তালিকা পাতা উইকিপিডিয়া থেকে, বিনামূল্যে একটি বিশ্বকোষ
এটি বিশ্বের বিখ্যাত মসজিদগুলোর একটি তালিকা।
এই নিবন্ধটি বাংলায় অনুবাদ করা প্রয়োজন। এই নিবন্ধটি বাংলা ব্যতীত অন্য কোন ভাষায় লেখা হয়েছে। নিবন্ধটি যদি ঐ নির্দিষ্ট ভাষা ব্যবহারকারীদের উদ্দেশ্যে লেখা হয়ে থাকে তবে, অনুগ্রহ করে নিবন্ধটি ঐ নির্দিষ্ট ভাষার উইকিপিডিয়াতে তৈরি করুন। অন্যান্য ভাষার উইকিপিডিয়ার তালিকা দেখুন এখানে। এই নিবন্ধটি পড়ার জন্য আপনি গুগল অনুবাদ ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। কিন্তু এ ধরনের স্বয়ংক্রিয় সরঞ্জাম দ্বারা অনুবাদকৃত লেখা উইকিপিডিয়াতে সংযোজন করবেন না, কারণ সাধারণত এই সরঞ্জামগুলোর অনুবাদ মানসম্পন্ন হয় না। |
এএমজে | আহমেদিয়া মুসলিম কমিউনিটি | ||
এ | আরব গ্রুপ | ||
সি | মধ্য এশিয়ায় ইসলাম | ||
সিএইচ | চীনা গ্রুপ | ||
এম | মদীনা মেমি আলিউন চেইখ টিডজানি নিয়াস | এমও | মাউরাইড |
I | ইরান | ||
এসএইচ | শিয়া | ||
এসএ | সৌদি আরব | ||
এসই | এসও | সোমালিয়া ইসলাম | |
এস | সুন্নি | ||
এসইএ | দক্ষিণ পূর্ব এশিয়া | ||
টিজে | তাবলিগ | ||
টি | তুর্কি / অটোমান গ্রুপ | ||
ইউ | অনির্ধারিত / অজানা |
নাম | ছবি | দেশ | শহর | বছর | গোষ্ঠী | মন্তব্য সমূহ |
আব্দুল রহমান মসজিদ | আফগানিস্তান | কাবুল | ২০০৯ | ইউ | আফগানিস্তানের বৃহত্তম মসজিদ | |
শিরিন অব দ্যা ক্লোক | আফগানিস্তান | কান্দাহার | ১৮৩০ শতক | ইউ | এছাড়াও কান্দাহারের শুক্রবার মসজিদ নামে পরিচিত, এটা মুহাম্মদ কর্তৃক পরিগৃহীত ছদ্মবেশ ধারণ করা ঘর নামেও পরিচিত | |
হেরাত জামা মসজিদ | আফগানিস্তান | হেরাত | ১৪৪৬ | সি | মসজিদটি ছিল শহরের প্রথম কনগ্রেশনাল মসজিদ, ভূমিকম্প এবং অগ্নি কর্তৃক ধ্বংস দুটি ছোট জরাস্ট্রিয়ান ফায়ার টেম্পল সাইটে নির্মিত কর হয় | |
আলী শ্রাইন | আফগানিস্তান | মাজরে শরীফ | ? | U | আরও নীল মসজিদ অথবা রওয়জে-ই-শরীফ নামে পরিচিত | |
ইথেম বে মসজিদ | আলবেনিয়া | তিরানা | ১৮১৩ | টি | আলবেনিয়া রাজধানী কেন্দ্রে অবস্থিত, মসজিদটি ১৯৯১ পর্যন্ত কমিউনিস্ট শাসনের সময় বন্ধ ছিল। | |
আলজিয়ার্স গ্রেট মসজিদ | আলজেরিয়া | আলজেরিয়া | ১০৯৭[১] | ইউ | ||
কেতসাউ মসজিদ | আলজেরিয়া | আলজিয়ার্স | ১৬১২ | ইউ | ||
রাজা ফাহাদ ইসলামী সাংস্কৃতিক কেন্দ্র | আর্জেন্টিনা | বুয়েনোস আইরেস | ২০০৬ | এসএ | ল্যাটিন আমেরিকার বৃহত্তম মসজিদ; যেটি সৌদি আরবের ফাহাদের নামে নামকরণ করা হয়। | |
ব্রু মসজিদ | আর্মেনিয়া | ইয়েরেভান | ১৭৬৬ | এসএইচ | ||
অবার্ন গ্যালিপলি মসজিদ | অস্ট্রেলিয়া | অবার্ন (সিডনি) | ১৯৭৯ | টি | তুর্কি সুন্নি মুসলিম | |
লাকিমবা মসজিদ | Australia | লাকিমবা (সিডনি) | ১৯৭৭ | ইউ | লেবানেসে মোসলেমস এসোসিয়েশন এছাড়াও ইমাম আলী বিন আবি তালেব মসজিদ নামে পরিচিত। | |
Telfs Mosque | অস্ট্রিয়া | টেলফস | ১৯৯৮ | ইউ | মিনারটি পরবর্তীতে ২০৬ সালে নির্মাণ করা হয় | |
ভিয়েনা ইসলামিক সেন্টার | অস্ট্রিয়া | ভিয়েনা | ১৯৭৭ | ইউ | ফয়সাল ইবনে আব্দ আল আজিজ নির্দেশনা অনুযায়ী নির্মিত | |
রশীদ মসজিদ | অস্ট্রিয়া | ভিয়েনা | ২০০৫ | ইউ | ঘানা, নাইজেরিয়া ও বেনিন মুসলমানদের দ্বারা নির্মিত | |
মসজিদ বাদ বসলাউ | অস্ট্রিয়া | বাদ বসলাউ | ২০০৯ | ইউ | তুরস্ক এর মুসলমানদের দ্বারা নির্মিত, এছাড়াও দুটি ছোট মিনার রয়েছে | |
আল ফাতেহ মসজিদ | বাহরাইন | জুফাইর | ২০০৬ | ইউ | আহমেদ ইবনে মুহাম্মাদ ইবনে খলিফা | |
বায়তুল মোকাররম | বাংলাদেশ | ঢাকা | ১৯৬০ দশকে | ইউ | জাতীয় মসজিদ। এটি বিশ্বের ১০ম বৃহৎ মসজিদ। | |
Kakrail Mosque | বাংলাদেশ | ঢাকা | টিজে | সকল তাবলীগ কার্যক্রমের কেন্দ্র | ||
Sixty Dome Mosque | Bangladesh | Bagerhat Sadar Upazila | 15th century (early) | U | It is one of the three UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Bangladesh | |
Khan Mohammad Mridha Mosque | Bangladesh | Dhaka | 1705 | U | ||
