Diplomatie publique / Public Diplomacy / Cultural Diplomacy...
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GHIMIRE, Tirth Raj, BHATTARAI, Anita, OJHA, Nirju, et al. Wildlife Diplomacy and Gifting in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya Region: A Chronological History and Opinion of Nepalese Literates. In: Hindu Kush-Himalaya Watersheds Downhill: Landscape Ecology and Conservation Perspectives. Springer, Cham, 2020. p. 419-433. ici
Janet Laughland Nelson « The Role of the Gift in Early Medieval Diplomatic Relations », Le relazioni internazionali nell'alto medioevo. Spoleto, 8-12 aprile 2010 Spoleto (Perugia), Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo (CISAM) 2011 (Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo 58) pp. VII-1020, 225-53
Joan PIERAGNOLI, "LES ANIMAUX ET LA DIPLOMATIE FRANÇAISE XVIe-XIXe SIÈCLES", Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 2013, 127e année, no 3, p. 213 et suiv, résumé
Hedda Reindl-Kiel, Dogs, Elephants, Lions and a Rhino on Diplomatic Mission: Animals as Gifts to the Ottoman Court. Suraiya Faroqhi (ed.), Animals and People in the Ottoman Empire. Istanbul: Eren 2010, pp. 271-285. http://www.academia.edu/13176516
"La diplomatie médiévale prévoyait un échange de cadeaux entre deux princes ou deux délégations. Il était d’usage que soient offerts en cadeau des étoffes précieuses, des bijoux, des armes, des objets pour un usage quotidien fabriqués en métaux précieux, des livres manuscrits richement ornés, des rel-iques. Il n’était pas rare que soient offerts en cadeau des animaux, aussi bien ceux que l’on utilisait dans la chasse et la guerre (chevaux, chiens, faucons), que des animaux exotiques (éléphants, girafes, tigres). La valeur et l’impor-tance de ces „cadeaux vivants“, se mesuraient par la force, la symbolique ou la rareté des animaux qui faisaient partie des dons diplomatiques. La présence des animaux dans les cérémonies de cour, les processions, puis les insignes du pouvoir à travers les différentes marques héraldiques, depuis les temps les plus anciens, faisait partie des manifestations de la puissance et du prestige des princes. L’introduction des animaux dans le protocole diplomatique s’est paré d’une certaine dimension politique et culturelle de médiation entre les différents états et cultures."
L. Bodson (dir.), Les animaux exotiques dans les relations internationales: espèces, fonctions, significations, Liège, 1998
"On a longtemps offert aux chefs d'Etat des animaux sauvages en guise de cadeaux diplomatiques. Cette tradition est désormais révolue. Mais on peut voir ces cadeaux ou leur descendance au parc zoologique de Vincennes, à la ménagerie du Jardin des plantes ou à la galerie du Muséum. La liste de ces animaux ressemble à une énumération à la Prévert: dromadaires du Tchad, bisons d'Europe, oryx de Djibouti, ours malais, lions, zèbres, singes, perroquets, cercopithèques, gazelles, tortues sulcatas, singe brazza, python seba, girafes et éléphants. Mais la plus belle pensionnaire est sans conteste Kaveri, une éléphante d'Asie née le 28 janvier 1984, offerte à François Mitterrand par le Premier ministre de l'Inde, Rajiv Ghandi, pour l'inauguration de l'Année de l'Inde (Mela), un soir d'été de 1985. [...] Kaveri a aussi séduit Danielle Mitterrand, souvent venue incognito prendre des nouvelles de sa protégée. Un fait unique dans l'histoire des cadeaux diplomatiques: jamais, de mémoire d'éléphant ou de lion, un président ne s'est intéressé de près ou de loin au présent offert par des hôtes étrangers. Certains cadeaux étaient perçus comme l'apanage du prince. Il aura fallu attendre 1986 pour qu'une mise au point venant de l'Elysée fasse office de protocole diplomatique. «Il m'a paru naturel que les cadeaux reçus dans mes fonctions de président de la République fussent accessibles à tous», a dit François Mitterrand lors de l'inauguration en juillet 1986 du musée du Septennat à Château-Chinon (Niè-vre), la ville dont il fut maire de mars 1959 à mai 1981. De tous les animaux passés des bras des chefs africains à ceux des chefs blancs, Charles de Gaulle détient la palme des offrandes d'animaux sauvages. / Marie-Claude Bomsel, vétérinaire à la ménagerie du Jardin des plantes, se souvient encore des premiers bébés tortues de Sulcata. Certains spécimens n'ont pas survécu à leurs conditions de détention. Comme le couple de