Flower |
Meaning |
Abatina [1] | Fickleness[2] |
Acacia |
general | Friendship;[3][4] chaste love[2] |
pink | Elegance[2] |
yellow | Secret Love[5][6][2] |
rose or white | Elegance;[3][7][8] platonic love[2][6] |
Acanthus | Art,[3][6][7] artifice[5][2] |
Adder's tongue | Deceit[8] |
Adonis' flower | Painful recollection, sorrowful remembrances[2][3][5][8] |
Agrimonia | Thankfulness, gratitude[2][3][7][4][8] |
Ailanthus | Lofty aspirations[8] |
Allium | Patience, good fortune, prosperity, unity[4] |
Almond | hope;[4] indiscretion and thoughtlessness[2][3][6][7] |
Aloe | Grief,[3][7][8] affliction,[2] religious superstition[5] |
Aloysia | Forgiveness[8] |
Alyssum | Worth beyond beauty[4][5] |
Amaranth |
general | Immortality[2][3][7][8][9] |
Amaranth (Cockscomb) | Foppery, affectation[5][8] |
Amaranth (Globe) | Immortal love,hard working, unchangeable[5][2][8] |
Prince's feather | Immortality, unfading[6] |
Amaryllis | Pride,[3][8] timidity, splendid beauty;[2][5][4] hope and achievement.[10] |
Ambrosia | Love is reciprocated[5][4] |
American Cowslip | You are my divinity, divine beauty[3][5][2][7] |
Anemone | Forsaken;[2][3][5][7][4] sickness, brevity, withered hopes;[11] anticipation[8][6] |
Angelica | Inspiration[3][5][8][7] |
Angrec | Royalty[2][3][5] |
Anthurium | Hospitality, happiness, abundance |
Apple blossom | Preference, better things to come, good fortune[2][3][5][8][6][4] |
Apricot | Temptation[8] |
Arborvitae | Everlasting friendship,[2] "live for me";[5] "thine till death"[8] |
Arbutus | Simplicity;[8] you are the only one I love[6][4] |
Arnica | "Let me heal thy grief"[8] |
Arum | Ardour[5][4] |
Ash | Grandeur[2][8] |
Aspen | Excess of sensibility;[8] lamentation[2][5] |
Asphodel | Death, the underworld; "my regrets follow you to the grave";[2][3][7] remembered beyond the tomb[8] |
Aster | Symbol of love, daintiness,[4] talisman of love, trusting; cheerfulness in old age[8] |
Astragalus | Your presence softens my pain[5][2] |
Azalea | Take care, temperance,[2][5][8] fragile, gratitude, passion, Chinese symbols of womanhood[4] |
Baby's breath | Innocence, purity of heart[4] |
Balm | Sympathy[2][5][4] |
Balm of Gilead | Cure, relief;[2][3][5][6] sympathetic feeling[8] |
Balsam | Impatience, touch me not;[3][5][8][7] ardent love[2][4] |
Barberry | Sourness of temper, petulance[3][5][8][6] |
Basil | Hate;[2][3][5][6][11] (archaic) poverty[7] |
Bay | Glory, (in a wreath) reward of merit;[2][5] "I change but in death"[2][6] |
Bayberry | "I respect thy tears"[8] |
Beech | Prosperity[2][3][8] |
Begonia | Beware; a fanciful nature;[4] deformity[8] |
Bellflower | Unwavering love, a constant heart[5][8] |
Bells of Ireland | Good luck[4] |
Bilberry | Treachery[2][3][5] |
Birch | Elegance;[8] Meekness[2] |
Bird's-foot trefoil | Revenge[5] |
Bird of paradise flower | Liberty, magnificence, good perspective, joyfulness; faithfulness[4] |
Black-eyed Susan | Justice |
Blackthorn | Fate, protection, hope against adversity, good fortune; difficulty[5] |
Bladdernut | Frivolous amusement;[2][3][5] a trifling character[8] |
Bleeding Heart, Asian / Lamprocapnos | Rejected love, passionate love, unconditional love, compassion |
Bluebell | Loyalty, constancy,[2][5][6] humility & gratitude[4] |
Bog-rosemary | Bound by fate;[8] "Will you help me?"[6] |
Boxwood | Firmness and stoicism,[3][5][8][7] constancy[6] |
Borage | Bluntness,[2][3][5] abruptness[8] |
