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Cette liste de plantes de Centrafrique comprend 420 espèces[1].
Sango | Nom scientifique | Familie | Français | Anglais |
deke | Khaya anthotheca | Meliaceae | acajou blanc | broad-leaved mahogany; heavy African mahogany; smooth-barked mahogany |
ümvü | Khaya grandifoliola | Meliaceae | acajou d'Afrique, acajou du Bénin | African mahogany; Benin mahogany; Benin wood |
bëgbëngë; têngana; tîêma-konô | Acanthus montanus | Acanthaceae | acanthe | mountain thistle |
ôta | Adenia cissampeloides | Passifloraceae | Adenia cissampeloides | Adenia cissampeloides |
ndägärä | Aframomum alboviolaceum | Zingiberaceae | Aframomum, maniguette 1 | Aframomum |
kôpïä; tôndô; gbêle; gbêre | Aframomum latifolium | Zingiberaceae | Aframomum, maniguette 2 | grain of paradise |
fumaru | Ageratum conyzoides | Compositae | agérate | tropical whiteweed |
mâpa na bêre | Ageratum maritimum | Compositae | agérate du Mexique | Cape Sable whiteweed |
ngubî; obu; sene | Canarium schweinfurthii | Burseraceae | aiélé | African canarium |
lâi | Allium sativum | Liliaceae | ail | garlic |
yëmbë; sosongo | Hua gabonii | Huaceae | ail africain, plante d'ail | garlic plant |
ndölö; öpö | Albizia zygia | Fabaceae | Albizia | flat-crown albizia |
kütä këkë | Albizia ferruginea | Fabaceae | Albizia ferruginea | woman's tongue |
mbômbonzi; ämbëlä; kokôro; kpakoro | Alchornea cordifolia | Euphorbiaceae | Alchornea cordifolia | Christmas bush |
mobäbä | Allanblackia floribunda | Clusiaceae | Allanblackia floribunda | tallow tree |
gbudu-kêlê-ngiä | Alternanthera sessilis | Amaranthaceae | alternanthère sessile | dwarf copperleaf; sessile joyweed |
alô verä; molôzanäna | Aloe schweinfurthii | Asparagaceae | aloé vera, aloès | aloe vera |
bengbä gbudu; mbotomon | Amaranthus spinosus | Amaranthaceae | amarante épineuse | prickly amaranth; thorny amaranth |
gbudu | Amaranthus viridis | Amaranthaceae | amarante verte | bush greens |
baoyo; pondoro | Amorphophallus dracontioides | Araceae | Amorphophallus | corpse flower |
kêrêwere | Anacardium occidentale | Anacardiaceae | anacardier, pomme cajou | cashew |
ananâsi; ngata | Ananas comosus | Bromeliaceae | ananas | pineapple |
bôya; dolundîû; gbadera | Anchomanes difformis | Araceae | Anchomanes difformis | forest anchomanes |
mbulu; mbûyû; kugbë-lavu | Pouteria altissima | Sapotaceae | aniégré blanc | aningeria |
mobämbu | Chrysophyllum giganteum | Sapotaceae | aniégré 2 | aniegre |
baragâ; bagârâ; sore | Annona senegalensis | Annonaceae | annone sénégalaise | wild custard apple |
be; mobai; mobeli | Anonidium mannii | Annonaceae | Anonidium mannii | junglesop tree |
lïngî; langä | Anthericum kemoense | Amaryllidaceae | Anthericum kemoense | grass lily; weeping anthericum |
kpafondo | Anthocleista liebrechtsiana | Loganiaceae | Anthocleista liebrechtsiana | cabbage tree |
mbükâkä | Antidesma venosum | Phyllanthaceae | Antidesma venosum | tassel berry |
mbutu; moyele | Antrocaryon micraster | Anacardiaceae | Antrocaryon micraster | Antrocaryon micraster |
kârâkö | Arachis hypogaea | Fabaceae | arachide | groundnut |
kangali; gongê | Acacia ataxacantha | Fabaceae | arbre à fièvre | fever tree; flamethorn tree |
gulu | Premna angolensis | Lamiaceae | arbre à la migraine | headache tree |
balapäa; mafûku | Artocarpus altilis | Moraceae | arbre à pain | breadfruit tree |
kûmba; mblâ | Pentaclethra macrophylla | Fabaceae | arbre à semelles, acacia du Congo | African oil bean; locust bean; oil bean tree |
lätïä; maro | Securidaca longipedunculata | Polygalaceae | arbre à serpent | violet tree |
mbêtroô; gerë; ebele | Morinda lucida | Rubiaceae | arbre à soufre | brimstone tree |
köpäyôkä; tîâbëngë; gbutûnga | Rauvolfia vomitoria | Apocynaceae | arbre aux serpents | poison devil's-pepper; serpent wood; swizzle-stick |
banzakoro; gbadodo | Anthocleista nobilis | Loganiaceae | arbre chou, Anthocleista majestueux | cabbage palm; cabbage tree |
këkë tî ngû | Ravenala madagascariensis | Strelitziaceae | arbre du voyageur, ravenale, ravinala | traveler's palm; traveler's tree |
tïänâtë; lükû-nzöku | Aristolochia elegans | Aristolochiaceae | aristoloche siphon, pipe des Hollandais | Dutchman's pipe |
tïänâtë; lükû-nzöku | Aristolochia ringens | Aristolochiaceae | aristoloche spatulée, jabot de dinde | gaping Dutchman's pipe |
kêtêkpen | Asparagus | Liliaceae | asparagus de Sprenger, cheveux négresse | asparagus fern |
mindôo-wâlï | Artabotrys aurantiacus | Annonaceae | Artabotrys aurantiacus | Artabotrys aurantiacus |
oberzîne | Solanum melongena | Solanaceae | aubergine | eggplant |
seêsä; betë; kötä ngâgö; môko ndôngbâ; ngâgö tî âtörö | Solanum esculentum | Solanaceae | aubergine amère | bitter tomato |
këkë tî zavokä | Persea americana | Lauraceae | avocatier | avocado tree |
kôgbïä; ngôlömosobe; zawa | Lophira lanceolata | Ochnaceae | azobé de savane | false shea |
