Laporan Daya Saing Global atau Global Competitiveness Report adalah laporan tahunan dari Forum Ekonomi Dunia (World Economic Forum ).[1] Laporan pada tahun 2006 –2007 memasukkan 125 negara . Laporan ini "membahas tentang kemampuan negara-negara untuk menyediakan kemakmuran tingkat tinggi bagi warga negaranya ". Hal ini tergantung dari seberapa produktif sebuah negara menggunakan sumber daya yang tersedia.[2] Indeks ini digunakan oleh banyak kalangan akademisi .[3]
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Peta Laporan Daya Saing Global 2006–2007. Semakin tua warna hijaunya berarti indeksnya semakin tinggi, dan semakin tua warna merahnya berarti nilainya makin rendah.
1. Institusi
A. Institusi publik
1. Hak cipta
2. Etika dan korupsi
3. Undue influence
4. inefisiensi pemerintahan (birokrasi, pemborosan, dll)
5. Keamanan
B. institutsi swasta
1. Etika perusahaan
2. Akuntabilitas
2. Infrastruktur
2.01 kualitas infrastruktur keseluruhan
2.02 Pembangunan infrastruktur rel kereta api
2.03 kualitas infrastruktur pelabuhan
2.04 kualitas infrastruktur angkutan udara
2.05 kualitas pasokan listrik
2.06 Jalur Telepon (hard data)
3. Makroekonomi
3.01 Government surplus/deficit (hard data)
3.02 National savings rate (hard data)
3.03 Inflation (hard data)
3.04 Interest rate spread (hard data)
3.05 Government debt (hard data)
3.06 Real effective exchange rate (hard data)
4. Kesehatan dan Pendidikan dasar
A. Kesehatan
4.01 Medium-term business impact of malaria
4.02 Medium-term business impact of tuberculosis
4.03 Medium-term business impact of HIV/AIDS
4.04 Infant mortality (hard data)
4.05 Life expectancy (hard data)
4.06 Tuberculosis prevalence (hard data)
4.07 Malaria prevalence (hard data)
4.08 HIV prevalence (hard data)
B. Pendidikan dasar
4.09 Primary enrolment (hard data)
5. Pendidikan Tinggi dan pelatihan
A. Kuantitas pendidikan
5.01 Secondary enrolment ratio (hard data)
5.02 Tertiary enrolment ratio (hard data)
B. Kualitas pendidikan
5.03 Quality of the educational system
5.04 Quality of math and science education
5.05 Quality of management schools
C. On-the-job training
5.06 Local availability of specialized research and training services
5.07 Extent of staff training
6. Efisiensi Pasar
A. Pasar-pasar baik: Distorsi, kompetisi, dan ukuran
1. Distorsi
6.01 Agricultural policy costs
6.02 Efficiency of legal framework
6.03 Extent and effect of taxation
6.04 Number of procedures required to start a business (hard data)
6.05 Time required to start a business (hard data)
2. Kompetisi
6.06 Intensity of local competition
6.07 Effectiveness of antitrust policy
6.08 Imports (hard data)
6.09 Prevalence of trade barriers
6.10 Foreign ownership restrictions
3. Ukuran
0.00 GDP – exports + imports (hard data)
6.11 Eksports (hard data)
B. Pasar Pekerja: Fleksibilitas dan efisiensi
1. Fleksibilitas
6.12 Hiring and firing practices
6.13 Flexibility of wage determination
6.14 Cooperation in labor-employer relations
2. Efisiensi
6.15 Reliance on professional management
6.16 Pay and productivity
6.17 Brain drain
6.18 Private sector employment of women
C. asar Finansial: Kecanggihan dan keterbukaan
6.19 Financial market sophistication
6.20 Ease of access to loans
6.21 Venture capital availability
6.22 Soundness of banks
6.23 Local equity market access
7. Kesiapan Teknologi
7.01 Technological readiness
7.02 Firm-level technology absorption
7.03 Laws relating to ICT
7.04 FDI and technology transfer
7.05 Cellular telephones (hard data)
7.06 Internet users (hard data)
7.07 Personal computers (hard data)
8. Business sophistication
A. Networks and supporting industries
8.01 Local supplier quantity
8.02 Local supplier quality
B. Sophistication of firms’ operations and strategy
8.03 Production process sophistication
8.04 Extent of marketing
8.05 Control of international distribution
8.06 Willingness to delegate authority
8.07 Nature of competitive advantage
8.08 Value-chain presence
9. Inovasi
9.01 Quality of scientific research institutions
9.02 Company spending on research and development
9.03 University/industry research collaboration
9.04 Government procurement of advanced technology products
9.05 Availability of scientists and engineers
9.06 Utility patents (hard data)
9.07 Intellectual property protection
9.08 Capacity for innovation Diarsipkan 2006-10-27 di Wayback Machine .
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