Bouncing bet | Intrusion[8] |
Bouvardia | Enthusiasm[4] |
Broom | Humility and neatness[2][3][5][8][6][7][11][4] |
Browallia | "Can you bear poverty?"[8] |
Brugmansia | Vivacity, vibrancy, health, danger |
Bulrush | Docility;[2][4] indiscretion;[3][5][7] indecision[8] |
Burdock | Importunity, touch me not[2][3][5][8][6] |
Bumblebee Orchid | Industry[2][5] |
Buttercup | Sarcasm, ingratitude;[3][7] childishness;[4] riches, memories of childhood[6] |
Cabbage | Profit[5] |
Calla Lily | Magnificence and beauty;[5][4] feminine beauty;[8] modesty[6] |
Camellia | Constancy and steadfastness;[7] perfect loveliness, unpretending excellence[2][8][6] |
Canterbury Bells | Gratitude, acknowledgement;[5][8][6][4] constancy[3][7] |
Carnation |
general | Fascination;[4] distinction; ardent love;[11] contempt;[8] woman's love[2] |
red | Deep romantic love, passion; "alas poor heart," admiration[5][4] |
green | Secret symbol of the followers of Oscar Wilde, love between two men |
white | Sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love, faithfulness[4] |
pink | A woman's love,[6] a mother's love; I'll never forget you[4] |
yellow | Rejection, disdain, disappointment;[5][4] pride and beauty[8] |
purple | Capriciousness, whimsical, changeable, unreliability[4] |
mauve | Dreams of fantasy |
striped | Refusal, no, "sorry I can't be with you"[5][4] |
solid color | Yes, affirmative[4] |
Catchfly |
general | Pretended love, a snare;[2][6] "I am thy prisoner"[8] |
Sticky Catchfly | Invitation to dance |
red | Youthful love[2] |
white | Betrayed[2] |
Cedar of Lebanon | Incorruptible[2] |
Cempasúchil | Dia de los Muertos[12][13] |
Celandine | Joys to come;[2][8] deceptive hopes[6] |
Chamomile | Energy in adversity;[2][6][4] mercy[8] |
Champignon | Suspicion[2] |
Cherry blossom |
| A good education[2][5][4] |
white | Deception[2] |
in Japan | Transience of life, Mono no aware, Wabi-sabi, gentleness, kindness |
in China | Feminine beauty |
Chestnut | Do me justice;[3][5] deceptive appearances[8] |
Chicory | Frugality[3][5][8] |
China aster | Love of variety,[3][5] fidelity, "I will think of thee/it";[4][8] afterthought[6] |
Chrysanthemum |
general | fidelity, optimism, joy and long life; "you're a wonderful friend," rest, cheerfulness[4] |
red | Love[5][4] |
yellow | Slighted love[5][8][4] |
white | Truth,[5] loyal love |
Cinquefoil | Beloved daughter/child;[7][4][3] maternal affection[5] |
Clianthus | Glorious beauty[8] |
Clovenlip Toadflax | Please notice my love/feelings for you |
Clove | Dignity[3][5][7] |
Clover |
red | Industry[5][8][4] |
white | Think of me[5][4] |
Coltsfoot | Justice shall be done[5][2] |
Columbine | Folly;[3][5][7][8] deceived lovers, ingratitude, faithlessness, as in Shakespeare's Hamlet |
Coreopsis | Always cheerful,[5][8][6][4] love at first sight[2] |
Coriander | Hidden merit[3][5][8][6][7] |
Corncockle | Gentility;[5] worth above beauty[8] |
Cornflower / Bachelor's button / Bleuet de France | Celibacy;[5] hope;[4] single blessedness;[8] delicacy;[6] remembrance of fallen soldiers (in France and Belgium) |
Coronilla | "Success crown your wishes"[8] |
Cotton lavender / Santolina | Purification |
Cowslip | Youthful beauty and winning grace,[6] rejected love (in Switzerland), "glory of spring," heartsickness and the death of young maidens;[11] rusticity, healing, pensiveness[5][4] |
Creeping Willow | Love forsaken |
Cranberry | Cure for heartache;[5][2] hardiness[8] |
