List of feminist literature

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The following is a list of feminist literature, listed by year of first publication, then within the year alphabetically by title (using the English title rather than the foreign language title if available/applicable). Books and magazines are in italics, all other types of literature are not and are in quotation marks. References lead when possible to a link to the full text of the literature.

14th century

15th century

16th century

  • Orlando Furioso Canto 37, Ludovico Ariosto (1516-1532)
  • The Superior Excellence of Women Over Men, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1529)
  • The Defense of Good Women, Thomas Elyot (1545)
  • La Nobiltà delle Donne, The Nobility of Women, Lodovico Domenichi (1549)[3]
  • Difese delle Donne, A Defence of Women, Domenico Bruni da Pistoia (1552) [4]
  • La bella e dotta difesa delle donne in verso, e prosa, di messer Luigi Dardano ... contra gli accusatori del sesso loro. Con un breue trattato di ammaestrare li figliuoli, The Beautiful and Learned Defence of Women in Verse, Prose ... against the detractors of their sex, with a brief tract to be administered to sons, Luigi Dardano (1553) [5]
  • Discorso sopra il Principio di Tutti I Canti di Orlando Furioso, Discourse on the Principles of all the Canti of Orlando Furioso, Laura Terracina (1583)
  • Le Promenoir de M. de Montaigne qui traite de l'amour dans l'œuvre de Plutarque, Marie le Jars de Gournay (1584)[6]
  • Her Protection for Women, Jane Anger (1589)[7]

17th century

  • The Worth of Women, Il Merito delle Donne, Moderata Fonte (1600)
  • "Poem 92, called Philosophical Satire", Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1600s)[8]
  • The Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men, Lucrezia Marinella (1601)
  • A Muzzle for Melastomus, the Cynical Baiter of, and Foul-mouthed Barker Against Eve's Sex. Or An Apologetical Answer to that Irreligious and Illiterate Pamphlet Made by Jo. Sw. And By Him Entitled, "The Arraignment of Women", Rachel Speght (1617)
  • Ester Hath Hang'd Haman: An Answer To a Lewd Pamphlet, Entitled "The Arraignment of Women," With the Arraignment of Lewd, Idle Forward, and Unconstant Men, and Husbands, Ester Sowernam (1617)
  • Swetnam the Woman-Hater, Anonymous (1620)
  • Égalité des hommes et des femmes, Marie Le Jars de Gournay (1622),[9] translated into English as The Equality of Men and Women
  • Grief des dames, Marie Le Jars de Gournay (1626),[10] translated into English as The Ladies' Grievance
  • Women's Speaking Justified, Proved, and Allowed of by the Scriptures, All such as speak by the Spirit and Power of the Lord Jesus. And how Women were the first that Preached the Tidings of the Resurrection of Jesus, and were sent by Christ's own Command, before he Ascended to the Father, John 20. 17., Margaret Fell (1667)[11]
  • An Essay to Revive the Antient [sic] Education of Gentlewomen in Religion, Manners, Arts & Tongues, with An Answer to the Objections Against this Way of Education., Bathsua Makin (1673)
  • De l'égalité des deux sexes, François Poullain de la Barre (1673)[12]
  • De l'Éducation des dames pour la conduite de l'esprit dans les sciences et dans les mœurs, entretiens, François Poullain de la Barre (1674)[13]
  • La Princesse de Clèves, Madame de La Fayette (1678)
  • Female Advocate or, an Answer to a Late Satyr Against the Pride, Lust and Inconstancy, &c. of Woman. Written by a Lady in Vindication of her Sex, Sarah Fyge Egerton (1686)[14]
  • A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of Their True and Greatest Interest, Mary Astell (1694)
  • An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex. In Which Are Inserted the Characters of a Pedant, a Squire, a Beau, a Vertuoso, a Poetaster, a City-Critick, &c. In a Letter to a Lady. Written by a Lady, Judith Drake (1697)[15]
  • A Serious Proposal, Part II, Mary Astell (1697)
  • The Adventure of the Black Lady, Aphra Behn (1697)[16]

18th century

19th century







  • "About Marrying Too Young" from The Revolution, Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1870)[76]
  • "Are Women A Class?", Lillie Blake (1870)[77]
  • "Our Policy: An Address to Women Concerning the Suffrage", Frances Power Cobbe (1870)[62]
  • Man's Rights, Annie Denton Cridge (1870)[78]
  • Endorsing Women's Enfranchisement, Adelle Hazlett (1871)[79]
  • Hit: Essays on Women's Rights, Mary Edwards Walker (1871)
  • "Letters to and from Polly Plum", Polly Plum (pen name of Mary Ann Colclough) (1871)[80]
  • On the Progress of Education and Industrial Avocations for Women, Matilda Joslyn Gage (1871)[81]
  • "Put Us In Your Place" from The Revolution, Lillie Blake (1871)[82]
  • On Woman's Right to Suffrage, Susan B. Anthony (1872)[83]
  • Reasons For and Against the Enfranchisement of Women, Barbara Bodichon (1872)[62]
  • The Adventures of a Woman in Search of her Rights, Florence Claxton (1872)
  • Marta (Polish for "Martha"), a novel by Eliza Orzeszkowa (1873)[84][85]
  • "Sentencing of Susan B. Anthony for the Crime of Voting" (1873)[58]
  • "Uncivil Liberty: An Essay to Show the Injustice and Impolicy of Ruling Woman Without Her Consent", Ezra Heywood (1873)
  • Woman: Man's Equal, Thomas Webster (1873)[86]
  • "Women's Temperance Movement", Mark Twain (1873)[87]
  • Papa's Own Girl, Marie Howland (1874)
  • "Some Thoughts on the Present Aspect of the Crusade Against the State Regulation of Vice", Catherine Booth (1874)[62]
  • Blackwell, Antoinette (1976) [first published 1875]. The Sexes Throughout Nature. Hyperion Press. ISBN 0-88355-349-X.[88]
  • "Declaration of Rights of the Women of the United States", National Woman Suffrage Association, July 4, 1876[89]
  • Why Women Desire the Franchise, Frances Power Cobbe (1877)[62]
  • "An Appeal to the Men of New Zealand", Femina (pen name of Mary Ann Muller) (1878)[90]
  • A Doll's House, Henrik Ibsen (1879)[91]
  • Social Purity, Josephine Butler (1879)[62]
  • The Colorado Antelope, feminist periodical founded by Caroline Nichols Churchill in 1879, later known as the Queen Bee.[92]



20th century











21st century




See also


Further reading

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