Shona Mosque(Golden Mosque) | বাংলাদেশ | চাঁপাই নবাবগঞ্জ | ১৪৯৩ | ইউ | মসজিদটির ১৫ টি গম্বুজ একসময় সোনালী রঙে মালা দিয়েছিল, মসজিদটিকে ছোট সোনা মসজিদের নামে বা সাধারণভাবে জানা যায় যে ছোট সোনা মসজিদ। | |
বাঘা মসজিদ | বাংলাদেশ | রাজশাহী | ১৫২৩ | ইউ | এটি শোভাময় পোড়ামাটির সজ্জার জন্য বিশেষভাবে পরিচিত। | |
Ferhadija Mosque | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Banja Luka | 1579 | T | The Republika Srpska authorities ordered the demolition of the entire Ferhadija and Arnaudija mosque complexes. The Serb militia blew up the Ferhadija Mosque on the night of 6–7 May 1993. The mosque is under reconstruction. Named for Ferhat-paša Sokolović | |
Emperor's Mosque | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo | 1462 | T | Named for Suleiman the Magnificent | |
Ali Pasha's Mosque | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo | 1560 | T | Named for Hadim Ali Pasha | |
Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo | 1531 | T | Named for Gazi Husrev-beg | |
Karadzozbey Mosque | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Mostar | 1557 | T | In the Second World War it was severely damaged, and in the Bosnian War it was almost completely destroyed. | |
Mesquita Foz do Iguaçu | Brazil | Foz do Iguaçu | ||||
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque | Brunei | Bandar Seri Begawan | 1959 | SEA | National mosque. Named for Omar Ali Saifuddien III | |
Dongguan Mosque | China | Xining | 14th century | |||
Niujie Mosque | China | Beijing | 996 | CH | ||
Id Kah Mosque | China | Kashgar, Xinjiang | 1442 | C | ||
Muslim Mosque in Lhasa | China | Lhasa, Tibet | ? | C | ||
Great Mosque of Xi'an | China | Xi'an, Shaanxi | 742 | CH | One's of the world oldest functioning mosques. It was first built in the Tang Dynasty (Emperor Xuanzong, 685–762) | |
Kowloon Masjid and Islamic Centre | China | Kowloon, Hong Kong | 1984 | |||
Jamia Mosque | China | Kowloon, Hong Kong | 1849 | |||
Mosque of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab | Colombia | Maicao | 1997 | U | Second largest mosque in Latin America, and largest in Colombia. Named for Umar | |
Hamoudi Mosque | Djibouti | Djibouti City | 1906 | SO | Built by Haji Hamoudi. Among the older standing masjids in the city. | |
Mosque of Muhammad Ali | Egypt | Cairo Citadel | 1848 | T | Most visible site in the city. Named for Muhammad Ali of Egypt | |
Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan | Egypt | Cairo | 1356 | U | Named for al-Nasir Badr al-Din Abu al-Ma'aly al-Hassan | |
Al-Hakim Mosque | Egypt | Cairo | 928 | U | Built by the Fatimid Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah. | |
Al-Azhar Mosque | Egypt | Cairo | 969 | U | National mosque | |
Al-Hussein Mosque | Egypt | Cairo | 1154 | U | Named for Husayn ibn Ali. | |
Mosque of Ibn Tulun | Egypt | Cairo | 876–879 | U | Named for Ahmad ibn Tulun | |
El-Mursi Abul Abbas Mosque | Egypt | Alexandria | 1219 | U | Named for Ahmed Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi | |
Al Qa'ed Ibrahim Mosque | Egypt | Alexandria | 1948 | U | ||
Kulafah Al Rashidan Great Mosque | Eritrea | Asmara | 1938 | A | The minaret resembles a fluted Roman column. | |
Sheikh Hanafi Mosque | Eritrea | Massawa | 1400s | A | Eritrea's oldest mosque. Built with coral. | |
Grand Mosque of Évry | France | Évry | 1995 | A | ||
Paris Mosque | France | Paris | 1926 | A | ||
