Quick Facts 脂小菇屬, 科學分類 ...
Resinomycena saccharifera
真菌界 Fungi
擔子菌門 Basidiomycota
傘菌綱 Agaricomycetes
傘菌目 Agaricales
小菇科 Mycenaceae
脂小菇屬 Resinomycena Redhead & Singer
Resinomycena rhododendri
- Resinomycena acadiensis Redhead & Singer
- Resinomycena brunnescens Redhead & Singer
- 頭狀脂小菇 Resinomycena capitata T.Bau & L.N.Liu
- 橢圓脂小菇 Resinomycena ellipsoidea T.Bau & L.N.Liu
- Resinomycena fulgens Har.Takah., Taneyama & Oba
- 日本脂小菇 Resinomycena japonica Redhead & Nagas.
- 毛柄脂小菇 Resinomycena mirabilis (Singer) Redhead & Nagas.
- Resinomycena montana Redhead & Singer
- Resinomycena petarensis Desjardin, B.A.Perry & Stevani
- Resinomycena pyrenaica Singer
- Resinomycena rhododendri (Peck) Redhead & Singer
- Resinomycena saccharifera (Berk. & Broome) Redhead
Moncalvo JM, Vilgalys R, Redhead SA, Johnson JE, James TY, Catherine Aime M, Hofstetter V, Verduin SJ, Larsson E, Baroni TJ, Greg Thorn R, Jacobsson S, Clémençon H, Miller OK Jr. One hundred and seventeen clades of euagarics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2002, 23 (3): 357–400 [2018-09-24]. PMID 12099793. doi:10.1016/S1055-7903(02)00027-1. (原始內容存檔於2018-03-24).
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Kühner R. Transfert de Mycena saccharifera (Berk. et Br.) Gillet dans le genre Resinomycena Redhead et Singer. Documents Mycologiques. 1985, 15 (59): 11–14.
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Antonín V, Noordeloos ME. A Monograph of the Genera Hemimycena, Delicatula, Fayodia, Gamundia, Myxomphalia, Resinomycena, Rickenella and Xeromphalina in Europe. 2004.
Bau T, Bulakh YM, Zhuang J-Y, Li Y. Agarics and other macrobasidiomycetes from Ussuri River Valley. Mycosystema. 2007, 26 (3): 349–368.
Terashima Y, Takahashi H, Taneyama Y (編). The fungal flora in southwestern Japan : Agarics and boletes. Tokai University Press. 2016.