2010 in poetry

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Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France).

Quick Facts List of years in poetry (table) ...
List of years in poetry (table)
In literature


Works published in English


Listed by nation where the work was first published and again by the poet's native land, if different; substantially revised works listed separately:


  • Robert Adamson, editor, Best Australian Poems 2010, Black Inc., anthology with works by[8]
  • Grant Caldwell, glass clouds, Five Islands Press
  • Les Murray, Taller When Prone, Black Inc., ISBN 978-1-86395-470-9
  • Dorothy Porter, Love Poems, Black Inc., ISBN 978-1-86395-492-1
  • Ron Pretty, Postcards From the Centre[9]
  • Thomas Shapcott, Parts of Us, University of Queensland Press
  • John Tranter, Starlight: 150 Poems, University of Queensland Press


India, in English


New Zealand

Poets in Best New Zealand Poems

Poems from these 25 poets were selected by Robyn Marsack for Best New Zealand Poems 2009, published online this year:

United Kingdom

Anthologies in the United Kingdom

  • Anthony Astbury, editor, A Field of Large Desires: A Greville Press Anthology 1975–2010, Carcanet Press, ISBN 978-1-84777-050-9
  • Roddy Lumsden, editor, Identity Parade: New British & Irish Poets, anthology; Bloodaxe Books
Poets included: Patience Agbabi, Jonathan Asser, Tiffany Atkinson, Simon Barraclough, Paul Batchelor, Kate Bingham, Julia Bird, Patrick Brandon, David Briggs, Andy Brown, Judy Brown, Colette Bryce, Matthew Caley, Siobhan Campbell, Vahni Capildeo, Melanie Challenger, Kate Clanchy, Polly Clark, Julia Copus, Sarah Corbett, Claire Crowther, Tim Cumming, Ailbhe Darcy, Peter Davidson, Nick Drake, Sasha Dugdale, Chris Emery, Bernardine Evaristo, Paul Farley, Leontia Flynn, Annie Freud, Alan Gillis, Jane Griffiths, Vona Groarke, Jen Hadfield, Sophie Hannah, Tracey Herd, Kevin Higgins, Matthew Hollis, A. B. Jackson, Anthony Joseph, Luke Kennard, Nick Laird, Sarah Law, Frances Leviston, Gwyneth Lewis, John McAuliffe, Chris McCabe, Helen Macdonald, Patrick McGuinness, Kona Macphee, Peter Manson, D. S. Marriott, Sam Meekings, Sinéad Morrissey, Daljit Nagra, Caitríona O'Reilly, Alice Oswald, Katherine Pierpoint, Clare Pollard, Jacob Polley, Diana Pooley, Richard Price, Sally Read, Deryn Rees-Jones, Neil Rollinson, Jacob Sam-La Rose, Antony Rowland, James Sheard, Zoë Skoulding, Catherine Smith, Jean Sprackland, John Stammers, Greta Stoddart, Sandra Tappenden, Tim Turnbull, Julian Turner, Mark Waldron, Ahren Warner, Tim Wells, Matthew Welton, David Wheatley, Sam Willetts, Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch, Tamar Yoseloff.

Criticism, scholarship and biography in the United Kingdom

  • Ruth Padel, Silent Letters of the Alphabet, series of public lectures at Newcastle University, Bloodaxe Books
  • George Szirtes, Fortinbras at the Fishhouses, series of public lectures at Newcastle University, Bloodaxe Books

United States

Anthologies in the United States

  • David Fideler and Sabrineh Fideler, editors and translators, Love's Alchemy: Poems from the Sufi Tradition, 240 pages, New World Library, ISBN 978-1-57731-890-3
  • David Groff and Philip Clark, Persistent Voices: Poetry by Writers Lost to AIDS, 240 pages, Alyson Books, ISBN 978-1-59350-153-2
  • Naomi Shihab Nye, Time You Let Me In: 25 Poets under 25, for "young adults", 256 pages, Greenwillow Books, ISBN 978-0-06-189637-8
  • Kevin Young, editor, The Art of Losing: Poems of Grief and Healing, 150 poems arranged to correspond with the grieving process, grouped by: Reckoning, Remembrance, Rituals, Recovery and Redemption; 336 pages, Bloomsbury USA, ISBN 978-1-60819-033-1

Criticism, scholarship and biography in the United States

Poets in The Best American Poetry 2010

These poets appeared in The Best American Poetry 2010, with David Lehman, general editor, and Amy Gerstler, guest editor (who selected the poetry):[22]

Works Published by Language

Danish language

  • Jöannes Nielsen, Broer af sultne ord ("Bridges of Hungry Words"), translated from the Faeroese by Erik Skyum-Nielsen, ISBN 978-87-92286-17-8, 52 pages[23]
  • Andrea Petri, Kulørte Balletfantasier ("Colored Ballet Fantasies"), ISBN 978-87-92467-65-2, 41 pages[24]
  • Allan Strandby Nielsen, Hvis der ikke er sandstorme, så er der nok noget andet ("If There Are Sandstorms, Then There Is Probably Something Else"), ISBN 978-87-02-09049-9, 88 pages[25]