Cress | Resolution;[3] stability, power[5] |
Crocus |
| Love, abuse not,[5] Lupercalia; impatience, youthful joy, hope, and friendship in adversity[11] |
Spring | Cheerfulness[8][6] |
Saffron | Love of variety, fidelity; mirth;[5] beware of excess[3] |
Crown Imperial | Power and majesty,[3][5] especially imperial power;[8] pride of birth[6] |
Currant | "Thy frown will kill me";[5] "you please all"[8] |
Cuscuta | Meanness[3][5] |
Cypress | Death, mourning, despair, sorrow[3][5][8][6][7] |
Daffodil | Unrequited love,[6] evanescent happiness and deceitful hopes;[11] regard, respect;[5][4] self-love;[3] chivalry[8] |
Dahlia | Elegance and dignity;[8][6][4] abundance;[7] instability[5] |
Daisy |
general | loyal love, gentleness, innocence;[5][8][6][4] womanly truth, purity, fidelity, and patient endurance;[11] or, dissembling as in Shakespeare's Hamlet |
Easter | Candor and innocence[7] |
garden | "I share your sentiments"[3][5] |
red | Beauty unknown to possessor |
orange | Joy and sunshine |
yellow | Happiness and joy |
blue | Long-term loyalty and trust |
purple | Thoughtfulness |
wild | "I will think of it"[3][5] |
Dame's violet | Watchfulness[5] |
Dandelion | Overcoming hardship; faithfulness, happiness, love's oracle;[4] rustic oracle;[5] youthful recollections;[8] coquetry[6] |
Daphne | Sweets to the sweet[8] |
Daylily | Coquetry[8] |
Delphinium | Flight of fancy[4] |
Dill | Passion; lust[4] |
Diphylleia | I will show my true self to you, clarity, honesty |
Dittany of Crete | Childbirth[3][5] |
Dodder of thyme | Baseness[5][8] |
Dogbane | Deceit, falsehood[5][8] |
Dogwood | Durability;[5] honesty, true nobility[8] |
Edelweiss | Chivalrous devotion, high courage;[11] daring, noble purity[4] |
Elderflower | Compassion;[6] humility;[7] zeal[5][8][4] |
Elm | Dignity[5] |
Enchanter's Nightshade | Spells, witchcraft, sorcery[3][5][8] |
Eyebright | Joy, mental clarity, psychic powers;[14] "your eyes are bewitching"[8] |
Evening primrose | Inconstancy,[3][5] silent love[6] |
Fennel | Merit, strength,[7] worthy of all praise;[5][8] cuckoldry, as in Shakespeare's Hamlet,[15] |
Fern | Magic, fascination,[5] sincerity;[4] Confidence[7] |
Feverfew | Beneficence[8] |
Fig | Argument;[5] longevity, prolificness[3][5] |
Flax | Domestic industry, fate, "I feel your kindness"[3][5][8] |
Forget-me-not | True love,[5][6] don't forget me;[7][4] faithful love, affectionate remembrance, chivalry, light, truth[11] |
Foxglove | Insecurity;[16] stateliness, youth;[4] insincerity;[5][6] delirium[8] |
Freesia | Innocence, trust, friendship[4] |
Fuller's Teasel | Misanthropy[3][5] |
Fungus | Resilience, loneliness, solitude, disgust |
Fuchsia | Grace;[8] taste[6] |
Gardenia | Secret love, joy, good luck; purity, sweet love, you're lovely[4] |
Geranium |
General | Gentility, determination;[7] (archaic) folly;[4] confidence;[8] deceit, preference[6] |
Ivy | Bridal favor[5] |
Lemon | Unexpected meeting[5] |
Oak-leaved | True friendship[7][5][4] |
Pencilled-leaf | Ingenuity[3][7][5][4] |
Rose-scented | Preference[7][3][4] |
Scarlet | Stupidity;[7][3] consolation[5][4] |
Silver-leaved | Recall[7][5][6][4] |
Wild | Steadfast piety[7][3][5] |
Gladiolus | Strength of character, honor, conviction, generosity;[4] ready armed[8] |
Goldenrod | Encouragement;[6] be cautious[5][4] |
Gorse | Love in all seasons, endearing affection[4] |