tigres du Bengale offert à Georges Pompidou et mort au zoo de Vincennes en 1972, ou les deux oryx mâles du Tchad offerts en 1972 et décédés la même année. En revanche, l'oryx Beisa offert à François Mitterrand en 1986 est toujours au zoo de Vincennes. Et les dromadaires et les bisons d'Europe offerts à Giscard d'Estaing vivent toujours. Le même VGE reçut le 16 mars 1977 un adorable lionceau âgé de deux mois des mains du président de la République du Mali, Moussa Traore. Arrivé au zoo de Vincennes, l'animal s'ennuya à mourir et succomba le 16 septembre de la même année. Il s'appelait Valéry: en général, les noms qu'on leur donne ont très souvent un rapport avec les présidents ou leurs proches. / Depuis 1973, date de la convention de la Cites, dite convention de Washington et ratifiée par la France (il s'agit d'une convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages menacées d'extinction), ces traditions sont tombées en désuétude. Depuis, les pays africains ont vu débarquer les ONG et le WWF qui leur parlent de conservation de la nature. (...) Aujourd'hui, on se préoccupe beaucoup de la conservation des espèces et, dans les ménageries, on obéit à des programmes très stricts et scientifiques. Plus question d'accepter par exemple des tigres blancs, comme il en a été question quand Indira Ghandi voulait faire don d'un couple à la France. «Heureusement que, du temps de Mitterrand, les animaux exotiques n'étaient pas sa tasse de thé, souligne Marie-Claude Bomsel, sinon on aurait eu des monstres de foire. Les chefs d'Etat ont eu une prise de conscience [...] Cela fait maintenant neuf ans que les chefs d'Etat n'offrent plus d'animaux. Un vent de panique a soufflé avec l'action des ONG et la ratification par la législation française de la convention de Washington. Quant à Genji, le petit étalon akhal-tékké offert par le président turkmène à François Mitterrand en mai 1993, il n'est pas une entorse au protocole, il s'agit d'un cadeau privé. Et le Muséum ne s'occupe que des espèces sauvages."
B. Lion, «La circulation des animaux exotiques dans le Proche-Orient antique», dans D. Charpin et F. Joannès (dir.), La circulation des biens et des idées dans les Proche-orient ancien, Paris, 1992, p. 357-365;
H. Limet, «Les animaux enjeux involontaires de la politique (au Proche-Orient ancien)», dans L. Bodson (dir.), Les animaux exotiques dans les relations internationales: espèces, fonctions, significations, Liège, 1998, p. 33-52
Nommer les animaux exotiques de Baybars, d'Orient en Occident, C. Mûller et M. Roiland-Rouabah. Les non-dits du nom. Onomastique et documents en terres d'Islam. Mélanges offerts à Jacqueline Sublet, Presses de l'Ifpo (Beyrouth), pp.375-402, 2013, Études arabes médiévales et modernes (PIFD 267), 978-2-35159-167-3
William Brunsdon Yapp, The illustrations of birds in the Vatican manuscript of "De arte venandi cum avibus" of Frederick II, in “Annals of science: the history of science and technology”, 40(1983), pp. 597–634.
Perez de Tudela, A.; Jordan Gschwend, A., 2001. Luxury goods for royal collectors: exotica, princely gifts and rare animals exchanged between the Iberian courts and Central Europe in the Renaissaince (1560-1612)
"focus on a series of portraits including portrayals of animals presented as gifts by Catherine of Austria, highlighting an intriguing episode of gifting and its artistic manifestation"
Ravina, M. (2016). Tokugawa, Romanov, and Khmer: The Politics of Trade and Diplomacy in Eighteenth-Century East Asia. Journal of World History, 26(2), 269-294.
"Les chevaux – le président Hollande en a reçu deux de la part de l’Algérie – vont couler des jours heureux dans nos haras nationaux, d’autres animaux vont dans nos parcs zoologiques. En revanche, cadeaux éminemment personnels, les chiens sont conservés par leurs destinataires: le Labrador est très prisé, d’autant qu’il a la réputation, méritée, d’être gentil et de ne pas mordre les chefs d’Etat."
Poutine recevant un chien Alabai du président du Turkménistan, en 2017 ici - ici
Jackie Kennedy recevant un cheval de Ayub Khan du Pakistan, 1962 ref
(en) Frances Hrdina et Greg Gordon, «The Koala and Possum Trade in Queensland, 1906–1936», Australian Zoologist, vol.32, no4, , p.543–585 (ISSN0067-2238, DOI10.7882/AZ.2004.003, lire en ligne) (historique législation, exploitation jusqu'en 1937, rôle de l'opinion publique, koala vs opossum...)
