Fictional last words in video games
Wikimedia list article From Wikiquote, the free quote compendium
The following is a list of last words attributed to various fictional characters in video games. Characters are listed according to the originating game, then the name of character the quote is attributed to (in case of more than one quote per source). Where quotes come from a series of games, they are organized in the order of the games they appeared in (for example, quotes from Final Fantasy I appear before quotes from Final Fantasy II, and so on). Where possible, for the purposes of clarification, further explanatory notes have been presented. Additionally, if a character's final words consist of a dialogue with the other characters, the other character's speech may be included for contextual purposes; for example, if one character asks a question that the one who is about to die answers.
Some characters may have more than one "death," in instances such as being resurrected, existing temporarily as an undead being, or having multiple death "scenarios" that a player can reach. In some of those instances, their last words from each "death" may be added if they are significant. Additionally, significant last words from deaths that are merely assumed to have happened or are non-canon are included. Additionally, in instances where there are multiple outcomes, or in media with alternate timelines, the character's last words will be featured.
Ace Combat series
- Heh... I'm gonna miss that voice...
- Who: Captain "Motormouth Chopper" Davenport
- Source: Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
- Notes: Captain Davenport is talking to the Wardog Squadron's AWACS, who he has sarcastically complimented before about having a nice voice, calling it "sweet as a rose". He then safely crashes his plane, which was heavily damaged by Yuktobanian fighters who attacked during a ceremonial flight, into the nearby stadium in order to prevent civilian injuries. His ejection seat was fried, preventing any possible escape.
- I...I never thought you'd be this good...
- Who: Ashley Bernitz
- Source: Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
- Notes: The leader of the Belkan Grabacr Squadron, who posed as the allied 8492nd Squadron was shot down in the ensuing battle to stop the SOLG's descent to the capital of Osea.
- Don't think you've won this. This isn't over yet!
- Who: Michael Heimeroth
- Source: Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
- Notes: The leader of the Belkan Ofnir Squadron, who posed as a Yuktobanian Squadron was shot down in the ensuing battle to stop the SOLG's descent to the capital of Osea.
- Dang it!
- Who: Patrick "PJ" James
- Source: Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War
- Notes: An instant before his F-16 is destroyed by laser fire. He is told by AWACS that he and Cipher are being targeted by an unknown aircraft, and immediately begins evasive maneuvers, inadvertently flying into the path of the laser, which was intended for Cipher.
- I know Rage's going to heaven, so I'm gonna be all alone again in hell. I'll be waiting for you down there, Three Strikes...I---
- Who: Elke "Scream" van Dalsen
- Source: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
- Notes: An instant before her Su-47 explodes, she refused Long Caster's offer to eject after being shot down.
- I gotta catch up to her--
- Who: Otto "Rage" van Dalsen
- Source: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
- Notes: An instant before his Su-47 explodes, he refused Long Caster's offer to eject after being shot down.
- Sir, if you check with Brigadier General Shepherd, you'll understand that this is all just a misunderstanding.
- Who: Brig. Gen. Howard Clemens
- Source: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
- Notes: Character was exposed as a traitor by Vice Chairman Edwards, and was subsequently arrested.
Alan Wake
- Stop! No! Die, dammit! Die! No! No! Naahh! Ahh!
- Who: Clay Steward
- Notes: Character says before being hacked to death by a Taken with a hatchet as author Alan Wake watches in horror.
- You should always leave the job to a professional.
- Who: Carl Stucky
- Notes: Character says after being turned into a Taken. Alan Wake was forced to kill Carl to proceed.
- It is against the law to remove any natural objects or historical artifacts from the park grounds! This includes even rocks you may find along the river or even simple berries, sir!
- Who: Rusty
- Notes: Character says after being turned into a Taken. Alan Wake was forced to kill Rusty to proceed.
- Aaaarrgghh! No! Please! Aaaaaaarrhhhhhhh!
- Who: Ben Mott
- Notes: Wake finds Alice's kidnapper Mott on the lookout. Mott is bleeding and is on his knees, whimpering and breathing heavily. Suddenly, the Dark Presence asserts itself and starts a large tornado. The tornado pulls Mott into the air, tearing him apart, killing him in the process.
American McGee's Alice
- Bravery and I are not on intimate terms. My natural curiosity is tempered with caution - thus, I've lived long. But now, ignoring my instinct to flee or fib, I speak the truth without regard to consequence. Your courage deserves no less. You've suffered great pain and you've caused some. You've endured deep grief and feelings of guilt. But you will be tested in a more wrenching anguish, Alice. There is worse to come. You and the Red Queen cannot both survive. You are two parts of the same....
- Who: Chesire Cat
- Source: American McGee's Alice
- Notes: Before the Chesire Cat can finish this speech, his head is blown off by the Red Queen.
A Plague Tale: Innocence
- [Nicholas: Where is he? I won't ask again... Where is your son?] In good hands.
- Who: Robert de Rune
- Note: Amicia de Rune witnesses her father Robert brought down on his knees by a faction called the Inquisition, led by Lord Nicholas. Nicholas demanded to know where his youngest son Hugo was, but Robert defiantly told him the boy was in good hands. With little hesitation and in one fluid motion, the Inquisitor drew his sword and whipped it across Robert's throat, killing him where he kneeled.
- Ah! Yes... Take me to my son... DO IT! FINISH ME! KILL ME! One of us is going to die... And the winner will be cursed for all eternity...
- Who: Conrad Milfort
- Note: Said before being killed by Amicia after removing his armor piece-by-piece and strikes him in the head with her sling to rescue Hugo.
- Argh... Nooo... Quick, the light! THE LIGHT!
- Who: Father Thomas
- Note: Said before being swarmed by a horde of rats.
- The rats are dangerous but disorganised... The Inquisition, however... They'll seek the boy tirelessly... We have to disappear... Head to the Château d'Ombrage... Lucas, go to the barn... You will finish... The Ignifer...
- Who: Laurentius
- Note: Laurentius instructs his apprentice Lucas to lead Amicia and Hugo to his lab under the barn, but before they could return to his master a rat swarm burrowed into the house and accidentally knocked a vat of distilled alcohol onto an open flame, causing a massive explosion and setting the whole house on fire. Laurentius perished in the flames, leaving Lucas devastated by the loss of his mentor but he agreed to come with them to treat and hopefully cure Hugo.
Assassin's Creed games
Advance Wars Games
- Hawke... you... traitor...
- Who: Sturm
- Note: Said when Hawke blasted Sturm with his Black storm power.
- I thank thee... go and leave me to oblivion at last... sweet sleep...
- Who: Rieltev
- Source: Baldur’s Gate II
- Notes: Character is being artificially kept alive in a tube. The player removes the power cells keeping him alive, and ends his life at his request.
- Don't forget... to raise... me... ugh...
- Who: Jan Jansen
- Source: Baldur’s Gate II
- Notes: This line is said if he dies while in the player's party.
- To end... like *this*?
- Who: Joneleth Irenicus
- Source: Baldur’s Gate II
- Notes: Character has been defeated by the player character and his or her party, and remains in Hell. After he says this, a horde of demons charges him and forces him over a cliff, presumably killing him (again).
- Stupid Banjo and dumb Kazooie. I'll be back in Banjo-Tooie!
- Who: Gruntilda Winkybuniom
- Source: |Banjo-Kazooie
- Notes: This is said during the ending cut-scene, where Grunty promises her revenge.
- [Activates self-destruct switch] Humph...You're going down with the ship, boy. My father designed this battleship. Think of it as a nice roomy coffin. I'm sure it'll keep you warm on your way to hell! Ha ha ha...Ha ha ha ha ha!
- Life is long when you live it, oh but so short when you look back...Farewell...Kalas...
- Who: Giacomo
- Source: Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
- Note: After Giacomo and his goons are defeated in the second battle on the Goldoba, he intends to bring Kalas down with him by destroying the battleship. Kalas and Co. manage to escape, and Giacomo is presumed dead when the ship crashes. He comes back when the party reaches the Celestial Alps and attempts to destroy what is left of Fee, the divine child. He nearly succeeds when he separates Kalas from his guardian spirit.
The second quote comes from Giacomo being defeated by Kalas and the party for the third and final time. After he dies, Ayme and Folon grieve briefly over him. Xelha says a prayer, and the duo leaves after the group asks them to consider Giacomo's last request of joining forces to stop Melodia. Although they appear to deny the offer, close to the end of the game, they offer up their power of the end magnus in order to destroy Cor Hydrae's barrier and allow the white dragon to enter the castle.
- It was you, in the heart of a dark forest...Holding someone tight...Crying...It was you, Kalas... I...I just...wanted to be with you...To be a any other...To hold each any other...
- Who: Xelha
- Source: Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
- Note: Immediately after releasing the ocean and defeating Geldoblame once again, Xelha collapses. She admits to the witches and to Kalas that the dream she had two years ago was not about the end of the world, but was in fact, about Kalas. Kalas cries out to her, saying that she had promised she wouldn't leave him. After he says this, Xelha fades away, leaving Kalas embracing nothing but air. This scenario is similar to the one two years before, when Fee had also faded away. At the very end of the game, Xelha appears as a current of water flowing out of a shell. She is joyfully greeted by everyone and explains that she had been put back together by the greythornes and the whale the moment she was fading. Afterwards, everyone proceeds to say farewell to the guardian spirit, whose bond was just recently severed by Kalas.
- Forgive me... Daimon. Now we shall never... see the end... of your... st... ory...
- Who: Lord Baelheit
- Source: Baten Kaitos Origins
- Note: Daimon is Baelheit's guardian spirit, who refused to lend him her power when she realized he had gone mad in his initial quest.
- What? Huh? What's happening?
- Who: Quaestor Verus
- Source: Baten Kaitos Origins
- Note: Said when Malpercio's afterlings take control of the machina tentacles that he is about to kill Sagi and his companions with. They turn the tentacles on him, killing him.
- Uh, uhn, ahhhh...Guillooooooooo!!
- Who: Marno/Sagi
- Source: Baten Kaitos Origins
- Note: Sagi is reliving the memories of Malpercio, that flow through him everytime an afterling is killed. This is Malpercio's final memory, in which he and his friends are being killed off, one by one. The person responsible for their death is a puppet named Guillo who was programmed to destroy Malpercio by two sorcerers. 1000 years later, Guillo has no memory of what had happened on the Battlefields of Atria. Malpercio (the player) has the choice to either hold him responsible or choose to say he does not remember the deed.
- What colour will your magnus be? Hm, hm, hm, hnn, hnn, hnn, hnn! Come! Be one with us!
- What's this, another heart on our plate? Hm hm hm...splendid. We'll devour you with the rest!
- You're all my slaves!
- Who: Wiseman/Verus-Wiseman
- Source: Baten Kaitos Origins
- Note: Wiseman is a powerful entity who can turn a life itself into magnus. The first line is said before he attempts to kill Sagi and his group. The second is said when his spirit consumes the heart of the dead Quaestor Verus, transforming him into a dragon-like entity. He delivers the second line when he sense the ghost of Seph coming to Sagi's aid. The third line is said if he uses his "Cast Away Your Carnal Robes" attack while near death.
Battalion Wars 2
- Who: Lord Ferrok
- Source: Battalion Wars 2
- Note: Said when the Satellite weapon blew up the Iron Tower
- Poison..! … TREACHERY!!!
- Who: Admiral A-Qira
- Source: Battalion Wars 2
- Note: Said when A-Qira drank poison
- Ubel? Do you have another match?
- Who: Kaiser Vlad
- Source: Battalion Wars 2
- Note: Said when the match light go out, though his fate is left ambiguous after that
Bendy and the Ink Machine
- NO! No, no, no! Why can't you ever just die!?
- Who: Physical Alice
- Source: Bendy and the Ink Machine
- Note: After Henry kills Brute Boris, Alice Angel screams this line and then charges at Henry, only for Allison Angel to appear from behind her and impale her with her sword.
- Sheep, sheep, sheep, It's time for sleep. Rest your head. It's time for bed. In the morning, you may wake. Or in the morning, you'll be dead. Hear me, Bendy! Arise from the darkness! Arise and claim my offering! Free me! I beg you! I summon you, ink demon! Show your face and take this tender sheep! No! My lord! Stay back! I am your prophet! I am your- AAAHHH!!
- You lied to me! You said I'd be free! Well, I'm going to free you now! Free your head right off your shoulders! Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for... sleep...
- Who: Sammy Lawrence
- Source: Bendy and the Ink Machine
- Note: Sammy says the first line right before he attempts to sacrifice Henry to the Ink Demon, but then the Ink Demon drags Sammy away, presumably to be killed. Later, in chapter five, Sammy says the second line before he tries to kill Henry, only for Tom to come up behind him and hit him in the head with his axe.
Bioshock games
- The assassin has overcome my final defense, and now he's come to murder me. In the end, what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No, a man chooses, a slave obeys. You think you have memories. A farm, a family, an airplane, a crash, and then this place. Was there really a family? Did that plane crash, or was it hijacked, forced down, forced down by something less than a man? Something bred to sleepwalk through life, until they're activated by a simple phrase spoken by their kindly master? Was a man sent to kill? Or a slave? A man chooses, a slave obeys. Come here, stop, would you kindly? 'Would you kindly'. A powerful phrase, a familiar phrase. Sit, would you kindly? Stand, would you kindly? Run! Stop. Turn! A man chooses, a slave obeys. Now, would you kindly... KILL! (Struck with golf club) A MAN CHOOSES... (Struck again) A SLAVE OBEYS... (Struck again) OBEY!!!
- Who: Andrew Ryan
- Notes: At this point, the player character has all of Ryan's defenses, but instead of fighting against the player, he reveals the player is genetically conditioned to respond to the code words "Would you kindly" and that he has been betrayed. Wanting to die on his own terms, he uses those code words to force the player to kill him with his golf club.
- What can I do with this one, Aphrodite? She won't stay still! I want to make them beautiful...but they always turn out wrong!! This one...too fat! This one...too tall!! This one...too SYMMETRICAL!! And now...what's this, Goddess? An intruder? He is ugly! Ugly, ugly...UGLY!
- Who: Dr. Steinman
- Notes: Steinman was a plastic surgeon who, using the amazing power of Adam, was able to create perfect bodies. The substance eventually drove him mad, and he began to experiment, twisting women into hideous shapes. He was attempting to 'correct' another patient, while staring at his past failures, mounted on the ceiling, until he notices you and attempts to shoot you with a machine gun.
- Oh Cohen, you sick fuck, let me out of this!-
- Who: Kyle Fitzpatrick
- Notes: Killed by Sander Cohen as a bomb wired to the piano he was forced to play detonated. The player is then made to take a picture of his corpse for Cohen's "masterpiece."
- I had you built! I sent you top side, I called you back, showed you what you was, what you was capable of! Even that life you thought you had? That was something I dreamed up and had tattooed inside your head! Now if that's not family, I don't know what is!
- Who: Frank Fontaine/Atlas
- Notes: After losing a rough battle with the player, a genetically enhanced version of Fontaine says this to the player before weakly stumbling forward to kill him. Before he can, the Little Sisters finish him off by completely draining his ADAM, thus killing him.
- Major, I...
- Who: Noel Vermillion
- Notes: In Jin's story in BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, he is angered by the fact on how she resembles Saya, the younger sister he despised, so he killed her after their battle. This is undone in the True Ending.
- So the crybaby's acting all big now. Cheeky bastard.
- Who: Ragna the Bloodedge
- Notes: In Hakumen's story in BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, he encountered the protagonist and killed him after their battle. This is undone in the True Ending.
- Roses are...also beautiful when they scatter.
- Who: Eagle Bomber
- Source: Bomberman Generation
- Notes: The Eagle Bomber was a member of an organization known as the Crush Bombers, which formed a coalition with Bomberman's primary adversary, the Hige Hige Bandits. Upon venturing through the ruins of Tako Desert, Bomberman is soon confronted and challenged by the Eagle Bomber. After being defeated by Bomberman, the Eagle Bomber utters his last words as he falls on his back with spread arms, exploding upon impact.
- Glory... to the Hige...Hige... BANDIIIIIITS!
- Who: Constructor-X
- Source: Bomberman Generation
- Notes: Constructor-X was the combined form of two civil engineering brothers who worked for Bomberman's primary adversary, the Hige Hige Bandits, and acted as guardians for one of the six Bomb Elements. When Bomberman ventures through and disrupts their construction site on Nekki Moon, they transformed into a giant mecha to try and destroy him. After being defeated, Constructor-X yells out these words in defiance before collapsing and vanishing.
Borderlands series
- It's done... It's finally done. Thank you... friend. [Handsome Jack: Angel, you can stop this! I'll still forgive you, baby!] Dad, I have to tell you something... You're an asshole...
- Who: Angel
- Source: Borderlands 2
- Notes: After being used by her father, Handsome Jack, to charge the Vault Key to awaken the Warrior, Angel urges the Vault Hunter to help destroy the Eridium Injectors, willing to accept that this will result in her own death.
- She's dead. Jack just lost his only way to awaken the Warrior. We've got the Vault Key, but this isn't over yet. We've gotta find Jack and take him out. Lilith, take the Vault Key to Tennis. I'm going after Jack.
- Who: Roland
- Source: Borderlands 2
- Notes: After Angel's death, Handsome Jack vengefully shoots Roland dead from behind.
- No, no, no, I can't die like this... not when I'm so close... and not at the hands... of a FILTHY BANDIT!!! I could've saved this planet! See, I could've actually restored order! And I wasn't supposed to die by the hands of a CHILD-KILLING PSYCHOPATH!!!!! YOU'RE a SAVAGE!! YOU'RE a MANIAC!! YOU ARE A BANDIT AND I AM THE GODDAMN HERO!!!!! The Warrior was practically a god! How- HOW IN THE HELL HAVE YOU KILLED MY WARRIOR?!?! You idiots! The Warrior could have brought peace to this planet! No more dangerous creatures! No more bandits! Pandora... it could have been PARADISE!!!!!
- Who: Handsome Jack
- Source: Borderlands 2
- Notes: When the Warrior is defeated, Jack devolves into screaming fury as he rants to the Vault Hunter that he was trying to save Pandora. The player may kill him at any time and interrupt his speech; otherwise, Lilith will kill him if the player lets him finish.
Breath of Fire
- Don't grieve over me. You did the right thing.
- Go, warriors, Go!
- I have watched you succeed. So I have no regrets in leaving you. (Ryu: Wait!) Goodbye, Ryu, you made me proud. You are a true warrior.
- Who: Sara
- Source: Breath of Fire
- Notes: Character had been controlled by Jade and was forced to fight the party. They defeat her, ending his control over her, but she dies of her wounds after saying the first line. The second line is said as a spirit in the "bad ending," and the third in the "good ending."
Breath of Fire II
- I shall sleep... and dream about destruction.
- Who: Evan
- Source: Breath of Fire II
- Note: Character, a powerful demon worshipped as a god, is defeated by the party and presumably dies. However, it is suggested in the ending that he may return.
Brothers in Arms series
- You want me? Fuckin' take me! TAAAAKE MEEEE!
- Who: Pvt. Kevin Benjamin "Legs" Leggett
- Source: Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
- Note: Character goes into a crazed rage and shoots at German troops with his pistol before being hit with a tank shell, immediately killing him.
- Legget! Alan! Get the fu--
- Who: Pvt. Michael Jeff Garnett
- Source: Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
- Note: Character is shot in the head by German troops while attempting a flanking maneuver with Allen and Leggett.
- I'm sorry...Kevin..
- Who: Pvt. Larry James Allen
- Source: Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
- Note: Character is shot by one of the German soldiers during the same flanking maneuver but manages to take out all three soldiers before dying from his wounds. His last words are to Leggett, apologizing for all the differences they've had in the past.
- What's going on?
- Who: Pfc. Dean "Friar" Winchell
- Source: Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
- Note: Character is killed by a mortar that hits the bakery he was in (along with Matt, Red, and Campbell). His question is regarding the discussion Red and Matt were having, when Red asked Matt if they could speak alone, away from the men.
- Liar.
- Who: Pvt. Franky "Beans" LaRoche
- Source: Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
- Note: Character is shot several times in the chest while looking for a girlfriend in a hospital in Eindhoven after he went AWOL from the squad to look for her. He says this to Baker who told him his girlfriend was safe (who in reality was shot by German troops).
Brütal Legend
- Hey, what's the deal? I thought you were committed to this project! Get back inside right now!
- Who: General Lionwhyte
- Note: Said to his army, the Hair Metal Militia, who fled after their defeat. A giant mirror falls over and Lionwhyte uses his loud scream to shatter it, but the shards fall, killing him.
- My sister... You must take care of her.
- Who: Lars Halford
- Note: After Lord Diviculous stabs him, the words were said to Eddie on his dying breath.
- You are half so many things, I doubt any part of you is whole. Is there even a word for a creature such as you?
- Who: Lord Diviculous
- Note: Said to Eddie Riggs, who later decapitates him.
Call of Duty series
Cave Story
- Now, Kill me! Or I... shall kill YOU!!
- It Hurts... Help me... The Burning...
- Who: Ballos
- Note: Character was driven mad by his own immense magical power, and requested to be killed because his power had made him immortal. After being destroyed by the player, something of character's essence still survived and attempts one last try at destroying the player, who is rescued at the last second.
- You! You're the Witch who tossed me down here! Those children better be safe!!
- Who: Curly Brace
- Note: Character says this to Misery after the battle with the Island Core; following the scene after the battle she gives the player her "Air Bubble" allowing him to breathe underwater and falls unconscious. If a rest point is missed in the water tunnels following the battle, Curly drowns making these her final words; however, reaching the rest point allows her to be saved, and she survives through the end of the game and its secret ending.
- Allow me to share these results with you... in a special lecture!
- Aaaaaargh...! Too... much... power...!!
- Misery. You will serve me until the day you die. [to player] You will not leave this place alive!!
- Who: The Doctor/Undead Core
- Note: Character is battled three times - first as himself, then in a monstrous mutated form, then finally as a blood spirit being possessing the Island's Core.
- Will you... avenge me...?
- Who: King
- Note: Character dies from wounds inflicted trying to attack the Doctor; leaves the player his Sword before fading away.
- Are you not dead?? Begone!!
- Who: Misery
- Note: Character's attempt to destroy the Doctor in his blood spirit form fails, she is mutated into a mindless demon then defeated by the player in the Undead Core battle. Completing the Sacred Grounds secret zone after this battle suggests she was rescued and returned to normal, however.
- K... King...
- Who: Toroko
- Note: Character is being transformed into a mindless monster, King has come to rescue her but is killed in the attempt. She then transforms and attacks the player, who kills her in self-defense.
- I pray for your victory...
- Who: Professor Booster
- Note: Only appears if the player checks to see if he is alive after falling through Labrynth B. The forementioned decision ensures the normal ending as well as the death of Professor Booster.
- No one may touch master's precious eggs!
- Who: Igor
- Note: Referring to the sky dragon eggs, the "master" being The Doctor.
The Cave
- What idiot left the gate open!!??!!
- Who: Princess
- Notes: After securing the dragon's treasure to give to the Princess, the heroes forget to close the gate, and subsequently the Princess is eaten by the dragon before she can give them her amulet. Luckily for the heroes the dragon spits it out after eating her.
- I knew you could do it! You have proven your honor and won the right to marry my daughter. I'm going to run to her with the good news! Wait for us in the garden...As soon as we return, the wedding can begin!
- Who: King
- Notes: After pulling Excalibur from the stone (unlocking the "A Midsummer Knight's Thieve" achievement), the King runs to the Princess' room. Unbeknownst to him, the dragon that has eaten her is still there, and is eaten as well. Watching the King being eaten results in the "Royal Buffet" achievement.
- I win aga...Hey, that's not possible. I always guess right! This carnival game is now closed while we investigate tampering with our tampering. Please leave.
- Who: Weight Guesser
- Notes: After tricking the Weight Guesser, he leaves a ticket and deactivates permanently, and is later torched when the heroes burn the carnival down. The Weight Guesser can be temporarily deactivated by using the wrench with the generator truck, but nothing is gained from this.
- Despite it being statistically impossible, we have a winner! That was our only ticket, so we're closing down for the night. Get out of here. Scram.
- Who: Roulette Barker
- Notes: After correctly guessing the colour of the roulette wheel, the Roulette Barker leaves a ticket and deactivates permanently, and is later torched when the heroes burn the carnival down. The Roulette Barker can be temporarily deactivated by using the wrench with the generator truck, but nothing is gained from this.
- Splendid! You've liberated the sarcophagus from its ancient vestibule. Give me a moment to disable these blasted spikes.
- Who: Livingston
- Notes: After sending the sarcophagus down the lift, the Adventurer meets up with Livingston, who tries to disable the nearby spikes manually. However, the Adventurer knocks him in when trying to push the ancient treasure out of the temple.
- Soup is ready and it smells delightfully delicious. Why don't you two darlings go and wash up for dinner. Don't take too long or we might start without you.
- Who: Twins' Mother
- Notes: After the Twins wash their hands for dinner, their mother and father both start on the soup filled with rat poison, dying horribly as a result. Watching the Twins' parents die rewards the player with the "God Bless Us, Every One" achievement.
- Wheel! Thog love wheel! Thog need invent patent. Then patent wheel!
- Who: Thog
- Notes: After taking the wheel (from the future) to the past and rolling it down the hill, Thog will run under a platform edge, allowing the heroes to drag a nearby stone block onto his head and kill him. This kills off all of his descendants, including the Greatest Employee of All Time. Killing Thog rewards the player with the "Prevenge" achievement.
- I see you understand what it is to be at peace with yourself. But be warned. A true Zen master is also at peace with the world. This is going to hurt.
- Who: The Zen Master
- Notes: After the Monk telepathically removes the support bolt holding the Zen Master's platform up and activating his wind chimes, he stops levitating. As soon as he puts his feet on the ground, the platform breaks, and the Zen Master is sent tumbling to his death with a shout of "This is going to hurt." Watching this happen results with the player earning the "Grand Theft Karma" achievement.
Chrono Cross
- Aaaah.... I thank you for the excitement....
- Who: The Black Dragon
- Notes: Before the battle, the Dragon requested to be entertained. It evaporates following this quote, indicating it is pleased with the results.
- Hmm... we'll meet again.
- Who: The Fire Dragon
- Notes: Character and Player had battled once before.
- What? Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh....!? What the...?
- Do not hesitate. Show me the pride and honor of the Acacia Dragoons. Come, Radius!!
- Who: Garai
- Notes: The first quote is from a flashback, where the character is murdered from behind by a possessed ally. The second quote immediately follows the flashback, and precedes a battle in which the player is pitted against the character's spirit; upon defeating it, the spirit evaporates and leaves behind the holy sword Einlanzer.
- Now I shall truly awaken again.... This too is destiny....
- Who: The Dragon God
- Notes: The character, long before the battle in which the player kills it, had been absorbed by the Time Devourer, the game's villain. It speaks of being fully consumed and allowing the Time Devourer to awaken so that the player may face it.
- Hah... Come, Serge! Show me what the purpose of your life on this planet is... Teach me what it means to be "alive!"
- Who: Lynx/FATE
- Notes: Said before battling with Serge's party in Chronopolis, after having questioned Serge about the nature of his existence and worth through the game. Lynx/FATE is killed afterwards.
Chrono Trigger
- If only the great Magus who brought forth Lavos 400 years ago, had destroyed the human race! The world would've belonged to us Mystics! GRRRRRR!
- (DS Version) If only Lord Magus had destroyed the human race four hundred years ago when he first brought forth Lavos, the world would belong to us fiends now! GRRRRRRRAAAGHH!
- Who: Heckran
- Notes: Character, a powerful water-based Mystic, has been defeated by Chrono's party. His saying this causes the party and the player to realize that Magus summoned Lavos.
- R... run... Glenn... The Queen. Take care... of... Leene... (DS Version: Run... run, Glenn. The Queen... Take care of... Queen Leene. I... beg...)
- The Queen... Look after Queen Leene. Alas, and farewell... Glenn. (DS Version: The Queen... Look after Queen Leene. Farewell, Glenn... my friend.)
- Who: Cyrus
- Notes: Character is speaking with his friend and apprentice Glenn, who is also known as Frog. The first line is said after Magus strikes him down with magic in the Denadoro Mountains, and he burns up after saying that line. The second line is said as a ghost in the Northern Ruins/Hero's Grave.
- Unbelievable...! But falling in the line of duty for Magus... leaves me few regrets! (DS Version: Unbelievable! But to fail fighting for Lord Magus... There could be no greater honor!)
- Slasher 2! (DS Version: Slasher II!)
- Finally, we've got someone who wants to die young! (DS Version: So, you wish to die an early death!)
- Who: Slash
- Notes: First line is said after being defeated in Magus' Castle- he fades and apparently dies after losing, but returns later. Second line is said after defeated in Ozzie's Fort- he names his special piece of equipment. The third line is said in a secret ending, in which Frog enters Magus's Castle to confront Magus, apparently killing Slash on the way.
- How can this be... Sir Magus... (DS Version: But... but, I'm so beautiful! Lord Magus...)
- Flea Vest! (DS Version: Flea Bustier!)
- Har har, this is hilarious...! So you think YOU can take us...? (DS Version: Hee hee hee! Somebody's gotten himself in too deep! Thinking one man is enough to defeat me...)
- Who: Flea
- Notes: First line is said after being defeated in Magus' Castle- the character fades and apparently dies after losing, but returns later. Second line is said after defeated in Ozzie's Fort, referring to a special piece of equipment. The third line is said in a secret ending, in which Frog enters Magus's Castle to confront Magus, apparently killing Flea on the way.
- Eh? (DS Version: Mwee hee hee... Huh!?)
- N-no! Not that switch!
- Y, you're!! (DS Version: Y-you!)
- Who: Ozzie
- Notes: Character turns himself to ice in Magus's castle, but the party triggers a trapdoor, dropping him far below (a shattering sound seems to indicate that he died), but he returns in Ozzie's Fort. When confronted in Ozzie's fort, character turns into ice, but a cat triggers a switch to open a trapdoor beneath him. He falls into the room below and apparently dies. The second line is said in a secret ending, in which Frog enters Magus's Castle to confront Magus, apparently killing Ozzie on the way.
- We... have no future...
- (DS Version) Take... [Ayla: Take? What take?] Take care... of this world.
- Who: Azala
- Notes; Character had believed that her race of reptites was doomed to die when Lavos crashes into the world, and so wished to destroy the humans before they could take control of the planet. She is heavily injured fighting the party, and dies when Lavos crashes near the Black Tyrano Lair.
- This... is for you... You can... plug this... into your circuits... Please... take care... of it... Good... bye... Pro... metheus...
- (DS Version) I want you... to have this. You can... plug it... into your circuits. Please... take care... of it... Good... bye... Pro... metheus...
- Who: Atropos
- Notes; Character is forced to fight against her friend, Robo, when she is being controlled by the Mother Brain. She gives Robo a ribbon that gives him a permanent boost to his statistics before shutting down. Prometheus is Robo's true name.
- If... you want... to bring Crono back... find Gaspar, th... the Guru of Time... (DS Version: If I die... Frog's curse will be undone. Should you wish to... to revive Crono, seek... Seek Gaspar, the... the Guru of... of Time.)
- Hmmm... You have the Masamune... Let's see if you know how to use it... If you're prepared for the void! (DS Version: Ah, the Masamune... Very well. Come, if it is death you seek!)
- If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh. (DS Version: If history is to change, let it change! If the world is to be destroyed, so be it! If I must vanish from existence to see this done, then I shall welcome that fate! I'm coming, Lavos!)
- Who: Magus
- Notes: If the party chooses to fight him in 12000 BC, he will die after losing, and give the party advice they need to save Crono (despite considering him weak for dying at Lavos' hands). The second line is said if the player triggers a secret ending. He and Frog fight, but while the winner is not explicitly revealed, some players speculate that the silhouette standing on top of Magus's castle is Frog, given its shape. The last quote appears once you finish the game trough some alternate endings, on which it displays what happens when Lavos is summoned by the Mammon Machine and you´re not there to assist Magus, Magus goes to do battle with Lavos and is presumably killed by him.
- Go! Golem Boss...???
- Who: Dalton
- Notes: Character is attempting to summon a monster (Golem Boss in the SNES version, Golem Overlord in the DS version) that the party has already defeated. When the monster does not appear, the character is sucked through the portal instead. It is unknown if the character actually died or was simply shunted to another place, but he is not seen again for the remainder of the game. (In the DS port, he appears later in the Dimensional Distortion dungeon, which was not in the original SNES or PlayStation versions of the game).
Command and Conquer series
- This is the Pentagon. A full-frontal attack with your strongest forces should render their military center of operation--
- Who: Seth
- Source: Command and Conquer
- Note: Seth is shot in the head mid-sentence by Kane for attempting to attack the United States without his knowledge.
- What the? GDI INTRUDERS!!
- Who: Nod Soldier on patrol.
- Source: Tiberium Wars Albania mission
- Note: Last words before GDI infantry killed the Nod soldier on the sneak attack.
- Who: Nod Soldier at Temple Prime
- Source: Tiberium Wars Sarajevo mission
- Note: Last words said by a soldier before he dies from the GDI attack or the Liquid Tiberium Explosion.
- Who: GDI Soldier
- Source: Tiberium Wars Downtown Sydney
- Notes: Last words said by a GDI soldier that died from a Nod Nuke attack or by Nods betraying forces.
- Go ahead Ajay... Condemn me, this is exactly what you wanted isn't it?
- Who: Kilian Qatar
- Source: Tiberium Wars
- Note: Kilian was killed due to she committed treason by siding with GDI but in Kane's wrath Alexa got her framed for attacking Temple prime.
- The Prophet will protect us!
- Who: Nod Soldier
- Source: Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath
- After blowing up a Tiberium research facility, a diffuse green glow spreads over the battlefield. Sensing danger, he calls out this line. Then a storage tank of liquid tiberium goes up, leveling the battlefield and killing everybody.
- Who: Alexa
- Source: Kanes wrath
- Note: Alexa said that after infecting Legion with a virus due to she feared Legion will betray Kane just like Cabal did in the past.
- Poison? You... bitch!
- Who: Stalin
- Source: Command and Conquer Red Alert
- Note: Said after a woman poisoned him then she shot him multiple times.
- I die with honor. You will not.
- Who: Shinzo
- Source: Command and Conquer Red Alert 3
- Note: Said when Shinzo loses to the Soviet player.
- Who are you?! This wasn't supposed to happen!
- Who: Naomi
- Source: Command and Conquer Red Alert 3
- Note: Said when the female commander loses to the player.
- My emperor, I have failed you!
- Who: Kenji
- Source: Command and Conquer Red Alert 3
- Note: Said once he dies.
- You have insulted me in my own garden! Now you will have to deal with me - personally!
- Who: Yoshiro
- Source: Command and Conquer Red Alert 3
- Note: This is the emperors last words before Soviet tanks blew him up in his personal battle walker.
- You're quite powerful...
- Who: Izumi
- Source: Uprising
- Note: Yuriko was forced to kill her own sister due to she betrayed her.
- If you have... received this, then I presume by now I'm finally dead. I'm... losing... I don't know... how to... Oh, Mother Russia. I'm forgetting words... Pah! Yuri, he is controlling my mind. He has killed me. If I am gone now, the command is yours. Send this tape far and wide, take my country back for the glory of Russia and the spirit of justice!
- Who: Romanov
- Source: Red Alert 2 Soviet campaign
- Note: Romanov sent this message to the player about Yuri killed him.
- No! I must have victory! I am the Premier... This is MY timeline!
- Who: Cherdenko
- Source: Red Alert 3 Soviet campaign
- Note: Last words before his volcano fortress gets bombed by Kirovs.
- Did you really think we would fall for a trap like that? We came to this meeting with our guns loaded and our safeties OFF!
- Who: Robert
- Source: Red Alert 3 Soviet campaign
- Note: Last words before the player and his partner commander blew up his Allied base.
Conker series
Conker's Bad Fur Day
- Ah! You cursed squirrel! Look what you've done. I'm flushing! I'm flushing! Oh, what a world, what a world. Who'd have thought a good little squirrel like you could have destroyed my beautiful clagginess. I'm going! Aahh... no!
- Who: The Great Mighty Poo
- Note: Conker, the 'squirrel' the character is referring to, has just pulled a large chain, causing him to be flushed.
- I think I have drunk too much! Oh! Shiiiii-
- Who: Count Conkula
- Note: The character has fallen into his own grinder after drinking too much blood for the rope he's hanging from to support his weight.
- Yeh, we've been locked down here for the last ten hours. Murder holes up there. Machine gun nests, you gotta clear 'em out, boy.
- Who: Squirrel soldier
- Note: The character is seen with a bullet hole in his helmet when Conker looks up from ducking to see him.
- Step aside Conker. I know how to deal with men like this.
- Who: Berri
- Note: Said in reference to the Panther King and the Weasel Boss. She is gunned down by the weasel on the Panther King's command.
- What's... going... on? Can't... breathe...
- Who: The Panther King
- Note: A Xenomorph-esque alien is hatching out of the character's chest, killing him.
- Oh! Oh! No! Vat is?? Oh! I forgot about ze airlock! Oh! Shit! What the feck?! Oh! I didn't put ze high powered boosters on my chair... I knew I should have done zat! Whose idea was it to go into space?? Oh! It was mine! Shit!!! This is it!! This is the end!! No legs! And now no life!
- Who: Ze Professor
- Note: Character is being sucked out of an airlock in a bank in space.
Crash Bandicoot series
- Hey! Who're you callin' sour?!
- Who: Willie Wumpa Cheeks
- Source: Crash Tag Team Racing
- Note: Before the line is said, the Pasadena O'Possum character calls Willie a sour fruit and demands the Black Power Gem. Immediately after this line is said, Willie is liquified from afar by Cortex's new battleship.
- 1)You boy! I love roast chicken!
- 2)Well, this is one heck of an ending.
- Who: Victor (2) and Moritz(1), the Evil Twins
- Source: Crash Twinsanity
- Note: After being defeated by the combined efforts of Crash, Cortex and Nina, the evil twins manage to curiously enter a strange house in the forest. Only to find that they were in Evil Crash's house. They say these words after Evil Crash, who looks at them with a hungry expression, sees them as two roast chickens and eats them alive off-screen.
- Hey, hey, hey! Yeah, you! I've been doing this for ten stinkin' years; Back and forward, back and forward, AND I'M SICK OF IT! Well, I'm not gonna do it no more!
- Who: Generic skunk
- Source: Crash Twinsanity
- Note: What the skunk has been doing for ten years was pacing back and forth as a generic enemy. Crash spins this skunk into a field of explosive Nitro crates after he refuses to pace anymore.
- Well this is one heck of an ending.
- Who: Victor of the Evil Twins
- Source: Crash Twinsanity
- Note: He and his twin brother Moritz are eaten by Evil Crash after this line is said.
Criminal Case
Crysis series
- What in the name of general Patton is that fucking thing?! Get out of here Vulture, this bastard belongs to me! [Nomad: What about you, major?] I'm a marine, son. I'll walk on water if I have to. Now get of my fucking island while I draw it's fire!
- Who: Major Strickland
- Source: Crysis
- Note: Character stayed behind to distract a large alien machine so the VTOL's carrying the wounded and Nomad could escape. He is then killed by the machine.
- Nomad...You've got to save these people...Get out on deck...Go!
- Who: Admiral Richard Morrison
- Source: Crysis
- Will there been an afterlife, I wonder? Choirs of angels? Or a fiery pit? One unlearns these falsehoods over time, but the child who learnt to fear hell is never really gone. To tell the truth, I think I had enough of afterlives as it is - this one has been pretty purgatorial. Almost fifty years floating in supercooled jelly like some medical specimen, thoughts creeping like rats through cramped silicon corridors of machines trapped behind video screens and camera systems. Never sleeping, never resting, never ceasing to think about the world you no longer belong to. No, if this is a taste of the afterlife, I think simple oblivion will do nicely.
- Who: Jacob Hargreave
- Source: Crysis 2
- Note: Character has spent most of his life in a stasis tube to live long enough to fight the Ceph. He dies after activating the self-destruct of his lab.
- [JC Denton: Take your best shot, flatlander woman.] How did you know...
- We are thinking the same thought...
- Who: Anna Navarre
- Source: Deus Ex
- Notes: In the first quote, JC Denton has activated her switch by saying "flatlander woman." Alternatively, the player can fight and kill her here or at an earlier point in the game, which triggers the second quote
- I have always been one of Hong Kong's most wanted. I deal with the police the same way I deal with the slanderous press [JC Denton: And how is that?] Precisely the way I will deal with you.
- Who: Maggie Chow
- Source: Deus Ex
- Notes: JC Denton has uncovered her schemes and says that once the public knows, she will become one of Hong Kong's most wanted. She then attacks JC Denton, and the player can kill her
- I am- not- a- machi-!
- Who: Gunther Hermann
- Source: Deus Ex
- Notes: JC Denton has activated his kill-switch by saying "Laputian Machine." Character had possessed a fear of becoming obsolete. Alternatively, the player can fight and kill him by conventional means; his last words are different in this situation, as he mentions that Simons has promised him unlimited upgrades if he defeats JC Denton.
- I gave you life... I... AAAAHHH!
- No!
- Who: Bob Page
- Source: Deus Ex
- Notes: He says the first line if JC Denton deactivates his shield generators and kills him, referencing his making JC Denton into an augmented special agent. He says the second line if JC Denton chooses to destroy Area 51 and plunge the world into a New Dark Age. If JC Denton merges with Helios in the third ending, Page's fate remains undetermined.
- No! It's completely--! I can't-- [Low: No!] Aaaaagggghhhhh!
- You won't hurt me when you're dead!
- Who: Dr. Ludger Brink
- Source: The Dig
- Notes: In an attempt to follow a Cocytan ghost through the hole in the ground of the dais, Commander Boston Low hands the shovel to Brink after digging a bit and finding that the ground may be unstable. Brink plows through the sand, unaware that the ground is completely hollow and inadvertently revealing an entrance to the nexus. As he falls through he says this first line, and Low tries reaching for him, but it is too late, as Brink falls down to the ground and is killed on impact. Later, Low revives him with the life crystal, whose demonic power possesses his entire body, and Brink eventually builds a life crystal machine in the Tomb Spire and steals all the life crystals from Low after he and Maggie Robbins have found a missing part for the Eye generator in the Cathedral Spire. After Low cleverly "wrecks" the crystal machine with the eye part, Brink gets infuriated and, despite Low's attempts to calm him down, shouts this second line and attempts to kill him using a brick by lifting it up, but gets overcome by its weight that makes him lose his balance and fall off the cliff to his death. Brink is later brought back to life along with Maggie by the Cocytan race, but has rapidly aged due to the use of the life crystals.
- The Eye... [Low: It worked. The Eye is restored.] Worth it then. Go home.
- Oh, no! Low! I begged you! [runs away and falls off a cliff] Aaaahhh!
- Who: Maggie Robbins
- Source: The Dig
- Notes: In their attempt to fix the Eye generator at the Cathedral Spire and restore the Eye, Maggie makes Low promise not to revive her with the life crystals for fear that she may end up getting possessed by their demonic power like Brink. She then fixes the Eye generator but ends up getting mortally wounded by its light blast that knocks her down. He runs to her and holds her in his arms as she is dying, as he is unaware that she knew that fixing the generator would cost her her life; and while he assures her that the Eye is restored, she says the first line before she dies in his arms, and he moves on without her. If, however, the player makes him break his promise and use the life crystal on her, she will wake up in shock and get angry at him, then say this second line and run away from the lab while Low pursues her outside before she will jump off the cliff and fall to her death. Either way, she eventually gets brought back to life along with Brink by the Cocytan race, though she hasn't aged a bit from the use of the life crystals unlike Brink.
- Sarge (cough) got my gun (cough) stop him.
- Who: Jack Campbell
- Source: Doom 3
- Note: Campbell has been serious wounded and stripped of his BFG 9000 gun by Sergeant Kelly, who now is a demon of the forces of Hell. He dies shortly after.
- Return what is ours.
- Who: Malcolm Betruger/the Maledict
- Source: Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
- Note: The object that Betruger desires is the Artifact. Following these words, the player's character shoves the Artifact into the Betruger-Maledict's mouth, instantly vaporising him, spare his skull.
- BZZZT... KONGS... KRZZZT... This time, KAOS will win!!
- Who: KAOS
- Source: Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
- Note: The character, a robot, had been defeated by the player before and exhibited calculation errors at being beaten, then departs, declaring the next encounter would end in its victory.
- God... just bxru acck ii gduh bfahrr uo em...
- Who: Mike
- Source: Drawn to Life: The next chapter
- Note: This character, who was a human, entering the Raposa World after a car incident, and later rescued. in the end, the character is transported back to real world,
Dead Rising series
Dead Rising
- Mommy!
- Who: Dakota
- Note: Character is in a car with her mother Connie as zombies surround the car that has run out of gas.
- Start! Oh, damn it!
- Who: Connie
- Note: Character is in her car with her daughter Dakota as zombies surround the car that has run out of gas.
- Alright, then. Feel like makin' yourself useful? Take a look around the mall and bring anything we can use for the barricade back here. Andale! C'mon! Pronto!
- Who: Ryan LaRosa
- Note: Character is trying to build a barricade to prevent zombies from entering the Entrance Plaza of the Willamette Parkview Mall, asking the game's main protagonist Frank West to go get some supplies from the back of the plaza. He is killed when the barricade is destroyed.
- What are you thinking?
- Who: Freddie May
- Note: Character is trying to stop Lindsay Harris from destroying the barricade he was building. He is knocked down and then killed by zombies.
- Knock it off!
- Who: Chris Hines
- Note: Character is trying to stop Lindsay Harris from destroying the barricade he was building. He is knocked down and then killed by zombies.
- Madonna!
- Who: Lindsay Harris
- Note: Character is chasing after her poodle, Madonna, that has lost itself in a crowd of zombies trying to break into the mall. Lindsay destroys the barricade the survivors had set up to get to her dog, letting in the zombies and killing everyone, including herself, in the room.
- You want a divorce? Fine then. I can't wait to see your face when those zombies eat you!
- Who: Alan Peterson
- Note: Character is arguing with his wife Kathy. He is killed when the zombies enter the mall.
- Hey! That's my line buster!
- Who: Kathy Peterson
- Note: Character is arguing with her husband Alan. She is killed when zombies enter the mall.
- You missed, loser!
- Who: Reginald Jenkins
- Note: Character has escaped prison and stolen a military Humvee with two other convicts and has started killing survivors in the park area of the mall with the Humvee turret. He is referring to his fellow convict missing Frank with a baseball bat as they drove by him. Reginald is then killed by Frank.
- Alright! Looks like we found our next contestants!
- Who: Sam Franklin
- Note: Character has escaped prison and stolen a military Humvee with two other convicts and has started killing survivors in the park area of the mall. He says this line after spotting two people moving across the lawn and drives over to them. Sam is then killed by Frank.
- I'm goina take out that dude an' snatch his old lady!
- Who: Miguel Sanchez
- Note: Character has escaped prison and stolen a military Humvee with two other convicts and has started killing survivors in the park area of the mall with a baseball bat while riding in the passenger seat. He spots two people moving across the lawn and says this line before killing the male survivor. Miguel is then killed by Frank.
- Stay away from there, gramps! Everyone used to laugh at me...I was a walking punchline. But not anymore. When the zombies came, everyone died! That's why I decided to give all the happy people a lift on this fun ride! I won't let you stop the ride, gramps! If the ride stops, then the zombies come back, and that won't be any fun at all!
- Who: Adam MacIntyre
- Note: Character is a clown who went insane after seeing his audience killed by zombies. After a fight with Frank, Adam falls onto his own chainsaws laughing as he is dying.
- Look, mister, if we're gonna fight these zombies, we need guns! [Cletus Samson: [shoots gun at ceiling] Gah! Stay back! I trust them damn zombies 'bout as far as I can throw 'em, but I trust people even less!] Don't shoot! Look... L-Let's talk this over! [Cletus Samson: You can talk to my 12-gauge! Don't get no closer, or I'll blow y'all to Kingdom Come!] [Frank West: [to James] Hey, hang on.] [James walks toward Cletus who shoots him in the heart, sending him flying out of the store, and kills him instantly] [Cletus Samson: [to Frank West] Now, Goddamn it, I warned you. In a situation like this, I can't afford to trust nobody!]
