國際和平局(英語:International Peace Bureau, IPB)是成立於1891年的國際非政府組織[1],是世界上最早成立的國際和平組織,1910年獲得諾貝爾和平獎[2][3]。1913年,亨利·拉方丹也以國際和平局局長的身份獲得諾貝爾和平獎[4][5]。截至2012年,共有12名國際和平局成員獲得諾貝爾和平獎[6]

More information Year, Recipient ...
Year Recipient Notes Reference
1992 Michael D. Higgins
1993 Motarilavoa Hilda Lini Played a key role in the WHO's decision to approve a request to the World Court on the legal status of nuclear weapons.
1994 Mordechai Vanunu Sentenced to 18 years solitary confinement for revealing details of Israel's nuclear arsenal.
1995 The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia Foremost among Russian citizens』 groups opposing the war in Chechnya.
1996 Selim Bešlagić For "his fight against nationalism, ethnic cleansing and intolerance during his country's war." [22]
1997 Seeds of Hope Group For disarming a Hawk aircraft bound for Indonesia.
1998 John Hume For "his contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process." [23]
1999 Barbara Gladysch For her "extraordinary and year-long commitment to disarmament and practical solidarity with victims of wars and disasters." [24]
2000 1) Praful Bidwai
2) Achin Vanaik
For being at the "forefront of the international campaign against the nuclearisation of South Asia." [25]
2001 Rosalie Bertell For "her lifelong engagement to the cause of peace and for her deep concern for the well-being of peoples all over the planet. [26]
2002 Barbara Lee For "her sole vote against the bombing of Afghanistan." [27]
2003 Nihon Hidankyō Survivors of the A bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. They have devoted the rest of their lives to the elimination of nuclear weapons.
2004 Geneva Initiative on the Middle East
2005 No award made
2006 Mayors for Peace:

1) Tadatoshi Akiba
2) Iccho Itoh

For "its achievements in arousing international public demand for the abolition of nuclear weapons and lasting world peace." [28]
2007 Jayantha Dhanapala For "his dedication to the cause of disarmament and his initiatives towards creating the Central Asian Nuclear-Weapons Free Zone." [29]
2008 Jacqueline Cabasso For "her years of outstanding work with NGOs and initiatives toward peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons." [30]
2009 Betty Reardon For "her contribution to peace education and to the wider peace movement." [31]
2010 Binalakshmi Nepram For "her extraordinary efforts to promote disarmament and an end to gun violence in India." [32]
2011 1) Hanaa Edwar
2) Dr. Peter Becker
1) For "her contribution to the advancement of democracy and human rights, as well as her firm stand against violence and war;"
2) For his work with the German section of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA).
2012 1) Lina Ben Mhenni
2) Nawal El Saadawi
For showing "great courage and ... substantial contributions to what is known as the Arab Spring." [35]
2013 Chelsea Manning For her "courageous actions in revealing information about US war crimes." [36]
2014 The People and Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands For "courageously taking the nine nuclear weapons-possessing countries to the International Court of Justice to enforce compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty and international customary law." [37]
2015 The People and the Island Communities of Lampedusa, Italy and Jeju Island, South Korea For showing "a profound commitment to peace and social justice." [38]
2016 IPB Secretary-General Colin Archer For 26 years "in the service of peace and of the IPB community." [39]
2017 1) All Okinawa Council Against Henoko New Base
2) Noam Chomsky
3) Jeremy Corbyn
1) For "its unflagging commitment to close the Futemna Marine Air Base, and for its nonviolent opposition to the construction of a massive new air, land and sea base in Henoko;"
2) For his "tireless commitment to peace, his strong critiques to U.S. foreign policy, and his anti-imperialism;"
3) For his "sustained and powerful political work for disarmament and peace."
2018 1) Association For Historical Dialogue and Research and Home for Cooperation
2) Helena Maleno
3) Douglas Roche
1) For its "efforts and promotion of [a] Culture of Peace and as well as the peace building activities;"
2) For her "efforts to save hundreds of lives in the Mediterranean Sea, and her strong commitment to defending human rights;"
3) For his "tireless efforts to promote international peace and disarmament."
2019 1) Bruce Kent

2) Elayne Whyte Gómez

1) An "internationally known peace activist and a 'real peace hero' who, even in his 90th year, remains an active campaigner and organizer for peace and human rights."

2) For "her invaluable contribution to the completion of the historic Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons."

2020 Black Lives Matter For its 『leading roles in building resistance to and transforming local policies against systemic police violence and extrajudicial murders of Black people across the United States.』 [42]
More information Country, Name ...
Country Name
 英國 Philip Jennings
 意大利 Lisa Clark
More information Country, Name ...
Country Name
 德國 Lucas Wirl
More information Country, Name ...
Country Name
 西班牙 Jordi Calvo
 菲律賓 Corazon Valdez Fabros
 美國 Joseph Gerson
 英國 Dave Webb
More information Country, Name ...
Country Name
 法國 Alain Rouy
 法國 Arielle Denis
 印度 Binalakshmi Nepram
 蒙古國 Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikhan
 南韓 Jun Kyu Lee
 阿根廷 Patricia Perez
 日本 Rieko Asato-Kodama
 加拿大 Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan
 加拿大 Steve Staples
 比利時 Etienne De Jonghe
More information Country, Name ...
Country Name
 印度 Surender Singh Rajpurohit
 加納 Kwaku Addai
 法國 Lisa Silvestre
 南韓 A-Young Moon
 英國 Sara Medi Jones
 比利時 Chloé Meulewaeter
 哥倫比亞 Angelo Cardona
 美國 Emily Rubino
 美國 Ann Wright
 印度 Jurvey Balkrishna
 尼日利亞 Ejimole Fidel Onwuekwe
 俄羅斯 Oleg Viktorovich Bodrov
 加拿大 Tamara Lorincz
 英國 Jenny Clegg
 德國 Stephan Möhrle
More information Country, Name ...
Country Name
 德國 Reiner Braun
 波黑 Amela Skiljan
 西班牙 Quique Sánchez