Guelder rose (or snowball) | Winter, age;[5] thoughts of heaven[6] |
Hawthorn | Hope[5][6][4] |
Hazel | Peace, reconciliation[3][5][6] |
Heath | Solitude[3][5][8][6] |
Heather |
purple | Solitude, beauty, admiration[4] |
white | Protection, wishes will come true[4] |
Helenium | Tears[3][5][8] |
Hellebore | Calumny[8] |
Heliotrope | Emblem of faithfully devoted love[5][11][8][6][4] |
Hepatica | Confidence[5][7] |
Hibiscus | Delicate beauty[5][6][4] |
Himalayan blue poppy | Potential, possibilities, psychic skills |
Holly | Foresight[8][6] |
Hollyhock | Ambition;[7][8][6] fruitfulness[4] |
Honeysuckle | Devoted and generous affection;[5][6][7][4] bonds of love[8] |
Horse chestnut | Luxury[8] |
Houseleek | Domestic economy, vivacity[5][8] |
Hyacinth |
blue | Constancy[6][4] |
purple | Grief and sorrow;[6][11] Please forgive me[4] |
red or pink | Playfulness, sport[5][6][4] |
white | Unobtrusive loveliness[5][4] |
yellow | Jealousy[4][8] |
Hydrangea |
general | In a negative[17] sense frigidity, heartlessness;[6][7] Thank you for understanding;[4] boastfulness[5][8] |
pink | Heartfelt emotion or gratitude |
purple | A desire to deeply understand someone |
blue | Frigidity and apology |
white | Boasting, bragging, purity, grace and abundance |
Hyssop | Purification[8] |
Ice plant | Formality[8] |
Iris |
general | Eloquence, good news, light;[11] faith, valor, wisdom, friendship;[4] a message[5][8][6] |
blue | Faith, hope |
purple | Wisdom, compliments |
yellow | Passion[4] |
white | Purity |
Ipomoea | Attachment[8] |
Ivy | Dependence, endurance; faithfulness, wedded love, affection;[5][6][4] friendship[7] |
Flower |
Meaning |
Jacob's Ladder / Greek valerian | Rupture[3][5] |
Jasmine |
| Unconditional and eternal love; monetary wealth,(in the Philippines and Hinduism); emblem of brides[11] |
white | Amiability[6] |
yellow | Grace and elegance[6] |
Jonquil | Desire,[7] returned affection,[6] love me[5][4] |
Juniper | Asylum, protection[8][6] |
Kennedia | Mental beauty[8] |
Kerria (棣棠 Dì táng) | (China) Royalty, Nobility of heart[18] |
Larkspur | Levity, lightness, fickleness, haughtiness;[5][7][8][6] an open heart[4] |
Laurel | Glory and honor[5][11][8] |
Laurestine | "I die if neglected";[7][8] a token[5] |
Lavender | Love, devotion, loyalty;[4] distrust;[5][7] confession[8] LGBT+ identity[19][20][21][20] |
Lemon blossom | Fidelity in love;[5][4] discretion,[8] zest[6] |
Lilac |
purple | First emotions of love[5][4][8][6] |
white | Youthful innocence, humility[5][7][4] |
Lily |
general | Affection for loved ones; majesty[7][6] |
white | Purity, sweetness,[5][4][8][6] sapphic love |
pink | Love, femininity and admiration |
scarlet | Lofty aspirations |
orange | Desire, passion; hatred; wealth[4] |
Lily of the valley | Sweetness, humility, purity;[11] returning happiness[5][8][6][4] |
Lime blossom | Conjugal love[5] |
Lionsheart | Bravery[8] |
Lobelia | Malevolence[5][8] |
Lophospermum | Ecstasy[8] |
Lotus | Purity, chastity and eloquence;[6] rebirth; estranged love[5][4] |
Love-in-a-mist | You puzzle me, perplexity[5][4] |
Love lies bleeding | Hopelessness, not heartless[5][6] |
Lupine | Voraciousness[8] |
Magnolia | Perseverance, love of nature,[5][6] nobility[4] |
Mallow | Consumed by love;[5] beneficence;[5][8][7] sweet disposition[6][4] |
Marigold | Pain and grief,[6][7] jealousy;[5][11][4] cruelty[8] |
Marjoram | Blushes[8] |
Mayflower | Welcome |
Meadow saffron | "My best days are past"[3][5] |
