Fictional last words in literature
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The following is a list of last words attributed to various fictional characters in literature. Characters are listed according to source (i.e. the originating book), then the name of character the quote is attributed to (in case of more than one quote per source). Where quotes come from a series of texts, they are organised in the order of the texts they appeared in (for example, quotes from the first book in the Harry Potter series appear before quotes from the second book, and so on). Where possible, for the purposes of clarification, further explanatory notes have been presented. Additionally, if a character's final words consist of a dialogue with the other characters, the other character's speech may be included for contextual purposes; for example, if one character asks a question that the one who is about to die answers.
Some characters may have more than one "death," in instances such as being resurrected, or existing temporarily as an undead being. In some of those instances, their last words from each "death" may be added if they are significant. Additionally, significant last words from deaths that are merely assumed to have happened or are non-canon are included. Additionally, in instances where there are multiple outcomes, or in media with alternate timelines, the character's last words will be featured.
Note: for last words appearing in the works of William Shakespeare, see Last words in Shakespeare.
- Kit.
- Who: Dewey Denoument
- Source: A Series of Unfortunate Events
- Notes: Dewey said this before drowning in the lake in front of the hotel dead, impaled by an harpoon gun wielded bu Count Oalf.
- They do seem hungry.
- Who: Mendelson Shape
- Source: Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War by Clive Barker
- Notes: Stated while observing a group of monstrous insects known as the Sacbrood, moments before one ate him alive.
- Never fear, angel. I've got you now, and for always... angel?
- Who: Christopher Carrion
- Source: Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War by Clive Barker
- Notes: Spoken seconds before Boa, the character he was affectionately addressing as angel, deliberately broke a window, letting in the flood outside and killing him.
- It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.
- Who: Sydney Carton
- Source: A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens
- Notes: Although these are commonly thought to be the characters last thoughts, the actual source is the narrator guessing what the last thoughts of the condemned man might be.
- Man hands on misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, and don't have any kids yourself.
- Who: Count Olaf
- Source: A Series of Unfortunate Events (series), by Lemony Snicket
- Notes: Killed by a wound inflicted earlier by a harpoon gun, after performing one of the few decent acts of his life: and saving the dying Kit Snicket's baby. His last words are in fact a quote from the 1971 Philip Larkin poem "This Be the Verse."
- You bastard! You sanctimonious bas-
- Who: Captain Rocher
- Source: Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
- G-give this...g-give the m-media.
- Who: Maximilian Kohler
- Source: Angels & Demons.
- Ma'assalamah. Goodbye.
- Who: The Hassassin
- Source: Angels & Demons.
- <Hope...>
- Who: Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul
- Source: Animorphs, by K. A. Applegate
- Note: Elfangor's death occurs in the first book, "The Invasion". This is from an alternate depiction in "The Andalite Chronicles.
- Yeah. Okay then. Okay then.
- Who: Rachel
- Source: Animorphs, by K. A. Applegate
- Note: after the Ellimist tells her that her life was meaningful.
- "Be well."
- Who: Commander Julius Root
- Source: Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception
- Note: He was then vaporized by a proximity trigger.
-, Cash!
- Who: Addie Bundren
- Source: As I Lay Dying
- Note: Cash was her son, building a coffin for her.
- I just didn't want to be a loser anymore...
- Who: Girl#11 Mitsuko Souma
- Source: Battle Royale
- Note: After being shot by Boy #6 Kiriyama, having killed 6 of her classmates.
- Idiot... we might have all survived... we're all so stupid... Stupid!
- Who: Girl#2 Yukie Utsumi
- Source: Battle Royale
- Note: Shouts it to another dead girl after she and her friends shoot each other following a paranoid girl's breakdown.
- [Jagang: "Well, Christabel, I need to teach these six their first lesson. In order to do that, you must die."] Yes, Excell-
- Who: Sister Christabel
- Source: Blood of the Fold
- Notes: Character, a Sister of the Dark captured and enslaved by Emperor Jagang, was halfway through a respectful-sounding but likely inauthentic response before she realized what she'd agreed to; Jagang executed her immediately.
- I will use what be mine! I be the Creator, now. I have the power, and I say you must die!
- Who: Tobias Brogan
- Source: Blood of the Fold
- Notes: Character, Lord General of the Blood of the Fold - an anti-magic organization - had just discovered he had the Gift of Magic, suppressed by his sister's shroud of "pretties", which had just been thrown in a fire. Character had slowly been growing more delusional over time, first imagining himself chosen by the Creator (a God figure), then that the Creator had gone mad, and finally that he himself was becoming the Creator. Killed by his sister Lunetta for being a "baneling" (devil-worshipper) and magic user.
- Then you be the true baneling, and I must stop you, as you have taught me.
- Who: Lunetta Brogan
- Source: Blood of the Fold
- Notes: Character was a sorceress used by the Blood of the Fold, an anti-magic organization, to track and control enemy magic users, and the sister of the Lord General. Stated when her brother discovered he, despite leading the Blood for years, also had the Gift of Magic, and began to let it rage uncontrolled with the delusion that he had become God. Killed after slaying her brother by a lieutenant, who slit her throat without any resistance.
- I'm cold.
- Who: Snowden the gunner.
- Source: Catch 22, by Joseph Heller.
- Note: Said after being injured by antiaircraft fire. Yossarian's response is "There, there."
- Two.
- Who: Wiress
- Source: Catching Fire
- Notes: Wiress says this in response to her seeing that poisonous fog, marking two o'clock, had begun to seep out of the jungle onto the beach. She dies soon afterwards after Gloss slits her throat.
- Don't bring me any tea. Thank you. Good night, darling.
- Who: Martha Dobie
- Source: "The Children's Hour" by Lillian Hellman
- Note: Said to Karen Wright as she exits. The two women, who run a girls' school, have been accused of being lesbians by a vindictive student. Martha comes to realize she has had romantic feelings for Karen all along and, seeing how the scandal has ruined both their lives, shoots herself off-stage.
- Your life is yours alone. Rise up and live it.
- Who: Richard Rahl
- Source: Confessor, by Terry Goodkind
- Note: Said to the D'Haran people, instructing them to no longer perform the ritual "devotion" to him.
- When you are asked, you just say he was going, he said, to America.
- Who: Svidrigaïlov
- Source: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, translation by Constance Garnett
- I don't care whether I have Roman fever or not!
- Who: Daisy Miller
- Source: Daisy Miller
- Note: Character dies from a disease after going to the ruins of a colosseum at night. She was warned beforehand but ignored these warnings.
- Now, when you kick off, boy, I want a seventy yard boot, and get right down the field under the ball, and when you hit, hit low and hard, because it's important, boy. There's all kinds of important people in the stands, and the first thing you know...Ben! Ben, where do I...Ben, how do! Shh! SHHHHH!
- Who: Willy Loman
- Source: Death of a Salesman
- Notes: Willy commits suicide by running off stage, into his car, and crashing it.
- It couldn't have gone through you! There are so many ribs and things!
- (after death) You got it right!
- Who: Mr. Teatime
- Source: Discworld: Hogfather (Book by Terry Pratchett)
- Notes: Mr. Teatime's last words is a reference to the fact that a steel poker just passed through Death and into him without hesitation. His after-death words are a reference to the fact that every single person he meets pronounces his name wrong (it's pronounced Teh-ah-tim-eh), but Death doesn't.
- Now God be thanked that all has not been in vain! See! The snow is not more stainless than her forehead! The curse has passed away!
- Who: Quincey P. Morris
- Source: Dracula (original book by Bram Stoker)
- Notes: Character's last words after being fatally wounded in battle with gypsies transporting Count Dracula in Transylvania. He holds onto life just long enough to help destroy Dracula and see his curse lifted from Mina Harker.
- And now for the greatest journey of all
- Who: Brom
- Source: Inheritance, Eragon
- Notes: Knowing he is going to die, he gives Eragon his blessing and then departs
Agatha Christie works
- I'm all for crime.
- Who: Anthony Marston
- Source: And Then There Were None
- Notes: The group gathered on Indian Island was discussing the nature of the crimes against them. Marston, young and uncaring, raised his glass to crime and finished his drink. He then died of an overdose of potassium chloride.
- Leslie?...
- Who: General John Macarthur
- Source: And Then There Were None
- Notes: Leslie was Macarthur's wife, who had an affair with one of Macarthur's soldiers during World War One. After discovering the affair, Macarthur sent the young man on a suicide mission, knowing full well he would not return. The elderly general was haunted for years before being killed by way of a blow to the base of his head.