yöröki | Scoparia dulcis | Scrophulariaceae | balai doux | Scoparia dulcis |
ngarä; bambü | Bambusa vulgaris | Poaceae | bambou de Chine | bamboo |
këkë tî bulëe; këkë tî fondo | Musa paradisiaca; Musa sapietum | Musaceae | bananier | banana tree |
bäsëlïk; dôdôya; motete; ngbâandâ | Ocimum basilicum; Ocimum gratissimum | Lamiaceae | basilic | basil |
ngïrïkî; peya | Beilschmiedia spp. | Lauraceae | Beilschmiedia | Beilschmiedia |
akâ; mblâ | Berlinia congolensis | Fabaceae | Berlinia congolensis | Berlinia congolensis |
bölöngô | Bersama | Sapindaceae | Bersama | Bersama |
ndîâkâni mblanga; ngeênge; torola | Bidens pilosa | Asteraceae | bident poilu | hairy beggarticks |
kugbë-kpakpa; sên-kpakpa | Biophytum petersianum | Oxalidaceae | Biophytum, sensitive | life plant; little tree plant; sensitive plant |
kugbë-ngbö | Cordia elaeagnoides | Boraginaceae | bocote | bocote |
dongô tî këkë; eni; mokopête; mvupo | Piper umbellatum | Piperaceae | bois d'anisette, grand baume | cow-foot leaf |
lapê | Morus mesozygia | Moraceae | bois d'or, difou | water kusia |
ngbângêrê | Prosopis africana | Fabaceae | bois de fer | African mesquite; iron tree; ironwood |
dämälöngö | Boscia senegalensis | Capparaceae | boscia du Sénégal | corymbose caper; Senegal boscia |
ësë; tâla; târa | Anogeissus leiocarpa | Combretaceae | bouleau d'Afrique | African birch |
mvuge | Brachiaria kotschyana | Poaceae | Brachiaria kotschyana | Congo signal grass |
bobo | Bridelia atroviridis | Phyllanthaceae | Bridelia atroviridis | Bridelia atroviridis |
endiri; mebë; ndili-lîngbi; dile-lîngbi; noon | Bridelia ferruginea | Phyllanthaceae | Bridelia ferruginea | Bridelia ferruginea |
lâambâtô; kâbotô | Buchholzia tholloniana | Capparidaceae | Buchholzia tholloniana | Buchholzia tholloniana |
filantîse | Phyllanthus nivosus | Euphorbiaceae | buisson des neiges | snow bush |
längä | Burkea africana | Fabaceae | Burkea africana | wild syringa |
kakaweyêe | Theobroma cacao | Sterculiaceae | cacao, cacaoyer, cacaotier | cacao tree; cocoa tree |
këkë tî kâwa | Coffea sp. | Rubiaceae | caféier | coffee tree |
kütä këkë | Khaya senegalensis | Meliaceae | caïlcédrat | khaya wood; Senegal mahogany |
kangû | Crescentia cujete | Bignoniaceae | calebassier | calabash tree |
ëmblï; kokolîko; kombori; sëkûrû | Caloncoba crepiniana | Flacourtiaceae | Caloncoba | Caloncoba |
ämbälä; ambïängû; pepe; pepenyömö | Olyra latifolia | Poaceae | calumet | bambou tibi |
angbökö; ngâakô | Saccharum officinarum | Poaceae | canne à sucre | sugarcane |
ândyâ; ndakândoko; kânnga | Costus afer | Zingiberaceae | canne d'eau, canne acide | crape ginger |
paka-pâka; karambulëe | Averrhoa carambola | Oxalidaceae | carambolier | carambola; star fruit |
kärôte | Daucus carota | Apiaceae | carotte | carrot |
deke; nzalakodi; tembutu | Corynanthe pachyceras | Rubiaceae | cascarille officinale, faux quinquina | false yahimbe |
nzilo | Abrus precatorius | Fabaceae | cascavelle, herbe de diable, liane réglisse, réglisse marron, graine d'église | rosary pea plant |
dotîa | Crotalaria retusa | Fabaceae | cascavelle jaune, sonnette | rattlebox; rattlepod; rattleweed |
kügbe; tongondolo | Phyllanthus amarus | Euphorbiaceae | casse pierre, petit tamarin blanc | child pick-a-back |
kengelibäa | Cassia occidentalis | Fabaceae | casse puante, faux quinquéliba, café nègre | negro coffee |
akasiä | Cassia siamea | Fabaceae | cassia du Siam, cassier, casse du Siam, faux séné | Siamese cassia; yellow cassia |
akasiä | Cassia sieberiana | Fabaceae | cassia de Sieber | drumstick tree |
mbambângû | Cathormion altissimum | Fabaceae | Cathormion | Cathormion |
selerïi | Apium graveolens | Apiaceae | céleri, ache des marais, persil des marais | celery |
lëlêü | Celosia trigyna | Amaranthaceae | célosie, fleur de velours, crête de coq | cockscomb; silver spinach; woolflower |
ngangi | Celtis adolfi-friderici | Cannabaceae | celtis d'Afrique, diania | African ita |
burûnda; ngômbê | Celtis zenkeri | Cannabaceae | celtis d'Afrique, ohia parallèle | African celtis |
sên-kpakpa | Centotheca lappacea | Poaceae | Centotheca lappacea | Centotheca lappacea |
gazôkombo; kûsêre | Chaetachme madagascariensis | Ulmaceae | Chaetachme madagascariensis | thorny elm |
mbângi | Cannabis sativa | Cannabinaceae | chanvre indien | Indian hemp |
sûu; shûu | Brassica oleracea | Brassicaceae | chou | cabbage |
môngôdë | Christiana africana | Tiliaceae | Christiana africana | Christiana africana |
nzegele | Chrysanthellum americanum | Compositae | chrysanthelle américain | chrysanthellum |
mbâsala | Allium schoenoprasum | Liliaceae | ciboulette | chive |
güsüyömbö; ïkütä-tendele | Cymbopogon citratus | Poaceae | citronnelle | citronella |
kpô ndîdro; mongembêngêmbë; zidoröo | Citrus limonum | Rutaceae | citronnier | lemon tree |
kawoya | Cucurbita pepo | Cucurbitaceae | citrouille, potiron | marrow; pumpkin |
keke; kiakia | Clerodendrum sp. | Verbenaceae | clérodendron | bagflower; bleeding-heart; glorybower |