Khadija Mosque | Germany | Berlin | 2008 | Named for Khadijah bint Khuwaylid | ||
Periamet Masjid | India | Chennai | 1838 | U | ||
Jamia Masjid | India | Ambur | S | |||
Old Jumma Masjid | India | Kilakarai | 628-630; rebuilt 1023 | U | Also known as Meen Kada Palli, it is the first mosque built in India and outside the Arabian Peninsula, and fourth oldest in the world. | |
Cheraman Juma Masjid | India | Kodungallur | 629 | U | The first mosque in India. Named for Cheraman Perumal | |
জামে মসজিদ | India | Delhi | 1656 | U | The largest mosque in India. Also known as Masjid-i Jahān-Numā after Shah Jahan | |
Charminar | India | Hyderabad | 1591 | U | "Mosque of the four minarets" (located on the top floor) is actually only part of the structure which is actually a landmark monument constructed in the early years of the city's founding in the 16th century. | |
Adina Masjid | India | English Bazar | 1363 | Sultan Sikandar Shah | At the time, the largest mosque of South Asia. | |
Mecca Masjid | India | Hyderabad | 1617–94 | U | One of the oldest mosques and the biggest mosque located in Hyderabad, India. Named after Mecca for the bricks made from the city's soil transported to India. | |
Ziarat Shareef | India | Kakrala | 1980 | U | Built by Hazrat Shah Saqlain Miyan. The name comes from ziyarat and refers to pilgrimages. | |
Agung Demak Mosque | Indonesia | Demak | 1466 | SEA | Oldest Mosque in Java | |
Menara Kudus Mosque | Indonesia | Kudus | 1549 | SEA | Old mosque in Java, preserving pre-Islamic structures. | |
Raya Baiturrahman Mosque | Indonesia | Banda Aceh | 1881 | SEA | Largest mosque in Aceh, one of oldest mosques in Indonesia | |
Yogyakarta Grand Mosque | Indonesia | Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. | 1773 | SEA | Royal mosque of the Yogyakarta Sultanate | |
Cheng Ho Mosque | Indonesia | Surabaya | 2002 | SEA | Chinese-styled mosque. Some of Java's earliest Muslim communities were Chinese. | |
Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta | Indonesia | Jakarta | 1975 | SEA | National mosque, largest mosque in Southeast Asia. Initially criticised for un-Indonesian design. | |
Jameh Mosque of Isfahan | Iran | Isfahan | ? | I | The mosque is the result of continual construction, reconstruction, additions and renovations on the site from around 771 to the end of the 20th century. | |
Shah Mosque | Iran | Isfahan | 1611 | I | Named for Abbas I of Persia it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site | |
Blue Mosque, Tabriz | Iran | Tabriz | 1465 | I | Known as Turquoise of Islam World | |
Imam Ridha Mosque | Iran | Mashhad | ? | I | Shrine of Ali ar-Ridha, the 8th Twelver Shia Imam | |
Ma'soomah Qom Shrine | Iran | Qom | ? | I | Shrine of Fātima bint Mūsā, sister of Ali ar-Ridha. | |
Imam Husayn Shrine | Iraq | Karbala | 680 | U | National mosque. The shrine of Husayn ibn Ali, the 3rd Twelver Shia Imam | |
Al Abbas Mosque | Iraq | Karbala | 680 | U | National mosque. Shrine of Al-Abbas ibn Ali son of Ali and brother of Husayn ibn Ali | |
Imam Ali Mosque | Iraq | Najaf | ? | U | Shrine of Ali the 4th Sunni Rashidun and the 1st Shia Imam | |
Al-Kadhimiya Mosque | Iraq | Kadhimiya | ? | U | Shrine of Musa al-Kadhim and Muhammad al-Taqi the 7th and 9th Twelver Shia Imams | |
