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ehemaliger britischer Automobilhersteller Aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Scout Motors Limited war ein britischer Automobilhersteller, der von 1904 bis 1920 in Salisbury (Wiltshire) ansässig war.
Das Unternehmen stellte Mittelklassewagen mit robusten Vier- und Sechszylindermotoren her, die als zuverlässig bekannt waren. Ein frühes Modell, der 1908 und 1909 gefertigte 12 hp, hatte einen Zweizylindermotor. Die Marke war nur im Westen Großbritanniens verbreitet.
Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg geriet die Firma in wirtschaftliche Schwierigkeiten und legte nur noch zwei mittelgroße Vierzylindermodelle mit Vorkriegstechnik neu auf. 1920 musste sie den Betrieb für immer einstellen.
Modell | Bauzeitraum | Zylinder | Hubraum (cm³) | Radstand (mm) |
14/16 hp | 1904–1907 | 4 Reihe | 2519 | 2565 |
17/20 hp | 1904–1906 | 4 Reihe | 2926 | 2565–2921 |
12 hp | 1908–1909 | 2 Reihe | 1869 | 2540 |
15/20 hp | 1908–1909 | 4 Reihe | 2926 | 2845 |
20 hp | 1908–1909 | 4 Reihe | 3738 | 2845 |
30 hp | 1908–1910 | 6 Reihe | 5638 | 3277 |
14/16 hp | 1909 | 4 Reihe | 2610 | 2540 |
30 hp | 1909 | 6 Reihe | 4389 | 3277 |
40 hp | 1909 | 6 Reihe | 5638 | 3277 |
10/12 hp | 1913–1916 | 4 Reihe | 1870 | 2743 |
12/14 hp | 1913–1916 | 4 Reihe | 2614 | 2870 |
18/22 hp | 1913–1916 | 4 Reihe | 3563 | 2946 |
24/28 hp | 1913–1916 | 4 Reihe | 4576 | 2946–3302 |
10/12 hp | 1919 | 4 Reihe | 1870 | 2845 |
12/14 hp + 15,9 hp | 1920 | 4 Reihe | 2614 | 3048 |
Abingdon | AC | Accles-Turrell | Accumulator Industries | Achilles | Adams | Ailsa-Craig | Albany | Albion | Allard | Alldays | Anglian | Arbee | Argyll | Ariel | Armstrong | Arnold | Arrol-Johnston | Arsenal | Atkinson & Philipson | Attila | Aurora | Autocar | Avon | Bailey & Lambert | Barcar | Bard | Barnes | Bassett | Bat | Bayley | Beaufort | Bedford | Beeston | Begbie | Belgrave | Belle | Belsize | Bersey | Bijou | Billings | Blake | Bradbury | Bristol | Brit | Britannia | British Ideal | British Lion | Brooke | Brooks | Brotherhood | Brough | Brown | Brush | Brushmobile | Bushbury | Cadogan | Caledonian | Calthorpe | Canterbury | Capel | Carlton | Carpeviam | Cassell | Cavendish | Celer | Celeripede | Celtic | Centaur | Century | Champion | Channon | Chase | Chelmsford | Chenhall | Chinnock | Chriton | City & Suburban | Clarendon | Clarkson | Clement-Talbot | Clift | Clyde | Comet | Continental | Coronet | Coventry Motette | Craig-Dorwald | Crampin-Scott | Crawford | Crawshay-Williams | Cremorne | Crossley | Crowden | Crown | Croxted | Crypto | Cundall | Cycar | Daimler | Dawson | Dennis | Diana | Dickinson Morette | Dougill | Downshire | Du Bois | Dunkley | Eadie | Eagle | Eastmead-Biggs | Eclipse | Electromobile | Elieson | Ellis | Elswick | Emerald | EMP | Endurance | English Mechanic | Esculapius | Excelsior | Farnell | Firefly | Fleetbridge | Forman | Frick | Gainsborough | Gamage | Garrard | Geering | General | Gilbert | Gilburt | Globe | Godiva | Gordon | Grand National | Greyhound | Grose | Gue | Hallamshire | Harrington | Hart | Headland | Hercules | Hermes | Heron | Hewitt-Bell | Highgate | Hind | Hitchon-Weller | Holderness | Holdsworth | Horbick | Horley | HPS | Hubbard | Hudlass | Humber | Hurst | Hurst & Lloyd | Hutton | Iden | Ilford | Immisch | Imperial (1900–1905) | Imperial (1904–1905) | International | Invicta | Ivel | Jackson | James & Browne | JAP | Joel | John O’Gaunt | Keenelet | Kelvin | King | King & Bird | Kingsburgh | Knight of the Road | Korte | Kyma | La Plata | Lacre | Lamplough-Albany | Lancaster | Lanchester | Lea-Francis | Legros & Knowles | Lems | Leonard | Lifu | Lindsay | Lipscomb | Lister | Liver | Lloyd & Plaister | Loidis | Lonsdale | Lutonia | Madelvic | Magnet | Mail | Malvernia | Manchester | Marriott | Mars | Marsh | Marshall | Martin | Matchless | Maudslay | Maxim | Mayfair | McLachlan | Medici | Meredith | Meteor | Metropolitan | Milnes | Milo | MMC | Mobile | Morgan | Morrison | Mytholm | Napier | National (1902–1912) | National (1904–1905) | Neale | New & Mayne | New Century (1902–1903) | New Century (1902–1904) | New Orleans | No Name | Norfolk | Offord | Oppermann | Osmond | Owen | Pandora | Parker | Parr | Peerless | Pelham | Pennington | Petter | Phoenix (1902–1904) | Phoenix (1903–1928) | Pick | Planet | Portland | Princeps | Pritchett & Gold | Progress | Provincial | QC | Quadrant | Queen | Raglan | Raleigh | Rational | Regent | Relyante | Renfrew | Repton | Rex | Ribble | Richardson | Rickett | Ridley | Riley | Robertson | Rolls-Royce | Roots & Venables | Rothwell | Rover | Royal Enfield | Royal Hereford | Royce | Rulex | Ryde | Ryknield | Ryley | Sandringham | Santler | Scout | Sefton | Siddeley | Simms | Simplex Perfecta | Simpson | Sinclair | Singer | SM | Soames | Speed King | Speedwell | Sports | SS | St. Laurence | St. Vincent | Standard | Star (1898–1902) | Star (1898–1932) | Stephens | Stirling | Stonebow | Sunbeam | Swan | Swift | Talbot | Taylor | Thomas | Thor | Thornycroft | Thrupp & Maberly | Turner-Miesse | Turrell | Tyne | Utile | Valkyrie | Valveless | Vapomobile | Vauxhall | Velox | Victrix | Vipen | Voitucar | Volk | Vulcan | Waddington | Walker & Hutton | Walton | Warfield | Waverley | Wearwell | Weller | Wellington | West | White | Whitlock-Aster | Wilbury | Wilkinson | Wilson-Pilcher | Wolf | Wolseley | Yeovil
Aberdonia | AC | Academy | Ace | Achilles | Adams (1903–1906) | Adams (1906–1914) | Adams-Hewitt | Adamson | Addison | Advance | AGR | Ailsa | Ailsa-Craig | Albany | Albion | Albruna | ALC | Alesbury | Alexandra | All British | Alldays | Alvechurch | AMC | Anglian | Arden | Argon | Argyll | Ariel | Armadale | Armstrong | Armstrong-Whitworth | Arno | Arrol-Johnston | Aston Martin | Atalanta | Athmac | Atholl | Attila | Aurora | Austin | Autocars and Accessories | Autocrat | Autotrix | Averies | Aviette | Avon | Badminton | Baguley | Baker & Dale | Bantam | Barcar | Barimar | Barnes | Bat | Beacon | Beaufort | Belgrave | Bell | Belsize | Bentall | Berkeley | Bifort | Bolsover | Bon-Car | Bowen (1905–1906) | Bowen (1906–1908) | BPD | Bradwell | Bridgwater | Bristol | Brit | Britannia (1896–1908) | Britannia (1913–1914) | British | British Ensign | Briton | Broadway | Brooke | Brooks & Woollan | Brotherhood | Brough | Brown | BSA | Buckingham | Burke | C & H | Cadogan | Calcott | Caledonian (1899–1906) | Caledonian (1912–1914) | Calthorpe | Campion | Canterbury | Carden | Carlette | Carpeviam | Carter | Cavendish | CCC | Celtic | Century | Certus | CFL | Chambers | Channon | Chase | Chater-Lea | Chenhall | Cheswold | Chota | City & Suburban | Clement | Climax | Clyde | Cole-Wiedeman | Coltman | Comet | Compact | Cone | Cooper | Cope-Bohemian | Coronet | Cotton | County | Courier | Cowey | Craig-Dorwald | Crawshay-Williams | Crescent | Cripps | Critchley-Norris | Crompton | Crossley | Crosville | Crouch | Crowdy | Croxted | Crypto | Cumbria | Cummikar | Cycar | D Ultra | Daimler | Dalgliesh-Gullane | Dalhousie | Dallison | Davy | Day-Leeds | De P | Deasy | Deemster | Dennis (1899–1915) | Dennis (1911–1912) | Dewcar | Dickinson Morette | DL | DMC | Dodson | Dolphin | Doru | Douglas | Downshire | DPL | Drummond | Dunkley | Duo | Duplex | Dursley-Pedersen | Eagle (1901–1907) | Eagle (1914) | Eastbourne | Eclipse | Edwards | EJYR | Ekstromer | Electromobile | Ellis | Elswick | Empress | Enfield | English Mechanic | Eric | Evelyn | Excelsior | EYME | Fairy | Fawcett-Fowler | FD | Fergus | Ferox | Fleetbridge | Flycar | Flyer | Forman | Forrest | Foy-Steele | Frick | Friswell | Gamage | Garrard | General | Gibbons | Gilburt | Gilyard | Girling | Globe (1904–1907) | Globe (1913–1916) | Glover | GN (1910–1925) | GN (1912) | GNL | Goodchild | Gordon | Granta | Greyhound | GWK | Hall | Hallamshire | Hampton | Hardman | Hardy | Harper | HCE | Herbert | Hercules | Heron | Heybourn | Hill & Stanier | Hillman | Hind | Hitchon-Weller | HMC | Horbick | Horley | Hornet | Horstmann | Howard | Howett | HSM | Hubbard | Humber | Humphris | Hurlincar | Hurmid | Hurst | Hutton | Iden | Imperial (1900–1905) | Imperial (1904–1905) | Imperial (1914) | Invicta (1900–1905) | Invicta (1913–1914) | Iris | Ivanhoe | Ivel | Ivor | Jackson | James & Browne | JAP | JBS | Jenkins | Jennings | Jowett | Kelvin | Kendall | Kennedy (1907–1910) | Kennedy (1914–1916) | Kestrel | King | Knight Junior | Knight of the Road | Korte | Kyma | La Plata | Lacre | LAD | Lagonda | Lambert | Lambert & West | Lambert-Herbert | Lanchester | Lawton | Le Sylphe | Lea-Francis | Leader | LEC | Lenox | Leo | Leonard | Lester | Lindsay | Lipscomb | Lloyd & Plaister | LM | Lotis | Lucar | Malvernia | Manchester | Marlborough | Mars | Marsh | Marshall-Arter | Martin | Mascot | Matchless | Maudslay | Maxim | Mayfair | McKenzie | Medea | Media | Medici | Medinger | Melen | Mendip | Mercury (1905) | Mercury (1914–1923) | Merlin | Meteor (1903–1905) | Meteor (1914–1916) | Meteorite | Metropolitan | Miles | Milo | Mitchell | MMC | Mobile | Monarch | Morgan (1904–1907) | Morgan (seit 1909) | Morris | Morrison | Morriss | MSL | Nameless | Napier | National (1902–1912) | National (1904–1905) | NB | NEC | New Century | New Eagle | New Hudson | New Imperial | New Leader | New Orleans | New Pick | Newey | Newey-Aster | Newmobile | No Name | Norfolk | Norma | Norris | Northern | Norton | Old Mill | Omnium | Oppermann | Orion | Orleans | Osterfield | Owen | Palladium | Panther | Paragon | Parnacott | PDA | Pearson-Cox | Pelham | Pennine | Perry | Phoenix | Pick | Pilgrim | Pilot | Pinnacle | Planet | PMC | Premier (1906–1914) | Premier (1912–1914) | Projecta | Provincial | Pullcar | Pyramid | QC | QED | Quadrant | Queen | Raleigh | Ranger | Rational (1901–1906) | Rational (1910–1911) | RCC | Realm-Forrest | Rennie | Rex | Ribble | Richardson | Richmond | Ridley (1901–1907) | Ridley (1914) | Riley | Robertson | Robinson | Robinson & Hole | Robinson & Price | Roc | Rollo | Rolls-Royce | Roper-Corbet | Rothwell | Rover | Royal Enfield | Royal Ruby | Roydale | Rudge | Rutherford | Ryde | Ryknield | Ryley | Sabella | Salmon | Salvo | Sanderson-Aster | Sandringham | Santler | Scotia | Scout | Seal | Seetstu | Seymour-Turner | Shamrock | Sheffield-Simplex | Siddeley | Siddeley-Deasy | Silvertown | Simms | Simplic | Singer | Sirron | SK Simplex | Sloane | SM | Speedwell | Speedy | SPQR | St. Vincent | Stag | Staines-Simplex | Standard | Stanhope | Star | Starling | Stellite | Sterling | Stesroc | Stoneleigh | Straker-Squire | Stuart | Sturmey | Summers & Harding | Sunbeam | Surridge | Swift | Talbot | Taunton | Taylor-Swetnam | TDC | Teco | TH | Thames | Thor | Thornycroft | Thurlow | Tiny | Titan | Toboggan | Torpedo | Truner | Turner | Turner-Miesse | Tyseley | Unique | Universal | Utopian | VAL | Valveless | Varley-Woods | Vauxhall | Vee Gee | Veloce | Via | Viceroy | Vickstow | Victor | Victoria | Viking | Vox | Vulcan | Waddington | Walco | Walcycar | Wall | Warne | Warren-Lambert | Wasp | Waverley | Wearwell | Weigel | Werbell | West | Westland | Westminster | Weston | White | Whitgift | Whitlock | Whitlock-Aster | Wilbrook | Wilkinson | Williamson | Willis | Wilson-Pilcher | Wilton | Winco | Windham | Wingfield | Winter | Withers | Wolf | Wolseley | Wolseley-Siddeley | Woodrow | Worthington | Wrigley | WSC | WW | Wyvern | YEC | Zendik | Zenith
Abbey | ABC | Abingdon | AC | Adamson | Aerocar | Aeroford | Airedale | AJS | Albatros | Alberford | Albert | Allwyn | Alvis | Amazon | Angus-Sanderson | Arab | Archer | Argson | Argyll | Ariel | Armstrong Siddeley | Arrol-Aster | Arrol-Johnston | Ascot | Ashby | Ashton-Evans | Aster | Aston Martin | Astral | Atomette | Austin | Autocrat | Autogear (1922) | Autogear (1922–1923) | AV | Avro | Baby Blake | BAC | Baguley | Barnard | Baughan | Bayliss-Thomas | Bean | Beardmore | Bell (1906–1925) | Bell (1920) | Belsize | Belsize-Bradshaw | Bentley | Beverley-Barnes | Black Prince | Blackburn | Blériot-Whippet | Bond | Bound | Bow-V-Car | Bowser | Bramham | BRB | British Eagle | British Ensign | British Imperia | Briton | Brocklebank | Brompton | BSA | Buckingham | Burney | Calcott | Calthorpe | Cambro | CAR | Carden | Carrow | Castle Four | Castle Three | Century | CFB | Chambers | Charron-Laycock | Chater-Lea | Chelsea | Chiltern | Christchurch-Campbell | Cluley | Clyde | Clyno | Coltman | Comet | Cooper | Corona | Cosmos | Coventry-Premier | Coventry-Victor | Crewford | Crossley | Crouch | Crown Ensign | Cubitt | CWS | Daimler | Dandy | Dawson | Day-Leeds | Dayton | De P | Deemster | Derek | Douglas | Dunalistair | Dunkley | Duplex | Economic | Edmond | Edmund | Elmo | Emms | Emscote | Enfield-Allday | Eric-Campbell | Eric-Longden | Fergus | Forster | Frazer Nash | Galloway | GB | Gerald | Gibbons | Gilchrist | Gillett | GN | GNL | Gnome | Godfrey-Proctor | Goodyear | Grahame-White | Guildford | Guy | Gwalia | GWK | Gwynne | Hadfield-Bean | Hall | Hamilton | Hammond | Hampton | Hands | Harding | Hariscott | Harper | HE | Heron | HFG | Hillman | Hodgson | Horstmann | HP | Humber | Humphreys | Invicta | Iris | Jappic | JB | Jewel | JL | Jowett | Junior Sports | Kingsbury | KRC | La Rapide | LAD | Lagonda | Lanchester | Launceston | Laurence-Jackson | Lea-Francis | Lecoy | Lennox | Leta | Lewis | Leyland | Lincoln | Lington | LM | Lockwood | Lothian | Loyd-Lord | LSD | Magnetic | Maiflower | Marcus | Marendaz | Marlborough | Marlborough-Thomas | Marseal | Marseel | Marshall | Mascotte | Matchless | Maudslay | MB | McCurd | McKenzie | Mendip | Menley | Mercury | Meteorite | Metro-Tyler | MG | Milton | Monarch | Morgan | Morris | Morriss-London | Napier | NEC | New British | New Carden | New Hudson | Newey | No Trouble | Nomad | North Lucas | North Star | NP | Omega | Orpington | Owen | PAF | Palladium | Palm | Palmerston | Parnacott | Paydell | Payze | Perfex | Phoenix | Pick | Princeps | Princess | Progress | Prosser | Raleigh | Rhode | Richardson | Riley | RLC | Rob Roy | Roger | Rolls-Royce | Rover | Royal Ruby | RTC | Ruston-Hornsby | Ryner-Wilson | Santler | Saunders | Scotsman (1922–1923) | Scotsman (1929–1930) | Scott Sociable | Scout | Seabrook | Seal | Seaton-Petter | Sheffield-Simplex | Sheret | Short-Ashby | Siddeley-Deasy | Silver Hawk | Simplic | Singer | Sizaire-Berwick | Skeoch | Speedy | Stack | Stafford | Standard | Stanhope | Star | Stellite | Stoneleigh | Storey | Straker-Squire | Stringer-Smith | Stringer-Winco | Sunbeam | Surrey | Swallow | Swift | Talbot | Tamplin | Tankette | Taunton | Taylor | TB | Thor | Thurlow | Triumph | Trojan | TST | Turner | Unit | Urecar | Vandy | Varley-Woods | Vauxhall | Victor | Victory | Vulcan | Warren-Lambert | Waverley | Webb | Westall | Westcar | Westwood | Wherwell | Whitehead | Whitlock | Whitworth | Wigan-Barlow | Wilson | Wilton | Windsor | Wingfield | Winson | Wolseley | Wooler | Wright | WTA | Xtra | Zephyr