koköo | Cocos nucifera | Arecaceae | cocotier | coconut palm |
zîmâ | Cola urceolata | Malvaceae | Cola urceolata | Cola urceolata |
gôro | Cola nitida | Malvaceae | colatier | cola tree |
däzo | Coleus dazo | Lamiaceae | coléus | Hausa potato |
serêe Gbânzîrî | Combretum paniculatum | Combretaceae | Combretum paniculatum | flame creeper |
vidoli | Commelina diffusa | Commelinaceae | Commelina | dayflower |
birlo; këlä | Daniellia oliveri | Fabaceae | copahu africaine | African copaiba balsam tree |
bilômbï | Copaifera mildbraedii | Fabaceae | Copaifera mildbraedii | Copaifera mildbraedii |
paka | Guibourtia demeusei | Fabaceae | copalier, bubinga | African rosewood; Cameroons gum-copal |
gûsâ | Corchorus olitorius | Malvaceae | corète | bush okra |
këkë tî mbombi | Annona muricata | Annonaceae | corossolier | soursop |
kotöon; tende; tukîa | Gossypium barbadense | Malvaceae | cotonnier | cotton |
kôsö; mbâkêlê; mbâkêrê; ndyongo; ngbëndä; sërë; kangû | Cucurbita maxima | Cucurbitaceae | courge | bottle gourd |
tomâti; tomâti tî âmunzû; tomâti tî ngbö | Trichosanthes cucumerina | Cucurbitaceae | courge serpent | snake gourd |
ngediri; sombokîo | Craterispermum laurinum | Rubiaceae | Craterispermum laurinum | Craterispermum laurinum |
ngênzä | Craterispermum schweinfurthii | Rubiaceae | Craterispermum schweinfurthii | Craterispermum schweinfurthii |
mbûungâ | Cremaspora triflora | Rubiaceae | Cremaspora triflora | Cremaspora triflora |
lïngî; langä | Crinum latifolium | Amaryllidaceae | Crinum latifolium | Crinum striped beauty; milk and wine lily; pink striped trumpet lily |
krotöon | Codiaeum variegatum | Euphorbiaceae | Croton | croton |
dambâkaola; kogbëne; têendêlê | Cyathula prostrata | Amaranthaceae | cyathule couchée | hook weed; pastureweed |
mbâmbalî; mbâmbanï | Dalechampia ipomoeifolia | Euphorbiaceae | Dalechampia | purple wings |
kugbë tî parâta; ngalafo; gbändä | Cassia alata | Fabaceae | dartrier, faux kinkélia | candlebrush |
tâmuru | Phoenix dactylifera | Arecaceae | dattier | date palm |
kôrôbodyo; mbôtën; tropâjï; ïnziä | Desmodium velutinum | Fabaceae | Desmodium velutinum | Desmodium velutinum |
dogbo-longaya | Dictyandra arborescens | Rubiaceae | Dictyandra arborescens | Dictyandra arborescens |
ngômbê-kombo | Didymosalpinx abbeokutae | Rubiaceae | Didymosalpinx abbeokutae | Didymosalpinx abbeokutae |
zëndë | Digitaria uniglumis | Poaceae | digitaire | brown seed finger grass; crabgrass |
gbûndo | Dolichos lablab | Fabaceae | dolique d'Égypte, dolique pourpre, pois indien | dolichos bean; hyacinth bean; lablab bean |
ngbeên | Dorstenia africana | Moraceae | Dorstenia | Dorstenia |
bakâ; ôngbô | Afzelia africana | Fabaceae | doussié, Afzélia africana, lingué, pachyloba | African Mahogany |
këkë tî süä | Dracaena | Agavaceae | dragonnier | Dracaena |
kpäya | Diospyros canaliculata | Ebenaceae | ébène | ebony |
mbëngu | Diospyros crassiflora | Ebenaceae | ébène du Gabon, ébénier | African ebony |
zunda ôônë | Echinops longifolius | Asteraceae | Echinops longifolius | Echinops longifolius |
tiuko | Eclipta alba | Asteraceae | éclipte blanche, mahakanni | False daisy |
mböngä; gbangambala; gûga | Alstonia boonei | Apocynaceae | émien | Indian devil tree |
yorö tî börö | Emilia sagittata | Asteraceae | Emilia, cacalie écarlate | Irish poet; lady's paint brush; tassel flower |
lili; sakuumbë | Dysphania ambrosioides | Chenopodiaceae | épazote, chénopode, fausse ambroisie, thé du Mexique, ansérine | epazote; Jesuit's tea; Mexican tea; wormseed |
demarëre | Tradescantia andersoniana | Commelinaceae | éphémère de Virginie | lady's tears; Virginia spiderwort |
lâalä; pinarïi tî ângbaka; tëtëmbë | Talinum triangulare | Portulacaceae | épinard de Ceylan, grassé, pourpier droit | Ceylon spinach; waterleaf |
pinarïi | Basella alba | Basellaceae | épinard indien | Indian spinach |
ndokôro | Luffa aegyptiaca | Cucurbitaceae | éponge végétale, courge éponge | sponge gourd |
ngobo; nzôkô | Ricinodendron heudelotii | Euphorbiaceae | essessang | African nut tree; African wood-oil nut tree |
bîndjô; mosôba; ngombe | Petersianthus macrocarpus | Lecythidaceae | essia | esia |
têyombo | Euadenia trifoliolata | Capparidaceae | Euadenia trifoliolata | Euadenia trifoliolata |
ëkälïtïse | Eucalyptus globulus | Myrtaceae | Eucalyptus | eucalyptus |
sôngô | Euphorbia drupifera | Euphorbiaceae | euphorbe à drupes | giraffe tree |
sôngô | Euphorbia candelabrum | Euphorbiaceae | euphorbe candélabre | candelabra tree |
ngûme; sên-ngonda | Euphorbia heterophylla | Euphorbiaceae | euphorbe hétérophile | painted euphorbia |
borû; ôbôrô | Klainedoxa gabonensis | Irvingiaceae | eveuss | eveuss |
bolongö; nzototo | Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides | Rutaceae | fagara, lime | candlewood; wild lime |
lantanäa; soöre; sooro | Lantana camara | Verbenaceae | faux mûrier, faux thé de Gambie | common lantana |
