- 亞里士多德的形而上學
- 形上學歷史
- 本體論
- 平衡 (形而上學):兩種力都希望占據全部,平衡是指介於這兩個力之間的一點。例如秩序與混亂(law and chaos)。
- A系列與B系列
- 絕對時空
- 抽象:指實體的存在獨立於任何物理的或心靈的事物,因而並不占用任何時間與空間。
- Active intellect
- 分界線的類比
- 時間的B理論
- 基本限制原則(英語:Basic limiting principle)
- 存有
- 最佳可能世界
- 布萊德利的回歸
- 範疇
- 因果關係
- 選擇
- 我思故我在
- Conatus:指事物的自然傾向,用於心理學與形上學。
- 概念
- 結合 (過程哲學)
- 創造力 (過程哲學)
- 數據 (過程哲學)
- 時延 (過程哲學)
- 生命衝力
- 湧現
- 非物理實體
- 副現象:參見副現象論。心靈哲學概念,認為心靈現象是物理現象的副現象。
- 本質
- 永恆客體
- 證據存在性
- 存在
- 經驗
- 精神(英語:Geist)
- Growing block universe
- 休謨的叉子
- 原質(英語:Hyle)
- 想法
- 同一性
- Immanence
- 形上學
- Incorporeality
- 信息
- Inherence
- Intellect
- Intention
- Lifeworld
- Matter (philosophy)
- Meaning (existential)
- Meinong's jungle
- 心智表徵
- 心靈實體
- Metakosmia
- 心靈
- 單子 (哲學)
- Moral universe
- 運動
- 自然法
- 充分必要條件
- Nexus (process philosophy)
- 無
- Notion (philosophy)
- 客體
- Ontic
- Ousia
- Paradox of inaction
- 殊相
- 模式
- 感知
- 現象
- 物體
- Physis
- Plane of immanence
- Plenitude principle
- 波普爾的三個世界
- Potentiality and actuality
- 原理
- 性質
- Pure thought
- 感質
- Quality (philosophy)
- 量
- 現實
- 還原論
- Relational space
- 廣延物
- 自我哲學
- 靈魂
- Stoic Categories
- 主體
- 實體形式
- 隨附性
- Teleonomy
- 思想
- 時間
- 超越
- Transcendentals
- 真理
- Truth-value link
- Truthmaker
- Talk:Unity/concept
- Universal (metaphysics)
- Universalizability
- 不可觀測性
- 價值觀
- 虛擬現實
- World disclosure
- 新黑格爾主義
- 荒謬
- Accidentalism (philosophy)
- 行動理論
- Actualism
- Anti-realism
- 亞里斯多德主義
- 原子論
- 時間的B理論
- 英國唯心主義
- 叢束理論
- 相容論
- 概念論
- 小體論
- Counterpart theory
- 決定論
- Dualistic cosmology
- Dynamism (metaphysics)
- Dysteleology
- 持續論
- Epistemicism
- 本質主義
- 永恆論
- Exemplification theory
- 存在主義
- Fragmentalism
- Hard determinism
- 唯心主義
- 人文自然主義
- Hylomorphism
- 物活論
- 唯心主義
- Identityism
- Illusionism (philosophy)
- Incompatibilism
- 無限單子論
- 非決定論
- Irrealism (philosophy)
- 自由意志主義 (形而上學)
- Literary nominalism
- 邏輯原子論
- Logical holism
- 物質一元論
- 唯物主義
- 機械論
- Meliorism
- 分體本質論
- 分體虛無主義
- 形而上自然主義
- Metaphysical nihilism
- Metaphysical solipsism
- Modal fictionalism
- 模態實在論
- Moderate realism
- 一元論
- 自然主義
- Necessitarianism
- 虛無主義
- 唯名論
- Non-essentialism
- Noneism
- 客體導向本體論
- 客觀唯心主義
- 客觀主義
- Omniverse theory
- Open individualism
- 有機體說
- Panlogism
- 接續論
- 現象主義
- 實在論
- 物理主義
- Pirsig's metaphysics of Quality
- Platonic idealism
- 柏拉圖實在論
- 多元論
- Predeterminism
- Process philosophy
- Projectivism
- Quietism
- Rational mysticism
- 還原論
- Revisionary materialism
- 科學實在論
- Scotistic realism
- 模擬理論
- 唯我論
- 思辨實在論
- Spiritualism (philosophy)
- 主觀主義
- 實體論
- Synechism
- 目的論
- Temporal finitism
- Theory of everything (philosophy)
- 理型論
- 先驗唯心論
- Transcendental perspectivism
- Trope (philosophy)
- Tychism
- 唯意志論
- Metaphysical Society of America
- Philosophy of Time Society
- The Metaphysical Club
- The Heythrop Journal
- The Journal of Theological Studies