Accumulator Industries | Adams-Hewitt | AEC | Airedale | A.J.S. | Albion | Alexander | Alexander Dennis | All British | Alldays | Alley & MacLellan | Argyle | Argyll | Ariel | Armadale | Armstrong | Armstrong-Whitworth | Arrival | Arrol-Johnston | Asquith | Associated Commercial Vehicles | Atkey-Gimson | Atkinson | Atlas | Austin | Autocars and Accessories | Aveling & Porter | B.A.D.C. | Bantam | Barton | B.A.T. | Bean | Beardmore | Bedford | Belhaven | Bell Brothers | Belsize | Birmingham & Midland | Blackburn | Bluebird | Bradbury | Bristol (1904–1908) | Bristol (1908–1983) | British Berna | British Quad | Briton | Brush | Burford | Caledon | Caledonian | Carette | Carrimore | Century | Chambers | Charles H. Roe | Chelmsford | Chrysler | Churchill | Clarkson & Capel | Clayton | Cleco | Clyde (1905–1914) | Clyde (1913–1938) | Commer | Coulthard | County | County Commercial | Coventry-Victor | C.P.T. | Craig-Dorwald | Crawshay-Williams | Cremorne | Critchley-Norris | Crossley | Currie | Daimler | Dearne | Dennis | Devon | Duple | Duplex | Eadon | Eastern Coach Works | Easyloader | Electric Motive Power | Elieson | Enfield | Enfield-Allday | Ensign | Entwisle & Gass | Erewash | E.R.F. | Fergus | Fleet | Fleur de Lys | Foden | Ford | Forrest | Fowler | Freestone | Freight Rover | Frick | F.W.D. | Galloway | Garner | Garrett | General Motor Car | G.E.R. | Gilford | Girling | Glover | Goodchild | Granton | Greenwood | Greyhound | Guy Motors | GWK | Hall | Hallamshire | Halley | Hallford | Harrington | Hillman | Hobart | Horley | Horn Littlewood | Horstmann | Hubbard | Humber | Iden | Iris | Ivanhoe | Ivel | Ivy | James | James & Browne | Jensen | Jowett | Karivan | Karrier | Kerr-Stuart | Kingsburgh | Lacre | Lagonda | Lambourn | Land Rover | LDV | Leyland | Leyland DAF | L.G.O.C. | Lipscomb | Lothian | Lotis | Low Loader | Lowdeck | L.V.L. | Maidstone & District | Maltby | Marathon | Martin Cultivator Co. | Maudslay | McCurd | Melen | Mendip | Metro Cammell Weymann | Milnes-Daimler | M.J. | Mobile | M.O.C. | Monarch | Morris Commercial | Morrison-Electricar | Musker | Napier | Napier-Parsons | New Leader | Newmobile | Northcote | Northern General | Omnium | Pagefield | Palladium | Park Royal Vehicles | PDA | Peerless | P.F.S. | Progress | Raleigh | Reliant | Rex | R.G. | Roebuck | Rothwell | Rotinoff | Rover | Royal Enfield | Royal Scot | Royal Windsor | Ryknield | Rytecraft | Sandringham | Saunders-Roe | Savages | Scammell | Scott | Scout | Sedan Auto-Car | Seddon | Seddon Atkinson | Sentinel | Sheffield-Simplex | Shefflex | Simms | Simpson & Bibby | Singer | Smith | Smith Electric Vehicles | Soames | Standard Steam Lorry | Star | Stevens | Stirling | Stoneleigh | Straker-Squire | Straussler | Sunbeam | Talbot | Tasker & Sons | Thames | Thompson Brothers | Thor | Thornycroft | Tilling-Stevens | Tri-Kon | Tritractor | Trojan | Unipower | Unique | Vulcan | Wall | Wallace | Warrick | Watson | Wells | Westland | W. & G. | Wolf | Willys Overland Crossley | Wilson | Wolseley | Wrightbus | Yorkshire
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