阿尔班·马利亚·约翰内斯·贝尔格(德語:Alban Maria Johannes Berg,德语发音:[ˈalbaːn ˈbɛʁk];1885年2月9日—1935年12月24日),奥地利第二维也纳乐派的作曲家。他的作曲风格将浪漫主义抒情与十二音技巧相结合。[1]尽管他的作品数量相对较少,但他以其表达性风格被视为20世纪最重要的作曲家之一,他的作品包含了“完整的情感世界和结构”。[2]
事实速览 阿尔班·马利亚·约翰内斯·贝尔格 Alban Maria Johannes Berg, 出生 ...
贝尔格出生并居住在维也纳。他在15岁时便开始作曲。他在1904年至1911年期间跟随阿诺尔德·勋伯格学习对位法、音乐理论和和声,并采用了他的发展式变奏和十二音技巧原则。贝尔格的重要作品包括歌剧《伍采克》(1924年)和《露露》(1935年,未完成),室内乐《抒情组曲(英语:Lyric Suite (Berg))》和《室内协奏曲(英语:Kammerkonzert (Berg))》,以及一部小提琴协奏曲。他还创作了一些歌曲(藝術歌曲)。有人说他为十二音体系带来了更多的“人文价值”,他的作品被认为比勋伯格的作品更加“情感化”。[3]在勋伯格本人声望不高时,他的音乐具有迷人的表面魅力,赢得了许多赞赏者。[4]
Georg Markus, Der Kaiser Franz Joseph I.: Bilder und Dokumente; Anna Nahowski and Friedrich Saathen, Anna Nahowski und Kaiser Franz Joseph : Aufzeichnungen/erstmalig herausgegeben und kommentiert von Friedrich Saathen, Böhlau, 1986.
Hailey, Christopher (2010a). "Berg's Worlds". In Hailey (2010).
Headlam, Dave. Berg, Alban 1885–1935. Steib, Murray (编). Reader's Guide to Music: History, Theory and Criticism. Routledge. 2013: 78ff [2 December 2019]. ISBN 978-1-135-94262-5. (原始内容存档于25 July 2020).
Jarman, Douglas. Alban Berg, Wilhelm Fliess and the Secret Programme of the Violin Concerto. The Musical Times. April 1983, 124 (1682): 218–223. JSTOR 962034. doi:10.2307/962034.
Adorno, Theodor W.Alban Berg: Master of the Smallest Link. Trans. Juliane Brand and Christopher Hailey. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Brand, Juliane, Christopher Hailey and Donald Harris, eds. The Berg-Schoenberg Correspondence: Selected Letters. New York: Norton, 1987.
Bruhn, Siglind, ed. Encrypted Messages in Alban Berg’s Music. New York: Garland Publishing, 1998.
Carner, Mosco. Alban Berg: The Man and the Work. London: Duckworth, 1975.
dos Santos, Silvio J. Narratives of Identity in Alban Berg's 'Lulu'. Rochester, New York: University of Rochester Press, 2014.
Floros, Constantin. Trans. by Ernest Bernhardt-Kabisch. Alban Berg and Hanna Fuchs互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期4 March 2008.. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007.
Grun, Bernard, ed. Alban Berg: Letters to his Wife. London: Faber and Faber, 1971.
Headlam, Dave. The Music of Alban Berg. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996.
Jarman, Douglas. "Dr. Schon's Five-Strophe Aria: Some Notes on Tonality and Pitch Association in Berg's Lulu". Perspectives of New Music 8/2 (Spring/Summer 1970).
Jarman, Douglas. "Some Rhythmic and Metric Techniques in Alban Berg's Lulu". The Musical Quarterly 56/3 (July 1970).
Jarman, Douglas. "Lulu: The Sketches". International Alban Berg Society Newsletter, 6 (June 1978).
Jarman, Douglas. "Countess Geschwitz's Series: A Controversy Resolved?". Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association 107 (1980/81).
Jarman, Douglas. "Some Observations on Rhythm, Meter and Tempo in Lulu". In Alban Berg Studien. Ed. Rudolf Klein. Vienna: Universal Edition, 1981.
Jarman, Douglas. "Lulu: The Musical and Dramatic Structure". Royal Opera House Covent Garden program notes, 1981.
Jarman, Douglas. "The 'Lost' Score of the 'Symphonic Pieces from Lulu'". International Alban Berg Society Newsletter 12 (Fall/Winter 1982).
Leibowitz, René. Schoenberg and his school; the contemporary stage of the language of music. Trans. Dika Newlin. New York: Philosophical Library, 1949.
Monson, Karen. Alban Berg: A Biography. London: Macdonald and Jane's, 1979.
Perle, George. The Operas of Alban Berg. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.
Redlich, Hans Ferdinand. Alban Berg, the Man and His Music. London: John Calder, 1957.
Reich, Willi. The life and work of Alban Berg. Trans. Cornelius Cardew. New York : Da Capo Press, 1982.
Schmalfeldt, Janet. "Berg's Path to Atonality: The Piano Sonata, Op. 1". Alban Berg: Historical and Analytical Perspectives. Eds. David Gable and Robert P. Morgan, pp. 79–110. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Schweizer, Klaus. Die Sonatensatzform im Schaffen Alban Bergs. Stuttgart: Satz und Druck, 1970.
Simms, Bryan R. Alban Berg 2nd. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis. 2013 [1996] [29 August 2017]. ISBN 978-1-135-84674-9. (原始内容存档于29 April 2020).
Simms, Bryan & Erwin, Charlotte. Berg. Master Musicians. Oxford University Press. 2021. ISBN 978-0-19-093144-5.