International Peace Bureau (IPB) council meeting at Bern, 1899
General Assembly of the International Peace Bureau, September 1935

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) (法語:Bureau international de la paix), founded in 1891,[1] is one of the world's oldest international peace federations. The organisation was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1910 for acting "as a link between the peace societies of the various countries".[2][7] In 1913 Henri La Fontaine was also awarded the Prize "[For his work as] head of the International Peace Bureau".[4][8] 截至2012年 (2012-Missing required parameter 1=month!), eleven other Nobel Peace Prize laureates have been members of the IPB.[9]

Its membership consists of 300 organizations in 70 countries.[10] IPB's headquarters are located in Berlin, Germany, with offices in Barcelona, Spain, and Geneva, Switzerland. Prior to 2017, the headquarters were in Geneva.

Its main programmes are the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) and disarmament for sustainable development, which focuses both on nuclear and conventional weapons, as well as biological weapons, landmines, and small arms.[10][11]

IPB holds Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and associate status with the United Nations Department of Global Communications.[12]

IPB was founded under the name Permanent International Peace Bureau (Bureau International Permanent de la Paix). From 1912 onward it used the name International Peace Bureau. Between 1946 and 1961, it was known under the name International Liaison Committee of Organizations for Peace – ILCOP (Comité de liaison international des organisations de paix – CLIOP).

Global Campaign on Military Spending

The Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) is a permanent, global, year-round campaign that was created in December 2014 by the IPB to tackle the worldwide issue of excessive military spending.[13]

The aim of the campaign is to pressure the world's governments to invest money in the sectors of health, education, employment and climate change rather than military. It also calls for an annual, minimum reallocation of 10% from the military budgets of all states. Finally, it advocates the reduction of arms production and international weapons trade.[14]

GDAMS actions in Halifax, Canada

The campaign organises the Global Day of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) to bring public, media and political attention to the costs of military spending and the need to invest in new priorities.[15]

GCOMS is managed from the decentralised Barcelona, Spain, office of IPB in coordination with Centre Delàs of Peace Studies. More than 100 organisations from 35 countries have joined the campaign.[16]

Nuclear disarmament activism

IPB has been in the forefront of nuclear disarmament activities since 1945, including:

  • Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
  • Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)
  • World Court Project
  • Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)

Currently, the IPB is campaigning to encourage the signing and ratification of the TPNW so that it may enter into force.[17]

Seán MacBride Peace Prize

Established in 1992, the Seán MacBride Peace Prize is awarded by the International Peace Bureau to a person or organisation that "has done outstanding work for peace, disarmament and/or human rights."[18][19] It is named after Seán MacBride, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who was chairman of the IPB from 1968 to 1974 and president from 1974 to 1985.[20][21]


The following are the recipients of the Seán MacBride Peace Prize since its inception in 1992: [18]

International Peace Bureau World Congress Berlin 2016


At the Triennial Assembly held in London on October 19 2019, a new group of IPB officials was elected.[43]


The current co-presidents are:[43]


The current Treasurer is:[43]


The vice-presidents deputise for the president when necessary. The current vice-presidents are: [43]

Board members

The board members are the following: [43]

Council members

The Council members are the following persons:[43]


The staff members are the following persons:[43]

Nobel Peace Prizes

IPB's work was rewarded by the Nobel Peace Prize in 1910, which has also been awarded to some of its members:[44]

  • 1901 : Frédéric Passy (France), IPB council member
  • 1902 : Élie Ducommun and Albert Gobat (Switzerland), first honorary secretaries of IPB
  • 1905 : Bertha von Suttner (Austria), writer and honorary vice-president of IPB
  • 1907 : Ernesto Moneta (Italy), IPB council member
  • 1908 : Fredrik Bajer (Denmark), honorary president of IPB
  • 1910 : The International Peace Bureau
  • 1911 : Alfred Fried (Austria), IPB council member
  • 1913 : Henri La Fontaine (Belgium), president of IPB
  • 1927 : Ludwig Quidde (Germany), IPB council member
  • 1959 : Philip Noel-Baker (United Kingdom), IPB vice-president
  • 1962 : Linus Pauling (United States), IPB vice-president
  • 1974 : Seán MacBride (Ireland), IPB chairman and president
  • 1982 : Alva Myrdal (Sweden), IPB vice-president


The IPB has a co-president system that ensures a gender-balance among leadership. Each president can currently serve up to two terms of three years.[45]

  • Henri La Fontaine – 1907–1943[46]
  • Ernst Wolf – 1963–1974
  • Seán MacBride – 1974–1985
  • Bruce Kent – 1985–1992
  • Maj Britt Theorin – 1992–2000
  • Cora Weiss – 2000–2006
  • Tomas Magnusson – 2006–2013
  • Ingeborg Breines – 2009–2016
  • Reiner Braun – 2013–2019
  • Lisa Clark – 2016–present
  • Philip Jennings – 2019–present
IPB "Bread Tank" in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Quick Facts 簡稱, 成立時間 ...
國際和平局 1910年諾貝爾和平獎得主
International Peace Bureau
總部柏林 編輯維基數據
坐標52.522454°N 13.383641°E / 52.522454; 13.383641
標語裁軍促進發展(Disarmament for Development)
目標獻給沒有戰爭的世界(Dedicated to a world without war)



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