A business school is a university-level institution that confers degrees in Business Administration. It teaches topics such as accounting, finance, information systems, marketing, organizational behavior, public relations, strategy, human resource management, and quantitative methods.


Types of business school

They include schools of business, business administration, and management. There are four principal forms of business school.


  • 商学院一般意义上来说,它包含了商学院,工商管理学院,管理学院,商务策划学院等各种名称的学院,一般有以下四种形式:
  1. Most of the university business schools are faculties, colleges or departments within the university, and teach predominantly business courses.
  1. In North America a business school is often understood to be a university graduate school which offers a Master of Business Administration or equivalent degree.
  1. Also in North America the term "business school" can refer to a different type of institution: a two-year school that grants the Associate's degree in various business subjects. Most of these schools began as secretarial schools, then expanded into accounting or bookkeeping and similar subjects. They are typically operated as businesses, rather than as institutions of higher learning.
  • 同样是在北美,挂有商学院名称的学校可以提供各种不同类型的教学内容:两年制的商科类副学士学位(类似中国的大专)。大多数学校一般先成立文秘学校,然后扩展开设会计财务以及其他类似课程。它们更多的被当作企业经营,而不是高校。
  1. In Europe and Asia, some universities teach only business.
  • 欧洲亚洲,有些商学院是专门教学商科的独立院校。

Notable business school firsts

  • 1759 - The Aula do Comércio in Lisbon was the world's first institution to specialise in the teaching of commerce. It provided a model for development of similar government-sponsored schools across Europe, and closed in 1844. [1]
  • 1759年,Aula do Comércio在里斯本首次成立了以教学商业学科为主的专业学校。这为欧洲发展类似公费学校提供了原形,该校于1844年关闭。
  • 1819 - The Ecole Supérieure de Commerce of Paris (now ESCP-EAP European School of Management) was founded. It is the oldest business school in the world. [2]
  • 1819年,巴黎高等商学院(或巴黎商业学院,即现在的欧洲管理学院)成立。该校现为世上最古老的商学院。
  • 1881 - The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania was founded as the first business school within a broader university
  • 1889 - The predecessor of Manchester Metropolitan University Business School was founded as the first school teaching commerce in the United Kingdom. [3]
  • 1898 - The University of St. Gallen established, the first university in Switzerland teaching business and economics.
  • 1898 - The University of Chicago Graduate School of Business was the first business school to offer a PhD program and an Executive MBA program. It is the first business school to have a Nobel laureate on its faculty: George Stigler won the prize after retiring from the school in 1981. It is also the first business school to have six Nobel laureates on its faculty.
  • 1898年芝加哥大学商学院成为首个开设PhDEMBA课程的商学院,也是首个产生诺贝尔奖获得者的商学院:施蒂·格勒(George Stigler)于1981年从芝加哥大学商学院退休后获得诺贝尔奖获,还是首个产生六个诺贝尔奖获得者的商学院。
  • 1898 - The College of Commerce at the University of California, Berkeley, later renamed the Haas School of Business, was founded as the first business school at a public university
  • 1900 - The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College was founded as the first graduate school of business, offering the first master's degree in business administration, titled the "Master of Commercial Science"
  • 1907 - The École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Montréal (HEC Montréal) was founded as the first business school in Canada [4]
  • 1909 - Stockholm School of Economics or Handelshögskolan i Stockholm was founded as the first institution dedicated to business and economics in Sweden.
  • 1911 - Helsinki School of Economics or Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu was founded as the first Finnish-language institution dedicated to business and economics in Finland.
  • 1921 - Nanjing University (then named National Southeastern University and later renamed National Central University and Nanjing University) moved the Faculty of Business originated in 1917 from Nanjing to Shanghai to establish the university business school, which was the first professional Chinese university business school. Later the school became Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and Nanjing University Business School was refounded, as well as the School of Management at NCU in Taiwan.
  • 1957 - INSEAD, near Paris, France, became the first European institution to offer an MBA program.
  • 1958 - Fundação Getúlio Vargas was the first business school founded in Latin America to offer an MBA-type qualification
  • 1958年巴西经济研究机构创立,它是拉丁美洲首个授予类似“MBA”学位资格的机构。
  • 1964 - National Chengchi University offered the first Chinese MBA program. [6][7][8]
  • 1964 - INCAE Business School or Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas was founded by Harvard Business School [9]
  • 1966 - The National Institute of Development Administration or NIDA was the first graduate school that offer an MBA program in Thailand
  • 1973 - The École des Affaires de Paris (EAP) (now ESCP-EAP) was the first business school with campuses in three countries
  • 1973年欧洲管理学院(法文名称"ESCP -EAP"是原"巴黎高等商学院"和"巴黎商业学院"的缩写)成为首个在三个不同国家分设校区的商学院。
  • 1991 - The IEDC-Bled School of Management was the first business school to offer an MBA program in Eastern Europe.
  • 1991年斯洛文尼亚国际发展管理中心布莱德管理学院成为北欧首个开设“MBA”课程的商学院。
  • 1992 - The Thunderbird School of Global Management was the first business school to have campuses on three continents.
  • 1992年雷鸟商学院成为首个在三大有分校区的商学院。