- No more Indian tricks tonight. I've seen to that...
- Who: Thomas Rogers
- Source: And Then There Were None
- Notes: Rogers served as the butler of the house on Indian Island. He became suspicious of the fact that one of the ceramic "ten little Indians" on the kitchen table would disappear every time a guest on the island died. He proceeded to lock the dining room door before going to bed one night; the next morning, his head was split open with an axe while he chopped firewood.
- It's like a bee-a bumblebee.
- Who: Emily Brent
- Source: And Then There Were None
- Notes: Brent, a strictly religious woman, was overcome by a spell of giddiness in the kitchen on the second morning at the island. She heard a buzzing sound in her ears, and noticed a bumblebee crawling on the windowsill. The bee was placed in accordance with the "Ten Little Indians" rhyme, and as dictated by the poem, Brent died when the culprit pricked her neck with a hypodermic syringe-a "modern bee sting."
- Now look here, my dear, you've got to-
- Who: Philip Lombard
- Source: And Then There Were None
- Notes: Lombard and Vera Claythorne were alone on the beach of Indian Island. Vera managed to slip Lombard's revolver out of his pocket, and had it aimed at him. Lombard said the words as he tried to calm Vera, only to suddenly jump her. Vera instinctively pulled the trigger, and shot Lombard through the heart.
- You can go to the rock, Cyril...
- Who: Vera Claythorne
- Source: And Then There Were None
- Notes: Claythorne managed to survive as the "last little Indian" on the island. In a delusional state, she walked up to her room and discovered a noose hanging from the ceiling, in respect to the last line of the poem: "He went and hanged himself and then there were none." Her last words were a recollection of her own crime, in which she told her nursery charge to swim to a far-off rock, knowing he would drown.
- And they will find ten dead bodies and an unsolved problem on Indian Island. Signed, Lawrence Wargrave.
- Who: Justice Lawrence Wargrave
- Source: And Then There Were None
- Notes: Wargrave was the true mastermind behind the murders on Indian Island. He wrote his confession-the last line of which is the above quote-and placed it in a bottle, throwing it to the sea. He then committed suicide, finishing his "perfect crime."
- Cher ami... (Dear friend...)
- Forgive me... forgive...
- Who: Hercule Poirot
- Source: Curtain: Poirot's Last Case
- Notes: In both the novel and the Poirot TV adaptation, after main character has solved the crime by killing the manipulative mastermind, Stephen Norton, he makes a final atonement for the deed by keeping his amyl nitrite heart medicine out of reach so that he can have a calm, dignified end. As he lies in bed dying of angina, he speaks to his friend, Arthur Hastings, for one last time before telling him to go downstairs for breakfast and to let him rest. As Hastings leaves, character whispers this first line as his final words. The TV adaptation adds that during his last minutes alone, he makes a final prayer to God in this second line, asking him for forgiveness and reaching out for the rosary. In the next few scenes, as in the novel, Hastings returns to the room to find character lying in his bed, slumped and lifeless, with his eyes closed as in eternal sleep.
- Help me!
- Who: Ymper Tryon
- Source: The Light Fantastic
- Note: After Trymon tries to absorb seven of the Eight Great Spells, he tries to take the one in Rincewind's head. Rincewind, humiliated, gets into a fist-fight with Trymon and as he's beating him, Trymon calls this out to him before he turns into a Thing from the Dungeon Dimensions.
Dune series
- You... think... you... defeated... me... you... think... I... did... not... know... what... I... bought... for... my... Wanna
- Who: Wellington Yueh
- Source: Dune
- Notes: Character has been stabbed after delivering Duke Leto to Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. Character is referring to the poison capsule in Leto's tooth, which almost kills the Baron.
- And I am a desert creature. You see me, Father? I am a desert creature.
- Who: Liet-Kynes
- Source: Dune
- Notes: Character notices that he is standing above a bubble of carbon dioxide that will eventually become a "blow" and engulf him. He thinks that is something that only desert creatures can sense, and while these are his last thoughts, they are a way of "speaking" to his dead father. He dies when he is swallowed by the blow.
- I’ve got her now, Majesty! Shall I dispatch her now-eeeeeeeeeeh! [Alia: I’m sorry, Grandfather. You’ve met the Atreides gom jabbar] You- you
- Who: Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
- Source: Dune
- Notes: Character is speaking to the Emperor about Paul’s younger sister, Alia. However, she stabs him with a poisonous gom jabbar, killing him almost instantly.
- See, Majesty? See your traitor’s needle? Do you think that I who've given my life to the service of the Atreides would give them less now?
- Who: Thufir Hawat
- Source: Dune
- Notes: Character has been commanded to kill Paul, but says the first sentence to the Emperor before committing suicide by stabbing himself with an extremely poisonous gom jabbar, which he had apparently been ordered to use on Paul.
- You see it here on my hip? Your death, fool. It’ll stop your muscles and my knife will finish you. There’ll never be a trace left to detect!
- Who: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
- Source: Dune
- Notes: Character is dueling against Paul, and plans to use a poison to paralyze him and fnish him off. Paul, however, kills him after he says this.
- You have no body shield. Do you wish mine?
- Two deaths for the Atreides. The second for no better reason than the first.
- Siona.
- Who: Duncan Idaho
- Source: Various books in the Dune Series
- Notes: Character is killed by the Harkonnen in Dune after saying the first line; he volunteers to stand guard after Jessica says that she trusts his protection, and is killed when the Harkonnen close in. However, he is resurrected as a ghola, a clone with all the past self’s memories. That ghola is killed in Children of Dune after provoking Stilgar, and says the second line after he is fatally stabbed, but is later resurrected. A ghola says the third line in God Emperor of Dune when he is dying of injuries after being crushed by Leto II during an assassination attempt. The line is a reference to Siona Atreides; Leto briefly ponders, but soon dismisses, the notion that the two are working together. The next ghola becomes an important character in God Emperor of Dune, and dies after the book ends. The current ghola is alive as of the end of Chapterhouse: Dune.
- One blasphemy remains! Blasphemy! And the name of that blasphemy is Alia!
- Who: Paul "Muad’Dib" Atreides
- Source: Children of Dune
- Notes: Character is speaking in his assumed identity as the Preacher after having abdicated power and entered the desert. Alia’s men kill him after he says this.
- Mother, what’re they doing? What do you want me to do? Help me!
- Who: Alia Atreides
- Source: Children of Dune
- Notes: Character is losing control of herself to the memory of her grandfather, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, who is turning her against her mother and other relatives in order to avenge himself. Leto II tells her to "save herself," and she commits suicide.
- Lord? You live?
- Who: Nayla
- Source: God Emperor of Dune
- Notes: Character was a devoted servant of Leto II and had helped carry out a plot to assassinate him under the order that she do whatever Siona told her to do. After she says this, Duncan Idaho kills her.
- Stop that foolishness!
- Who: Leto II
- Source: God Emperor of Dune
- Notes: Character, a human with a sandworm body, is dying after falling into the Idaho River as a result of a group of assassins destroying the bridge he is on, and gives instructions to Duncan Idaho and Siona before saying this as he hears voices. However, his "dream" remains in Heretics of Dune.
- Life and movement are 'out there' with the people of the Scattering who resist the whores. Whatever we do, we must make that resistance stronger.
- I have won!
- Who: Taraza
- Source: Heretics of Dune
- Notes: First line is spoken to Sheeana some time before her death. Second line is character's final thoughts, just before she passes on her Other Memories to her subordinate Odrade before dying of wounds from the Honored Matre attacks. "Whores" is a derogatory Bene Gesserit term for Honored Matres.
- Do what you must, daughter. That worm in the hold may soon be the only one in the universe.
- Who: Miles Teg
- Source: Heretics of Dune
- Notes: Character stays behind on Dune while his daughter Odrade(whom he is addressing) escapes with the last sandworm. He is presumably killed when the Honored Matres destroy Dune, but is later cloned.
- Great Honored Matre-
- Who: Lucilla
- Source: Chapterhouse:Dune
- Notes: Character, a prisoner of the Great Honored Matre, had offended her captor by, in her estimation, being "too clever" and for calling her by her first name, Dama. What she was about to say is unclear, but the enraged Great Honored Matre kills her with a kick to the head after reminding her that she had dared call her Dama.
- Do not interrupt my thoughts.