JACKSON, Stephen. Koala: origins of an icon
Ann Moyal, Koala: A Historical Biography, 2008
MARTIN, Roger et HANDASYDE, Kathrine Ann. The koala: natural history, conservation and management. UNSW press, 1999. Google Books
Andrey Rodionov, «Putin on the koalas: how the world's media reported the G20», Crikey, (consulté le ) (accès restreint) "The international newswires reporting on the conference had a number of interesting things to say about the event and the politicians who took part -- and of course, koalas got a star turn. (...) In fact, compared to APEC, G20 had far less coverage. Apart from Obama’s koala photo-op and the city of Brisbane itself proving to a curiosity for American media, saying it “arguably hasn't seen this much excitement since World Expo '88” the event was far less significant to America than its Asian predecessor. (...) [China: ] Aside from trade there was talk of “koala diplomacy”, as no media outlet failed to report on world leaders and their wives meeting the iconic Australian bear-lookalikes.
SCHLAGLOTH, Rolf, GOLDING, Barry, THOMSON, Hedley, et al. Why is it Important to Use Flagship Species in Community Education? The Koala as a Case Study. Animal Studies Journal, 2018, vol. 7, no 1, p. 127-148. http://ro.uow.edu.au/asj/vol7/iss1/7/ [koala iconique]
(en) Alisher Faizullaev, «Diplomacy and Symbolism», The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, vol.8, no2, , p.91–114 (ISSN1871-1901 et 1871-191X, DOI10.1163/1871191X-12341254, lire en ligne) riche sur le plan conceptuel; des termes comme panda diplomacy, ping-pong diplomacy sont symboliques et s'adressent avant tout au grand public, journalistes et politiciens, pas utilisés par les diplomates (p. 101)***
Eldridge, Philip J., Indonesia and Australia: the politics of aid and development since 1966, Canberra, Australian National University (Development Studies Centre Monograph no. 18), 1979(ISBN0-909150-84-2) télécharger
p. 21: (politique adoptée par l'Australie envers l'Indonésie dans les années 1960: "Australian policy was characterized as that of the 'three wise monkeys' - hear, see and speak no evil, or 'koala diplomacy', with the objective of getting close to and being cuddled by Indonesia. (31)"
note 31: "E.g. Age , 22 Feb . , 10 and 28 May 1969 ."
"Using gifts and being friendly and jokey to try to charm another country’s leaders to do what you want instead of being tough is an Australianism called “koala diplomacy”."
""Phrases like 'koala diplomacy', where we use koalas as gifts to other countries as a form of Australian soft power diplomacy*"
attitude Julia Gillard venant en aide au Japon à Tohoku
Bulbeck, Chilla, Facing the Wild: Ecotourism, Conservation and Animal Encounters, London: Sterling Va: Earthscan, 2005 télécharger (téléchargé sur PC), historique, expérience touristique de câliner un koala
Nancy Cushing et Kevin Markwell, « Platypus diplomacy: Animal gifts in international relations », Journal of Australian Studies, 33(3):255-271, September 2009, DOI: 10.1080/14443050903079664
"The G20 leaders cuddled up to koalas, creating the summit's most memorable images... And it's probably fair to say that if you asked most people the one image they remember from this weekend in Brisbane it would be that of various suited and booted global bigwigs cuddling koalas... If nothing else G20 2014 will go down as the summit where "koala diplomacy" was born.
(en) Kevin Markwell et Nancy Cushing, «Koalas, platypuses and pandas and the power of soft diplomacy», The Conversation, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Susan Harris Rimmer, «Koala diplomacy: Australian soft power saves the day at G20», The Conversation, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Paul Karp, «Australian government spends too much on koala cuddling, says Labor», The Guardian, (ISSN0261-3077, lire en ligne)
(en) Chiara Palazzo, «Australia: The expensive business of koala diplomacy», The Telegraph, (ISSN0307-1235, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Japan's oldest koala dies, 2005 (le dernier des six koalas donnés au Japn en 1984): "Mainichi Shimbun reports that reports that Tam Tam was the last of six koalas donated to the Tama Zoo in Tokyo in 1984 by the Taronga Park Zoo in Sydney. The gift sparked a koala craze in Japan."