Business school degrees


  • Associate's Degree:
  • Bachelor's Degrees: BBA, BBus, BComm, BSBA, BAcc, BABA, BBS, and BSc
  • 学士学位BBA, BBus, BComm, BSBA, BAcc, BABA, BBS, and BSc
  • * Master's Degrees: MBA, Masters in Business and Management (MBM), MM, MAcc, MMR, MSMR, MPA, MSM, MHA, MSF, MSc, MST, Masters in Management Studies (MMS) and MCOMM. At Oxford and Cambridge business schools an MPhil, or Master of Philospophy, is awarded in place of an MA or MSc.
  • 硕士学位:MBA, Masters in Business and Management (MBM), MM, MAcc, MMR, MSMR, MPA, MSM, MHA, MSF, MSc, MST, Masters in Management Studies (MMS) and MCOMM. At Oxford and Cambridge business schools an MPhil, or Master of Philospophy, is awarded in place of an MA or MSc
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM), Post Graduate Program (PGP) in Business Management, Post Graduate Program (PGP) in Management
  • Doctoral Degrees: Ph.D., DBA, DHA, DM, Doctor of Commerce (DCOM), FPM, PhD in Management or Business Doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy)
  • 博士学位:Ph.D., DBA, DHA, DM, Doctor of Commerce (DCOM), FPM, PhD in Management or Business Doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy)

Business school use of case studies

Some business schools center their teaching around the use of case studies (i.e. the case method). Case studies have been used in graduate and undergraduate business education for nearly one hundred years. Business cases are historical descriptions of actual business situations. Typically, information is presented about a business firm's products, markets, competition, financial structure, sales volumes, management, employees and other factors affecting the firm's success. The length of a business case study may range from two or three pages to 30 pages, or more.

Business schools often obtain case studies published by Harvard Business School, INSEAD, other academic institutions, or case clearing houses (such as ECCH). Harvard's most popular case studies include Lincoln Electric Co.[10] and Google, Inc.[11].

Students are expected to scrutinize the case study and prepare to discuss strategies and tactics that the firm should employ in the future. Three different methods have been used in business case teaching:

  • 学生需要对提供的数据信息进行分析并讨论,然后找出解决问题的战略战术提供给企业。在这个过程中训练学生的战略思想思维模式和实际处理问题的能力。在实际教学实践当中,案例教学法一般有以下三种方法:
  1. Prepared case-specific questions to be answered by the student. This is used with short cases intended for undergraduate students. The underlying concept is that such students need specific guidance to be able to analyze case studies.
  1. 个别问题提问法。这是一种小案例学习法,一般用于本科生教学,这种教学方法是基于本科生需要明确的指导方向才能分析案例这样的理念。
  1. Problem-solving analysis. This second method, initiated by the Harvard Business School is by far the most widely used method in MBA and executive development programs. The underlying concept is that with enough practice (hundreds of case analyses) students develop intuitive skills for analyzing and resolving complex business situations. Click here for more information on the HBS case method. Successful implementation of this method depends heavily on the skills of the discussion leader.
  1. 解题分析法。这种方法最先被哈佛商学院使用,也是目前MBA与高级经理人发展课程(Executive Development Programs)最为常用的一种教学方法。这种理念是基学生已有足够的实践(经过成百的案例分析训练),应该训练学生分析和解决企业经营中较为复杂的问题的技巧。点击 这里 可了解更多哈佛商学院的案例教学法。
  1. A generally applicable strategic planning approach. This third method does not require students to analyze hundreds of cases. A strategic planning model is provided and students are instructed to apply the steps of the model to six to a dozen cases during a semester. This is sufficient to develop their ability to analyze a complex situation, generate a variety of possible strategies and to select the best ones. In effect, students learn a generally applicable approach to analyzing cases studies and real situations. This approach does not make any extraordinary demands on the artistic and dramatic talents of the teacher. Consequently most professors are capable of supervising application of this method.
  1. 战略规划法。这种方法不要求学生分析上百个案例。使用战略规划模型,学生需要在单个学期内,在老师的指导下完成6到12个案例模型的步骤模拟分析。这种方法足够达到培养学生的分析和解决复杂问题的能力,并能在一系列可行的解决方案找出最佳方案。