French language


  • Marc Alyn, Anthologie poétique amoureuse, 330 pages, Ecriture, ISBN 978-2-909240-98-5
  • Luc Bérimont, Poésies Complètes, publisher: Presses Universitaires d'Angers
  • Abdellatif Laabi, Oeuvre poétique II, publisher: La Différence
  • Yvon Le Men, Le Tour du monde en 80 poèmes, publisher: Flammarion
  • Bernard Noël, Les Plumes d'éros ("The Feathers of Eros"), Works, Volume 1, poetry and prose, 448 pages, Galimard, ISBN 978-2-84682-349-4
  • Sergio Badilla Castillo Ville Asiégée. Al Manar. Voix Vives de Méditerraée. Juillet 2010
Anthologies in France
  • Marie-Claire Bancquart, editor, Couleurs femmes: Poèmes de 57 femmes, Le Castor Astral
  • Christine Planté, editor, Femmes poètes du XIXe siècle: Une anthologie, PUL
  • Erhan Turgut, editor, Voix de femmes. Anthologie de femmes poètes et photographes du monde, Turquoise Editions



  • Jacek Gutorow, Na brzegu rzeki; publisher: Biuro Literackie
  • Jiří Kolář, Sposób użycia i inne wiersze, selected, translated from the original Czech and annotated by Leszek Engelking; publisher: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT
  • Urszula Kozioł, Horrendum; publisher: Wydawnictwo Literackie
  • Ewa Lipska, Pogłos; publisher: Wydawnictwo Literackie
  • Andrzej Sosnowski, Poems (untranslated title); publisher: Biuro Literackie
  • Bohdan Zadura, Węgierskie lato. Przekłady z poetów węgierskich, translated from the original Hungarian; publisher: Biuro Literacke
  • Adam Zagajewski, Wiersze wybrane (Selected Poems), publisher: Wydawnictwp a5

Spanish language

Other languages

Awards and honors


Awards announced this year:


Australia awards and honors

Canada awards and honors

New Zealand awards and honors

United Kingdom awards and honors

United States awards and honors

From the Poetry Society of America


From the Poetry Society of Virginia Student Poetry Contest


2010 Student Poetry Contest Winners :: Poetry Society Prize

  • 1st place Catherine Ray, Edgecomb, Maine for the poem "Where Poems Hide For Me"
  • 2nd place Sophia Rose Carbonneau, Edgecomb, Maine for the poem "Alter Ego"
  • 3rd place Abbie Hinchman, Edgecomb, Maine for the poem “What's in My Journal”
  • 1st Honorable Mention Abbey Hutchins, Edgecomb, Maine for the poem "Wabanaki"
  • 2nd Honorable Mention Hari Srinivasan, Cupertino, CA for the poem “Non-Entity”
  • 3rd Honorable Mention Sophie Bell, Pound Ridge, NY for the poem "The Calming Book"

2010 Student Poetry Contest Winners :: Jenkins Prize

  • 1st place Edyt Dickstein, Livingston, NJ for the poem "Promises"

2010 Student Poetry Contest Winners :: Virginia Student Prize

  • 1st place Lauren Rae (Wren) Brown, Springfield, VA for the poem “Truly (Louis XVI's monologue)”
  • 2nd place Meredith Makhoul, Richmond VA for the poem "Intersection of Patterson and Chopt"
  • 3rd place Taylor Knight, Richmond, VA for the poem "Father"
  • 1st Honorable Mention Audrey Crothers, Virginia Beach, VA for the poem "Odysseus Returns"
  • 2nd Honorable Mention James Ruml, Richmond, VA for the poem "I Wanted"
  • 3rd Honorable Mention Hunter Johnson, Richmond, VA for the poem "English Class"

2010 Student Poetry Contest Winners :: S-8 Category – Undergraduate College

  • 1st place Chelsea Henderson, Charlottesville, VA for the poem "Indignities"
  • 2nd place Stephanie Wang, Roslyn, NY for the poem "He Wrote My Name In Snow"
  • 3rd place Audrey Walls, Richmond, VA for the poem “My Sister, January 1989”
  • 1st Honorable Mention Liam Kane-Grade, Prairie du Sac, WI for the poem "Ants in the Rain"
  • 2nd Honorable Mention Nathan W. Friedman, Richmond, VA for the poem, “Re-enactors”

2010 Student Poetry Contest Winners :: S-5 Category – Grades 9 & 10

  • 1st place Amber Brown, Oak Park, IL for the poem "Moon"
  • 2nd place Alexis Mia Phillips, Oak Park IL for the poem “Case# 07CR0304”
  • 3rd place Damiano R. Girona, Newport News, VA for the poem "Natural Love"

2010 Student Poetry Contest Winners :: S-4 Category – Grades 7 & 8

  • 1st place Maria Abrams, Bedford, NY for the poem "Sentences"
  • 2nd place Domonique, Hampton, VA for the poem "Just Because"
  • 3rd place Heidi Ziegra, Edgecomb, ME for the poem “Blue Jay, Black Cat”
  • 1st Honorable Mention Corey Albright, Bedford NY, for the poem "The Bus"
  • 2nd Honorable Mention Abby Williams, Richmond, VA for the poem "Devotion"
  • 3rd Honorable Mention Abbey Hutchins for the poem "Together"



Birth years link to the corresponding "[year] in poetry" article:

Czech poet Ludvik Kundera in 2009
Scottish poet Edwin Morgan, in February

See also


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