Al-Askari Mosque | Iraq | Samarra | ? | U | Mosque with golden dome and shrine of Ali al-Hadi and Hasan al-Askari the 10th and 11th Twelver Shia Imams | |
Great Mosque of Samarra | Iraq | Samarra | 852 | U | ||
Mahmood Mosque | Israel | Haifa | 1931 | AMJ | ||
Hassan Bek Mosque | Israel | Tel Aviv-Yafo | 1916 | T | Named for Hassan Bek, Jaffa's Turkish-Arab governor | |
Jezzar Pasha Mosque | Israel | Acre | 1781 | T | Named for Jezzar Pasha | |
Sidna Ali Mosque | Israel | Herzliya | 13th century | U | Named for Sidna Ali, one of Saladins lieutenants | |
Al-Aqsa Mosque | Israel/Palestine | Jerusalem | 705 | U | National mosque | |
Dome of the Rock | Palestine | Jerusalem | 691 | U | Not really a mosque but an Islamic shrine. Oldest extant Islamic building in the world. | |
Mosque of Rome | Italy | Rome | 1994 | The largest mosque in Europe. | ||
Kobe Mosque | Japan | Kobe | 1935 | T | ||
Abu Darweesh Mosque | Jordan | Amman | 1961 | U | Circassian community | |
King Abdullah I Mosque | Jordan | Amman | 1982–89 | U | Circassian community. Named for Abdullah I of Jordan | |
Grand Mosque Of Kuwait | Kuwait | Kuwait City | 1979–1986 | U | The mosque is located in Kuwait City. | |
Imam Hussein Mosque | Kuwait | Kuwait City | 1979–1986 | U | Named for Husayn ibn Ali, the 3rd Twelver Shia Imam | |
Mohammad Al-Amin Mosque | Lebanon | Beirut | ? | T | ||
Zahir Mosque | Malaysia | Alor Setar | 1912 | SEA | ||
Jamek Mosque | Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | 1909 | SEA | ||
National Mosque of Malaysia | Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | 1965 | SEA | National mosque | |
Federal Territory Mosque | Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | 2000 | SEA | ||
Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Mosque | Malaysia | Shah Alam | 1988 | SEA | Named for Salahuddin of Selangor | |
Putra Mosque | Malaysia | Putrajaya | 1999 | SEA | ||
Great Mosque of Djenné | Mali | Djenné | 1300 | U | The first mosque on the site was built in the 13th century, but the current structure dates from 1907. | |
Djinguereber Mosque | Mali | Timbuktu | 1327 | U | ||
Chinguetti Mosque | Mauritania | Chinguetti | ? | U | ||
Jummah Masjid | Mauritius | Port Louis | 1853 | U | One of the first mosques built in the Indian Ocean | |
Hassan II Mosque | Morocco | Casablanca | 1993 | U | ||
Koutoubia Mosque | Morocco | Marrakech | 1158 | U | Named for Hassan II of Morocco | |
Canterbury Mosque | New Zealand | Christchurch, Canterbury | U | |||
Abuja National Mosque | Nigeria | Abuja | 1984 | U | National mosque | |
Great Mosque of Kano | Nigeria | Kano | ? | U | ||
Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque | Oman | Muscat | 2001 | A | National mosque. Named for Qaboos bin Said al Said | |
ফয়সাল মসজিদ | Pakistan | Islamabad | 1986 | U | Named for Faisal of Saudi Arabia, it is the largest mosque in Pakistan and South Asia and one of the largest mosques in the world. | |
Mahabat Khan Mosque | Pakistan | Peshawar | 1630 | U | Built by Shah Jehan. Named for the governor of Peshawar, Mahabat Khan | |
বাদশাহী মসজিদ | Pakistan | Lahore | 1673 | U | Built by Aurangzeb. One of the largest mosques in the world. | |
Wazir Khan Mosque | Pakistan | Lahore | 1642 | U | Built by Shah Jahan | |
Shah Jahan Mosque | Pakistan | Thatta | 1647 | U | Named for Shah Jahan | |