- Who: Great Honored Matre Dama
- Source: Chapterhouse:Dune
- Notes: Character begins to meditate, but dies from being poisoned by Logno.
- So this is the bag of insolence you say you trained in your ways.
- Who: Great Honored Matre Logno
- Source: Chapterhouse:Dune
- Notes: Referring to Murbella, a former Honored Matre trained by the Bene Gesserit. Shortly after saying this, Logno attacks Murbella, but is killed.
Thomas Clancy works
Debt of Honor
- Six-Five-Niner.
- Who: Captain Sato
- Source: Debt of Honor
- Note: Last statement to air-traffic control before character, a Japan Air Lines pilot, flies his Boeing 747 into the U.S. Capitol during a joint session of Congress, killing almost everyone present.
- Many of you know him, many of you have worked with him. I have spoken today with the members of the Senate. And with your approval, I wish now to submit the name of John Patrick Ryan to fill the post of Vice President of the United States. I further request the members of the Senate to approve this nomination tonight by voice vote.
- Who: Roger Durling
- Source: Debt of Honor
- Note: Character, the president of the United States, says this shortly before Captain Sato's kamikaze attack on the Capitol.
- The Doorkeeper of the House will escort the Vice President into the chamber so that he can be properly sworn.
- Who: The Speaker of the House
- Source: Debt of Honor
- Note: Says this shortly before Captain Sato's kamikaze attack on the Capitol.
- Is that how it is with friends?
- Who: Enkidu
- Source: Epic of Gilgamesh.
- Give it here, Montag.
- Who: Captain Beatty
- Source: Fahrenheit 451
- Note: Last words before Montag burns him to death with the flamethrower.
- A man might as well be dead.
- Who: Bloom
- Source: From Here to Eternity by James Jones
- You've killed me. Why'd you want to kill me.
- Who: Fatso Judson
- Source: From Here to Eternity.
- Well, good-by.
- Who: Jay Gatsby
- Source: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Note: Last words to Nick during their last meeting. Later on Gatsby is shot by George Wilson, who thought Gatsby had killed his wife.
- Life is so beautiful.
- Who: Don Vito Corleone
- Source: The Godfather by Mario Puzo
- Why you're one of my babies. You're one of my own children!
- Who: The Grandmother
- Source: "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor
- Everything will go to ruin without me, and father and my old mother will be begging their bread, I shouldn't wonder. But my legs won't bear me, brother, and it's hot here. Let's go to sleep.
- Who: Gusev
- Source: "Gusev" by Anton Chekhov, translation by Constance Garnett
- The horror! The horror!
- Who: Mr. Kurtz
- Source: Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad
- Also: Colonel Kurtz (Marlon Brando) in Apocalypse Now, which was based on Heart of Darkness.
- Oh dear, I hadn't thought of that.
- Who: God
- Source: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Note: God is debating with Man on the necessity of Faith in his own existence, and Man uses the Babel Fish as an excuse to prove he does, therefore negating the need for Faith and thus negating God's existence. He then "promptly vanishes in a puff of logic".
- Oh, that was easy.
- Who: Man
- Source: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Note: After proving God does not exist (ironically by proving he does exist, thereby negating faith, and thusly negating God), Man "for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing".
- Randy, you stop right there! Stop!
- Who: Leslie Taylor
- Source: House by Ted Dekker
- Notes: This is spoken as her longtime friend and associate, Randy Messarue, stabs her to death.
- Goodnight, Jane.
- Who: Helen Burns
- Source: Jane Eyre
- Note: The title character's first and best friend at school, she dies at a young age after a long battle with consumption. Jane sneaks into the superintendent's office to be with her and sleep beside her in her final hours.
Harry Potter
Thomas Harris works
Red Dragon
- Wendy? Hlease Wendy. Grahan set ne uh. The cunt knew it. Grahan set ne uh. Cunt tut his hand on ne in the ticture like a hucking tet. Wendy?
- Translation: "Wendy? Please Wendy. Graham set me up. The cunt knew it. Graham set me up. Cunt put his hand on me in the picture like a fucking pet. Wendy?"
- Who: Freddy Lounds
- Source: Red Dragon
- Note: Lounds, a tabloid reporter, was previously kidnapped by a serial killer known as the "Tooth Fairy". During his ordeal, his lips were bitten off by the killer, after which he was set on fire and rolled down the street on a wheelchair in front of his newspaper's offices. Lounds made this statement shortly before dying of his burns at the hospital. Wendy is Lounds' girlfriend. "Graham" is Will Graham, an FBI profiler who had used Lounds to set a trap for the Tooth Fairy.
The Silence of the Lambs
- beautiful?
- Who: Jame Gumb
- Source: The Silence of the Lambs
- Note: Gumb, a serial killer known as "Buffalo Bill", asks this after being shot by Clarice Starling.
Stephen King works
- You little bastard! I'll kill you for that!
- His family, I suppose.
- Who: Frank Dunning
- Source: 11/22/63
- Note: Character says the first line before he is stabbed to death while attacking his family with a sledgehammer. Character says second the line while addressing Jake Epping, a time traveller who then shoots him to prevent the murder of Dunning's family.
- How we danced!
- Who: Sadie Dunhill
- Source: 11/22/63
- Note: Character says this before dying in the arms of her lover, Jake Epping, after being shot during Lee Harvey Oswald's failed assassination attempt against President John F. Kennedy.
- For you. Tonight, you go first-class.
- Who: Tommy Ross
- Source: Carrie
- Note: Character's last words before he is killed during Carrie's rampage at the prom.
- —as it is in heaven.
- Who: Margaret White
- Source: Carrie
- Note: Says this as her telekenetic daughter, Carrie, causes her heart to stop.
- Full stop.
- Who: Carrie White
- Source: Carrie
- Note: Character's last spoken words before dying in a later scene, as she stops the heart of her mother, Margaret.
- Would you take me with you?
- Who: Christine "Chris" Hargensen
- Source: Carrie
- Note: Contemplates leaving Chamberlain shortly before she is killed in a car crash caused by Carrie White.
- This place sucks, anyway.
- Who: Billy Nolan
- Source: Carrie
- Note: Contemplates leaving Chamberlain shortly before he is killed in a car crash caused by Carrie White.
- Henry.
- Who: Alice Maxwell
- Source: Cell
- Note: Character had had her head crushed in by a large stone. She had been saying random things throughout the night, before saying this name and dying.
- Get outta here! Get outta here, you crazy WHORE!
- Who: Buddy Repperton
- Source: Christine
- Note: Repperton says this to the titular car before being killed by Roland LeBay's ghost.
- The gate, man! Oh Jesus Buddy it's the gaaaaayyyy—
- Who: Bobby Stanton
- Source: Christine
- Note: Says this just before Buddy Repperton car crashes into the gatehouse of a park during a chase with Christine. Stanton is killed instantly in the crash.
- Police.
- Who: Will Darnell
- Source: Christine
- Note: Says while making a 911 call as Christine charges through his living room; he is ultimately run over.
- Come for me, you sonofawhore. Come on, come on, I don't give a shit. You hear me? I don't give a shit!
- Who: Gary Pervier
- Source: Cujo
- Note: Says this shortly before being mauled to death by the titular dog.
- Nothing I can't handle.
- Who: Sheriff George Bannerman
- Source: Cujo
- Note: Says this shortly before being mauled to death by Cujo.
The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger
- Go, then - there are other worlds than these.
- Everything's sprung. This is dying. I know, because I've done it before. If ka will say so, let it be so. See to the man we came to save! [Roland: "Don't move. Oy, don't let him move."] I won't move.
- Who: Jake Chambers
- Source: The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger; The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
- Note: Character is referring to the multiple universes in the Dark Tower story; he is revived from one of these alternate worlds after a period of confusing and painful paradox for both himself and Roland. He dies again in the final book of the series; his comments are regarding Steven King, who he has just sacrificed himself to save.
- (to be filled in)
- Who: Walter O'Dim, alias Randall Flagg, Marten Broadcloak, The Man in Black
- Source: The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger; The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
- Note: Character vanishes following presenting a vision of the universe to Roland, leaving a pile of bones in his wake, and is presumed dead; a phantom of his voice speaks to Roland in Book II (Drawing of the Three) though this is more likely Roland's conscience speaking with Flagg's voice. Confirmed to be alive in Book IV (Wizard and Glass), and killed and eaten in Book VII (The Dark Tower) by Mordred Deschain.