kpäklö; gbängä | Pycnanthus angolensis | Myristicaceae | faux muscadier, arbre à suif, ilomba | African nutmeg; false nutmeg |
dönzö | Uapaca guineensis | Phyllanthaceae | faux palétuvier, palétuvier d'eau douce | red cedar; sugar plum |
päwä tî ngû | Ficus mucosa | Moraceae | Ficus | Ficus |
eli; tülütë | Ficus elastica | Moraceae | Ficus elastica, caoutchouc | Ficus elastica |
kuturu | Ficus carica | Moraceae | figuier | fig tree |
bongö; kûndû | Ficus punctata | Moraceae | figuier nain rampant | climbing fig |
flamboayäan | Delonix regia | Fabaceae | flamboyant | flame tree |
yorönden | Cyclosorus | Pteridophyta | fougère | fern |
kpôndenren | Nephrolepis biserrata | Pteridophyta | fougère épée | giant swordfern |
kugbë tî ndene | Pteris sp. | Pteridaceae | fougère, ptéris | brake fern |
loköterëzamba | Platycerium sp. | Polypodiaceae | fougère épiphyte, corne de cerf, corne d’élan, platycérium | Platycerium |
küsü; pambo | Garcinia afzelii | Clusiaceae | Garcinia afzelii | bitter kola |
karkâs; gbadani | Garcinia polyantha | Clusiaceae | Garcinia polyantha | false chew-stick tree |
ngale | Garcinia punctata | Clusiaceae | Garcinia punctata | Garcinia punctata |
dekülüngü | Gardenia imperialis | Rubiaceae | Gardenia imperialis | gardenia |
tangawïsi | Zingiber officinale | Zingiberaceae | gingembre | ginger |
gurûnful | Syzygium aromaticum | Myrtaceae | giroflier | dove tree |
melinâa | Gmelina arborea | Verbenaceae | Gmelina, peuplier d'Afrique | beechwood; melina |
koko; känï | Gnetum africanum | Gnetaceae | Gnetum africanum | Gnetum africanum |
vekë | Abelmoschus esculentus | Malvaceae | gombo | okra |
zëndë | Gomphrena celosioides | Amaranthaceae | Gomphrena, globe amarante | bachelor's button; Gomphrena weed; prostrate globe-amaranth |
goyâve | Psidium guajava | Myrtaceae | goyavier | guava |
dangbâa-këlë; dêre; dêro; köngö | Hymenocardia acida | Phyllanthaceae | grand cœur rouge, cœurs volants | large red-heart |
ävërä; bengbä dongô tî këkë; ëvrë; päpä; sälä | Grewia mollis | Malvaceae | Grewia mollis | Grewia mollis |
bängërëwä | Cassia hirsuta | Fabaceae | gros-indigo-sauvage | woolly senna |
ngûlayänü | Mussaenda arcuata | Rubiaceae | gros lingue, lingue café | forest star |
bîklo; bulu; nawe; toko; zözömbö | Kalanchoe pinnata | Crassulaceae | gros pourpier clochette, herbe mal de tete | cathedral bells; leaf of life |
kûyâa-sisä; lêngäla; ôkpô | Physalis angulata | Solanaceae | coqueret du Pérou, Physalis | Cape gooseberry; hairy groundcherry; husk tomato |
lêre | Guiera senegalensis | Combretaceae | Guiera senegalensis | Guiera senegalensis |
vaä | Gynandropsis gynandra | Capparidaceae | gynandro | cat's whiskers |
ariköo; kûrê; sirï; gbari | Phaseolus vulgaris | Fabaceae | haricot | bean |
bolë | Phaseolus lunatus | Fabaceae | haricot de Lima | lima beans |
labôro; sisongo; sosongo | Pennisetum purpureum | Poaceae | herbe à éléphant 1 | elephant grass; napier grass |
bîkîsi; mbuli; süä | Pennisetum polystachion | Poaceae | herbe à éléphant 2 | merker grass; mission grass; thin napiergrass |
trôhohö | Tridax procumbens | Asteraceae | herbe à lapins, casse-tout-seul | coat buttons; Tridax daisy |
böyö | Leonotis nepetifolia | Lamiaceae | herbe chandelle rouge | klip dagga |
balëe tî da; ngôngô | Panicum maximum | Poaceae | herbe de Guinée | Guinea grass |
apolöo; bara Bokassa | Chromolaena odorata | Compositae | herbe du Laos | Siam weed |
kpazürü | Asystasia sp. | Acanthaceae | herbe pistache, pistache marron | creeping foxglove |
bëbë; ëbë; wâfi | Imperata cylindrica | Poaceae | herbe sanglante | Japenese blood grass |
gbamïngangü | Acanthospermum hispidum | Asteraceae | herbe tricorne | goat's head |
bängâ; mombangô | Funtumia elastica | Apocynaceae | hévéa 1 | silkrubber plant |
bängâ; ndembö | Hevea brasiliensis | Euphorbiaceae | hévéa 2 | rubber tree |
nzôlogê | Hoslundia opposita | Lamiaceae | Hoslundia | orange bird-berry |
bränzä | Hygrophila longifolia | Acanthaceae | Hygrophila longifolia | marsh barbel |
kpokerë; sângâï | Hymenocardia ulmoides | Euphorbiaceae | Hymenocardia ulmoides | Hymenocardia ulmoides |
nzanza; tia | Hyparrhenia rufa | Poaceae | Hyparrhenia | thatching grass |
katra | Hypselodelphys scandens | Marantaceae | Hypselodelphys scandens | Hypselodelphys scandens, Marantaceae |
gûî | Dioscorea sp. | Dioscoreaceae | igname | yam |
gûî | Dioscorea alata | Dioscoreaceae | igname aérienne | air yam |
kikiri; mötökôo | Dioscorea bulbifera | Dioscoreaceae | igname bulbifère | air potato vine; air yam |
ngäsâ; zömbï | Dioscorea abyssinica | Dioscoreaceae | igname sauvage | wild yam |
kplatîsho; môkö kârâkö | Indigofera spicata | Fabaceae | indigo en épi, indigo brousse | creeping indigo; lawn indigo; trailing indigo |
tângû | Ipomoea mauritiana | Convolvulaceae | ipomée 1 | giant potato |
ndûkû | Ipomoea purpurea | Convolvulaceae | ipomée 2, volubilis | morning glory |
