在傳統印度社會中,法在歷史上已經指稱了各種思想,比如吠陀儀式,道德指導、種姓制度和民法與刑法。它的最常用含義附屬著兩個基本思想: 社會生活應當通過良好定義或良好調控的等級(varna)來組織,而在某等級內的個人的生活應當組織成確定的階段(ashrama,參見 dharmasastra)。[1]
依據各種印度宗教,比如印度教、佛教、耆那教和錫克教,如法生活的人更快趨向解脫(dharma yukam, moksha 或 nirvana)。而不如法(adharma)意味著不和諧、不道德或錯誤(即墮落)。
法的梵語字根來自dhr-,意思為保持、支撐,並且和拉丁語表示堅固、穩定的詞彙firmus相關[3],由此得來「既定、公認的慣例」以及「律法」的意思。其源自古老的吠陀梵語(梨俱吠陀等),拼法為帶有n-詞幹的dharman-,字面意思為承擔者、支撐者,而這是指吠陀宗教中的重要概念──ṛta(; 梵語 ऋत ṛta,秩序、規則、真理)的面向而言[4]。阿維斯陀語中表示真實、正確、秩序的詞彙aṣ̌a(𐬀𐬴𐬀)為ṛta的同源詞,在古波斯語中拼作arta(𐎠𐎼𐎫)。
Ainslie Thomas Embree, Stephen N. Hay, William Theodore De Bary, Sources of Indian Tradition: Modern India and Pakistan. Columbia University Press, 1988, page 215.
David Kalupahana. The Philosophy of the Middle Way. SUNY Press, 1986, pages 15-16: "The old Indian term dharma was retained by the Buddha to refer to phenomena or things. However, he was always careful to define this dharma as "dependently arisen phenomena" (paticca-samuppanna-dhamma) ... In order to distinguish this notion of dhamma from the Indian conception where the term dharma meant reality (atman), in an ontological sense, the Buddha utilized the conception of result or consequence or fruit (attha, Sk. artha) to bring out the pragmatic meaning of dhamma."
Chambers Dictionary of Etymology, Barnhart, R. K., editor (1998).
𑀥𑀁𑀫. wiktionary. [2021-05-18]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-15).
吳昭新. 新編台灣閩南語用字彙編 (PDF). [2021-06-17]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2021-05-05). 達:tat8 ……無、麼、摩、磨:moo5
The Turkic Peoples of Central Asia and Buddhism. [2021-06-04]. (原始內容存檔於2021-06-04). Tremblay made the point that both the Uyghur and the Manichaean Sogdian terms were independently copied from spoken Buddhist Sogdian. The frequent usage of nwm for Skt. dharma instead of the Buddhist Sogdian loanword δrm in Uyghur Buddhist texts would point in the same direction: nwm
莊吉發. 國立故宮博物院典藏《大藏經》滿文譯本研究. 東方宗教研究. 1990 [2021-05-26]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-27). 「法輪」,滿文譯作"nomun i kurdun"……「而為沙門,受佛法者」,滿文譯作"fucihi i nomun be aliha sarmana" ,意即「受佛法之沙門」
* Heleen Plaisier. 3. Unravelling Lepcha manuscripts. [2021-06-02]. (原始內容存檔於2021-06-28). In the titles of Lepcha works......cho (book, learning)......These designations are obviously direct loans from equivalent categories in Tibetan literature......Chos......Indeed, a Lepcha book, referred to as cho, typically conveys a canonical message
Carol Henderson Garcia Culture and customs of India. 2002, page 31