The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
- Who: Blaine the Mono
- Source: The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
- Note: Character was a program controlling a runaway train and had challenged Roland and his friends to a contest of riddles; after answering every attempt from the others its logic-based mind was destroyed by Eddie Dean's barrage of illogical jokes.
- Roland, I love thee!!
- Who: Susan Delgado
- Source: The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
- Note: Character was being burned on a funeral pyre, and cried out with her last before settling back and allowing herself to die. Roland, at the time, was battling enemies elsewhere and watched the burning through the Wizard's Glass, rendering him unable to save her.
- My life for you! MY LIFE FOR YOU!!
- Who: Andrew Quick, Alias The Tick-Tock Man
- Source: The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
- Note: Character had been nearly mortally injured in Book III by Jake, but rescued by Randall Flagg, to whom this devotion was referencing. He charges Roland and his ka-tet at Flagg's command, but is easily gunned down.
- For Gilead... and the Eld.
- Who: Cuthbert Allgood
- Source: The Dark Tower
- Note: Character died in battle, quote was his echoing Roland's rallying cry to their remaining troops. Actual last words, by Roland's claim, was that Cuthbert "died laughing".
The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla
- Who: Andy the Messenger Robot
- Source: The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla
- Note: Character had been ordered to permanently shut down by Eddie Dean, and could not refuse due to Dean having the correct override password (1999). A blaring countdown was repeated following this, but the text suggests that message was pre-recorded, making this statement the last by Andy himself. The last line might be a reference to the oft-repeated South Park quote following the death of Kenny.
The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
- May you find your Tower, Roland, and breach it... and may you climb to the top!
- Who: Father Donald Callahan
- Source: The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
- Note: Character, quickly becoming overwhelmed by vampires and "low men" in an attempt to buy time for Jake to flee deeper into the hidden enemy headquarters in the Dixie Pig, was calling out one last message across time to his separated allies; his final message, above, is to Roland Deschain. He then commits suicide rather than be killed and possibly turned by the vampires overwhelming him.
- Is he not beautiful? Is my son not beautiful, as fair as the summer sun?
- Who: Mia
- Source: The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
- Note: Mia has just seen Mordred's first transformation into his spider form and completely collapsed into insanity. She says this moments before Mordred devours her.
- I had my orders.
- Who: Finli O'Tego
- Source: The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
- Note: Character was mortally injured during the Battle of Algul Siento, was executed after this statement by Eddie Dean, shortly before Dean himself was mortally injured by Pimli Prentiss.
- Thank you... for my... second chance. Thank you... Father.
- Who: Eddie Dean
- Source: The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
- Note: Character was shot in the head and had been slowly dying for hours; spoken to Roland just before dying.
- Wait! Lemme tell ya the one about the priest and the rabbi!
- Who: Dandelo
- Source: The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
- Note: Character, a vampire that fed on emotions rather than blood, had crippled Roland Deschain and Susannah Dean by posing as a comedian and sending them into hysterics with jokes. Susannah had injured herself and exited to another room; while gone Dandelo had nearly killed Roland. Susannah returned just before he could finish Roland off, and Dandelo attempted the above to stall her; Susannah simply replied, "Heard it" and shot him dead.
- Olan.
- Who: Oy the Billy Bumbler
- Source: The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
- Note: Character was thrown out of a fight by Mordred Deschain and impaled on a broken tree branch. "Olan" was the closest the racoonlike creature could come to pronouncing Roland Deschain's name.
The Dead Zone
- Who: Frank Dodd
- Source: The Dead Zone
- Note: Dodd, a sheriff's deputy and serial killer, has committed suicide by cutting his own throat. A sign reading this is found around his neck.
- We knew each other.
- Who: Johnny Smith
- Source: The Dead Zone
- Note: Character addresses an evil politician, Greg Stillson, whom he has failed to assassinate after being mortally wounded by bodyguards; Smith, a psychic, dies content after realizing he has ended Stillson's career.
Different Seasons
- Morris Heisel, salud.
- Who: Kurt Dussander
- Source: "Apt Pupil" from Different Seasons
- Note: Character, a Nazi fugitive, commits suicide with drugs stolen from a hospital dispensary; he is referencing a Holocaust survivor who has identified him to the authorities.
- Norma.
- Who: Ed French
- Source: "Apt Pupil" from Different Seasons
- Note: Character says this as he is shot to death by a teenager, Todd Bowden.
- I'm king of the world!
- Who: Todd Bowden
- Source: "Apt Pupil" from Different Seasons
- Note: Character says this before he begins a shooting rampage from a sniper's nest next to an expressway; he is killed by police five hours later.
- boyyyyyy—
- Who: Sandra Stansfield
- Source: "The Breathing Method" from Different Seasons
- Note: Character, despite being decapitated in a car accident, manages to give birth to a healthy baby boy; her disembodied head addresses the doctor presiding over the birth before dying.
Doctor Sleep
- I would if there were ti--
- Who: Eleanor Oullette
- Source: Doctor Sleep
- Note: Character, a hospice resident, says this before dying of natural causes.
- Oh Christ, here I go.
- Who: Barry the Chink
- Source: Doctor Sleep
- Note: Character says this before he succumbs to measles and "cycles out."
- Fucking men. Fucking rubes.
- Who: Snakebite Andi
- Source: Doctor Sleep
- Note: Character says this after being mortally wounded by John Dalton.
- No, you bitch! No!
- Who: Crow Daddy
- Source: Doctor Sleep
- Note: Character says this before being shot by Abra Stone, who has been willingly possessed by Dan.
- What in God's name--
- Who: Petty the Chink
- Source: Doctor Sleep
- Note: Character says this before absorbing fatal red steam.
- What in the hell is that?
- Who: Long Paul
- Source: Doctor Sleep
- Note: Character says this before absorbing fatal red steam.
- Fuck you! Fuck you both!
- Who: Rose the Hat
- Source: Doctor Sleep
- Note: Character addresses Dan Torrance and Abra Stone before being killed by Billy Freeman.
Dolores Claiborne
- Dul-OOH-russ, Dul-OOOH-russ, Dul-OOOH-russ, Dul-OOOOOHHH-russs!
- Who: Joe St. George
- Source: Dolores Claiborne
- Note: Says this as he is clinging to the side of a well, tricked into falling in by his wife, Dolores Claiborne. Dolores strikes him with a rock and causes him to fall to his death.
- Jonesy, get outta here! Get out! Shut the door! B—
- Who: Joe "Beaver" Clarendon
- Source: Dreamcatcher
- Note: Beaver is being attacked by an alien creature dubbed in the book as a "shit weasel". He says this line just before the creature finally kills him.
- That's an eagle. Count yourself lucky, laddie. God sent you a warbird to sing you to—
- Who: Colonel Abraham Kurtz
- Source: Dreamcatcher
- Note: Kurtz is referencing a bird cry before he is shot in the head in mid-sentence by one of his own soldiers, Freddy Johnson.
Everything's Eventual
- Ramon! Don't let him fall on the floor, you idiot! Don't let him swallow his t—
- Who: Escobar
- Source: "In the Deathroom" from Everything's Eventual.
- Note: Says this moments before being shot by the protagonist, Fletcher.
- You mustn't hurt me in any way, Mr. Fletcher, I am the only one who can guarantee your safe conduct from here, and I swear I will on my solemn oath, but you must not hurt me.
- Who: Woman
- Source: "In the Deathroom" from Everything's Eventual.
- Note: Says this prior to being shot by Fletcher.
- No! No, you can't make me!
- Who: Heinz
- Source: "In the Deathroom" from Everything's Eventual.
- Note: Character, a torturer, is forced to electrocute himself with his own electroshock device by Fletcher.
- No. No, please, go away.
- Who: Richard Kinnell
- Source: "The Road Virus Heads North" from Everything's Eventual.
- Note: Says this upon realizing that the subject of a supernatural painting has arrived at his house to kill him.
- You don't need to expect to see me in here again if this is the way—
- Who: Bill Humboldt
- Source: "Lunch at the Gotham Cafe" from Everything's Eventual.
- Note: Says this before being hacked to death by a psychotic waiter in the titular restaurant.
- There. So I can see your eyes. I love you, Charlie.
- Who: John Rainbird
- Source: Firestarter
- Note: Says this shortly before being burnt to death by Charlie McGee.
- —love you, Ch—
- Who: Andy McGee
- Source: Firestarter
- Note: Says this to his daughter, Charlie, before succumbing to a gunshot wound.
Four Past Midnight
- Hey, kid! Ace! Look!
