Proto-Philippine language

Reconstructed ancestor of the Philippine languages From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Proto-Philippine language is a reconstructed ancestral proto-language of the Philippine languages, a proposed subgroup of the Austronesian languages which includes all languages within the Philippines (except for the Sama–Bajaw languages) as well as those within the northern portions of Sulawesi in Indonesia.[1][2][3][4] Proto-Philippine is not directly attested to in any written work, but linguistic reconstruction by the comparative method has found regular similarities among languages that cannot be explained by coincidence or word-borrowing.

Quick Facts Reconstruction of, Region ...
Reconstruction ofPhilippine languages
Lower-order reconstructions
  • Proto-Batanic
  • Proto-Northern Luzon
  • Proto-Central Luzon
  • Proto-Greater Central Philippine
  • Proto-South Mindanao
  • Proto-Minahasan
  • Proto-Sangiric



There have been three initial proposals in delineating the southern boundaries of the Philippine group: Northern Borneo in Malaysia, southern Philippines (encompassing southern Luzon all the way to Mindanao and the Sulu Sea area), and northern Sulawesi in Indonesia.[4] The earliest boundary was proposed by Esser (1938) between the Gorontalo languages and the Tomini languages of Sulawesi. While it was later found decades after (Himmelmann, 1990) that there are shared innovations between Philippine and Tomini languages, there are still uncertainties as to whether the latter do validly form one genetic group, or should be relegated as a mere geographic unit.[5] Meanwhile, Charles (1974) in particular proposed that languages in Sabah and of northern Sarawak are descendants of this Proto-Philippine,[6] which has subsequently garnered counter-evidences (Blust, 1974; Reid, 1982; Zorc, 1986). Lastly, there have been several proposals establishing southern Philippines as the boundary (Thomas & Healey, 1962; Dyen, 1965; Zorc, 1977; 1986) with the "Macro Meso-Philippine" and "Sangiric" as two primary branches.[7] Walton (1979) and McFarland (1980) included the Sama-Bajau group as the third branch, but such has been later disputed as entirely separate directly under Malayo-Polynesian.[3]



Due to issues in the validity of a Philippine genetic group, and thus the existence of an ancestral Proto-Philippine language, most of its features particularly its phonology remain as proposals.


Llamzon's reconstruction

Llamzon's (1975) proposed phonology of Proto-Philippine was derived from earlier reconstructions of Dempwolff's (1934-1938) works by Dyen (1947; 1951; 1953a; 1953b; 1953c). Used in this reconstruction were nine languages—Tagalog, Cebuano, Hiligaynon, Waray, Bikol (Central?), Ilokano, Ibanag, Ifugao, and Kankanaey—with the rationale that the aforementioned have "relatively better structural description and vocabularies" than other related and geographically contiguous languages at that time.[1] While his analysis focused on attested Proto-Austronesian phonemes which were retained in this Proto-Philippine, features that were lost or merged were not highlighted.

More information Labial, Dental/Alveolar ...
Proto-Philippine consonants by Llamzon (1975)
Labial Dental/Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Unvoiced Voiced Unvoiced Voiced Voiced Voiced Unvoiced Voiced Unvoiced Unvoiced
Nasal *m /m/ *n /n/ *ng /ŋ/
Stop *p /p/ *b /b/ *t /t/ *d /d/ *D /ɖ/ *j /ɟ/ *k /k/ *g /ɡ/ *q /ʔ/
Affricate *Z /ɟʝ/
Fricative *s /s/ *h /h/
Flap/Tap *r /ɾ/
Trill *R134 /ʀ/
Approximant *w /w/ *l /l/ *y /j/

Proto-phonemes *Z and *D were restricted to medial positions, and were not retained in any of the languages.

The proto-phonemes *j and *R are not preserved as such in any Philippine language: *j became either *g or *d (e.g. *púsəj became Ilocano púsəg, Tagalog púsod), whereas *R shifted to *r (e.g. in Ilokano), *l (e.g. in Pangasinan), *g (e.g. in Tagalog) or *y (e.g. in Kapampangan).[1][4]

More information Front, Central ...
PPh vowels by Llamzon (1975)
Front Central Back
Close *i /i/ *u /u/
Mid /ə/
Open *a /a/

Proto-Philippine's schwa *ə often merged with other vowels (e.g. /u/ in Cebuano, Hiligaynon, Waray; /a/ in Ibanag, /i/ in Tagalog), but is retained in a diverse range of Philippine languages (e.g. Gaddang, Kinaray-a, Maranao, Maguindanao, Rinconada Bikol, Palawano), and in southern dialects of Ilokano.

Proto-Philippine diphthongs by Llamzon (1975)
*ay *uy *aw *iw

Paz' reconstruction

Another notable proposal is by Paz (1981) who conducted a bottom-up approach by reconstructing using her own symbols.[8]

More information Labial, Dental/Alveolar ...
Proto-Philippine consonants by Paz (1981)
Labial Dental/Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Glottal
Unvoiced Voiced Unvoiced Voiced Voiced Voiced Unvoiced Voiced Unvoiced
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ N /ŋ/
Stop p /p/ b /b/ t /t/ d /d/ /ɖ/ /ɡʲ/ k /k/ g /ɡ/ ? /ʔ/
Fricative s /s/ h /h/
Trill *r /r/
Approximant w /w/ // *l /l/ y /j/

Paz revisits two types of proto-Austronesian L as part of her reconstruction (l, l̥), which makes it distinct from other reconstructions.

More information Height, Front ...
Proto-Philippine vowels by Paz (1981)
Height Front Central Back Stress
Close i u
Mid ə
Open a

In comparison to Llamzon, Paz presents five diphthongs instead.