Meadowsweet | Beauty, happiness, peace, protection; uselessness[5] |
Mezereon | Coquetry, desire to please[3][5][6][7][4] |
Mignonette | Worth; "Your qualities surpass your charms",[3][5][6][7][8] health and moral beauty[11][4] |
Milkwort | Hermitage[3][5] |
Mint |
| Virtue[5][8][4] |
Peppermint or spearmint | Warmth of feeling[5][7] |
Moonflower | Dreaming of love |
Moonwort | Forgetfulness[3][5][7] |
Morning glory | Repose;[8] affection[5][4] |
Mudwort | Tranquility[5] |
Mulberry |
black | I will not survive you[3][5][2] |
white | Wisdom[3][5] |
Mullein | Good-nature[8][4] |
Myrtle | Joy, triumph, fertility in marriage (in ancient Rome); peace and well-being (in Judaism); (coupled with laurel) glory, honor, a bloodless victory (in ancient Greece);[11] love, home, duty;[5][8][4] love in absence[6] |
Narcissus | self-love,[3][6] egotism,[5] formality[4] |
Nasturtium | Patriotism,[5][6] conquest, victory in battle;[4] heroism[8] |
Nemophila | Prosperity[8] |
Nettle (stinging) | Life and death, protection[22] as in Shakespeare's Hamlet; Cruelty;[7] slander[8] |
Nightshade |
| Silence, falsehood;[2] dark thoughts, scepticism[6] |
Bittersweet | truth[3][5] |
Deadly | death[8] |
Oak leaf | Strength; Hospitality;[7] bravery;[5][6] honor[8] |
Oats | Music;[5] country life[8] |
Oleander | Beware[8][6] |
Olive | Peace[5][7][8] |
Orange blossom | Innocence, purity,[5] eternal love, marriage;[4] chastity[7][8][6] |
Orchid |
general | Refined beauty;[4][8] Intersex human rights[23][24] |
white egret orchid | I'll be thinking of you even in my dreams |
red | Fire, romance, desire, and passion |
orange | Pride, enthusiasm, and boldness |
yellow | New beginnings, friendship, and joy |
green | Love, charm, beauty, fertility, refinement, and thoughtfulness |
blue | Rarity, uniqueness, beauty, and spirituality |
purple | Respect, royalty and admiration |
pink | Grace, gentleness, innocence, happiness, playfulness, and fertility |
white | Purity, faith, humility, safety, elegance, innocence, and beauty |
Ox-eye daisy | Patience[5] |
Pansy/Heart's-ease | Thoughtfulness,[5] merriment,[4] remembrance, you occupy my thoughts;[6][2] "Think of me"[3] |
Peach blossom | Long-life, generosity, bridal hope, charm; "I am your captive"[5][8][6][4] |
Pear blossom | Lasting friendship;[2] affection;[4] comfort[5] |
Peony | Bashfulness,[5] happy marriage, prosperity;[4] shame[8] |
Prosperity, honor (in China) |
Masculinity, bravery (in Japan) |
Periwinkle | Early and sincere friendship, tender recollections[8][6] |
Peruvian Lily | Wealth, fortune, prosperity, friendship |
Phlox | Harmony, unanimity, "our souls are united"[4][8][6] |
Pine |
general | Philosophy[8] |
Pitch pine | Time and faith[6] |
Plum blossom | Beauty and longevity; "Keep your promises";[7] fidelity[5] |
Plumeria | Perfection, springtime, new beginnings |
Poinsettia | Brilliance;[8] Christmas spirit[25] |
Poppy |
general | Sleep, consolation, death;[11] Oblivion, imagination;[4] evanescent pleasures, fantastic extravagance[6] |
red | Pleasure;[4] sacrifice, remembrance; the blood of fallen soldiers[11] |
white | Dreams, modern, peace; "my bane, my antidote";[7] consolation;[4] time[5] |
yellow | Wealth, success[4] |
Primrose | Eternal love; Childhood;[5][7][8] I can't live without you[4] |
Protea | Courage, transformation, daring, resourcefulness, diversity |
Queen Anne's Lace | Haven, sanctuary;[4] complexity, delicateness |
