專業是一個漢語詞彙,指可以進行專精研究的某種行業,也稱為專門業(英語:profession[註 1])。從事專業的人群可以被稱為專家,是一群紀律嚴明、遵守道德標準的群體,一般是在進行過科研、參與過教育和培訓體系中獲得了特殊知識和技能,以及被公眾接受的相關學位或證書,並為了他人的利益而鍛煉這些技能與知識並加以應用的人群。[1][2]
一些專業在地位和權力方面略有變化,但隨着時間的推移,它們的聲望通常保持穩定,即使該專業開始需要更多的學習和正規教育。[8] 最近正式化的學科,例如建築學,現在也有同樣長的研究時間與之相關。[9]
- 職業成為全職職業
- 建立培訓學校
- 建立大學學院
- 成立地方專業協會
- 成立全國專業倫理控管組織
- 制定該領域從業許可相關法規
隨着 19 世紀技術和職業專業化的興起,其他機構開始取得專業地位:機械工程、藥學、獸醫、心理學、護理、教學、圖書館學、驗光和社會工作等。[16]
New Statesman, 21 April 1917, article by Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb quoted with approval at paragraph 123 of a report by the UK Competition Commission, dated 8 November 1977, entitled Architects Services (in Chapter 7).
Perks, R.W.(1993): Accounting and Society. Chapman & Hall (London); ISBN 0-412-47330-5. p.2.
John J Parker, "A Profession Not a Skilled Trade" (1955-1956) 8 South Carolina Law Quarterly 179 HeinOnline (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館); Sommerlad, Harris-Short, Vaughan and Young (eds), The Futures of Legal Education and the Legal Profession, Bloomsbury, 2015, p 147; Richard Colman, "Medicine is a profession not a trade" (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), British Medical Journal, 7 October 2001; A M Linz, "A profession, not a trade" (December 1990) New York State Dental Journal 56(10):16 PubMed (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館); E. G. Eberle, "The practice of medicine held to be a profession and not a trade" (August 1939) 28 Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 482 Wiley (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館); Wendler, Tremml and Buecker (eds), Key Aspects of German Business Law: A Practical Manual, 2nd Ed, Springer, 2002, p 255; William F Ryan, "Methods of Achieving Professional Recognition" (1946) The American Engineer, vols 16-17, p 8 [1] [2].
(1961) 2 The Industrial and Labour Law Digest, 1926-1959, Annotated 668; Sharma and Goyal, Hospital Administration And Human Resource Management, 5th Ed, PHI Learning, p 445.
Ideas and Beliefs in Architecture and Industrial design: How attitudes, orientations and underlying assumptions shape the built environment. Oslo School of Architecture and Design. ISBN 82-547-0174-1.
Alan Bullock & Stephen Trombley, The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought, London: Harper-Collins, 1999, p.689.
Perks, R.W.(1993): Accounting and Society. Chapman & Hall (London); ISBN 0-412-47330-5. p.2.
Boehm, Jay. Surveying. Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. March 1998 [17 September 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2021-12-15).
Buckley, J.W. & Buckley, M.H. (1974): The Accounting Profession. Melville, Los Angeles. Quoted by Perks, p.4.