- Who: Don Gaffney
- Source: "The Langoliers" from Four Past Midnight
- Note: Character says this before being stabbed in the neck with a letter opener by Craig Toomy.
- No! No, Daddy! No! I'll be good! Please make them go away! I'll be good, I SWEAR I'LL BE GOOD FROM NOW ON IF YOU JUST MAKE THEM GO AW—
- Who: Craig Toomy
- Source: "The Langoliers" from Four Past Midnight.
- Note: Character says this to an imaginary version of his father, before being devoured by the titular creatures.
- I saw you. You are beautiful, Laurel. Everything was beautiful...even the things that were dead. It was so know...just to see.
- Who: Dinah Bellman
- Source: "The Langoliers" from Four Past Midnight.
- Note: Character, a young blind girl, succumbs to stab wounds caused by Craig Toomy.
- Oh my God, SO BEAUTIFUL!
- Who: Nick Hopewell
- Source: "The Langoliers" from Four Past Midnight.
- Note: Characters says this while witnessing a time rip he is piloting an airliner through; he then suddenly disappears.
- There is no Rainey h—
- Babe?
- Who: Morton Rainey
- Source: "Secret Window, Secret Garden" from Four Past Midnight.
- Note: First line is said when Rainey, under of the control of his "John Shooter" personality, attacks his ex-wife; second line addresses his ex-wife after he is shot by her insurance agent.
- Who: Reginald "Pop" Merrill
- Source: "The Sun Dog" from Four Past Midnight.
- Note: Character says this line before he is killed by the titular dog, which is tearing itself away from a Polaroid photograph.
Full Dark, No Stars
- Lea' me 'lone. Want to go to slee'.
- Who: Arlette James
- Source: "1922" from Full Dark, No Stars
- Note: Character says this shortly before being murdered by her husband, Wilfred James, and her son, Henry.
- You don't understand. You can't do this. It's a mistake. Take
- Note: Ramona Norville
- Source: "Big Driver" from Full Dark, No Stars
- Note: Says this before being executed by Tess, in act of revenge for her rape and attempted murder.
- You're dead.
- Who: Lester Strehlke
- Source: "Big Driver" from Full Dark, No Stars.
- Note: Says this right before being killed by Tess.
Gerald's Game
- ...heart...
- Who: Gerald Burlingame
- Source: Gerald's Game
- Note: Character says as he is having a heart attack, fatally hitting his head.
The Green Mile
- Don't forget your promise about Mr. Jingles.
- Who: Eduard Delacroix
- Source: The Green Mile
- Note: Character addressing a prison guard, Brutus "Brutal" Howell, and referencing his pet mouse on E Block, Mr. Jingles; character's subsequent execution is sabotaged by another guard, Percy Wetmore.
- Maybe I will. Whoo, daddy. Whole room’s spinnin around. Like bein drunk.
- Who: William Wharton
- Source: The Green Mile
- Note: Paul Edgecombe served the character a drink laced with morphine to keep him quiet while the guards smuggled John Coffey out of prison to cure Melina Moore. The above quote is Wharton's last words before the drugs took effect; he was still unconscious when Percy Wetmore shot and killed him later that night.
- Oh, I intend to. I intend to think about it very hard. Starting right now. On my way home. One of you boys can clock me out at quitting time. Unless, of course, you want to try explaining why I left early.
- Who: Percy Wetmore
- Source: The Green Mile
- Note: Character, a sadistic guard, subtly threatens to report Paul and the other guards for putting him in a straightjacket (as punishment for sabotaging Del's execution). Shortly after, John Coffey releases the affliction he took from Melinda Moore's brain, driving him catatonic.
- Please, boss, don't put that thing over my face. Please don't put me in the dark, don't make me go into the dark, I's afraid of the dark.
- Who: John Coffey
- Source: The Green Mile
- Note: Character, noting an execution shroud, says this shortly before being killed in an electric chair.
- Never mind, it's stopped.
- Who: Ralph Roberts
- Source: Insomnia
- Note: Spoken moments after sacrificing himself to save a child from an oncoming car. Roberts, an old man with the ability to travel through planes of reality, is referring to a ticking sound counting down to the time of his death.
- Do they float?
- Who: George "Georgie" Denborough
- Source: It
- Notes: Character had seen the monster It in the guise of Pennywise the Dancing Clown in a storm drain. When offered a balloon, Georgie asked the above question; the clown seized his arm and tore it off, and the child bled to death.
- You're...not...real...
- Who: Eddie Corcoran
- Source: It
- Note: Character was being attacked by It in the form of the Creature from the Black Lagoon. The child tried to resist and sought a zipper on the monster's back, but was decapitated.
- Don't call me Eds. You know I...I...
- Who: Eddie Kaspbrak
- Source: It
- Note: Character had just saved his friends' lives by joining the attack on It, which killed him by ripping off his arm and him bleeding to death. Words are addressed to Richie, who uses the above pet name in horrified concern while rushing towards Kaspbrak as he lies prostrate and bleeding.
- I'm going upstairs to take a bath.
- Who: Stanley Uris
- Source: It
- Note: Character had received a phone call saying that It, which was presumed destroyed, had returned to Derry. He, along with six friends, had vowed to return to defeat the evil if it ever surfaced again. Unable to face It's horror, Uris slit his wrists in the bathtub and wrote the monster's name on the wall in blood.
- Who: It
- Source: It
- Note: Said in panic before the protagonist destroys the creature's exposed heart..
Just After Sunset
- Help—me! Please!
- Who: Jim Pickering
- Source: "The Gingerbread Girl" from Just After Sunset.
- Note: Says this as he drowns in the ocean whilst pursuing a female victim.
- "Am so tired."
- Who: N.
- Source: "N." in Just After Sunset
- Note: Character, a psychiatry patient with apparent obsessive-compulsive disorder, writes this as a suicide note before filling his car with carbon monoxide.
- I have never blown a hit once I took it on, kitty. This could be a first. I'm getting my hands back. Five minutes, ten at most. You want my advice? Go out the window. They're all open. Go out and take your tail with you.
- Who: Halston
- Source: "The Cat from Hell" from Just After Sunset
- Note: Character, a hitman, addresses an evil cat which crawls down his throat, killing him.
The Long Walk
- Who: Hank Olson
- Source: The Long Walk
- Note: Olson is a contestant in a cross-country walk, in which the losers are killed by monitoring soldiers. Olson, succumbing to mental fatigue, is shot and mortally wounded after trying to climb a half-track following the walkers.
- Thanks. You've been my friend, Garraty...another time, another place.
- Who: Art Baker
- Source: The Long Walk.
- No, Ray. It's time to sit down.
- Who: Pete McVries
- Source: The Long Walk.
- You. Ba. Bas. Bast. Ba.
- Who: Collie Parker
- Source: The Long Walk.
Mr. Mercedes
- Hey!
- Who: Wayne Welland
- Source: Mr. Mercedes
Needful Things
- Come on, you bitch. Come for me, if you're coming.
- Who: Wilma Jerzyck
- Source: Needful Things
- Note: Character says this before being killed with a meat cleaver by her feuding neighbor, Nettie Cobb.
- Who: Nettie Cobb
- Source: Needful Things
- Note: Character says this as she is stabbed by a knife held by her feuding neighbor, Wilma Jerzyck.
- I love you, baby brother. Sandy Koufax sucks.
- Who: Brian Rusk
- Source: Needful Things
- Note: Character, an eleven-year-old boy, says this before committing suicide with a shotgun in front of his younger brother, Sean.
- Let's talk about—
- Who: Hugh Priest
- Source: Needful Things
- Note: Character says this line right before he is fatally shot by a bartender, Henry Beaufort.
- That'll teach you to—
- Who: Len Milliken
- Source: Needful Things
- Note: Character is fatally stabbed in the neck during an orgy of violence enveloping Castle Rock, Maine.
- It hurrrts! HURRRRRRTS!
- Who: Danforth "Buster" Keeton
- Source: Needful Things
- Note: Character says this as he is being shot to death by his accomplice, Ace Merrill.
- Bitch!
- Who: Ace Merrill
- Source: Needful Things
- Note: Character is fatally shot by Deputy Norris Ridgewick before he can kill a protagonist, Polly Chalmers.
Night Shift
- Run! Run!
- Who: Calvin McCann
- Source: "Jerusalem's Lot" from Night Shift
- Note: Says this before being attacked and killed by the Worm.