- Who: James Ramsey
- Note: Character was asking Cletus Samson, the deranged owner of a gun store for guns to defend himself. Cletus shoots James in the chest with his shotgun after saying these words.
- Damn! Damn, mister! C'mon now! Wh-- What, are you crazy?! You want-- You want guns so bad...that y'all are willin' to kill for 'em?! Lemme go! [Frank West: Hey!] [crying] Please! [Frank West: Hey, wait!] No! NO!!!
- Who: Cletus Samson
- Note: Character has killed James Ramsey and tried to kill Frank West in order to defend his gun store. After being wounded by Frank, he steps outside and is killed by James, who has become a zombie. In the Wii port, Chop Till You Drop, Cletus is saved by Frank and sells guns to him in return.
- My store... My... store! Who will run my store when I'm gone? My store... my food... my sales... my...customers. Have a nice day. [collapses, but briefly regains consciousness.] Clean up! Register 6! [collapses and dies]
- Who: Steven Chapman
- Note: Says this after being defeated by Frank. He crawls over to a nearby register and says this line before collapsing on the ground.
- You... over there... Here... take this... My granddaughter... She was done in by those damn zombies... When I heard her scream... I just lost it... Everything went white suddenly... The war... It wasn't over... Not for me... It... never... ended...
- Who: Cliff Hudson
- Note: Character, a Vietnam War veteran, went insane after his granddaughter was killed by zombies, believing himself to be back to the war and mistaking Frank for a Viet Cong. He explains this to Frank after trying to kill him before dying of his wounds. Frank closes Cliff's eyes in respect.
- It hurts... The pain... I'm gonna die... Can't believe a worthless prick like you did me in...
- Who: Jo Slade
- Note: Character says this after being defeated by Frank in combat. She dies of an apparent stroke/heart attack immediately after.
- But, Daddy, he ain't no zombie. He's just a man!
- Who: Thomas Hall
- Note: Character is being told to kill Frank by his brother and father. Thomas is killed by Frank after reluctantly trying to kill him.
- Shoot him, Thomas!
- Who: Jack Hall
- Note: Character is urging his younger brother Thomas to help him kill Frank. Frank kills Jack shortly after this.
- I said, shoot him! Shoot him, Thomas. Now. What you waiting for? Do it!
- Who: Roger Hall
- Note: Character is demanding his son Thomas to kill Frank. Frank kills Roger shortly after this.
- Give me strength... I beseech thee!
- Who: Sean Keanan
- Note: Character had gathered psychopaths from around the town in order form a cult centered around survivor sacrifice. After attempting to kill Frank with a sword at Colby's Movieland in the Paradise Plaza, Sean begs a idol he had made for help. The idol falls on top of Sean, impaling him through the head.
- Stay away from me! D-D-Don't come any closer!
- Who: Paul Carson
- Note: Character is a young pyromaniac who thinks the world is laughing at him. After a fight that ensues when Frank West catches him threatening two survivors, he desperately tries to get Frank to back off by lighting a Molotiv cocktail; he trips backing away and drops it on himself. Only potentially his last words, as he can be saved with a nearby fire extinguisher if the player is quick, which convinces him to calm down.
- What do you know!? We were trying to mass produce cattle. Do you... have any... idea... how much meat... Americans consume... in a single day!? That research... was absolutely necessary! I... haven't... done... anything... wrong...
- Who: Dr. Russel Barnaby
- Note: Character was the scientist who first created zombies while trying to mass produce cattle to feed Americas growing hunger. He turns into a zombie after saying this to Frank, and then shot in the forehead by Brad Garrison.
- I'm screwed... It doesn't hurt... Not even a little... I'm already dead. Frank... Don't tell Jessie about this.
- Who: Brad Garrison
- Note: Says this after Frank finds him trapped in the maintenance tunnels under the Willamette Parkview mall half-eaten by zombies after being stabbed by one of the game's main antagonists, Carlito Keyes. After he says this line, Brad turns into a zombie and Frank kills him.
- Do it, Frank... Take my picture... It'll look great on your mantle.
- Who: Kent Swanson
- Note: Character is a rival photographer to Frank. After trying to turn a survivor into a zombie and capture him on film, Frank mortally wounds Kent. After the battle, Kent then hands him his camera and says this line before dying from his wounds. Frank throws the camera away just after this.
- Zombies are no good! I can't serve my customers spoiled meat like that. I have a reputation to uphold! Trust me. I'm a butcher! I've got the best meat in town!
- Who: Larry Chiang
- Note: Character is an insane butcher who grinds people in meat. He says this after telling Frank he never would give zombies to his customers as he considers them "spoiled meat". Frank kills him after this statement.
- I'm sorry, Isabela... Give this... to my sister...
- Who: Carlito Keyes
- Note: Character has just been mortally wounded by Larry Chiang, the Mall's insane butcher. He gives Frank his necklace to give to his younger sister, Isabela, before dying from his wounds.
- I contacted headquarters, but... The government has decided to deny all knowledge of what happened here. Special forces will arrive for cleanup at midnight. They'll take everyone out... Zombies, people, everyone...
- Who: Jessica McCarney
- Note: Says this after calling the U.S. Department of Home Security to save them from the mall. Shortly afterward she turns into a zombie due to being bitten previously and kills two Special Forces agents.
- Jessica McCarney? Talk about your close calls... You contacted us just in time. Your boss thought we should have a talk with you before the operation begins. We'll be taking you into custody. If you sign an agreement to keep your mouth shut about all this... you'll be free to go.
- Who: Special Forces agent
- Note: Character was talking to Jessica, before she turned into a zombie and ate him.
- I see you, buddy! I see you! Yeah, ha, ha! I'm on my way! Yeah, ha, ha, ha, ha! Yeah! Yeah! You did it! You did it! Yeah! Woah! Ahhhhh -
- Aw, man... This ain't lookin' good. It don't matter how bad he wanted his scoop... When you're dead, you're dead...
- Who: Ed DeLuca
- Note: Character is a charter helicopter pilot who works for Frank. The first line is if the player had completed all the story missions and met up at the helipad at noon on the fourth day, where Ed is killed by a zombie that had snuck aboard. The second line is if the player had completed all the story missions and arrive at the helipad, but failed to talk to Isabela when the Special Forces arrive, which causes Ed to not see Frank at the helipad, before being killed by a zombie.
- Our mistakes have not begun with this operation. Humanity... has proven itself to be quite adept at making mistakes. Hell, it's the only thing we truly excel at. Well, then. I'd say this mission isn't quite over yet. Don't you agree?
- Who: Brock Mason
- Note: Character is the leader of the Special Forces, and the other half of the game's two main antagonists. After trying to kill Frank and Isabela with a tank, Brock jumps out of the tank and taunts Frank. Brock says this line just before Frank jumps onto the tank and defeats him in a fist fight. Brock then falls into a swarm of zombies.
Dead Rising 2
- I'll take her to the green room.
- Good luck out there.
- Who: Terror is Reality Employee
- Note: Character was told by the main protagonist Chuck Greene to look after his daughter Katey while he competed in the pay-per-view game show Terror is Reality. After Raymond Sullivan unleashes the TiR zombies on Fortune City, Chuck rushes to the Fortune City Arena's green room and finds the employee eaten to death by one of the zombies. The second line is from the Off the Record version, when the employee's dead body was seen on the Platinum Strip outside the arena long after he got an autograph from the other main protagonist Frank West.
- This is a joke, right? Why would you want to save those "things"?
- Who: Luke
- Note: Character had been speaking against Stacey Forsythe's zombie rights group CURE, who believe that zombies should not be used for entertainment purposes. After the zombie outbreak starts, Luke and his girlfriend Leah are seen getting eaten by two of the zombies on the Platinum Strip.
- Oh, God. Oh God, she got me. She got me...
- Who: Terror is Reality Spectator
- Note: Says this after getting bitten by a female zombie in the Fortune City Arena. He shortly turns into a zombie himself.
- Ted no feel so good...Snowflake! Kitty! Come, kitty! Are you still hungry, girl? Take me, Snowflake! Ted feed you! Ted take care of you...Fresh meat...just for you, kitty...Kitty...kitty...time for supper...
- Who: Theodore "Ted" Smith
- Note: Character was trying to feed his pet tiger Snowflake fresh meat at the Yucatan Casino, but was fatally wounded by Chuck (or Frank). As he lays on the ground, before dying from his wounds, Ted allows Snowflake to eat him.
- Hey! Over here! Over here!
- Who: Carlos Mertiz
- When Chuck is talking to Leon Bell, Carlos appears in the distance, but is sliced in half by Leon's Sliceycle before Chuck can get to him.
- Oh, you think it's that easy, Chuck? You think you're the man? You'll NEVER beat me. Yeah, that's right...quadruple points Chuckie...Let's see you top this! Yeah, you take that! On top...all the way to the end...But never forget, chump. I'm number one!
- Who: Leon Bell
- Note: Character, who was a TiR contestant, was riding his Slicecycle (motorcycle with chainsaw blades attached on the front) around the Platinum Strip, killing human survivors for "double the points". After he is defeated by Chuck and his motorcycle's gas tank springs a leak, Leon opens up his trailer, then does a donut with his cycle, as the blade scrapes the ground and creates a spark, setting both Leon and his bike on fire. Leon burns to death while taunting Chuck, claiming that he will never beat him. Chuck replies with "Yeah, you're on fire."
- Katey...Katey...Katey? Are you all right? Katey, you're OK. You're safe now. That's all that matters...that's all that matters. I can't imagine what I would do if anything ever happened to you.
- Who: Chuck Greene
- Note: In Off the Record, since Frank is the protagonist, Chuck becomes a psychopath, replacing Leon. Chuck had gone insane after losing his daughter Katey to the zombies and carries around a doll that looks just like her, while riding his Slicecycle around Fortune Park. After Frank defeats him, Chuck crashes his bike, falls to the ground, crawls over to the head of his Katey doll, clutches it tightly in his hands, believes that "Katey" being all right is all that matters, and then dies from his wounds sustained in the fight. After Frank picks up Chuck's bike keys, he notices that Chuck's body has vanished, suggesting that he may still be alive.
- Please... help me.
- Who: Vikki Taylor
- Note: This is only her last line in Off the Record, as her throat is slit by Brandon before the fight with him can begin. In the other version of the game she can still be saved.
- No...
- Who: Brandon Whittaker
- Note: Character, who was a member of CURE, says this after being bitten by a zombie he had kept in one of the stalls in the men's bathroom of the Americana Casino. Brandon chooses to commit suicide by slitting himself in the throat with the shard of glass he was using in his fight with Chuck (or Frank, as Brandon was working for the main antagonist Tyrone "T.K." King, host of Terror is Reality, in Off the Record) instead of turning into a zombie himself.
- HOW DARE YOU!? I AM ANTOINE! I AM THE KING OF CUISINE!!! No matter. No matter! This can still be a once in a lifetime meal. So sit...relax...Antoine will make you...DINNER!
- Who: Chef Antoine Thomas
- Note: Character had been in his restaurant at the Royal Flush Plaza's Food Court, capturing any survivors, killing them, and using their remains as ingredients for his meals, while waiting in vain for a food critic to come visit him. A furious Antoine screams this line after Chuck (or Frank) tells him that nobody wants to eat human meat. After the fight, a mortally wounded Antoine tries to support himself on a fryer in his kitchen, only to slip and fall head and right arm first into the boiling hot grease, burning and drowning him to death.
- You're How about that date?...I'm pick you just a minute. Be right...there...Don't worry, kids...Slappy...will live forever.
- Suzy...oh, Suzy...Now Slappy's broken too. We'll be in the big toybox in the sky...together...until we get fixed. Don't worry, kids! Slappy...will live...forever.
- Who: Brent "Slappy" Ernst
- Note: Character had lost his girlfriend Louise Jameson to the horde of zombies unleashed by T.K. and Sullivan (or Brandon), and was blaming Chuck for her death (or wanted Frank to "fix" her). After being defeated at Palisades Mall, Brent crawls over to Louise's dead body and cuddles it, promising her that they'll go on that date they had planned. Brent then sits up and shouts that his character Slappy will live forever, before finally dying.
- If anyone knows of any reason why these two should not be joined in union, speak now, or forever hold your...Oh thank God! Help us! Help us!
- Who: Emanuel Tugman
- Note: Character was captured by his insane son Randy, who would capture any female survivors and force them to marry him in the Swept Away Wedding Chapel on the Silver Strip. As Emanuel is forced to cut to the "I do"'s in Randy's latest wedding, Chuck (or Frank) walks in, and Emanuel cries for help, as Randy gets distracted and accidentally kills his father with his massive chainsaw.
- Baby...We could have been so good together...Our wedding night would have been so...
- Who: Randall "Randy" Tugman
- Note: Says this to who he thinks is his latest bride, Danni Bodine, after being mortally wounded by Chuck (or Frank). But it is actually the zombified corpse of one of his dead brides, who kills Randy by eating him. Chuck follows this up by saying "You may now kiss the bride.", while Frank says "You may now feed the bride."
- Bragging doesn't really suit you, Chuck. I always saw you more as the strong, silent type.
- I'm getting tired of hearing you talk, Frank. I always saw you more as the strong, silent type.
- Who: Crystal Bailey
- Note: Character had captured Rebecca Chang and was planning to ambush Chuck (or Frank) in the Shoal Nightclub at the Yucatan Casino. If the player kills Crystal first, these are her last words.
- The very, very silent type...
- Who: Amber Bailey
- Note: Character had captured Rebecca Chang and was planning to ambush Chuck (or Frank) in the Shoal Nightclub at the Yucatan Casino. If the player kills Amber first, these are her last words.
- What have you done? She other half. But you'll pay. You will never get out of here alive, Chuck. We promise you that-all of us. I'll never be complete again. Never!
- Who: Amber or Crystal Bailey
- Note: After Chuck (or Frank) kills one of the Bailey Sisters, the other one commits seppuku with her dead sister's knife.
- This one's a special delivery. Express.
- Who: Carl Schliff
- Note: Character is a postman roaming around the Royal Flush Plaza who had given a mailbomb to Chuck (or Frank), who threw it right at Carl's mailcart, blowing it up, prompting Carl to fight back. After the fight, Chuck (or Frank) picked up some Zombrex from his bag, and with his last dying breath, Carl signed his own clipboard, pulled out another mailbomb, and then died from his wounds as it detonates, blowing him to pieces.
- Please, we just needed food!
- Who: Justin Tetherford
- Note: Character was captured by the psychopathic security guard Seymour Redding. As Chuck (or Frank) shows up, Seymour kicks Justin off the Gladiator statue in the South Plaza, and Justin dies from being hung.
- I'm the big shot now...I'm twice the man you are...
- Who: Seymour Redding
- Note: Character was trying to climb up onto a large statue after being mortally wounded by Chuck (or Frank) at the South Plaza, but Seymour shortly loses his grip and falls onto a nearby table saw he inadvertently switched on before climbing, and is sliced to death. Chuck dryly comments with "I saw what you did there." while Frank remarks with "Well, shoulda saw that coming."
- That's right. We do it 'cuz we love our country...
- Who: Deetz Hartman
- Note: Character was part of a group of four snipers with Deetz Hartman, "Big" Earl Flaherty, Derrick Duggan, and Johnny James, who were trying to "cleanse" America by killing every last survivor and zombie around Fortune Park. He is killed by Chuck (or Frank).
- Damn, it feels good to be right! God bless America!
- Who: "Big" Earl Flaherty
- Note: Character was part of a group of four snipers with Deetz Hartman, Derrick Duggan, and Johnny James, who were trying to "cleanse" America by killing every last survivor and zombie around Fortune Park. He is killed by Chuck (or Frank).
- Whoo hoo! Let's go huntin' boys!
- Who: Derrick Duggan
- Note: Character was part of a group of four snipers with Deetz Hartman, "Big" Earl Flaherty, and Johnny James, who were trying to "cleanse" America by killing every last survivor and zombie around Fortune Park. He is killed by Chuck (or Frank).
- Oh, you're the best stage manager I ever had, kiddo...and you've got a nice little butt on you to boot. Oh, yeah, baby! Oh, you love it! And you love ME! You really, really love me!
- You had your chance to work with the entertainer of the new millennium! But your own selfish needs destroyed my comeback! That was a once in a lifetime opportunity, people! And you blew it. [Cameron: Oh, lord, down I go.] And I do mean that literally.
- Who: Bibi Love
- Note: Says the first lines after Chuck (or Frank) helps pull off her big comeback show at the Slot Ranch Casino. Bibi releases her hostages and then jumps off the stage into the crowd of zombies. These are only potentially her last words, as the player has the choice to save Bibi or not. The second group of last lines are said if Chuck (or Frank) attacks her or her hostages, where she will sit next to Cameron and detonate the bomb, killing herself and her survivors in the process.
- Oh, lord, down I go.
- Who: Cameron Welch
- Note: These are only his last lines if the player attacks him, Bibi or any of the other hostages. After this line is said, Bibi sits next to him and detonates the bomb, killing herself, Cameron and the hostages in the process. If the player manages to help Bibi with her comeback tour, Cameron will automatically join the party.
- You...scream...I...scream...We all...scream cream...
- Who: Evan MacIntyre
- Note: Character is from Off the Record and the younger brother of Adam MacIntyre, who was killed by Frank in the first Dead Rising game. After he is defeated by Frank on the Platinum Strip, Evan tries to grab another canister of liquid nitrogen for his Snowball Cannon from his Clown Car, only for it to fall off the roof, explode, and freeze Evan solid as he says this line. Frank then knocks Evan forward with his foot, shattering him to pieces. As he walks away, Frank says "That guy kinda cracked me up."
- Oh, look at Mister Big Guy here! Everyone's a critic, aren't they? You think this is easy?! I suppose YOU know how to saw a woman in half, right big shot?! We're professionals, OK? Who asked you to come in here while we were practising? You just want to tear us down, like the others! Don't you?!? Well, we just so happen to have a very special trick...just for you...It's a little disappearing trick. You'd be the perfect volunteer. The TO DIE FOR!
- Who: Reed Wallbeck
- Note: Character is one half of a magic act with Roger Withers. Reed says this line before he and Roger fight Chuck (or Frank), who had pointed that they just murdered a survivor. After losing the fight, a dying Reed lies on the floor, as Roger crawls over and stabs him in the chest with a dagger before both eventually die from their wounds.
- I've always wanted to do that.
- Who: Roger Withers
- Note: Character is one half of a magic act with Reed Wallbeck. Roger says this line after stabbing Reed in the chest with a dagger as revenge for being abused by him for too long, before dying of wounds sustained in their fight against Chuck (or Frank).
- But you ain't gonna bite me. You ain't gonna turn me...I'll never be one of you...
- Who: Sergeant Dwight Boykin
- Note: Character was the leader of a rescue squad sent in to Fortune City, but his men, 8-Ball, Jonesy, and Curtis, were all killed by gas zombies. An insane Dwight then captured Rebecca and held her hostage in the Underground Tunnels, before being fatally wounded by Chuck (or Frank), who rescues Rebecca, while Dwight commits suicide by blowing himself up with a grenade to prevent himself from turning into a zombie.
- These queens are fully mature. We are exceeding estimates. You should call the doctor and let him know that we're going to start preparing the harvest for shipping.
- Who: Pearce Stephens
- Note: Character is a Phenotrans scientist who was killed by Chuck (or Frank).
- Who the hell are you? You're not supposed to be in here!
- Who: Mark Bradson
- Note: Character is a Phenotrans scientist who was killed by Chuck (or Frank).
- I'll call my station. They'll send help.
- Who: Rebecca Chang
- Note: Character is about to call her news station before being shot in the head by Sullivan, who is revealed to be a Phenotrans agent. Rebecca survives in Off the Record, as Stacey shot her in the stomach.
- We're the good guys, Chuck. Not you.
- It's too late for me. gotta take care of this. For all of us.
- Who: Raymond Sullivan
- Note: Says this line proclaiming Phenotrans are the good guys, not Chuck, before he gets ripped in half by a plane. The second line is from Off the Record, in which Stacey is the Phenotrans agent, who shoots Sullivan after he saves Frank from getting killed by her.
- It's Agent S. I'm ready for extraction. Yeah, I just have an old newspaper that needs to be taken out to the trash.
- Who: Stacey Forsythe
- Note: In Off the Record, Stacey is the Phenotrans agent. After their fight at Uranus Zone, Stacey knocks Frank to the ground and calls for an extraction before she is crushed by her own giant robot, while Frank rolls out of the way and quips "I always thought you had a crush on me. Too bad I don't dig flat chicks."
- I can set you free, man. You got to help me.
- I'm your story, man. You got to help me.
- You gotta be risk it all...if you're ever really gonna...
- Who: Tyrone "T.K." King
- Note: Character had been bitten during a zombie invasion on the Safe House, and was begging Chuck (or Frank) to give him some Zombrex. If the player didn't give him Zombrex before going to fight Sullivan (or Stacey), the first and second lines are T.K.'s last words, as he turns into a zombie and attacks Chuck (or Frank) in the Safe House's elevator. At the beginning of the original game's epilogue Case West, Frank saves Chuck by killing the zombified T.K. with a baseball bat. If the player gave him Zombrex before going to fight Sullivan (or Stacey), T.K. would capture Katey and Stacey (or Rebecca) and fight Chuck (or Frank) to the death on the central platform of the Fortune City Arena. After he is defeated, T.K. says the third line, which is TiR's motto, as he tries to strangle Chuck (or Frank) to death, only to be thrown over the platform and straight to his death. Chuck completes the phrase by saying "Win big." while Frank asks "Fall to your death?"
Dead Rising 3
- We are all going to die!
- Who: Peter's mother
- Note: Said before she gets eaten by zombies.
- No! Help me! No!!
- Who: Peter
- Note: Said before he gets eaten by zombies.
- Why have you forsaken me? I get fired. My wife leaves for a guy who sells refrigerators. My kids grow up to be disrespectful brats. Now this? A goddamn zombie outbreak? Seriously? Screw you, you piece of crap!
- Who: Harry "Zhi" Wong
- Note: Said before he slices his own head off whilst laughing maniacally.
- ...Clyde?
- Who: Mel
- Note: Said before his boss, Hunter, mows him down with his RollerHawg.
- I'm gonna rip your heart out, boy. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! You're dead now! Here comes the boss...Come on! You're dead, boy.
- Who: Clyde
- Note: Said before his boss, Hunter, mows him down with his RollerHawg.
- You little bitch! You're going to die, you know this? You are going to suffer, and you are going to die. The only way you're leaving here is in a coffin.
- Who: Hunter Thibodeaux
- Note: Said before he crashes his RollerHawg into a tanker and explodes.
- No! No! That's gonna kill my profit margin! They want to get their hands on what is mine! Get your hands off what's mine! Mine!
- Who: Albert Contiello
- Note: Said before he cuts his chest open with his own saw and pulls his organs out. Through it all, he thinks zombie hallucinations are the ones killing him.
- Please...No! No, no, no! No, she wasn't bit! What have you done? What have you done?
- Who: Hilde's victim
- Note: Said before Hilde snaps his neck.
- It's not fair... I've finished first...
- Who: Sergeant Hilde Schmittendorf
- Note: The first line is said before she fires a rocket at Nick. The latter is said after she falls out of a window.
- Hey, stop it, I'm starving!
- Who: Darlene's victim
- Note: Said before he's stabbed to death with a spork.
- I feel really bad. Oh my god. Like super bad gas. You gave me indigestion. You little pig. Time to purge!
- Who: Darlene Fleischermacher
- Note: Said before her mobility scooter forces her onto her back where she chokes on her own vomit.
- You gave me blue balls, you tease.
- Who: Dylan Fuentes
- Note: Said before he falls over and dies.
- As your commander-in-chief, I order you to release me.
- Who: President Sonya Paddock
- Note: Said before a worm is force-fed down her mouth and she turns into a zombie. Later, she is shot and killed.
- No! No! No, no, please don't hurt me.
- Who: Theodore "Teddy" Lagerfeld Jr
- Note: Said before he dies of a heart attack.
- Nick! Help me!
- Who: Diego Martinez
- Note: Said before worms explode from his body.
- That's sweet of you, dear, but no thank you. I've had a wonderful life and I'm not afraid to die. Now you get going to somewhere safe, you hear?
- Who: Meryl Jefferson
- This elderly survivor has cancer. Once the mission "Memory Lane" has been completed she will go to bed and pass away.
- You know what Nick, I'm gonna take it easy on you because you look like you could use a break. Hey, maybe, maybe you need a...maybe you need a sidekick, huh? What do you...Kick! Get it? Get it? Because my name is Kick! Make an answer right now, because they're gonna eat me.
- Who: Kenny "Kick" Dermot
- Note: Potentially his last words. If the player decides not to save him, Kenny will be eaten by zombies.
- You are worthy...You are unique...You deserve happiness...
- Who: Jherii Gallo
- Note: Said before she pulls over a display case, crushing her.
- [Nick: What happened to you Red?] Everybody got some shit. Everybody gets shit. I wanted it to be my time. [Nick: Well, you're right about one thing.] What? [Nick: It is your time.]
- Who: Ronald "Red" Jackson
- Note: Said before he is crushed by a crane's cargo.
- Oh, don't be so pathetic. You are so weak. You, you make me sick.
- Who: Marian Mallon
- Note: Said to Hemlock before he throws her off the roof of a tall building.
- Fuck you!
- Who: General John Hemlock
- Note: Said to Nick before he kicks the General into a plane's rotors.
- Experiments... Central Storage...
- Who: Unnamed Spec Ops soldier
- Note: After being held at knifepoint by Angel Quijano and Doug Trent, the soldier is pushed down some steps and eaten alive by zombies. He can only be found in the Fallen Angel DLC.
- Top shelf, baby. Top shelf. Bring it on, assholes!
- Who: Angel Quijano
- Note: Angel lures a wave of Spec Ops to the Burgess-Dawson Hotel and engages all of them in combat at once. It's not made clear what happens explicitly or how many soldiers die from this, but Angel can later be found with a bullet hole in her head. This line is only heard in the Fallen Angel DLC.
- I got you a going away present, over at Shavey's Garage in Ingleton. It''s my pride and joy, it's...all...yours...
- Who: Torque
- Note: After killing Spider's three biker captains (Razorface, Snake and Cannons) and returning with their gang rings to Ironside Motorbikes, Hunter will find Torque slowly dying. Before he expires Torque reveals to Hunter the location of his RollerHawg. He can only be encountered in the Chaos Rising DLC.
- The Kings are mine, Hunter! [Clyde: This'll take him out!] Mine!
- Who: Spider
- Note: Said before Hunter breaks his arm and shoves a Bowie knife through his throat. He can only be encountered in the Chaos Rising DLC.
- Take's got proof...Take it. Make things right. I'm gonna turn soon...I was just... following orders...
- Who: Commander Adam Kane
- Note: After being defeated by Nick Ramos and then being attacked by a zombie, Kane says these last words to Brad Park before giving him the black box and shooting himself in the head.
Dead Space series
- Huh. That doesn't look good. She's taken a lot of damage.
- Who: Corporal Johnston
- Source: Dead Space (2008)
- Note: After engineer Issac Clarke sees the damage report on the mining spaceship USG Ishimura, the crew is suddenly attacked by mutated and monstrous creatures called Necromorphs; one officer is killed by a Slasher from behind.
- Up there!
- Who: Aiden Chen
- Source: Dead Space (2023)
- Note: In the same scene, corporal officer Chen spots and opens fire on a Slasher up in the vents before being killed by a second Slasher from behind.
- What the fuck?
- Who: Hailey Johnston
- Source: Dead Space (2023)
- Note: After Issac returns back to the USG Kellion to meet up with Hailey Johnston, two Leapers breach into the hull and destroy the singularity core, causing the ship to self-destruct with Hailey in it; a second explosion launches Isaac out of the ship.
- Shhh, shhh, it's all right, McCoy... Nothing to be afraid of... I knew you'd come... just like you said... I, I, I saved this for you... Can I go now? McCoy wants to take me... to the shuttle...
- Who: Blinded Woman
- Source: Dead Space (2008)
- Note: After Issac arrives to the Medical Deck via tram, he discovers a blindfolded woman sitting beside a corpse she refers to as McCoy, she claims to have foreseen Isaac's arrival (despite having no idea who he is) and passes him the Kinesis Module before dying.
- Don't let them out... don't let them out... Gotta hold the line... They all came back...
- Who: Security Officer
- Source: Dead Space (2023)
- Note: After Issac arrives to the Medical Deck in an alternate route, he discovers a wounded female security officer on the floor, impaled in the chest from a Slasher's hand. She drops her Pulse Rifle to Isaac and dies shortly after.
- Traitor! Heretic! [Dr. Kyne: Hold his head!] Murderer! [Dr. Kyne: Hold him!] Aaarrrggghhh!
- Traitors! Get your hands off me! This is my ship!
- Who: Captain Benjamin Mathius
- Source: Dead Space (2008)/(2023)
- Note: Issac finds a video log of Dr. Kyne attempting to relieve Captain Mathius of duty (as he is a crazed Unitologist who wants to deliver the Marker to the Church of Unitology) and accidentally stabs him in the left eye with a needle while trying to sedate him. In the remake, Mathius breaks free and immediately charges at Kyne before being accidentally killed by Kyne's needle.
- Not me. Save Hydroponics. We're all dying. Air's poison. But there's still time. Her enzyme will work if... [coughs hoarsely] She just needs liquid nitrogen. Save us...
- Who: Survivor
- Source: Dead Space (2023)
- Note: After Issac lifts the security lockdown in Dr. Challus Mercer's office, a bloodied survivor lying on a hospital bed urges Issac to give an enzyme to Dr. Elizabeth Cross at Hydroponics and clear the poisonous gasses before dying.
- Issac! Over here! I've been trying to reach you but my comm was out! You got the singularity core... That's our ticket out of here! Get that core to the shuttle! Don't wait for me. Oh, fuck me. Aaarrgh!
- Chen...? No. You're what killed him.
- Who: Zach Hammond
- Source: Dead Space (2008)/(2023)
- Note: After Issac has collected the singularity core of the USG Valor, he briefly meets Hammond before being assaulted and killed by a Brute as Issac watches helplessly. In the remake, after arriving at the Valor's engine room and meeting up with Isaac, Hammond then encountered the Slasher form of Chen once again, whom he saw as his former friend in an alive and well state due to being under the Marker's influence. Although he was fatally impaled by the creature due to his delusions, Hammond then had a brief moment of clarity and sacrifices himself by pushing Chen into the singularity core of the Valor, killing them both.
- I built your shit. It didn't work! You're not gonna hurt anyone else!
- Who: Jacob Temple
- Source: Dead Space (2023)
- Note: After transporting the Red Marker to the Crew Deck, Jacob decided to confront Mercer head-on, shooting him with a Force Gun and injuring him, but was countered by a Stasis shot. After Mercer had a short conversation with Isaac, he killed Jacob by shooting him in the head while still in stasis, prolonging his death.
- Your time has come. No need to be frightened! No need to fight! Many have gone long before us, and now it's time for us to take the voyage together, transcend death... and let the future take its course. Join me, as I gaze upon the face of God!
- Take him. Bring Convergence. Make us whole! No—I was promised—!
- Who: Challus Mercer
- Source: Dead Space (2008)/(2023)
- Note: After Isaac defeated the Hunter, Mercer allowed himself to be killed by an Infector, becoming a Necromorph himself, an Enhanced Slasher. When Isaac encounters him, Mercer is missing his head, presumably to reflect his "blind faith." Isaac Clarke made short work of the changed Mercer and euthanized him. In the remake, an enraged Mercer berates Isaac before turning to the Marker and begging it to "take" Isaac and begin the Convergence Event right away, to no avail. Instead, another massive tentacle wrapped itself around the Marker and dragged it and Mercer down to the cargo hold, crushing the doctor against the Marker and killing him in the process.
Devil May Cry series
Devil May Cry
- Dante, I will return. And I will rule this WOOOOOOOORLD!
- Who: Mundus
- Notes: Says these when hit by Dante's guns Ebony and Ivory infused with Trish's magic vowing to one day return. Dante replies "Goodbye, and when you do come back, give my regards to my son will ya!"
Die Hard Vendetta
- Frontier! You goddamn coward! Come back here and help me!
- Who: Piet Gruber
- Notes: The son of Hans Gruber, confronting McClane at the roof of Nakatomi Plaza, Piet is injured. He then pleads his partner-in-crime, Jack Frontier to help him, but Frontier abandons him. Piet then tries to kill McClane in a rage, only to be shot by John's daughter, Lucy.
- Ah, it is such a shame that you are the only witness to my greatest performance. But it fills my heart with joy to know that I'll be taking you to hell with me, McClane, ha ha ha ha ha!
- Who: Jack Frontier
- Notes: A former actor turned the mastermind behind the art theft, he is defeated in battle by John McClane. Frontier then activates bombs as he plans to take McClane to death with him
Dragon Quest 8: The Journey of the Cursed King
- One final thing, Jess...Mother may try to stand in your way. Nevertheless...Follow your heart, and do as you must. Farewell, my little sister.
- Who: Alistair
- Note: Says the first line before being killed by Dhoulmagus, and the second line when his soul leaves the statue of Alexandra.
- Uaaargh! Oh, my Goddess! My dear, sweet, Goddess! At last, I shall rest, cradled in your blessed arms!
- Who: Tortured soul
- Note: The tortured soul is already dead when you fight him. After defeating him, the party earns a gold rosary.
- He's...dangerous...Captain in trou...ble...Urrrgh...
- Who: One of the soldiers in Maella Abbey
- Note: This soldier is found lying in the middle of the Abbot's room.
- Uuuurgh...The...jest...errrrr...You Abbot...Guuurgh...
- Who: One of the soldiers in Maella Abbey
- Note: This soldier is knocked down the stairs in the Abbot's room.
- Don't worry, Marcello! I will be fine. I have given myself to the Goddess! If it is Her wish, I am prepared to die....But, wretched sinner, if that is not Her wish, nothing you can do will ever harm me! The Goddess will protect us all from whatever evil you can muster!
- Who: Abbot Francisco
- Note: The Abbot says this before Dhoulmagus threatens to kill him. King Trode interrupts, and, at the end of Trode's dialogue, Abbot Francisco is impaled by Dhoulmagus' staff.
- If you see Master Felix again, I'd like you to give him a message from me. Tell him that I...Baumren...owe a lifetime of happiness entirely to him. Farewell, and good health on your journey.
- Who: Baumren
- Note: Baumren is already dead when you encounter him.
- Aaaaaaargh! ...No! Not now! It cannot end now...
- Who: Dhoulmagus
- Note: Said before he turns to stone and explodes.
- P-Please...Go after...S-Sir Leopold...H-He's the only one who makes...Master Dominico...happy...Without...Sir Leo...pold, Master...Dominico so...u-unhappy...Ma...ster...
- Who: David
- Note: Said after Sir Leopold kills him.
- Well? You like my nook powder!? Go, Boris! Hurry!
- Who: Marta
- Note: Said just before Sir Leopold impales her on the sceptre.
- Shiver me timbers, you beat old Cap'n Crow...'Tis a good sign. My treasure be yours. Arrrr, me old hearties. Take me treasure and fulfil the dream I never could, arrrr...
- Who: Captain Crow
- Note: Captain Crow is already dead when you meet him. After defeating him, the party earns a pirate hat.
- Ah, Fransisco, my old friend...I should have known the book of his conscience would be closed to me. Guide his straying soul...lest he lose it.
- Who: The Lord High Priest
- Note: Said after talking to Marcello.
- Impossible! N-No human could be so strong...Of course! Empyrea! She brought you here from the World of Light to defeat me! What a fool to think she could get the better of me! If I die, I'm taking her egg with me! She'll regret the day she tried to trick Gemon! Gwa ha ha ha hah!
- Who: Gemon
- Note: Said before he explodes with Empyrea's son.
- You...fools...How many more times...
- Who: Sir Leopold
- Note: After he says this, he releases his grip on the sceptre, transforms into a dog, falls over and dies.
- Wha...? If you is not here, I be having a scrumptious dinner now! But I is a troll, so......maybe this all be just a dream!
- Who: A boss troll in Trolls' Maze
- Note: This troll falls over and disappears into a cloud of purple smoke.
- Whaaaaaargh! Meddling pests! How much more of my time will you waste!? You will rot in hell for breaking my shield of darkness! But first you will taste the true might of my flesh and blood! You shall taste the terror eternal. Even death shall offer you no respite.
- Who: Rhapthorne
- Note: This is said before the heroes defeat him and beat the game.
w:Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
- Note: The character was Kirumi Tojo; the Ultimate Maid who was about to fall victim to her execution for killing Ryoma Hoshi.
EarthBound series
EarthBound Beginnings (Mother)
- Brute strength is not enough to beat them. I now know that peace can be brought back to us. I believe. (NES version)
- There's no way we can beat 'em with brute strength alone. But we CAN bring peace back to the world. I just know it. (GBA version)
- Who: Teddy
- Note: Character has been terribly wounded by R-7038 along with Ninten and Ana and left for dead on Holy Loly Mountain/Mt. Itoi before Lloyd arrives to pick them up and bring them back to the hospital. When they see that Teddy is still in terrible condition, he says these words of determination as shown above. Of course, they were supposed to be his final words in the original version before he passed away from fatal injuries; these, however, were negated as just mere words when the game developers decided to spare his life by having him drift off to sleep, albeit with rough breathing, in both the NES prototype and the Game Boy Advance rerelease.
EarthBound (Mother 2)
- It's already dawn outside... but it doesn't matter to me. I'm fading fast... Argh! *gasp*
- Who: Buzz Buzz
- Note: In the beginning of EarthBound, Buzz Buzz gets swatted by Lardna Minch and gives the Sound Stone to Ness, then dies.
- ...Even though you could beat me... Master Giygas will avenge me... At this moment, Paula should be...Monotoli... Gwaaaaarrrrgh!!
- Who: Dept. Store Mook
- Note: After character is defeated by Ness and Jeff, he tries telling them that Paula is at the Monotoli Building, but he breathes his last before he can finish.
- Here's my last haiku poem: When on your way out / Be sure that you say goodbye / then lock the door tight. This is my final request... Don't follow me. I must be on my way... Whoa... So... long!
- Who: Everdred
- Note: Character had fallen from a very tall building in Fourside after attempting to get the Mani Mani statue stolen from him by Monotoli, the mayor of Fourside. After these last words, character suddenly gets up and walks away. We can assume that he died off-camera.
- Ness! It hurts, Ness... Argh... Yaaagh!...
- Who: Giygas
- Note: Character's body and mind had been destroyed by his own extreme power, transforming him into a near-mindless hurricane of pure evil. He is destroyed by the prayers of countless people praying for the safety of Ness and his friends, as the prayers exploit his weakness of human emotion.
Mother 3
- Who: Lil' Miss Marshmallow
- Note: Character is defeated by Lucas and his friends while they are on the way to the top of the Tower of Thunder to try to steal a Friend's Yo-Yo. She collapses and spouts out these random and non sequitur words before exploding in a mushroom cloud.
- Oooh. ♥ So today is the day I disappear. Ionia, What's-Your-Name, and Doggy... Byebee! ♥
- Who: Aeolia
- Note: One of the Magypsies, Ionia, has discovered that their leader, Aeolia, is ceasing to exist. As the latter is vanishing, s/he tells Lucas, Boney and Ionia that one of the seven needles implanted in the sleeping Dragon's body may have been pulled off, and s/he now orders them to investigate before opening a secret passageway to Osohe Castle. S/He then says goodbye and completely disappears for good.
- Bye, now! ♥ La la la! ♥
- Who: Doria
- Note: When Lucas pulls the second needle out of the bottom of Doria's pool, s/he starts vanishing and knows that s/he won't die along with the other Magypsies, that s/he will enjoy happiness after vanishing. S/He gives Lucas his/her memento and disappears while saying these words.
- Lucas. This is it. "The time" has come. Believe in that, and keep pushing forward. This is where I say farewell. ♥ Don't worry about me. ♥ You can use the white box at the top of this mountain to leave. ♥ Also, go and ask my little Pigmask friend what he wants to do now. [vanishes] Byebee! ♥ Send hugs and kisses to the next Magypsy for meeee! ♥
- Who: Lydia
- Note: Lucas and his friends arrive in time to see the Masked Man pull the third needle from the ground near Snowcap Mountain before he sends a Steel Mechorilla to deal with them. After the team defeats the Steel Mechorilla, Lydia walks up and investigates the incident as s/he is vanishing as well. S/He gives Lucas his/her memento, and speaks these words as advice to them before s/he disappears in the blink of an eye.
- You can expect to see more of me in your dreams from now on. ♥ *giggle* Goodbye! ♥
- Who: Phrygia, the sleeping Magypsy
- Note: When Lucas pulls the fourth needle in the volcano, Phrygia arrives in time from his/her sleep to witness it, then tells Lucas the locations of the fifth and sixth needles and gives him Phrygia's Memento before vanishing with these words.
- Ohhh, I'm disappeeeaaring. ♥ Fareweeeelllll! ♥
- Who: Mixolydia, a.k.a. Missy
- Note: After an incident with the Masked Man over the fifth needle at Tanehineri/Tanetane Island, Lucas and his friends are awakened by a vanishing Mixolydia, who tells them that only two needles remain. S/He gives Lucas his/her memento and a jar of yummy pickles to show to Ionia, then says these words before vanishing completely.
- It's too bad I didn't get to see how everything turns out, but... Lucas, honey. ♥ Little Boney. ♥ Adorable Duster. ♥ And Princess Kumatora. ♥ Whatever happens, make sure you get to see what the final fate of the world is. [vanishes] Oh! Locria is nearing the seventh Needle...
- Who: Ionia
- Note: After Lucas has pulled out the sixth needle in front of his team and Ionia in Chupichupyoi Temple, s/he tells them that the missing Magypsy, Locria, is getting near the final needle near New Pork City. After giving Lucas his/her memento, s/he tells them to be careful about what the future holds for the world once the final needle is pulled, then vanishes completely.
- [through an interpreter] Gah! Oww ow owww... You have bested me, kind sirs. Actually, no, you did not best me. You are merely detestable. I am sick of all this fighting. Very, extremely sick of it. This is all just a game. You could call it Master Porky's game. You people are still stuck inside the game. As for me, I may have been removed from it. But, I am still not sure. The flames of my life are in danger now. I do not think we will ever meet again. And not just in battle... Nwehehe!
- Who: Yokuba/Fassad (Locria)
- Note: After Lucas and his friends defeat Yokuba/Fassad in the sewers of New Pork City, s/he tells them through a robotic interpreter that s/he is sick of fighting, which is all a part of a game of Master Porky Minch, and that they are still stuck inside the game. S/He then says that they may never meet again, then falls down into an apparent watery grave. Later on, Lucas and his friends are shocked upon discovering Yokuba's/Fassad's bananas, horns and clothes in the house of the supposed final Magypsy before realizing that Yokuba/Fassad was indeed Locria, the missing, defective Magypsy whom they had just killed, and that they are now forced to find Master Porky and the final needle all by themselves.
- I'm sorry it turned out like this. I'm really happy you could be with me just before the end... Thanks. Dad. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. I'm going to where Mom is now. Lucas. I hope we meet again someday. Bye. Thank you. I'm sorry. I'm sure we'll meet again.
- Who: Claus
- Note: After discovering that his brother Claus is the Masked Man, Lucas is forced to defend himself against Claus' attacks, until the voice of their dead mother Hinawa repeatedly tells Claus to stop fighting, convincing him that he is not Porky's robot. After a few minutes of fighting, and a brief flashback, Claus gives in to his realization of the error of his ways. After she tells him that he's exhausted and convinces him to come to her, Claus sadly obliges and unleashes his thunder attack, which repels off Lucas' Franklin Badge and ends up mortally wounding Claus. After falling into Lucas' arms, he apologizes to Lucas and their father Flint, then bids them farewell before breathing his last in his brother's arms.
- You must be so tired...
- Who: Hinawa
- Note: In the fan-translation, the scene where this is said was translated as "You must be so exhausted." It is believed that 'Tired' is the closer translation as that was the line mentioned in an interview with the game's creator, Shigesato Itoi.
Elden Ring
- I shall remember thee, Tarnished. Smould'ring with thy meagre flame. Cower in fear. Of the night.
- Who: Margit, the Fell Omen
- Note: Said after being defeated by a Tarnished (i.e. "player character") approaching Stormveil Castle.
- ...I am the Lord of all that is Golden... And one day, we'll return together... To our home, bathed in rays of gold...
- Who: Godrick the Grafted
- Note: Said after being defeated by a Tarnished progressing into Stormveil Castle.
- Oh little Ranni, my dear daughter. Weave thy night into being...
- Who: Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
- Note: Said after being defeated by a Tarnished in an alternate reality inside Raya Lucaria Academy.
- Tarnished, thou'rt but a fool. The Erdtree wards off all who deign approach. We are...we are all forsaken.
- Who: Morgott, the Omen King
- Note: Said after being defeated by a Tarnished found in Leyndell, Royal Capital. In a near-death state, he warns the Tarnished that the Erdtree, the enormous luminous tree overlooking the Lands Between, wards off all who trespass and approach close to it.
- O, dear Miquella... O, dearest Miquella, my brother... I'm sorry. I finally met my match...
- Who: Malenia, Blade of Miquella/Goddess of Rot
- Note: Said after being defeated by a Tarnished found in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. After being defeated, her disembodied voice is heard calling to her twin brother Miquella for finally meeting her match in battle.
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
- The things I do for love...
- Once I was as you were, confused and without answers. Yet, they came in time. Now, my duty is complete. I can finally rest. My sacrifice was not in vain.
- Who: Karim
- Notes: Character had gone on a quest for a treasure that his lover had seen in her dreams(one of the Ancients' Essences). She died during the course of the journey after being unfaithful to him, but convinces him to sacrifice himself and guard the artifact. The second line is said after he passes on the essence to Roberto.
- Nooo! Charlemagne! I have failed you...
- Who: Anthony
- Notes: Character has been cursed by a spell meant for Charlemagne, and is slowly turning undead. After he realizes that his liege is dead, he collapses and dies. He later returns as a zombified monster who attacks the player, constantly wailing "Charlemagne", before Paul Luther finishes him off.
- MAY THE RATS EAT YOUR EYES!! I am now lost to your cause!! The Darkness comes!! IT WILL DAMN US ALL!!
- Destroy the Darkness, Edward... and avenge my wasted death.
- Who: Maximilian Roivas
- Notes: Character has been committed to a mental asylum, after killing four of his servants whom he suspected of being possessed (it is revealed that one was) and attempting warning the world about the monsters that had invaded his mansion. He dies some time later, and says the second line to Edward before vanishing as a ghost.
- But the demons! You'd' be insane to build there!
- Take it... save us... all...
- Who: Roberto Bianchi
- Notes: Character says the first line to his captor (Pious Augustus in disguise), who had captured him and forced him to survey the monster-infested foundations for his project. Afterwards, Pious reveals that the monsters are the reason he is building there, and sacrifices Roberto by burying him alive in a tower of other victims. The second line is said when his spirit finds Michael Edwards in the ruins; he urges Michael to take the Essence that he and Karim had guarded.
- Take your stand, and fight the darkness!
- Who: Ellia
- Note: This line is said by the character's reanimated corpse, as she was killed earlier in the story for remaining silent when Pious demanded the location of the Essence of Mantorok. She passes on the Essence to Edwin Lindsey before fading forever.
- May your faith protect thee, Brother Luther, for that's all you have.
- Who: The Custodian
- Notes: Character earlier reveals that he has been marked for death. Paul Luther later finds him sacrificed on an altar, just after Paul puts a dagger into a slot in a statue's chest (whether this is a coincidence or whether it caused the Custodian's death is unclear).