zëndë | Ipomoea quamoclit | Convolvulaceae | ipomée quamoclit, ipomée à fleurs rouges, cheveux de Vénus, liseron empenné | cardinal creeper; cardinal vine; Cupid's flower; cypress vine; cypressvine morning glory |
kôndôndo | Ipomoea involucrata | Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea involucrata | Ipomoea involucrata |
bangi; mändö | Milicia excelsa | Moraceae | iroko | iroko tree |
kongôyasika | Eichhornia crassipes | Pontederiaceae | jacinthe d'eau, camalote | water hyacinth |
zakyëe | Artocarpus heterophyllus | Moraceae | jaquier | jackfruit tree |
pisä; pusä | Artocarpus africanus | Moraceae | jaquier sauvage, arbre à pain d'Afrique | African breadfruit; wild jackfruit |
näbâke; olîve | Ziziphus mauritiana | Rhamnaceae | jujubier | Indian jujube |
kâsa kôndo tî ngû | Jussiaea | Onagraceae | jussie rampante | floating primrose willow |
kinî | Justicia insularis | Acanthaceae | Justicia insularis | Justicia insularis |
nzumba | Justicia nasuta | Acanthaceae | Justicia nasuta | snake jasmine |
bômö | Urena lobata | Malvaceae | jute africain | bun ochra; Caesar's weed; Congo jute |
buma; kupu; ndûrü; paka | Ceiba pentandra | Bombacaceae | kapokier, fromager | kapok tree; silk cotton tree |
bâlâwâ; koon | Vitellaria paradoxa | Sapotaceae | karité | shea tree |
bilisa; kengelibäa; takûâmbëlë | Combretum micranthum | Combretaceae | kinkéliba, combretum | kinkiliba |
alêgo | Syzygium guineense | Myrtaceae | kisa d'eau | dwarf waterpear; woodland waterberry |
ma; kangazâmba | Entandrophragma candollei | Meliaceae | kosipo | kosipo |
awôyangändê | Laggera pterodonta | Compositae | Laggera pterodonta | Laggera pterodonta |
saläde | Lactuca sativa | Asteraceae | laitue | lettuce |
bängâ; dôn; kpa | Landolphia lanceolata | Apocynaceae | Landolphia | white rubber vine |
toô | Landolphia owariensis | Apocynaceae | Landolphia owariensis | white ball rubber; white rubber vine |
langandö | Sansevieria trifasciata | Dracaenaceae | langue de belle-mère, sansevière | magic sword; mother-in-law's tongue; snake plant |
kangâ | Amphimas ferrugineus | Fabaceae | lati, yaya, bokanga, balata | bokanga; lati; sanfran |
loryëe | Laurus nobilis | Lauraceae | laurier sauce | nobel laurel |
tukulu | Lecaniodiscus cupanioides | Sapindaceae | Lecaniodiscus cupanioides | Lecaniodiscus cupanioides |
gambula | Leea guineensis | Vitaceae | léea de Guinée, bois de sureau | leea |
këkë tî ngû; mekazë | Tetracera alnifolia | Dilleniaceae | liane à eau | water tree |
yeyë | Smilax kraussiana | Smilacaceae | liane croc de chien, salsépareille mdigène | Smilax |
mborola | Terminalia superba | Combretaceae | limba, fraké | frake; limba; white afara |
gûsûlakërë | Loudetia simplex | Poaceae | Loudetia simplex | common russet grass |
lïngî; langä | Crinum x powellii | Amaryllidaceae | lys araignée, pince à cheveux, fleur de lys tropical | spider lily |
makabo | Xanthosoma sagittifolium | Araceae | macabo, chou caraïbe | arrowleaf; elephant's ear |
söäkä; totä | Macaranga | Euphorbiaceae | macaranga | macaranga |
nzö | Zea mays | Poaceae | maïs | corn; maize |
êrkôdokâ; ngôndörömângo; ngôokâ | Euphorbia hirta | Euphorbiaceae | malnommée | asthma weed |
manderïne | Citrus reticulata | Rutaceae | mandarinier | mandarin orange |
këkë tî mângo | Mangifera indica | Anacardiaceae | manguier | mango tree |
nzërë; pâyö | Irvingia gabonensis | Irvingiaceae | manguier sauvage | bush mango; dika nut |
ngunzä; gozo | Manihot esculenta | Euphorbiaceae | manioc | cassava |
bängâ; ndembö | Manihot glaziovii | Euphorbiaceae | manioc de Céara, caouchouc de Céara, Céara, maniçoba | ceara rubbertree; tree cassava |
kûsâ yuku; wï | Manniophyton fulvum | Euphorbiaceae | Manniophyton fulvum | gasso nut |
päkôle | Maranthes kerstingii | Chrysobalanaceae | Maranthes kerstingii | Maranthes kerstingii |
tisi | Maranthes polyandra | Chrysobalanaceae | Maranthes polyandra | Maranthes polyandra |
sesêe filëre | Tithonia diversifolia | Asteraceae | marguerite jaune, tournesol mexicain | Mexican sunflower |
lênze | Boerhavia diffusa | Nyctaginaceae | mauvaise herbe de porc | spiderling; tar vine |
angirela; gbagbâî | Maytenus senegalensis | Celastraceae | maytenus du Sénégal | confetti tree |
ngôngo | Megaphrynium macrostachyum | Marantaceae | Megaphrynium | Megaphrynium |
nanäa | Mentha spicata | Lamiaceae | menthe | spearmint |
bôsuï | Mikania cordata | Compositae | Mikania | African mile-a-minute |
ngënye | Dichrostachys glomerata | Fabaceae | mimosa clochette | Chinese lantern tree |
kangale | Mimosa pigra | Fabaceae | Mimosa pigra | catclaw mimosa; giant sensitive tree |
velûru | Tradescantia sp. | Commelinaceae | misère, éphémère, juif errant | purple heart; purple queen; purple secretia |
sondoto | Mitracarpus scaber | Rubiaceae | mitracarpe | Mitracarpus |
nzia | Mitragyna inermis | Rubiaceae | Mitragyna inermis | false abura |
boto; buanga; mabe | Autranella congolensis | Sapotaceae | moabi | African pearwood; moabi |