Proto-Philippine diphthongs by Paz (1981)
ay uy əy aw iw



Below is a table comparing core vocabulary from modern Philippine languages in relation to the follow Proto-Philippine innovations. Note that the accented vowels (e.g. á) under Proto-Philippine indicate the stress, while q represents glottal stop.

More information Tagalog, Ilokano ...
Proto-PhilippineTagalogIlokanoKapampanganMaguindanaonVisayan groupGloss
*dəkətdikítdekketdeketdukótadhesive/(to) stick
*hajəkhalíkagekalekhalók(to) kiss
*laŋúylangóylangóylangúylangóy(to) swim

Below are selected animal and plant names in Proto-Philippine from the Austronesian Comparative Dictionary.[9]

Animal names

More information No., Common name ...
No.Common nameScientific nameProto-Philippine
9207fish sp., slipmouthLeiognathus sp.*sapsáp
10806kind of mackerelRastrelliger spp.*tuliŋan
10964a sea fish, the rudderfishKyphosus cinerascens*hilek
1631anchovyStolephorus spp.*bulínaw
12682milkfishChanos chanos*baŋús
11877parrot fishScarus spp.*mulmúl
9819kind of water bird, the Oriental darterAnhinga melanogaster*kasíli
10671a bird and its call, probably the tailor birdOrthotomus atrogularis*tiwtiw
11077coconut crabBirgus latro*tatus
12348large marine molluskTurbo marmoratus*RaRaŋ

Plant names

More information No., Common name ...
No.Common nameScientific nameProto-Philippine
9369a flowering plantIxora spp.*santán
9568a fruit tree, the pomeloCitrus decumana*suháq
2940a leguminous shrubLeucaena glauca*ipil ipil
8957a palmCorypha spp.*silaR
12394a plantAcalypha spp.*abilus
10807a plantAstronia spp., Melastomataceae*tuŋaw₂
11068a plantGlochidion spp.*anam
9810a plantImpatiens balsamina*kamantigi
6876a plantLunasia amara*paqit-an
10007a plantSesbania grandiflora*katúday
9565a plantSolanum spp.*sili-sili
10064a plant in the banana familyMusa textilis?*qaRutay
12593a plant with medicinal value, probablyBlumea spp.*qalibun
11080a shrub or treeMelanolepis multiglandulosa*álem
9651a shrub, the Jew's mallowCorchorus spp., fam. Malvaceae*salúyut
12668a small tree with leaves used as medicineCitrus aurantifolia*dayap
10265a tall treeParkia spp.*kúpaŋ
7998a treeAcalypha amentacea*beRus
12362a treeDiospyros sp.*kanadem
947a treeDiospyros spp.*talaŋ₁
9647a treeErythrina spp.*sabaŋ₂
10966a treeFicus sp.*lab(e)nuR
10563a treeFicus sp.*tebéR
11024a treeGanua obovatifolia, Sapotaceae*piaŋa
608a treeLagerstroemia speciosa*banabá
11756a treeMallotus lackeyi*lamay
12325a treeMyristica spp.*lagu₂
9093a treePlanchonella obovata*banisah
9092a treePongamia spp.*bani₂
10722a treePrunus sp.*taŋa₄
12392a treeShorea polysperma*taŋíliq
11555a tree and its fruit, the Java plumSyzygium cumini*luŋ(e)búy
12198a tree with bark that can be used as a shampooGanophyllum falcatum*gúguq
12228a tree with edible fruitDiplodiscus paniculatus*baRubu
1208a tree;Macaranga tanarius*binuŋa
12434a vineCaesalpinia bonduc*kabit₃
10233a vine with gourd or cucumber-like fruitLuffa sp.?*kabatíti
11595a vine with red flower clusters, the Chinese honeysuckleQuisqualis indica*taluluŋ
12477an edible plant, swamp cabbageIpomoea aquatica*taŋkuŋ
11071beautyberryCallicarpa spp.*anayup
11088creeping vine that grows on sandy beaches, the beach morning gloryIpomoea pes-caprae*balinu
11148hairy eggplantSolanum ferox*basula
10234kind of aromatic herbPogostemon cablin*kab(e)liŋ
9922kind of ebony or persimmon tree with fruits that are pounded and used to stupefy fishDiospyros spp.*kanúmay
10312kind of edible squash or gourdLagenaria leucantha*tabayaR
11075kind of tall grassThemeda gigantea*taŋ(e)laj
9750kind of wild lemon tree, possiblyCitrus hystrix*kabuRaw
9806large forest tree with edible brown, hairy fruitsDiospyros discolor*kamaguŋ
10412lesser yamDioscorea sp.*tugíq
10885lima beanPhaseolus lunatus*patániq
2Manila hempMusa textilis*abaká
11872mountain appleEugenia spp.*makúpa
12657native spinachAmaranthus spp.*kulitis
11653Philippine cedar treeCedrela sp.*kalantas
10749plant with leaves used as a vegetableTalinum paniculatum or Talinum triangulare*talínum
1854silk cotton treeCeiba pentandra*buybuy
11145small treeMorinda citrifolia?*apatut
12468taroColocasia esculenta*gabi
10978the almasiga treeAgathis celebica*gala
11073the castor bean plantRicinus communis*katana
10163the horseradish treeMoringa oleifera*maruŋgay
12753the Philippine mahoganyShorea or Hopea sp.*yakál
9615the sappan treeCaesalpinia sappan*sibukaw
12361the seeded breadfruit treeArtocarpus camansi*kamansi
12253the seeded breadfruit treeArtocarpus camansi*kamansiq
10762tree with bright yellow fruit that has dry fleshLucuma nervosa*tisaq
8970wild palm tree with fruit similar to areca nutHeterospathe elata*sagisí

See also


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