History of business cases

When Harvard Business School was founded, the faculty quickly realized that there were no textbooks suitable to a graduate program in business. Their first solution to this problem was to interview leading practitioners of business and to write detailed accounts of what these managers were doing. Of course the professors could not present these cases as practices to be emulated because there were no criteria available for determining what would succeed and what would not succeed. So the professors instructed their students to read the cases and to come to class prepared to discuss the cases and to offer recommendations for appropriate courses of action. Basically that is the model still being used. See a critique of this approach.

  • 早期的案例是非常简单的,一些新闻报道法律文件业务报告等都曾被教师拿来当作案例,用于课堂讨论。因为有效解决现实问题是企业管理者的必备技能,因此把现实中出现的问题,拿来给未来的管理者们在课堂上分析与讨论,是一种比较合适的做法。
  • 哈佛商学院成立之初,学院发现并没有合适的案例作为本科商科的教材,他们解决这个问题的方法就是:采访一些企业家,并请他们写下本企业在经营管理中的遇到的问题与事情经过,学校组织学生阅读这些资料,然后邀请企业家来主持相应的案例讨论课,找出解决企业问题的办法。目前,这种方法一直被沿用。这里是一个例子:critique

Other approaches to business school

In contrast to the case method some schools use a skills-based approach in teaching business. This approach emphasizes quantitative methods, in particular operations research, management information systems, statistics, organizational behavior, modeling and simulation, and decision science. The goal is to provide students a set of tools that will prepare them to tackle and solve problems.

  • 相比案例教学法,有些学校也常用技巧法,这种方法更为注重使用定量方法,特别是在运筹学管理信息系统统计学组织行为学建模情景模拟决策学等。这种教学法提供一些分析工具,帮助学生能正确分析和解决问题。

Another important approach used in business school is the use of Business simulation games that are used in different disciplines such as business, economics, management, etc.

There are also several business school that still rely on the lecture method to give students a basic business education. Lectures are generally given from the professor's point of view, and rarely require interaction from the students unless notetaking is required.

  • 也有部分商学院采用讲座这种教学方法,这种方法只是一种基础式的教学方法,教授一般只需点出重点,一般很少与学生有互动环节,除非是有笔记要求。

Global Master of Business Administration ranking

Each year, well-known business publications such as Business Week, US News & World Report, Fortune, Financial Times, and the Wall Street Journal publish rankings of selected MBA programs that, while controversial in their methodology, nevertheless can directly influence the prestige of schools that achieve high scores.







Lists of business schools

  • List of Ivy League business schools
  • 常春藤联盟商学院(Ivy League business schools)
  • List of Big Ten business schools
  • 十大商学院名单
  • List of business schools in Africa
  • 非洲商学院名单
  • List of business schools in Australia
  • 澳洲商学院名单
  • List of business schools in Asia
  • 亚洲商学院名单
  • List of business schools in Canada
  • 加拿大商学院名单
  • List of business schools in Europe
  • 欧洲商学院名单
  • List of business schools in the United States
  • 美国商学院名单
  • List of business schools in New Zealand
  • 新西兰商学院名单
  • List of United States graduate business school rankings
  • 美国本科商学院排行名单
  • List of business schools in Chile
  • 智利商学院名单

See also

  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Executive Education
  • Case method
  • Business game

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