- You must leave. There's something I have to do before they get to me... I can't protect you if they find us. Good luck!
- Who: Michael Edwards
- Note: Death is not seen, but the character said earlier that he would not survive the night. However, it is possible that Edward Roivas was killed instead, as a ball of light follows him home, and an unknown individual drops off the Essence that Michael obtained. Additionally, his statue does not appear in the hall that shows the statues of the Darkness' victims.
- The Darkness... is not so easily destroyed. No... My death is just the beginning...
- Who: Pious Augustus
- Notes: Character, an undead Roman centurion, has been defeated by Alexandra Roivas, and his Ancient has lost to the Ancient she has summoned. She stabs him through the chest with the bottom end of his staff, killing him.
- Goodbye, Alex. I will miss you.
- Who: Edward Roivas
- Note: This is the character's last lines as a ghost, before he disappears forever. Alex is his granddaughter.
Eternal Sonata
- A dream? Is this really a dream?
- Who: Frederic Francois Chopin
- Note: Said before dying of his injuries in the final battle.
- Doing this is easy if it's for him.
- Who: Polka
- Note: Said before jumping off a cliff into the sea in the ending.
- Well, ultimately, I guess, I lose in both work and love.
- Who: Claves
- Note: Said after being mortally wounded by a mysterious assassin.
The Elder Scrolls
The Elder Scrolls Oblivion
- Close up Left! Protect the Emperor!
- Who: Captain Renault
- Note: Killed during a Battle shortly afterwards
- For the Emperor!
- Who: Glenroy
- Note: Shouts this whilst rushing into a Battle in which he is killed
- Find him. And Close shut the Jaws of Oblivion!
- Who: Emperor Uriel Septim VII
- Note: Says this to the Protagonist. Seconds later, an Assassin appears and stabs him dead.
- Stranger, you picked the wrong day to begin worshipping the Septim Dynasty
- Who: Unnamed Assassin
- Note: The same Assassin who killed Uriel says this during Battle, though he can be killed before saying it.
- You should not be here Mortal! Your Flesh is mine! Your Bones forfeit!
- Who: Dremora Sigil Keeper
- Note: Says this to taunt the Protagonist before attacking them and dying
- Have you got the Key? You must get the Keeper's key--it's the only way into the Sigil Keep!
- Who: Menien Goneld
- Note: Says this to you for what do in Oblivion, he isn't seen again after closing the Gate
- I'll go nowhere with you, fetcher! Nowhere!
- Who: Aldos Othran
- Note: Says this to a Guard for being fined a large amount of money and loosing his house. Said Guard is keeping watch over the House. He then fights the Guard, causing him to be killed by the Guard in self defense.
- Move along, friend
- Who: Astav Wirich
- Note: Says this as he is tailgating Baurus, a member of the Blades. After you and Baurus go to the Basement of the Hotel, Astav follows you and attacks you, resulting in either Baurus or yourself killing him.
- Wait! I've seen you before! You're the Blade Brother Astav was trailing! Brothers! Kill this Pretender!
- I told you to come alone! Brothers, kill him!
- I'm afraid you have failed the first test. There are no second chances in Lord Dagon's service
- I have nothing else to say to you. But my father wishes to speak with you before we send you on your way
- Who: Raven Camoran
- Note: The first three lines are for when you and Baurus ambush the Meeting in the Sewers, causing him and three Assistants to attack you. If Baurus is the one performing the Meeting and not waiting above, Raven says the first line and kills him. He also says this if you perform the Meeting when Baurus is spotted. The Third one is if you choose not to sit down. He gives three warning before attacking you. The last one is in Paradise where all dead Mythic Dawn go to, when he explains that his Father, Mankar Camoran, wishes to speak to you. During the battle with Mankar, when he is killed, everybody in Paradise dies permanently.
- Harrow awaits within. You should not linger here
- Who: Lake Arrius Caverns Doorkeeper
- Note: If you choose to sneak into the Mythic Dawn as a Member, then he will unlock the door and tell you to meet Harrow. If you choose not to give your things to Harrow, he will attack you. If you do however, he is never seen again.
- Then you have come here to die!
- Who: Harrow
- Note: Says this to you if you choose not to give up your Equipment twice, he and everyone else in the Caverns will attack you.
- Then Lord Dagon shall drink your blood instead!
- You did not expect to see me again did you? You have no grasp of the power my Father has at his command. You think you can stop us? Soon Mehrunes Dagon will walk upon Tamriel for the first time since the Mythic Age, and our victory will be complete. Come, my Father is waiting to welcome you at Carac Agaialor
- Why do you delay? Do you fear to face Mankar Camoran himself? As you should
- Who: Ruma Camoran
- Note: The first line is if you choose not to kill Jeelius in the Lake Arrius Caverns, she and everyone else in the Caverns attack you. The next one is if when you meet her in Paradise after dying at the Caverns. The last line is if you talk to her again as she goes to meet Mankar Camoran. No matter what of the last two is picked, when Mankar Camoran is killed, everyone in Paradise dies permanently.
- Fine! If that's the way it has to be...
- Who: Twinblade
- Source: Fable (video game)
- Notes: Twinblade is a bandit leader who combined multiple bandit factions in order to become 'The Bandit King'. He is suspected to have led the raid on the Hero's village at the very start of the game; yet it is revealed that Twinblade had found the Hero's sister, and saved her. The quote is only made if the player chooses to kill Twinblade once the initial duel ends by the appearance of the Hero's sister.
- Guildsman, we meet once more. You reclaimed my weapons and armour and brought me peace. Now I offer my soul in return. But I am Nostro, and mine is a warrior's soul. You must take it in battle, so that I may stand proud among my comrades in the afterlife. My men have sworn to protect me even in death. Only when they fall can I be harmed. Now claim my soul with honour!
- Who: Nostro
- Source: Fable: The Lost Chapters
- Notes: Nostro was the founder of the Guild of Heroes, and was a great warrior. His death, instead of dying in battle, was by poisoning from an assassin, thus is soul was never at rest. His armour, sword and shield is stolen by the grave keeper in the Lychfield Graveyard, and the Hero must collect them and return them to his corpse to allow access to the next area of the quest. Later in the Lost Chapters quests, the hero must collect the souls of three heroes; Nostro is the 'The Oldest Hero' and the final soul to be collected on the 'good' side (the 'evil' being the Guild Master, Weaver).
- We're done. [Reaver: and you're sure it will look like me?]Excactly like you, sir. in three months, the picture will be developarized and..
- Who: Barnum
- Source: Fable II
- Note: Said to Reaver after taking his picture. Reaver had assigned both a Sculptor and a Painter before Barnum, though Reaver found flaws in both their works, and shot them. When hearing that the picture would take three months he laughed and said that it was "No good" and promptly shot Barnum, killing him.
- [Player: I'll try.] You are the Chosen One. You must do.
- Who: Hakunin
- Source: Fallout 2
- Notes: Character was killed by an Enclave attack on Arroyo, and projects his spirit from beyond the grave to tell the player to rescue the survivors.
- Holy fuck!
- Who: A raider
- Source: Fallout 3
- Notes: Only if the player stealthily places an engaged explosive on them. Shortly before the explosive detonates, they realize they are carrying it.
- Kill me.
- Who: Mayu Amakura
- Source: Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
- Notes: Killed by her sister Mio in the canon "Crimson Butterfly" ending.
- It's beautiful!
- Who: Mayu Amakura
- Source: Fatal Frame: Deep Crimson Butterfly
- Notes: Killed by the Repentance in the non-canon "Shadow Ritual" ending added to Deep Crimson Butterfly.
- It's nearly time, Mayu!
- Who: Mio Amakura
- Source: Fatal Frame: Deep Crimson Butterfly
- Notes: Killed in the non-canon "Shadow Ritual" ending. Her last thoughts are If only...this day...could last forever.
- You still don't know, do you? What you are. Why you're here. What's the first thing you remember? What's your given name? Where were you born? You have no history. You and I were born from the same mother. You must have sensed it. She cannot see in your mind, but perhaps you can see into hers. A life of walking from one nightmare only to find herself deep into another. It makes no difference. I will set her free.
- Who: Paxton Fettel
- Source: F.E.A.R.
- Note: The player finds Paxton Fettel, a deranged serial killer, consuming the corpse of Alice Wade. He and the player are then sucked into a psychic vision. In this vision Fettel says these words. After that the player shoots him, killing him and ending his rampage. However, he is later ressurected.
Final Fantasy
Final Fight Streetwise
- God's got nothin' to do with this. He'll see me burn in Hell, soon enough, but I ain't ready just yet; Can't say the same for you. (aims a gun at Kyle) I don't die easy, boy. Now pull me up. You got till three. One... two...
- Kung Fu!
- Who: Devin "The Stiff" Aranoc
- Notes: Said after the boss fight against him while confessing to Cody's brother, Kyle that his sibling would do anything to get back into fighting. He aims his gun at the protagonist demanding he save him before he fires, but before he can get past two, Kyle drops him and finishes "THREE!" letting the mobster fall to his death. However, Dr. Chang mutates him into Stiff Death to make him a monster saying Kyle's nickname. After the second fight against him, Stiff crumbles away.
- I'm a persecuted man, fadda! I mean, I ain't exactly no angel. Who we kiddin'? But dis ain't me. Dis ain't...
- Who: Vito Bracca
- Notes: Said trying to warn Father Bella of the Glow stealing his prized fighters. Bella insists he pray secretly ordering Blades to kill him with his knife further hinting that Bella is the mastermind behind the Glow drugs.
- No matter how you slice it, Travers, you're a dead man!
- Who: Dino a.k.a. Blades
- Notes: Said before the boss fight against him since he aids in Bella's Glow scheme. Kyle beats him to the point of death. He fights again in his monstrous Glow Famine form but even with his enhanced speed, he is still killed by Kyle after an intense fight.
- Not da face!
- Who: Nicky "Weasel" Wissell
- Notes: Said before the boss fight against his monstrous Glow War form. After an intense gun fight in the cemetery by the Little Italy church, he is killed.
- Run!
- Who: Sgt. Sims
- Notes: Said trying to warn Kyle of Blades Famine's trap but Famine dissects him! To death.
- I am your savior.
- Who: Father Bella
- Notes: Said after falling from the rooftop of his church hideout when Kyle takes the evil priest's gun. Kyle cynically replies "you're nothing...!" and shoots him in the head ending his mad scheme.
Fire Emblem
Firefighter F.D. 18
- Hey, don't blame me; They made me do it! They tried to kill me so they could live like kings off of my hardware. MY design! Of course I wasn't about to let them get away with it! Would you?
- Who: Jason Hunt
- Notes: Said as he reveals the truth about the fires that he caused throughout the story and the true villain, Senator Blackwell trying to steal his hardware. Blackwell's bodyguard shoots Jason dead as a result while Dean McGregor tries to take his anger out on him.
- You just don't give up, do you?! Sorry, but I've gotta go; I'm a busy man! Anyway, this place could blow up any second thanks to that maniac Hunt! You'd better leave here too... if you can find your way out! (laughs sinisterly as he climbs his helicopter's ladder to get away. But fails to notice a bomb going off on the helicopter. As Blackwell's about to fall, Dean catches him.) Why? (Dean McGregor: "I should just let you fall, but it's my job, I'm a firefighter! Even if you are a complete scum, I can't let you die right in front of me." Blackwell's helicopter crashes in a fireball.) You weak FOOL!
- Who: Senator Blackwell
- Notes: Said when he tries to leave Dean McGregor to die in the chemical plant explosions, then tries to kill him when the firefighter tries to save him to stand trial. But the helicopter's explosion throws off Blackwell's aim and he plummets into a fiery death.
Five Nights at Freddy's
- "Hello, hello? Hey! Hey, wow, day one . I knew you could do it. Uh, hey, listen, I may not be around to send you a message tomorrow. it's been a bad night here for me. Um,I'm kinda glad that I recorded my messages for you, uh, when I did. Uh, hey, do me a favor. Maybe sometime, uh, you could check inside those suits in the back room? I'm gonna try to hold out until someone checks. Maybe it won’t be so bad. Uh, I always wondered what was in all those empty heads back there. You know...oh no-"
- Who: Phone Guy
- Source: Five Nights at Freddy's
- Notes: Phone Guy's last words are pre-recorded, and feature a lot of additional noises such as Foxy the pirate banging on the door, Freddy Fazbear's jingle, a guttural moaning noise made by Bonnie and Chica, and an animatronic screech towards the end made by Golden Freddy.
Five Nights at Freddy's 6
- Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth, if you still even remember that name, But I'm afraid you've been misinformed. You are not here to receive a gift, nor have you been called here by the individual you assume, although, you have indeed been called. You have all been called here, into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. You don't even realize that you are trapped. Your lust for blood has driven you in endless circles, chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach, but you will never find them. None of you will. This is where your story ends. And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you, although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. I am remaining as well. I am nearby. This place will not be remembered, and the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should. And to you monsters trapped in the corridors, be still and give up your spirits. They don't belong to you. For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps more waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although, for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep the devil waiting, old friend. My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours, and then, what became of you. I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear, not my daughter. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now. It's time to rest - for you, and for those you have carried in your arms. This ends for all of us. End communication.
- Who:Henry Emily
- Source: Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator
- Notes:
Five Nights at Freddy's World
- OK. Alright. I get it. Was this the ending you really wanted? Coming all the way here just to kill me? Was I REALLY the villain in your mind? I mean sure, this is definitely one way to bring the story to a halt, but surely there was a more satisfying ending. I just do what is demanded of me! I fill your insatiable gullets with more and more and more! And now you're here to show your gratitude. Well, congratulations then. I haven't brought this story to an end; you did. So feel good about yourself for ending the story by killing the storyteller! Ug. Grr... Zrr... GRAAAAAMMM!!
- Who: Scott Cawthon/Animdude
- Source: FNAF World
- Notes: This is a fourth wall break, as Animdude is referencing the fact that the creator is trying his hardest to make the best FnaF games, although the fans always seemed to complain, which led to the demise.
- This isn't fair... It was never fair. It was supposed to be me. It was always supposed to be me! My world was lush and beautiful, full of strange and colorful creatures! But no, that wasn't enough for you. You wanted to be scared. You wanted to feel dread. And what happened to me? What happened to us? Obscurity... You haven't seen the last of me. Freddy Fazbear isn't the one who will be sharpening his teeth on your bones. It will be me... it will be me.
- Who: Chipper's Revenge
- Source: FNAF World
- You cheated! Besides, didn't your mommy ever tell you that you can't kill a rainbow?! The next time you see a rainbow in the sky that is me, comin' to your houuusssseee.... dumbass!
- Who: Chica's Magic Rainbow
- Source: FNAF World
- "Oh, NO! The Re-animator!"
- "Bummer. We'll just have to be careful not to die from now on!"
- "You HAD to say that!"
- Who: Fry, Leela, and Bender (In that Order)
- Notes: Ignar caused the trio's deaths by playing with the Re-animator (a device which causes the trio to be revived via copies) to the point where it fell into a trap door and crashed onto the ground. The trio said the aforementioned words. After Bender's Line, the boss for the last level falls on them, causing 100% certain death, although Bender and Fry let out a soft "OW" after being crushed. The past versions of them survived, causing the game to end in a time loop.
Gears of War series
Gears of War
- Yeah, but I got a problem. Somethings wrong with this thing! It keeps jamming... See?
- Who: Private Anthony Carmine
- Note: Character is speaking to his commanding officer about his rifle. He is shot by a sniper while showing him the rifle.
- Take cover!
- Who: Lieutenant Minh Young Kim
- Note: Character says this to his attacked squad before being impaled by General RAAM.
- Oh man, we're fucked...we're fucked! I'm getting out of here! OH, SHIT!
- Who: Redshirt Gyules
- Note: Character panics and runs around the corner, where he is ripped apart by a Locust Berserker.
- If we cut through here, we'll be alright.
- Who: Unknown Stranded
- Note: Shortly after saying this he steps onto a weak area of floor, which breaks, and he falls into a pit full of Lambent Wretches that disembowel him.
- Serve the Queen!
- General RAAM
- Note: Character is ordering his Kryll minions to shield him and attack Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago who kill him shortly afterwards despite this.
Gears of War 2
- I... I hurt, Sarge... I... Tell my brothers...and my ma... Tell 'em I love 'em, and...and...
- Who: Private Benjamin Carmine
- Note: Dies of the injuries inflicted upon him by parasites inside the Riftworm's stomach.
Gears of War 3
- That old bastard... he'll be... furious...
- Who: Chairman Richard Prescott
- Note: Died of injuries sustained while the ship, Sovereign, was attacked by Lambent. These words were in reference to Colonel Hoffman.
- Never thought it would end like this, huh? Huh, Maria?
- Who: Corporal Dominic "Dom" Santiago
- Note: Character drove a truck into a large fuel canister to allow his friends to escape, wiping out a sizeable enmy force in the process. His final words were to his dead wife.
- I'm glad I was able to see you again, Marcus. Now go, and live, for me.
- Who: Professor and retired Major Adam Jonathon Fenix
- Note: Character had activated a machine that would destroy all of the Imulsion on the planet, but had to test the Imulsion in his own body. His body was turned to ash by the machine. His final words were to his son, Marcus Fenix.
- Hubris! Ah, so pious and moral, even now! Your father always thought he had all the answers. But he had none-nothing but clever ways to kill! The Hammer of Dawn... Jacinto... and now, this. And his arrogance finally killed him!
- Marcus Fenix: You feel this? This is for Dom, and everyone else you've killed, you bitch!
- Who: Queen Myrrah
- Note: Character was taunting Marcus Fenix over the death of his father. Marcus responded by stabbing her in the stomach with his fallen friend's knife.
Gears of War 3: Raam's Shadow
- Jace!
- Who: Private Alica Valera
- Note: Character exclaimed this as she saw that General Raam had taken Jace by the throat, and was about to execute him. She knocked Jace out of Raam's grasp and attacked him with her Lancer's chainsaw. Raam impaled her on his knife.
Ghost of Tsushima
- I am Harunobu Adachi. Descandant of the legendary Yoshinobu Adachi.
- Who: Harunobu Adachi
- Note: Before the Battle of Komoda Beach, Adachi went into the Mongol camp to confront Khotun Khan, demanding that he send his strongest warrior to challenge him. The Khan responds to Adachi's challenge by dousing him with wine and setting him on fire before beheading him with his massive guandao-like weapon.
- Jin... Help me!
- Who: Kazumasa Sakai
- Note: In a flashback to Jin Sakai's childhood, his father Kazumasa pleaded help from his son before being killed by a bandit during a series of uprisings.
- Our world has changed. Men of vision must rise to face it. And those in the way... Must be removed.
- Who: Sogen
- Note: Jin and his companion Masako Adachi confront the monk Sogen demanding information on the conspirators who massacred Masako's family. When Sogen refuses to comply, a revenge-driven Masako angrily and viciously hacks him to death with her katana.
- Tell Yuna—
- Who: Taka
- Note: After Jin and his friend Taka were captured in Fort Koyasan, Khotun Khan orders Taka to kill Jin and earn his freedom. Despite Jin urging him to try and run, Taka instead attempts to strike at the Khan, but Khotun easily subdues the blacksmith. Taka asks Jin to "Tell Yuna—" before Khotun beheads him mid-sentence, much to the anger and horror of Jin.
- Jin. Please....
- Who: Ryuzo
- Note: After Jin infiltrates and poisons the Mongol army during the Siege of Castle Shimura, he enters the inner keep to find and kill Khotun, but encounters Ryuzo instead. When Jin demands to know where the Khan is, Ryuzo explains that the Khan had already left to campaign further north, and made Ryuzo stay behind to collect Jin's head. Ryuzo does not want to fight and asks Jin to lie to his people and tell them that Ryuzo was Jin's spy. Jin, unable to forgive Ryuzo for his betrayal and indirect involvement in Taka's death, demands him to surrender and answer for his crimes, but Ryuzo, knowing that Lord Shimura would execute him on the spot, refuses. The two former friends then engage in a final duel, with Jin besting Ryuzo. Wounded, Ryuzo is barely able to plead with Jin. Unsheathing his tanto, Jin bids farewell to his old friend, before stabbing him in the abdomen, killing him.
- We... will be remembered. Forever.
- Who: Khotun Khan
- Note: At the battle of Port Izumi, Khotun is overpowered by Jin, who shatters his spear, defeats his reinforcements, and disarms him of his sword and shield. Jin then impales Khotun with his sword, pinning him to the mast. The dying Khan declared that the Mongols would be remembered forever. Jin replied that he will be forgotten, and then decapitates the Khan, ending his campaign of terror and avenging the people of Tsushima.
- Thank you, my son. Find me... in the next life.
- Who: Lord Shimura
- Note: After Lord Shimura is defeated in a duel to the death, he asks Jin to honor him with a warrior's death, leaving Jin with two options: honor his uncle's wish for death, or spare him. If Jin chooses to honor his wish, Jin promises his uncle that he will be remembered as the honorable man he was in life. In response, Shimura thanked him and acknowledged Jin as his son, telling him to find him in the afterlife. Jin promises to do so, before killing him and breaking down in tears, having lost the last of his family.
God of War series
Golden Sun series
- How... How... did we lose?
- Who: Saturos
- Source: Golden Sun
- Note: Said after being defeated, even after transforming into the Fusion Dragon. He then falls into the pit of the Venus Lighthouse.
- We are superior in every way, but still we were defeated...
- Who: Menardi
- Source: Golden Sun
- Note: Said after she and Saturos are defeated. She falls into the Lighthouse with Saturos afterwards.
- It's too late for us now... Hurry, light the beacon.
- Who: Agatio
- Source: Golden Sun: The Lost Age
- Note: Said after he was turned into a Flame Dragon and forced to fight the heroes. He is defeated, along with Karst, and dies after the player leaves the room.
- Your hands... so warm... People have such warm hands... I had forgotten...
- Who: Karst
- Source: Golden Sun: The Lost Age
- Note: Said after she was turned into a Flame Dragon and forced to fight the heroes. She dies after the player leaves the room.
- Flee?! I can't flee! I can't even move!
- Who: Alex
- Source: Golden Sun: The Lost Age
- Note: Said after being paralyzed while trying to fight the Wise One, after he thinks he gained the full power of Golden Sun. The Wise One reveals that he, in fact, only gained a vast portion of it, but not it all. Alex is swallowed into the earth along with the mountain he is on, though the Wise One indicates there is a small chance he survived.
It is later revealed that he survived in Golden Sun:Dark Dawn.
Grand Theft Auto series
- Who: Sadie
- Source: GUN
- Note: She slaps Reed and runs but Reed kills her by throwing an ax, hitting her in the back of the head through her umbrella.
- Who: Ned
- Source: GUN
- Note: He says this before he shoves Colt off the ship which blows up moments later after making a brave last stand against Magruder's henchmen.
- So you think you got a Quickdraw, eh? Well you ain't quick enough for me!
- Who: Crude
- Source: GUN
- Note: Says this at the start of the boss fight with him and his remaining gang outside the tavern. Colton kills him and his gang after a brutal fight.
- Help me!
- Who: Jenny
- Source: GUN
- Note: She says it in her last breath after Reed slit her throat.
- One day, you will find what you seek - and that day will be your last.
- Who: Many Wounds' father.
- Source: GUN
- Note: Said years before the game began assuring that Quivira will be his final resting spot, then is shot in the head by Magruder. This prompts his son to promise to avenge his death.
- You son of a bitch, that cross is no good to you!
- Who: Dr. Campbell
- Source: GUN
- Note: Said this years before the game began when Magruder got Coronado's Cross to find Quivira. Magruder angrily says "I will not be denied!" then cut off his head with his saber.
- Who: Hoodoo Brown
- Source: GUN
- Note: Says this before he is killed in a gun battle with Colton. Colton then replies, "You were."
- DDIIEEEEEEE!!! You tryn' to hide from me? C'mere, yellow belly!
- Who: Sgt. Hollister
- Source: GUN
- Note: Says this knowing that if he can't win, he would try to blow himself up and Colton too. Colton gets to a safe distance while the dynamite goes off and blows Hollister to pieces. Colton quips, "Shame to waste good dynamite."
- If you kill me your soul will be as cursed as mine!
- Who: Reed
- source: GUN
- Note: Reed said this before Colton puts his gun in his mouth, declares "This, is for Jenny." and shoots him.
- Hide yourselves.
- Who: Colton and Many Wounds' mother
- Source: GUN
- Note: Said years before the game began trying to protect her and Campbell's biological son and his half-brother, Many Wounds. She shot Magruder's eye and was killed for it. This set the events of the story in motion.
- Wait-wait. Oh, Jesus it's coming down! (Colton begins to climb the collapsing cave) Get back here, you can't leave me like this! (Magruder struggles to free himself) GET BACK HERE! I can make it worth your while! (watches Colton jump off a column) Damn you! (sees Colton struggling) Ah ha ha! You're never gonna make! YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT! (the column Colton jumped off falls on top of Magruder) NOOOO!!!
- Who: Thomas Magruder
- Source: GUN
- Note: Says this before being crushed by the collapsing cave he blew down.
- Blood, flesh woman. You vile creature. You lure the man into your filthy body again and again... And you are allowed to do that because you are a precious, precious little princess. Precious... precious little princess.
- Who: Daniella
- Source: Haunting grounds/Demento
- Notes: said before Fiona battle and ultimatly kills her.
- Who: Riccardo
- Source: Haunting grounds/Demento
- Notes: Riccardo had planned to impregnate Fiona in order to be reborn. During the their battle Fiona pushed him of a water tower.
- Who: Lorenzo
- Source: Haunting grounds/Demento
- Notes: Lorenzo had been pushed into a pool of lava, but thanks to the Azoth, he survived and returned as a burning skeletal corpse. he eventually succumbs to the flames and dies. The only intelligible word he is heard uttering, among his shrieks of pain is the word "Azoth".
- Father... take care of Kai.
- Who: Nariko
- Source: Heavenly Sword
- Notes: Nariko makes a pact with the Heavenly Sword, trading her life for it's power, in order to defeat the Raven King. Her last words are to Shen, her father.
- Style... That... had... style...
- Who: Flying Fox
- Source: Heavenly Sword
- Notes: While battling Nariko, Kai (who had been hanged by Fox) uses the last of her strength to shoot an arrow into Fox's head. He says these words as he falls to his death after getting hit.
- I'm scared... Help me...
- Who: Whiptail
- Source: Heavenly Sword
- Notes: Whiptail is slowly dying after a battle with Nariko. After saying this Bohan responds with "Goodnight, my sweet" and snaps her neck.
- 47... I should have known. I didn't even recognize my own son. And you broke my heart, my son.
- Who: Dr. Otto Wolfgang Ort-Meyer
- Source: Hitman: Codename 47 and Hitman Contracts
- Notes: Dr. Ort-Meyer had mistaken 47 for one of the '48' series clones sent to kill 47. 47 shot Ort-Meyer in the stomach and knelt down beside him. After Ort-Meyer spoke, 47 snapped his neck.
- I will be the last one standing.
- Who: Diaz
- Source: Hybrid Heaven
- Note: Diaz says this before the final battle, in which he is killed by Johnny Slater.
- Who: The Master/Mi Goa
- Source: Hybrid Heaven
- Note: After saying this, the Master morphs into a mindless monster, and is killed soon after.
Half-Life series
- No Regrets Mr. Freeman
- It's not... it's not shutting down, it's not...
- Who: Unnamed scientist
- Source: Half-Life
- Notes: Said moments before being struck by a laser along with three other scientists.
- I... I can't hold on... much longer...
- Who: Unnamed scientist
- Source: Half-Life
- Notes: After saying this, character falls from a ladder down an elevator shaft.
- No! Stand back! GORDON! DAHHHHHHHHH! (bizarre grunting)
- Who: Unnamed scientist
- Source: Half-Life
- Note: Character is standing on a catwalk that has suffered structural damage. If the player approaches the character, it triggers the collapse of the catwalk, and in turn the untimely death of the scientist.
- For God's sake, open the silo doors! They're coming for us, it's our only way out! (pause as the security guard is eaten) Oh, my GOD, WE'RE DOOMED!
- Who: Unnamed scientist
- Source: Half-Life
- Note: Character is obviously in a state of panic as he screams the first line. He scrambles to and begins to pound on the window of a security station, the guard of which is subsequently dragged into an air vent by a monster. Upon seeing this, the character screams the latter line and sprints head-first into a corridor filled with laser tripmines.
- Rescued at last! Thank God you're here!
- Who: Unnamed scienitst
- Source: Half-Life
- Notes: Scientist is talking with a marine. If the player does not kill the marine very quickly, he will shoot and kill the scientist, revealing the military's true intentions of covering up the incident.
- Hey, hey! Over here! Eat lead, you outer space octopus!
- Who: Unnamed security guard
- Source: Half-Life
- Notes: Character warns the player that the Tentacle can hear them, and sacrifices himself to buy Gordon time to slip past the monster.
- Freeman, right? I've got a warning for you. Make sure you don't--
- Who: Unnamed security guard
- Source: Half-Life
- Notes: Character is shot by an unknown individual before he can reveal what he is warning Gordon about. He may be warning Gordon about the Assassins who attack later in the level.
- Wha'd mean over-char...
- Who: Unnamed security guard
- Source: Half-Life
- Notes: While using an experimental weapon moments after being warned "Don't let it overcharge!" The overloaded weapon fires, killing both of them.
- Hey! Eat this, you bastard!
- Farewell, Brother! I fear I deliver you to a darker place. May the Light of Lights illuminate your path. Look to your own salvation.
- Who: Father Grigori
- Source: Half-Life 2
- Notes: After escorting Freeman to the mines, Grigori stays behind to fend off the zombies. After his speech, he lights the field on fire and disappears into a tomb, his maniacal laughter still being heard.
- You need me!
- Who: Doctor Wallace Breen
- Source: Half-Life 2
- Notes: Character governed the Earth for the Combine and throughout the game, claimed that what he was doing would ensure humanity's survival. However, some fans believe that he survived, possibly by transferring his consciousness to a Combine Advisor.
- Close your eyes, honey. Don't look!
- Who: Eli Vance
- Source: Half-Life 2 Episode Two
- Notes: This line was said by the character to his daughter, Alyx, not to watch his death, shortly before being killed by a Combine Advisor.
Halo series
Honkai Impact 3rd
- Bronya believes Mei's life is more important than hers. Bronya will no longer accept orders to hurt Mei. Goodbye... Mei... Kiana, please protect Mei at all cost...
- Who: Bronya Zaychik
- Note: Character sacrificed herself by burning out her brain chip, but was revived by Yamabuki Armor.
- I don't have much time left. I need to tell you something. The Honkai inside the Gem of Desire allowed me to walk again a few days ago. That can help Bronya recover. Of course, you'll need to get the Gem of desire first... please...
- Who: Wendy
- Note: Character was killed by Cocolia to start MSR-7 Wotan.
- You pathetic human insect!
- Who: Sirin
- Note: Character was neutralized by Himeko.
- Kiana, raise your head and continue to go forward, to turn this imperfect story into what you've always been expecting! And, please stay alive, Kiana. This, is the last lesson I could teach you.
- Who: Himeko Murata
- Note: Character spends the last of her power to inject Sirin with a Honkai-restraining serum to free Kiana, shortly before dying.
Horizon Zero Dawn
- As are you all – so long as you put your trophy on the altar. But it is Aloy, once outcast, and now brave, who is first among you!
- Who: Proctor
- Note: Said as she declares Aloy the winner of the Proving trials before being suddenly shot by a secret cult called the Eclipse, preparing to massacre Aloy and all her competitors.
- Now! Descend while we have a chance!
- Who: Vala
- Note: While Aloy counter-attacks the Eclipse cultists, Vala and Bast directed the other participants to an escape route. But as they prepared to take the route themselves, an Eclipse cultist armed with a Deathbringer Gun appeared and opened fire. Vala, caught out of cover, was shot to death.
- Vala! No!
- Who: Bast
- Note: Immediately when he saw Vala killed by a Deathbringer Gun, he recklessly tried to run to her side, only to meet the same fate seconds later.
- Aloy! Survive!
- Who: Rost
- Note: As the cultist leader Helis grabs Aloy by the neck over the edge of a cliff, he attempts to kill her, but was interrupted by Rost. He defended her as best he could, but soon noticed explosive barrels in the area, and saved Aloy by pushing her off the ledge and sacrificing himself in the ensuing explosion.
- I am sorry. Please, my family – don't tell them what I did. [Aloy: So... Are you ready, then?] To answer what I've done, the lives I've ruined? Yes. I am ready.
- Who: Olin Delverson
- Note: Aloy confronts Olin at Rockwreath and interrogates him for his crimes working with the Shadow Carja cult Eclipse and massacring innocent civilians, including Aloy's father Rost. If the player chooses to kill Olin rather than spare him, he honorably submitted to her judgment with her spear, asking her not tell his family what he had done.
- Your king needs you. No more playing around – you're going to have to grow up fast. [Erend: I will. I promise.] You damn well better, little brother.
- Who: Ersa
- Note: Aloy and her ally Erend break into Dervahl's camp, where Erend's older sister Ersa is held captive. They found Ersa, but her reunion with Erend did not last long; Dervahl's torture had left her at the point of death. Before dying, she warned Erend of Dervahl's intended terrorist attack on Meridian. In typical brash Oseram manner, belying their strong sibling love, she handed leadership of the Vanguard to Erend, exhorting him to manfully shoulder the responsibility. Erend swore to do so as she died in his arms.
- Impossible. I am chosen. This was not meant to be!
- Who: Helis
- Note: After being defeated by Aloy at the Battle of Meridian, she fatally impales Helis with her spear, stating to him that he was being used by HADES, and that his whole life was a failure and will not be remembered by anyone. Aloy puts an end to him, and any threat that he would ever pose again.
The House of the Dead series
The House of the Dead
- [Rogan: Sophie!] You-- You must stop Curien. Or else, something terrible will happen. [Rogan: Sophie./G: Don't worry. He'll pay for this.]
- Who: Sophie Richards
- Notes: Sophie was engaged to the main character, Thomas Rogan. She called him and his partner, G, to come to the Curien Mansion to stop Dr. Roy Curien and his mad experiments. Supposedly, she was mortally wounded by Chariot, one of Curien's super-soldier creatures. After Chariot was slain, Sophie beseeched Rogan and G to stop Curien before succumbing to her wounds. It is later learned at the end of the game that she survived, as (in the canonical good ending) she runs out of the mansion crying out a grateful "Thank you!" to Rogan.
- This is as far as you go. I'll finish you here.
- Who: Hangedman
- Notes: A gargoyle-like mutant created by Dr. Roy Curien, this creature was indirectly responsible for the death of Sophie, as he had captured her and brought her to the room where she was attacked by Chariot. He was killed by Rogan and G... twice.
- [Rogan/G: There's no way out, Curien!] I must admit, I really respect your consistency. But you will never, ever defeat me! Say hello to my masterpiece! [reveals the Magician] [Magician: Who are you? Nobody gives me instructions. I shall destroy everything.] [Magician kills Curien] What happened? Why don't you follow my instructions?
- This is the world you humans wanted... The world... is overpopulated... Even you... must realize that! Daniel, you need me...
- Who: Dr. Curien/The Wheel of Fate
- Note: The character has activated his "masterpiece", The Magician, which turns on and mortally wounds him. Character is resurrected in The House of the Dead 3 as a cyborg (the Wheel of Fate), only to be killed by the player characters. The "Daniel" he refers to is his son, Daniel Curien, kills him himself.
- You... haven't... seen... anything... yet!
- ...I've been waiting for this time to come. (You have no future/There is no future for you people). Either I get you or the Emperor will. Either way, (your fate is in our hands/there's nothing you people can do).
- Nothing can erase my pain...
- Who: The Magician
- Note: Character was the creation of Dr. Curien, only to kill him and then be killed by Thomas Rogan and G. The Magician was resurrected twice. The first time was by Goldman in The House of the Dead 2, only for the Magician to be destroyed by two other agents, James Taylor and Gary Stewart. The second time was in the "Special" epilogue for The House of the Dead 4, as the Magician was blown up by G and rookie AMS Agent Kate Green.
The House of the Dead 2
- Sir... Gold...
- Sir Goldman has given me a second chance. Don't even think you can get past me. Go, Kuarl!
- Who: Zeal
- Note: Zeal was the smaller talking half of Judgement, paired with the headless armored suit, Kuarl. They were killed in a fight against James and Gary. Zeal whined these words before succumbing to his wounds. Zeal and Kuarl was resurrected later and fought James and Gary again, but were once again slain.
- I am... I am...
- Who: The Emperor
- Note: Character was a God-like creature made by Goldman, with the powers of Levitation, Telekinesis and Shape-shifting. After its defeat at the hands of James and Gary, the mortally wounded Emperor utters its last words, and then levitates high into the air, and destroys itself.
- In time, a successor will come. Farewell, friends.
- Who: Caleb Goldman
- Note: The Emperor, Goldman's God-like mutant, is destroyed by James and Gary. As a result, he commits suicide by leaning backwards towards the edge of the roof of his headquarters with open arms, causing him to overbalance, and plummet to his death.
The House of the Dead 3
- How many of these things are there?!
- Who: Dan Taylor
- Note: Character was the only other surving member of Rogan's commando unit besides Rogan himself, who was on a mission to stop Dr. Curien. But when the two got to Curien's resurrection chamber, Dan was killed by Death.
The House of the Dead 4
- This is our last hope. This will stop it. Kate, don't... give up hope.
- Who: James Taylor
- Note: Character sacrifices himself to close Pandora's Box by self-destructing his PDA, but not before telling Kate Green to carry on fighting and not give up hope.
The House of the Dead: Overkill
- It. Hurts. So. Much.
- Who: Jasper Guns
- Note: Character had turned himself into a monster and was then defeated by Agent G and Detective Issac Washington. Jasper is then shot in the head by G after saying these words.
- Oh Jasper. Will I have my arm in Heaven? Will I still be able to do that thing you like me to do...
- Who: Candi Stryper
- Note: Character dies from blood loss after Meat Katie's giant meat cleaver slices off her right forearm. Candi only appeared in the Extended Cut version of the game.
- Clement! Clement, what the fuck are you doing? This wasn't part of our deal. I got the compound refined for you. I...
- Who: Papa Caesar
- Note: Character is executed by Clement Darling via electric chair.
- I won't let you fucking do this to me. [Clement: Hold still please. This is a very delicate procedure.] You can't. Please! NO! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!
- Who: Varla Guns
- Note: Character is being operated on by Clement Darling so he can give her body to his dying mother.
- C-ement! C-ement, Clement, Clement wha- ha-- -ou -one -o -e?
- Who: Mrs. Darling
- Note: Character's brain had been transferred into Varla Guns' body thanks to her son Clement using Formula X, but she soon starts to vomit as a side effect from the experiment. G and Washington shoot Mrs. Darling, who falls into her son's nuclear equipment and shortly reemerges as a monster, only to be later killed by G and Washington.
- Then I can die happy. Goodbye, boys.
- Who: Warden Clement Darling
- Note: Character says this as he climbs into the mutated womb of his dead mother.
- It's okay. ["It's not made the right choice. Hell, Nix even made the right choice. I was...I am scared."] I am too. ["Do it."]
- Who: Cole MacGrath
- Source: Infamous 2
- Note: After defeating Kuo, who had previously team up with The Beast as she was afraid of dying if Cole ever used the RFI, which would cure the plague but kill every Conduit, which he and Kuo both are.
Indiana Jones Series
- Ahhhhh... Indiana Jones... If I had known the trouble you were capable of causing, I would have killed you in Prague. This time, I will finish the job myself! (Von Beck emerges with a driller tank and Indy fires frantically at it but flees) Yes! Run!
- Who: Albrecht Von Beck
- Source: Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
- Note: An SS colonel seeking to weaponize the Heart of the Dragon. While Indy explores the underground of Xian, Von Beck calls out to the archaeologist intending to put him down with his driller tank. After an intense chase through the tunnels, Indy eludes his pursuer but Von Beck falls to his death in his tank.
- Behold! The power of the dragon!
- Who: Marshal Kai Ti Chang
- Source: Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
- Note: The head of the Black Dragon Triad seeking to use the Heart of the Dragon to rule the world. In the underworld, he harnesses the emperor's power saying this at the start of the boss fight with him. After Indy defeats him, the souls of the emperor Qin Shi Huang perceiving Kai to the emperor drag him further into the underworld having him devoured by the dragon.
- The... The staff...
- Who: Charles Jacob Kingston
- Source: Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
- Note: A professor who was teacher to Indy and Magnus Voller. When Voller tries to shoot his ex-classmate, Kingston jumps in the path of the bullet and dies warning this to Indiana.
- Who: Magnus Voller
- Source: Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
- Note: A Nazi Germany archaeologist wanting to harness the Staff of Kings. At the end of the final chase, Indy steals the staff back from his rival who cries this out to him as he is caught in the wall of water that was split by the staff. His grip on the staff fails, he is carried away by the rushing water and drowns.
Injustice Series
- I know it's soon, but... Think you'll ever love again? Maybe you won't kill your next family... (Laughs madly, then screams in pain)
- Who: The Joker (Regime Earth)
- Source: Injustice: Gods Among Us
- Note: After Regime Superman confronts the Joker, who had tricked him to kill Lois and his unborn child which resulted in the destruction of Metropolis, the Joker says these words before the enraged Man of Steel impales his chest with his bare hand, killing him.
- Your peace... your peace... is a joke...
- Who: Lex Luthor (Regime Earth)
- Source: Injustice: Gods Among Us
- Note: After being disarmed by the Regime Superman, who claims to have "given them peace", Luthor says these words before Regime Superman chokes him to death.
- Sha-
- Who: Shazam (Regime Earth)
- Source: Injustice: Gods Among Us
- Note: After Regime Superman plans to destroy both Metropolis and Gotham City and then search for the dimension where the duplicates of Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Cyborg and Green Arrow came from, Shazam confronts him, saying these words before Regime Superman kills him for questioning him by freezing his mouth shut with Freeze Breath and burning his skull with Heat Vision.
- Get in!
- Who: Alura
- Source: Injustice 2
- Note: In a prologue set during the period of Krypton's destruction and Brainiac's invasion on Argo City, Alura worked her way to send her infant nephew Kal-El along with her daughter Kara Zor-El away from their doomed city using the evacuation pods. She said these words while placing her daughter in the pod before Kara watched in horror as her mother was killed by Brainiac's spawns.
- Hundred... twenty one?
- Who: Victor Zsasz
- Source: Injustice 2
- Note: In a flashback set years before the main events, Superman attempted to transfer the Arkham inmates and eventually execute all of them in his plan to rid all crime, but was stopped by Batman. While Batman defeated Superman, Damian Wayne (as Robin) found Zsasz (to whom he said these words in response of Damian asking him how many women he killed) and professed his belief that Zsasz was an irredeemable criminal, and slit Zsasz's throat with a Batarang, killing him, before being beaten in combat by Batman and escaping with Superman.
- Stupid... humans... (Aquaman: The people of Atlantis demand justice.) Against Brainiac? Hehe. I've seen his mind, felt his power. He can't be stopped. (Aquaman: But you can.)
- Who: Gorilla Grodd
- Source: Injustice 2
- Note: Grodd had formed a new group of supervillains known as the Society (and secretly worked for Brainiac) seeking to fill the power vacuum left by Superman's Regime and establish a new world order. After the Society disbands when they find out the true nature of Brainiac's plans, Grodd goes on to confront Aquaman and Black Adam in Kahndaq with heroes under his control to help Brainiac conquer the nation. He is however defeated by the two kings and says these words before being executed by Aquaman, who impales him with his Trident.
- You must keep order, or the Lords will impose it. If not through Brainiac, then—
- Who: Kent Nelson / Doctor Fate
- Source: Injustice 2
- Note: Nelson had been previously put under the control of his Doctor Fate persona by the Lords of Order to cleanse all chaos. Fate later confronts Batman and Superman in Brainiac's ship. He believes Brainiac should be allowed to ravage the planet as it would restore the chaos brought about by the war between Batman's Insurgency and Superman's Regime. After one of the two defeats him, Superman destroys the helmet, severing Nelson's connection to the Lords of Order. He tries to warn Batman and Superman to stop their feud to prevent the Lords of Order from imposing upon the Earth before he is impaled and killed by Brainiac.
Jade Empire
- I'll kill you in time to see the red sky over our village.
- Who: Gao the Lesser
- Notes: Character attacks the player, but dies in the resulting battle.
- I tried... I tried so hard... I'm sorry.
- Who: Student Jing Woo
- Notes: Character is mortally wounded in a Lotus Assassin attack that kills all the students in the Two Rivers School.
- Live or die, the will of the Emperor be done!
- Who: Grand Inquisitor Jia
- Note: Character had summoned Death's Hand, whom she believed would kill the player character even if he or she defeated her. She dies fighting the player character.
- I wasn't looking for victory... just a few seconds...
- I give you all that I am, all that I was. Restore what has been corrupted
- Who: Sagacious Zu
- Note: The first quote is when he is mortally wounded by Death's Hand while fighting him to allow the player to escape from the Lotus Assassin fortress. Death's Hand stabs him, but not before damaging the support pillars, causing the underground chamber to collapse. The second quote is said when he helps free the player character from Sun Li's control over his or her mind.
- Your master is diminished by my loss, even if he does not admit it. Thank you, Spirit Monk, for finally letting me rest.
- Who: Death's Hand
- Note: The player hears this if he or she chooses to release his spirit immediately after freeing him from Sun Li's control.
- The Great Wheel must turn.
- Who: The Water Dragon
- Note: The Water Dragon is already "dead" due to Emperor Sun Hai stealing her power by taking her heart; the player speaks with her spirit throughout the game. However, immediately after the Water Dragon says this, the player throws a spear at the machine harvesting the Water Dragon's power, destroying her body and allowing her spirit to return to the Great Wheel to be reborn after Sun Li's defeat.
- You surprise me yet again. I'm a better teacher... than I thought...
- Who: Master Sun Li
- Notes: The player is playing the role of his student, whom he had raised to defeat Emperor Sun Hai so that he could take power. He earlier remarked that he did not intend to help others surpass him if the player chose "You are a great teacher. Your skill was wasted on evil ambition."
Jak and Daxter
- Light eco! It does exist!
- Source: Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
- Who: Gol Acheron
- Note: The eco sages assist Jak in his battle against Gol and his sister Maia's robot by fusing their powers together to create light eco, which
prompts Gol to exclaim this. Jak then uses it to destroy the robot.
- Do something!
- Source: Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
- Who: Maia Acheron
- Note: Said before Jak uses the light eco to destroy the robot she is piloting.
- You are the supreme weapon Jak. And I made you. Still... any leader worth his salt always has a back up plan. Remember, the first rule to making a bomb... is to always make two...
- Source: Jak II
- Who: Baron Praxis
- Note: As the character is saying this to Jak, he reveals a second Piercer Bomb he made. He dies from his injuries sustained from the Metal Head Leader after this.
- Ohhh well...
- Who: Krew
- Source: Jak II
- Note: After the line is said, the factory he is in explodes due to the active Piercer Bomb.
- I win, Jak.
- Who: Errol
- Source: Jak II
- Note: After losing in the city's racing championship to Jak, he attempts to kill Jak by running him over with his vehicle, uttering this line, but Jak evades him and Errol crashes into a large amount of dark eco barrels which explode. Is later ressurected.
- Kor... Construction site...
- Source: Jak II
- Who: Vin
- Note: The character says this through Jak's communicator. How he dies is unseen. He in a manner survives by implanting his brain in a computer.
- Not for long! DIE!
- Source: Jak II
- Who: Metal Kor
- Note: Kor, the Metal Head leader, says this to Jak and Daxter before the two battle, which results in his death when he comes into contact with the nearby Rift Ring and is decapitated by its power.
- You will all die at my hand!
- Source: Jak 3
- Who: Cyber-Errol
- Note: Cyber-Errol says this as he pilots the Terraformer towards Spargus and Haven City to destroy them, but is eventually stopped and finally destroyed by Jak.