résumé: "That Australia takes its global soft power standing seriously is without question. A strong finish at sixth in the overall rankings reflects the nation’s domestic stability, areas of natural beauty, easygoing citizens, and an overwhelmingly pleasant climate. Australia’s traditional moniker of ‘the lucky country’ remains an apt description. These intangible assets compliment Australia’s desire to take a more prominent role in international affairs. Australia’s own efforts to bolster its soft power were codified in a 600-page manual, handed down to Australian diplomats ahead of the Brisbane G20 summit in 2014. Known colloquially as Koala Diplomacy, many international observers were surprised to see Australia’s strategy involving a cuddly marsupial also comes with claws. Sponsorship of a unanimous UN Security Council resolution on the MH17 disaster, withdrawal of Australia’s ambassador to Indonesia over the execution of Australian citizens for drug smuggling and being an active participant in global action against ISIS all point to a country willing to aggressively respond when it is required. Indeed, at the G20 summit Australia’s Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, responded to evidence the Russia may have been complicit in downing the MH17 airliner by threatening an Australian Football ‘shirt-front’ manoeuvre against President Putin. For a country with a small population of 26 million, Australia’s Koala Diplomacy still continues to punch well above its weight."
Country Analysis / Portland Recommends: "Domestic policy stances on gay marriage, migrants, indigenous affairs and the environment often run counter to the projected image of a laid back welcoming country. To counter this, Australia would do well to redouble their diplomatic efforts and work harder in engaging on the global stage. A cuddly koala will only get you so far."
Ellis Stanley Joseph (Ellis S. Joseph), exportation de koalas vers l'Amérique: Trent, Honolulu, 1916 (avec wallabies...); Californie 1918; NY Zoological park, 30 octo. 1920 (voir ici (avec ico), et faire rech avec koala)
Honolulu 1916
Richard H. Trent, homme d'affaires à Honolulu
wallabies achetés à Ellis S. Joseph en 1916 échappés, peuplant maintenant Honolulu...
avait deux koalas, nommés Woodrow Wilson et Grover Cleveland
(beau-fils de Richard H. Trent) p. 3: "At that time there was no road leading up Alewa Heights and to reach the property, which he had purchased at auction, it was necessary to follow a trail. He developed this property and later constructed his home there. Many of the oldtimers recall the fact that Mr. Trent, my stepfather, had a zoo on his property on Alewa Heights. He had several monkeys in this zoo as well as two wallabies and two koala bears." (...) "At one time he was elected City and County treasurer and was (p. 4) the only Democrat in the entire City and County administration. (Lynda chuckles) Because of his Democratic leanings he named the koala bears Woodrow Wilson and Grover Cleveland. (Lynda laughs) Children from all over Honolulu used to visit the Trent zoo on Alewa Heights. The zoo received a good deal of publicity when a dog broke into the cage containing the male and female wallabies. The wallabies escaped and apparently ended up in Kalihi valley, as on many occasions wallabies were spotted in that area. And even at the present time I occasionally receive a phone call from an individual who has spotted a wallaby and somehow has learned of the history of how we happened to have them on Oahu."
"Nobody ever mentions that the private zoo was owned by an illustrious financier who named his pet bears after US presidents. Richard Henderson Trent... The Garden Island published on Aug. 21, 1916 that Trent bought and brought “wallabies and Teddy bears here by an animal broker from Australia” a few days before.
mention des "Australian bears" d'après des sources de presse contemporaines (l'auteur ne fait jamais le lien avec les koalas...)
Australian Animals, The Richmond River Express and Casino Kyogle Advertiser, 11 juil. 1916, p. 4.
"There was a movement afoot to send some Australian native bears to Honolulu, where the eucalyptus flourished; and recently he had sent six specimens (two of which had survived) to San Francisco."
rech avec Native bear(s), Australian bear(s), Teddy bear(s)
les textes en ligne ne précisent pas que ces premiers koalas moururent bien vite... allez chercher l'historique de la population des koalas à San Diego dans un article scientifique
THOMPSON, VALERIE D. Parturition and development in the Queensland koala Phascolarctos cinereus adustus at San Diego Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook, 1987, vol. 26, no 1, p. 217-222. 1re page, avec historique****
(en) Chunichi Shimbun, «'Koala crisis' is prompting zoos to accelerate their breeding efforts», sur The Japan Times Online, (ISSN0447-5763, consulté le ) ("As of the end of 2010, there were 49 of the animals in Japan. Koalas came to Japan from Australia for the first time in 1984, with three zoos accepting two koalas each. By 1997, their numbers had peaked at 96, but now they are starting to dwindle. Higashiyama has four, down from 13 in 2001. Because of Australia’s restrictions, only three koalas have been delivered to Japanese zoos in the past five years — two to Tennoji Zoo in Osaka in 2008 and a male named Archer to Higashiyama Zoo in 2010."...)
