Daftar negara menurut PDB (KKB)

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Daftar negara menurut PDB (KKB)

Berikut adalah daftar negara-negara di dunia berdasarkan produk domestik bruto (PDB) KKB, nilai seluruh produk dan jasa yang dihasilkan di sebuah negara dalam suatu tahun. Perkiraan PDB di sini (dalam dolar internasional) diperoleh dari perhitungan keseimbangan kemampuan berbelanja (KKB).

Ekonomi terbesar di dunia berdasarkan PDB (KKB) pada 2022
menurut estimasi Dana Moneter Internasional (dalam triliun dolar internasional)
PDB (KKB) berdasarkan negara pada 2022 menurut DMI


Informasi lebih lanjut Rank, Negara/Teritori ...
Daftar menurut Dana Moneter Internasional (2022)[1] Daftar menurut Dana Moneter Internasional (2023) Daftar menurut Dana Moneter Internasional (2023)
RankNegara/TeritoriPDB KKB (Juta Int$)
01 Tiongkok30.177.926
02 Amerika Serikat25.346.805
  Uni Eropa23.730.275
03 India11.745.260
04 Jepang6.110.075
05 Jerman5.269.963
06 Rusia4.365.443
07 Indonesia3.995.064
08 Britania Raya3.751.845
09 Brasil3.680.942
10 Prancis3.677.579
11 Turki3.212.072
12 Italia2.972.091
13 Meksiko2.890.685
14 Korea Selatan2.735.870
15 Kanada2.236.928
16 Spanyol2.209.419
17 Arab Saudi2.002.542
18 Australia1.605.196
19 Mesir1.603.723
20 Thailand1.575.577
21 Polandia1.573.647
22 Iran1.562.377
23 Taiwan1.475.656
24 Pakistan1.329.554
25 Vietnam1.278.061
26 Nigeria1.268.536
27 Belanda1.201.755
28 Argentina1.195.581
29 Filipina1.143.862
30 Bangladesh1.113.600
31 Malaysia1.089.499
32 Kolombia940.589
33 Afrika Selatan937.694
34 Uni Emirat Arab779.234
35  Swiss739.494
36 Belgia715.658
37 Rumania707.747
38 Singapura701.804
39 Swedia674.263
40 Irlandia633.533
41 Kazakhstan590.370
42 Ukraina588.433
43 Aljazair586.175
44 Austria582.127
45 Chili568.319
- Hong Kong522.160
46 Peru513.715
47 Irak512.926
48 Ceko509.953
49 Israel478.010
50 Norwegia423.871
51 Portugal419.652
52 Denmark406.011
53 Hungaria398.278
54 Yunani378.693
55 Etiopia345.138
56 Sri Lanka340.861
57 Maroko331.542
58 Uzbekistan326.015
59 Finlandia321.233
60 Kenya308.671
61 Qatar301.231
62 Selandia Baru260.122
63 Myanmar257.343
64 Republik Dominika254.992
65 Kuwait245.182
RankNegara/TeritoriPDB KKB (Juta Int$)
67 Angola242.286
68 Ekuador228.025
69 Ghana216.676
70 Slowakia211.119
71 Sudan207.336
72 Tanzania206.568
73 Belarus201.649
74 Bulgaria195.399
75 Guatemala185.743
76 Pantai Gading180.059
77 Azerbaijan175.658
78 Oman165.947
79 Serbia163.599
80 Venezuela160.132
81 Panama158.608
82 Tunisia149.182
83 Kroasia145.032
84   Nepal138.200
- Puerto Riko132.001
85 Lituania129.658
86 Uganda129.476
87 Kosta Rika128.134
88 Republik Demokratik Kongo127.384
89 Libya124.326
90 Kamerun122.764
91 Yordania122.180
92 Bolivia117.877
93 Turkmenistan117.672
94 Paraguay107.554
95 Slovenia102.424
96 Uruguay94.783
97 Luksemburg90.532
98 Kamboja87.856
99 Bahrain87.150
100 Lebanon82.144
101 Afganistan80.912
102 Zambia75.960
103 Senegal72.341
104 Latvia70.352
105 Honduras69.388
106 El Salvador69.314
107 Georgia69.136
108 Laos68.703
109 Yaman65.603
110 Bosnia dan Herzegovina60.679
- Makau59.660
111 Estonia59.557
112 Burkina Faso58.985
113 Mali55.335
114 Benin53.108
115 Madagaskar51.521
116 Albania49.827
117 Mozambik47.606
118 Botswana47.262
119 Armenia46.864
120 Nikaragua46.757
121 Mongolia46.421
122 Tajikistan45.540
123 Guinea44.455
124 Siprus43.802
125 Moldova42.483
126 Trinidad dan Tobago42.529
127 Makedonia Utara40.810
128 Zimbabwe39.906
129 Papua Nugini39.339
130 Gabon38.574
RankNegara/TeritoriPDB KKB (Juta Int$)
131 Brunei38.476
132 Kirgizstan37.792
133 Somalia37.423
134 Rwanda37.211
135 Malawi35.409
136 Palestina33.403
137 Chad33.389
138 Jamaika32.378
139 Niger31.720
140 Guyana30.287
141 Mauritania29.993
142 Mauritius29.684
143 Guinea Khatulistiwa28.522
144 Malta28.846
145 Namibia27.118
146 Haiti25.189
147 Islandia24.197
148 Togo22.612
149 Republik Kongo22.519
150 Sierra Leone16.277
151 Bahama15.854
152 Montenegro15.476
153 Sudan Selatan13.533
154 Fiji12.370
155 Eswatini11.985
156 Maladewa11.385
157 Burundi10.779
158 Suriname10.676
159 Bhutan9.853
160 Liberia8.776
161 Eritrea7.695
162 Gambia6.792
163 Jibuti6.774
164 Lesotho6.408
165 Afrika Tengah5.528
166 Guinea-Bissau5.279
- Andorra5.157
167 Barbados5.037
- Timor Leste4.573
- Aruba4.420
168 Tanjung Verde4.413
169 Seychelles3.489
170 Komoro3.206
171 Belize3.148
172 Saint Lucia3.025
173 San Marino2.387
174 Antigua dan Barbuda2.206
175 Grenada2.081
176 Saint Vincent dan Grenadine1.720
177 Kepulauan Solomon1.705
178 Saint Kitts dan Nevis1.609
179 Samoa1.193
180 Dominika1.074
181 Sao Tome dan Principe1.063
182 Vanuatu920
183 Tonga678
184 Federasi Mikronesia383
185 Kiribati266
186 Kosovo243
187 Kepulauan Marshall235
188 Nauru144
189 Tuvalu63
190 Palau144
191  Vatikan63


