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Etymology 1

From Latin malum.



malum (plural malums)

  1. (formal) An evil or wrongdoing.


Etymology 2

Related to Arabic مُعَلِّم (muʕallim, teacher).


malum (plural malums)

  1. (India, nautical, historical) The mate serving on a ship with English officers and native crew.
Alternative forms




Etymology 1

From malus (evil, wicked).




  1. inflection of malus:
    1. nominative/accusative/vocative neuter singular
    2. accusative masculine singular


malum n (genitive malī); second declension

  1. evil, adversity, hardship, misfortune, calamity, disaster, mischief
    Synonyms: plāga, īnfortūnium, calamitās, cāsus, cruciātus, miseria, vulnus, nūbēs, pestis
  2. punishment, harm, injury, torment, misery
    Synonyms: cruciātus, pūnītiō, mercēs, poena, supplicium, vindicātiō, vindicta, animadversus, exemplum, sānctiō, pretium, noxa
    • 8 CE – 12 CE, Ovid, Sorrows 1.40:
      nūbila sunt subitīs tempora nostra malīs
      my days are clouded by sudden miseries
  3. disease, illness, infirmity
    Synonyms: aegritūdō, morbus, pestis, valētūdō, labor, infirmitas, incommodum
    Antonyms: salūs, valētūdō
  4. wrong-doing
    Synonyms: culpa, dēlictum, peccātum, scelus, vitium, noxa, crīmen, facinus, iniūria, error, dēlinquentia, maleficium
    Antonyms: bonum, rēctum, virtūs
  5. (in the plural) bad words

Second-declension noun (neuter).

More information singular, plural ...
  • French: mal
  • Italian: malo
  • Spanish: malo
  • English: malum



  1. damn!, fuck!, alas!, misery!
    • c. 200 BCE, Plautus, Menaechmi 2.3.389.390:
      Erotium: Certo, tibi et parasito tuo.
      Sosicles: Quoi, malum, parasito? Certo haec mulier non sana est satis.
      Certainly you did, for yourself and your parasite."
      "For whom? Fuck, parasite? Surely this woman isn't quite right in her senses.

Etymology 2

    Perhaps borrowed from Doric Greek μᾶλον (mâlon, apple). Alternatively but less likely from Proto-Indo-European *méh₂lom. The Proto-Indo-European form regularly gives both mālum in Latin and μῆλον in Ancient Greek, but such reconstruction is dubious due to the fact that it is only found in some Indo-European languages. It is more likely that the Greek word was borrowed from a pre-Indo-European substratum and later borrowed into Latin. See μῆλον for more details.

    Alternative forms



    mālum n (genitive mālī); second declension

    1. apple (fruit)
    2. any tree fruit with a fleshy exterior, e.g. quinces, pears, peaches, etc.
    3. the plant Aristolochia

    Second-declension noun (neuter).

    Derived terms


    • malum”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
    • malum”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
    • malum in Dizionario Latino, Olivetti
    • "malum", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
    • malum in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
    • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
      • (ambiguous) to be broken down by misfortune: in malis iacere
      • (ambiguous) to be hard pressed by misfortune: malis urgeri
      • (ambiguous) to deserve ill of a person; to treat badly: male mereri de aliquo
      • (ambiguous) to have a good or bad reputation, be spoken well, ill of: bene, male audire (ab aliquo)
      • (ambiguous) to have a good or bad reputation, be spoken well, ill of: bona, mala existimatio est de aliquo
      • (ambiguous) to inculcate good (bad) principles: bene (male) praecipere alicui
      • (ambiguous) moral science; ethics: philosophia, in qua de bonis rebus et malis, deque hominum vita et moribus disputatur
      • (ambiguous) my mind forebodes misfortune: animus praesāgit malum
      • (ambiguous) my mind forebodes misfortune: animo praesagio malum
      • (ambiguous) a guilty conscience: conscientia mala or peccatorum, culpae, sceleris, delicti
      • (ambiguous) a guilty conscience: animus male sibi conscius
      • (ambiguous) to be tormented by remorse: conscientia mala angi, excruciari
      • (ambiguous) a moral (immoral) man: homo bene (male) moratus
      • (ambiguous) to bless (curse) a person: precari alicui bene (male) or omnia bona (mala), salutem
      • (ambiguous) to manage one's affairs, household, property well or ill: rem bene (male) gerere (vid. sect. XVI. 10a)
      • (ambiguous) from beginning to end: ab ovo usque ad mala (proverb.)
      • (ambiguous) to buy dearly: magno or male emere
      • (ambiguous) to win, lose a fight (of the commander): rem (bene, male) gerere (vid. sect. XII. 2, note rem gerere...)
      • (ambiguous) I am sorry to hear..: male (opp. bene) narras (de)



    From Ottoman Turkish معلوم (ma'lum), from Arabic مَعْلُوم (maʕlūm).


    • IPA(key): /maː.ˈlum/
    • Hyphenation: ma‧lum
    This entry needs an audio pronunciation. If you are a native speaker with a microphone, please record this word. The recorded pronunciation will appear here when it's ready.



    1. known, certain
    2. (algebra, obsolete) known



    1. as you know


    malum (definite accusative malumu, plural malumlar)

    1. (grammar, obsolete) active voice



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