Queen of the Night | Enjoy small moments because they do not last; transient beauty[8] |
Ragged-robin | Wit[5][8][4] |
Rainflower | Rebirth, new beginnings, great expectations[26] |
Ranunculus | "You are radiant with charms";[5][7][4] ingratitude[8] |
Rhododendron | Danger, beware, I am dangerous[3][5][4] |
Rose |
general | Love;[3][5] silence, privacy, conversations held in confidence; [27] transgender day of remembrance[28][29] |
red | True love;[4] bashful love[6] |
black | Death, hatred, despair, sorrow, mystery, danger, obsession |
blue | Mystery, attaining the impossible, love at first sight |
burgundy | Unconscious beauty[5][4] |
pink | Grace |
dark pink | Gratitude[4] |
light pink | Desire, passion, joy of life, youth, energy; grace[4] |
coral or orange | Desire, fascination[4] |
lavender or violet | Love at first sight; enchantment[4] |
yellow | Friendship, joy, gladness;[4] apology, intense emotion, undying love; extreme betrayal, a broken heart, infidelity, jealousy;[5][7] Aromanticism[30] |
white | I am worthy of you;[5] secrecy[8] |
dried white rose | Sorrow; death is preferable to loss of virtue;[4] transient impressions[5] |
red and white together | Unity[5][4] |
red and yellow together | Joy, happiness and excitement |
thornless | Love at first sight[5][4] |
dead | sweet memories[6] |
bud (red) | Beauty, purity, love, youth[5][4] |
bud (white) | Girlhood;[5] a heart unacquainted with love[3] |
bud (moss) | Confession of love[6] |
Austrian | "Thou art all that is lovely," loveliness[5][8][6] |
bridal | Happy love[5][6] |
Carolina | Love is dangerous[5] |
China | Beauty always new[5] |
Damask | Brilliant complexion;[5] blushing beauty[8] |
dog | Pleasure and pain[5] |
Hundred-leaved (also called cabbage rose or moss rose) | Grace;[3] Pride;[5] ambassador of love;[5] superior merit[6] |
Maiden's blush | "If you love me you will find out"[5] |
Multiflora | Grace[5] |
Musk | Capricious beauty,[3] (in a cluster) charming[5][8] |
Rosemary | Remembrance;[5][8][6][4] "Your presence revives me"[7] |
Rue | Regret, sorrow, repentance;[8] grace, clear vision; disdain[5] |
Sage | Health, wisdom, respect;[7] domestic virtue;[5][8] esteem[3] |
Sainfoin | Agitation[3][5] |
Scabius | Unfortunate attachment,[5][8] I have lost all,[2] widowhood[6] |
Schinus | Religious enthusiasm[5] |
Sensitive plant | Sensitivity, modesty;[8] timidity;[4] sensibility[5] |
Shamrock | Good luck; the Trinity (in Christianity), the three departments of nature, sea, earth, and heaven (among Irish druids), protection from snakes;[11] light heartedness[5][8][4] |
Snapdragon | Presumption,[5][8][7] deception, a gracious lady[4] |
Snowdrop | Consolation or hope;[5][8][7][4] Youthful love and simplicity (in Germany), hope and friendship in adversity (in France), purity, humility, and innocence (in England);[11] friend in need[6] |
Speedwell | Travel, kindness, protection; (female) loyalty[5][8][7][4] |
Spider lily |
red | abandonment, loss, separation, death and the cycle of rebirth. It's commonly referred to as the Flower of Death |
white | Positive nature, new beginnings, good health and rebirth |
yellow | Happiness, light, wisdom, gratitude, strength, everlasting friendship |
pink | Feminine love, beauty and passion |
Spiderwort | "Esteem not love";[5] transient happiness[8] |
Spindle tree | Your image is engraved on my heart[3][5][2][7] |