But by most official designations of territories: The USA; UK; and France; Are tied with each 13*_15*_17* overseas territories.!!’

Unsurprisingly, two Great* empires of the past—*_*: Great Britain; and France.:; Plus Portugal, and Spain—still have largest remnants of their past breadth. The British still maintain many ties to several territories in the Caribbean (formerly the British (…British West Indies.!!’) while French influence stretches from the Pacific to South America.!!’?

And consider that this list reflects current status as of 2023. Former colonies that would have been counted in the past include British India (which became Republic of “Hindustan”, Bangladesh, and Pakistan) and French Indochina (which became Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam).!!’?’


There are 61* dependent areas, and six disputed territories. Places commonly confused as being countries include: Hong Kong; Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Greenland, and even the components of The: United Kingdom (such as Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England.:• - they're not Countries, States, or nation-states).!!’


So United Nations full-members 193 + 2 observers + Taiwan? & Kosovo? = 197*. Some like to include: Somaliland? and other countries of questionable or not fully recognised status to make a round number like 200. It all depends how you want to define the word country. South Sudan,? Kosovo,? Montenegro,? and East Timor are the world's youngest countries. Although another way to look at it is Uganda? is the world's youngest country, since ~50% of the population are under 14. By all those rights in the WORLD.: France,? Italy,? or England.!? Are the oldest in the European Continent.!!’?’


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