Western Australia (Premier Colin Barnett) offrant des koalas à Awaji Farm Park au Japan "mark the 30th anniversary of the Hyogo Prefecture’s Sister State relationship with Western Australia"
rapport annuel 2014-2015 du ministère australien des affaires étrangères, à propos du prêt de koalas à Singapore: "The initiative produced significant public diplomacy outcomes for Australia, with the investment generating global media coverage of an estimated $4 million in equivalent advertising value. Almost 200 global media outlets covered the arrival of the koalas in Singapore and the opening of their enclosure by the Foreign Minister on 20 May 2015. / Singapore Zoo has estimated more than half a million Singaporeans and tourists will visit the koalas over the course of the loan."
High Status gifts "As a major world city Melbourne has established gift exchange partnerships with a similar range of high status cities elsewhere and the exhibition will begin by identifying and displaying several high status gifts from its collection. The choice of high status gifts is extremely interesting and includes some strange choices such as live animals and gardens. As the historian Keith Thomas (1983:277) points out ‘Exotic animals had always been prized possessions and an appropriate gift for one ruler to bestow on another’. / The gift of koalas from Melbourne Zoo to Tennoji Zoo in the Sister City of Osaka, for example, was particularly well timed given ‘koala mania’ in Japan following the 1984 Federal Government gift of 6 koalas, and especially in light of the subsequent ban on the sale and exports of koalas.
le koala comme symbole de l'Australie et de sa politique étrangère
KING, Peter, "The Koala, the Komodo and Conflict Resolution: A New Agenda for Australia's Relations with Indonesia". Prospects for Peace: Changes in the Indian Ocean Region, 1992, vol. 1, p. 219-....
"koala bloc", zone d'influence du dollar australien, par opposition au "yen bloc"
BOWMAN, Chakriya. "Yen bloc or koala bloc? Currency relationships after the East Asian crisis". Japan and the World Economy, 2005, vol. 17, no 1, p. 83-96. résumé (article à l'origine du terme)
traits humanoïdes du koala, p. 1: "The koala is charismatic, has a face without a muzzle, eyes placed forward rather than on the side of its head and frequently assumes an upright posture in trees. It is, therefore, considered to be quite humanoid (Lee and Martin 1988; Martin and Handasyde 1999)."
nombreuses info sur aspects iconiques / culturels du koala, etc.
ALBERT, Céline, LUQUE, Gloria M., et COURCHAMP, Franck. The twenty most charismatic species, PloS one, 2018, vol. 13, no 7, p. e0199149. *** (koala, le plus "cute" d'après graphique)
Phil Bagust, The South Australian ‘koala wars’: Australian fauna and mediagenic fitness selection, 2010
This paper tracks in brief the ongoing tensions between ‘scientific’ management of an animal that the biosciences have declared ‘out of balance’ with its ecosystem, and the iconic economic/brand value of that animal in popular culture and tourism. Irrespective of its bioscientific status, the animal seems to have been ‘media selected’ for fitness as ‘charismatic fauna’ in an expanded arena of ‘nature’. That animal is the koala, the place is South Australia's Kangaroo Island.
accusation par les environnementalistes de récupération de l'animal iconique par les politiciens à leurs propres fins, sans se soucier de la préservation de l'espèce
Koala sur San Diego Zoo: "Our Zoo population took off from there, with 12 koalas born between 1960 and 1968, when breeding stopped. Australia had always been highly selective in regard to the export of any native wildlife, and a total ban on the export of koalas was enacted in the 1960s."
Zoo Outreach Organization, différents documents sur la législation en vigueur concernant l'exportation à l'étranger de certaines espèces (ex. koala)
Julie Bishop, Keynote Address to the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference for German Business, Speech, 05 Nov 2017 "I've had a number of meetings with other ministers and I have given them all this koala, and I take this opportunity to put in a plug for Australia – we are standing for election to the World Heritage Committee in Paris later this month, and this koala is wearing a little hoodie that says, 'Australia World Heritage Committee 2017 to 2021'. These will be available to anyone who has any influence over anyone who is voting. Your children and grandchildren will adore them."
(en) «On tour with Prime Minister, Julia Gillard», sur The Sydney Morning Herald, (consulté le ): "Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard presents stuffed koala bears to Japanese children during her tour to the area hard hit by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami at Bayside Arena in Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan, Saturday, April 23, 2011. (AP)" (avec image)
(en) John Garnaut, «PM near tears for 'end of world' survivors», The Age, (consulté le ): "After the obliterated town of Minamisanriku, Ms Gillard visited a nearby refuge handing out stuffed koalas and kangaroos to children, who snapped her picture on their mobile phones."