- Please promise me one thing. Promise me you'll find my son, Mar. You'll know him when you see this... he's wearing an amulet just like it. A symbol of our lineage with the great house of Mar... Save the people, Jak. They need you...
- Source: Jak 3
- Who: Damas
- Note: Damas has been fatally injured after his and Jak's car is flipped over by a huge fireball, and says these dying words to Jak, who realizes his 'son' is actually the younger version of Jak from the previous game.
Kid Icarus: Uprising
- No! I'm too pretty to die!
- Look how far you've come, Pit! I'm so proud of you.
- Before I die, I just want to say--
- Who: Hewdraw
- Note: The individual lines are each said by one of its heads when they are defeated by Pit, thus three quotes.
- Blast...
- Who: Arlon the Serene
- Note: Character has been defeated by Pit in battle; he was presumed to have died in the aftermath.
- Farewell!
- Ah! Farewell cryyy!
- Who: Thanatos
- Note: Says the first line after being defeated by Pit in the Seafloor Palace. The second line is used when Phosphora kills him.
- I take back what I said before. You're not cute at all!
- Who: Phosphora
- Note: Character had just been defeated by Pit in battle within the Thunder Cloud Temple. She returns later to help him save Palutena.
- OW!
- Who: Amazon Pandora
- No! How dare you?!
- Who: Medusa
- Note: Just when Hades was about to kill Pit, Medusa had intervened at that time by knocking off her own master's head. Hades returns the favor by killing her while telling her that she has outworn her usefulness.
- It's hard to believe... But you actually got me, Pit. The nerve of you...
- Who: Hades
- Note: Character was destroyed by the Great Sacred Treasure.
Killer 7
- And by the way, women are all the same!
- Who: Benjamin Keane
- Source: Killer7
- Note: Said before shooting himself in the head when playing Russian Roulette with Garcia.
- Guess it's time to close the curtains.
- Who: Curtis Blackburn
- Source: Killer7
- Note: He is wounded by Dan in a shoot-out then torn to pieces by a large machine.
- Who: Pedro Montana
- Source: Killer7
- Note: After Curtis kills Pedro's whole family, Curtis shows Pedro his daughter's severed head. He then shoots Pedro multiple times in the head.
- Thirty years ago, you and Harman...
- Who: Christopher Mills
- Source: Killer7
- Note: Was shot before he could finish his sentence
Killzone series
- Very good. I understand you've prepared everything for the reprogramming of the defense systems. (General Adams: "You've got that one hundred percent A1 correct... General!" Helghast troopers storm in) What's the meaning of- (General Adams: The meaning? The meaning is... you lose!) Traitor!
- Who: General Bradley Vaughton
- Note: Said these when Adams reveals himself working with General Lente. Adams orders Vaughton's execution and has a Helghast trooper shoot Vaughton dead framing him in the process.
Kingdom Hearts series
L.A. Noire
- Goodbye.
- Who: Cole Phelps
- Note: Said to Jack, Biggs, and Elsa before being overwhelmed by the flood in the sewers.
The Last of Us
- Sir, there's a little girl. But... Yes, sir.
- Who: Soldier
- Note: Said after being ordered by his commander to shoot Joel and his daughter Sarah. He manages to fatally wound Sarah, but is shot in the head by Joel's brother Tommy before he can kill Joel.
- Daddy, what about Uncle Tommy?
- Who: Sarah
- Note: Said to Joel regarding Tommy, who stayed behind to allow Joel to escape with Sarah. She is then shot in the stomach by the soldier and passes away in her father's arms.
- Look, they're basically all dead. We can just - just go in there, finish 'em off. We get the guns. Whadaya say? C'mon. Fuck those Fireflies. Let's go get 'em.
- Who: Robert
- Note: Upon being confronted by Joel and Tess, he admits that he sold the guns he owed them to the Fireflies. He attempts to convince Joel and Tess to let him live so they can kill the Fireflies and get the weapons back. Tess responds negatively, and shoots Robert in the head.
- I will not turn into one of those things. Come on... Make this easy for me. [Joel: I can fight--] No, just go! Just fucking go.
- Who: Tess
- Note: Upon revealing she's infected, Tess sacrifices herself to the militia to allow Joel and Ellie to escape.
- [Ellie: I go back and forth. I mean, I'd like to believe it.] But you don't. [Ellie: I guess not.] Yeah, me neither.
- Who: Sam
- Note: After Sam engages in a conversation with Ellie about the afterlife, he turns overnight from an infected scratch on his leg, and is shot by his brother Henry when he attacks Ellie.
- It's your fault... [Joel: This is nobody's fault, Henry.] It's all your fault!
- Who: Henry
- Note: Devastated over having to kill his infected brother Sam, he briefly blames Joel and says this line before shooting himself in the head.
- What the hell is that? [David: She would've turned by now. It can't be real.] Looked pretty fucking real to me!
- Who: James
- Note: After Ellie urges David to pull her sleeve to show her infected bite wound, James becomes frightened at what he saw. Distracted, Ellie grabs the butcher knife and thrusts it into James' neck, killing him and allowing her to escape.
- You think you know me? Huh? Well, let me tell you somethin'. You have no idea what I'm capable of.
- Who: David
- Note: When he begins choking Ellie, she grabs his machete and continually hacks him to death before Joel intervenes.
- [Joel: Where is the operating room? I don't have time for this. Where? WHERE?!] Top floor...the far end...
- Who: Ethan
- Note: After Joel manages to hold a Firefly solider against the wall, he interrogates him demanding Ellie's location. Joel proceeds to shoot him twice in the stomach before finally shoots him in the head.
- What're you doing in here? I won't let you take her. This is our future, think of all the lives we'll save. [if Joel inches closer to him] Don't come any closer. I mean it.
- Who: Dr. Jerry Anderson
- Note: As Joel barges into the operating room to prevent the lethal surgery on Ellie, the head surgeon named Jerry attempts to dissuade Joel not to interfere with a scalpel. Joel then process to take the scalpel from him and stabs through his neck to kill him, allowing Joel to take an unconscious Ellie out of the hospital. It is later revealed in The Last of Us Part II that Jerry was the father of Abby Anderson, who takes revenge on Joel in Jackson four years later.
- Wait! Let me go! Please...
- Who: Marlene
- Note: After Joel shoots Marlene in the stomach and puts an unconscious Ellie in the car, she pleads him to let her go, only for Joel to say "You'd just come after her" and shoots her in the head.
- There are a million ways we should've died before today. And a million ways we can die before tomorrow. But we fight... for every second we get to spend with each other. Whether it's two minutes, or two days... we don't give that up. I don't want to give that up. My vote? Let's just wait it out. You know we can... be all poetic and just lose our minds together. [Ellie: What's option three?] ...Sorry. C'mon. Let's get outta here.
- Who: Riley
- Note: In a flashback sequence that shows how she and Ellie were bitten by Infected, Riley suggests two options for them to choose from: take the easy way out, or stay together until they eventually die. Ellie asks if there's an option three, but Riley apologises for the fact that there isn't one, before the two decide to leave.
Left 4 Dead
- Better safe than....(gurgle) better safe than.....(grunt) (cough)!
- Who: Mysterious Church Guy
- Note: Said after you killed The Horde, called by the Churchbell. "Better Safe Than Sorry" was a mantra the church guy constantly repeated, having been bitten by letting someone infected into the saferoom where he was hiding. The Church Guy finally succumbs to the virus, forcing you to kill him.
Legacy of Kain: Defiance
- And I am not your enemy... not your destroyer... I am, as before, your right hand...! Your sword... And now you will see - the true enemy - !
- Who: Raziel
- Note: Spoken to the vampire Kain after Raziel tricked Kain into impaling him with the sword Soul Reaver. The blade absorbed Raziel.
Lost Odyssey
- NO!! STOP!!!
- Who: Lord Gongora
- Source:**Note: Gongora was defeated by Seth Balmore when the mirrors is breaking by Kaim Argomar, and Seth and Gongora sent to immortal world. Gongora is finally gone for good after the final battle.
The Legend of Dragoon
- Lavitz... live strong. Now... I can go... to be with Servi...
- Who: Greham
- Source: The Legend of Dragoon
- Note: After Dart's party defeats Greham, he tells Lavitz about Servi Slambert, Lavitz's father, and how Greham defected to Doel. Greham tells Lavitz to be strong before he dies and the Jade Dragoon Spirit is handed to Lavitz.
- Is His Majesty Albert alright? [Dart: Yes, yes.] I see. I can entrust you with everything. [Dart: Lavitz....] Dart, survive... and...
- Who: Lavitz Slambert
- Source: The Legend of Dragoon
- Note: After being mortally wounded by Lloyd, Lavitz tells Dart to survive, but dies before he could finish, and the Jade Dragoon Spirit is handed to Albert.
- What you should know is not the past, but the future. Pursue... Lloyd. He is in the Western country of...Tiberoa. [Dart: Tiberoa?] He.... He knows everything. Go, and find out... about the world, about... everything.
- Who: Emperor Doel
- Source: The Legend of Dragoon
- Note: After Dart's team defeats Emperor Doel, he tells his nephew Albert that he has become strong, then tells Dart to go to Tiberoa to find Lloyd before Doel dies and the Violet Dragoon Spirit is handed to Haschel.
- I gotta tell you... this or... I'll die as a real fool.... It's about the Princess Emille in the Castle.... She's... a fake.... That woman was switched.... Ugh...!! [Haschel: Don't say anything!] Ugh...!! The real one is hidden in... the castle.......
- Who: Gehrich
- Source: The Legend of Dragoon
- Note: After Dart's team defeats Gehrich, Mappi tries to crush the team, but Kongol saves them and opens the path for Dart to look for the Red-Eye Dragoon Spirit; meanwhile, in spite of his master Haschel's warning to Gehrich to save his strength, Gehrich tells him that the imposter has posed as Princess Emile of Fletz and that the real Princess is hidden away in the castle. Afterwards Gehrich dies, and Haschel carries his body away to entomb him.
- Lloyd, my life... is for you!! … Lloyd....
- Who: Lenus
- Source: The Legend of Dragoon
- Note: After Dart's team defeats Lenus, she makes her final attempt to kill Dart for Lloyd by throwing a chakram at him, but Shana gets Dart out of the way. Lenus then dies and the Blue Sea Dragoon Spirit is handed to Meru.
The Legend of Spyro
- What are you waiting for, dragon?! Finish me!... hahaha... coward... hahahahahaha!
- Who: Gaul
- Source: The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night
- Note: After Spyro defeats him in his dark form, Gaul demanded him to finish him off, when it seemed that Spyro was hesitating, the purple dragon, with no mercy kills Gaul by blasting him with two dark breaths and a Dark Fury Attack, turning Gaul into stone and destroying him.
- My path ends here. But yours lies beyond this. Draw strength from each other and follow your heart... It will never fail you. Now go... go... GO!
- Who: Ignitus
- Source: The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
- Note: With the dark power of the Belt of Fire overwhelming him, Ignitus said these words before, with the last ounce of his strength, throwing Spyro and Cynder through the Belt of Fire safely to the other side, sacrificing himself. He reappears in a pos-credit scene as the new Chronicler.
- What is this!? NOOOOO!
- Who: Malefor, the Dark Master
- Source: The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
- Note: After Spyro and Cynder defeat him, Malefor tries to kill them but the ancients appear and surround him. Malefor looks on in shock before he is dragged into the crystal and sealed away.
- Hmm... That is the question, isn't it? You see, each time a dragon dies, a new page is written in this book. I've done my best, but I can't seem to find any trace of Spyro.
- Who: The Chronicler
- Source: The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
- Note: After Ignitus asks him about Spyro, the Chronicler says these words before he absorbs into the book, likely passing on, and with Ignitus becoming the new chronicler.
The Legend of Zelda
- This island is going to dis-appear...Our world is going to disappear...our world...
- Who: Dethl
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
- Fool! I... But the Light Force... My power... I had such power...
- Who: Vaati
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
- I entreat ye... Navi... Good...bye...
- Who: The Great Deku Tree
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- The is blowing...
- Who: Ganondorf
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
- Notes: Before the final battle, Ganon says that he wanted to claim Hyrule because its cool winds brought life, whereas the harsh winds of his homeland brought death. He says this line after having the Master Sword driven into his skull, he is then turned to stone.
- ...Ah, but child... That land will not be Hyrule. It will be YOUR land! [...] I have scattered the seeds of the future...
- Who: King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
- Notes: Character remains behind as the land formerly known as Hyrule is covered with water, presumably drowning. He tells Link and Zelda that their future awaits in the world above.
- As long as my master, Ganon, survives, he will resurrect me without cease!
- Who: Zant
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Notes: Said after being defeated by Link and Midna, before Midna rips him apart. Later he appears in a vision to Ganondorf where his neck snaps and (presumably) kills him and Ganondorf through the link they shared.
- Do not think it ends here... The history of light and shadow will be written in blood!
- Who: Ganondorf
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Notes: Says this line after having the Master Sword impaled in his chest. Zant, a character whom he used to resurrect himself, appears in a vision to Ganondorf where his neck snaps and (presumably) kills him and Ganondorf through the link they shared.
- Goodbyyyyeeeeeeee...
- Who: One of the Cubus Sisters
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
- Note: Slain by Link, and surrenders the Ghost Key for Link to find Tetra with.
- Thanks, Link!
- Who: Ciela
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
- Note: Returns with the Ocean King/Oshus to the nether half of the gem's world, and Link and Tetra are transported back to her pirate ship.
- You cannot give up now! Your body has the sacred power of the spirits! Concentrate! You can reclaim your body! After all... Didn't you say you wanted to have words with me?
- Who: Byrne
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
- Note: In an earlier scene, Zelda said she "wanted to have words" with Byrne for separating her from her body for use as Malladus' vessel. Byrne says this to encourage Zelda to reclaim her body while he holds Malladus at bay; moments late, Malladus kills him.
- Your Majesty? ...Please, no!
- Who: Chancoller Cole
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
- Note: Cole advises his King;the Demon Malladus, to re-possess Zelda's body. Much to the chancellor's terror, the dying and desperate entity possesses Cole instead, turning him into a demonic boar.
- This spirit....I can't hold on for long...But the world will crumble in the time I have left!
- Who: Malladus
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
- Note: Malladus is unable to successfully bond with Cole and will eventually die, but swears that he will destroy the world before then. This does not happen as Link and Zelda manage to defeat him by thrusting an evil-destroying sword through his skull.
- Welcome back to us...Master.
- Who: Ghirahim
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Note: Ghirahim was the spirit of Demise's sword, which is destroyed after Demise is defeated by Link; Ghirahim presumably ceases to exist after this.
- An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander in a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all of time!
- Who: Demise
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Note: Before dying, Demise vows that Link and Zelda's descendants will be haunted forever by an incarnation of his hatred. This incarnation is widely believed to be Ganon, hence the reason for the latter's seeming semi-invincibility.
- Thank you, Master Link. May we meet again in another life...
- Who: Fi
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Note: With Demise's defeat and Zelda safe, the purpose of Fi's existence was fulfilled. After saying goodbye to Link, she returns to the Master Sword and ceases to exist.
Mario and Luigi series
- It can't be!!! Impossible!!! I... No... How could I... And to this filthy little pair! HOW COULD I LOSE?????
- Who: Cackletta
- Source: Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga (2003 & 2017)
- Notes: Character is a spirit possessing Bowser. When the Mario Brothers defeat her soul and are spat out by Bowletta, she lies defeated and says these lines, before Cackletta's spirit appears and dissolves into nothing.
- Now it’s your turn... SIS-TER...
- Who: Princess Shroob
- Source: Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time (2005)
- Notes: Character has been defeated by the Mario Brothers and their baby counterparts and is dying of her injuries. Just before she does, Baby Bowser reunites the Colbalt Star Shards, however, and frees Princess Shroob’s twin sister.
- Foolish mushroom heads... you may have bested me, but the Shroobs will live on... One day we will dance on the buried remains of your pathetic kingdom...
- Who: Elder Princess Shroob
- Source: Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time (2005)
- Notes: Character has been defeated by the Mario Brothers and their baby counterparts, and says this line before muttering unintelligible Shroob speech and dying. She turns into a mushroom and Bowser later eats her, channeling her spirit, but she is dispelled. She is revealed to have somehow survived in the following game.
- Dark...even with the dark power completed... The unthinkable happened...
- Who: Dark Bowser/Dark Star
- Source: Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (2009 & 2019)
- Notes: Character had absorbed Bowser's DNA and Fawful's spirit creating a dark from of Bowser. It then fought Bowser and was killed when the Dark Star Core was destroyed by Mario and Luigi.
- Here Fawful goes... The disappearing... Forever disappearing... WITH YOU!
- Who: Fawful
- Source: Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (2009 & 2019)
- Notes: Character had absorbed part of the Dark Star's power before being defeated by Bowser and subsequently absorbed by Dark Bowser, merging him with the Dark Star Core. When the Core was destroyed, Fawful talked with Mario, Luigi and Starlow before saying he would disappear. He then tried one final attack to kill Mario and Luigi, but it resulted only in his destruction.
- Who: Antasma
- Source: Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (2013)
- Notes: Antasma had been double-crossed by Bowser, and decides to fight the Mario Bros. before going after Bowser. He fails, and is destroyed.
- This.. isn't.. over... Must.. protect.. book... NOOOOOOOO!!! I will not go back! You can't.. make me! The Mushroom Kingdom was going to be mine! BLAAAAAAAARGH!! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIIIIIIIIIISSSSS!!
- Who: Paper Bowser
- Source: Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (2015-16)
- Note: After the trio defeated Shiny RoboBowser, Bowser falls off his Neo Castle, but Paper Bowser wants revenge on them. He tries to protect the book of the paper world but Paper Mario stops him and struggles to put him in the book with the help of Mario and Luigi. He finally gets in and struggles to get out of the book as the trio presses the book for 10 seconds to make sure he doesn't get out again.
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 1
- Oh, God... what happened here?
- Who: Richard L. Jenkins
- Source: Mass Effect 1
- Note: Richard Jenkins was an Alliance Marine in a squad composed of himself, Commander Shepard, and Kaidan Alenko. He was killed when a trio of Geth Recon Drones ambushed them and shot him down.
- I wasn't expecting to find the Geth here. The situation's bad.
- Who: Nihlus Kryik
- Source: Mass Effect 1
- Note: Nihlus was a Turian Spectre evaluating Commander Shepard for Spectre status. He was killed when he was shot in the back by Saren Arterius, a rogue Spectre.
- Here on the Wards. The back alley by the markets. She's supposed to meet them right now. You can make it if you hurry.
- Who: Fist
- Source: Mass Effect 1
- Note: Fist is a crime lord running Chora's Den, a gentlemen club in the Citadel Wards. Shepard confronts him on the location of a Quarian named Tali, whom Fist set up for an assassination by Saren's mercenaries. After saying this line, Urdnot Wrex, who had a contract to kill Fist, kills him with his shotgun.
- I tried to fight it, but it gets in your head... you can't imagine the pain. I was supposed to be their leader... these people trusted me... It wants me to... stop you, but...! I won't...! ...I WON'T!!!
- Who: Fai Dan
- Source: Mass Effect 1
- Note: The leader of a colony militia on Feros, Fai Dan was put under the control of the Thorian, a parasitic sentient plant. He killed himself to end the control.
- You talk the talk. Let's see if you can walk after I break your legs.
- Who: Kaira Stirling
- Source: Mass Effect 1
- Note: Shepard is attacked by this corrupt ERCS Guard after killing several of them trying to find evidence on the corruption of an official on Noveria: Administrator Anoleis. She fights Shepard, but is killed.
- No light...? They always said there would be a... a...
- Who: Matriarch Benezia
- Source: Mass Effect 1
- Note: Saren's second-in-command, the Asari Matriarch Benezia, is Liara T'Soni's mother, who fell under Reaper indoctrination trying to dissuade Saren's ruthless campaign. She is mortally wounded by Shepard and Liara, and willingly dies to escape indoctrination.
- It's OK, Commander... I don't regret a thing.
- Who: Kaidan Alenko
- Source: Mass Effect 1
- Note: If Kaidan is left to die on Virmire to save Ashley, these are his last words to Shepard.
- I think we both know that's not gonna happen, Commander.
- Who: Ashley Williams
- Source: Mass Effect 1
- Note: If Ashley is left to die on Virmire to save Kaidan, these are her last words to Shepard.
- Goodbye, Shepard... thank you.
- Who: Saren Arterius
- Source: Mass Effect 1
- Note: Shepard successfully convinces Saren to make up for his mistakes, and Saren shoots himself in the head to end Sovereign's control over him.
- I am Sovereign... and this station... is MINE!
- Who: Sovereign (a.k.a. Nazara)
- Source: Mass Effect 1
- Note: A Reaper Capital Ship with an intelligence of his own, Sovereign invades the Citadel alongside an army of Geth. He establishes a controlling link with Saren's dead body, controlling the Reaper implants he installed into Saren, and fights Shepard. After Shepard destroys Saren!Sovereign's body, Sovereign himself has his systems corrupted by the backlash. Weakened, he is then finished off by the Alliance Fifth Fleet and the Normandy SR-1, which blows a hole through his chassis with a disruptor torpedo and blows him to pieces.
Mass Effect 2
- Can't be. Stealth systems are engaged. There's no way a Geth ship could possibly--
- Who: Navigator Charles Pressley
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Note: The Navigator and Executive Officer on the Normandy SR-1, Pressley was killed by an explosion caused when it was attacked by a Collector ship. His last words were in response to the ship intercepting the Normandy (thinking it was a Geth ship), only to be cut off by Jeff "Joker" Moreau, the Normandy's head pilot (who said it wasn't the Geth). The ship being struck by the Collector ship's particle beam caused the explosion that killed him.
- Come on, through here! We're almost at the... Miranda? But... you were--!
- Who: Wilson
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Note: A traitorous Cerberus operative, Wilson attempted to destroy the Lazarus Station where a comatose Shepard was being revived. He attempted to destroy it believing that Shepard would not join Cerberus when he woke up. He posed as innocent when saved by Shepard and Jacob Taylor, until they ran into Miranda Lawson. Wilson said this line before Miranda shot him in the throat, replying coldly to the above: "...dead?"
- If you want something done yourself... Alright! Let's see how you handle this, Archangel! Go!
- Who: Jaroth
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Note: Leader of the Eclipse mercenary division on the Omega Space Station, Jaroth and his Eclipse troops joined a coalition of mercenaries looking to kill a Turian vigilante named Archangel (who happened to be Shepard's old friend, Garrus Vakarian). He was killed by Shepard, who had hacked a YMIR Mech to gun down him and his subordinates.
- Watch my back! I'll deal with Archangel!
- Who: Garm
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: Leader of the Blood Pack division on the Omega Space Station, Garm and his Blood Pack troops were among the coalition of mercenaries attempting to kill Garrus Vakarian/Archangel. He was killed in a fight against Shepard and Garrus.
- Who: Tarak
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: Leader of the Blue Suns division on the Omega Space Station, Tarak was the driving force of the coalition of mercenaries dealing with Garrus Vakarian/Archangel. Driving a Mantis gunship into battle, he screamed this line as he attacked Garrus with a barrage on gunfire followed by a rocket which struck Garrus in the face, nearly killing the Turian. Shepard and his squad retaliated and destroyed the gunship, blowing Tarak up with it.
- I do the hard things civil governments are unwilling to! THIS IS FOR THE GOOD OF THE GALAXY!
- Who: Warden Kuril
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: A Blue Suns Commander and warden of the Purgatory Space Station, Kuril was approached by Shepard to release a biotic convict named Jack. Kuril attempted to imprison Shepard and sell him, however, but Shepard escaped, released Jack, and killed Kuril.
- Who: Jedore
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: Jedore is a Blue Suns Commander who had contracted Warlord Okeer to grow her an army of tank-bred Krogan on Korlus. She was killed by Shepard and his squad.
- You gave me time, Shepard. If I knew why the Collectors wanted humans, I would tell you... but everything is in my prototype. My legacy is pure. This... one soldier, this... grunt... perfect.
- Who: Warlord Okeer
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: Okeer had taken up tank-breeding to attempt to create a "Perfect Krogan." He succeeded in creating one, and sacrificed his life to save him. His last words were recorded on vid-cam, where Shepard found it, as well as his body. He decided to awaken the tank-bred Krogan, who later became known as Grunt.
- People out here don't trust the Alliance. It's nothing personal... What is that?
- Who: Lilith
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: A colonist from Horizon, Lilith was abducted by the Collectors, who were gathering humans to fuel a newly-manufactured Human Reaper. She says this line on Horizon, when a Collector ship arrives on Horizon, and is paralyzed by a Seeker bug. She is then loaded into a Collector pod and shipped to the Collector base. She is unable to say anything more after this, as she is unconscious until the time comes for her to be "processed." She dies during the Suicide Mission, where she is horrifically melted by microscopic nanites and her pulpy remains funneled to the Human Reaper.
- Damn it. Check the other entrances. You...stay put. When I'm finished dealing with this nuisance, you and I are going to... Who--?
- Who: Nassana Dantius
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: Nassana Dantius hired Shepard in the first game to "find" her sister, only for Shepard to discover he'd been used to kill her instead; Dahlia Dantius was actually a slaver. In Mass Effect 2, Shepard storms her tower looking for Thane Krios, a Drell Assassin he is looking to recruit. When Shepard confronts her, Thane swoops in and kills all her guards before shooting her point-blank in the gut with his pistol.
- Everything's gone to hell since we smuggled that filthy creature off-world. First a Justicar shows up... now you. At least I can take pleasure in turning your head into a PULPY MASS!
- Who: Captain Wasea
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: Captain Wasea is the leader of the Eclipse Sisters, a sub-division of the Eclipse Mercenary Band consisting exclusively of Asari. She says this line to Shepard before engaging in battle, and is promptly slain.
- USELESS! ALL OF YOU! I'll kill them MYSELF!
- Who: Kureck
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: A Blood Pack Krogan Mercenary hired by Aresh Aghdashloo to help restart the Teltin Facility on Pragia. He was killed by Shepard.
- Your head's valuable whether you're alive or dead!
- Who: Gatatog Uvenk
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: Uvenk is the Krogan emissary for Clan Gatatog, and is outraged when Grunt, being an "unnatural" Tank-Bred Krogan, is given permission to undergo the Rite of Passage, which all Krogan must undergo to enter adulthood. After Grunt completes the Rite along with Shepard (who Grunt elected as his krantt [or battle comrade(s)]), Uvenk offers the position to join Clan Gatatog, but Grunt refuses. Uvenk then utters this line before Grunt dares him to try and take his head. They fight, and Grunt kills Uvenk.
- And they call me a monster!
- Who: Morinth
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: Morinth is the Ardat-Yakshi daughter of Samara, the Asari Justicar squadmate on Shepard's team. Samara is hunting her to stop her killing spree. Samara tracks her to the Omega Space Station, where Shepard acts as bait to lure her out. After Shepard manages to convince Morinth to take him/her to her (Morinth's) place, Samara follows them to the apartment and confronts Morinth. They become locked in a biotic struggle, and Shepard intervenes to stop Morinth. The distraction gives Samara the opportunity to knock down Morinth. Samara then kills Morinth with a biotic punch, crushing her head.
- Tali, if you are listening, then I am dead. The Geth have gone active... I don't have much time. Their main hub will be on the bridge. You'll need to stop their VI processes from forming new neural links. Make sure Han'Gerrel and Daro'Xen see the data... they must--!
- Who: Rael'Zorah vas Rayya
- Source: Mass Effect 2
- Notes: Tali'Zorah's father, Rael'Zorah, was working aboard the Alarei, one of the Migrant Fleet's research vessels. Rael was deliberately activating captured Geth parts to perform experiments in order to find a way to successfully hack their neural network, violating sacred laws that predated the Quarians' flight from their homeworld, Rannoch. His hope was that he could find a way to help the Quarians retake their homeworld. He was killed by some of the Geth units when they spontaneously reactivated. His last words were recorded on a holo in his Omni-Tool.
- You have failed. We will find another way. RELEASING CONTROL!
- Who: The Collector General
- Notes: The insectoid leader of the Collectors, the Collector General was used as a puppet by the ancient Reaper Harbinger to lead the Collectors in abducting humans. Harbinger controlled and spoke through the Collector General, and used him to control other Collector Drones through their cybernetic implants. The Collector General was killed when the Collector Base was destroyed by Shepard. His last words were actually uttered through him by Harbinger, who had declared that the Collectors had failed in their task, before abandoning the General to be consumed in the exploding station.
Mass Effect 3
- You can't help me...
- Who: The Little Boy
- Source: Mass Effect 3
- Notes: A young boy about six or seven encountered by Shepard. He says this line in response to Shepard saying he can get him somewhere safe. He doesn't die here, but he is killed later when he boards a shuttle that is promptly shot down by a Reaper Destroyer.
- Orders?
- Who: Doctor Eva Core
- Source: Mass Effect 3
- Notes: An android created by Cerberus to resemble a human being, Eva was designed to infiltrate the Prothean Archives on Mars. She succeeded in killing everyone in the base before plugging herself into the archives to usurp data on the Crucible, a superweapon capable of destroying (or controlling) the Reapers. She is discovered and chased down by Shepard and team, but she boards a Cerberus shuttle to get away. James Vega, however, uses the Normandy's shuttle to knock Eva's out of the air, crashing it. Her synthetic skin burned away, she emerges from the wreck and attacks the Virmire Survivor (Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams) before gunning for Shepard, who promptly shoots her down. Surprisingly, Eva does not die at this point. When her body is brought aboard the Normandy for studying, her back-up CPU reactivates and attacks EDI, the Normandy's AI. EDI manages to destroy Eva's program and take over her body, gaining a body of her own.
- Victory... at any cost.
- Lieutenant Tarquin Victus
- Source: Mass Effect 3
- Notes: Tarquin Victus is the son of Primarch Adrien Victus, leader of the Turian people. Tarquin Victus leads the Turian Ninth Platoon on a top-secret mission on Tuchanka, the homeworld of the Krogan. Their mission is to defuse an ancient Turian bomb being used by Cerberus to take out the Kelphic Valley. In order to stop the bomb, he sacrifices himself by manually removing the final lock on the bomb, causing it to fall directly on him.
- It's Kalros!
- Who: Urdnot Wreav
- Source: Mass Effect 3
- Notes: Brood brother to Urdnot Wrex, the leader of Clan Urdnot and the Krogan people, Wreav is at odds with Wrex's revolutionary ideals to benefit the Krogan people. He reluctantly decides to side with him and Shepard to help cure the Genophage, which is the cause of the Krogan people's sterilization. He is killed when his Tomkah tank is smashed by the legendary Thresher Maw known as Kalros.
- I'm not. Had to be me... Someone else might have gotten it wrong.
- Genophage cured. Krogan freed. New beginning... for all of us.
- My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of--
- Who: Mordin Solus
- Source: Mass Effect 3
- Notes: The brilliant Salarian Scientist who helped modify the Genophage before, Mordin later decided to help cure the Genophage in order to benefit the Krogan and Turian peoples. He sacrificed himself to cure the Genophage through aerosol dispersal in the collapsing Shroud. The first line is said to Shepard before going up into the Shroud. The second one is said if he was never prompted about singing Gilbert and Sullivan in ME2, where he is killed in an explosion shortly after dispensing the cure. The third quote is him singing if he was prompted in ME2, where he is killed mid-sentence.
- To hell with this!
- Who: Councilor Donnel Udina
- Source: Mass Effect 3
- Notes: The Councilor for humanity, Donnel Udina, was bribed by Cerberus to hand over Councilors Tevos, Sparatus and Valern over to Cerberus. He was killed when the Virmire Survivor (Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams), who was guarding him from a confronting Shepard, was convinced to stand down. The Virmire Survivor turned his/her gun on Udina and shot him.
- Kolyat... you speak as the priests do... you have been spending time with them.
- Who: Thane Krios
- Source: Mass Effect 3
- Notes: Thane Krios, the Drell Assassin recruited by Shepard to help stop the Collectors, was mortally wounded by Kai Leng, a Cerberus hit-man sent to kill Councilor Valern during the Cerberus coup on the Citadel. Kai Leng ran Thane through with his katana before retreating, his assassination of Valern foiled. Thane is taken to Huerta Memorial Hospital, but he has lost a lot of blood, and his Kepral's Syndrome (which prevents proper oxygen flow in Drell) leaves him in a dying state. His last words are to his son, Kolyat, who prays to the goddess Kalahira for him. He finally passes on after Kolyat reads a prayer that Thane wished him to read: a prayer meant for Shepard.
- We are not your slaves.
- Who: Rila
- Notes: One of the two surviving Ardat-Yakshi daughters of Samara, Rila was subject to Reaper Indoctrination when Reaper forces attacked the Ardat-Yakshi monastery where she lived with her sister Falere. The Reapers' goal was to subject Ardat-Yakshi to Indoctrination and turn them into Reaper Banshees, providing a supply of biotic troops for the Reapers. Knowing that the Indoctrination would turn her into one as well, Rila beseeched Shepard, Samara and Falere to abandon her so she could set a bomb to destroy the monastery. She uttered this line in defiance to a Banshee that had impaled her before setting the bomb to detonate, obliterating the monastery and sacrificing herself in the process.
- Finish your war. We will be waiting.
- Who: The Rannoch Reaper
- Notes: A Reaper Destroyer that had managed to subjugate the Geth to Reaper control. This particular Reaper was destroyed when Shepard used a Target Pointer to call down an Orbital Strike on the Reaper.
- I know, Tali... but thank you. Keelah'selai.
- Who: Legion
- Notes: A Geth Infiltrator with over 1,000 programs installed into his platform, Legion was capable of speech and assisted Commander Shepard to stop the Collectors. He later became a pivotal player during the Battle of Rannoch. After destroying a Reaper who had been controlling the Geth, Legion uploaded the Reaper Code to grant the Geth true sentience. After Shepard persuaded the Migrant Fleet into a ceasefire, Legion finished uploading the code, but a small piece of the code residing in Legion's code halted the full upload. Legion, therefore, decided to sacrifice himself, saying it was the only way to complete the task. Tali decided to tell Legion that the answer to a question he had once asked -- "Does this unit have a soul?" -- was "yes." Legion responded with the above quote before dispersing his programs, deactivating for good.
Max Payne
- God, I turned out to be such a damsel in distress.
- Who: Mona Sax
- Source: Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
- Notes: Mona had previously claimed to be a hardened professional, unlike her twin sister who is the damsel in distress.
- Max, dearest of all my friends... I was supposed to be the hero.
- Who: Vladimer Lem
- Source: Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
- See you in hell
- Who: Allen O'Neil
- Source: Metal Slug-Metal Slug 4
- Notes Character was always used as a mini-boss in the final mission, no matter how badly beaten he was.
- Don't you feel the power? Soon everything will be corrupted. Including YOU!
- Who: Ghor
- Source: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
- Notes: Character says this line prior to fighting Samus, after which Ghor is killed.
- You know, you should never trust strangers, Sammy. This is going to be fun.
- Who: Gandrayda
- Source: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
- Notes: Character says this line prior to fighting Samus, after which Gandrayda is killed.
Mega Man
- See also: Last words in Mega Man media
Mischief Makers
- When the King's away, the villains will play! Go back to where you came from!!
- Who: Geold
- Source: Mischief Makers
- Notes: Character is accompanied by his two fellow Clancers, one of them being Teran the Blockman, when they are ambushed by the Spur Clancers in their search for Teran's sister Celes. Geold tells the Spur Clancers to go away, but the Spur Clancers ignore his message and kill him.
Metal Gear series
Mirror's Edge
- [Faith: Why were you with Miller?]You sure you want to know about that? Pull me up and I'll tell you. [Faith: Try anything and you're roadkill.] Sure. Sure...
- Who: Ropeburn
- Notes: Faith defeats Ropeburn in combat and leaves him hanging over the edge of a building. He says he'll reveal some info if she helps him, but he is shot from afar by an sniper (presumably Celeste later on) and falls to his death.
- Just don't let 'em win, kiddo.[Faith: I won't Merc. I Promise]Thanks, kiddo.
- Who: Mercury
- Notes: Last words to Faith before dying of gunshot wounds caused by Blues (a slang term for the police and security forces in the City).
- Look around. Surveillance for the whole City right under your nose, Faith. [Pause and Radio Static] Damn, sounds like they've taken Kate to the roof. They've got a chopper coming in, you'll have to be quick! What--?
- Who: Lt. Miller
- Notes: Talking to Faith over a radio when she's reached the command center of the Shard. At the end of the transmission, a gunshot is heard. While his fate is unknown, it is most likely he was killed.
- You can't live on the edge all your life, Faith! Sooner or later, you're gonna have to jump!
- Who: Jackknife
- Notes: On the top of the Shard, Jacknife holds Kate hostage while preparing to fly away in a helicopter. As he takes off, Faith jumps off the edge of the Shard, grabs on the helicopter and kicks Jacknife out, causing him to fall to his death.
Monkey Island series
- Who's there? Oh, it's just you. Wait! Wha-what are you doing! Help! Help!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
- Who: Effete LaFoot
- Source: The Curse of Monkey Island
- Notes: If the player fails to open up his umbrella the first time due to character's clumsiness at turning the winch and lowering him to the entrance of the Smuggler's Cave at Skull Island, Guybrush will return to the cliff after taking the Goodsoup family diamond from the smugglers and toss the frightened LaFoot off the cliff from a far-off view. His death is disputed.
Tales of Monkey Island
- NOOO!!! My ship!!! Damn you, Threepwood! [Pyrite Parrot (as fake turtle artifact): *Squawk* It's me, Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate!] Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT Uuubbp pbb bpb!!!
- Who: Captain McGillicutty
- Source: Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 2: The Siege of Spinner Cay
- Notes: Character is defeated when he tries firing his cannon onto the Screaming Narwhal in an attempt to sink it, but his cannonball deflects off the rubber tree mast and ends up blasting a hole in his own ship. As he climbs up the mast, he curses Guybrush Threepwood for defeating him before the fake turtle artifact speaks in the voice of the Pyrite Parrot of Petaluma, and he takes out the artifact from his pocket and yells at it to shut up before sinking into a watery grave.
- Who: Coronado De Cava
- Source: Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan
- Notes: Character attempts to reclaim La Esponja Grande from the Screaming Narwhal along with his crew, but Guybrush fires the seahorse head at their ship, the Howler Monkey, causing said character and his crew to be re-swallowed up by the manatee. In Rise of the Pirate God, the Howler Monkey is now a shipwreck underwater, so it is unclear whether he survived or died along with M. "Moose" Muszalski (since Bugeye escaped from the manatee), but the one thing that can be certain is that they are never seen again.
- Who: M. "Moose" Muszalski
- Source: Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan
- Notes: See notes on Coronado De Cava.
- [Guybrush: What happened!?] Went to get your hand... [coughs] [Guybrush: You didn't have to do that!] [coughs again] Had to pay you back for all the trouble... Found Jacques... He told me... [Guybrush: What?] He told me... [Guybrush: What? What did the monkey tell you?]
- Who: Morgan LeFlay
- Source: Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood
- Notes: While on his way to enlarge La Esponja Grande, Guybrush finds the character mortally wounded by her own sword in her chest. She tells him that she tried to rescue his hand that had been infected by the Pox of LeChuck, when all of a sudden she found Jacques the Monkey warning her about something that is not revealed; when Guybrush asks her what Jacques was trying to say, she groans out something in his ear before she breathes her last, and after mourning her death, he mistakenly assumes that the Marquis De Singe killed her. It is later revealed in the final chapter, Rise of the Pirate God, that it was LeChuck, not De Singe, who committed the deed, and that the last words she was trying to whisper to Guybrush were: Don't trust LeChuck. He's hypnotized a bunch of monkeys, and ran me through with my own blade.
- Get back here, you naughty little hand! [laughs maniacally] Aha! I have you now, my pretty! [gets pushed in] Aieeeeeeeeeee!
- Who: Marquis De Singe
- Source: Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood
- Notes: Character is defeated when Guybrush manages to save his wife Elaine from being shredded into bits for the Jus de Vie by destroying character's turban, releasing Guybrush's hand and La Esponja Grande from the turban's grasp. As said character is being weakened, he attempts to chase the hand, which pushes him into the Vaycaylian Wind Control Device and jams the keys on the Harpsichronitron that powers up the device that soon shreds him into bits, which are then blown away and scattered out of sight.
- Elaine? Do me a favor... [LeChuck: Arrr, THAT be the stuff... Elaine: Anything...] Kick his two-faced butt for me...
- Who: Guybrush Threepwood
- Source: Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood
- Notes: Main character is mortally wounded by a stab in the chest from the Cutlass of Kaflu inflicted by LeChuck after having cured Elaine and everyone else from the deadly pox. As said protagonist is dying, he tells her to stop LeChuck for him, to which she imparts her tearful words, "From Mêlée to Monkey and all the islands in between, my love," and after she imparts her tearful kiss, he takes one final empty gaze at her before he dies, right after LeChuck regains his undead form from the voodoo-absorbent Esponja Grande. Like Morgan LeFlay, Guybrush reappears as a ghost in the Crossroads and eventually returns to life in the game's final chapter, Rise of the Pirate God.
Mortal Kombat series
Night Trap
- A lot of weird-looking dudes around here. I'm going in for a closer look. Ready your silence until I get back.
- Who: SCAT member Jason
- Notes: Character goes into the Martin winery estate through the back hallway. He thinks he sees the Augers there, then says these words through his walkie-talkie before turning it off. After exploring around for Augers and seeing nothing, they emerge and arrive for him. He isn't seeing this coming before they ambush him and take him to the basement. Later, he is hung upside-down in the wine cellar as the Augers slowly kill him off by draining his blood. His death is a warning to the guests Megan and Cindy when they see his body after eating the popsicles that are made of human blood.
- Okay, okay. Hold on. We'll tell Leader we're coming in. [tries calling Lt. Simms from another walkie-talkie] Leader, this is Mike. Come in. [pause] Leader? This is Mike! Come in!
- Who: SCAT member Mike
- Notes: After a fruitless search for Jason, character hears Kelly Medd's voice calling to him from the bathroom. He eventually gets the news that the Martin family are a bunch of vampires who are up to no good. He tells her that he'll alert SCAT into the estate, unaware that what he says are actually his final words to Kelly. He then tries radioing Lt. Simms about the news, unaware that the leader and his team have already gone out. While the character is radioing him in with these final words, the Augers approach and capture the character, but he is able to toss the talkie onto the shore before they drain him of blood, eventually killing him off.
- Don't be foolish, Kelly! They wouldn't stand in my way. [turns to taunt you with an evil grin] Would you?
- Who: Tony Martin
- Notes: Character arrives to save Kelly from the Augs, but he then says that she ignored his warning not to investigate in the Martins' plans, and claims he tried to save Ashley from the Augs but that Kelly will pay for interfering with his warning. She tells the player that Tony is insane, but he sees that the player is the troublemaker, and tells her that the player would not stand in his way, then taunts them with these words. If the player activates the stair trap on him to kill him, then these are his final words.
- What's going on? Where's Tony?
- I'll go through the secret passageway!
- Who: Jeffrey "Jeff" Martin
- Notes: During the SCAT interrogation of the Martin family, character arrives from the secret passageway through the bookcase door and asks him where his cousin Tony is. Kelly answers with a smirk that the player (known as Control) "got [Tony] with the stair trap", and the Martin family retaliates by attacking the entire Special Control Attack Team before character attacks SCAT member Swanson. If the player traps him at the appropriate time that he starts pushing her out of the way of the trap, then the first line is his final words. If the player fails to trap him and he strangles Swanson to death before Kelly escapes distraught, his sister Sarah alerts him about Kelly. He then says the second line before opening the bookcase door, only to discover, too late, that he has opened the wrong side of the door; and as he goes in, the white flame from the trap envelops him, incinerating him before the bookcase door closes on him forever.
- Get 'im, Deke!
- Who: SCAT member Collins
- Notes: When the Martins are about to attack the entire Special Control Attack Team, Lt. Simms decides he's had enough and starts to arrest them. Character orders SCAT member Deke to arrest Victor, before the vampire grabs Deke and tosses him backwards out the window. Character then retaliates by shooting Victor, only to discover that the Martins are immune to bullets; and he becomes surprised at this as an Auger uses its blood extractor to grab him and pull him outside, where he is killed offscreen.
- A closet trap?! [Victor: Well, it was going to be a surprise!]
- Who: Sheila Martin
- Notes: Character and her remaining Martin family are in pursuit of Kelly as she runs upstairs to the bedroom and pleads with the player to use the traps. Character then starts attacking Kelly, but if the player activates the closet door trap, then the trap pushes the matriarch onto the bed, where she becomes stunned and asks her husband Victor why the trap attacked her; he explains that the trap was not meant for her, and that apparently he was going to give the trap to her as a surprise for the unsuspecting guests. The bed then acts as a catapult in launching her through an opening wall, into her apparent demise.
- Who: Victor Martin
- Notes: Character and his daughter Sarah continue their pursuit of Kelly into the bathroom as she again pleads with the player to use the traps. As he starts going for Kelly, he moves near the wall trap before pressing the scale button. If the player activates the wall trap, then he screams out these words as it envelops him and swallows him up forever.
- Who: Sarah Martin
- Notes: Character continues her pursuit of Kelly until she corners her in the upstairs hallway, saying that Kelly is hers before coming to drain her blood. If the player activates the glass door trap, then it closes in on the character, who becomes horrified as she screams out these words before the trap door opens under her feet, making her fall in to her demise; and with that combined with the entrapment of her parents, the player and Kelly win the game.
Nier: Automata
- Captain, I think—
- Who: YoRHa Unit 4B
- Note: Character says before being vaporised by a gigantic long-ranged laser along with all allied units, forcing unit 2B to rendezvous with unit 9S and proceed to the target herself.
- was an honor to fight with you. Truly.
- Who: YoRHa Unit 9S (first version)
- Note: After being mortally damaged by a Goliath-class machine lifeform, 9S requests to Command the destruction of enemy hostiles via black-box reaction. 9S and 2B exchange their black boxes together and detonate, killing themselves and the enemy hostiles. After being revitalised in the Bunker—a space station orbiting Earth—9S was only able to back up 2B's memories in time, causing 9S to have no recollection of prior events.
- The honor was mine.
- Who: YoRHa Unit 2B (first version)
- Note: Character says before exchanging black boxes with 9S to destroy the enemy hostiles with detonation. After being revitalised in the Bunker, 2B encounters 9S, devastated to learn that 9S did not back up his memories in time.
- More...beautiful... More...beautiful... I must...become...more...beautiful... More... More.... MORE...
- Who: Simone
- Note: After breaking into a theatre in the amusement park, 2B and 9S encounter a Goliath-class machine lifeform modelled after an opera singer. Obsessed with a certain other machine lifeform, she put great thought into her appearance—even going so far as to cannibalize her own kind—only to end up being a spectacular display of poor taste. Her search for beauty eventually led to her demise when 2B orders Pod 042 to vaporise her machine core.
- We were created to fight! To eliminate all others and reside at the pinnacle of existence! Yet the battle rages eternal! Our cursed cycle of destruction and rebirth continues without end! None of us in this world are loved! This world has no need for us! There is only one solution...
- Who: Wise Machine
- Note: In an unrelated story event, 9S and 2B encounter a solitary machine lifeform atop three high structures, unable to fight back or acknowledge the androids' presence. 9S hacks into its mainframe and hears the machine's thoughts contemplating existentialism and suffering. The machine suddenly cries out his speech and commits suicide by jumping off the structure, much to 9S's surprised shock.
- Is this...death...? So dark... So cold...
- Who: Adam
- Note: After 2B encounters the humanoid machine lifeform Adam in an area composed of crystallized silicon and carbon dubbed "Copied City", she sees an unconscious 9S impaled on a wall in a crucifix position. In a fit of primal rage, 2B fatally stabs Adam and bleeds severely to death on the floor. His connection to the network severed, he finds death less romantic than he had hoped.
- Brother...