- Who: Warwick
- Source: "Graveyard Shift" from Night Shift
- Note: Pleads to another character, Hall, as he is being consumed by rats.
- Goodbye, Warwick.
- Who: Hall
- Source: "Graveyard Shift" from Night Shift
- Note: Addresses the dead Warwick before he himself is eaten by the rats.
- We've almost got it! Why—
- Who: Mark Jackson
- Source: "The Mangler" from Night Shift
- Note: Says this before he is killed by the titular possessed machine.
- No, I've got it.
- Who: John Renshaw
- Source: "Battleground" from Night Shift
- Note: Character's last spoken words before dying after a battle with living army figurines.
- You were moaning his name in your sleep last night. Wayne, Wayne, you were saying. Run, Wayne.
- Who: Sally Norman
- Source: "Sometimes They Come Back" from Night Shift
- Note: Character's last spoken words before being killed in an unseen hit-and-run.
- It's too late. Give us your money, dad.
- Who: Vincent "Vinnie" Corey
- Source: "Sometimes They Come Back" from Night Shift
- Note: Character's last spoken words before being burned alive by a demon summoned by the protagonist, Jim Norman.
- You fuckin' liar.
- Who: David Garcia
- Source: "Sometimes They Come Back" from Night Shift
- Note: Character's last spoken words before being burned alive by the demon.
- Look, Vinnie, he wet himself!
- Who: Robert Lawson
- Source: "Sometimes They Come Back" from Night Shift
- Note: Character says this right before being burned alive by the demon.
- Please. Anything.
- Who: Cressner
- Source: "The Ledge" from Night Shift
- Note: Character says this shortly before his implied death, from falling from the ledge of his apartment building.
- East! For God's sake—
- Who: Harold Parkette
- Source: "The Lawnmower Man" from Night Shift
- Note: Makes a 911 call before he is killed by giant supernatural lawnmower.
- Please, Burt! Listen...I know...we'll drive out of town and call from a phone booth, okay? I've got all kinds of change. I just...we can...don't leave me alone, Burt, don't leave me out here alone!
- Who: Vicky Robeson
- Source: "Children of the Corn" from Night Shift
- Note: Character's last spoken words before she is killed by the Gatlin cult.
- Remand your soul to God, for you will stand before His throne momentarily.
- Who: Gatlin cult member
- Source: "Children of the Corn" from Night Shift
- Note: Character, an un-named member of a cult led by children and teens, says this before being killed in self-defense by Burt Robeson.
- Vicky. Oh, Vicky, my God—
- Who: Burt Robeson
- Source: "Children of the Corn" from Night Shift
- Note: Character finds that his wife has been sacrificed, shortly before being killed by He Who Walks Behind the Rows.
- Thank you, but you're mistaken. My name is—
- Who: Woman
- Source: "The Man Who Loved Flowers" from Night Shift
- Note: Character says this before being murdered by a serial killer, who has pathologically addressed her as "Norma".
- Janey! Janey!
- Who: Gerard Lumley
- Source: "One for the Road" from Night Shift
- Note: Last words before being presumably killed by his vampirized wife in Jerusalem's Lot, Maine.
- You've always been a good son, Johnny.
- Who: Mom
- Source: "The Woman in the Room" from Night Shift
- Note: Says this as her son sets her up to overdose on painkillers, euthanizing her.
Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- Five million.
- Who: Dolan
- Source: "Dolan's Cadillac" from Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- Note: Character, a mobster, tries to offer money to Robinson, a man who is burying Dolan alive in his own Cadillac for revenge. Robinson notes it is technically not his last words, but rather "It was the last coherent thing he said."
- Take me away, please.
- Who: Miss Sidley
- Source: "Suffer the Little Children" from Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- Note: Character, a teacher committed for killing her students, commits suicide soon after saying this line.
- Shut up, kid. It was only a bird.
- Who: Sheridan
- Source: "Popsy" from Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- Note: Character says this shortly before being killed by a vampire and his grandchild, whom Sheridan had kidnapped.
- The moon!
- Who: Gary Paulson
- Source: "It Grows on You" from Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- Note: Character utters this line in his sleep, dying shortly afterward.
- Jesus! Jesus! JeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE—
- Who: The kid
- Source: "Chattery Teeth" from Nightmares & Dreamscapes
- Note: Character, a hitchhiker, is mauled by a pair of mechanical chattery teeth after attempting to carjack their owner.
- Who: Duke Rhinemann
- Source: "The Ten O'Clock People" from Nightmares & Dreamscapes.
- Do you have an office pass, Mr. Decker?
- Who: Mrs. Underwood
- Source: Rage
- Note: Says this before being shot in the head by a disturbed high school student, Charlie Decker.
- There's a fire in the building. Please—
- Who: Mr. Vance
- Source: Rage
- Note: Says this before being shot in the throat by Charlie Decker.
- Okay.
- Who: Bart Dawes
- Source: Roadwork
- Note: Says this before detonating his house with explosives, with himself inside.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Rose Madder
- The only one doing any dying here—
- Who: Norman Daniels
- Source: Rose Madder
- Note: Says this shortly before being devoured by Rose Madder, in her spider-like form.
The Running Man
- —Jesus—
- Who: Dan Killian
- Source: The Running Man
- Note: Says this as he sees Ben Richards in the cockpit of a plane aimed for his office.
- Speak, boy. Rowf! Rowf!
- Who: Ben Richards
- Source: The Running Man
- Note: Mocking an air traffic controller shortly before flying a plane into the headquarters of the Network's Games Federation.
'Salem's Lot
- I can tell you that the Jerusalem's Lot telephone service needs no vampires to disrupt it.
- Who: Henry Petrie
- Source: 'Salem's Lot
- Note: Character, the father of Mark Petrie, says this before being killed by a vampire, Kurt Barlow.
- Turn around now.
- Who: Ann Norton
- Source: 'Salem's Lot
- Note: Character, during an attempt to kill Ben Mears and Matt Burke at a hospital, is then punched by an orderly; she later dies from her injuries.
- Don't. Please don't.
- Who: Charlie Rhodes
- Source: 'Salem's Lot
- Note: Character, a school bus driver, says this before being consumed by vampiric children.
- Everyone disappeared. Just a small town in the upcountry of northern Vermont, accessible by Interstate Route 2 and Vermont Route 19. Population of 312 in the census of 1920. In August of 1923 a woman in New York got worried because her sister hadn't written her for two months. She and her husband took a ride out there, and they were the first to break the story to the newspapers, although I don't doubt that the locals in the surrounding area had known about the disappearance for some time. The sister and her husband were gone, all right, and so was everyone else in Momson. The houses and the barns were all standing, and in one place supper had been put on the table. The case was rather sensational at the time. I don't believe that I would care to stay there overnight. The author of this book claims the people in the neighboring townships tell some old stories...ha'ants and goblins and all that. Several of the outlying barns have hex signs and large crosses painted on them, even to this day. Look, here's a photograph of the general store and ethyl station and feed-and-grain store—what served in Momson as downtown. What do you suppose ever happened there?
- Who: Matt Burke
- Source: 'Salem's Lot
- Note: Character, a hospitalized high school teacher and expert on vampires, dies quietly of a heart attack after giving this monologue.
- Look around. She's got to have a flashlight, or candles.
- Who: Jimmy Cody
- Source: 'Salem's Lot
- Note: Character says this before falling down a rigged cellar staircase, becoming impaled by knives.
- Who: Kurt Barlow
- Source: 'Salem's Lot
- Note: Character, a powerful vampire, has a stake driven through his heart by the protagonist, Ben Mears.
The Shining
- Doc. Run away. Quick. And remember how much I love you.
- Oh Danny, for God's sake—
- Who: Jack Torrance
- Source: The Shining
- Note: Torrance makes these statements as he pleads to his son Danny to flee. The spirit of the Overlook Hotel that is possessing him then strikes at Torrance's body with a roque mallet, gruesomely sheding Torrance's body to reveal a composite of the hotel's ghosts underneath.
- Who: The Overlook Hotel
- Source: The Shining
- Note: The hotel, in its supernatural form, was attempting to relieve pressure of the boiler in the Overlook's basement. The hotel made this statement, thinking it had prevented the boiler from exploding, when it did.
Skeleton Crew
- Help me. Help me, you guys, please, please.
- Who: Norm
- Source: "The Mist" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Character, a supermarket bag-boy, says this before being consumed by a monstrous creature from the titular mist.
- We'll send back help.
- Who: Brent Norton
- Source: "The Mist" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this shortly before his unseen death in the mist.