Masjid e Tooba | Pakistan | Karachi | 1969 | U | ||
Masjid-e-Aqsa | Pakistan | Rabwah | 1972 | AMJ | ||
Mosque of Omar | Palestinian territories | Bethlehem | 1860 | U | Named for Umar | |
Great Mosque of Gaza | Palestinian territories | Gaza | 1344 | U | ||
El Centro Cultural Islamico de Colón | Panama | Colón | ||||
Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Masjid | Philippines | Cotabato City | 2011 | SEA | The largest mosque in the Philippines. Funded by and named after Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei. | |
Masjid Al-Dahab | Philippines | Manila | 1976 | SEA | ||
Lisbon Mosque | Portugal | Lisbon | 1988 | U | ||
Qolsharif Mosque | Russia | Kazan | 2005 | C | Republic of Tatarstan, reputedly the largest mosque in Europe. | |
Moscow Cathedral Mosque | Russia | Moscow | 1904 | U | ||
King Saud Mosque | Saudi Arabia | Jeddah | 1987 | SA | Named for Saud of Saudi Arabia | |
Masjid al-Haram | Saudi Arabia | Mecca | 638, 1571 | U | International mosque, home of Kaaba | |
Al-Masjid al-Nabawi | Saudi Arabia | Medina | 622, 1817 | SA | The mausoleum of Muhammad and his companions Abu Bakr and Umar. | |
Great Mosque of Touba | Senegal | Touba | 1963 | M | A major annual pilgrimage, called the Grand Magal, attracts between one and two million people from all over Senegal and beyond to the mosque each year. | |
Bajrakli Mosque | Serbia | Belgrade | around 1575 | T | ||
Masjid Sultan | Singapore | Singapore | 1826 | SEA | Named for Sultan Hussain Shah | |
Arba Rucun mosque | Somalia | Mogadishu | 992 | SO | ||
Fakr ad-Din Mosque | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1269 | SO | Oldest mosque in Mogadishu. Built by the Sultanate of Mogadishu's first Sultan, Fakr ad-Din. | |
Mosque of Islamic Solidarity | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1987 | SO | National mosque. Largest masjid in the Horn of Africa. | |
Habibia Soofie Saheb Jamia Masjid | South Africa | Cape Town | 1905 | S | Third largest Masjid and second Largest Islamic Complex in Southern Africa. Built in 1905 by Shah Goolam Muhammad Soofie Saheb of Durban | |
Juma Masjid Mosque | South Africa | Durban | 1881 | S | The Juma Masjid was the first mosque to be built in Durban, and the oldest and largest in the Southern Hemisphere. Built in 1881 as a Musallah by Aboobaker Amod Jhaveri and Hajee Mohamed | |
Nizamiye Masjid | South Africa | Midrand | 2009 | U | It is the biggest mosque in the Southern Hemisphere, occupying 10 hectares of land. | |
Seoul Central Mosque | South Korea | Seoul | 1976 | |||
Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque | Sri Lanka | Colombo | 1909 | U | Designed to resemble the Jamek Mosque. | |
Hajja Soad Mosque | Sudan | Khartoum | ? | U | ||
Umayyad Mosque | Syria | Damascus | 715 | U | National mosque | |
Taipei Grand Mosque | Taiwan | Taipei | 1947 | S | Largest and oldest mosque in Taiwan | |
Kaohsiung Mosque | Taiwan | Kaohsiung | 1949 | S | ||
Taipei Cultural Mosque | Taiwan | Taipei | 1950 | S | ||
Taichung Mosque | Taiwan | Taichung | 1951 | S | ||
Longgang Mosque | Taiwan | Zhongli | 1967 | S | ||
Tainan Mosque | Taiwan | Tainan | 1996 | S | ||
At-Taqwa Mosque | Taiwan | Dayuan | 2013 | S | ||
Gaddafi Mosque | Tanzania | Dodoma | 2010 | S | ||
300 Years Mosque | Thailand | Ban Talo Mano, Tambon Subo Sawo, Narathiwat | 1624 | SEA | ||
