2017 | Vengeance: A Love Story | Johnny Martin | Saturn Films | frantsesez: Vengeance |
2017 | Inconceivable | Jonathan Baker | -- | gaztelaniaz: Inconcebible frantsesez: Usurpation |
2017 | Arsenal | Steven C. Miller | -- | |
2017 | The Humanity Bureau | Rob W. King | Minds Eye Entertainment | |
2017 | Mom and Dad | Brian Taylor | -- | |
2018 | 211 | York Shackleton | -- | frantsesez: Code 211 |
2018 | Between Worlds | Maria Pulera | -- | gaztelaniaz: El portal del más allá frantsesez: Possession |
2018 | Looking Glass | Tim Hunter | -- | frantsesez: The Watcher |
2018 | Mandy | Panos Cosmatos | -- | |
2019 | A Score to Settle | Shawn Ku | Minds Eye Entertainment | gaztelaniaz: Ajuste de cuentas frantsesez: Froide Vengeance |
2019 | Red Squad | Alexander Witt | -- | |
2019 | Grand Isle | Stephen Campanelli | -- | |
2019 | Kill Chain | Ken Sanzel | CineTel Films | |
2019 | Primal | Nick Powell | -- | |
2019 | Running with the Devil | Jason Cabell | -- | |
2019 | Color Out of Space | Richard Stanley | -- | |
2020 | 10 Double Zero | Christian Sesma | -- | |
2020 | Jiu Jitsu | Dimitri Logothetis | -- | |
2021 | Willy's Wonderland | Kevin Lewis | Saturn Films | |
2021 | Prisoners of the Ghostland | Sion Sono | -- | |
2021 | Pig | Michael Sarnoski | Access Industries | |
2022 | Butcher's Crossing | Gabe Polsky | -- | |
2022 | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent | Tom Gormican | Saturn Films | frantsesez: Un talent en or massif |
2023 | The Old Way | Brett Donowho | Saturn Films | |
2023 | Dream Scenario | Kristoffer Borgli | A24 | frantsesez: Dream scenario |
2023 | Sympathy for the Devil | Yuval Adler | Hammerstone Studios | |
2023 | Renfield | Chris McKay | Skybound Entertainment | |
2023 | The Retirement Plan | Tim Brown | Darius Films | |
2024 | The Surfer | Lorcan Finnegan | -- | |
2024 | Arcadian | Ben Brewer | -- | |
2024 | Longlegs | Oz Perkins | Saturn Films |
Urtea | Filma | Pertsonaia |
1981 | Best Of Times | Nicholas |
1982 | Fast Times at Ridgemont High | Brad's Bud |
1983 | The Outsiders | kameoa |
Valley Girl | Randy | |
Rumble Fish | Smokey | |
1984 | Racing with the Moon | Nicky and Bud |
The Cotton Club | Vincent Dwyer | |
Birdy | Al Columbato sarjentua | |
1986 | The Boy in Blue | Ned Hanlan |
Peggy Sue Got Married | Charlie Bodell | |
1987 | Raising Arizona | H. I. McDunnough |
Moonstruck | Ronny Cammareri | |
1988 | Never on Tuesday | Gizona kotxe gorrian |
1989 | Vampire's Kiss | Peter Leow |
1990 | Tempo di uccidere | Enrico Silvestri |
Fire Birds | Jake Preston | |
Wild at Heart | Marinela | |
Zandalee | Johnny | |
1992 | Honeymoon in Vegas | Jack Singer |
1993 | Amos & Andrew | Amos Odell |
Deadfall | Eddie | |
1994 | A Century of Cinema | |
Red Rock West | Michael Williams | |
Guarding Tess | Doug Chesnic | |
It Could Happen to You | Charlie Lang | |
Trapped in Paradise | Bill Firpo | |
1995 | Kiss of Death | Junior Brown gaztea |
Leaving Las Vegas | Ben Sanderson | |
1996 | The Rock | Dr. Stanley Goodspeed |
1997 | Con Air | Cameron Poe |
Face/Off | Castor Troy/Sean Archer | |
1998 | City of Angels | Seth |
Snake Eyes | Rick Santoro | |
1999 | 8mm | Tom Welles |
Bringing Out the Dead | Frank Pierce | |
2000 | Gone in Sixty Seconds | Randall "Memphis" Raines |
The Family Man | Jack Campbell | |
Welcome to Hollywood | Bera | |
2001 | Italian Soldiers | Bera |
Captain Corelli's Mandolin | Antonio Corelli kapitaina | |
Christmas Carol: The Movie | Jacob Marley (ahotsa) | |
2002 | Windtalkers | Joe Enders sarjentua |
Adaptation. | Charlie eta Donald Kaufman | |
Sonny | Acid Yellow | |
2003 | Matchstick Men | Roy Waller |
2004 | National Treasure | Ben Gates |
2005 | Lord of War | Yuri Orlov |
The Weather Man | David Spritz | |
2006 | The Ant Bully | Zoc (ahotsa) |
The Wicker Man | Edward Malus | |
World Trade Center | John McLoughlin | |
2007 | Ghost Rider | Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) |
Grindhouse | Dr. Fu Manchu | |
Next | Cris Johnson | |
National Treasure: Book of Secrets | Ben Gates | |
2008 | Bangkok Dangerous | Joe |
2009 | G-Force | Speckles (ahotsa) |
Knowing | Ted Myles | |
Astro Boy | Dr.Tenma (ahotsa) | |
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans | Polizia ustela | |
2010 | Kick-Ass | Damon Macready/Big Daddy |
The Sorcerer's Apprentice | Balthazar Blake | |
2011 | Season of the Witch | Behman von Bleiruck |
Drive Angry | Milton | |
Trespass | Kyle Miller | |
Seeking Justice | Will Gerard | |
2012 | Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance | Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider |
Stolen | Will Montgomery | |
2013 | The Frozen Ground | Jack Halcombe detektibea |
The Croods | Grug Crood (ahotsa) | |
Joe | Joe | |
2014 | Rage | Paul Maguire |
Outcast | Gallain | |
Left Behind | Rayford Steele | |
Dying of the Light | Evan Lake | |
2015 | The Runner | Colin Price |
Pay the Ghost | Mike Lawford | |
2016 | The Trust | Jim Stone |
Snowden | Hank Forrester | |
USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage | Charles B. McVay kapitaina | |
Dog Eat Dog | Troy | |
Army of One | Gary Faulkner |
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