(en) Pia Akerman, «Time stands still in Japan tsunami-scarred city», (accès restreint), The Australian, (consulté le ): "Prime Minister Julia Gillard was the first foreign leader to visit the disaster-stricken area and photos of her handing out stuffed koala toys to local children are proudly displayed."
président Johnson avec un koala en peluche, photos d'autres dignitaires?
"On 8 January 1968, Rachel Charlton, a young girl, arrived at the passenger terminal on board the Castel Felice. She was the 10,000th immigrant, sponsored by the State Government to arrive on Western Australian shores. The Minister for Industrial Development, the Hon. Charles Court, welcomed Rachel Charlton to Australia presenting her with a commemorative scroll and a toy koala." ((en) Port of Fremantle Passenger Terminal: Register of Heritage Places - Register and Assessment Documentation, Heritage Council of Western Australia, (lire en ligne), p.9)
se faisant remettre dès leur arrivée à l'aéroport des koalas en peluche pour être photographiés
Carr, Robert. "Arrival: the Howard Government’s Propaganda Machine in Action." Generosity and Refugees: The Kosovars in Exile. BRILL, 2018. 115-154.
p. 137: "When the refugees disembarked the plane they 'were given little stuffed koalas to hold – so nice for the television cameras.'102"
7 mai 1999: arrivée des premiers réfugiés kosovars à l'aéroport de Sydney, accueilli par le PM John Howard (et un cirque médiatique), orchestré par Howard et cie souhaitant capitaliser sur l'événement pour rehausser l'image d'Howard auprès du public australien
TOMSIC, Mary. ‘Happiness again’: photographing and narrating the arrival of Hungarian child refugees and their families 1956–1957. The History of the Family, 2017, vol. 22, no 4, p. 485-509.
"this section also featured the Immigration Minster. Here Mr Athol Townley held a young child in his arms and three older girls stood in front of him. The children are cuddling toy koalas.. the 'high drama and pathos' of the arrival including 'the Minister's welcome and presentation of koala bears to..."
"the 'bears were gifts of welcome from the Australian Government', and a departmental report noted that all three Sydney television stations had recorded the 'high drama and pathos' of the arrival including 'the Minister's welcome and presentation of koala bears to children'.8"
"In August 1949, two children, Maira Kalnins from Latvia, the 50,000 DP, and Isobel Saxelby from Scotland, the 100,000 British migrant, were welcomed to Australia. Calwell presented each girl with a doll, posy of wattle and toy koala. Their brothers received a toy kangaroo and Australian Rules football."
"At the front of the exhibition sits a much loved and well-worn koala called Kookie, a gift from Arthur Calwell himself, the patron saint of the post-war migrants."
The Gift features a very special museum object, a toy koala that was given to six-year-old Isobel Saxelby when she was selected as the 100,000th British migrant by Immigration Minister Arthur Calwell on her arrival in Australia in 1949.
(en) Rachel Baxendale, «Arthur Calwell’s ten-pound Poms bear up well», (accès restreint sur abonnement), The Australian, (consulté le ) (ancienne image d'Isobel avec Calwell de 1949 recevant le koala (à chercher dans les archives??)
À son arrivée en 1949, "She delivered a speech she had learned by heart and she was presented with a beautifully dressed doll whose eyes opened and closed and a toy koala. The now married Mrs Maira Kluina, 73, lives in Turramurra and still has the toy koala." aussi photo
(en) «Australian envoy visits Beersheba amid rocket fire», Liveblog, sur The Times of Israel, (consulté le )[lien alternatif]: "The Australian ambassador to Israel Dave Sharma travels to Beersheba to visit the two Bedouin girls injured on Monday in a rocket attack on the nearby village of Lakiya. The ambassador brought with him a toy koala to give to 10-year-old Mar’am Alwakili who remains unconscious at Soroka Medical Center in the city."
peluches Kenny Koalas offertes à l'étranger en 2003 ou 2004
photo Getty, trouver autre photo sur le site du Dep of Foreign Affairs ou ministère
"My sister now adds the information that every child on the flight -- this was the first planeload of Hungarian refugees arriving in Australia -- received a koala. She thinks we may have received them from Paul Hasluck. I had mine for more than 20 years; she had hers for 50."
"Immigration Department publicity ordered 27 Koalas for plane arrival in December 1956"
le jour des élections, les Australiens ont offert aux délégués
des koalas Caramello(en), des chocolats au lait en forme de koala avec un cœur au caramel fabriqués par la division australienne de Cadbury. (selon le Wall Street Journal)
(en) Callum Cross, «The Diplomatic Beauty Pageant: Examining Australia’s Campaign for a Non-Permanent Seat on the United Nations Security Council», dans Craig Beyerinck, Rachelle Saad et Gale Wilkinson (éditeurs), Emerging Scholars 2015, Australian Institute of International Affairs, (présentation en ligne, lire en ligne), p.118.