ngâgö | Solanum aethiopicum | Solanaceae | morelle amère | mock tomato |
môko sângôo | Solanum mammosum | Solanaceae | morelle mammée | cow's udder tree; nipplefruit tree |
kongôbololo; gonzo-kongä | Morinda morindoides | Rubiaceae | Morinda | Morinda |
morenga; gilêganzâ | Moringa oleifera | Moringaceae | Moringa, néverdié | horse-radish tree |
ben-görö | Mostuea hirsuta | Loganiaceae | Mostuea hirsuta | Mostuea hirsuta |
wângâ | Autranella congolensis | Sapotaceae | moukouloungou | mukulungu |
dungusärä; endyi; ngunü | Mucuna pruriens | Fabaceae | Mucuna pruriens, pois mascate, haricot pourpre, petit pois pouilleux | cowhage; cowhitch; velvet bean |
lungûu; nzîngo; ingôo | Monodora myristica | Annonaceae | muscadier du Gabon | African nutmeg; calabash nutmeg; false nutmeg |
abîdîbidi; alêbedê; lêngatä; lêngboro; ngbôlô; ôngo; pindi | Myrianthus arboreus | Urticaceae | Myrianthus, arbre à pain indigène | corkwood |
dungbä; ôndö | Nauclea pobeguinii | Rubiaceae | Nauclea pobeguinii | yellow cheesewood |
nëväkîni | Azadirachta indica | Meliaceae | neem, margousier | neem |
mombülü | Diospyros mespiliformis | Ebenaceae | néflier africain | jackalberry tree; monkey guava |
kpôngubü; kpûngubü | Nymphaea lotus | Nymphaeaceae | nénuphar, lotier d'Egypte | Egyptian lotus; nenuphar; water lily |
kömbë; zian | Parkia biglobosa | Fabaceae | néré | nitta tree |
niebe; gbari | Vigna unguiculata | Fabaceae | niébé | cowpea |
matungûlu; zinyöon | Allium cepa | Liliaceae | oignon | onion |
këkë tî oranze; ndîdro | Citrus aurantium | Rutaceae | oranger | orange tree |
kôbôdawa; kûsêre; pêpëlêpendo; gbämä | Strychnos spinosa | Loganiaceae | oranger de singe | monkey orange |
kâsa | Fleurya aestuans | Urticaceae | ortie indigène | tropical nettleweed |
karakânzi | Hibiscus sabdariffa | Malvaceae | oseille de Guinée | sorrel |
tue | Hibiscus rostellatus | Malvaceae | oseille malabare | Hibiscus rostellatus |
zômongubü | Ottelia ulvifolia | Hydrocharitaceae | ottélie ulve | duck lettuce; water plantain |
nzëlëlë; töbölösöngä | Ouratea staudtii | Ochnaceae | Ouratea staudtii | Ouratea staudtii |
wetêkpili | Oxyanthus speciosus | Rubiaceae | Oxyanthus speciosus | whipstick tree |
kuli | Ozoroa insignis | Anacardiaceae | Ozoroa insignis | Ozoroa insignis |
mbïö | Pterocarpus soyauxii | Fabaceae | padouk d’Afrique | mahogany tree |
kpomwe; ngangî mböndö; nzanzo | Palisota alopecurus | Commelinaceae | Palisota alopecurus | Palisota alopecurus |
ngbangaföro; zazo | Palisota hirsuta | Commelinaceae | Palisota hirsuta | Palisota hirsuta |
mbûrü; sängbä | Elaeis guineensis | Arecaceae | palmier à huile | oil palm |
sion | Eremospatha macrocarpa | Arecaceae | palmier à rotin, rotin vert | large-fruit rattan palm |
kpängblämûsu; ndîdro; pläplämûsu | Citrus paradisi | Rutaceae | pamplemoussier | grapefruit; pomelo |
semangili | Panicum virgatum | Poaceae | panic érigé | prairie fire; switch grass |
Marie mä ndö | Euphorbia tithymaloides | Euphorbiaceae | pantouflier | devil's backbone; redbird cactus |
këkë tî papâye | Carica papaya | Caricaceae | papayer | pawpaw tree |
koyö; kpakata; päwä; tôl | Ficus exasperata | Moraceae | papier de verre | sandpaper leaf tree |
ängopê; kofö; kokômbo | Musanga cecropioides | Urticaceae | parasolier | umbrella tree |
mopiti; têsurikômbo | Parinari excelsa | Rosaceae | Parinari excelsa | grey plum; Guinea plum |
pasïön | Passiflora edulis | Passifloraceae | passiflore, grenadille, fruit de la passion | passion fruit |
kpûngbö [kpungbɔ] | Passiflora foetida | Passifloraceae | passiflore fétide, passiflore poc-poc | love-in-a-mist; running pop; wild water lemon |
bäbolo | Ipomoea batatas | Convolvulaceae | patate douce | sweet potato |
gagambolö; kpûngbö [kpungbɔ]; ndûkûkôta; kakaradengbe | Paullinia pinnata | Sapindaceae | paulinie ailée | bread and cheese |
vînye | Pauridiantha paucinervis | Rubiaceae | Pauridiantha paucinervis | Pauridiantha paucinervis |
angüründu | Nauclea latifolia | Rubiaceae | pêcher africain, arbre à Tramadol | ndea; pin cushion tree |
kpakpa; sên-kpakpa | Peperomia sp. | Piperaceae | pépéromie | cow foot; rabbit ear |
pesïi | Petroselinum crispum | Apiaceae | persil | parsley |
foôkânga; ina | Catharanthus roseus | Apocynaceae | pervenche de Madagascar | Madagascar periwinkle |
mîtigôro; wängä | Garcinia kola | Clusiaceae | petit kola | bitter kola; false kola; male kola |
hârîya; böndö | Pennisetum typhoides | Poaceae | petit mil | pearl millet |
nyângzängzambërë | Phyllanthus floribundus | Euphorbiaceae | Phyllanthus floribundus | Phyllanthus floribundus |
nziä; oro-ôrô | Phyllanthus reticulatus | Euphorbiaceae | Phyllanthus réticulée | black-honey shrub |
ngenge; ôrô; gbô | Piliostigma thonningii | Fabaceae | pied-de-bœuf | purple camel's foot |
enge | Piliostigma reticulatum | Fabaceae | pied de chameau, semellier | camel's foot |