- Philosophy and Theology
- Quodlibet
- Review of Metaphysics
- An Introduction to Metaphysics – book by 馬丁·海德格爾 and is the published version of a lecture course he gave in the Summer of 1935 at the 弗賴堡大學.[3] The book is famous both for its powerful reinterpretation of Greek thought and infamous for its acknowledgement of the 納粹黨.
- Appearance and Reality – 1893 book by the English philosopher Francis Herbert Bradley, the main statement of his metaphysics.[4]
- 存在與虛無 – 1943 book by philosopher 讓-保羅·薩特.[5] Sartre's main purpose is to assert the individual's existence as prior to the individual's essence. His overriding concern in writing the book was to demonstrate that 自由意志 exists.[6]
- Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics – book by the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. It is often referred to simply as the "Kantbook".
- 第一哲學沉思集 [7] (subtitled In which the existence of God and the immortality of the soul are demonstrated) – philosophical treatise by 勒內·笛卡爾 first published in 1641 (in Latin). The book is made up of six meditations, in which Descartes first discards all belief in things which are not absolutely 確定性, and then tries to establish what can be known for sure.
- Metaphysics – one of the principal works of Aristotle. The principal subject is "being qua being", or being understood as being. It examines what can be asserted about anything that exists just because of its existence and not because of any special qualities it has.
- Philosophical Problems of Space and Time – 1963 book by Adolf Grünbaum, who argues that physical geometry and chronometry are in part matters of convention because continuous physical space and time are metrically amorphous.
- The Realms of Being – last major work by Spanish-American 哲學家 喬治·桑塔亞那. In this work of ontology, he defines four realms of being; The Realm of Essence, The Realm of Matter, The Realm of Truth, and The Realm of Spirit.
- 時間的不實在性 – best-known philosophical work of the Cambridge idealist J. M. E. McTaggart. McTaggart argues that time is unreal because our descriptions of time are either contradictory, circular, or insufficient.
- 禪與摩托車維修藝術 – philosophical fiction, the first of Robert M. Pirsig's texts in which he explores his Metaphysics of Quality.
- EvOLv - A psychedelic adventure - Psychedelic Fiction, a psycho-spiritual novel that delves into details of the Meta-physical transformation of an adolescent boy into an Omnidimentional being.
形上學家(英語:Metaphysician[8],也稱 metaphysicist[9]),指研究形上學的人。嘗試解釋形上學基本的概念,例如存在、客體,以及這些概念的性質、空間和時間、因果關係、可能性。下面列出了一些有影響力的形上學家,按照時間順序:
- 巴門尼德 (early 5th century BC)
- 赫拉克利特 (c. 535 – c. 475 BC)
- 柏拉圖 (424/423 BC – 348/347 BC)
- 亞里士多德 (384 BC – 322 BC)
- 迦毘羅仙 (?)