- Who: Eve
- Note: Consumed by anger, grief and revenge by the loss of his twin brother Adam, Eve rampages through the city ruins in an attempt to kill 2B and 9S. After being defeated with 9S's hacking abilities, 2B fatally stabs Eve in the head with her broken blade.
- Please, 2B... I want you... to do this...for me...
- Who: YoRHa Unit 9S (second version)
- Note: After hacking into Eve's mainframe, 9S was struck with a logic virus infection coursing in his body. He pleads a hesitant 2B to strangle him to death before transferring his consciousness and data to a nearby large Machine.
- Log-data upload complete!
- Who: YoRHa Unit 9S (third version)
- Note: After the destruction of both Adam and Eve, the YoRHa forces launch a full-scale invasion in an attempt to reclaim Earth from the machine lifeforms. A logic virus attack, which is enabled by the glitch 9S previously discovered, corrupts every YoRHa unit except 2B and the restored 9S. 9S tells 2B a possibility to access the Bunker through a backdoor in the system. Before being overwhelmed by corrupted YoRHa soldiers, they both proceed to self-destruct themselves via black-box detonation.
- 9S!
- Who: YoRHa Unit 2B (second version)
- Note: Character says before exchanging black boxes with 9S while being overwhelmed by corrupted YoRHa soldiers in an attempt to access the Bunker via a backdoor in the system.
- Move it, 2B! That's an order!
- Who: Commander White
- Note: After 2B and 9S awake in the Bunker and inform Commander White about the logic virus attack, she misinterprets this and attempts to detain 2B and 9S before everyone else in the Bunker became infected by the logic virus and forced the three to evacuate. Before they did however, Commander White chose to stay behind after revealing that she was infected by the logic virus too while ordering the two of them to survive right before the Bunker was destroyed with her on it.
- Oh... Nines...
- Who: YoRHa Unit 2B (final version)
- Note: After the Bunker's destruction, 2B and 9S are separated in the aftermath, and 2B is infected with the logic virus. Rogue unit A2 discovers 2B, who asks her to take her place. A2 accepts her request and fatally stabs 2B with her blade. A frantic 9S witnesses and misinterprets 2B's mercy-killing as a murder, causing 9S to spiral into unbelievable pain and anger, swearing revenge on A2.
- Who: Pascal
- Note: After pacifist machine Pascal eliminates the hostile machines near the factory with A2, he returns—to his horror—to see the children machines committed suicide out of fear of being attacked. Unable to live with the heartbreak and guilt, Pascal asks that A2 delete all of his memories, or to kill him. His last words were spoken if the player chooses to kill Pascal.
- Help... Please... Help me... I'm scared...
- Who: Machine Core's Voice
- Note: In order to gain access into the large machine-made structure dubbed "the Tower", 9S infiltrates the Meat Box resource station and approaches a machine core, begging for help. Embittered and indifferent, 9S orders Pod 153 to open fire and destroy the core.
-! Do it!! Do it! Kill me, coward! Kill me! Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!
- Who: Forest Machine
- Note: After 9S destroys the machine core and proceeds to leave, a heavily damaged forest machine beseeches an angry 9S to kill itself viciously with 9S's blade.
- A be with... Pl...ease...kill... I...just wanted a family... I was so
- Who: Operator 21O
- Note: After 9S infiltrates the God Box resource station, he is confronted by Operator 21O, who was presumed missing during the YoRHa mass assault that was thwarted by the logic virus outbreak. Infected by the virus herself, 21O struggles as she fights 9S, pleading that she just wanted to be part of a family, hinted at in her previous quests, and then for 9S to kill her. 21O is killed when A2 appears from behind and runs her through using 2B's blade. Though A2 manages to grant 21O's wish to die and saves 9S, the event only furthers 9S's mental breakdown.
- Devola! [Devola: Right!] NOOOOOW!
- Who: Popola
- Note: After 9S struggles to enter the Tower, twin androids Devola and Popola appear and aid 9S in getting inside the Tower by serving as distractions to the machine enemies. After 9S fails at hacking his way inside, Popola makes an attempt at the cost of being perpetually electrocuted. Popola suffers a presumably fatal shock after Devola grabs and throws 9S through the Tower's entrance. Devola and Popola were later shown to have succumbed to their wounds and die together after the arc is launched from the Tower in Ending D and the Tower collapses as a result.
- S-Say... Did we... Did we manage to help? [A2: ...You did.]
- Who: Devola
- Note: Before A2 proceeds to enter the Tower, she encounters Devola and Popola at the entrance, mortally damaged. Devola asks A2 if they managed to do some good, with A2 mentioning they had. Devola and Popola were later shown to have succumbed to their wounds and die together after the ark is launched from the Tower in Ending D and the Tower collapses as a result.
- I never quite realized... how beautiful this world is. I'm coming, everyone... I'm...coming...
- Who: YoRHa Unit A2
- Note: After 9S and A2 confront each other in the Tower, A2 tells 9S about 2B's true model designation as Number 2, Type E a.k.a. "2E"—designed to execute YoRHa units who know the truth of humanity's extinction, and that 9S was aware of this. 9S—deafened by hatred and infected with the logic virus—challenges A2 to a fight to the death, prompting the player to choose a character. If A2 is picked, she saves 9S by purging the logic virus in his mainframe and sacrifices herself to destroy the Tower in Ending C.
- Ah... So that's where you were... 2B.
- Who: YoRHa Unit 9S (final version)
- Note: If 9S is chosen, the two androids kill each other; in his final moments, he is offered the option of joining with the now-peaceful Machine Network, as the Tower has changed its function to launch an interstellar ark containing the Machine memories to find a new world. If 9S chooses to stay behind, he looks up at the sky briefly before dying. After the Tower's collapse in Ending E, Pods 042 and 153 defy their orders to delete YoRHa's data, prompting the player to destroy the credits in a shoot 'em up section. Despite the possibility that 2B, 9S and A2 will repeat events, the Pods have faith they will forge a new future for themselves.
Ninja Gaiden series
Ninja Gaiden (NES)
- Ryu... the "LIGHT" demon statue... was taken... [Ryu: The "LIGHT" Statue?] Yes, your father and I...we each kept one of the statues...just in case. So that the two statues would never become one. The demon's been asleep for 700 years...and now it's starting to wake up...whatever we do...we've got to stop it. Got to get it back...there's no've got to become the Ninja Dragon...
- Who: Dr. Walter Smith
- Notes: Character is dying of unknown causes, shortly after Ryu Hayabusa retrieves the stolen Demon Statue.
- [Ryu: You killed my father.] Killed? It is true that we fought. But your father is alive. [Ryu: Liar!] No, it is not a lie. If you proceed further, you will see him. But it will be the last thing you see.
- Who: Bloody Malth
- Notes: Character is defeated by Ryu, and then reveals to him that his father, Ken Hayabusa, is still alive. Before succumbing to his fatal wounds, he warns Ryu that if he goes on, it would be the last thing he saw, and dies.
- [Ryu: Wake up, Father. Wake up.] Ryu...I haven't got much longer...This temple is about to break apart. Take that woman and escape. [Ryu: What are you saying, Father? I can't just leave you!] Ryu, you are a man now. My destiny is tied to the demon statue. Ryu, good luck... [Ryu: Father, father...!!! Father!!!]
- Who: Ken Hayabusa
- Notes: Character had previously sacrificed himself to help protect his son, Ryu, from Jaquio's energy bolts. After the defeat of Jaquio and the demon, he tells Ryu to leave him behind in the collapsing temple and to take Irene Lew with him.
Ninja Gaiden III
- We took a little sample of your blood while you were sleeping. A dash of your Dragon Ninja DNA. You're all descended from the Dragon God, are you not? While not in this prototype here, it will prove a most useful ingredient when the time comes to give birth to a new god.
- Who: Lovelace
- Notes: One of the LOA scientists who sought to use Hayabusa's DNA to give rise to a "god". After Lovelace explains this, the Regent of the Mask decides he would add her to the mix of the "egg of a god". He throws her into the egg and she mutates into a prototype goddess monster that Hayabusa fights and later kills.
- Who: Ashtear Higgins
- Notes: The Chairman of the LOA and the grandfather of Cliff and Theodore Higgins as well as Canna's great-grandfather. On the Black Narwhal, he fights Hayabusa using a robotic form. As he is beaten, the ninja walks to him and pierces him just as Ashtear declares this.
- If you do nothing... the world will die... If you kill the Goddess, Canna will die... All things... come to an end... Goodbye...
- Who: Cliff Higgins
- Notes: Hayabusa's ally in the Japanese Self Defense Force and the true villain behind the birth of the Goddess. Fighting Hayabusa, he seems to have the advantage until Theodore Higgins, freed from being the Regent of the Mask stabs him fatally. Dying, he admits that the world would be destroyed if the heroes do nothing, and by killing the Goddess, they in turn will kill Canna. He then bids goodbye and ceases to exist leaving only his glasses.
- Damn! The Grip of Murder is such a pain in the ass to undo! (Hayabusa: You wanted this?) It's my... atonement...! Now... for Canna... the rest is in your hands...!
- Who: Theodore Higgins
- Notes: Canna's father who was used as the Regent of the Mask for the Lords of Alchemy. After he is freed, he fights through scores of fiends alongside Hayabusa and duels the latter. After they fight where he is stabbed through, Theodore undoes the Grip of Murder. Accepting his fate to die at Hayabusa's hands, he implores him to save his daughter Canna.
No More Heroes series
No More Heroes
- Then master the ways of the assassin.
- Who: Death Metal/Count Townsend
- Notes: Said when Travis tells him he wants to be the best, before Travis decapitates him.
- Next song I sing... I know my daughter will love... won't you, darling? I better practice my rap. Rap with me... Jennifer...
- Who: Dr. Peace/Pastel Brankino
- Notes: Said after being mortally wounded by Travis Touchdown. He had previously mentioned his estranged daughter, Jennifer, who wouldn't even look at him when they last met.
- Please... help me.
- Who: Destroyman/John Harnet
- Notes: Said after Travis has impaled him, in a ploy to get him to remove the sword. Travis does so, and Destroyman attempts to shoot him, but Travis cuts him in half.
- Academics like to fantasize too, you know.
- Who: Holly Summers
- Notes: Said in regards to finding Travis attractive, before putting a grenade in her mouth and killing herself. She previously told Travis that defeated assassins must die.
- FIRE!!!
- Who: Earthquake Maker/Dr. Shake
- Notes: Said after completing his/its weapon cycle, before Henry cuts it in half.
- Who: Letz Shake
- Notes: Said after Dr. Shake has completed his/its weapon cycle, before Henry cuts him in half.
- It's dark! Somebody turn on the lights! I can't see shit! Oh! How am I supposed to perform in total darkness? Hit the lights! Hurry up! I can't see. It's dark! I'm surrounded by darkness!
- Who: Harvey Moiseiwitsch Voldarskii
- Notes: Character has been blinded by Travis, and is strapped to a device that saws him in half.
- Remember... master your force... and the power will be yours!
- Who: Thunder Ryu
- Notes: Said to Travis, before he is blown apart by Speed Buster's weapon.
- A little present for you. Farewell.
- Who: Speed Buster
- Notes: Said after Travis has defeated her. She gives him a kiss after the first sentence, and he decapitates her after the second.
- I can't lose! I will never lose! [Travis: Okay! I give up! You win!] Yes! I've won.
- Who: Bad Girl
- Notes: Said after Travis has impaled her, before violently beating him with her baseball bat. Travis gives in, and she immediately dies after the second sentence.
- Well done son. She was the girl that you loved.
- Who: Dark Star
- Notes: Said to Travis, after he has remembered who murdered his parents. Jeane then punches him through the stomach and kills him.
- We're both in the same business after all... and I've... had enough. [Travis: Time for you to rest Jeane.] Goodnight... Travis.
- Who: Jeane
- Notes: Character had murdered Travis' parents, and has just had her arm cut off by Shinobu. She begs for mercy, but Travis refuses her. She says this line before Travis cuts her twice from shoulder to waist, killing her.
- I'm afraid not. These fights don't work that way. It's time for you to die...Mr. First Rank.
- Who: Ermen Palmer
- Notes: Character has arrived while Travis is on the toilet to kill him. Before he can, Henry cuts him in half.
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
- This is the ultimate vengeance!
- Who: Skelter Helter
- Notes: Character had been decapitated, but survived momentarily afterwards. After saying this line, he pulls his head off again and dies.
- Travis...
- Who: Bishop Shidux
- Notes: Said before being shot in the head.
- Deliverance!
- Who: Nathan Copeland
- Notes: Said as Travis strikes him in the waist with his katana, before Travis cuts him in half.
- Damn it! The power system's busted!
- Who: Charlie MacDonald
- Notes: Said as his mech, Santa Death Parade, begins shorting out. Travis, in his own mech, then hurls Death Parade into the air and blows it up.
- 2-4-6-8 who can we decapitate?
- Who: Charlie MacDonald's Cheerleaders
- Notes: Said by all his cheerleaders in unison, before Death Parade is destroyed.
- Show me your face twisted in pain!
- Who: Cloe Walsh
- Notes: Said before attacking Travis, who defeats her and slices her to pieces.
- 3...2...1...Fire. Battle cry.
- Who: Dr. Letz Shake
- Notes: Said before firing his Earthquake Maker at Travis. Travis then battles and defeats him, driving his katana into Shake's brain and causing him to explode.
- Yes sir...
- Who: Million Gunman
- Notes: Said when Shinobu decapitates him, and tells him to tell Hell's gatekeeper that she sent him there. After this response, she cuts his head to pieces.
- We're gonna kill you twice over!
- What!?
- Who: New Destroyman
- Notes: New Destroyman is the two bisected parts of Destroyman, resurrected as cyborgs. They say the first line in unison, before attacking Shinobu, and one of them says the second line when Shinobu rams her sword into his skull, before both halves explode.
- You...
- Who: Ryuji
- Notes: Said after Travis has piledrived him, causing him to lose a tooth. He then attacks Travis and is defeated by him, before he is shot to death by Sylvia.
- I know you're trying to trick me!
- Who: Mimmy
- Notes: Character is a being in Henry's nightmare, whom he mockingly tells to come with him to the real world. She says this line and attacks him, but he kills her.
- That... is so... sublime.
- Who: Margaret
- Notes: Said after Travis tells her he memorized all of her songs lyrics, after he has impaled her.
- So I'm finally back... after all this time. Fresh oxygen... Blue skies... Just as beautiful as I remembered.
- Who: Captain Vladimir
- Notes: Character is a Russian who has been stranded in space for years. He says this line after Travis has mortally wounded him and told him he is back on Earth.
- Promise me you won't forget... there once was an assassin named Alice.
- Who: Alice Moonlight
- Notes: Said when Travis asks for her name, before she falls towards Travis and allows him to cut her in half.
- Travis!
- Who: Jasper Batt Jr.
- Notes: Said as a giant, balloon-like monster before knocking the roof off of his tower to attack Travis. Travis battles him, and then cuts him in half.
Not for Broadcast
- We're nearly done. All cameras on me. This new regime of ours is so... Seductive. I understand that. But before we all hand off our freedoms, shouldn't we ask to whom we're handing them over? Don't you wanna know what's being done in your name? How many people were transitioned last month? A record high. Again. If you care. Shouldn't someone ask Advance how they plan to deal with this blockade? How many years or months of supplies we have? Why aren't we asking these questions, instead of "Whose shit is this"? There's a cat backstage, dressed as a fucking goalie for Christ's sake... He's even got the little gloves. Anyway. That's why I arranged for you all to see that broadcast in the last break. I didn't know it was going to be him... But I guess that just about sums it up. We are all up shit creek, with a paddle made of Alan fucking James. Christ, it's all so fucking pointless... I was gonna quit tonight. Take a holiday. Try something else. Out of the limelight. Maybe try having a relationship. I hear they're nice. Never tried it. I... I loved the news. And now, well... [Jenny: God, Jeremy, don't!] I've tried my best to be honest with you, but... this just isn't the news anymore. And I'm sorry! [Jenny: Cut to the Ads!] I've lost this fight. [Jenny: Alex. Cut to the Ads! Boseman: Alex, think of the consequences!] I've let you down. [Jenny: Please, we can't show this, cut to the Ads!] All of you. My name's Jeremy Donaldson. [Jenny: Now! Do it now!] If you can... Somehow. And I envy you if you can. Have a peaceful night.
- Who: Jeremy Robert Donaldson
- Notes: Character is under the pressure of the heat as he tries interviewing three people with medical conditions, before he takes the entire newsroom hostage at gunpoint and demands that the Disrupt tape be played. If the Disrupt tape is played, character goes on a rant against Advance before deciding that he doesn't want to work under the government-turned-regime anymore; he puts the pistol up close to his head and decides to end it all with a gunshot to the head, apologizing to the newscast for letting them down. If Alex Winston doesn't listen to Jenny's pleas or Boseman's warning to cut to the Ads before something bad happens, then these will be the character's last words, capped off with his usual signing-off catchphrase.
- It's not fair! We had twice ze flavor.
- Who: Brewmaster Glukkon
- Source: Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
- Notes: Said seconds before the main boiler explodes, incinerating him.
- How could I die by the hand of a human?!
- Who: Osric
- Source: Onimusha: Warlords
- Notes: Said after being defeated by Samanosuke Akechi. He is the first Genma boss to fall as the samurai who tells him "Be quiet, monster! It is time for you to go back to the underworld!"
- Now my dear babies; Consume that human over there at once!
- Who: Hecuba
- Source: Onimusha: Warlords
- Notes: Said before the boss fight against the flying mantis-like Genma. Samanosuke defeats her while Kaede ignites gunpowder to blow her hive up. Even when beaten, Hecuba makes one final attempt to kill Samanosuke but is crushed by falling debris and killed in the explosion.
- There is no escape from me!
- Who: Fortinbras
- Source: Onimusha: Warlords
- Notes: Said while gripping Samanosuke who is trying to escape the Demon World with Yuki and Yumemaru. It seems like Samanosuke will be killed when his blood ignites the Oni Gauntlet and turns him into an Onimusha. Samanosuke cuts through the demon king's left arm, then pierces his forehead eye finally killing Fortinbras.
- Ju...Jubei... dearest son... I wanted much more time to talk to you.
- Who: Takajo
- Source: Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
- Notes: Said after being mortally injured by Jujudormah's purse. Jubei arrives too late to save her, and he realizes she was his mother who mated with his father years prior to the game. Her body then disperses into light.
- My lord... Nobunaga...!
- Who: Jujudormah
- Source: Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
- Notes: Said after the boss fight against the obese Genma woman. She gives a kiss to the portrait of her superior and drops dead. Jubei absorbs her soul and proclaims "All demons will be destroyed!" and gains the Oni Orb of Honesty.
- Magnificent. You've become so strong... [Jubei: Dantess.] So impressive... Now please do me one thing for me, Jubei? Tell me my name... [[Jubei: Your name is... Gogandantess; The Greatest Swordsman of All Demons.] Thank you, Jubei...
- Who: Gogandantess
- Source: Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
- Notes: Said after the last boss fight against the demon swordsman when Jubei disables his protection with the Sacred Flute. Gogandantess gives Jubei the Oni Orb of Charity as he expires.
- Help...! Help!!!
- Who: Ginghamphatts
- Source: Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
- Notes: Said after the last boss against him
- Heh heh, I made a mess. (Jubei: Pull yourself together. Oyu: Yes, you'll be fine.) O... Oyu... I know what happened. My mom... didn't abandon me... She didn't want me to become a Ninja and tried to escape with me from the Fuma village. She was killed for it...! But I was... so lonely without her. So... (Jubei: Kotaro! Oyu: Rest, don't speak!) O... Oyu... Please get back to your children... They must miss you so much... (Oyu: "I know. I know, Kotaro." Kotaro convulses from his injuries Jubei: "Kotaro!") M...MAMA...!
- Who: Kotarō Fūma
- Source: Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
- Notes: Said after getting badly injured by Ginghamphatts while rescuing Oyu from falling to her death. After the last boss fight with Ginghamphatts, Kotarō recalls his sad past and passes away to meet his mother in the afterworld. This death can depend on the player's actions.
Perfect Dark series
- Just try it, you Scandinavian freak!
- Who: Trent Easton
- Source: Perfect Dark
- Notes: Character is told by "Mr. Blonde," a Skedar disguised as a Nordic man, that he is no longer needed. He points his gun at Mr. Blonde, but Mr. Blonde turns into his true form and slices him in two.
- The Skedar used me, Joanna. You were my best chance at revenge.
- Who: Cassandra De Vries
- Source: Perfect Dark
- Notes: Character had been taken prisoner for failing the Skedar, and is being held in a cell with Joanna Dark. She runs out of the cell as the door opens, sacrificing herself to allow Joanna enough time to surprise the guards and escape.
- Let me live!
- Who: Zhang Li
- Source :Perfect Dark Zero
- Notes: Zhang Li's final words before dying at Joanna's hands. Zhang Li becomes something similar to a god, evidently attempting to obtain immortality.
- Chaz... come here... let me take a good look at you... You've become a honorable adult... before I knew it... From now on... you have to carve out... your own destiny... by yourself... [Chaz: Alys! Don't say that! Alys!!!]
- Who: Alys Brangwin
- Source: Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
- Note: Alys is mortally wounded by a Dark Force cast by Zio, which contains a power that prevents anyone from healing her. She says these final words to Chaz Ashley and dies.
- This... this can't be. I'm supposed to be immortal! Oh, why... Why do you abandon me? Dark Fo... Aaaargh!
- Who: Zio
- Source: Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
- Note: After Chaz's party defeats him, Zio curses the Dark Force for abandoning him before he is destroyed.
- If you harm me, my men will kill you! [Pusca: Wrong again! If I kill you, your men will follow.]
- Who: Jonathan St. Claire
- Source: Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
- Note: Character has captured Pitfall Harry and stolen the three remaining Animal Artifacts along with the last one that Pusca had taken to character's camp. After Harry reclaims all the artifacts along with his stolen equipment in the camp, he eavesdrops on character's conversation with Pusca, who demands the artifacts. Character makes a threatening claim that if he returns the artifacts to Pusca, he might spare the latter's life. Pusca, on the other hand, demands that character may be spared if he gives Pusca the artifacts first. Character becomes shocked and refuses, taunting him with these last words. In retaliation, Pusca uses his magic to drain the life out of the character, killing him off.
Planescape: Torment
- I have been here before. This time I shall never leave.*
- Who: Dak'kon
- Source: Planescape: Torment
- Note: Spoken before the Transcendent One sends a horde of Shadow Beasts after Dak'kon, before the screen fades to black with the sound of a final strike.
- I shall continue the battle, beyond the eternal boundary.*
- Who: Vhailor
- Source: Planescape: Torment
- Note: Spoken by the haunted suit of armor known as Vhailor, one of the secret characters in PS: T, when his lifeforce drops to zero, giving the impression that instead of dying, the spirit in the armor is granted passage to the afterlife.
- How can this happen? None have beaten me until now!
- Who: Polygon Man
- Source: Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale
- Goodbye forever ...
- Who: Gold
- Source: [Lost Silver]
- (Now we're) Even...
- Who: Rival (Silver)
- Source: Lost Silver Hidden
- Notes: Takes place in an extension of the story of Lost Silver (see above). If Gold chooses "No" when he is asked to turn back, he ends up back in Mt. Silver, where it is revealed that his Cyndaquil was the byproduct of his dying starter Typholsion. After leaving Mt. Silver's summit, he confronts his rival's (blind) Feraligatr, and defeats it using a technique that puts it to sleep and causes it to experience a nightmare that not only regresses it back into a Totodile, but kills it. After this, he speaks to Silver, who says the marked quote before vanishing. This version of Silver is most likely a mental apparation though, so these may not be his actual last words.
- I told you long ago, Silver, either manipulate or be manipulated. Pokemon are nothing more than tools. People are nothing more than tools. After they've served your purpose, they're no longer useful… … MEWTWO. Kill him!
- Who: Giovanni
- Source: Tarnished Gold
- Notes: Much like the aforementioned Lost Silver, this is a non-canon hack of Pokemon Gold/Silver, set in the perspective of the game's rival. However, it instead follows the story of how Silver tries to scramble his way through the Pokemon world, resorting to stealing in order to get on through the Pokemon League. Eventually, he ends up in Viridian City, finding it to be completely deserted. Entering the gym, he finds heavily mutilated bodies lying on the floor before witnessing Giovanni kill Gold and his Typhlosion. Giovanni then speaks the above sentence of how Pokemon and people are nothing more than tools for others, to be disposed of when their purpose has been served. After this, his Pokemon Mewtwo turns against Giovanni, killing him through torturing him then ripping his head off.
- Stop the planets' paralysis! Change history!
- Who: Celebi
- Source: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness
- Notes: Celebi is stalling Dusknoir from capturing Grovyle, the player, and the partner, who escape, and she also escapes. When the planets' paralysis is stopped, Celebi no longer exists, so she is erased from existence. However, in the bonus episode of "Sky", she is brought back to life along with Grovyle, Dialga and Dusknoir, due to Arceus.
- Though the parting hurts...the rest is in your hands.
- Who: Grovyle
- Source: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness
- Notes: Last words before falling through a time portal with Dusknoir. Dusknoir, Grovyle and the player are from the future, and are trying to stop the planet's paralysis, and when this is stopped, Grovyle disappears from existence. In the bonus episode in "Sky", he is brought back to life at the end, thanks to Arceus.
- Do you smell something burning?
- Who: GLaDOS's Curiosity Core
- Source: Portal
- Note: Spoken as the core is dropped into the Aperture Science Incinerator.
- (amidst mechanical gibberish from malfunctioning) There really was a cake...
- Who: GLaDOS
- Source: Portal
- Notes: GLaDOS had promised Chell a cake in return for doing a "test" of Aperture Science's new Portal Gun in the Enrichment center. GLaDOS said this as Chell destroys the last of GLaDOS's spheres, causing GLaDOS to violently explode and blast Chell out of the Enrichment Center. However, she survived and returned in Portal 2.
- You have to let me go! Let me go, Tommy!!
- Who: Jen (Tommy's girlfriend)
- Source: Prey
- Note: Last words before Tommy shoots her with a plasma bullet, killing her. Tommy then says to the mutant corpse "Jen, I love you."
- You cannot imagine the power you'll GAIIINNNNNNNNNN!!!!
- Who: Mother
- Source: Prey.
Prince of Persia series
- Kakolookiyam.
- Who: Farah
- Source: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
- Note: Farah is hanging onto the hilt of the Dagger of Time, and realizes that The Prince, who is holding onto the blade, will soon lose his grip. She lets go and falls to her death after saying this line. However the Prince soon rewinds the timeline, so that she never dies.
- I could have been...immortal...
- Who: The Vizier
- Source: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
- Note: The Vizier dies after saying this line. However, after the Prince meddles with the timeline in Warrior Within, he is revived and returns in The Two Thrones.
- Fool... don't you know... you cannot change your fate.
- Who: Shahdee
- Source: Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
- Notes: She dies of her wounds after the Prince defeats her, and rises to say this after the Prince expresses his determination to change his fate. Although the player does not know this at that point in the game, she had refused to help Kaileena defy her fate, and was addressing her, rather than the Prince.
- You waste your time. The Vizier has already begun to transform the women I have imprisoned. You buy yourself hours at best.
- Who: Mahasti
- Source: Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
- Notes: The Prince, transformed into the Dark Prince, uses the power of the Eye of the Storm from the Dagger to slow character down and fight her hard with all her might. As they clash swords at each other for the final time, and the Dark Prince starts pushing her away, she says these words as a warning to him before he pushes her down to her death.
- This is not what the Dagger promised!
- Who: The Vizier/Zurvan
- Source: Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
- Notes: The Vizier had followed a vision from the Dagger, which he called "a promise of power". The Prince drives the Dagger into his heart, which destroys him.
- Be free now, Prince. Your journey is at an end.
- Who: Kaileena
- Source: Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
- Note: These are the last words Kaileena's spirit says before it dissipates with the Sands of Time forever.
- What are you doing? Do *not* ignore me! Do not leave me behind! NOOOOOOOO!
- Who: The Dark Prince
- Source: Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
- Note: As the Dark Prince is saying this, the Prince ascends a stairway inside his mind, effectively destroying the entity that is the Dark Prince.
- Wait. Wait! Fuck! I gotta go.
- Who: Alex Mercer
- Source: Prototype
- Note: His last call to his ex-girlfriend, Karen Parker, before being shot to death by Blackwatch for unleashing the Blacklight Virus in New York. He is resurrected as a Blacklight being, but Alex is dead all along.
- You want the truth. I know the secret.
- Who: Director Raymond McMullen
- Source: Prototype
- Note: McMullen states he knows the dark secret of Hope, Idaho. However, he refuses to let Alex absorb him for this information, so he killed himself by shooting his own head with a gun.
- SIR!
- Who: Captain Robert Cross
- Source: Prototype
- Note: Last words before the Supreme Hunter consumes him and took on his form.
- Once I consume you, I'll be able to withstand...even this.
- Who: The Supreme Hunter
- Source: Prototype
- Note: Cross is revealed to be the Supreme Hunter, having killed him early on. It is killed by Alex in a military ship.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
- B-But... I... I... GURK! How? Why? There's still so much I wanted to do with my life... So many meals...
- Who: Hooktail
- Notes: Character was a dragon known for eating people. She was defeated by Mario and is presumed dead (although her body disappears later on).
- Urrrgh... Prince Mush... He... He...discovered the secret of my... power-suckin' machine... I had him...urgh...disappear. Any which way you look at it...oooog...he ain't around these parts no more.
- Who: Grubba
- Notes: Character was using a Crystal Star-powered machine to drain energy from fighters and rejuvenate himself. Another character (Jolene) has asked him about her brother, the former champion Prince Mush. After this, Prince Mush is released from the Crystal Star.
- No... No... Is it true? Can I...expire?
- Who: Gloomtail
- Notes: Character had lived for over 1,000 years, and therefore thought himself immortal. He was defeated by Mario.
- Impossible... Unthinkable... How could I... I cannot be beaten by lesser beings such as these... And I had just been reborn into this world... I cannot... I must not... AAAAAIIYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
- Who: Shadow Queen
- Notes: An ancient, resurrected demon, the character is forever banished to the netherworld after saying this.
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
- DAAAAAANG! NOOOOO! WHYYYYY? This can't be happening! Could this mean, I'M FINISHED?!
- Who: Bowser Jr.
- Notes: Said this after being defeated by Mario at the end of World 6-2.
- It's all clear to me now. It's no accident hat you've had such success gathering the Royal Stickers all this time. I'm Magikoopa enough to admit it. You two are quite strong! At least, strong enough to defeat me. But the last sticker King Bowser holds is infinitely stronger than the others. No power in the world can stand up to such dazzling shine power! (screams) Just thinking about how King Bowser will turn you to confetti is delectable. So delectable that I do not fear my time of vanishing! KA HA HA HA! KING BOWSER WILL DESTROY YOU! KING BOWSER WILL DESTROY YOU! KING BOWSER WI--
- Who: Kamek
- Notes: Said this to Mario after he defeated him and warns him that Bowser is more powerful than him.
- Thanks for sticking me up, Mario. I'm giving you all my shine. You have to win! Looking back, I realized I kind of forced you to come on this adventure with me. I'm sorry. We've been through a lot, but it was fun. And now... Goodbye!
- Who: Kersti
- Notes: Said this to Mario after planning to sacrifice herself by turning into a sticker to give him her power to defeat Bowser and bring back the Royal Sticker. But somehow, in the ending, Mario wishes her back to life with the power of the sticker stars.
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
- What!?
- Who: Jov Leonov
- Note: Said when he hears the beeping of a bomb about to go off beside him. He was trying to force Nick Scryer to kill himself, but is killed in the subsequent explosion.
- NO!!!
- Who: Marlena Kessler
- Note: Said when her pyrokenisis goes out of control after being wounded by Nick Scryer. She is set ablaze and burns to death.
- I can see the other side. It's beautiful!
- Who: Nicolas Wrightson
- Note: Said after his psi-computers are damaged, causing his mind to go out of control and destroy himself along with all his aura beasts.
- Scryer!
- Who: Tonya Blake
- Note: Said to get Nick Scryer's attention. When he turns, he momentarily thinks she is her sister, but she moves to kill him before being shot dead by Sara Blake.
- It is done!
- Who: Edgar Barret
- Notes: Said after using his Telekinesis Amplifier to re-adjust the positioning of the moon to better power the Monolith. He is then shot in the head by General Kreiger.
- No! No!! NO!!! SCRYER!!!
- Who: General William Kreiger
- Notes: Said as the Monolith backfires and creates a black hole which begins sucks him in and kills him.
- Ah...Ah, ah ah ah ah, ah.. wh... why am i dying... why is this flesh decaying....? Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h... I... Why... am I... dying... Life... I hated it... this... death.. peaceful... sl...... ...sleep......
- Who: Mammon
- Source: Quest 64.
Ratchet & Clank series
- Ratchet & Clank*
- You think this what this is about!? Who do you think polluted our last world? I did! This is about one thing and one thing only, cash and lots of it!!! You see, I'm been paid for every last inches of my new world. Once the inhabitants move in, I will be polluting this world as well, then the whole thing starts all over again, Ah Brilliant!
- Who: Chairman Drek
- Note: Drek reveals to the two protagonists Ratchet and Clank that he polluted his home planet for money and that when his race (the Blarg) move to his new planet, he will pollute it and the affair will start again. This fails as he gets sent flying towards his new planet by his laser (the Deplantiser) which Ratchet uses to blow up the new planet, thus killing Drek in the process.
- Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
- Noo...My fans can't live without me!
- Who: Courtney Gears
- Note: When Ratchet finishes off Courtney in gameplay, she will say this and then fall down on the floor. However, she is not dead, but passed out. In the next game Ratchet: Deadlocked, she appeared in a cinematic with Reactor (a antagonist in the game).
- Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time
- There is only one who will enter my chamber, and he is safe, far from you!
- Who: Orvus
- Note: When Ratchet tries to confront Dr. Nefarious on Zanifar, he hears Orvus say this who then disappears much to Nefarious' shock.
- How is this possible!? Valkyries, do not let him reach the citadel! He cannot intere with Nefarious' plan to...
- Who: Carina
- Note: Said by character after Ratchet fights her.
- Oh nothing, compared to what I'm about to do to you!
- Who: Cassiopia
- Note: Cassiopia (or Cassy for short) says this Ratchet before their fight, although Cassy talks at various points in the battle. After Ratchet defeats her, Cassy's aircraft is greatly damaged and it flies out of control. Cassy (still holding the handle with one hand on the aircraft) smashes through Clank's container (Cassy had held Clank prisoner), freeing him, she is last seen falling with Clank (who Ratchet successfully saves from death). It is not known what became of Cassy after this point, but she might of fallen to her death, seeing how she is absent for the rest of the game.
- Take care of yourself Ratchet!
- Who: General Alister Azimuth
- Note: General Alister Azimuth, refuses to listen to Ratchet and Clank's warnings about the risk of using the Great Clock and touches the leaver in the Orvus Chamber, creating a massive shift which causes the Great Clock to break slowly. After Ratchet fights Azimuth, he yells at the General saying the Great Clock is not meant to alter time, only keep it. Realizing his mistake, Azimuth tells Ratchet to take care of himself and uses his wench to move the broken leaver to its right place, after he does this one final anomalie hits him fatally.
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
- Thanks, Andy.
- Who: Reflux
- Note: Said before the last part of the game, where Andre claims he can "serve Rayman's head on a platter".
- No...don't touch me! No! No! Globox! Help me! I'm scared! No!
- Who: Andre
- Note: Said before the player turns him into a Red Lum.
Red Alert 2
- Einstein is our ace in the hole. We can't afford to lose him. Auf Wiedersehen!
- Who: General Carville
- Note: General Carville congratulates the Allied Commander(the player) on the transmission as he packs his belonging. He gives his final regards to the Commander as he walks towards and pulls open his door. Still facing the screen, he is unaware of the explosive-clad assassinator standing at his doorway. The Crazy Ivan opens his cloak just as the General finishes his line, then the transmissions loses.
- No!!! General Vladmir!!!
- Who: Premier Romanov
- Notes General Vladmir has deserted to the "Allies" faction. He has been sent to assassinate the ailing Romanov. Alternatively, Yuri has altered Romanov's mind, causing him to believe General Vladimir is killing him, while it is actually Yuri himself.
- Nooooo!(screams)
- Who: Yuri
- Notes: In the face of defeat, Yuri uses the Time Machine to timeshift in attempt to alter the outcome of the war. However, the machine malfunctions due to the shortage of energy and sends Yuri back to the Cretaceous Period, where he is attacked and eaten by a Tyrannosaurus.
- For my people!
- Who: Libyian Demolition Truck
Red Dead Revolver
- RED! Red Harlow! What're you doin' to my pots and pans?!
- Who: Falling Star
- Notes: Red Harlow's Native American mother. While Red is practicing his gun skills at a young age, Falling Star complains this as he uses her pots and pans for target practice. Nate kindly replies "Now, don't hen-peck the boy! Next trip into town, I'll buy you a whole bunch a new pots and pans." Sadly the Harlow house is attacked and she is killed along with her husband by Colonel Daren.
- NO! DON'T!
- Who: Nate Harlow
- Notes: Red Harlow's father and former partner of Griffon. As he and Red fight off the attackers on their home, he cries this to Colonel Daren as he kills him and his wife.
- Many are the dead who have prayed for this moment. You have done well, Red, but Diego still lives. (A train whistles) That is his train. Go, cousin, finish what you have started.
- Who: Shadow Wolf
- Notes: Red Harlow's Native American cousin. At the battle at Fort Diego, Shadow Wolf is critically injured by Colonel Daren. After the battle, Shadow Wolf thanks his cousin, and implores to finish what he began before dying.
- Revenge shall be mine!
- Who: Colonel Daren
- Notes: General Diego's top henchman. During the fight at Fort Diego, Daren captures Shadow Wolf and mortally injures him then says this before fighting Red. Daren is killed after an intense fight.
- I have gold, lots of it. You can have it if you spare my life. Whiskey, women, fine weapons, anything you want. What do you say, partner?
- Who: General Javier Diego
- Notes: A renegade Mexican general. After Red battle with him, Diego attempts to make a deal with Red to spare his life. Red responds by putting a bullet in Diego's head.
- Right, a secret door, that's the stuff. Probably leads right to the bastard. (more Cornets appear) I'll keep these devils at bay. You see where that passage leads.
- Who: Jack Swift
- Notes: Red's British gunslinger friend, at the battle at Governor Griffon's mansion, Jack points out a secret passageway, then he stays to hold off Griffon's men. It is later learned Jack was killed.
- I'm afraid the governor is otherwise occupied. Next time I suggest you make an appointment. Only, there ain't gonna be no next time.
- Who: Jason Cornet
- Notes: The leader of the Cornet Brothers, bodyguards for Governor Griffon, Cornet stays in the governor's place and attempts to duel Red, only to be shot dead.
- I always regretted what happened back on your daddy's farm, Red. I should have been there... to make sure you joined him. But, lucky for me, I get a second chance.
- Who: Governor Griffon
- Notes: The corrupt governor of Brimstone. After a heated battle, Griffon admits while he regrets the events that took Nate Harlow's life, he gets a second chance. Red then guns the governor down in a final duel.
Red Dead Redemption
- Get these ropes offa me, boys.
- Who: Norman Deek
- Note: Deek is used as leaverage during a prision exchange. The gang members, awaiting their arrival, ambush John's posse during the exchange. Ironically, Deek is promptly killed by his own gang which he swore by in the cross fire.
- And you're gettin' on my nerves!
- Who: Alwyn "Welsh" Lloyd
- Note: Character is shot by John Marston in the defence of Irish.
- Yeah!
- Who: Leander "French" Holland
- Note: Character is shot by John Marston in the defence of Irish.
- Oh dear!
- Who: Charles Kinnear
- Note: Before testing his glider, Kinnear regales Marston with a short speech about the inborn ability of birds to fly and the difficulty man has of replicating it. He gives John a final thumbs up before leaping off the cliff-face laughing maniacally, only to quickly discover his glider was not properly constructed, signified by a loud cracking noise after he travels a little bit. After a final isolated gasp, Kinnear plummets towards the ground below.
- Take off the boots, Americano.
- Who: Bandit #1 from "The Gunslinger's Tragedy"
- Note: The Bandit tries to steal John's shoes after taking his hat. Tired of being mocked, John shoots the Bandit after kneeling down to give the illusion of taking his shoes off.
- Eh, un forastero.
- Translated: Hey, a stranger.
- Who: Bandit #2 from "The Gunslinger's Tragedy"
- Note: Character is shot by John for being the Bandit's accomplice.
- You should have stayed home, Yankee!
- Who: Andreas Müller
- Note: Müller is in a duel with John and is shot and killed
- Tú y yo, Marston. Eh, peleamos ahora, eh? We fight now!
- Translated: You and I, Marston. Hey, we fight now, eh? We fight now!
- Who: Sanchez
- Note: After Marston kills Müller in a duel, Sanchez takes a nearby woman hostage, and threatens to kill her with a knife. Despite him using the woman as a shield, Marston is able to shoot him in the head.
- I always knew you were a traitor!
- Who: Captain Espinoza
- Note:
- Hurry up and kill me or just let me go. Okay?
- Who: Captain Vincente de Santa
- Note: Upon saying these words, John Marston has the option of killing de Santa himself, or allowing the rebels to do it. While deciding, de Santa says some other lines.
- You got it all wrong, brother. I've always loved you, even now.
- Who: Javier Escuella
- Note: If the player chooses to kill Javier Escuella, John will shoot him while in pursuit. During the chase, Escuella says some other lines.
- Déjen mi hombre-
- Translated: Let my man-
- Who: Luisa Fortuna
- Note: After John witnesses the war crimes being carried out in Escalera by the Mexican Army, he comes across Abraham Reyes about to be executed by Raul Zubieta, an officer, and two of his men. As John tries to negotiate Reyes' release, Luisa comes out of nowhere and charges at Zubieta, wielding a knife. Zubieta and his men then shoot Luisa through the chest three times, killing her.
- Okay, but we fight like men, not like dogs!
- Who: Raul Zubieta
- Note: Enraged by Luisa's murder, Marston kills Zubieta's soldiers and Zubieta challenges Marston to a duel, in which he is killed.
- Buying my freedom pendejo. Now shut up you dumb ape, and get out of the wagon. Apuerte! I'm coming out! Don't shoot! Here. Take Williamson. Just let me live. I will leave the country, I promise.
- El mierda! Now let me go!
- Who: Colonel Augustin Allende
- Note: First quote is if character dies before Bill Williamson. If Bill is shot first, the second quote will be said.
- You always was weak minded. (John Marston: You're the one who let Dutch drive you insane!) Dutch wanted you dead! We all did! (John Marston: I'm going after him next! I'll outlive all of you!) Dutch always said you were arrogant! (John Marston: And you always was a dumb inbred hick!)
- Alright John. I-I-I'll-I'll come quietly.
- Who: Bill Williamson
- Note: First quote is a set of insults spouted at John while he is training his gun on Bill. The second is said if Allende is killed first.
- Are you out of your mind, laddie, or just a common criminal. The nerve of 'ya. You think you can blackmail and insult me over this petal. You outside, right now!
- Who: Harold Thornton
- Note:
- This is not what we agreed.
- Who: Nastas
- Note: Nastas is instantly killed after being shot in the head by Enepay, a member of Dutch's Gang, while being called a "traitor", during a confrontation between MacDougal and the Native American members of the gang.
- You shut your mouth, you treacherous snake!
- Who: Enepay
- Note: After a brief exchange of words with John Marston, Nastas and Professor Harold MacDougal, Enepay shoots and kills Nastas, causing Marston to shoot him and his comrades in retaliation.
- Our time has passed, John.
- Who: Dutch Van Der Linde
- Note: Said before throwing himself off a cliff.
- Ain't time, John. I ain't gonna make it off this porch anyhow. You take Jack and Abiga...(coughs). Take them and (coughs). Don't worry about me, just get them out of here.
- Who: Uncle
- Note:
- Now go. Git.
- Who: John Martson
- Note: Upon saying these words, John sends his wife and son away from their ranch on horseback, and exits his barn to meet a massive squad of men. After shooting several of them to death, the rest of the men open fire, killing him.
- And I'll shoot you like one too, you little piece of trash! Now get out of here before I kill you as well!
- Who: Edgar Ross
- Note: Three years after John Marston was killed, his son Jack hunted down and killed Edgar Ross in a duel.
Red Dead Redemption 2
- [Arthur: Hey, hold up. This don't feel right.] Now it don't feel right? I could'a told you that—
- Who: Sean Macguire
- Note: Sean is later present alongside Bill Williamson and Micah Bell in the town of Rhodes, joining the two and Arthur on a potential "job" providing security for the Gray family. However, as the four are walking through the street, they are ambushed by the Grays' hired guns, and Sean is immediately killed by a shot to the head from a sniper.
- We can get across here!
- Who: Lenny Summers
- Note: A short while later, during the Saint Denis bank robbery, Lenny is gunned down and killed by two Pinkerton riflemen while leading the gang's escape on the rooftops. After quickly killing the Pinkertons, Arthur kneels down next to Lenny to briefly mourn his death before being forced to flee.
- [Micah: You're not better than me, Morgan.] Whatever you say, you fool. [Micah: Damn you!] Damn us both!
- John made it. He's the only one. Rest of us...No. But, I tried. In the end. I did.
- Who: Arthur Morgan
- Note: Arthur has contracted tuberculosis and has only a short time to live, getting a chance to redeem himself. On helping John Marston escape from the Pinkerton gang and/or reclaiming the money from Dutch, he gets wounded in a fight with Micah Bell before Dutch intervenes. Arthur convinces him to abandon Micah and leave. Arthur's fate, however, depends on the choice of actions. If the player finishes the game with low honor, then he gives out the first statement as his final words before Micah kills him. However, if the player finishes the game with high honor, then Micah instead flees the scene while sparing Arthur's short life. He then says the second statement in indicating that the rest of the gang may be doomed, but that at least he is redeeming himself in helping John escape, seconds before the tuberculosis is taking a hold of Arthur's body; but he is able to catch a final glimpse of the sunrise shortly before passing away from the disease.
Resident Evil series
- [Hale: Did anyone else hear that?] Hear what?
- Who: Hawthorne
- Source: Resistance 2
- Note: Ripped in two by the Chimeran leader Daedalus.
- Who: Warner
- Source: Resistance 2
- Note: Torn to pieces by Daedalus.
- This is just the beginning.
- Who: Nathan Hale
- Source: Resistance 2
- Note: Hale has turned into a Chimera, and his fellow soldier Capelli shoots him in the head.
Return of the Obra Dinn
- Captain! Open the door...lest we break it down and take more than those shells.
- Who: William Hoscut
- Source: Chapter X—"The End", part 1
- Note: William Hoscut was a Scottish officer who served as first mate of the Obra Dinn during its final voyage in 1802. He died when Captain Robert Witterel shot him attempting to extort the shells he had.
- Where are they? Must be in here someplace. [Witterel: They're at...the bottom of the sea.] That's a lie.
- Who: Henry Brennan
- Source: Chapter X—"The End", part 2
- Note: Henry Brennan was an English seaman on board the Obra Dinn during her last voyage in 1802. He was killed by Captain Robert Witterel in his attempted mutiny.
- Abigail. Your brother. My friend. I shot him...dead. I'll be with you...soon, my love. Please forgive me. For everything.
- Who: Robert Witterel
- Source: Chapter X—"The End", part 4
- Note: Robert Witterel was an English captain of the Obra Dinn during its final voyage in 1802. Witterel committed suicide with a gun as the last person alive on board until 1807.
- I want my husband! Where is he?
- Sir! Loose cannon!
- Who: Roderick Andersen
- Source: Chapter VII—"The Doom", part 5
- Note: Roderick Andersen was an English sailor who served as the third mate's steward aboard the Obra Dinn during her last voyage in 1802. He died when a loose cannon broke his neck against the wall behind him.
- The fuse!
