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  • 阿勒西亞:英語:Aletheia,來自古希臘語陰性名詞ἀλεθεία
  • 始基:英語:Arche,來自古希臘語陰性名詞ἀρχή
  • 卓越:英語:Arete
  • 意見:英語:Doxa,指普通看法。
  • 知識:英語:Episteme,柏拉圖將其與Doxa對立,但它原本也可以和「技藝」(techne)相互區別。知識論一詞的來源。
  • 邏各斯:英語:Logos,邏各斯,或譯理性。本義是故事、言辭。邏輯(英語:Logic)即來自這個概念。
  • 四因說:亞里士多德提出的原因的四種形態。



  • 平衡 (形而上學)英語Balance (metaphysics):兩種力都希望占據全部,平衡是指介於這兩個力之間的一點。例如秩序與混亂(law and chaos)。








  • An Introduction to Metaphysics英語Introduction to Metaphysics (Heidegger) – book by 馬丁·海德格爾 and is the published version of a lecture course he gave in the Summer of 1935 at the 弗賴堡大學.[3] The book is famous both for its powerful reinterpretation of Greek thought and infamous for its acknowledgement of the 納粹黨.
  • Appearance and Reality英語Appearance and Reality – 1893 book by the English philosopher Francis Herbert Bradley, the main statement of his metaphysics.[4]
  • 存在與虛無 – 1943 book by philosopher 讓-保羅·薩特.[5] Sartre's main purpose is to assert the individual's existence as prior to the individual's essence. His overriding concern in writing the book was to demonstrate that 自由意志 exists.[6]
  • Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics英語Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics – book by the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. It is often referred to simply as the "Kantbook".
  • 第一哲學沉思集 [7] (subtitled In which the existence of God and the immortality of the soul are demonstrated) – philosophical treatise by 勒內·笛卡爾 first published in 1641 (in Latin). The book is made up of six meditations, in which Descartes first discards all belief in things which are not absolutely 確定性, and then tries to establish what can be known for sure.
  • Metaphysics – one of the principal works of Aristotle. The principal subject is "being qua being", or being understood as being. It examines what can be asserted about anything that exists just because of its existence and not because of any special qualities it has.
  • Philosophical Problems of Space and Time英語Philosophical Problems of Space and Time – 1963 book by Adolf Grünbaum, who argues that physical geometry and chronometry are in part matters of convention because continuous physical space and time are metrically amorphous.
  • The Realms of Being英語The Realms of Being – last major work by Spanish-American 哲學家 喬治·桑塔亞那. In this work of ontology, he defines four realms of being; The Realm of Essence, The Realm of Matter, The Realm of Truth, and The Realm of Spirit.
  • 時間的不實在性 – best-known philosophical work of the Cambridge idealist J. M. E. McTaggart. McTaggart argues that time is unreal because our descriptions of time are either contradictory, circular, or insufficient.
  • 禪與摩托車維修藝術philosophical fiction英語philosophical fiction, the first of Robert M. Pirsig's texts in which he explores his Metaphysics of Quality.
  • EvOLv - A psychedelic adventure - Psychedelic Fiction, a psycho-spiritual novel that delves into details of the Meta-physical transformation of an adolescent boy into an Omnidimentional being.


形上學家(英語:Metaphysician[8],也稱 metaphysicist[9]),指研究形上學的人。嘗試解釋形上學基本的概念,例如存在客體,以及這些概念的性質空間時間因果關係可能性。下面列出了一些有影響力的形上學家,按照時間順序:





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