《开罗宣言》其后并经《波茨坦公告》(Potsdam Proclamation)和日本《降伏文书》(Japanese Instrument of Surrender)援用,因此是具有法律实质拘束力之条约协定。1945年7月26日中华民国、美国、英国、与苏联共同发布的《波茨坦公告》第8条明定“《开罗宣言》的条件,必须实施,而日本之主权将限于本州、北海道、九州、四国,及吾人所决定之其他小岛”。1945年9月2日日本天皇向盟军统帅无条件投降所签署的日本《降伏文书》第1条及第6条中,亦明白宣示接受《波茨坦公告》。
开罗宣言原文收录在美国国务院出版的《1776-1949美国条约和其他国际协定汇编》第3册(Charles I. Bevans, Treaty and Other International Agreements of the United States of America 1776-1949, vol. 3, multilateral, 1931-1945, Washington, D.C.: US)[18]。因此就美国政府而言,《开罗宣言》是具有法律上拘束力的文件。
中华民国前总统马英九指出:“《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》与《日本降书》——构成中华民国光复台湾的法律基础。美国一向将此三项文件视为具有拘束力的国际条约或协定,而非仅仅是战时政策性的声明而已,因为这些文件的内容,都是盟国国家元首彼此或与日本天皇共同在他们职权范围内代表国家对重大议题所作的具体承诺,在国际法与外交实务上,对他们的国家当然具有拘束力。因此美国将《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》与《日本降书》分别列入《1776-1949美国条约和其他国际协定汇编》(Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America,1776-1949)、《美国法规大全》(United States Statutes at Large),《日本降书》也编入《联合国条约集》(United Nations Treaty Series),对参与或签署的国家(即中、美、英、苏、日),甚至世界其他国家均具有法律拘束力。我国当然也将这些文件视为国际条约,对中华民国与日本都具有拘束力。有些人以为这些文件只是“新闻公报”,是相当严重的误解。”[19]
纽约时报于1955年2月2日报道:“丘吉尔说开罗福尔摩沙宣言已经过时(Cairo Formosa Declaration Out of Date, Says Churchill)”(详见纽约时报网站链接)[29][30]。前一日,丘吉尔在英国下议院答复议员质询时,表示《开罗宣言》仅是一份共同声明(This was, in fact, the Cairo Declaration of 1st December, 1943. It contained merely a statement of common purpose.)[31]。
美国国家档案局表示开罗宣言非国际条约,国家档案局的柯尔兹(Michael J. Kurtz)解释,根据国家档案局的规定,所有的国际条约、行政协定或是一般条约与其他协定等文件均有其专属的特定号码,由国务院一并交由档案室保管,他们无法在“国际条约”的档案中找到一九四三年的开罗宣言(The National Archives and Records Administration has not filed this declaration under "Treaties.")。[25]
HC Deb(英语:Hansard) 04 May 1955 vol 540 cc1870–1 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (英文). "The document in question was the Cairo Declaration. That was couched in the form of a statement of intention, and as it was merely a statement of intention, it is merely binding in so far as it states the intent at that time, and therefore it cannot by itself transfer sovereignty......The case of Formosa is different. The sovereignty was Japanese until 1952. The Japanese Treaty came into force, and at that time Formosa was being administered by the Chinese Nationalists, to whom it was entrusted in 1945, as a military occupation......That position has been made quite clear by the statement the Prime Minister made in the House on 4th February, which has been quoted by the hon. and learned Member. Therefore I shall not repeat it."