- Git it offa me! Oh my Lord my Lord get it—
- Who: Elderly lady
- Source: "The Mist" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this right before her unseen demise with Brent Norton in the mist.
- Look at those goddam things.
- Who: Tom Smalley
- Source: "The Mist" from Skeleton Crew"
- Note: Says this before he is killed and roosted upon by another creature from the mist.
- Oh my God! Oh dear sweet God, look at this!
- Who: Dan Miller
- Source: "The Mist" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this shortly before bring consumed by a giant spider in the mist.
- Oh Jesus that HURTS!
- Who: Buddy Eagleton
- Source: "The Mist" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this as an acidic web wraps around his leg, severing his femoral artery and causing him to bleed to death.
- You will all die out there.
- Who: Mrs. Carmody
- Source: "The Mist" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this after being shot in the stomach by Ollie Weeks.
- Then let's go.
- Who: Ollie Weeks
- Source: "The Mist" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this shortly before being killed by a creature in the supermarket's parking lot.
- It's eternity in there.
- Who: Rudy Foggia
- Source: "The Jaunt" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Character, a prison inmate and test subject, says this shortly before dying of a heart attack after testing a teleportation portal.
- Help! Help it hurts please help it hurts IT HURTS IT HURRRRR—
- Who: Rachel
- Source: "The Raft" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this before being dissolved and consumed by an oil slick-like creature.
- My foot! My foot, oh my foot, my FOOOOOOT!
- Who: Deke
- Source: "The Raft" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this as the creature pulls him down through the crack of the titular raft, slowly killing him.
- No.
- Who: LaVerne
- Source: "The Raft" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Character's last spoken word before she is pulled into the water and eaten by the creature.
- Is there a lavatory? I think I'm going to be sick.
- Who: Spangler
- Source: "The Reaper's Image" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Character disappears shortly after giving this line, soon after seeing the image of the Reaper in an antique mirror.
- Well, good ni—
- Who: Norman Blanchette
- Source: "Nona" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this before being stabbed to death with a nail file by the short story's narrator.
- Jesus, lady! There's blood on this guy! What—
- Who: Motorist
- Source: "Nona" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this before being strangled by the narrator.
- You're hurt—cut yourself, looks like. Better—
- Who: Cop
- Source: "Nona" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this before the narrator kills him with a socket wrench.
- lady fingers they taste just like lady fingers
- Who: Richard Pine
- Source: "Survivor Type" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Last words in the purported journal of character, who is in the process of eating his left hand (following other body parts) after being shipwrecked on a desert island.
- Rocky—
- Who: Leo Edwards
- Source: "Big Wheels: A Tale of the Laundry Game (Milkman No. 2)" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Character says this shortly before dying in a car crash caused by a homicidal milkman, Spike Milligan.
- Come and get me, Spike! You just come on and get me!
- Who: Johnny "Rocky" Rockwell
- Source: "Big Wheels: A Tale of the Laundry Game (Milkman No. 2)" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Says this before being killed in the same car crash as his friend, Leo Edwards.
- Yes, yes I will, yes I did, yes I do.
- Who: Stella Flanders
- Source: "The Reach" from Skeleton Crew
- Note: Character, an old woman who has lived in an island community all her life, speaks to her deceased husband before dying of exposure whilse attempting to reach the mainland.
The Stand
- Gimme your hand and I'll pull you up outta there!
- Who: Charles Campion
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Dying from the superflu and in a state of delirium.
- Who: Unknown soldier
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Written on a whiteboard by a soldier dying from a government-engineered superflu, which was accidentally released.
- Private Bruce, at ease.
- Who: William Starkey
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Said while cleaning off the face of a long-dead man under his command, shortly before killing himself.
- Dear Jesus. I will see you soon. Your friend, America. PS. I hope you will still have some vacancies by the end of the week.
- Who: Unknown
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Graffiti written on a church while the world succumbs to a superflu epidemic.
- If it goes on hurting like this, I think I'd rather be dead anyway.
- Who: Mark Braddock
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Said while dying from a burst appendix.
- I'll motherfucking tell you!
- Who: The Kid
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Said as he is attacked by wolves.
- There's always a choice. That's God's way, always will be. Your will is still free. Do as you will. There's no set of leg-irons on you... But this is what God wants of you.
- Who: Mother Abigail Freemantle
- Source: The Stand.
- Oh bastard.
- Who: Judge Farris
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Said as he notices an assassin preparing to kill him.
- I am going to die in my right mind.
- Who: Harold Lauder
- Source: The Stand
- Note: After realizing he has been subconsciously influenced by Flagg, he kills himself.
- It's alright, Mr. Henreid... You don’t know any better.
- Who: Glen Bateman
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Says this after being shot by Lloyd Henreid.
- You ain't a man at all! You're some kind of devil!
- Who: Whitney Horgan
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Said as he attempts to get people to rally against Flagg and is subsequently executed by him.
- Where is he? What did you do to him?
- Who: The Trashcan Man
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Said shortly before detonating a nuke, puzzled at how Flagg is no longer powerful or enigmatic.
- Larry! Larry! The Hand of God!
- Who: Ralph Brentner
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Said as he notices electricity, in the shape of a hand, descending from the sky to activate a nuclear weapon.
- Nooo!
- Who: Randall Flagg
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Said shortly before a nuclear bomb is detonated by the Hand of God.
- Oh shit, we're all fucked!
- Who: Lloyd Henreid
- Source: The Stand
- Note: Utters these words before being killed--along with the followers of Randall Flagg--by a nuclear bomb detonated in Las Vegas by the Hand of God.
- Eat hearty.
- Who: William "Billy" Halleck
- Source: Thinner
- Note: Halleck says this as he eats a cursed pie given to him by a Gypsy who had caused to him to dangerously lose weight earlier in the story. He meant to give the pie to his wife, Heidi, but his teenage daughter accidentally ate it.
The Tommyknockers
- Guess I do.
- Who: Joe Carlson
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Replies to wife 'Becka's retort that he knows how to switch on the TV; the remote, outfitted with alien technology, fatally electrocutes Joe when he tries to switch it on.
- No!
- Who: 'Becka Carlson
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Says this while trying to save her electrocuted husband, dying in the process.
- If someone's in that truck, you better speak up! You—
- Who: Benton Rhodes
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Character, a trooper with the Maine State Police, says before shortly before being vaporized by a Tommyknocker weapon at the back of Beach Jernigan's truck.
- Oh Christ, I don't like this.
- Who: Peter Gabbons
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Character, another trooper, is vaporized along with Rhodes.
- No you dirty FUCK!
- Who: Ruth McCausland
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Character says this while fighting off a bat, before Haven's clock tower, which she rigged to explode, does.
- "I told people Tues. night I couldn't go to her funeral because I was sick. That was true. But it was not my stomach. I was going to ask her to marry me but kept putting it off. Afraid she'd say no. If I hadn't been scared, she might be alive now. With her dead there doesn't seem to be anything to look forward to. I am sorry about the mess."
- Who: Anthony "Butch" Dugan
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Character is referring to Ruth McCausland; character commits suicide with a pistol after having his mind altered by Tommyknocker technology.
- Okay! Okay! Okay! I'm doin' it, see? I'm doin' it!
- Who: Albert "Pits" Barfield
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Says this as he is being forced to put on Tommyknocker-altered headphones, which promptly kill him and send him to an extraterrestrial location called "Altair-4" via a teleportation portal.
- Ratshit plane! Ratshit plane! Ratshit plane!
- Who: Peter Bailey
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Says this before his plane, affected by the buried UFO near Haven, Maine, crashes near the town.
- Bobbi...
- Who: Anne Anderson
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Says this before being killed by her mutated sister, Bobbi.
- You tried—
- Who: Bobbi Anderson
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Last spoken words before being shot by her lover, Jim Gardener.
- Wonderful. Wonderful, wonderful.
- Who: John Leandro
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Last spoken words before he is killed by a sentient Coke machine in a later scene.
- Hazel? Hazel? Hazel?
- Who: Newt Berringer
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Character says this shortly before being beaten to death by Dick Allison.
- Please help me, God, just a little help, okay? Just a few breaks for the kid is all I'm asking for, 'kay?
- Who: Jim Gardener
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Says this before he pilots the buried Tommyknocker ship and flies it into space, dying in the process.
- Fixed them woodchucks! Fixed them all, you're fucking-A, you're—
- Who: Justin Hurd
- Source: The Tommyknockers
- Note: Said before he is shot to death by an army unit invading Haven, Maine.