St John's Wort | Superstition;[7][3] animosity[5][6] |
Star of Bethlehem | Atonement, reconciliation;[8][4] purity;[3][5][7] guidance[6] |
Straw | United, union;[7] (broken) a broken agreement[4] |
Statice | Remembrance,[4] sympathy, success |
Stock |
| Lasting beauty, "you'll always be beautiful to me," a happy life, bonds of affection[3][5][7][6][4] |
Ten-week stock | Promptness[3][5] |
Stonecrop | Tranquility[3][5][7][4] |
Sunflower | Loft thoughts;[8] adoration and pride;[5][4] false riches[3][6] |
Sweetbrier | Simplicity (American), a wound to heal (European);[5][6] poetry;[3][5] home[8] |
Sweetpea | Delicate pleasures;[5] departure[6] |
Sweet sultan | Felicity, happiness;[3][5] felicity[8] |
Sweet William | Finesse,[3][8] gallantry[5][6] |
Tansy | I declare war on you;[3][5][7] resistance[8] |
Thistle | Nobility, endurance, warning;[31] surliness;[3][7] austerity[5][8] |
Trillium | Bisexuality; [32][33] [34] [35] The Holy Trinity[36] |
Thorn-apple | Disguise, deceitful charms;[3][5][8][6][7] "I dreamed of thee"[4] |
Thrift | Sympathy[3][5][8][7][4] |
Thyme | Activity[3][5] |
Tuberose | Dangerous pleasures;[3][5][6] voluptuousness;[8] a sweet voice[6] |
Tulip-tree | Fame |
Tulip |
general | Consuming love (in Turkey and India), inconstancy (in Turkey);[11] love and passion[5][4] |
red | Declaration of love[8][4] |
pink | Caring, Good wishes, Friendship, Joyful Occasions, Confidence |
purple | Nobility/Royalty, Rebirth, Spring |
white | Forgiveness, Remembrance, Sincerity; "I am worthy of you"[4] |
yellow | Cheerful thoughts, Sunshine, Hope, Desperate love, "There's sunshine in your smile";[4] hopeless love[5] |
blue | Respect, Tranquility, Trust |
orange | Understanding, Appreciation, Truest love |
black | Power, Strength, Supreme elegance |
variegated | Beautiful eyes,[5][4] a declaration of love[6] |
Valerian | Readiness, an accommodating disposition[3][5][8][7] |
Venus' Looking Glass | Flattery[3][5][8][7] |
Vervain | Enchantment;[3][5][7][4] sensibility, sensitivity[8][6] |
Violet |
blue | Faithfulness, watchfulness, I'll always be true[5][6][4] |
purple | Daydreaming, love between two women, lesbian love |
yellow | Rural happiness[5] |
white | Modesty, innocence, candor;[3][6][7] let's take a chance[4] |
sweet | Modesty[5] |
Virgin's bower | Filial affection;[8] mental beauty, artifice[6] |
Volkameria | May you be happy[5] |
Wallflower | Changless affection and fidelity in misfortune[3][5][8][6][11][4] |
Walnut | Intellect, stratagem[3][5] |
Water lily | Purity of heart;[5] eloquence[8] |
Watermelon | Palestinian nationalism;[37][38][39] Kherson liberation;[40] [20][41] Abrosexuality[42] |
Willow |
Creeping | Love foresaken[5] |
French | Bravery and humanity[5] |
Weeping | Mourning[3][5][8] |
Willowherb | Pretension[5] |
Winged seeds (any kind) | Messengers |
Winterberry | Protection, luck |
Wisteria | Welcoming[4] |
Witch-hazel | A magic spell[5][8][4] |
Woad | Design[8] |
Wheat | Wealth and prosperity[5][8] |
Wolfsbane | Misanthropy, chivalry;[4] knight-errantry[8] |
Wood sorrel | Joy,[3] maternal tenderness[5] |
Wormwood | Absence,[3][5][8] bitter sorrow,[7] do not be discouraged[4] |
Xanthium | Rudeness, pertinacity[5] |
Xeranthemum | Cheerfulness under adversity[5] |
Yarrow | Healing;[4] war[8] |
Yew | Sorrow[3][5][8] |
Ylang-Ylang | Never-ending love |
Zinnia | Thinking of you; remembering absent friends,[5][8][6] sentimentality[4] |