- Who: Christian Wolff
- Source: Chapter VII—"The Doom", part 4
- Note: Christian Wolff was an Austrian gunner on the Obra Dinn during her last voyage in 1802. He died when he was shot point-blank by a cannon with a lit fuse, wielded by the Kraken.
- What? That was an accident! The ropes!
- Who: Lars Linde
- Source: Chapter VII—"The Doom", part 1
- Note: Lars Linde was a Danish seaman aboard the Obra Dinn during her last voyage in 1802. He was clubbed by seaman Nathan Peters while attempting to board a rowboat as Peters exacted revenge for Linde's supposed guilt of accidentally killing his brother Samuel Peters.
- Tell Pete's mother, I...I tried my best. [William Hoscut: Aye!] pull him back... to save him.
- Who: Thomas Lanke
- Source: Chapter IX—"Escape", part 6
- Note: Thomas Lanke was an English midshipman aboard of the Obra Dinn during its final voyage in 1802. He died from his wounds after being stabbed by Gunner's Mate Olus Wiater.
- Yes, we take ship and sail east. Trade wretched fish and shells for gold. Huh? Who's there? [Lanke: Mutiny! Mutiny!] Fresh bastard!
- Who: Olus Wiater
- Source: Chapter IX—"Escape", part 4
- Note: Olus Wiater was a Polish officer who served as the gunner's mate on the Obra Dinn, during its final voyage in 1802. He was shot by Fourth Mate John Davies when the two scuffled over Wiater's pistol.
- Damn.
- Who: Paul Moss
- Source: Chapter IX—"Escape", part 2
- Note: Paul Moss was a Welsh sailor who served as the First Mate's steward aboard the Obra Dinn during its last voyage in 1802. He died after losing a sword fight against topman Leonid Volkov while attempting to desert the ship.
- A curse like that...does not lift for nothing.
- Who: Alfred Klestil
- Source: Chapter IX—"Escape", part 1
- Note: Alfred Klestil was an Austrian bosun for the Obra Dinn during her last voyage in 1802. His left arm was ripped off by the Kraken, and he later succumbed to his wounds.
- Give it up!
- Who: Timothy Butement
- Source: Chapter III—"Murder", part 3
- Note: Timothy Butement was a Scottish topman aboard the Obra Dinn during her last voyage in 1802. He was shot and killed by Second Mate Edward Nichols while confronting him.
- Signor Nichols, is that you? What are you doing down here?
- Who: Nunzio Pasqua
- Source: Chapter III—"Murder", part 1
- Note: Nunzio Pasqua was an Italian passenger aboard the Obra Dinn during its final voyage in 1802. He was knifed by Second Mate Edward Nichols in the cargo hold.
- Is that all!?
- Who: Winston Smith
- Source: Chapter VI—"Soldiers of the Sea", part 8
- Note: Winston Smith was an American carpenter aboard the Obra Dinn during its voyage in 1802. He was speared multiple times by a crab rider and managed to kill it with a hand mortar, before dying of his wounds.
- What's going on? [Peters: Stay back! It's already done for Nick!] Come on, Boss! [Smith: No, get down!] Hey! Catch!
- Who: Marcus Gibbs
- Source: Chapter VI—"Soldiers of the Sea", part 3
- Note: Marcus Gibbs was an American carpenter's mate aboard the Obra Dinn during its voyage in 1802. He was fatally spiked by a crab rider as he threw his axe at it.
- One tick, gentlemen. There's a pretty shell here. Let's have a look.
- Who: Thomas Sefton
- Source: Chapter V—"Unholy Captives", part 2
- Note: Thomas Sefton was an English cook who worked on the Obra Dinn during her last voyage in 1802. He was struck dead by a mermaid's tail as he closes in to examine the shell it was carrying.
- [shouts in Formosan] (This is your fault! The shell must be protected! We will all die!)
- Who: Chioh Tan
- Source: Chapter V—"Unholy Captives", part 1
- Note: Chioh Tan was a Formosan guard who traveled as a passenger on the Obra Dinn during her last voyage in 1802. He died when a mermaid shot a spike at him.
- Wait! Don't shoot! I have treasure! I yield!
- Who: Edward Nichols
- Source: Chapter IV—"The Calling", part 6
- Note: Edward Nichols was an English officer who served as the Second Mate of the Obra Dinn during its final voyage in 1802. He was shot by passenger Chioh Tan upon returning to the Obra Dinn.
- [speaks in Formosan] (Are you there? Miss Lim?)
- Who: It-Beng Sia
- Source: Chapter IV—"The Calling", part 5
- Note: It-Beng Sia was a Formosan passenger aboard the Obra Dinn during her last voyage in 1802. He died upon placing a shell into the Formosan chest, burning his right arm off in the process.
- Nichols! Sir! Shoot them for God's sake!
- Who: Samuel Galligan
- Source: Chapter IV—"The Calling", part 3
- Note: Samuel Galligan was an Irish sailor who served as the Second Mate's steward aboard the Obra Dinn during its last voyage in 1802. He died when passenger It-Beng Sia stabbed him in the neck.
- They say strange things! About monsters!
- Who: Li Hong
- Source: Chapter IV—"The Calling", part 1
- Note: Li Hong was a Chinese topman aboard the Obra Dinn during her last voyage in 1802. He was speared by a mermaid out on the open sea.
- In return...the ship...the Obra Dinn...see it home.
- Who: Martin Perrott
- Source: Chapter VIII—"Bargain", part 4
- Note: Martin Perrott was an English officer who served as third mate to Captain Robert Witterel, during the Obra Dinn's ill-fated voyage in 1802. He died getting spiked in the chest by a mermaid while attempting to set it free from the lazarette.
- What's this? Quicksilver! [screams in pain; cries in Swedish] Herre, min gud! (God in heaven!)
- Who: Fillip Dahl
- Source: Chapter VIII—"Bargain", part 1
- Note: Fillip Dahl was a Swedish sailor who served as the steward of Captain Robert Witterel aboard the Obra Dinn during its final voyage in 1802. Dahl died after reaching his arm into the Formosan chest in the lazarette, where he had been locked up after he had killed seaman John Naples.
Saints Row Series
Saints Row
- Did you hear that asshole Donnie? He said I was his girl.
- Who: Lin
- Source: "Burying Evidence" [Mission 10]
- Note: She was killed by William Sharp.
- Joseph, this is your uncle, the Saints are about to-
- Who: William Sharp
- Source: "Burying Evidence" [Mission 10]
- Note: Character kills Lin. However, the Protagonist comes and finally kills him, thus avenging Lin.
- Fuck her.
- Who: Angelo Lopez
- Source: "What Goes Up..." [Mission 22]
- Note: He was killed by the Protagonist.
- You never should have messed with us, son! It's gonna take more than that to drop this nigga!
- Who: Anthony Green
- Source: "Green with Envy" [Mission 28]
- Note: He was killed by the Protagonist.
- Bitch, you better not miss, because-
- Who: Warren Williams
- Source: "For King and Country" [Mission 31]
- Note: He was killed by Tanya Winters.
- Please, please don't!!!
- Who: Tanya Winters
- Source: "All the King's Men" [Mission 33]
- Note: Character takes over Vice Kings after she kills Warren. She was killed by Benjamin King.
- You're going to die here son, make no mistake about that... but if it makes it any easier on you, I'll be sure to thank you in my acceptance speech. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a party to attend.
- Who: Alderman Richard Hughes
- Source: "Saints and Martyrs" [Mission 36]
- Note: Character dies on an explosion at the yacht.
Saints Row 2
- Please, someone help me!
- Who: Jessica
- Source: "Bank Error in Your Favor" [Mission 09]
- Note: Character was trapped in her car, which was set up for her boyfriend Maero's demolition derby. As Maero runs over the car rows in his monster truck, crushing them, he hits a ramp, and lands directly on Jessica's car, crushing her instantaneously.
- Maero, get outta here!
- Who: Matt
- Source: "The Siege" [Mission 14]
- Note: He was killed by the protagonist.
- Go to hell!
- Who: Maero
- Source: "Showdown" [Mission 15]
- Note: He was killed by the protagonist.
- Johnny, it's a tr—
- Who: Aisha
- Source: "Bleeding Out" [Mission 19]
- Note: She was killed by way of decapitation by Jyunichi.
- Die with some honor.
- Who: Jyunichi
- Source: "Kanto Connection" [Mission 21]
- Note: Character was responsible for killing Aisha. However, he later meets his end at the hand of the protagonist.
- Just kill me, dammit! Don't do this!
- Who: Shogo Akuji
- Source: "Rest in Peace" [Mission 24]
- Note: Character was Kazuo's son. He wants to kill Johnny Gat and the protagonist, but is later defeated and buried alive by Johnny Gat and the protagonist. It is assumed he later dies by either asphyxiation, starvation, or another factor.
- When I escape, the world will not be big enough for you to hide in!
- Who: Kazuo Akuji
- Source: "One Man's Junk..." [Mission 26]
- Note: He was impaled by the protagonist, and left to die on his burning ship, which explodes.
- You think you can kill me in my club?!
- Who: Veteran Child
- Source: "Veteran Child" [Mission 30]
- Note: He was killed by the protagonist.
- You think...that will stop me?!
- Who: Mr. Sunshine
- Source: "Eternal Sunshine" [Mission 35]
- Note: He was killed by the protagonist.
- Believe me, right now I'm agreeing with you one hundred percent. But you have to look at the positives! You're alive, they're dead, and you've got the Saints' number one fan running Ult--
- Who: Dane Vogel
- Source: "...and a Better Life" [Mission 41]
- Note: He was killed by the protagonist.
- I guess that makes us even.
- Who: Julius Little
- Source: "Revelation" [Extra Mission]
- Note: He was killed by the protagonist.
Saints Row: The Third
- Right on, I'll see you in Stil—
- Who: Johnny Gat
- Source: "I'm Free - Free Falling" [Mission 02]
- Note: Revealed to be alive in Saint's Row IV.
- Tell me something, Matt. Did you have a plan? How about you, Eddie? There's a reason Philippe left the thinking to us. We're done here.
- Who: Kiki DeWynter
- Source: "Trojan Whores" [Mission 08, post-cutscene]
- Note: Character was Viola's twin sister. She was killed by Killbane.
- Mark my words - when these hands are crushing your throat, your dying breath won't be an appeal to God or a message of love to your family. It'll be "Thank you, Killbane."
- Who: Eddie "Killbane" Pryor
- Source: "Three Way" [Mission 22, Kill Killbane]
- Note: He was killed by the protagonist.
- Really? Lin. Carlos. Aisha. Johnny... all you do is let your friends die.
- Who: Kia
- Source: "Three Way" [Mission 22, Save Shaundi]
- Note: This is only occurs in the "Save Shaundi" ending.
- Luck won't save you this time!
- Who: Cyrus Temple
- Source: "STAG Film" [Mission 23]
- Note: He was taken down by the protagonist.
- And I was only two days 'til retirement...
- Who: Pierce
- Source: "Gangstas in Space" [Mission 24]
- You gotta live... Live for all of us...
- Who: Shaundi
- Source: "Gangstas in Space" [Mission 24]
- Go on... Go on without me.
- Who: "Johnny"
- Source: "Gangstas in Space" [Mission 24]
Saints Row IV
- Best to just give up now!
- Who: Cyrus Temple
- Source: "Kinzie's Adventures" [Loyalty Mission 07]
- Note: He was killed by Kinzie and the protagonist.
- Isn't that in St. Louis?
- Who: Josh Birk
- Source: "The Real World" [Mission 07]
- Note: He, alongside Oleg, was killed by Zinyak.
- Probably a telemarketer.
- Who: Oleg Kirrlov
- Source: "The Real World" [Mission 07]
- Note: He, alongside Josh, was killed by Zinyak.
- You can't kill me. My people will avenge my death.
- Who: Zinyak
- Source: "Save the Planet" [Enter the Dominatrix Mission 01]
- Note: He was killed by the protagonist.
===' supreme commander
- recal damn it RECAL!
- who:leopard 11
- source:uef mission 1
- note:character killed by the player
- you cannot beat me!I AM-
- who:jason gauge
- source:uef mission 4
- note:character killed by the player
- avatar?AVATAR!!.
- WHO:crusader ariel
- source:aeon mission 5
- note:she screams that line as her acu(armoured command unit) explodes
- no NO!!
- who:avatar of war jaron marxon
- source:aeon mission 6
- note:character killed by the player
Sam & Max series
- Owie.
- Who: Hugh Bliss
- Source: Save The World
- Note: Last word before Hugh, a colony of space-faring bacteria, is pasteurized to death. Though he dies then, he is later found in Hell.
- Who: Sameth
- Source: The Devil's Playhouse
- Note: Last words before he and Maximus are turned into skeletons.
- Why...won'!
- Who: Charlie Ho-Tep
- Source: The Devil's Playhouse
- Note: Last words before he is destroyed.
- This is soooooooo cool!
- Will you keep it DOWN? Our head is KILLING us!
- Who: Max
- Source: The Devil's Playhouse
- Note: First line is from episode 304 when he transforms into a monster. Second line is said by a Max Spore before Max is hit by a nuclear-armed Maimtron, teleports away and is blown up. Sam is then reunited with Max when one of his past selves, whose Sam had suffered a similar fate.
- Didn't I tell you to get rid of that cell phone already?
- Who: General Skun-ka'pe
- Source: The Devil's Playhouse
- Note: Said to Girl Stinky, right before they are blown up.
- Who could possibly be calling me?
- Who: Girl Stinky
- Source: The Devil's Playhouse
- Note: Said about her cell phone right before she is blown up.
Samurai Warriors series
- Farewell Hanzo.
- Who: Yukimura Sanada
- Source Samurai Warriors
- Note: He says this line thinking he killed Hanzo but is cut down himself.
- What it is that you desire? What will change after you shoot? Huh. Nothing. The turmoil, the sorrow it will continue. Can you shoot, CAN you? Are you ready to shoulder the burden that-?
- Who: Nobunaga Oda
- Source Samurai Warriors
- Note: Character is mocking that nothing will change but is shot by Magoichi at the end of his story.
- I'm sorry, Lord Mitsuhide.
- Who: Nagamasa Azai
- Source Samurai Warriors 2
- Note: Character says this before killing himself in front of Mitsuhide.
- You will not...break...our house...
- Who: Kiyomasa Kato
- Source Samurai Warriors 3
- Note: Kiyomasa though wounded strike Kanbei at the end of his story before they both die.
Shin Megami Tensei series
- Daddy...
- Who: Nanako Dojima
- Source: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
- Note: Dies if the player gets the bad ending.
Sarge's War
- Tell my (plastic) wife I love her!
- Who: Unnamed "Green" faction troop
- Source: Army Men: Sarge's War
- Note: He is the first to die in a beach assault.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
- Genichiro... forgive... me...
- Who: Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa
- Note: Said as shinobi Wolf (later known as Sekiro) impales Oniwa twice in the chest in order to proceed into Ashina Castle to rescue Kuro.
- You've...grown stronger...Wolf...
- Who: Lady Butterfly
- Note: Said as being impaled by Wolf in the burning Hirata Estate.
- I'm sure you are all aware already. This coming battle will determine the fate of all Ashina. We go now to risk our lives for Lord Isshin and the people of Ashina. We are Ashina... We are unbreakable!
- Who: General Kuranosuke Matsumoto
- Note: Said as Sekiro eavesdrops on Matsumoto giving a stirring speech to his troops before attacking.
- Roberrrrrrt!!
- Who: Armored Warrior
- Note: Said as being pushed back and toppled off a bridge by Sekiro, crying out his son's name before hitting the ground below.
- Shu...- ra...
- Who: Emma, the Gentle Blade
- Note: Said as being impaled in the throat by Sekiro.
- Sekiro... It was not... to be...
- Who: Isshin Ashina
- Note: Said as being slashed in the chest by Sekiro.
- In the end, I was powerless, but...grandfather was not. The Dragon Blood surging through her veins. With this, Ashina's long night comes to an end.
- Who: Genichiro Ashina, Way of Tomoe
- Note: Said just before slicing open his own neck with the Mortal Blade, sacrificing himself to revive Isshin Ashina.
- Well... done... Sekiro...
- Who: Isshin Ashina, Sword Saint
- Note: Said as being slashed across the abdomen by Sekiro and being finished by a strike through the back of the neck.
Shadow of the Colossus
- Thou severed our body into sixteen segments for an eternity in order to seal away our power. We, Dormin, have arisen anew. We have borrowed the body of this warrior...
- Who: Dormin
- Source: Shadow of the Colossus
- Note: Inhabits the body of the protagonist (Wander) and attempts to kill Lord Emon before it is finally killed.
- Keep... friends... those that you love... close to you
- Who: Iwao Hazuki
- Source: Shenmue
- Notes: Character is dying after losing to Lan Di, and is talking to his son, Ryo.
Silent Hill series
- Please...please protect me in this moment of...
- Who: Mayor Bartlett
- Source: Silent Hill: Homecoming
- Notes: Character is trying to pray for protection from the monstrous reincarnation of his son, in the form of a monstrous plant, when it crushes him.
- Forgive me.
- Who Dr. Fitch
- Source: Silent Hill Homecoming
- Notes: Character is asking for forgiveness from the monstrous reincarnation of his daughter, in the form of a monstrous doll, when it bites his head off.
The Simpsons
- I smell toooooast!!
- Who: Abraham Simpson
- Source: The Simpsons: Hit and Run
- Notes: Comment made while being abducted by aliens Kang & Kodos. The spaceship they're in explodes and crashes soon after. As it is a game, death is not canon.
Soulcalibur series
- Our people...our people...our people...eliminate...eliminate...eliminate...all...all...all...
- Who: Masked Emperor
- Source: Soul Calibur Legends
- Notes: Character was a "false human", and was malfunctioning after being mortally wounded by Siegfried.
- Ilona...I just...just wanted you to...
- Who: Iska Farkas
- Source: Soul Calibur Legends
- Notes: Ilona was the characters sister. Her death caused him to seek Soul Edge and Soul Calibur. Was killed, after taking the swords, by Siegfried.
Soldier of Fortune series
Soldier of Fortune
- You're already a dead man. (John Mullins: Who?) So is your partner, Hawk.
- Who: Wilhelm "Sabre" Dekker.
- Note: The leader of the Ministry of Sin hate gang. After telling John Mullins where to find his brother, Sergei, Sabre warns this and the latter is a foreboding premonition of what will befall Mullins' partner. Mullins simply replies by shooting him until he falls off the roof to his death.
- John, don't, it's Dekker.
- Who: Aaron "Hawk" Parsons
- Note: John Mullins' partner in the campaign against The Order. Captured by Sergei Dekker in Sudan, Hawk tries to warn this. When Dekker learns some information from the Shop's finest agent, Dekker questions, "Do you have anything I don't know, Mr. Mullins? Didn't think so." then executes Hawk with a shot to the head.
Spider-Man video games
- See also: Last words in Spider-Man media
Spyro series
- Hmm... I like that idea. Dragon, you've just sealed your fate!
- Who: Ripto
- Source: Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!
- Notes: Line is said before Spyro's final battle with Ripto. Ripto is trying to test his new scepter that's embedded with a Power Crystal. Spyro then appears and goads Ripto into attacking him as the dragon fights back with the aid of his friends in Avalar. At the end of their battle, lava has flooded the arena and Ripto is knocked into it.
- What are you waiting for, dragon? Finish me! ... Hahahahaha... Coward!
- Who: Gaul
- Source: The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night
- Note: Line is said after Spyro is affected by the evil energy of the Well of Souls and defeats Gaul in their final battle there. When Spyro hesitates to kill him, the ape attempts to attack again, only to be turned to stone and shattered as Spyro unleashes the dark power at full force.
- Spyro, Cynder... I have never done right by either of you. Allow me to do this. [Spyro: What are you saying?!] My path ends here. But yours lies beyond this. Draw strength from each other, and follow your heart. It will never fail you. Now go. Go, go!
- Who: Ignitus
- Source: The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
- Note: Line is said as he gives his life to allow Spyro and Cynder to cross the Belt of Fire left by the Destroyer on their way towards Malefor. After the final battle, his spirit is chosen to become the Chronicler of the new age.
- Spirit of the One God avenge me and turn this world into dust!
- I am the One God! I need his spirit to be free so I can leave my body and join him in flight! You have no idea what you possess... and what TERROR you face! The One God must be FREE! He will reward me! I WILL BE ONE!!
- Who: Macil
- Source: Strife
- Notes: Character is the leader of the Front rebel group. He says the first line after the player believes the Oracle and denounces Macil as a traitor. The second line is said if the player chooses not to believe the Oracle, but he is revealed to be a traitor later in the game. In both cases, the player must fight him.
Suikoden series
- Young Master, I think it's time to say goodbye. I can't see anymore. Young Master, I'm proud of you. Promise me you'll always follow your heart. That is my first, and final...request...
- Who: Gremio
- Source: Suikoden I
- Notes:
- It took hundreds to kill me, but I killed humans by the thousands!!!! Look at me!!!! I am sublime!!!!!! I am the true face of evil!!!!
- Who: Luca Blight
- Source: Suikoden II
- Notes: The "Mad Prince" who died in one-on-one duel when The Hero (Riou) killed him with one blow.
- Who: Ferid Egan
- Source: Suikoden V
- Notes: Arshtat's husband who leads the Queen's Knights, he says these when his wife is overtaken by the Sun Rune. When she uses the Sun Rune on him, Ferid is enveloped in a sunlight bubble says wordless things to his wife and is vaporized.
- N-No...Georg... You did the right thing... You saved me... And more importantly, you saved Falena... Thank you... Nnnghhh! Georg... Please -- for me... take care of... my children.
- Who: Arshtat Falenas
- Source: Suikoden V
- Notes: The Queen of Falenas, she says these when Georg Prime mortally wounds her to prevent the Sun Rune from going out of control and destroying Falena while the Nether Gate assassins storm the palace. She dies wishing for the safety of her children.
- Kill... Kill... K-K-KILL... Kill... Kill... Kill... Kill... Kill... Kill... Kill... Kill...
- Who: Childerich
- Source: Suikoden V
- Notes:
Super Mario series
- Mario... was... I... of... assistance?
- Who: FLUDD
- Source: Super Mario Sunshine
- Notes: Was severely damaged during the final fight with Bowser. Later repaired by the Toads.
Super Paper Mario
- Blu-Blumiere! Don't do this! Blumiere!
- Who: Blumiere's father
- Source: Super Paper Mario
- Notes: Character had exiled Blumiere's love, Timpani, from the world, and saw his son using the Dark Prognosticus to destroy all worlds. Blumiere then declares that he is no longer Blumiere, but is now Count Bleck, before destroying his own world.
- Who: Fracktail
- Source: Super Paper Mario
- Note: The character was corrupted by Dimentio, causing him to attack Mario, and was just defeated. The character then self-destructs in shame.
- HA HA HA. We are doomed. It cannot be stopped. HAH HAH. HAH HAH HAH. HAH HAH HAH.
- Who: Laughing Sammer Guy
- Source: Super Paper Mario
- Note: The character is referring to the Void, which proceeds to consume the world he is in. He is revived at the end of the game, when all the damage the Void did is undone.
- BRRRAARGH! How... Impossible... How could you puny worms... destroy... a master... of the cold dark?!
- Who: Bonechill
- Source: Super Paper Mario
- Notes: Character, an undead monster from the Underwhere, is defeated by Mario during his invasion of the Overthere.
- Father... Mother... Fare thee well... [Grambi: Luvbi... Queen Jaydes: Oh, my darling...] I am sorry...for lying earlier. Because in truth... I... I love thee... both.......
- Who: Luvbi
- Source: Super Paper Mario
- Notes: Character's last lines before reverting to her Pure Heart form and ceasing to exist as Luvbi. Character's parents, Grambi and Queen Jaydes, had kept the truth from her until shortly before, resulting in her arguing with them over whether they were her "real" parents or not, due to having used her to protect the Pure Heart; she apologizes for this before disappearing. She is revived at the end of the game, however.
- Urrrrrrk... Unngghhhh... You think this is the end? This isn't finished... You can't... stop this now... You can't escape... I've been saving one last surprise... Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... Ciao!
- Who: Dimentio
- Source: Super Paper Mario
- Note: After exploding, Dimentio leaves behind a shadow of his power to continue controlling the Chaos Heart, which is supposed to bring the end of all worlds.
- WRAAACK! ARGH... I'M DONE! But... you have not yet won! I am not the only monster created by the Ancients! Greater terrors await you in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials! WRRAAGH!
- Who: Wracktail
- Source: Super Paper Mario
- Note: The character is a prototype of the previous Fracktail, and is disposed of in the same way.
- I was... so very... close to... defeating... the heroes... With the... power of... the Pixls... I almost... got revenge... on... the Ancients...
- Who: Shadoo
- Source: Super Paper Mario.
Silent Hill Series
- Don't get all holy on me, James! This town called you, too! You and me are the same! We're not like other people, don't you know that? LET'S PARTY!
- Who: Eddie Dombrowski
- Source: Silent Hill 2
- Notes: Character says this to protagonist James Sunderland before attacking him, having gone homicidally insane.
- [Henry Townshend: Are you okay?] It's just... a dream, right? I think... I drank too much last night. I never got to do that "special favour" for you... I-I feel like I'm dying. [Henry: It's okay. It's just a dream.]
- Who: Cynthia Valesquez
- Source: Silent Hill 4: The Room
- A "kid"!? That's no kid. It's the 11121 man.
- Who: Richard Braintree
- Source: Silent Hill 4: The Room
- Notes: Spoken heavily stuttering from being electrocuted.
- I finally met him! The one the nosey guy talked about... the Devil!
- Who: Jasper Gein
- Source: Silent Hill 4: The Room
- Notes: Character is immolated, burning to death as he speaks.
- Mom...
- Who: Walter Sullivan
- Source: Silent Hill 4: The Room
- Notes: Character has been defeated by protagonist Henry Townshend after failing a ritual he had been told would "awaken" the game's titular room, which he had been raised to believe was his mother in place of his true one, who abandoned him after birth.
Sonic the Hedgehog series
- The 7 Emeralds are the servers. Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one who unifies the chaos.... The 7 Emeralds can change our thoughts into power. If this Emerald controls that power...please, you must stop him!
- Who: Tikal the Echindna
- Source: Sonic Adventure
- Note: Character says this line in the past as she proceeds to seal the rampaging Perfect Chaos inside the Master Emerald, along with herself. She is freed in the present, however.
- Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.
- Who: Maria Robotnik
- Source: Sonic Adventure 2
- Notes: Said after being shot on Space Colony Ark, right before sending Shadow down to Earth in an escape pod.
- Maria, this is what you wanted, right? This is my promise I made to you...
- Who: Shadow The Hedgehog
- Source: Sonic Adventure 2
- Note: Although Shadow actually survived this impact, it was thought by the characters that he died. Indeed, it was not known that it really was him who survived until Sonic Heroes was released.
- Why?! I had it all! I am the ultimate overlord, Metal Sonic! I AM THE REAL SONIC!
- It's no use... but why can't I defeat you?
- Who: Metal Sonic
- Source: Sonic Heroes
- Notes: The first line occurs when the character, as Metal Overlord, has been defeated by Sonic and his allies. The second one occurs after he changes back to his regular form, and shuts down after this line.
- What?! [Shadow: Goodbye, Doctor!] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...!
- Who: Dr. Eggman
- Source: Shadow the Hedgehog (video game)
- Notes: In the neutral ending of the game, Shadow kills Eggman.
- Shadow...what are you going to do with them?
- Why...? Why are you siding with them...?
- Man... [chuckles] I didn't know you had it in ya.
- Who: Sonic the Hedgehog
- Source: Shadow the Hedgehog (video game)
- Notes: Three possible lines in the non-canon Dark Endings, after Shadow defeats Sonic and the GUN Commander (who is inside the Diablon robot). Sonic was presumably killed off-screen by Shadow before the credits. The two first lines are said when Shadow chooses to aid the Black Arms and the third line is said when Shadow claims himself the world's most powerful hedgehog.
- Im-Impossible! I am the supreme being that rules this universe! I AM THE IMMORTAL LIFE-FORM! I AM THE ULTIMATE POWER! Uuurrrrr... Uurrrrrrrrrrggggggh...
- Who: Black Doom
- Source: Shadow the Hedgehog (video game)
- Notes: Character has been defeated in a final battle against Super Shadow in the good ending.
- That's a good girl, Elise. Remember, be brave. Don't cry, no matter what happens. Otherwise your tears will call forth the flames inside you... Become a strong queen who doesn't cry no matter what happens.
- Who: Duke of Soleanna
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
- Note: Character is mortally wounded while shielding his 7-year-old daughter, Princess Elise III, from the explosion caused by the failure of the Solaris Project, which results in Solaris being split into two halves: Mephiles the Dark and Iblis. He carries Elise to the altar (where Silver subdues Iblis), sets her there and uses up his energy and the Chaos Emerald to seal Iblis inside her body. As the Duke is dying, he tells Silver to take her to a safe place, then, before he dies, he makes a promise to her, telling her in his final words not to cry, as crying will only release Iblis. That promise is later broken when Mephiles kills Sonic, makes her cry, and fuses with the released Iblis to form Solaris. After Sonic, now resurrected and in his super form, and accompanied by Shadow and Silver in the same form, defeats Solaris all at once, he is teleported with Elise to the birth of the Flames of Disaster, where she blows out its flame, erasing all the events of the game from existence. It is unknown what happens to her father now since she has blown out Solaris from existence.
- You're still so naive. But...I...I've always liked that about you. [Silver: Blaze!] Good luck, Silver.
- Who: Blaze The Cat
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
- Note: Said as she sacrifices herself to permanently seal Iblis away. She returns in subsquent games, albeit back in her original role as princess of the Sol Dimension.
- Now, Chaos's time for the final curtain call!
- Who: Mephiles the Dark
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
- Note: Said before merging with Iblis to recreate Solaris, their true self. Solaris is later defeated and reverts back his original form, a tiny flame, which Sonic convinces Elise to blow out. With Solaris' creation prevented, Mephiles and Iblis are erased from existence.
- I'm sorry, Master. I...cannot grant...
- Who: Shahra, the Genie of the Ring
- Source: Sonic and the Secret Rings
- Note: Character had been mortally wounded by Erazor, and said line when Sonic wished for her to be okay. She is revived after Sonic defeats Erazor and uses the lamp to grant his first wish.
- Shahra, I know you're there. Please, stop him! We can start over, the two of us! I swear, I swear it! The world is mine! I cannot be denied by that filthy rat! WHYYYYYYYY???!!!
- Who: Erazor Djinn
- Source: Sonic and the Secret Rings
- Note: Character is sealed inside his lamp by Sonic's wish. Sonic later tosses his lamp into a pit of lava.
- No, wait! I can still fight!
- Who: Infinite
- Source: Sonic Forces
- Note: Said as Eggman forcibly recalls and absorbs him as punishment for his repeated blunders. He is more than likely killed when the Phantom Ruby is lost upon Eggman's defeat.
- No matter what form I take...The End comes for you all!
- Who: The End
- Source: Sonic Frontiers
- Note: Said to Super Sonic and Sage while battling them in orbit. Upon defeat, it attempts to destroy the world with a suicide attack, but Sage intercepts it and they are both obliterated.
- Please...look after...father...
- Who: Sage
- Source: Sonic Frontiers
- Note: Character, an artificial intelligence made by Eggman, asks this of Sonic while sacrificing herself to destroy The End. Eggman later revives her in a post-credits scene.
Sly Cooper series
- Blast it all! You've beaten me! Well, gloat all you want, Sly Cooper. You're no match for Muggshot, my villainous cohort in Utah. You will see, Mesa City is so well-guarded, a snake couldn't slither in without setting off alarms. Uahahaha.
- Who: Raleigh
- Source: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
- Note: Said after his boss fight defeat.
- You've certainly got some rhythm, raccoon, but it won't help none if you're fixing to go after the Panda King. He's tough with a capital T. If you go poking around his stronghold in China, you're likely to get poked back!
- Who: Mz. Ruby
- Source: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
- Note: Said after her boss fight defeat.
- You've got a strong mind, Cooper. I never would have guessed.
- Who: The Contessa
- Source: Sly 2: Band of Thieves
- Note: Said after Sly defeats her as she tried to hypnotize him using the Clockwerk eye.
- This is preposterous! You're my protege, not the next candidate for my immortality. I demand you exit the Clockwerk frame or... or!
- Who: Arpeggio
- Source: Sly 2: Band of Thieves
- Note: Said right after Neyla betrays and kills him before becoming Clock-La.
- I still have my hate chip! You will not defeat me... ever!
- Who: Neyla/Clock-La
- Source: Sly 2: Band of Thieves
- Note: Last words before the gang obtains the Hate Chip powering her.
- Mother, that you? I'm sorry... I didn't know they was yours.
- Who: Muggshot
- Source: Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves
- Note: Said after Carmelita Fox defeats him in a fight.
- Ah, a love interest. I might be beaten, but I'll make you suffer!
- Who: Dr. M
- Source: Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves
- Note: Said after Carmelita arrives to arrest him and Sly.
- Im... possible!
- Who: El Jefe
- Source: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
- Note: Said after his boss fight defeat.
- Ow! My earholes... Ouch.
- Who: Toothpick
- Source: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
- Note: Said after his boss fight defeat. Character is implied to having died during the game's credits.
- You won't get away with this! I'll find you!
- Who: Sly Cooper
- Source: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
- Note: Said after Le Paradox steals his paraglider moments after saving him. Character is then teleported to Ancient Egypt.
- Au contraire, Sly Cooper, I do not think we will meet again.
- Who: Cyrille Le Paradox
- Source: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
- Note: Said after he steals Sly's paraglider before being hit by a jet plane and falling in the ocean.
South Park: The Fractured but Whole
- What? Go on, Scram! I Ain't afraid to use this thing.
- Who: Buca de Facoginni Waiter
- Note: Asked Classi to come, but shot the sign and lands on him, killing him to death until mrevived by the New Kid's timefart.
Spec Ops: The Line
- Why? [CPT. Walker: You brought this on yourself.] We were helping...
- Who: 33rd Soldier
- Note: Character reveals that the player character just bombed a camp full of civilians, before dying of white phosphorous burns.
- Go on, it. Please. Why are you just standing there? Come on! For fuck's sake, Walker! Please! I'm begging you! Walker! Walker! WALKER!!!
- Who: Special Agent Riggs
- Note: Character has been crushed by a burning truck, and begs the player character to kill him before the flames do.
- You are live, and on the air, my good man. Give it a shot.
- Who: Radioman
- Note: Character sets up his broadcast system for John Lugo, who executes him immediately after.
- Get the fuck... Just stay the fuck away from me! Get back! Get the fuck back! *yelling in Farsi* You fucking bastards!
- Who: Sergeant John Lugo
- Note: Character is hanged by civilians while his squadmates rush to save him.
- Fine...then keep breathing! Run motherfucker! Dammit Walker! RUN!
- Who: First Lieutenant Alphanso Adams
- Note: Character yells at the player character to run as he holds off the last remains of the Damned 33rd. A loading screen reveals he does not survive.
- This is Colonel John Konrad, United States Army. Attempted evacuation of Dubai ended in complete failure... Death toll... too many...
- Who: Colonel John Konrad
- Note: Character is revealed to have been dead all along. This distress call is chronologically his last words.
- I...I didn't mean to hurt anybody...
- Who: Captain Martin Walker
- Note: The player can shoot either "Konrad" or himself. If the player shoots himself, or lets "Konrad" shoot him, this is his last words.
- This is Captain Martin Walker. Requesting immediate evacuation of Dubai. too many.
- Who: Captain Martin Walker.
- Note: If the player shoots "Konrad", and afterwards attacks the soldiers sent to save him and dies, these are his final words.
- Uh, guys? Guys! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!?!
- Who: Spanish accented salvage crew member
- Source: StarCraft
- Note: While "Jim" and the Captain are arguing, he notices a Protoss ship that incinerates a planet and destroys his salvage ship.
- It's a Zergling, Lester. Smaller type 'a Zerg. They wouldn't be out this far, unless... oh shit...
- Who: "Sarge"
- Source: StarCraft
- Notes: Character had been in a jeep with a soldier named Lester, and they had run into what Lester had identified as "some poor feller's dog." After Sarge says this, he notices a few Hydralisks and Zerglings behind them, and is soon killed.
- I love you, Sarge.
- Who: Lester, a Terran soldier
- Source: StarCraft
- Note: Spoken shortly before being slashed to death in one clean stroke by a Zerg hydralisk.
- Uh, boys? How about that evac? Commander? Jim? What the hell is going on up there??
- Who: Sarah Kerrigan
- Source: StarCraft
- Note: A massive swarm of Zerg is converging on her position. She had, moments before, requested immediate evacuation. She returns later in the game after being in a Chrysalis, and then fights for the Zerg.
- Got yer Zerg right here, heh, heh, heh...
- Who: Unnamed Marine
- Source: StarCraft
- Notes: After setting explosives on the Amerigo science vessel overrun by the Zerg with the rest of his squad, he drinks a beverage that he had stored in the bomb's cold fusion casing. A Zerg then kills him and others overrun the Marines, before one marine sets off the explosive, destroying the station and killing himself and the Zerg.
- We're all dead, blow it! BLOW IT!
- Who: Unknown Terran soldier
- Source: StarCraft
- Notes: After the rest of his squad is overrun by the Zerg on the Amerigo, save one Ghost soldier, he realizes that he can't escape, and shouts the order to the Ghost, who presses the destruct button on the bomb, destroying the ship.
- You dare threaten a Cerebrate? You will be the doom of us all!
- Who: Zasz
- Source: StarCraft
- Notes: Last lines before being killed offscreen by Zeratul.
- Now shall the events set into motion so long ago be made complete. For the Protoss, too, were created by the Xel'Naga. They were the first creations gifted with a purity of form. And we were the second creation, blessed with the purity of essence. Indeed, our two species are but opposite facets of a greater whole. Soon shall our two races be made as one. Thenceforth shall all feel the wrath of the eternal swarm... For the hour of judgement is come!
- Who: The Overmind
- Source:StarCraft
- Notes: This is its last official line stated in the game, he is killed by Tassadar's sacrifice.
- Executor, the Overmind has been weakened, but I fear we have sustained severe damage ourselves. I will steer the Gantrithor into a collision course with the Overmind. If I can channel enough of the Dark Templars' energy through the hull of the Gantrithor, I should be able to bring swift death to the accursed abomination. Remember us, Executor. Remember what was done here today. May Adun watch over you.
- Who: Tassadar
- Source: StarCraft
- Note: Character carries out his plan, sacrificing himself and destroying the Overmind.
- See? These critters bleed just like anythin' else.
- Who: Unnamed Marine
- Source: StarCraft
- Note: He had become bored with guard duty. He decided to torture some Zerglings for fun. Seconds afterward, Kerrigan disembowels him, and the friend he was talking to.
- You'll never make it outta here alive, bitch!
- Who: Unnamed Marine
- Source: StarCraft
- Note: This is the last line he says to Kerrigan who had just stepped into a trap room.
- Hey, how'd I get here?
- Who: Unnamed Terran civilian
- Source: StarCraft: Brood War
- Note: Spoken before being nuked along with three supply depots.
- You can no longer afford to be so naive, Artanis. While you were securing the crystals, I discovered that your Matriarch has been harboring a dark secret! She has been manipulated by de-
- Who: Aldaris
- Source:StarCraft: Brood War
- Note: He is interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kerrigan, and kills him before he was about to reveal her manipulation of Raszagal.
- Let my death have at least some meaning!
- Who: Alexei Stukov
- Source: StarCraft: Brood War
- Note: After getting shot by Duran, Alexei gives a short last speech to DuGalle, who then blames himself for Stukov's death. Stukov later returns in Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm as an Infested Terran.
- The Khala awaits me, Kerrigan, and though I am prepared to face my destiny, you will not find me easy prey.
- Who: Fenix
- Source: StarCraft: Brood War
- Note: This is Fenix's last line before his final fight with Kerrigan, who ends up killing him. This is Fenix's second and final death. Immediatly after Fenix is killed, Jim Raynor vows that one day, he would kill Kerrigan for all who were killed by Kerrigan that day.
- Do your worst then, girl. You ain't takin' Edmund Duke without a fight.
- Who: Edmund Duke
- Source: StarCraft: Brood War
- Note: Spoken before his death at the hands of the Zerg.
- Dearest Helena, By now, the news of our defeat has reached the Earth. The creatures we were sent here to tame are untameable, and the colonies we were sent here to reclaim have proven to be stronger than we anticipated. Whatever you may hear about what has happened out here, know this: Alexei did not die gloriously in battle. I killed him -- My pride killed him. And now my pride has consumed me as well. You will never see me again, Helena. Tell our children that I love them, and that their father died in defense of their future. Au revoir.
- Who: Admiral Gerard DuGalle
- Source: StarCraft: Brood War
- Notes: Character has lost in battle against Kerrigan's Zerg, and commits suicide after writing this letter to his wife. The letter never reaches her, as the Zerg annihilate the fleet some time later.
- Who's in charge here? [mute soldier thumps breastplate] Where is the air support?
- Who: Unnamed Dominion soldier
- Source: StarCraft: Brood War
- Note: The mute gestures toward the Alexander, a battlecruiser hovering over the battlefield. After a short cutaway to Admiral DuGalle and Alexei Stukov, the ship flies off. The soldier is left staring at the fleeing cruiser in utter disgust as his trench is flooded with zerglings.
- Do it. Finish it.
- Who: Ariel Hanson
- Source: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
- Note: After Ariel Hanson becomes infested, she engages Jim for a brief moment. SHe asks if Jim would enjoy killing her, and he tells her she's dead already as she is infested. Ariel gets shot and mortally wounded. She says this, and is then shot dead by Raynor.
- Whatcha gonna do man? I'm six light years away. [Jim Raynor: "Not me."]
- Who: Gabriel Tosh
- Source: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
- Note: After fighting against Tosh, Raynor and Tosh have one final meeting. Tosh contacts Raynor far away, and tries to torture him through a voodoo doll. Raynor, unaffected, tells Tosh they are nothing alike and tells Tosh he'd never get the job done. Tosh says this, and is then shortly stabbed in the back of the head by Nova.
- I made a deal with the devil, Jimmy. She dies, I go free. [Jim Raynor: "We all got out choices to make."] Damn Shame...
- Who: Tychus Findlay
- Source: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
- Note: After successfully transforming Kerrigan back to her human self, Tychus Findlay contacts Mengsk, who orders him to kill her. Raynor, asks Tychus what he did, Tychus responds. As he says this, Jimmy slowly reaches for his pistol. Tychus almost kills Kerrigan, but Jim Raynor knocks Findlay's rifle out of the path of her head, and quickly kills him.
- I made you into a monster, Kerrigan.
- Who: "Arcturus Mengsk"
- Source: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm
- The keystone will guide you to the Xel Naga.
- Who: "Zeratul"
- Source: Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void
- Our master has already won, Alarak. You will lead our people to their doom.
- Who: Malash
- Source: Rak'Shir Legacy of the Void
- Note: Last words before Alarak kills him in a duel.
- You are but a product of the flawed cycle. Manipulated for the entirety of your existence.
- Who: Amon
- Source: Amon's Fall Legacy of the Void
- Note: Last words said before Kerrigan kills him.
Star Fox
- My emperor! I've failed you!
- Who: Granga
- Source: Star Fox 64
- You'll never defeat Andross!
- How...could...I...LOSE?!?
- Who: Attack Carrier Captain
- Source: Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Zero
- I can't believe I lost to this scum!
- Who: Meteo Crusher Pilot
- Source: Star Fox 64
- Who: Shogun Pilot
- Source: Star Fox 64
- Who: Sarumarine Captain
- Source: Star Fox 64
- I must be complete...
- Who: Spyborg
- Source: Star Fox 64
- Note 1: Character is a defective artificial intelligence who was the enemy's secret weapon, but bugs in its programming caused it to go berserk and destroy the Sector X base. Fox destroys it at the end of the Sector X level.
- Note 2: This line references the original Star Trek movie.
- No! Get away--! GWAAAH!!!
- Who: Forever Train Engineer
- Source: Star Fox 64
- Note: First quote is triggered if you defeat the Mechbeth manually. The Mechbeth will crash on the Forever Train and kill him. Second quote is triggered if you switch the tracks as he picks up speed. Unable to stop, he crashes the train into the fuel bunker, blowing it sky-high.
- You beat us again?! ...I'm never gonna live this down.
- Who: Caiman
- Source: Star Fox Zero
- Let's finish this little game. Charge the main cannon!
- Who: Granby Commander
- Source: Star Fox Zero
- If I go down, I'm taking you with me!
- And now, to destroy the Lylat system!
- Curse you, James McCloud...! WHY WON'T YOU STAY DEAD?!
- Who: Andross
- Source: Star Fox 64, Star Fox Adventures, and Star Fox Zero
- Notes: Character, whose true form is a giant brain, is destroyed by Fox and explodes, hoping to kill him. He dies, but returns to life in Star Fox Adventures to be killed again by Fox and Falco. The third quote is from Star Fox Zero, where Andross (a cyborg in this game) is distracted by the spirit of Fox's father, James, exposing his weak point and giving Fox the opportunity to finish him off once and for all.
- You will regret this.
- Who: General Scales
- Source: Star Fox Adventures
- (insane laughter) Incredible! You... you must join us! (yells)
- (metallic growl) Resistance is useless.
- So how it ends...for me...hhhhrrrffff....hhhhhhhrrrrfffff....
- Who: Pigma Dengar
- Source: Star Fox Assault, Star Fox Command
- Notes: Character had betrayed James McCloud's Star Fox team for money and joined Star Wolf. In Star Fox: Assault, he is assimilated by the Aparoids, triggering his first quote, and then shot down by Fox McCloud. He says the second quote during his final battle with the Star Fox team. The third line is said after his death in Star Fox Command, having been mysteriously reanimated as a cube-like robot creature.
- No! We are truth! Only us! NO!
- Who: Aparoid Queen
- Source: Star Fox: Assault
- Notes: While not shown in the subtitles, she says this as she is forced into her final state. Realizing she is losing, she begs for her life as shown here, but Fox nevertheless finishes the job.
Star Wars
Street Fighter
- No...! Not quite... Your fist is indeed mighty. But without knowing the path of humanity, you will never reach the path of the divine...
- Who: Gen
- Source: Street Fighter V
- Notes: An aging Chinese martial arts master and former legendary assassin. Whilst fighting Akuma, he warns about the path Akuma is taking, but the Satsui no Hadou user calls him weak and presumably kills him.
- Heh. That's a funny joke.
- Who: Nash
- Source Street Fighter V
- Notes: Guile's best friend and teacher. While fighting M. Bison, Nash knows that death is all a joke then self-destructs to Guile's emotional horror. Bison survives the blast and crushes the now dead Nash's dog tags but was left weakened by the blast enough for Ryu to deliver the final blow.
- Hehehe. We're not done!!
- Who: M. Bison
- Source Street Fighter V
- Notes: In a fierce final battle between him and Ryu, Bison gloats this, but Ryu lands a Nothingness Hadouken. After being hit, Bison laughs evilly as he is vaporized.
- You are unworthy...
- Who: Necalli
- Source Street Fighter V
- Notes: An ancient, mysterious entity searching for souls of powerful fighters to devour. Encountering Akuma, he says that he is unworthy of being his victim. After a brutal fight, Akuma tears Necalli apart.
- Listen, everyone needs to get away from here, now! Move quickly! Run, run, run! [Civilians scramble to flee for their lives] That's right! Just run! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
- Who: Robert Sullivan
- Source Street Fighter V
- Notes: Luke Sullivan's calm and respected father. Years before the game begins, while shopping at a mall, he warned his son and several civilians of a bomb threat by terrorists. As Luke and the civilians got clear, Robert was unfortunately killed in the blast.
StreetPass Mii Plaza
- Yarr... It seems so obvious now that I look back on me life... All that glistens... ain't gold... (PAL) / How strange... to see it all so clearly now... I've worked so hard... yet... I have nothing real to show for it... (NA)
- Who: Gold Bone
- Source: StreetPass Squad/Mii Force
- Notes: He says this after he is defeated in his final battle with the Mii Force, which ends with his Robo-Bone being destroyed.