- You're so mean.
- Who: Mary Burkett
- Source: "Premium Harmony" (The New Yorker, November 2009)
- Note: Says this before dying of a heart attack in a conveinience store.
- For God's sake, don't make supper for me. I'm going out.
- Who: Patrick Maloney
- Source: "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl
- Note: Immediately after he makes this statement, his wife Mary clubs him on the back of the head with a frozen leg of lamb, killing him
Les Misérables, by Victor Hugo
- Et puis, tenez, monsieur Marius, je crois que j'étais un peu amoureuse de vous.
- Translation (Norman Denny): "You know, Monsieur Marius, I think I was a little bit in love with you."
- Who: Éponine
- Note: Éponine, disguised as a man, fought in the barricade, and stepped in front of a rifle aimed at the man she always unrequitedly loved, Marius. She dies in his arms.
- Je suis tombé par terre, / C'est la faute à Voltaire, / Le nez dans le ruisseau, / C'est la faute à [Rousseau]
- Translation (literal): "I have fallen to the ground, / It's the fault of Voltaire, / Nose in the gutter, / It's the fault of [Rousseau]"
- Who: Gavroche
- Note: Gavroche was singing while collecting ammunition for the rebels, when he was fatally shot by the police.
- Mes enfants, voici que je ne vois plus très clair, j'avais encore des choses à dire, mais c'est égal. Pensez un peu à moi. Vous êtes des êtres bénis. Je ne sais pas ce que j'ai, je vois de la lumière. Approchez encore. Je meurs heureux. Donnez-moi vos chères têtes bien-aimées, que je mette mes mains dessus.
- Translation (based on that by Norman Denny): "[My] children, my sight is failing. I had more to say, but no matter. Think of me sometimes. You are fortunate [blessed creatures/souls]. I don't know what is happening to me, I can see a light. Come closer. I die happy. Bow your dear heads so that I may lay my hands on them."
- Who: Jean Valjean
- It isn't fair, it isn't right.
- Who: Tessie Hutchinson
- Source: "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson
The Lord of the Rings
See Last words in Lord of the Rings media.
- The blind man!
- Who: Emma Bovary
- Source: Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, translation by Francis Steegmuller
- ... to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee!
- Who: Captain Ahab
- Source: Moby Dick.
- Splendid! One of us is to furnish a repast for the hounds. The other will sleep in this most excellent bed. On guard, Rainsford.
- Who: General Zaroff
- Source: The Most Dangerous Game
- Notes: Rainsford kills the General in the ensuing duel.
- Oh, it's you. I can't find any programme worth listening to...Here--what are you doing? Why did you turn out the light?
- Who: Mrs. Boyle
- Source: The Mousetrap
- Notes: Character saw one of the other people at Monkswell Manor enter the lounge where she was sitting listening to the radio; this person turned off the light and proceeded to strangle her.
- God and Fatherland.
- Who: Captain Nemo
- Source: The Mysterious Island
- Note: same Nemo from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
- The show is over. The monkey is dead . . .
- Who: Lady
- Source: Orpheus Descending by Tennessee Williams
- Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.
- Who: Johnny Cade
- Who: The Outsiders
- I see stars, milady.
- Who: Zoe Nightshade
- Source: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan's Curse
- Notes: Character is killed by her father Atlas' hand; Huntress of the goddess Artemis
- See Charlie . . .
- Who: Silena Beauregard
- Source: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Last Olympian
- Notes: Character is killed when attempting to take on a drakkon; she is talking about her boyfriend Charles Beckondorf.
- Did . . . did we win? [Grover: Yes. Thanks to you Leneus.] Told you. True leader... True...
- Who: Leneus the Satyr
- Source: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Last Olympian
- Notes: Character is stabbed in the final battle with the mistaken conception that they could not have won without him
- Deserve better. . .if they just. . .had thrones. . .
- Who: Ethan Nakamura
- Source: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Last Olympian
- Notes: Character is stabbed with a piece of steel from his sword when he attempted to attack Kronos but failed.
- Me. . .Ethan. . .All of the unclaimed. . .Don't let it happen again. . .
- Who: Luke Castellan
- Source: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Last Olympian
- Notes: Character stabs himself to defeat Kronos; son of the god Hermes
- Bad form!
- Who: Captain Hook
- Source: Peter Pan
- Notes: Character falls into the jaws of a crocodile after being kicked overboard by Peter Pan
- Hush! Don't say that. You have done enough evil in your life. My God! Don't you see that accursed thing leering at us?
- Who: Basil Hallward
- Source: The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Very well. I shall be here at eleven. Good night, Harry.
- Who: Dorian Gray
- Source: The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Who: Owen Meany
- Source: A Prayer for Owen Meany
- Fix my hair, Jack.
- Who: Popeye
- Source: Sanctuary by William Faulkner
- One... Two...
- Who: Sister Margaret
- Source: Stone of Tears
- Notes: Character had been severed in half at the torso by a magical burst; as her vision faded she thought there were too few stars in the sky above, and began to count them to assure herself.
- Freefolk! Free...
- Who: Crow
- Source: The Seventh Tower by Garth Nix.
- I think... I feel good about it.
- Who: Marvin the Paranoid Android
- Source: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
- Notes: Character, a robot who through several time-travel mishaps was now "37 times the age of the universe", at last shuts down after seeing God's Final Message to his Creation: "WE APOLOGISE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE". Character had been a drastic pessimist, making this final quote his one even somewhat happy moment.
- Terrible Tempis'...
- Who: Timothy
- Source: The Cay
- Notes: Months after Timothy and Phillip are stranded on a cay near the Devil's Mouth, a hurricane hits the tiny island. After the hut blows away, the two run to a palm tree, where Timothy shields Phillip from the harsh rain, wind, and sand. After the storm, Timothy has been partially flayed alive. He soon dies of his wounds.
- There is a rat in my soup.
- Who: The Queen
- Source: The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillio
- S-sorry i-if m-my sn-snoring kept you... awake.
- Who: Gavner Purl
- Source: Trials of Death by Darren Shan
- Christ, this a dingy way to die.
- Who: Geoffrey Firmin
- Source: Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry
- Yes, my lord. Yes, I know you.
- Who: Hazel
- Source: Watership Down by Richard Adams
- Notes: Hazel says this to the rabbits' demigod hero, El-ahrairah, whom he does not recognize until he notices the faint starlight in his visitor's ears.
- He is born again! I feel him! The Dragon takes his first breath on the slope of Dragonmount! He is coming! Light help us! Light help the world! He lies in the snow and cries like the thunder! He burns like the sun!
- Who: Gitara Moroso
- Source: The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
- The Great Hunt
- New Spring: The Novel
- Notes: Spoken by Gitara Sedai upon the birth of the Dragon Reborn.
- A gift from Adeleas.
- Who: Vandene Namelle
- Source: The Wheel of Time (Knife of Dreams)
- Notes: To Careane Fransi upon finding out she is Black Ajah and responsible for the murder of Adeleas (Vandene's sister). Vandene stabs her with a knife and is then killed by the other Black Ajah members.
- You? No!
- Who: Asmodean
- Source: The Wheel of Time (Fires of Heaven)
- Notes: One of the series' great unresolved mysteries. Asmodean (a reformed bad guy) is musing on his fate on his way to get a snack. As he opens the pantry door, he utters his famous words, dying within sight of his goal.
- The real virus is evil. The disease of … of the Horde.
- Who: Thomas Hunter
- Source: White by Ted Dekker
- Notes: This is spoken to Monique, the creator of a virus that infected the entire world. When it was discovered that the only antidote was Thomas's blood, he agreed to allow all of it to be taken. This is spoken as he is dying to the real world, but he continues to live in his dreams.
- Sir?
- Who: Bernardo
- Source: Zastrozzi by Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Notes: Said after Zastrozzi has impaled him on his sword, apparently to avenge all the people Bernardo has killed. Bernardo was Zastrozzi's loyal servant.
- I am alive!
- Who: Victor
- Source: Zastrozzi by Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Notes: Said after Zastrozzi has impaled him.
Star Wars
See also
- Fictional last words
- Fictional last words in animated television series
- Fictional last words in comic books, graphic novels, and manga
- Fictional last words in films
- Fictional last words in animated films
- Fictional last words in literature
- Fictional last words in live-action television series
- Fictional last words in video games
- Fictional last words in webcomics
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