"...permanent representative’ makes significant difference to a campaign given that voting is essentially conducted by other permanent representatives.29 The work conducted by diplomats and officials is important to the success of a campaign. On Election day within the UN General Assembly, as a last minute campaign boost Australia gave delegates Cadbury Caramello Koalas.30 These miniature chocolate koala bears are seen as a testament to Australia’s culture, and culture is an important soft power resource.31
rech avec Ummi pour étudiants utilisés comme milestone/publicité pour promouvoir la politique poursuivie p. 39
Pennay, Bruce. "Picturing Assimilation in Post-war Australia:‘Destination: Australia. Sharing Our Post-war Migrant Stories’, www. destinationaustralia. gov. au, a National Archives of Australia website and exhibition based on its Immigration Photographic Archive." Australian Historical Studies 44.1 (2013): 134-141. DOI10.1080/1031461X.2013.761666 (contexte pour photos d'immigrants australiens photographiés avec koalas en peluche reçues à leur arrivée d'un ministre)
(en) Belinda Cleary, «Foreign Minister Julie Bishop defends her $145,000 three-day tour of Western Australia showing 70 foreign diplomats the sights», Daily Mail, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
Diplomats: Tour to Western Australia, 7 September 2015 (question parlementaire concernant la visite du corps diplomatique en mai 2014)**** (motifs, contexte historique, programme, etc.)
A party of journalists from India, Burma, Federation of Malaya and Singapore visited [?Taronga Park Zoo] where they were shown some of Australia's unique wild life (1957)
rech avec koala, international, koala, foreign, India, dignitaries, refugees, official
A Japanese Youth Group of 15 members are in Australia for three weeks, as part of a tour sponsored by the Japanese Government. Miss Naoko Kubo (centre), holds a white toy koala, at a reception given in Sydney by the Consul-General for Japan, Mr K Ingaki. Miss Tonoko Taku and Miss Eleanor Manning, Federal Commissioner for Girl Guides in Australia, are with her, 1959
India - Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi with Sir Arthur Tange and Koala, 1968 CATEGORY: Photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: Australian News and Information Bureau 1968
TITLE: International relations - Koalas - Top American and British writers visit Australia - Scratching koalas, pecking emus and inquisitive and friendly kangaroos greeted a party of top news writers when they visited Sydney. Photo shows Murray Brown, Travel Editor of United Press International, New York with koala, 1966 (beaucoup d'autres de cette série)
autres photos Johnson + koala
Immigration - Overseas Dignitaries - On August 22, 1963, the Maltese Minister for Labour and Social Welfare, the Honourable Alexander Cachia Zammit, MD, MLA arrived in Sydney to commence his official visit to Australia. He was accompanied by the Permanent head of the Maltese Department of Emigration, Labour and Social Welfare, Mr JM Rossignaud, and by his private secretary, Mr JL Bonnici. Dr Zammit meets a koala bear at Taronga Park in Sydney
photos refugees + koala toys
La reine-mère Elizabeth, 1958
Lyndon Johnson, 1966
Duchesse de Kent, 1988
Koalas en peluche dans une boutique de souvenirs d'Adélaïde
images risquant d'être effacées, Queensland Archives
File:Pope John Paul II holding a koala and meeting with media, Brisbane, 25 November 1986 (36318174586).jpg - File:Pope John Paul II holding a koala and meeting with media, Brisbane, 25 November 1986 (36318174586) (cropped).jpg
"The presence of the Dutch sparked much interest among the Japanese, only a few of whom caught a rare glimpse of the red-haired Gaijin. The desire to know more about the appearance and manners of these barbarians created a market niche for Nagasaki-e, a series of popular woodblock prints depicting the Dutch merchants, their vessels, and the exotic animals that were part of their annual tribute "
"Like the parallel Yokohama-e, which showed "foreigners and their technical achievements""
thème Journey to the Court dans Memory of the Netherlands, nombreuses images d'animaux donnés par les Néerlandais au Japon ou d'animaux demandés en cadeau par les Japonais
[ On a Pachyderm’s Voyage from Tabriz to Aleppo: A Light Moment in Persianate “Elephant Diplomacy”]
Lagueux, Olivier. “Geoffroy's Giraffe: The Hagiography of a Charismatic Mammal.” Journal of the History of Biology, vol. 36, no. 2, 2003, pp. 225–247. (jstor)
Heather J. Sharkey et al. La Belle Africaine: The Sudanese Giraffe who went to France, Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, Volume 49, 2015 - Issue 1 https://repository.upenn.edu/nelc_papers/7/
Majer, Michele. "La Mode à la girafe: Fashion, Culture, and Politics in Bourbon Restoration France." Studies in Decorative Arts 17:1 (Fall-Winter 2009-10): 123-161.