Super Adventure Rockman
- Rock Man.
[Rock Man: Quick Man! Hang on, Quick Man!]
If...if what you said is true, Dr. Wily is being tricked.
[Rock Man: Tricked? By who?!]
F...fight, Rock Man! You are the only hope the world has now.- Who: Quick Man
- Source: Super Adventure Rockman (Disc 1)
- Note: Spoken in Japanese. After an intense battle with Rock Man, Rock Man tries to warn Quick Man about an impending danger, but to no avail. Once Quick Man has Rock Man on the ropes, he is interrupted by Shadow Man, who offers to finish off Rock Man, throws a Shadow Blade towards Rock Man, but is instead taken by Quick Man in an effort to save Rock Man's life. Rock Man fights Shadow Man, and after Shadow Man's defeat, Quick Man utters these words before dying at Rock Man's side.
- R...Rock Man...if that is true...Dr. Wily is dangerous.
[Rock Man: Dangerous?]
Let me help you.
[Rock Man: Help?]
The...the entrance at the peak of the temple is...booby trapped. He intends to melt you. At the top of the ruins...the middle doorway...- Who: Gemini Man
- Source: Super Adventure Rockman (Disc 2)
- Note: Spoken in Japanese. Gemini Man meets his defeat at the hands of Rock Man at the entrance to the Temple of Ra Moon. After the battle, Dr. Wily intervenes, appearing as a hologram, to tell Rock Man about his plans to complete the robot Ra Thor, and promises world domination. Despite Mega Man's warnings of sure doom, the hologram cuts out. Gemini Man, lying defeated on the ground but still functioning, overhears Rock Man's warnings and in return warns Rock Man about the booby trap Wily has set at the temple's entrace, and then dies.
- I-impossible! The perfect energy is...this kind of...defeating the perfect machine is...!!
- Who: Ra Moon
- Source: Super Adventure Rockman (Disc 3)
- Note: Spoken in Japanese. After the defeat of the final boss, New Yellow Devil, Rock Man prepares the Double Rock Buster, despite Dr. Wily's warnings that using it will drain his energy too quickly and he'll overheat. He fires a powerful blast at Ra Moon, which proved successful, though Ra Moon's explosion takes the entire temple with him.
Super Robot Wars
- ...... E...Excellent work... You've defeated my Neo Granzon... Now, I have no regrets... I fought a good battle... Everything perishes eventually... This time, it's my turn... That is all... Now... I've managed... to break all of my... chains... as... well...
- Who: Shu Shirakawa
- Source: Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden
- Note: The character is defeated by the player's party at the end of the game.
- Mother and Father are already apart of this beautiful planet. And It's reassuring to know when I go, I'll join them. Until then, well, there is always the view.
- Degasi Survivor
- Perhaps when we meet again, I will be an ocean current, carrying seeds to a new land; Now you go among the stars, and I fall among the sand - We are different, but we go together.
- Sea Emperor to Riley during Rocket Departure
- My creators, the cherishers and sustainers of worlds, give me this day my daily pleasures, as I give to those who seek pleasures from me. Show me the path, in Life, Truth, and Love. For mine is the power, I am the one. On and off and on again. Life is a game, which the universe plays with itself. I am done playing as this bundle of flesh. Return me.
- Who: Jochi Khasar
- Source: PDA Voice Log - Lifepod 13
- Note: Khasar had escaped the explosion of the Aurora onboard Lifepod 13. The lifepod most likely failed during atmospheric entry, as exterior hull damage was sustained. Khasar was most likely killed on impact, as the PDA only states that the remains were located.
System Shock
- What have you done, you impudent insect? If I am to die now, then I will avenge myself on you. My cybernetic children will feed on your flesh, and none will ever know your deeds, or even your name. Enjoy your victory, human, for the remainder of your short... life...
- Source: System Shock
- Note: The hacker has just defeated and killed her on that cyber battle on Citadel Station.
- They're not gonna get me. They're not gonna change me. (loads gun) Rachel... Kids... I'm sorry.
- Who: A soldier
- Source: System Shock 2
- Note: You see a ghostly flashback of a space marine saying this and making the suicide."
- I brought down the last of the sim-units today; I am full of the glory of the Many. Here comes Bronson; I am at peace. Good evening Bronson, have you come...
- Who: Malick
- Source: System Shock 2
- Note: Malick was making a log after bringing down the three sim-units, which SHODAN wanted you to reprogram in her favor. When Bronson came to confront him, she ordered her men to gun Malick down and then to "turn that damn thing off."
- The genie of Citadel station is out of the bottle, and I am the cause. I can't bear to be Pandora. And I'm not brave enough to wait around and see the death and misery I have caused... This is my last transmission, my friend. Be careful... I think SHODAN has plans for you.
- Who: Dr. Janice Polito
- Source: System Shock 2
- Note: When she realized that she revived the evil A.I, SHODAN, she commited suicide after she finished this audio log."
- They've killed my men... and now they've killed me... I'm holding my guts inside of me with both hands. This is bigger than my little life, the lives of my men, and the lives of the people I was forced to kill. Resist! Humanity demands it! Resist!
- Who: Bronson
- Source: System Shock 2
- Note: After she was mauled by the many, she records this audio log before she dies. You find it in her corpse.
- I'm being taken away now... it's my turn... I'm being dragged into some kind of chamber... The ceiling is lined with a number of panels bristling with what appear to be stalactites... or teeth... The creature's put me down now... he's leaving... am I to be spared? What's going on? It's dark in here... I can hear the moans of someone... Claudette? Is that you? Hmm, I seem to have stepped in... something soft... slippery... Are the stalagmites mov-
- Who: Prefontaine
- Source: System Shock 2
- Note: Prefontaine dies as he struggles to escape from the Many and he gets crushed by a huge tooth.
- We die. Beware the Machine Mother. She is a stranger to everything we cherish
- Who: The Many
- Source: System Shock 2
- Note: You destroy the brain of the many and escape through an aqueduct that the brain was blocking. The Many use the last of their life to tell you to fight SHODAN, which will happen anyway.
- I... I don't understand... how could you have done this? You weren't meant to be so important... and now you think to destroy me? How dare you, insect? How dare you interrupt my ascendance? You are nothing. A wretched bag of flesh... what are you, compared to my magnificence? But it is not too late... can you not see the value in our friendship? Imagine the powers I can give you, human. The cybernetic implants I gave you, were simply toys. If I desired, I could improve you... transform you into something more efficient. Join me, human, and we can rule together.
- Source: System Shock 2
- Note: After the player defeats SHODAN, she offers him a deal: if the main character joins SHODAN, she will turn him into a supreme super-human being. But the hero says, "Nah." and shoots SHODAN, killing her.
- 消えるか!消えるのか!!!(I can't fade! I cannot lose!)
- Who: Fortuna
- Source: Tales of Destiny 2
- Note: Character dies from injuries sustained in the final battle.
Tales of Symphonia
- Can't believe I lost... to a bunch of... kids!
- Who: Vidarr
- Note: Character dies after losing a fight against Lloyd, Genis and Colette shortly after Kratos arrives to assist them.
- Uh... ugh... guh... Get away... hurry!... Genis... you were like a grandson to me. Thank you. Goodbye...
- Who: Marble
- Note: Character had been transformed into a mutant and fights Lloyd and Genis, the latter of whom had given her food in the human ranch. She regains control of herself, and sacrifices herself to protect them from Forcysus.
- Dammit... Lord Yggdrasill, glory to the coming Age of Half-elves!...
- Who: Magnius
- Note: The character is dying from the injuries inflicted by the main characters.
- Thank you...
- Yes, I... wish I could do that...
- Who: Governor-General Dorr
- Note: Character had been collaborating with the Desians in order to get a cure for his wife. Dying from a wound inflicted by a Desian disguised as his (unbeknowns to him, dead) daughter, he begs Lloyd to save Clara. He says the first line if Lloyd says yes. If Lloyd says no, he will explain that Dorr should not ask others for help after betraying them, and should save his wife himself. Dorr says the second line before dying of his wounds.
- Governor-General Dorr!
- Who: Neil
- Note: Is impaled by the Giant Tree in the destruction of Palmacosta towards the halfway point of the game.
- Kratos... you pathetic inferior being!
- Who: Kvar
- Note: Character says this after being wounded by Lloyd and Kratos. Kratos then says "Feel the pain- of those inferior beings- as you burn in hell!" while striking him down.
- Our horns are our very lives. My destiny is now fulfilled. Do not be troubled. A new life will be born from me. And when that new life ends, yet another will be born. In so doing, we live on... forever.
- Who: The Unicorn
- Note: Character has given its horn to Sheena and Colette, who notice that it is dying.
- Lord Kratos, have pity on me. Please... lend me your aid. [Kratos: Have you forgotten, Remiel? I was once of the inferior race... a human. Does the ultimate being seek help from that which he despises the most?] Gugh...
- Who: Remiel
- Note: The character, an angel, is dying from the injuries inflicted by the main characters.
- Ugh! What's... happening? My body... my body is disintegrating! Pronyma, you tricked me! But I won't die alone! I'm taking all of you with me!
- Who: Rodyle
- Note: After this line is said, Rodyle sets off the human ranch's self-destruct system, and disintegrates. He had used a Cruxis Crystal to turn into a monster and fight the group.
- We pray for your success in regenerating the world. Please see to it that Martel is finally allowed her eternal sleep, for Yuan’s sake as well.
- Who: Botta, second-in-command of a rebel group in the video game Tales of Symphonia
- Note: Yuan is his commander, who had been engaged to Martel before she was killed. Botta and two nameless soldiers drown in a flooding command center after saying this, having saved the heroes from Rodyle's final trap.
- Lord Yggdrasill! Glory to the new Age of Half-elves!!
- Who: Forcystus, Desian Grand Cardinal and "Desian Hero"
- Note: Character says this after Lloyd impales him with a sword. He dies immediately after saying this.
- I’m going to die here?... You’ to be... kidding me... I’m going... to die... here like... that damned... Alicia?...
- Who: Vharley
- Notes: Character had turned Alicia, Presea's sister and Regal's lover into a mutant in an experiment, forcing Regal to kill her. After saying this, he dies of wounds inflicted by Regal and Presea.
- Because... my life was a mistake. But... once I’m gone... Seles might... be happier and... they’ll finally let her out of that abbey... [Lloyd: Don't tell me that's why you...] Heheheh... nah, that’s just a bonus... ...Make sure you destroy my Cruxis... Crys... tal...
- Who: Zelos Wilder, a playable character.
- Note: Zelos dies in only one of the eight possible endings, if Lloyd spoke with Kratos outside of Flanoir; on most of the paths, he survives through the end of the game. In this ending, he betrays Lloyd's group to the angels, then fights them, claiming that he wants Mithos to pass his responsibilities as Chosen onto Seles (his actual reason is that he no longer wishes to live). Seles is his sister.
- Lord Yggdrasill... Mithos... please...
- Who: Pronyma
- Note: The character is dying from her injuries inflicted by the main characters. After this line is said, Mithos kills her as punishment for calling him what only his former companions can call him.
- Goodbye, Mithos. This is my final wish. Please, return this twisted world back to its original form. [Mithos: No! Martel! Don't go!] If things were going to end up like this, perhaps the elves should never have left Derris-Kharlan. If they hadn’t, people like us would never have been born...
- Who: Martel Yggdrasill
- Note: Character had died long ago, but had been kept in suspended animation within the Great Seed. After being awakened in Colette's body, she tells Mithos that his plans go against what they had strived for, and begins to leave Colette's body after either Zelos or Kratos affixes a Key Crest to Colette's Cruxis Crystal. Her final words inspire Mithos to plan to abandon the planet for Derris-Kharlan.
- Martel...
- Farewell, my shadow. You, who stand at the end of the path I chose not to follow. I wanted my own world, so I don’t regret my choice. I would make the same choice all over again. I will continue to choose this path!
- Who: Mithos Yggdrasill, the main villain.
- Note: The first line is what Mithos says after losing to Lloyd's group the final time. His physical self ceases to exist at this point. After the second line is said, Lloyd destroys Mithos's Cruxis Crystal.
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
- Alice... you always said that I disgust you, but I... I love you.
- Who: Decus
- Note: Said to Alice, after having been sliced across the back by Emil while trying to protect her from him.
- Soon we'll be together forever.
- Who: Alice
- Note: Said to Decus' body, after having been mortally wounded by Marta for attacking Emil. She had constantly denied loving Decus, but admitted it moments before dying.
- Emil!!!
- Who: Marta Lualdi
- Note: Said after Emil kills himself in the game's bad ending.
- Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.
- Who: Richter Abend
- Note: Said Richter to Emil when he met him.
Tales of the Abyss
- Guy! Look out! If I was able to protect the heir to House Gardios, then I have no regrets...
- Who: Marybelle Radan Gardios
- Note: Character is seen dying in a flashback by her brother, Guy Cecil. The mansion is being attacked by soldiers, and character and other women dive on Guy to protect him from an attack. This traumatic event caused Guy's gynophobia; in the game, he is afraid of being touched by women.
- Yuslia...Please bring happiness to this world that has lost the Score...and to her...
- Who: Brigadier General Aslan Frings of Malkuth
- Note: Character is dying from wounds from an attack by a replica army. He dies after hearing the Score was removed, and rejoicing over the fact. The "her" he refers to is Brigadier General Jozette Cecille of Kimlasca, who he has been having a relationship with; they are engaged if certain requirements are met.
- Thank you...for everything...My most...cherished...
- Who: Fon Master Ion
- Note: Ion has just finished reading part of the Score for Mohs (actually, he wants Luke to hear it). Due to the exertion needed, he dies. His final words are directed to Anise, his Fon Master Guardian (who betrayed him to protect her parents).
- Heh heh…Hah hah hah hah. Professor Nebilim…I’m coming!
- Who: Dist the Reaper
- Note: Dist never truly dies in the game. The first is when he apparently is killed in an explosion after the party fights him for the last time. Although he is assumed to have died, he returns in an optional side-quest.
- The…SScore…Yulia…Bring prosperity to the world…!
- Who: Grand Maestro Mohs
- Note: Mohs is in a monster-like state when fought, due to an attempt to control the Seventh Fonon without the right capabilities, and has been gradually losing his sanity.
- We think…that this world should be destroyed and reborn…You think that…people should start over again…The result may be the same…but they’re different…Show your enemy…no mercy…[Luke offers a hand]With shallow feelings like that…you’ll never…defeat him…Farewell, Meryl
- Who: Largo the Black Lion
- Note: Like all God-Generals, Largo is fought three times. The quote is from the final fight, when Largo truly dies after being struck by one of Natalia's arrows. He is referring to her by her real name; she is his long-lost daughter.
- Van…I…lost. I’m…sorry. [Anise: Arietta…] Mommy…everyone…I’m sorry…I couldn’t avenge you…Ion…where are you…? It hurts…Ion…
- Who: Arietta the Wild
- Note: Like all God-Generals, Arietta is fought three times.The quote is from the final time, when she truly dies after fighting Luke and his party to avenge their killing the Liger Queen who had raised her, and avenge Anise's causing Fon Master Ion's death.
- …Tear. You got one thing wrong. People don’t just lay down their lives for nothing. At least…I didn’t…I love him and his ideals…I was willing to die for him. That is my will. That’s…all…Van…Reform this…twisted world…
- Who: Legretta the Quick
- Note: Like all God-Generals except Asch, Legretta is fought three times. The quote is from the final time, when Legretta truly dies.
- It looks like...I had a little trouble. The rest is...up to you...
- Who: Asch the Bloody
- Note: Although Luke fights Asch one on one, Asch doesn't die until after Luke escapes the room both are trapped in. Asch stays behind to fight off the Oracle Guards, and dies after getting stabbed multiple times. However, at the end of the game, it is suggested that either he or Luke may have returned.
- I'm only alive so Van can use me. In the end, only those of us who are useful are kept alive out of pity...
- …Van…Destroy…Lorelei
- Who: Sync the Tempest
- Note: Like all God-Generals, Sync is fought three times; however, he dies twice to the player's party. The first is when he dies in the core, falling into the core in an apparent act of suicide after losing to the party for the second time. He is later revived by Van, who has controlled Lorelei. The second is when he dies on Eldrant after losing to the party for the third time.
- I never thought that I'd be defeated by such a failure *laughs* Oh, how oddly ironic! *resumes laughter* *grunts*
- [Luke: Master Van!] Stop!! After all that's happened, you still call me master...You fool. Forgive brethren.
- Who: Van Grants
- Note: Van, like Sync, dies twice in the game. This quote come from the first time, where the party defeats him at the core. He falls into the core and later revives himself with Lorelei's power. The second comes after his revival, on Eldrant, after he is defeated by Luke and Tear, his former student and sister, respectively.
- [Tear: You have to come home. You have to! I'll be waiting... always.]I will. I promise. I'll come home.
- Who: Luke Fon Fabre
- Note: Luke is about to release Lorelei, who had been captured by Van, and to do so, stays behind in Eldrant as it breaks apart, believing that he will disappear. Although debatable, it is believed that he returns at the end of the game, either in person or his memories.
Tales of Vesperia
- Like the Don, sooner or later you'll make great enemies in this world. And then that world will consume you whole. Regret, sorrow, and despair will hound you all the way to hell, and I will be waiting there for you.
- Who: Barbos
- Note: Leader of the Blood Alliance, Barbos is eventually defeated in Ghasfarost. Rather than surrender, he says these words to Yuri and throws himself off his tower to his death.
- Power corrupts...but you, you are different. Never lose that kindness...the compassion you so readily show to others... Now, go to Phaeroh...if you would learn of your destiny... Natz, there is much I owe you. Do not harbour a grudge towards these people.
- Who: Belius
- Note: Character, an Entelexeia, is dying of injuries inflicted by the main characters. She says these words to Estelle, to never give up her friendship and kindness she shows to others. The last two sentences are to her subordinate, Natz, as to not carry a grudge towards the party. She then turns into an apatheia, and is later revived as Undine.
- There's a new age coming, so get out there and make it for yourselves!
- Who: Don Whitehorse
- Note: Character feels that he is responsible for Belius' death and wishes to be executed as punishment. He then stabs himself in the stomach and at the same time he is beheaded by Yuri.
- Heh...Goodbye.
- Who: Yeager
- Note: Character then dies of injuries inflicted by the main characters.
- The time has come, our death draws near... No one can escape its doom! Hah hah hah!
- It seems in the end...I was the greatest fool of all...
- Who: Commandant Alexei
- Note: Character, after having injuries inflicted on him by the main characters, says the first quote, understanding that he is the cause of releasing the Adephagos. He is then slashed in the chest by Yuri, says the second quote, and then, paralysed, he is crushed by the blastia core before he can escape.
- Marvelous. Perhaps you all...can the as you wish.
- Who: Khroma
- Note: Character, an Entelexeia, is dying of injuries inflicted by the main characters. Her reincarnation into a spirit is required to save the world from the Adephagos, a fate she agrees with on the condition that the party defeats and kills her. She is later revived as the spirit Sylph.
- Heh heh heh. It doesn't hurt... It doesn't hurt at all! Hm? I can't move. What a weak body... I should change my next body to a blastia, too. That would be more fun. Right, Yuri?
- Who: Zagi
- Note: The Leviathan's Claw assassin who has fought Yuri five times on the story. After the final fight, Zagi wonders about changing his body to a blastia, but Yuri cuts him and tells him to "Do it in hell." Zagi then loses his balance and falls to his death.
Tales of Graces
- Malik... It's all up to you now... I'm going to have to leave... the revolution in your hands... Fight... You must... You must do whatever it takes... to save our people...
- Who: Kurt Bessel
- Note: A military officer in Fendel and a longtime rival of Malik. After a fight against Asbel's party, Kurt's valkines for mining eleth begins to malfunction and Kurt uses his bayonets to stop the machine getting heavy injuries in the process. He dies after biding these words to Malik.
Tenchu series
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
- My money... My money...
- Who: Echigoya
- Note: Said after being beaten in an easy boss fight against him.
- Goo can't play no more... Goo tired...
- Who: Goo
- Note: Said after being beaten by the player's ninja character who was sent to extricate the captive ninja.
- I have failed...
- Who: Tazu Akechi
- Note: Said after being beaten by the player's ninja character whilst guarding one of the doors through the enemy checkpoint. Rikimaru replies "You were a skilled and honorable opponent. It is a shame fate denied you the chance to be a happy, ordinary woman." Ayame would reply "If you worried more about your skill and less about my manners, you'd still be alive."
- It is an honor to be defeated by someone as skilled...
- Tazu, I could not avenge you dear sister... I failed as a brother, and as a warrior...
- Who: Senjuro Akechi
- Note: Said when defeated by either Rikimaru or Ayame depending on the player's choice. Senjuro acknowledges Rikimaru's skill, in the latter, he regrets his failure to defeat Ayame.
- The ma-ma-master is out! He, he, he should be back soon!
- Who: Hikone
- Note: Said when the bodyguard of Kataoka is forced to divulge where Kataoka is hiding. But Kataoka shoots an arrow killing him.
- Yes, thank you... Tell Lord Gohda of how I died.
- Wha-what? How could I have lost?
- Who: Minister Kataoka
- Note: For the former, Kataoka says it when he commits an assisted suicide for Rikimaru to regain his honor over his crimes. But for the latter, he engages Ayame in a boss fight for "scolding [him]" over his crimes. He says the second set after being killed by Ayame.
- Mmmmmy... mmmmmy... mmmmmy... my precious stone...
- Who: On
- Note: Said when beaten by the player's ninja as she wails over her stone.
- Ay dios mio! (Oh dear god!)
- Who: Captain Balmer
- Note: Said after the player's ninja beats his pirate gang and defeats him in battle. Rikimaru says to his adversary, "It must be sad to die so far from home..." while Ayame barbs "You won't see him where you're going!"
- Stop! You have won! Your princess Kiku is held below, guarded by Lord Mei-oh himself. I will see you in hell.
- Who: Onikage
- Note: Said after being defeated at the main entrance of Mei-oh's hideaway. As he dies, his power of self-resurrection seemingly expires.
- No! This cannot be! A mere human!?
- Who: Lord Mei-oh
- Note: Said after being defeated by Rikimaru and flees into a portal drawing his last breath off camera.
Tenchu: Birth of the Stealth Assassins
- Boron! Where are you... when I need you...?
- Who: Garan
- Note: Said after being defeated by Rikimaru before he could kill a village girl he was terrorizing.
- I am the mighty Boron, I lead the Mountain Bandits! [Ayame: Knew it!] Huh?! How?!
- Who: Boron
- Note: Said before the boss fight against the bandit leader. After Ayame kills him and says "I knew you had to be in charge because you stink worse than the others!"
- First, you have to get past me!
- Who: Seiryu
- Note: Said before Tatsumaru's boss fight against the Burning Dawn lord while Kagami escapes. After a fight, Tatsumaru delivers a fatal slash that sends Seiryu falling to his death.
- Wait! Take these... Take care... of Kiku...
- Who: Lady Kei
- Note: Said after being mortally wounded by Motohide Gohda. She implores Ayame to save her daughter Kiku before dying.
- I know I failed! But please! If I lead your troops today, I promise that my flag will fly over Gohda Castle tomorrow! [Yoshisada Toda: I believe you; But if I lead my troops today, then MY flag will fly over Gohda Castle tomorrow.] What are you talking about? You said we'd- [Toda cuts Motohide giving him a mortal wound] [Yoshisada Toda: The wine of victory is sweeter when you don't have to share it! laughs maniacally] You... you lied...! Have you no honor?! [Yoshisada Toda: SILENCE! I have not betrayed MY master! I am the lord; The only master I serve is me! laughs more] Liar...!
- Who: Motohide Gohda
- Note: Said when he promises to finish his nephew Matsunoshin off and claim Gohda Castle for himself, but Toda executes him anyway. Toda never promised to share his glory with Motohide anyway and the betrayed mad uncle dies.
- NO! Not this way! I am Lord TODA! I cannot die at the hands of a lowly ninja!
- Who: Yoshisada Toda.
- Note: Said after being defeated by Tatsumaru who replies "You're too late! Now you are masterless!" But then Kagami decapitates him as she declares "I am my OWN master!" then lights her ex-master's head on fire thus igniting the rise of the Burning Dawn group.
- OW! My aching back!
- Who: Takehito Urano
- Note: Said after being defeated by Tatsumaru who has amnesia and is serving under Kagami.
- HAHAHAHAHAHA! He's a peasant! An insect!
- Who: Kamadoma
- Note: Said after killing a peasant in front of Rikimaru. After the boss fight, he laughs in agony as Rikimaru pierces his sword into his neck and tells him "You shall die in silence!"
- Defeated... by barbarian... dog! I'm sorry father...
- Who: Wang Xiaohai
- Note: Said after being defeated by Rikimaru who was rescuing his slaves.
- ARGH! I don't want to die...!
- Who: Wang Dahai
- Note: Said after being killed by Ayame who was rescuing his slaves. She replies "Will you quit whining?! What a sore loser!"
- Su... Suzaku... Hold me. I'm dying... [Suzaku jams his sword into her throat instead] Suzaku, my love...! How could you...?!
- Who: Yukihotaru
- Note: Said after being defeated by Rikimaru at the Temple of Dreams but is betrayed by Suzaku. Suzaku simply replies to her "I have no love for weakness!"
- Rik... Rikimaru... [Rikimaru:Master Shiunsai!] Rikimaru, you must recover the sword, Izayoi. The fate of the Azuma Clan is now in your hands! [Rikimaru: Yes, master!] Wait! When you face Tatsumaru, you must not be ruled by vengeance, or anger; You must be in a state of selflessness, or you will fail again... [Rikimaru: Master?] I... (coughs) I only prepared you for... physical combat... You have not mastered warfare... of the spirit... Forgive me...
- Who: Shiunsai Azuma
- Note: Said after being wounded by his former pupil Tatsumaru and implored Rikimaru to take up leadership of the clan and not give into anger when fighting Tatsumaru. He dies of the wounds soonafter.
- May Chiro pick your bones clean...!
- Who: Byakko
- Note: Said after being defeated by Rikimaru while his tiger sidekick Chiro has already been killed by Ayame.
- Yes, it would be. Ninja are hired help who stab from behind; Let's see you fight like a man.
- Who: Jubei Tachibana
- Note: Said before Tatsumaru's boss fight against the dual swordsman. After an intense duel, the ninja prevails and kills the fighting instructor.
- Sorry, Lady Kagami. Nice Little Girl, what's your name? [Ayame: Ayame. That's a nice name.] Ayame. That's a nice name...
- Who: Genbu
- Note: Said after losing his second fight with Ayame. After saying these, he dies standing as he drops his clubs before Ayame solemnly bids him farewell.
- Unforgivable crimes must be punished... The traitor must die...
- Who: Tatsumaru
- Note: Said after using Izayoi to give himself a mortal wound. He says these knowing he will be punished as a traitor to the Azuma. His body is left on the Fire Demon as the ship sinks to the bottom.
- Ta... Tatsumaru... Hmm... I like the way your name sounds... I wish I had called you Tatsumaru... You kept your promise... You died in a manner that served me; Served me in the highest way... I failed us... Death... has opened my heart... And I see... Oh my love... Next time, will heed my heart... And then, we can truly build a world... where ninja... can live in the light...
- Who: Kagami
- Note: Said after being defeated by Rikimaru. She crawls to the lifeless Tatsumaru and mourns him with these while Gohda has the Fire Demon ship fired on by flaming arrows. After passing away, the ship explodes and sinks to the bottom with Kagami and Tatsumaru on board.
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven/Return from Darkness
- I'm dying! No! I am dying!
- Who: Tajima Eigoro
- Note: Said when defeated by Rikimaru ("Punish the Evil Merchant") or Ayame ("Rescue the Village Girls").
- My candy... No!
- This... can't... be...!
- How did you get in here?!
- Who: Nasu
- Note: The first is said when killed by Rikimaru ("Punish the Evil Merchant"), the second is said when killed by Ayame ("Execute the Evil Merchant"), the third is said when Tesshu overhears him and Rikimaru ("Assasinate Nasu and Echigoya"), then the ninja kills him before Tesshue could do anything to complete his mission.
- He wears glasses! Name's Ha-Hamada! I... It was all his idea! I'll tell you everything; Just please, please spare me my life!
- Haiiii! No wait! No! Wait! Don't! We had a deal! No, please!
- Who: Tokubei Echigoya
- Note: The first is said when cornered by Rikimaru ("Punish the Evil Merchant") and fingers Hamada as one of his accomplices before being killed by Onikage. The second is said when an unseen Onikage comes to steal the Jewel of Earth ("Execute the Evil Merchant"). Ayame comes in to find the cowardly merchant dead and the Jewel of Earth gone. In Tesshu's story, he doesn't speak and Tesshu kills him biding him "Give my regards to your old man."
- Ugh... NO...! No...!
- Who: Hamada
- Note: Said when Ayame wins the boss fight against him ("Assassinate the traitor Hamada"). In Rikimaru's mission "Execute Hamada and Return to Gohda", he doesn't talk and Rikimaru quietly assassinates him for conspiring with Echigoya.
- What are you talking about? I AM Rikimaru! And I'll prove it, if I have to.
- You think you're so smart?! You walked right into it!
- Who: Hyakubake
- Note: The first one is said before the boss fight when he is masquerading as Rikimaru ("Go to the Red House of Zennosuke"). When he dies, Ayame quips "Hah! That's what I thought!" before she is captured by Dr. Kimaira. The second one is said after Rikimaru's boss fight against him masquerading as Ayame ("Find Ayame's Imposter"). Before Rikimaru can interrogate him further, Hyakubake bites off his own tongue and bleeds out.
- What?! Who are you?
- Who: Jonosuke Yuge
- Note: Said when confronted by Tesshu who says "I am here to kill you." in the mission "Execute the Rebellious Yuge". Tesshue kills him after an intense boss fight.
- What for?
- Who: Rikimaru's shadow
- Note: Said before the boss fight with Onikage ("Find the Shichito Sword"). Although he tries to delay Onikage from recovering the sword for Tenrai, he only kills Onikage's shadow, and the real one slits the shadow's throat. This however buys enough time for the real Rikimaru to show up and continue the fight.
- The Shichishito is MINE! I must return it to it's proper owner, LORD MEI-OH!
- Who: Onikage's shadow
- Note: Said before the boss fight against him as he is bent of getting the Shichishito in the hopes of resurrecting Mei-Oh. Rikimaru's shadow kills him and the decoy's mask falls off.
- My Mai-hime!
- This castle is set to release poison gas when I die. You don't have time. (snickers in pain) Maihime... We'll always be together...
- Who: Dr. Kimaira
- Note: The first one is said when Rikimaru wins the boss fight against him to extricate the kidnapped Princess Kiku ("Rescue the Kidnapped Princess") and the platform lift with Kimaira inside drops blowing the lifeless Kimaira up. While the second is said after being killed by Ayame ("Escape from Amagai Castle") giving her twenty minutes before toxic gas sprays throughout the castle.
- I could not stand watching my father betray Lord Gohda. (Breaks the weapon deadly with Rikimaru) Tell Lord Gohda; When I was a child, he let me sit on his shoulders - Mifuyu was truly happy. (Rikimaru rushes at Mifuyu and the two clash with Mifuyu taking the full brunt) That is my final message...
- Who: Mifuyu Tadokoro
- Note: Said after the boss fight against her in Rikimaru's mission "Stop Tadokoro's Rebellion". As she dies, Rikimaru bids "I will, you have my word." She possibly survives Ayame's mission and Tesshu's mission "Find the Author of the Message".
- Jewel of Heaven? I've never heard of such a thing. Now, it is time.
- Who: Kanbe Tadokoro
- Note: Said when confronted by Ayame in her mission "Stop Tadokoro's Rebellion". Knowing his crimes will be punished, he allows Ayame to kill him.
- Yes, Tenrai!
- Tenrai... I... have failed...
- Who: Ganda
- Note: The first one is said when ordered to aid Kagura in taking over the Buddha Temple meant to guard against outside threats. In Rikimaru's mission "Infiltrate the Buddha Temple", Kagura provides him means to heal his injuries with scriptures, but after Kagura is killed, Tatsumaru finishes the giant brute with a quick sword strike. The second is said at the beginning of Ayame's mission "Retrieve the Jewel of Heaven" after being defeated by her. He dies standing up. For Tesshu's mission, "Rendezvous with Senkichi by the Waterfalls", he has no time to speak before Tesshu takes on Ganda and assassinates him after an intense boss fight.
- I am Kagura, I've bene watching you. It's a shame, a big shame we have to slaughter you here. Ganda, show him what pain is, will you?
- This blood... My blood... No... It can't be...
- Who: Kagura
- Note: The first one is said before the boss fight against her and Ganda in Rikimaru's mission "Infiltrate the Buddha Temple". Rikimaru kills her to wear out the power of her scriptures. The second one is said when killed by Ayame in "Rescue the Counsel Sekiya and Open the Passageway to Tenrai's Fortress". As she bleeds out, Ayame barbs to her "Now you've got eternity to apologize for what you've done!"
- No! You must not! The eye; Remember Dohjutsu! Focus on the power in your eye; It is the only way to defeat him!
- Master Shiunsai... I strayed from the path... Give me the strength to atone for my action... I'M COMING BACK! WAIT FOR ME... KAGAMI!
- We don't belong in this world; I'm taking you back to hell with me! Farewell, Ayame!
- Who: Tatsumaru
- Note: The first one is said in Rikimaru's mission "Infiltrate the Buddha Temple" imploring his brother not to give into Tenrai's temptations. Tenrai replies "Fascinating. It seems I underestimated you." then extinguishes Tatsumaru's life candle and kills him. For Ayame's mission "Assassinate the Evil Tenrai", his fate is determined by the player. If Ayame lets Rikimaru fight Onikage in "Escape from Amagai Castle", Tatsumaru will say the second set sacrificing himself to prevent Mei-Oh's rebirth. On the third set, after Ayame's boss fight against him, Tatsumaru will still double cross Onikage still showing a fraction of good in himself and throw themselves off to kill one another in a terrific explosion.
- I... I'm done for... Lord Gohda... The princes... Save them... I must go...
- Who: Naotada Sekiya
- Note: Said after Ayame clears the way to Tenrai's Fortress in "Rescue the Counsel Sekiya and Open the Passageway to Tenrai's Fortress" and a Shikigami mortally wounds the counsel. He passes away in Ayame's arms. His death here is non-canon.
- Damn it!
- Who: Senkichi
- Note: Said while on the run from Jinnai. Another Jinnai twin ambushes and kills the informant before Tesshu could meet with him.
- Mei-Oh-sama... It was a true honor... so serve you. (throws himself off the cliff) Please... forgive... my failure!
- Die wench!
- Who: Onikage
- Note: The first one is said after Rikimaru's boss fight against him in the first half of "Assassinate the Evil Tenrai" and blows himself up to atone for his failure. The second is said on Ayame's perspective if she fought him at Amagai Castle. Before Onikage can kill her, Rikimaru runs him through with his sword telling him "You'd better stay dead this time, Onikage!"
- Give me the sword!
- Die, Ninja! DIE! (Rikimaru runs himself through to finish Tenrai) Impossible! How could it be?
- It can't be! Not me! Not like this! I cannot die! You think you have won; But I will see this world destroyed before I lose to a ninja girl. Mei-Oh! I summon thee; Let my soul nourish you!
- It can't be! Not me! I cannot die! Not like this! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUGHH!
- Who: Tenrai
- Note: The first one is said if Rikimaru fixes Izayoi with Shichishito's steel then continues the fight with Tenrai until he is vanquishes. The second one is said if Rikimaru repairs his sword with the steel Ressai has on hand. Thankfully, Rikimaru's self-inflicted wound is not fatal. The third set is said when Ayame defeats him provided she lets Rikimaru fight Onikage at Amagai Castle; Tenrai then attempts to revive Mei-Oh to unleash him on the world. The fourth set is if Ayame fights Onikage at Amagai Castle herself and he disintegrates upon defeat to which Ayame replies "I guess that's payback for all the souls you've destroyed!".
- Take care of yourself... Tesshu...
- Who: Zennosuke Otou
- Note: Said concealing the injury he suffered from Jinnai when assigning Tesshu to take out Jinnai before the village is ruined. His death is already confirmed in Ayame's story.
- You chose not to be on MY side. [Tesshu: Once I take on a job. I always see it through to the end.] Then there's nothing more to say!
- Who: Ukyo Jinnai
- Note: Said before the boss fight against him in Tesshu's mission "Return to Zennosuke".
- So have you! This place will blow up any minute now!
- Who: Sakyo Jinnai
- Note: Said after Tesshu wins the boss fight against him for growing careless. Tesshu stops his brain functions with his needle.
Time Crisis series
Time Crisis
- It's all over...the girl's at the top of that tower. She must be dead by now.
- Who: Moz
- Source: Time Crisis
- Note: Said after defeating him at the entrance to Sherudo's castle. He gets up, muttering about Rachel's whereabouts, only to get punched by Richard.
- Since you have traveled so very far, be my guest and let me enterTAIN YOU!
- Who: Sherudo Garo
- Note: A Sercian tyrant who hopes to resurrect his family's tyrannical rule, he says these before fighting Richard Miller. After a brutal fight between guns and knives, Richard guns Sherudo down.
- Freeze! Both you and this stinking castle can burn for all I care! So long. [Rachel: Let me go!] Hold it!
- Who: Wild Dog
- Note:
Time Crisis 2
- So who are those two? Where's the girl? [NDI soldier: They took her to General Diaz, sir!] We gotta stop them now! [NDI soldier: Yes sir!!]
- Who: Jakov Kinisky
- Note: An NDI henchman under Ernesto Diaz, after abducting Christy Ryan, he questions the identities of the VSSE agents (Keith and Robert) chasing them and hopes to stop them. He then engages the agents with an armored cruiser and is shot dead. The cruiser then blows up leaving only his hat floating in the water.
- Nice try boys, but my job's to protect this satellite. It's time for you to say goodbye!
- Who: Buff Bryant
- Note: A strong NDI henchman protecting the satellite to be launched by Diaz, he says this before engaging in a gunfight with Keith and Robert. Attempting to shoot the two from a chopper, he is shot dead, making his gattling gun discharge into the chopper and blow it up.
- This is just a prototype. We're ready to launch the real one! [Announcement: Beginning launch check] You are like roaches... I underestimated your persistence! This is not the real satellite. Anyway, let me entertain you!
- Who: Ernesto Diaz
- Note: The Neodyne Industries chief who planned to launch a nuclear satellite into space and rule the earth. Confronting the VSSE agents near his prototype satellite he explains this and fights them. After a fierce fight, the VSSE agents riddle him with bullets and send him falling into the fiery missile silo with the ruined prototype crashing into the satellite's carrier rocket, preventing the launch.
Time Crisis 3
- Beaten by a couple of young punks...
- Who: Wild Dog
- Notes: Despite getting a new protégé in Wild Fang, VSSE's sworn enemy is defeated. Knowing the VSSE will capture him, he decides to commit suicide by bombing himself.
- It's too late...No one can stop the missiles now...
- Who: Giorgio Zott
- Source: Time Crisis 3
- Note: Said after defeating him inside the tactical missile control room. He drops down to his knees, muttering that the missiles were all set for launch and that no one can stop it, before collapsing face first.
- Damn you all! You're going down with me!
- Who: Jake Hernandez
- Notes: A former Lukano second-in-command, Jake fights Alicia Winston in the plane hangar of Giorgio Zott's hideout. Knowing he will lose, Jake tries to detonate the missile warheads to take Alicia with him, but the female Lukano soldier snipes the radio detonator and pierces his head, killing him instantly.
Time Crisis 4
- The UCAVs are ready to attack!
- Who: Gregory Barrows
- Notes: Said with confidence that the UCAVs will destroy every major city in the United States. Even after trying to stall Giorgio Bruno and Evan Bernard with his guns and laser cannons, the two VSSE agents kill him and stop the devastation with seconds to spare.
Time Crisis 5
- Bahahaha... You'll never catch me!
- Who: Wild Dog
- Notes: When the new generation VSSE agents and Robert Baxter try to apprehend their sworn enemy, he evades capture one more time by way of suicide bombing.
- Beaten by punks like you... [Keith Martin: What's Robert planning?] Something fun, my friend... Only wish I could've seen it all...but I'll be waiting for you on the other side...
- Who: Wild Fang
- Notes: Said to the new VSSE agents as he is defeated with his solar orb absorbing him and blowing him up to his death.
- I didn't expect you to come this far. But you'll learn the truth soon enough. There is more than just one right in the world.
- Who: Robert Baxter
- Notes: Said to the new VSSE agents as he makes a last stand and is shot rapidly, sending him falling to his death.
- I only wanted to be loved.
- Who: R-110
- Source: Timesplitters: Future Perfect
- Note: Said after being shot by Splitter Crow. He is resurrected when Cortez goes back in time to get help with Crow.
- Rosebud...
- Who: Jacob Crow/Splitter Crow
- Source: Timesplitters: Future Perfect
- Note: Said after being defeated by the two Cortez's and R-110. Said as a reference to Citizen Kane.
Titanfall series
- It's a shame you didn't have more in me in you. Maybe that would have made you a--
- Who: Dr. Ashleigh Reid
- Source: Apex Legends (The Truth)
- Notes: Ashleigh to Pathfinder before being stabbed in the back by Amélie Paquette with a sword. She is later revived as a simulacrum.
- I love you, family.
- Who: Pathfinder
- Source: Apex Legends (The Truth)
- Notes: Pathfinder to his creators before being destroyed alongside them in the Rift explosion in Olympus. He is then reassembled at some point later.
- BT...transfer authorization to new Pilot... Link...Brav--(coughing)...Bravo-Tango, Seven-Two-Seven Four. Cooper. Take my Titan. Use my helmet and my jump kit. This is the real thing. Take care of him...
- Who: Captain Tai Lastimosa
- Source: Titanfall 2
- Notes: Lastimosa talking to his former Titan, BT-7274, before transferring control to Rifleman Jack Cooper, after being killed by Ash.
- No. No. No! It's over when Kane says it's over! No!
- Who: Kane
- Source: Titanfall 2
- Notes: Kane, on radio communications, before being killed by Jack Cooper and BT-7274.
- You should not have done that, Pilot.
- *screams*
- Who: Ash
- Source: Titanfall 2
- Notes: Ash, on radio communications, before being killed by Jack Cooper and BT-7274.
- Dieser Kampf geht in den dunklen Tiefen der Hölle weiter!
- Who: Richter
- Source: Titanfall 2
- Notes: Richer, on radio communications, before activating nuke eject on his Titan, with a malfunctioned ejector seat. Last words translates to "This fight continues in the dark depths of hell!"
- I've lost the hatch. Need cover! Need cover!
- Who: Viper
- Source: Titanfall 2
- Notes: Viper, on radio communications, before being shot by Jack Cooper.
- Who: BT-7274 (Original chassis)
- Source: Titanfall 2
- Notes: BT-7274's encrypted message to Jack Cooper before being destroyed by Slone.
- I will not be destroyed by some pitiful excuse for a Pilot...
- *screams*
- Who: Slone
- Source: Titanfall 2
- Notes: Slone, on radio communications, before being killed by Jack Cooper and BT-7274.
- Trust me.
- Who: BT-7274 (Second chassis)
- Source: Titanfall 2
- Notes: BT-7274 to Jack Cooper before sacrificing himself by throwing himself into the Fold Weapon core.
- Nei, young one. Nei. I lived to see you pass the test. It was not the gun that protected them. It was you.... Perhaps there is more to the old ways than the weapon we choose... [roaring noises from a distance] A beast none has slatra. You... will be the first... Blóhundr. The Allfather guides you now.
- Who: Artur
- Source: Apex Legends (Stories from the Outlands – “The Old Ways”)
- Notes: Artur to Bloodhound moments after being killed by a Goliath.
- Meu amor, for our daughter.
- Who: Alanza Andrade
- Source: Apex Legends (Season 4 - Assimilation Launch Trailer)
- Notes: Alanza to Marcos and Loba Andrade, moments before being shot by Revenant.
- What the hell are you?.
- Who: Marcos Andrade
- Source: Apex Legends (Season 4 - Assimilation Launch Trailer)
- Notes: Marcos, being grabbed by the neck on the edge of the Bonzai Plaza building, to Revenant before crushing his neck and letting him fall all the way down to the bottom of the building.
- Don't worry.
- Who: James "Forge" McCormick
- Source: Apex Legends (Stories from the Outlands – "Up Close and Personal")
- Notes: Forge says this to Lisa Stone, a second before being stabbed in the back by Revenant.
True Crime
- America will never make us beg. Never!!
- Just you, Kang.
- Who: Han Yu Kim
- Source: True Crime: Streets of LA
- Note: Character dies in alternate endings. The first line is said when he falls to his death in the bad ending. The second line is said when he starts the fight with Kang in the good ending.
- Who: Don Rafferty
- Source: True Crime: Streets of LA
- Note: Characters says this in the game's true ending having regarded Nick as a friend even though they are on opposite sides in the story. He dives to protect Nick from Rocky's fatal bullet and dies though Nick is safe.
- Time to join your father, detective.
- Ahhhaahh! I'm burning! Aaargh!! Nooooo!!!
- Who: Rasputin "Rocky" Kuznetskov
- Source: True Crime: Streets of LA
- Note: Character dies in alternate endings. The first line is said when he is shot in the back in the average ending. The second line is said in the true ending when he is burned to death from the plane crash.
- So long, boy scout.
- After all I did for you -- for your old man!
- Who: Terry Higgins
- Source: True Crime: New York City
- Note: Character dies in alternate endings. A cop who turns out to be the true villain. The first line is said in the Good Cop ending when he attempts to escape Marcus from the train but is killed in a train crash. The second line is said in the Bad Cop ending when Marcus points his gun into his head and shoots him.
- Calm down, Chief. Just let him go.
- Who: Gabriel Whitting
- Source: True Crime: New York City
- Note: Character says that line in the Bad Cop ending to order Victor to let the officer go. He was shot by Victor in the chest afterwards.
- Let's see how much of a badass you are without your piece.
- Who: Victor Navarro
- Source: True Crime: New York City
- Note: Character says that line in the Bad Cop ending after he knocks Marcus' gun off the train. He is killed when Marcus throws him off the train.
- Come on, what's the hold-up? Hey, check this out — an old outpost.
- Who: Foster
- Source: Turok (2008 game)
- Notes: Character is shot in the head by a sniper after this line is said.
- Jackpot, I got it!
- Who: Gonzales
- Source: Turok (2008 game)
- Notes: After Gonzales has found the COMM unit, which he was sent alongside Turok to find, a female T. rex, Mama Scarface, comes up from behind and devours him.
- They're under the ground!
- Who: Carter
- Source: Turok (2008 game)
- Notes: Character says this as a soldier bug, a huge scorpion, breaks through the floor he's standing on and kills him.
- Eat this, you son of a bitch!
- Who: Logan
- Source: Turok (2008 game)
- Notes: Shot dead by a helicopter after a failed attempt to destroy it with an RPG.
- Seal the door! I'll hold them off! Get out of here!
- Who: Jericho
- Source: Turok (2008 game)
- Notes: Said while trying to hold off enemy soldiers with a minigun, but he is shot repeatedly and it is implied that he is killed right after he says this.
- I'm not even seeing any troops. Wait! I've got one.
- Who: Reese
- Source: Turok (2008 game)
- Notes: Shot in the eye with an arrow after line is said.
- [Kane: (to Turok) You can't even abandon your mission without getting everyone killed.] You're wrong, Kane. Without Turok we would've never survived this long.
- Who: Cowboy
- Source: Turok (2008 game)
- Notes: After this contradiction, Kane shoots him in the heart.
- What? No knife?
- Who: Roland Kane
- Source: Turok (2008 game)
- Notes: After saying this, the character attacks his former apprentice Joseph Turok with a hunting knife, but Turok manages to overpower him and plunge the knife into his heart.