ndiri; sêkâ; shêkâ | Eleusine indica | Poaceae | pied-poule | Indian goosegrass; spiderweb chloris; windmill grass |
ndôngô; ngbêndû | Capsicum annuum | Solanaceae | piment | chillies |
manzêke; pilipîli; sambia | Capsicum frutescens | Solanaceae | piment langue d'oiseau | bird chillies; Capsicum |
lïngî | Chlorophytum comosum | Liliaceae | plante araignée, phalangium, phalangère, clorophytum chevelu | airplane plant; hen-and-chickens; spider plant |
mëä | Loranthus sp. | Loranthaceae | plante parasite, gui africain | mistletoe |
gbôkôrâ | Voandzeia subterranea | Fabaceae | pois de terre, voandzou | chickpeas |
yë kplön | Canavalia gladiata | Fabaceae | pois sabre | jack bean; sword bean |
mbëngë; ngbana; gonda | Erythrophleum suaveolens | Fabaceae | poison d'épreuve | forest ordeal tree |
mombângo; ndäbongofä | Parquetina nigrescens | Periplocaceae | poison de Guinée | Parquetina nigrescens |
nzânzâambôlï | Piper guineense | Piperaceae | poivre de Guinée | Ashanti pepper |
mazindi; ngu | Xylopia aethiopica | Annonaceae | poivrier éthiopien, fondé | bush pepper; Guinea pepper tree |
kötä ndôngô | Capsicum annuum | Solanaceae | poivron | sweet pepper |
pômesitëre | Spondias cytherea | Anacardiaceae | pomme-cythere | otaheite apple |
pömëtêre | Solanum tuberosum | Solanaceae | pomme de terre | potato |
pôme | Chrysophyllum cainito | Sapotaceae | pomme étoile, pomme de lait, caïmite | star apple; golden leaf tree |
körösôl | Annona squamosa | Annonaceae | pommier cannelle, attier | sweet sop |
gëtëgberë; hôngbâtî | Calotropis procera | Asclepiadaceae | pommier de Sodome | Sodom apple |
kpotolo | Popowia schefferiana | Annonaceae | Popowia | Popowia schefferiana |
ndekêlendê; nzekë; gomo | Portulaca quadrifida | Portulacaceae | Portulaca | chickenweed |
kâdâ; kâdâ-langba; kâdâ-münä; kâdâ-ndoro; bengbä kâdâ | Jatropha curcas | Euphorbiaceae | pourghère | Jatropha |
bengbä kâdâ | Jatropha gossypiifolia | Euphorbiaceae | pourghère rugueuse, médecinier sauvage | bellyache bush; black physicnut; cotton-leaf physicnut |
pêsu | Pouzolzia guineensis | Urticaceae | Pouzolzia | Pouzolzia |
teyeli | Protea madiensis | Proteaceae | protée | Protea |
âlîâ; binlï; kungû; lêngüngü; ngüngü | Vitex doniana | Verbenaceae | prunier de savane, bili | black plum |
ngubî | Pseudospondias microcarpa | Anacardiaceae | Pseudospondias microcarpa | African grape |
mbülüngbä | Psorospermum febrifugum | Hypericaceae | Psorospermum febrifugum | Christmas berry |
nzânzâmboli | Acalypha ornata | Euphorbiaceae | queue de chat | Acalypha |
sïrïbï; zorôgo; gûp | Crossopteryx febrifuga | Rubiaceae | quinquina des chèvres | African bark; ordeal tree |
mangênge | Trichoscypha ferruginea | Anacardiaceae | raisin pahouin | Trichoscypha ferruginea |
ûnzû | Lannea velutina | Anacardiaceae | raisinier velu, lannéa velouté | Lannea velutina |
ndarasa; pekë | Phoenix reclinata | Arecaceae | Raphia, phoenix du Sénégal, dattier du Sénégal | Senegal date palm; wild date palm |
ngodö [ngodɔ]; tiabïngï | Rauvolfia caffra | Apocynaceae | Rauvolfia caffra | quinine tree |
têtêngbë | Polygonum pulchrum | Polygonaceae | renouée bistorte | African water smartweed |
kodogoro; kâdâgölô; kâdâ-banda | Ricinus communis | Euphorbiaceae | ricin | castor-oil plant |
lôso | Oryza sativa | Poaceae | riz | rice |
lêmbïö; zöngö | Bixa orellana | Bixaceae | rocouyer | annatto |
kolongo; kozo | Borassus aethiopum | Arecaceae | rônier | African fan palm |
koôngäsa | Rothmannia urcelliformis | Rubiaceae | Rothmannia urcelliformis | forest rothmannia |
ndindïri | Rothmannia whitfieldii | Rubiaceae | Rothmannia whitfieldii | Rothmannia whitfieldii |
vovoro | Laccosperma secundiflorum | Arecaceae | rotin | African climbing palm; African rattan palm |
yorönzïä | Rourea coccinea | Connaraceae | Rourea coccinea | Rourea coccinea |
diolö-sânga | Roureopsis obliquifoliolata | Connaraceae | Roureopsis obliquifoliolata | Roureopsis obliquifoliolata |
safüu; mboyö | Dacryodes edulis | Burseraceae | safoutier | native pear |
biyô | Entandrophragma cylindricum | Meliaceae | sapelli, aboudikro, cédrat d’Afrique | sapele; scented mahogany; West African cedar |
beterê; katra; têrê; vovoro | Laccosperma brachystachyum | Marantaceae | Sarcophrynium brachystachyum | chameleon plant |
dombere; dumbere | Kigelia africana | Bignoniaceae | saucissonnier, arbre à saucisses | cucumber tree; sausage tree |
kpômongö | Balanites aegyptiaca | Zygophyllaceae | savonnier | soap berry tree |
ôdô; papaya | Scleria aquatica | Cyperaceae | Scleria aquatica | Scleria aquatica |
yakôo; gonge; kara ngbûgu; gûâgüä | Mimosa pudica | Fabaceae | sensitive | humble plant; sensitive plant; shameful plant; sleeping grass; touch-me-not |
sindi | Sesamum indicum | Pedaliaceae | sésame | sesame |
ngöngö; nzîlângöngökpakpa | Setaria aequalis | Poaceae | Setaria aequalis | Setaria aequalis |
kpôpa; kpûpa | Setaria megaphylla | Poaceae | Setaria megaphylla | big-leaf bristle grass; broad-leaved bristle grass; ribbon bristle grass |