Putnam, Walter. “Cultural Displacements in Marie Nimier's ‘La Girafe.’” Dalhousie French Studies, vol. 97, 2011, pp. 69–77 https://www.jstor.org/stable/23621732 (sur le roman "La Girafe" de Marie Nimier)
Gatier Pierre-Louis. Des girafes pour l'empereur. In: Topoi, volume 6/2, 1996. pp. 903-941. DOI: 10.3406/topoi.1996.1701
"The Giraffe as the Mythical Qilin in Chinese Art: A Painting and a Rank Badge in the Metropolitan Museum": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 43 (2008) https://www.jstor.org/stable/25699088
Arion Rosu, «La girafe dans la faune de l'art indien», Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient, vol.71, no1, , p.47–62 (DOI10.3406/befeo.1982.1467, lire en ligne)
ico, image de girafe/gilin en noir et blanc: Fig. 27: Anonymous. Ming ren ruiying tu 明人瑞應圖 (Pictures of the Auspicious Signs of the People of Ming). 1414. Hand Scroll. Colour on paper. 30 x 686.3cm. National Palace Museum, Taipei.
"The long-necked animal, the giraffe (in Japanese, kirin), first came to Japan in 1907, although a stuffed specimen was displayed at this museum in 1877. Japanese paintings of giraffes began earlier, from the end of the 18th century, with their source being a giraffe taken from Africa to China in 1419. However, by the 5th century BC in China, and by the 8th century AD in Japan, depictions of another animal called “kirin” had already appeared. This kirin is the Qilin, the theme of this exhibition... This exhibition introduces works featuring Qilin and other mythical creatures such as dragons and phoenixes, as well as representations of real giraffes created at the start of the Meiji era (1868-1912) and based on Western information." source - archivé
la girafe de 1907 n'était pas un cadeau diplomatique.
Wilson, R. Trevor. "The One-Humped Camel in Uganda." Journal of Camel Practice and Research 24.1 (2017): 1-7. (refus Ouganda d'accepter chameau de Khadafi)
chameau / dromadaire offert par Mali à François Hollande - laissé sur place - mangé - Mali en offre un autre
(en) Francisco LaRubia-Prado, «Gift-Giving Diplomacy: The Role of the Horse in the Cantar de mio Cid», La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, vol.37, no1, , p.275–299 (ISSN1947-4261, DOI10.1353/cor.0.0011, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Olga Vassilieva-Codognet, «“Plus blans que flours de lis”: Blanchart l’ours blanc de Renart le Nouvel , les ménageries royales et les encyclopédies du XIIIe siècle», Reinardus, vol.27, , p.220–248 (ISSN0925-4757 et 1569-9951, DOI10.1075/rein.27.12vas, lire en ligne)
voir aussi * Thierry Buquet, «Les animaux exotiques dans les ménageries médiévales», dans Jacques Toussaint (dir.), Fabuleuses histoires des bêtes et des hommes, Namur, Trema / Société archéologique de Namur, (lire en ligne), p.97-121.
histoire dans les sagas: Audun offrant un ours polaire au roi du Danemark
Auðunn Westjord, Audun des Fjords occidentaux
William Ian Miller, Audun and the Polar Bear: Luck, Law, and Largesse in a Medieval Tale of Risky Business, Medieval Law and its Practice, 1 (Leiden: Brill, 2014). Translation into English pp. 7–12. extraits Google Books
Navjot Singh Sidhu is all set to give his old pal - Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan - another visit. He plans to give ghariyals to Pakistan in exchange for freshwater dolphins.
tributs animaux exotiques offerts à l'empereur chinois
usage politique des animaux rares /exotiques (rech avec deer / korea, etc.) et de leur image, par exemple montrés aux ambassadeurs étrangers
"廓爾喀貢象馬圖" / "Kuoerka xian xiang ma tu" / "The Tribute of Gurkhas" 1793 (chevaux et éléphants après conquête du Népal) (de Giuseppe Panzi (他轻抬) et Louis Antoine de Poirot (賀清泰)
Bertuccioli, Giuliano. "A Lion in Peking: Ludovico Buglio and the Embassy to China of Bento Pereira De Faria in 1678." East and West 26, no. 1/2 (1976): 223-40. https://www.jstor.org/stable/29756238
peintures de missionnaires jésuites peintres à la cour chinoise