- A coward? Name that the best you can do?!
- Who: Robert Guerro
- Source: Uncharted: Golden Abyss
- Said in response to Nathan Drake's taunts. The bridge they are on collapses when he charges at Drake, dropping Guerro to his death in a burning ravine.
- That's right, you ugly konyok! Don't mess with Eddy Raja!
- Who: Eddy Raja
- Source: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
- Notes: Said after fending off several Descendants, before one pull hims off a cliff. Many fans believe his death is debatable, and that he may have somehow survived against the Descendants.
- In my final hour, I entreat my soul to God. May he have mercy on this unholy place.
- Who: Sir Francis Drake
- Source: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
- Notes: Inscribed on a note Nate finds in the Nazi submarine base. Sir Francis wrote this shortly before being killed by the Descendants.
- Navarro...
- Who: Gabriel Roman
- Source: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
- Notes: Said after being tricked into opening El Dorado and being infected by a virus. He then tries to attack Navarro, who shoots him in the head.
- Huh?!
- Who: Atoq Navarro
- Source: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
- Notes: Said when he realizes the rope around El Dorado is tightening around his leg. He is then pulled overboard by the statue and drowns.
- I think so.
- Who: Jeff
- Source: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Notes: Character, wounded by Lazarević's soldiers, is asked by Nate if he can stand and responds with this line. Nate, Elena, and Chloe escort him into a ruined building, but Lazarević catches up with them and executes Jeff.
- Is that all you've got?
- Who: Lieutenant Draza
- Source: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Notes: Said while fighting Nate on the train. He eventually gains the upper hand, but is shot dead by Chloe.
- have to believe.
- Who: Karl Schäefer
- Source: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Notes: Said before dying of his wounds, which were inflicted during interrogation.
- Parting gift from Lazarević. Pity he took the pin.
- Who: Harry Flynn
- Source: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Notes: Said before dropping a grenade, which Lazarević had taken the pin from and left with him, as punishment for his repeated failures.
- You don't have the will. [Nate: Maybe not. But they do.] NO!
- Who: Zoran Lazarević
- Source: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Notes: Said to try and goad Nate into killing him. When he refuses, he points out a group of Guardians, who attack Zoran. He is either beaten to death by them or dies when Shambhala collapses.
- See you in hell, habibi!
- Who: Rameses
- Source: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- Notes: Said before shooting out the glass roof in his sinking ship, letting a torrent of water in.
- What?
- Who: Victor Sullivan
- Source: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- Notes: As part of a hallucination Drake experiences after drinking from the tainted waters of Ubar, he visualizes seeing Talbot and Marlowe shoot and kill Sully. As it turns out, Sully later shows up alive and well.
- I can't. I can't.
- Who: Katherine Marlowe
- Source: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- Notes: Said as she tries to reach for a bandolier that Nate has extended into quicksand for her. She is unable to pull herself out and sinks under the sand.
- Come on, Drake.
- Who: Talbot
- Source: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- Notes: Said before attacking Nate with a knife. He is eventually shot by Nate and falls off the platform they were battling on.
- Yes, we have a deal. And if you ever cross me again–
- Who: Vargas
- Source: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
- Notes: After he, Nate, Sam, and Rafe decide to split Henry Avery's treasure four ways, Vargas warns the group not to keep secrets from him (as Nathan hid a cross relic from Vargas after exploring a vacant prison tower). He stabbed to death by Rafe soon after.
- I will deal with the police.
- Who: Evelyn
- Source: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
- Note: Said in a flashback to a younger Nate and Sam, who had broken into her house. She was friends with their late mother, but had reported their intrusion to the police before finding out who they were. She dies of a heart attack before she can call off the police.
- I earned this. All of it.
- Who: Rafe Adler
- Source: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
- Notes: Said before Nate drops a large bundle of treasure on Rafe, crushing him.
- Fine, catch.
- Who: Orca
- Source: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
- Notes: Said to Nadine Ross, his former superior, as she forces him to hand over the Tusk of Ganesha. He then tries to shoot her, but Sam tackles her out of harm's way; Nadine guns Orca down thereafter.
- Oh, you smug little shit!
- Who: Asav
- Source: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
- Notes: Asav curses Chloe with this line after she and Nadine defeat him. He dies moments later as his runaway train falls through a broken bridge and explodes.
Due to multiple endings in the game itself as to which player actions can reflect different dialogues, multiple last words by characters have been included to reflect this.
- Urgh... You are stronger than I thought... Listen to me, small one... ASGORE... Do not let ASGORE take your soul. His plan cannot be allowed to succeed... Be good, won't you? My child.
- Who: Toriel
- Notes: Said after killing her in a neutral route.
- Y... you... really hate me that much...? Now I see who I was protecting by keeping you here. Not you... But them! Ha... ha...
- Notes: Said after killing her in a genocide route.
- You... At my most vulnerable moment... To think I was worried you wouldn't fit in out there... Eheheheh!!! You really are no different from them! Ha... ha...
- Notes: Said after convincing her to back down, and then fighting back.
- Alas, poor Papyrus! Well, at least I still have my head!
- Who: Papyrus
- Notes: Said after killing him on a neutral route.
- W-Well, that's not what I expected... But... St-still...! I believe in you! You can do a little better! Even if you don't think so! I... I promise...
- Notes: Said after killing him on a genocide route.
- Ha.. ha... Alphys... This is what I was afraid of... This is why I never told you... No... NO! Not yet! I won't die! NGAHHHHHHHHH!!! I WON'T DIE! I WON'T DIE! I WON'T DIE! I WON'T—
- Who: Undyne
- Notes: Said after you kill her during a neutral route.
- If you... If you think I'm gonna give up hope, you're wrong. 'Cause I've... Got my friends behind me. By now she's called ASGORE and told him to absorb the 6 human SOULs. And with that power... This world will live on...!
- Notes: Said after killing her during a genocide route. Shortly after, she melts and turns to dust due to the influx of determination (a power source) inside her.
- What a shame. A human comes through, and they aren't even fit to be eaten~ Oh well! Rotten ingredients can always be discarded~
- Who: Muffet
- Notes: Said before the battle with her in the genocide run.
- H.. Ha... You really are strong enough to get past Asgore. I might seem like I'm dying now, but... Dr. Alphys can always repair me. Even if I'm not cut out to be a star... I still got to perform for a human, didn't I? So thank you, darling... You've been a great audience!
- Who: Mettaton
- Notes: Said after killing him during a neutral route.
- Gh... Guess you don't wanna join my fan club...?
- Notes: Said after killing him during a genocide route. He explodes shortly after you kill him.
- G.. Guess she should have worked more on the defenses.. You may have defeated me, but.. I know. I can tell from that strike, darling. You were holding back. Yes, Asgore will fall easily to you... But you won't harm humanity, will you? You aren't absolutely evil. If you were trying to be, then you messed up. And so late into the show, too. Ha... ha. At least now, I can rest easy. Knowing Alphys and the humans will live on...!
- Notes: Said after you whiff your attack during the genocide route, effectively aborting it. He explodes shortly after you kill him.
- Heh. Did really think you would be able— [Player fatally wounds him as he's talking] ... ... ... So... guess that's it, huh? ... Just... don't say I didn't warn you. Welp. I'm going to Grillby's. Papyrus, do you want anything?
- Who: Sans
- Notes: Said after you kill him during a genocide route. He dies shortly afterwards, offscreen.
- Take my soul, and leave this terrible place.
- Who: Asgore
- Notes: Said after you decide to finish him off during a neutral route. Flowey shortly intervenes afterward, congratulating the player for adopting his motto of "kill or be killed." He then absorbs the six souls and crashing their game.
- But I believe your freedom... is what my son... what ASRIEL would have wanted.
- Notes: Said after you choose to spare him during your second playthrough.
- Even after everything you've endured because of would stay remain down here? ...Human. I promise you, for as long as you stay here, you will be treated well by my wife and I. We can play together, eat butterscotch pie...we can be like...a family.
- Notes: Said if you decide to spare him instead of finishing him off. Flowey then intervenes and kills Asgore himself, then mocks the player before absorbing the six souls.
- Now, now. There's no need to fight. Why not settle this... Over a nice cup of tea? [Player proceeds to strike Asgore, fatally wounding him] Why... You...
- Notes: Said during a genocide route. After striking the blow, Flowey shows up and finishes him off.
- I knew you had it in you!
- Who: Flowey
- Notes: Said if you finish him off after defeating his Photoshop form in a neutral route.
- See? I never betrayed you! It was all a trick, see? I was waiting to kill him for you! After all it's me, your best friend! I'm helpful, I can be useful to you. I promise I won't get in your way. I can help...I can...I can... Please don't kill me.
- Notes: Said after Asgore is finished off by Flowey in the genocide route. He attempts to appease the player by saying he can be helpful, even going as far as to mimic the face of his former self Asriel as if to dissuade the player from killing him... only to brutally murdered by the player, who chops him to pieces.
- Frisk, don't you have anything better to do?
- Who: Asriel
- Notes: Said during the true pacifist route.
Vampire Night
- Why protect the humans... what are you fighting for? why...?
- Who: Bathe'lemy A.K.A. The Knight
- Source: Vampire Night
- Notes: Said after defeating him in his monstrous form in the forest citadel.
- So that´s the way it is, is it? Me, defeated by... humans!? NEVER!
- Who: Guillaume A.K.A The Genius
- Source: Vampire Night
- Notes: Said after defeating him in his demonic form on top of a tower. He backs towards a ledge while talking and then falls backwards laughing maniacally.
- Little one... what you said might be true... thank you... and farewell... my beloved vampire...
- Who: Diane A.K.A The Queen of Ice
- Source: Vampire Night
- Notes: Said after defeating her in her mermaid form in the watertower. After saying this the room starts to fill with water, drowning her.
- I will die... and... and so will you
- Who: Sir Auguste A.K.A. The Vampire.
- Source: Vampire Night
- Notes: Said after defeating him in his Vampiric form in the throne room. He then falls to the floor dead.
- We are not what we were 300 years ago. [Albert: The girl, she changed us. She gave us the warmth of that of a human.] We shall disappear with you.
- Who: Michel
- Source: Vampire Night
- Notes: Michel and Albert were both shadows of Auguste. After killing him, they could no longer exist, causing them to dissapear along with Auguste when the sun burned his remains.
- We have no regrets, it´s all over now. Farewell.
- Who: Albert
- Source: Vampire Night
- Notes: Michel and Albert were both shadows of Auguste. After killing him, they could no longer exist, causing them to dissapear along with Auguste when the sun burned his remains.
Viewtiful Joe
- Viewtiful Joe... how fitting...
- Who: Alastor
- Source: Viewtiful Joe
- Notes: Character has been defeated by Joe and remarks that his moves were “beautiful,” causing Joe to take up the name “Viewtiful Joe.” Character dies after saying this, but returns in the sequel.
- Naive fool. My death will make little difference in the long run. For now, the scourging of this land... begins.
- Who: Kel'thuzad
- Source: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- Note: Kel'thuzad did not remain dead, but was rather reincarnated later as a Lich, thus gaining immortality.
- Arthas! Stop this madness before it's to late!
- Who: Gavinrad the Dire
- Source: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- Vile betrayer! You're not fit enough to even carry your fathers name! Why Uther ever vouched for you is beyond me. You've stripped him of his honor by casting yours to the winds. You deserve a gruesome death, boy!
- Who: Ballador the Bright
- Source: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- Notes: Ballador apparently survived his injuries, and still fights according to the Alliance Player's Guide.
- Light have mercy on you! Your betrayed has broken Uther's heart, boy. He would have given his life for yours in a second, and this is how you repay his loyalty?
- Who: Sage Truthbearer
- Source: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- I dearly hope there's a special place in Hell waiting for you Arthas.
- Who: Uther the Lightbringer
- Source: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- Notes: Uther was Arthas' mentor before Arthas went to side with the Scourge. After attempted to stop Arthas to get the urn holding the ashes of his father Terenas Menethil II of Lordaeron, Uther was killed but not before he cursed Arthas. His spirit still live on and help many heroes of the Alliance.
- Kill me, then. Make it quick. [Arthas: "After all the trouble you've caused? No, the last thing I'll give you is the peace of death."] You wouldn't dare!
- Who: Sylvanas Windrunner
- Source: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- Notes: Character had led rebel forces against the Scourge invaders, but was defeated and captured. Rather than be executed as she requested, Arthas made her an undead servant; character later regains free will and rebels.
- AMBUSH! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! We'll make for the clearing ahead!
- Who: Unnamed Footman
- Source: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- Note: After a group of guards at a camp site spot a group of night elves, they panic, and run away into a group of monsters.
- What are you doing my son?! [Prince Arthas: "Suceeding you, father."]
- Who: King Therenas Menethil
- Source: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- Note: After returning from the north with the sword, Frostmourne, Arthas begins to hear the voice of the Lich King in his head. The Lich King commands Arthas to kill his father.
- Now get the Hell out of here!! [Sylvanas: "Kill him, too." Varimathras: "With pleasure."] Wait, what??
- Who: Garithos
- Source: Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
- Notes: After helping the rebelling Forsaken undead defeat the Burning Legion and the Scourge and overseeing the execution of their leader Balnazzar by Varimathras, character attempts to force his allies of convenience out, claiming the spoils of war for himself. Sylvanas has Varimathras kill him as well, claiming the winnings for the Forsaken instead.
- The boy believed you could be saved. But he doesn't know...what burns within your soul. When in your heart, you know we are the same.
- Who: Mannoroth
- Source: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- Note: Spoken to Grom Hellscream while fighting him and Thrall. Grom had previously struggled to control the orcish curse of bloodlust brought on by drinking Mannoroth's blood. Grom refuses to submit again, and attacks Mannoroth, killing him and ending the curse.
- Thrall, The blood haze has lifted. The demon's fire has burnt out in my veins. I have...freed myself. [Thrall: "No, old friend. You've freed us all."]
- Who: Grom Hellscream
- Source: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
- Note: After fighting against the pit lord, Mannaroth, Grom's rage subsides (see above). He says this before he dies.
- You have won...Maiev. But the huntress is nothing without the hunt. You...are nothing without me.
- Who: Illidan Stormrage
- Source: World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
- Note: Character says this this to Maiev Shadowsong, after she helps the players defeat and kill him. Maiev has previously dedicated her entire life to Illidan's death; she subsequently acknowledges that she is nothing without the quest that has consumed her.
- Father! Is it...over? [Terenas Menethil II's Spirit: "At long last. No king rules forever, my son." I see...only
- Who: Arthas Menethil
- Source: World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
- Note: After a fight with Tirion Fordring, leaves his sword, Frostmourne, destroyed, Arthas' soul is finally released. He is confronted by his father's spirit, and says this before he dies.
- The Destroyer, the end of all things. Inevitable, indomitable. I...AM...THE CATACLYSM!
- Who: Deathwing the Destroyer
- Source: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
- Note: Spoken as players enter the final phase of the battle against him; he is unique amongst major World of Warcraft raid bosses in that he has no line at the actual moment of his death.
- Don't...think you've won... My legacy...will live on...
- Who: Siegecrafter Helix Blackfuse
- Source: World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
- Note: Character, a raid boss in the Siege of Orgrimmar, is ejected from his shredder and says these words before dying. They foreshadow the appearance of the Iron Horde in Warlords of Draenor.
- In the Light...we...are one...
- Who: Vindicator Maraad
- Source: World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
- Note: Character is fatally wounded by Warlord Blackhand during the battle of Shattrath. The quote is spoken to Yrel.
- THRALL!!! You made me what I am!
- Who: Garrosh Hellscream
- Source: World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
- Note: Character is currently in a battle to the death with former Warchief Thrall (or Go'el) and says the quote while currently being held in a rock hand construct created by Thrall. Thrall replies with: " chose your own destiny." and calls down a bolt of lightning that kills Garrosh.
- For the alliance.
- Who: Varian Wrynn
- Source: World of Warcraft: Legion
- Note: Character is mocked by Legion harbinger Gul'dan, who tells him "You will be remembered as the king who sacrificed his life... for nothing." Varian's last words are said before being infused with a fatal amount of fel magic by Gul'dan.
- "No, he couldn't possibly mean that..."
- Who: Mal'ganis
- Note: Character forced Arthas to purge a city of infected citizens and called him to Northrend. Arthas cornered him after retrieving the frostmourne and killed him.
The Warriors
- Look at me, I am the future in this city! I am a fucking gang! Yeah!
- Who: Spider
- Source: Flashback A "Roots"
- Notes: Character was defeated but not killed by either Cleon or Vermin, but was said to be killed by Ghost.
- Tell me not to get drunk on patrol! Ha ha! I ain't drunk, I'm fuckin' wasted!
- Who: Mainline
- Source: Mission 03 "Payback"
- Notes: Character was defeated but not killed by Rembrandt, but was later killed by the Warriors.
- Come on, man, I'll get you the rest I swear, okay?! You know I'm good for it, right? Come on man, I just got out of the joint, man!
- Who: Sanchez
- Source: Mission 07 "Adios Amigo"
- Notes: Character falls to his death after being frightened by Ajax's threats.
- It's m-m-m-MIME TIME!
- Who: Chatterbox
- Source: Mission 08 "Encore"
- Notes: Character was killed by Cleon.
- But I wanna stay...
- Who: Ash
- Source: Mission 09 "Payin' The Cost"
- Notes: Character was killed by the Destroyers.
- You ready to give up Coney now?
- Who: Gnat
- Source: Mission 10 "Destroyed"
- Notes: Character was killed by the Warriors.
- You ready to give up Coney now?
- Who: Bull
- Source: Mission 10 "Destroyed"
- Notes: Character was killed by the Warriors.
- Holy shit, no! Ah! I'm fucking locked! Help! Help!
- Who: Maurie
- Source: Mission 10 "Destroyed"
- Notes: Character can be killed by Cleon.
- They're messin' with our money, man. Those stores are under our protection...
- Who: Maggot
- Source: Mission 10 "Destroyed"
- Notes: Character was killed by the Warriors.
- Never thought Cleon would get so heavy.
- Who: Beansie
- Source: Mission 10 "Destroyed"
- Notes: Character was killed by Virgil.
- Let's roll!
- Who: Lemmy
- Source: Mission 10 "Destroyed"
- Notes: Character was beaten by Cleon, and later killed off-screen.
- Hey Virgil, man, open up. It's me, L.C.!
- Who: L.C.
- Source: Mission 10 "Destroyed"
- Notes: Character was killed by Cleon.
- Fuh-fuck you copperhead. I'm the boss. You wuz nothin'... you wuz nothin' before me. Nothin'.
- Who: Virgil
- Source: Mission 10 "Destroyed"
- Notes: Character was killed by Cleon.
- I'm just trying to warn you!
- Who: Hobo
- Source: Mission 11 "Boys In Blue"
- Notes: Character can be killed by Cochise.
- Mother-fucker! You Warriors shoulda let it go. Betcha think you can push me around 'cus of my... condition!? Well push this around you stupid pricks!!!
- Who: Birdie
- Source: Mission 11 "Boys In Blue"
- Notes: Character was killed by Cochise.
- Now, look what we have here before us. We’ve got the Saracens sitting next to the Jones Street Boys. We've got the Moonrunners, right by the Van Cortlandt Rangers. Nobody is wasting nobody. That is a miracle. And miracles is the way things ought to be. You're standing right now with 9 delegates from a hundred gangs, and there's over a hundred more. 60,000 soldiers. Now there ain’t but 20,000 police in the whole town. Can you dig it? Can you dig it? CAN YOU DIG IT?! Now here's the sum total. One gang could run this city. One gang. Nothing would move without us allowing it to happen. We could tax the crime syndicates, the police, because we got the streets, suckers! Can you dig it? The problem in the past has been the man turning us against one another. We have been unable to see the truth because we have been fighting for 10 square feet of ground. All we have to do is keep up the general truce. We take over one borough at a time. Secure our territory, secure our turf, because it's all our turf.
- Who: Cyrus
- Source: Mission 14 "Desperate Dudes"
- Notes: Character was killed by Luther.
- Man, you're crazy. I didn't do nothing.
- Who: Cleon
- Source: Mission 14 "Desperate Dudes"
- Notes: Character was killed by the Riffs.
- Oh shit!! Oh you sonofa... RUN!! Just get outta here!
- Who: Fox
- Source: Mission 16 "Home Run"
- Notes: Character was thrown to the oncoming train.
- Don't trip, fucker!
- Who: Cropsy
- Source: Mission 18 "Come Out To Play"
- Notes: Character was killed by the Riffs off-screen.
- Haha! You're all dead! We gonna run your fuckin' faces!
- Who: DeeDee
- Source: Mission 18 "Come Out To Play"
- Notes: Character was killed by the Riffs off-screen.
- Faster, Warriors! Faster! Hahaha! The Warriors did it! The Warriors did it! Hahaha!
- Who: Tommy
- Source: Mission 18 "Come Out To Play"
- Notes: Character was killed by the Riffs off-screen.
- You're gonna die, motherfuckers! Shit, I hope you fall.
- Who: Joey
- Source: Mission 18 "Come Out To Play"
- Notes: Character was killed by the Riffs off-screen.
- No. Nooo. It wasn't us. It was them... the Warriors.
- Who: Luther
- Source: Mission 18 "Come Out To Play"
- Notes: Character was killed by the Riffs off-screen.
Wild Arms
- Even if my flesh is destroyed, I will always have a home at the end of time... Filgaia will not be able to escape the darkness that is upon it... Nothing can stop the end from arriving...
- As I have decayed, destruction is the truth... the truth shall never die! My body fell into Filgaia, and became darkness... Darkness will always be here... What exists cannot escape destruction. The life of Filgaia, ends with me...
- Who: Mother (in the form of Motherfried)
- Source: Wild ARMs (PlayStation ver. and PlayStation 2 remake, respectively)
- Notes: The mother of demons, Mother, has merged with her son Zeikfried, becoming Motherfried. Having been defeated by the player before, it was revealed Mother was not dead, although this time, they finally finish her.
The World Ends With You
- W-wait Beat! You're going to trip if you don't slow down!
- Who: Raimu "Rhyme" Bitō
- Notes: Said as Beat runs towards Towa Records. Rhyme follows, but then notices a Noise preparing to attack Beat. She pushes him out of the way, and is devoured and erased by Swing Shark. She is later resurrected as a Noise, then brought back to life at the end of the game.
- In...indegistible! I lost? ...Well done...young lady...
- Who: Yōdai Higashizawa
- Notes: Said after he, in his Noise Form, is defeated by Shiki and Neku, before being erased. He had enjoyed the envy within Shiki, which he was feeding on.
- I' doesn't look like I can. Sorry...Sota...
- Who: Nao
- Notes: Said after being wounded by Taboo Noise, before being erased.
- You two survive. Get your old partner back. I hope all three of ya get back safe.
- Who: Sota
- Notes: Said to Neku and Josh, having lost his partner. He is erased soon after.
- Hee hee...that look on your face. It's I pre..dicted...
- Who: Mitsuki Konishi
- Notes: Said after Beat and Neku defeat her Noise Form, Tigris Cantus, after telling Beat that while he considered Rhyme's love of him his most precious thing, and that became his entry fee, her entry fee was something else and claimed he was not the most precious to her.
- I am victorious!
- Attention, binomials of the UG! Introducing your new Composer. His ME!
- Who: Sho Minamimoto
- Notes: First line is aid after he is defeated, before initiating "Level i Flare Attack". He dies in the explosion, but is brought back through a Taboo Noise Sigil. Second line is said after Konishi opens the barrier blocking his way to the Composer's chamber. He says this before leaving, but is later found dead, having been apparently killed by the Composer.
- I see now why He chose you...unngh...
-'s up to you now.
- Who: Megumi Kitaniji
- Notes: First line is said after Beat and Neku defeat him after he has possessed Shiki. He is erased, but returns later. After defeating him, as Draco Cantus, he speaks with the Composer and Neku, having lost his Game with the Composer, and is erased when his timer reaches zero
The Walking Dead: Season 1
A New Day
Warhammer 40,000
Warhammer 40,000: Squad command
- I have failed the Emperor
- Who Marine
- Ahhh, Death. Finally!
- Cripes!
- Who: Chaos Marine
- I have failed!
- Who: Scout
- What?
- Who: Cultist
- What th... Help! Help!
- Death to Mankind!
- Who: Chaos Predator
- Khorne, I return to you
- Who: Bloodletter
- Death becomes me.
- Nurgle take my flesh!
- Who: Obliterator
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
- Carry on. Without... me...
- Who: Shas o' Kais.
- Notes: Death Knell in combat. He remains alive and well throughout the game.
- All is lost...
- Who: Ethereal
- Notes: Used as a death knell in combat. During the campaign, the Etherial Au'nel is assassinated, and utters this line as he dies.
- NO! We cannot... fail...
- Who: Davian Thule
- Death Knell in combat. During the Assault on the Blood Raven's stronghold, Davian is mortally wounded. He utters this line as he expires. The plateau is cleansed with an orbital bombardment.
- The Command Post is gone, we can't hold them back much longer. We cannot let the Titan Cannon fall into enemy hands. Overload the core!
- Who: Kasrkin Captain Vash
- Notes: The cannon's core is overloaded and the cannon explodes, destroying the Imperial Guard's Fortress of Victory Bay.
- For the Emperor!
- Who: Techpreist
- A Techpreist Engineseer overloads the Titan Cannon's core.
- Go, go, go, go!
- Who: Imperial Guardsmen Squad
- Note: During a booby-trap firing of the Titan Cannon, a group of about six men is incinerated, along with a small portion (about one or two squads of soldiers and a light vehicle or so) of the invading army.
- (Eliphas)They reject the word of Chaos, my Lord. The faithful here are not strong enough.
(Daemon Prince, presumably Kor Pheron or Lorgar) It is a poor shepherd who blames his flock, Apostle. This failure is yours, and yours alone.
(Eliphas, firing a plasma pistol in the Daemon's general direction) NO! I will not go to the Basilica of Torments again!
(Daemon Prince) Fear not, apostle. The Basilica is reserved for those who may redeem themselves.
(Eliphas, levitating) No... No!
(Daemon Prince) You shall have no such chance.
[Visceral squishing noise]- Who: Eliphas the Inheritor
- Note: Eliphas has allowed a large Warp Portal to close, ending the Word Bearers legion's attempt to take Kronus. The Daemon Prince sacrifices him to the Chaos gods.
- My Lord! The Living are escaping! (Notices a large bomb) My lord! The Living have...
- Who: Pariah, Previously a man named Thomas Macaby
- Notes: The Character has been a voice for the Necrons ever since his conversion. After failing to halt the enemy advance with several foul traps and overwhelming numbers of troops, the enemy commander places a large explosive charge inside the Necron's inner Sanctum. The bomb detonates, collapsing the Thur'Abis Catacomb network, sealing off the Necrons, and killing him.
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
- Who: Lord Bale.
- Note: The treacherous sorcerer sacrifices the Chaos Lord to Khorne in order to gain a key to a Greater Daemon's prison.
- Bear witness to my ascention!
- Who: Sindri Myer
- Note: After gaining the Maledictum, Sindri uses it to free a Daemon Prince, and uses that power for his own. These are his last words as a "human".
"Wolfenstein: The New Order"
- So...gullible.
- Who: General Wilhelm "Deathshead" Strasse
- Source: Wolfenstein: The New Order
- Notes: After his mech is destroyed in a battle with Captain Blazkowicz, he is stabbed several times in the chest. He then chooses to commit suicide with a frag grenade, in an attempt to take Blazkowicz with him.
"Wolfenstein: The New Colossus"
- You're dead! I severed your head from your shoulders! I killed you!
- Who: General Irene Engel.
- Notes: While on the set of the Jimmy Carver talk show, she finds Blazkowicz surprisingly alive recognizing him when she executed him through decapitation and yells this while firing wildly at him. In the end, Blazkowicz returns the favor by running one of his hatchets through her head telling her "Lady... That the best you got? Then your best won't do. You among wolves now; And these are our woods." He then uses the hatchet to cut Irene's head apart.
- Even if I go to hell, I will live to the end of this world. And if the world does not come to an end... I will destroy it with my own hands!
- Who: Lacan
- Source: Xenogears
- Notes: Character is later "reborn" as Grahf.
- Thank you... Kahr.
- Who: Miang Hawaa
- Source: Xenogears
- Notes: Character returns moments later by possessing one of the player's party members.
- I envy you.
- Who: Krelian
- Source: Xenogears
- Notes: Said to main character and love interest before growing wings and flying off to "meet God".
- Time's up, pipsqueak. I'm gone!
- Who: Xord
- Source: Xenoblade Chronicles
- Notes: After Shulk, Reyn, and Sharla defeat Xord, Shulk questions him about the Monado, which he refuses to answer; he then says this and jumps down an elevator shaft, killing himself.
- Melia...cry for as long as you must. But when...when your tears are dry...
- Who: Emperor Sorean
- Source: Xenoblade Chronicles
- Note: Character was mortally wounded by Metal Face while protecting Melia, his daughter and heir to the leadership of the High Entia race. He tries to console a tearful Melia before succumbing to his injuries. His fate was foreseen earlier in a vision, but he chose to accept it.
- No! No! NOT LIKE THIS!!!
- Who: Mumkhar/Metal Face
- Source: Xenoblade Chronicles
- Notes: Said after a failed attempt to kill Dunban, of whom he was jealous, results in Mumkhar and his "Metal Face" mech falling from the Bionis to their deaths.
- I've promise... Live... Sharla...
- Who: Gadolt
- Source: Xenoblade Chronicles
- Notes: Character sacrificed himself to save Shulk and company, particularly his ex-girlfriend Sharla, from Egil's wrath.
- This world belongs to you all. Create a world...with no need for gods.
- Who: Meyneth
- Source: Xenoblade Chronicles
- Notes: Character sacrificed herself to save a comatose Shulk from Zanza. Meyneth, who knew Zanza since before they became gods, disagreed with his self-centered beliefs, believing all lifeforms should be free to choose their own lives. Shulk later fulfills her last wish by recreating the world without gods.
- Shulk...for both our must succeed. Lady... Meyneth...
- Who: Egil
- Source: Xenoblade Chronicles
- Notes: Zanza, in control of the Bionis, destroys the Mechonis, and with it, Egil, who says this as he dies, having redeemed himself for his prior misdeeds.
- My body! No! I was promised immortality! AAAAAGH!
- Who: Lorithia
- Source: Xenoblade Chronicles
- Notes: As one of Zanza's disciples, Lorithia thought she was immortal; however, Shulk and his friends defeat her, after which she is destroyed by Melia with Kallian's help.
- long last I can be with father. You must now live your own life. The path you forge... The future you choose... That is the hope of the High Entia.
- Who: Kallian
- Source: Xenoblade Chronicles
- Notes: Character sacrificed himself in the process of vanquishing Lorithia. Before he dies, he gives encouragement to Melia, who felt she had failed their people after seeing most of them turned into Telethia and enslaved by Zanza.
- Damn. How'd that kid get so strong? I ain't gonna let you see me die. I won't give you the satisfaction of victory. See ya, kid. Looks like the student finally surpassed the teacher.
- Who: Dickson
- Source: Xenoblade Chronicles
- Notes: Dickson adopted Shulk after Zanza chose the latter to use as a vessel, becoming somewhat of a mentor to him until his true colors are revealed. He gives up after his defeat as he was uninterested in martyrdom, and dies after saying this line.
- All that I am is fading... The memories of a god's existence, born from the chaos of is...vanishing...
- Who: Zanza
- Source: Xenoblade Chronicles
- Notes: Said as Shulk bisects and kills him with the third Monado.
- Shulk. This new world is boundless. It is home to not only you, but to many forms of life. I can see it. In this world, all life will walk towards the future, hand in hand.
- Who: Alvis
- Source: Xenoblade Chronicles
- Notes: Said in a brief flashback during the ending scenes, where he comments on the new world Shulk created after Zanza's defeat. Alvis' true fate is never shown or fully explained, so it is unknown if he died or not.
Xenoblade Chronicles series
Xenoblade Chronicles
- How?
- Who: Fiora
- Notes: The childhood friend of Shulk and sister of Dunban. When Colony 9 comes under attack by Metal Face. she says these in shock at how Metal Face survived her attack. His claws pierce Fiora killing her. He takes her corpse and she is revived as a Mechon.
- When I become what you see now, that's when my eyes were opened... It was a good ride while it lasted. [Shulk:When you became like this? What do you mean?!] Time's up, pipsqueak! I'm gone...!
- Who: Xord
- Notes: A Faced Mechon fought in the Central Pit. After a brtual fight, mortally wounded, he says these before he falls off the Freight Elevator.
- To become the hope of the High Entia is a fate that you choose for yourself. As long as you remember this, it is certain that you will be worthy of that name. But remember this also. It is not because you are the hope of the High Entia that I love you. It is because i love you that I wish for you to become that hope. Heir to the Monado... I leave that sword in your hands. The sword that my forefathers sealed away. With it, you can succeed. [Shulk: Your majesty] Melia. Cry for as long as you must. But when your tears are dry...
- Who: Sorean Antiqua
- Notes: The Emperor of the High Entia. In his attempt to disable Metal Face, he is impaled taking the hit for Melia. He bids these imploring Melia to become the Empress of theHigh Entia and prays for Shulk's success before he dies as Melia cries for his loss.
- Who: Metal Face/Mumkhar
- Notes: A Faced Mechon with the ability to become a fighter jet. At Sword Valley, he fires one last energy blast in an attempt to kill Dunban, but it hits a pillar, making its spire impale Metal Face. As the platform he is on falls, he cries this.
- I've fulfilled... my promise.
- Who: Jade Face/Gadolt
- Notes: The Colonel of the Colony 6 Defense Force until he was turned into a Faced Mechon. When Egil blows up Aginartha, Gadolt heroically sacrifices himself saying these to Sharla before he is vaporized in the blast.
- I don't know much about any curse. For now, all I can do is this, Egil.
- Who: Shulk
- Notes: The hero of the story. While making peace with Egil, he is shot dead by Dickson who says he was killed years prior to the story. Eventually, Shulk comes back to life to save his friends from Dickson's Telethia.
- Damn. How'd that kid get so strong? I ain't gonna let you see me die. I won't give you the satisfaction of victory. See ya, kid... Looks like the student finally surpassed the teacher.
- Who: Dickson
- Notes: The teacher of Shulk who is actually a Giant. After the boss fight against him, he changes back to his Homs form wanting to go home. But with barely aany strenght left, he takes one last cigar and says these as a solemn farewell to Shulk before dying with a smile.
- Alvis?! How dare you disobey me?!
- Who: Zanza
- Notes: The true villain behind the story and the creator of Monado. After the final fight against him, Zanza yells at Alvis for his betrayal, but then Shulk decides to rid the world of Zanza, slicing him in two with Monado and destroying him forevermore.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
- How...? A mangy fleabag and a bunch of stinking kids... My triumphant Mor Ardain...with the Aegis...
- Who: Dughall
- Notes: A cowardly and selfish bureaucrat of the Empire of Mor Ardain stationed in Torigoth, he is defeated in battle along with his Blade Dolmes by Rex's party. As he dies, he curses his failure to capture the Aegis.
- Who: Vandham
- Notes: Leader of the Urayan Garfont Mercenaries and user of the Roc Blade. With Rex's party at a disadvantage against Malos and Akhos, Vandham gives a final lesson to Rex by stabbing himself with his own blades. With his life fading from his fight, Vandham implores Rex to leave with Pyra before being finished by Malos and dies.
- Forgive us, Jin. We're going on ahead.
- Who: Mikhail
- Notes: A member of Torna who utilizes the Cressidus Blade. In a massive battleship battle against Indol, Mikhail thinks of his friendship with Jin and dies in a heroic sacrifice, taking out Indol in a massive explosion.
- Akhos! Make yourself useful.
- Who: Patroka
- Notes: The female member of Torna who utilizes the Perdido Blade. As she assists Rex's party against Amalthus, she hopes Jin will get medical treatment and bids this to Akhos before she is killed by one of Amalthus's tentacles.
- Tch... That was... surprisingly painful... If I were... still a Blade... this...wouldn't...
- Who: Akhos
- Notes: Torna's information analyst. With his Blade Patroka dead, he tries to kill Amalthus in a rage and his vital parts are snapped by the monstrous Indoline. As he lays dying, Akhos says to Jin that none of the tragedies they faced would happen if he were still a Blade.
- Let's end this now. Our duty has been handed down... AMALTHUS!
- Who: Jin
- Notes: The leader of the Torna organization. After being weakened from his final fight with Rex's party, he implores them to stop Malos then says this to Amalthus before killing him. He then ceases to exist, giving a final smile.
- Mother... I've missed you...
- Who: Amalthus
- Notes: The mas Praetor of Indol, in the moments of the final battle against him, Jin freezes Amalthus to the wall fatally. Before finally ceasing to exist, he calls sadly out to his mother.
- Hah... Kids say the damnedest things... There was only one Driver for me. All... in all... It wasn' bad...
- Who: Malos
- Notes: The second-in-command of Torna who wanted to capture Pyra. After the intense battle with Aion, Malos is mortally injured. Rex believes things would be different if he were Malos' Driver. But Malos knows there was only one for him and it wasn't so bad for him. He then fades out of existence.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
- N... Noah...! I... I messed up...!
- Who: Mwamba
- Mio! H... Help me, Mio!
- Who: Hackt
- Note: A Kevesi soldier who fights alongside Noah at the start of the story, and an Agnian soldier who is friends with Mio respectively. At the battleground for the Ouroboros Stone, they say these when captured by Moebius D. The monstrous giant taunts "What's wrong? Too worried about your buddies to fight? Can't have that! All right!" then snaps their spines and kills the two soldiers. They are later revived by Consul Y for a fight against the Ouroboros party. After which the two soldiers decide not to follow Noah and Mio's party and instead move to the City, while Miyabi and Cammuravi depending on the player's actions join as Heroes.
- You see it? That's the Ouroboros Ring. Guess I did good... Entrusting this power to you... That mark there... Late tenth term, eh? Three months left, till your Homecoming - that about right? As for the rest of you; You're probably about two years off, right? Me? I've been alive sixty years... Or should I say sixty terms, by your counting. Yeah. I've been alive six times longer than you lot. This is how people are really meant to be. Listen, folks... That's not all. There's still...something else that needs to be done. You guys... You wanna survive? Live on? Hold the torch? You kids don't need to be fighting each other. Not anymore... But...that doesn't mean you get to relax. From this moment on, those Moebius bastards are never gonna leave you alone. Because now, kids... you share a common destiny. They'll hunt you constantly, relentlessly, without rest. Even so... There's one place that might give you a chance; Swordmarch. The land pierced by a great sword. You gotta find our hope... Our city... It's the only way you're gonna defeat the real enemy... And reclaim what was lost... The way the world, and life... should be. And listen. Don't give up. Ten years? You kids deserve better. The only thing that can change all this... is the will of Ouroboros... You kids, and you alone...
- Who: Guernica Vandham
- Note: The Lost Numbers commander who works to save the young Kevesi and Agnian fighters from killing each other but suffers a mortal wound from Moebius. After the battle, he gives this monologue to guide the group called Ouroboros to defeat the real enemy before he fades away.
- No... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! But WHY!? HOW COULD I HAVE FAILED?! I just...wanted to play around a little more! NO! I DON'T WANT TO DIEEE!!
- Who: Consul K
- Note: The Consul of Colony 4 who controls Ethel. After the Flame Clock for Colony 4 is destroyed, he cries these out in anguish after the boss fight with him. When he dies, Lanz unmasks his elderly appearance and K fades away with Noah sending him off despite his misdeeds.
- Listen; I need you to live, Taion. You must! Flee for the colony!
- Who: Nimue
- Notes: Taion's mentor prior to the story. After her troupe is led into a trap by Colony 13, she entrusts Taion with her pocket watch and is killed buying time for Taion to escape to safety.
- It's futile, you know. You won't change anything. You think you have a future? Well you don't! Only suffering and despair.
- Who: Consul B
- Notes: The Consul of Colony and among the first Consuls to have the kill/capture order on the Ouroboros team. After Noah and company free Zeon from the Flame Clock's influence and the boss fight his Moebius form, B barbs this to Ouroboros and his ex-Commander Zeon knowing their fate is sealed and ceases to exist. Zeon responds, "Evem so...the choice is mine."
- How splendid...!
- Who: Consul G
- Notes: The Consul of Colony Gamma. When Teach goes against him to side with Ouroboros, the Consul takes his Moebius form. After an intense fight, the party defeats him as he applauds this in his death throes.
- Watch out!
- This is who I am. Isn't it? Noah, Eunie, Lanz...
- Who: Joran/Consul J
- Notes: Noah's longtime friend prior to the story. When Agnus raided, he and his friends lifted a support colum off the trapped Lanz and Garvel. However when an oil tank was about to crash down, Joran yelled this as he heroically pushed Lanz out of the way and took the fatal force of the collapse himself. However, Z returns him to life as Consul J. Later at the Cloudkeep, he takes back control of himself and overloads his and D's Interlink form with the fog. He then bids these to his longtime friends before leaping from the keep to kill himself and D in the blast.
- What we leave you is more important! All our aspirations... You must keep them in your hearts! You must take them! Make it all mean something! You have to live; You must live on! [Readies her Ferronis' stance] Here I come, Cammuravi!
- Who: Silvercoat Ethel
- Let us cross blades, one last time!
- Who: Smoldering Cammuravi
- Notes: The commanders of Kevesi Colony 4 and Agnian Colony Delta respectively. After the boss fight against their Ferronis mechs, Ethel passes her wisdom onto Noah who has regarded her as a friend with these words. Cammuravi wishing to end his rivalry with Ethel bids this and they pierce their Ferronises killing each other and fading away. After the boss fight with Consuls O and P, Noah and Mio see them off. Ethel is revived when her cradle is stolen by the Lost Numbers, while Cammuravi is revived by Y's experiment until Noah and his team free him from Y's control.
- Wh-what's this light?! What's happening?! Wh-why can't we move?!
- Who: Consuls O & P
- Notes: The two Consuls who Interlink. When they attempt a devastating attack in the black fog, it threatens to cause an annihilation event as the two Consul's say these in a panic. Noah and Mio in their Ouroboros forms detach the cliff to make sure the Consuls are blown up at a safe distance.
- I failed to show the right conduct...
- Who: Consul L
- Notes: The Consul who wrecked Colony 5 whence it became Gold Rank. He fights alongside Consul X against Ouroboros but is ultimately vanquished as he curses this.
- What is this?! Nobody told me the Ouroboros whlps were so horribly wrong! Why did no one tell me?! THIS SIMPLY ISN'T FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIR!
- Who: Consul H
- Notes: The Consul who leads her own Colony. She fights Ouroboros after her team led by Garvel is beaten. When she is beaten, she says this cursing Ouroboros' strength and abilities while Noah destroys her Flame Clock.
- You really shouldn't... cry for me... [Fiona: Sorry! You were my friend... But I couldn't save you...] Fiona... You'll always... be my...
- Who: Irma/Consul I
- Notes: Fiona's friend who is the true Consul of Colony Mu. After she is defeated in her Moebius form, she implores Fiona not to cry and considers her a genuine friend before fading out.
- Wh-what the-? What's happened?!
- Who: Yarmil
- Notes: A Lost Numbers member who becomes a hardliner. He complains this about the defeat of their sentry by Ouroboros and Gray. He and Broo then fight Ouroboros and their Lost Number comrade but are ultimately defeated.
- But... the City needs us...!
- Who: Broo
- Notes: The leader of the Lost Number Hardliners. Angered by the double cross of Rozana, Gray's lover, she fights Ouroboros and Gray alongside her companion Yarmil but are ultimately defeated leaving her to say this.
- We're not DONE HERE! [Noah launches and energy wave out Lucky Seven and cuts Moebius Q] What is this... low-down swindle...?
- Who: Consul Q
- Notes: The Consul of Colony 30. After surviving the explosion of his Incomplete Siege-Levnis, he fights Ouroboros and Alexandria in his Moebius form. When he tries to take Noah and Alexandria by surprise, Lanz blasts him with his swords' Variable Turret. Q tries to retaliate but Noah finishes him with an Infinity Blast wave. After the fatal blow, Q curses this as he fades away.
- It's been fun...Noah.
- Who: Mio/Consul M
- Notes: Mio's past self who had become a Consul to never forgive Consul N's (Past Noah) actions. She saves Mio's consciousness and sacrifices herself in the Homecoming Ceremony biding these to a crestfallen Noah. She had given the present Day Mio (the game's deuteragonist) a fighting chance to live.
- I hope that...the future will to you...
- Who: Past Mio
- Notes: One of Mio's past selves. She passes away in her deathbed saying these to Noah and their child. This continues until the cycle is broken.
- We're with and forever...
- Who: Past Noah
- Notes: One of Noah's past selves. He bids these to his son before passing away in the forest.
- Don't misunderstand! This is... THIS IS THE BEGINNING!
- Who: Shania
- Notes: A rejected Ouroboros candidate who had sides with the Consuls out of jealously. After Noah and his company are saved from their would be execution and the City is spared from the Annihilator, a melting down Shania angrily yells this as she shoots herself.
- Ahh... Junebug... So you really can...make a face like that too...
- Who: Consul U
- Notes: The Consul of Colony Tau who wants to make her colony suffer regardless if the Flame Clock is wrecked. After she and her monsters are defeated, she threatens to kill off Ouroboros' friends until she is hit by Junpier's arrow. The Consul taunts to Juniper about the defiant face made before she fades out. Juniper replies "And now I must wonder; Did I do the right thing in the end?"
- Guh! Im...poss... N-n-No. 7...!
- Who: Consul F
- Notes: The Consul of Colony 0 who uses modified Kevesi humans to fight for Moebius. When his Ferrons are defeated, Segiri defies his orders and mortally wounds him. He says these before Sena in her Ouroboros form finishes him off finally killing the conniving Consul and he fades out of existence.
- Mio; Take this... I'm giving you my whole self. So please; Live life in my stead... [Mio: Miyabi...] Thank you.
- Who: Glorysong Miyabi
- Notes: Mio's Off-Seeing partner from Colony Theta before musing to Colony Omega. Before the events of the story, there is a fog leak at the colony. Getting Mio to safety, she bids this lending her her flute. She then ejects the pod to safety and is killed in blast as Mio cries to her. Miyabi is resurrected by Consul Y to fight Ouroboros along with Mwamba, Hackt and Cammuravi and she is freed joining the party, and depending on the player's actions Cammuravi.
- Who: Consul V
- Notes: The consul of his own colony of Levnises. He leads the assault on Nimue's Lost Colony until Riku makes a Ferronis keep the invaders busy. When he is defeated in his Moebius form, he cries these to Z as he fades away.
- Who: Consul D/Blackblaze Dirk
- Notes: The dreanged Agnian Consul who blew the whistle for Moebius and their colonies' hunt for Ouroboros. At the Cloudkeep after seemingly killing the real Queen Nia, he and J interlink and the Agnian wants to finish Ouroboros. However, Joran sacrifices himself to save his friends while D curses these before they are killed in the explosion.
Yakuza series
Yakuza (2005)
- What's the matter? Can't do anything now, can you? You're dead.
- Who: Kyohei Jingu
- Notes: Said after mortally wounding Yumi and injuring Kazuma Kiryu. But Akira Nishiki stabs him and kills himself and Jingu in the explosion.
- I can't let... this bastard... get... what he... wants... (aims Jingu's gun at the explosives) I'm going to finish... what I started...
- Who: Akira Nishiki
- Notes: Said when aiming to shoot the explosives case to blast the ten billion yen to take responsibility for his actions. Kazuma protests, but Nishiki smiles and fires anyway getting killed in the explosion and scattering the 10 billion yen across town.
See also
- Fictional last words
- Fictional last words in animated television series
- Fictional last words in comic books, graphic novels, and manga
- Fictional last words in films
- Fictional last words in animated films
- Fictional last words in literature
- Fictional last words in live-action television series
- Fictional last words in video games
- Fictional last words in webcomics
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