Baan Haw Mosque | Thailand | Chiang Mai | ? | SEA | ||
Mosque of Uqba | Tunisia | Kairouan | 670 | U | Named for Uqba ibn Nafi | |
Al-Zaytuna Mosque | Tunisia | Tunis | 703 | U | ||
Eyüp Sultan Mosque | Turkey | Istanbul | 1458 | T | The tomb and mosque of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari | |
Fatih Mosque | Turkey | Istanbul | 1463–1771 | T | The mosque was completely destroyed by an earthquake in 1766 and rebuilt in 1771 | |
Kocatepe Mosque | Turkey | Ankara | 1987 | T | ||
New Mosque | Turkey | Istanbul | 1665 | T | ||
Ortaköy Mosque | Turkey | Istanbul | 1854 | T | The mosque was designed in neo-baroque style. | |
Sabancı Central Mosque | Turkey | Adana | 1998 | T | ||
Sultan Ahmed Mosque ("Blue Mosque") | Turkey | Istanbul | 1609–1616 | T | National mosque. Named for Ahmed I | |
Suleymaniye Mosque | Turkey | Istanbul | 1550–1557 | T | ||
Selimiye Mosque | Turkey | Edirne | 1568–1574 | T | Named for Selim II | |
Ertuğrul Gazi Mosque | Turkmenistan | Ashgabat | 1998 | C | named for Ertuğrul | |
Kipchak Mosque | Turkmenistan | Gypjak | 2004 | named for Saparmurat Niyazov | ||
Gökdepe Mosque | Turkmenistan | Gokdepe | 1998 | named for Saparmurat Niyazov | ||
Mary Mosque | Turkmenistan | Mary | 2009 | named for Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov | ||
Sheikh Zayed Mosque | United Arab Emirates | Abu Dhabi | 2008 | A | National mosque. Named for Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan | |
Grand Mosque of Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Dubai | 1998 | A | ||
Jamea Masjid | United Kingdom | Preston | 1964 | U | Recognised as the Central Masjid of Preston and also known for its unique 'castle-like' Islamic architectural design. | |
Baitul Futuh | United Kingdom | London | 2003 | AMJ | Currently the largest mosque in United Kingdom | |
East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre | United Kingdom | London | 2003 | S | Currently one of the largest and oldest mosques United Kingdom with a capacity of 5,000. | |
Mosque Tucson | United States | Tucson (Arizona) | ? | AMJ | ||
Tucson Islamic Center, University of Arizona | United States | Tucson (Arizona) | ? | U | ||
Mosque Maryam | United States | Chicago (Illinois) | ? | NoI | Originally a Greek Orthodox church, purchased in 1972 by the Nation of Islam. Named for Mary (Maryam | |
Mosque No. 7 | United States | New York City (New York) | ? | Established by Malcolm X. Held the offices for Marcus Garvey. Currently a Sunni Mosque. Houses an interfaith room where Christian parishioners from a condemned church worship. | ||
Al-Sadiq Mosque | United States | Chicago (Illinois) | 1922 | AMJ | Named for Muhammad Sadiq | |
Islamic Center of America | United States | Dearborn (Michigan) | 2005 | SH | ||
Islamic Center of Washington | United States | Washington | 1957 | U | ||
Ulugh Beg Madrasa | Uzbekistan | Samarkand | ? | C | Named for Ulugh Beg | |
Mosque of Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Ibrahim | Venezuela | Caracas | 1993 | U | ||
Al Muhdhar Mosque | Yemen | Tarim | 1914 | U | The minaret is ৫৩ মি (১৭৪ ফু) high, the tallest in Yemen. | |
Al Saleh Mosque | Yemen | Sana'a | 2008 | U | The largest mosque in Yemen, capacity of over 30,000. |
Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.