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動物界 Animalia
脊索動物門 Chordata
爬蟲綱 Reptilia
†三棱龍目 Trilophosauria
†三棱龍科 Trilophosauridae
†棘鱷龍屬 Spinosuchus von Huene, 1932
克色棘鱷龍 Spinosuchus caseanus
von Huene, 1932
在1922年,Ermin C. Case敘述了一個部份脊椎(編號UMMP 7507),該化石發現於德州克勞斯貝郡的Dockum組,年代為上三疊紀卡尼階;Ermin C. Case將牠們歸類於腔骨龍的一種,但當時對於腔骨龍的所知有限[1]。他認為該動物的身長約2.5公尺[1]。其他的化石材料也被歸類於此,包含一個股骨(編號UMMP 3396)[1]、一個腸骨(編號UMMP 8870)、以及一個頭蓋骨基部(編號UMMP 7473)
在1932年,德國古生物學家休尼博士將這動物建立為新屬棘鱷龍(Spinosuchus),並以Ermin C. Case作為種名[6]。他認為棘鱷龍屬於快足龍科[6]。但自從1970年以來,棘鱷龍被認為不屬於恐龍[7][8][9]。然而,阿德里安·亨特(Adrian Hunt)等人的1998年研究根據牠們的中空脊椎,認為棘鱷龍屬於獸腳亞目,可能是艾雷拉龍科[3]。在1999年度的脊椎動物化石學會會議與非正式的論文中,Richards認為棘鱷龍所擁有的不同衍徵,與不同的恐龍次演化支相符合,但也可見於不同的基礎主龍類演化支;而保存不好而且扭曲的脊椎,並沒有足夠證據可歸類於任何一個主龍類的主要演化支,但與三稜龍目有某些相似點[10][11]S。terling Nesbitt、Randall Irmis、以及William Parkers發表了一系列關於三疊紀恐龍演化的研究,他們認為棘鱷龍是個有效屬。然而,他們將棘鱷龍歸類於主龍形類,而非Richards所主張的三稜龍目[12]。但究竟牠是甚麼則需更多的骨骸才能確定[13]。在2009年,Justin Spielmann等人發現棘鱷龍是三稜龍的近親,將棘鱷龍歸類於三稜龍目[14]。
Case, E.C. (1922). New reptiles and stegocephalians from the Upper Triassic of western Texas. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 321. 84 p.
Case, E.C. (1927). The vertebral column of Coelophysis Cope. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan 2:209-222.
Hunt, A.P, Lucas, S.G., Heckert, A.B., Sullivan, R.M., and Lockley, M.G. (1998). Late Triassic dinosaurs from the western United States. Geobios 31(4):511-531.
Long, R.A., and Murry, P.A. (1995). Late Triassic (Carnian and Norian) tetrapods from the southwestern United States. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 4:1-154.
Chatterjee, S. (1985). Postosuchus, a new thecodontian reptile from the Triassic of Texas and the origin of tyrannosaurs . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 309(1139):395-460.
von Huene, F. (1932). Die fossile Reptil-Ordnung Saurischia, ihte Entwicklung und Geschichte. Monographien zur Geologie und Palaeontologie 1(4). 361 p. [German]
Zhang, F-K. (1975). A new thecodont Lotosaurus, from Middle Triassic of Hunan. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 8(3):144-147.
Padian, K. (1986). On the type material of Coelophysis Cope (Saurischia: Theropoda) and a new specimen from the Petrified Forest of Arizona (Late Triassic: Chinle Formation). In: Padian, K. (ed.). The Beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 45-60. ISBN 0521367794
Murry, P.A., and Long, R.A. (1989). Geology and paleontology of the Chinle Formation, Petrified Forest National Park and vicinity, Arizona and a discussion of vertebrate fossils of the southwestern Upper Triassic. In: Lucas, S.G., and Hunt, A.P. (eds.). Dawn of the Age of Dinosaurs in the American Southwest. New Mexico Museum of Natural History: Albuquerque, New Mexico. 29-64. ISBN 0122268105
Richards, H.R. (1999a). Is Spinosuchus a dinosaur? Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19(Supplement to 3), Abstracts of Papers, Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting, 70A.
Richards, H.R. M.S. (1999b). Osteology and relationships of Spinosuchus caseanus Huene, 1932 from Texas (Dockum Group, Upper Triassic): a new interpretation. December 17, 1999. Richard J. Zakrzewski, Thesis Advisor. Fort Hays University, Department of Geosciences.
Nesbitt, Sterling J.; Irmis, Randall B.; and Parker, William G. A critical re-evaluation of the Late Triassic dinosaur taxa of North America. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 2007, 5 (2): 209–243.
Glut, D.F. (2002). Is Spinosuchus a theropod? In: Glut, D.F. Dinosaurs: The Encyclopedia. 2nd Supplement. McFarland & Company, Inc.:Jefferson, North Carolina, 46-48. ISBN 0-7864-1166-X
Spielmann, J.A., Lucas, S.G., Heckert, A.B., Rinehart, L.F., and Richards, H.R., III. 2009. Redescription of Spinosuchus caseanus (Archosauromorpha: Trilophosauridae) from the Upper Triassic of North America (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館). Palaeodiversity 2:283-313.