tâtâlîndâ; kangaradia | Sida acuta | Malvaceae | Sida acuta | broom weed; common wireweed; spiny headed sida |
sârâ nang kora | Sida linifolia | Malvaceae | Sida linifolia | flaxleaf fanpetals |
gboklû | Entandrophragma utile | Meliaceae | sipo | sipo; sipo mahogany; utile |
ndûnda | Agave sisalana | Agavaceae | sisal | sisal |
böndö | Sorghum bicolor | Poaceae | sorgho commun, mil, millet à balai | sorghum |
sigête | Cyperus esculentus | Cyperaceae | souchet comestible | earth almond; tiger nut |
yoröbörö | Sphenoclea zeylanica | Campanulaceae | Sphenoclea | gooseweed |
pêrë | Sporobolus pyramidalis | Poaceae | sporobole pyramidale | cat's tail dropseed; giant rat's tail grass |
bambâ; tedua | Stemonocoleus micranthus | Fabaceae | Stemonocoleus micranthus | Stemonocoleus micranthus |
kûndû | Sterculia setigera | Malvaceae | sterculéa, arbre parasol, parasol chinois | African star chestnut |
ôvûrû; toô kokpî; koköo gôro | Cola cordifolia | Sterculiaceae | sterculier à feuilles en cœur, tabayer, cola ntaba | Mandinka kola |
ädïërä | Strophanthus sarmentosus | Apocynaceae | Strophanthus sarmentosus | sand forest poison rope |
ngoli | Swartzia madagascariensis | Fabaceae | Swartzia | snake bean |
mânga; ngâo; gbangaya | Nicotiana tabacum | Solanaceae | tabac | tobacco |
alêâmbû; gboô | Tabernaemontana crassa | Rubiaceae | Tabernaemontana crassa | Adam's apple |
wäsâ; zênde | Tamarindus indica | Fabaceae | tamarinier | tamarind |
kinîni ngbedede; kolobô tî dyodyo | Dialium guineense | Fabaceae | tamarinier velours, dialium de Guinée | velvet tamarind |
ngbünu | Ceratotheca sesamoides | Pedaliaceae | tambacounda, boungou | bungu |
langä | Colocasia esculenta | Araceae | taro | taro |
têke | Tectona grandis | Verbenaceae | teck | teak |
bëbërä; biriwo; däfö | Terminalia glaucescens | Combretaceae | Terminalia glaucescens | Terminalia glaucescens |
kongodo; gbakwaâ | Terminalia macroptera | Combretaceae | Terminalia macroptera | Terminalia macroptera |
dis-moi la vérité | Terminalia mantaly | Combretaceae | Terminalia mantaly | Madagascar almond; rella tree; Terminalia |
molôbilômbï; tuzeng; wamba; gundu | Tessmannia africana | Fabaceae | Tessmannia africana | Tessmannia africana |
kôrongû; mbambâ; nzerere; tëyakë; käkëlë | Tetrapleura tetraptera | Fabaceae | Tétrapleura | aidon tree; Scotsman's rattle |
piripîri; gbâkawâgbä; piripîri | Lippia multiflora | Verbenaceae | thé de Gambie, thé de savane | Gambian tea bush; tea bush |
nglävö | Tephrosia vogelii | Fabaceae | téphrosie vénéneuse | fishpoison-bean; Vogel tephrosia |
mobäbä; ngôokâ | Thomandersia hensii | Thomandersiaceae | Thomandersia hensii | Thomandersia hensii |
mbûlûndo | Thonningia sanguinea | Balanophoraceae | Thonningia sanguinea | ground pineapple |
zima; kâî | Entandrophragma angolense | Meliaceae | tiama | tiama |
oro; pörö | Mitragyna stipulosa | Rubiaceae | tilleul d'Afrique | abura wood |
damâti; tomâti | Lycopersicon esculentum | Solanaceae | tomate | tomato |
kpäbänzä | Cassia tora | Fabaceae | tora, séné de faucille, cosse de faucille, cosse de café | coffee pod; sickle pod; tora; wild senna |
môkömbilî | Trachyphrynium braunianum | Marantaceae | Trachyphrynium braunianum | Trachyphrynium braumanum |
mbreya; pêsu | Trema guineensis | Cannabaceae | Trema guineensis | Indian charcoal tree; Indian nettle; Indian nettle tree; oriental nettle; pigeon wood; poison peach; Wight's sponia |
taângû | Trichomanes sp. | Hymenophyllaceae | Trichomanes | bristle fern |
bôngô | Triplaris sp. | Polygonaceae | Triplaris | ant tree |
mbômö; ngonda; gbâu; gbado | Triplochiton scleroxylon | Sterculiaceae | Triplochiton, ayous, abachi | abachi; Triplochiton |
kugbë-ngû; pläsï | Tristemma hirtum | Melastomataceae | tristemme hérissée | Tristemma hirtum |
danga; diolo; kûsâ; pôngâ; pûmbû | Triumfetta cordifolia | Malvaceae | Triumfetta cordifolia | burweed; cordleaf burbark |
pisirâ; shîiû; tûtûlutûu | Spathodea campanulata | Bignoniaceae | tulipier du Gabon | fire tree |
gôyongö | Uncaria africana | Rubiaceae | Uncaria africana | Uncaria africana |
kêeyäkä | Uraria picta | Fabaceae | Uraria picta | dabra |
kozonyömö; ngbêngberê; ônka | Vernonia amygdalina | Asteraceae | Vernonia | bitter leaf |
dambâ-ngû | Vernonia angustifolia | Asteraceae | Vernonia angustifolia | tall ironweed |
bangäpôrô | Stachytarpheta angustifolia | Verbenaceae | verveine queue de rat | devil's coach whip |
mino; minon | Cissus quadrangularis | Vitaceae | vigne de Bakèl | edible stemmed vine |
kûsêre; gbo | Voacanga africana | Apocynaceae | Voacanga | Voacanga |
ayungudi; kunge; kutulinge; kûtunêmbo | Whitfieldia elongata | Acanthaceae | Whitfieldia | white candles |
mii | Ximenia americana | Olacaceae | Ximenia americana | sea lemon; yellow plum |
güë | Zanha golungensis | Sapindaceae | Zanha golungensis | Zanha golungensis |
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