- 普羅提諾 (ca. AD 204/5–270)
- 鄧斯·司各脫 (1265 – 1308)
- 托馬斯·阿奎那 (1225 – 1274)
- 勒內·笛卡爾 (1596 – 1650)
- 巴魯赫·斯賓諾莎 (1632 – 1677)
- 戈特弗里德·萊布尼茨 (1646 – 1716)
- 喬治·貝克萊 (1685 – 1753)
- 大衛·休謨 (1711 – 1776)
- 伊曼努爾·康德 (1724 – 1804)
- 格奧爾格·威廉·弗里德里希·黑格爾 (1770 – 1831)
- 艾薩克·牛頓 (1642 – 1727)
- 阿圖爾·叔本華 (1788 – 1860)
- 查爾斯·桑德斯·皮爾士 (1839 – 1914)
- 亨利·柏格森 (1859 – 1941)
- 阿爾弗雷德·諾思·懷特黑德 (1861 – 1947)
- 伯特蘭·羅素 (1872 – 1970)
- 喬治·愛德華·摩爾 (1873 – 1958)
- 羅賓·喬治·柯林武德 (1889 – 1943)
- 馬丁·海德格爾 (1889 – 1976)
- 魯道夫·卡爾納普 (1891 – 1970)
- 吉爾伯特·賴爾 (1900 – 1976)
- Dorothy Emmet (1904 – 2000)
- 讓-保羅·薩特 (1905 – 1980)
- Donald Davidson (1917 – 2003)
- 彼得·弗雷德里克·斯特勞森 (1919 – 2006)
- 希拉里·懷特哈爾·普特南 (1926 – 2016)
- 索爾·阿倫·克里普克 (1940 –)
- 威拉德·范奧曼·蒯因 (1908 – 2000)
- 吉爾·德勒茲 (1925 – 1995)
- David Malet Armstrong (1926 - 2014)
- 大衛·劉易斯 (1941 – 2001)
- Adolph Stöhr (1855–1921) –
- 艾倫·威爾遜·瓦茨
- 阿爾文·普蘭丁格
- Ananda Coomaraswamy
- Andrew Baxter
- Arda Denkel
- 艾茵·蘭德
- Brian Leftow
- C. D. Broad
- 米可斯泰特
- Charles François d'Abra de Raconis
- Charles Hartshorne
- Damon Young
- Daniel M. Hausman
- David Kolb
- David Wiggins
- Dean Zimmerman
- Dickinson S. Miller
- 愛德華·扎爾塔
- 伊利亞學派
- Ferdinando Cazzamalli
- 法蘭克·傑克森
- 弗里德里希·阿道夫·特蘭德倫堡
- 弗里德里希·尼采
- Frithjof Schuon
- 吉爾伯特·西蒙東
- Gonzalo Rodríguez Pereyra
- Graham Harman
- Graham Priest
- Ian Rumfitt
- J. M. E. McTaggart
- Jay Rosenberg
- John Hawthorne
- 約翰·洛克
- Jonathan Schaffer
- Joseph A. Bracken
- Judith Jarvis Thomson
- Katharyn Powers
- Kedar Joshi
- Kit Fine
- 麥里梭
- Michael Devitt
- Milič Čapek
- Nathan Salmon
- Paul Benacerraf
- Paul Weiss (philosopher)
- Peter Glassen
- Peter Unger
- Peter van Inwagen
- Peter Wessel Zapffe
- 勒內·蓋農
- Richard Taylor (philosopher)
- Robert Merrihew Adams
- Robert Stalnaker
- 薩利·哈斯蘭格
- Shadworth Hodgson
- Sir William Hamilton, 9th Baronet
- Stuart Wilde
- Terence Parsons
- Theodore Sider
- 托馬斯·阿奎那
- Thomas Brown (philosopher)
- Thomas Whittaker (metaphysician)
- Tim Crane
- Trenton Merricks
- William Alston
- William Desmond (philosopher)
- William Lycan
- Wolfgang Smith
- 埃利亞的芝諾
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