法律与秩序》(英语:Law & Order)是美国的一部以警匪英语Police procedural律政为题材的电视剧,由迪克·沃夫开创、沃夫娱乐英语Wolf Entertainment制作。全剧在NBC播出,于1990年9月13日首播,2010年5月24完结第20季,在此十天前本剧证实被取消。[1][2][3]2021年9月28日,NBC宣布本剧将以第21季复苏,于2022年2月24日首播。本次复苏将看到首次亮相的新进常驻演员,以及系列老面孔山姆·沃尔特斯顿安东尼·安德森分别回归饰演地方检察官杰克·麦考伊英语Jack McCoy与警探凯文·贝尔纳英语Kevin Bernard[4][5][6]2022年5月10日,NBC续订第22季,[7]预计于同年9月22日首播。[8][9]

Quick Facts 法律与秩序 Law & Order, 格式 ...
Law & Order
国家/地区 美国
配乐迈克·波斯特英语Mike Post
片头曲Theme of Law & Order
约瑟夫·斯特恩英语Joseph Stern
1990年9月13日 (1990-09-13)—2010年5月24日 (2010-05-24)
2022年2月24日 (2022-02-24) - 至今
相关节目法律与秩序系列英语Law & Order (franchise)


多年来本剧阵容不断变化。演出时间最长的主要演员包括饰演地方检察官亚当·希夫斯蒂芬·希尔英语Steven Hill(第1到10季)、饰演警探兰尼·布里斯科英语Lennie Briscoe杰利·欧贝屈英语Jerry Orbach(第3到14季)、饰演副警监安妮塔·范·布伦英语Anita Van BurenS·伊佩瑟·默克森、饰演行政助理地方检察官杰克·麦考伊英语Jack McCoy山姆·沃尔特斯顿(第5到21季;后来升迁为地方检察官)以及饰演警探艾德·格林英语Ed Green杰西·L·马丁英语Jesse L. Martin(第10到18季)。

《法律与秩序》以21季名列美国黄金时段播出时间最长的真人电视剧英语List of longest-running scripted U.S. primetime television series第二名,仅次于其外传《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》(1999至今)。本剧的成功催生出各种衍生媒体,令《法律与秩序》成为一部系列,其中包括一部电视电影、几部电子游戏,以及其他国家的改编作品。多年来本剧获得与被提名多项奖项,包括数次艾美奖




1988年,迪克·沃夫开发出一个描述美国司法系统相对正面形象的电视剧的想法。他最初玩笑地为其取名为《Night & Day》,后来又想到了《Law & Order》这个标题。每集的前半部分将跟随两位警探(一名资深警探和一名初阶警探)和他们的指挥官调查一起暴力犯罪案件。


沃夫采纳环球电视公司时任总裁凯瑞·麦克古嘉英语Kerry McCluggage的想法,他指出本剧和1963年一部仅持续一季的电视剧《逮捕与审判英语Arrest and Trial》雷同。两人看了该剧的试播集,前半部分为一位警官(班·加萨拉英语Ben Gazzara)以武装抢劫逮捕一名男子,后半部分为查克·康纳斯饰演的辩护律师将嫌犯错认为别人。这是该剧每周的公式。


起初,Fox单单基于概念预订了13集,而没有试播集。时任电视台负责人巴瑞·迪勒撤回此决定。尽管她喜欢这个想法,他不相信这会是“福克斯节目”。沃夫后来找上CBS,成功让该公司预订由沃夫编剧的试播集《大家最爱的巴格曼英语Everybody's Favorite Bagman》,关于一群和黑帮有瓜葛的黑警。该电视台喜欢却并未预定该试播集,因为里面没有当红明星。

1989年夏天,NBC高管布兰登·塔奇科夫沃伦·利特菲尔德英语Warren Littlefield看了试播集并很喜欢,但他们担心紧凑的剧情无法每周都维持。[11]然而,到了1990年,NBC主管们有足够信心这部开创性的节目能吸引大量观众,最终预订了一整季。[12]


本剧摄于纽约市,并以大量运用当地风情而见闻。[13][14]演播厅位于切尔西码头英语Chelsea Piers。在早期的集数里,法庭场景在特威德法院大楼拍摄,直到法庭场景演播厅被建好。[15]在晚近的季数里,纽约市长鲁迪·朱利安尼麦克·彭博、律师威廉·库斯特勒英语William Kunstler及布朗克斯区议员何塞·塞拉诺英语José Enrique Serrano皆在剧中出演过自己。

当地名人也经常客串演出虚构角色,像是唐娜·汉诺瓦英语Donna Hanover芙兰·雷伯维兹饰演法官。2004年9月14日,纽约市一条通往切尔西62号码头英语Chelsea Piers(本剧绝大部分皆在此地拍摄)的道路被重新命名为“法律与秩序大道”以玆纪念本剧。[16]



The music for Law & Order was composed by veteran composer Mike Post, and was deliberately designed to be minimal to match the abbreviated style of the series.[17] Post wrote the theme song using electric piano, guitar, and clarinet.[18] In addition, scene changes were accompanied by a tone generated by Post. He refers to the tone as "The Clang",[18] while Entertainment Weekly critic Ken Tucker has referred to the sound as the "ominous chung CHUNG",[19] actor Dann Florek (in a promo) as the "doink doink",[20] and Richard Belzer as "the Dick Wolf Cash Register Sound".[21]

According to Allan, 2021:

"The tone moves the viewer from scene to scene, jumping forward in time with all the importance and immediacy of a judge's gavel – which is exactly what Post was aiming for when he created it. While reminiscent of a jail door slamming..."[22]

...it is actually an amalgamation of "six or seven" sounds, including the sound made by 500 Japanese men walking across a hardwood floor.[18] The sound has become so associated with the Law & Order brand that it was also carried over to other series of the franchise.[23]

The UK-aired Channel Five versions of seasons 7–16 of Law & Order[24] feature the song "I'm Not Driving Anymore" by Rob Dougan in the opening credits, while seasons 17–20 used the US theme.




For the 1988 pilot, George Dzundza and Chris Noth were cast as the original detectives, Sergeant Max Greevey and Detective Mike Logan.[25] The producers felt that Dzundza would be a perfect senior police officer as he was someone the producers felt they could see themselves riding along with in a police cruiser.[26] Noth and Michael Madsen were candidates for the role of Logan. Madsen initially was considered the perfect choice for the role, but, in a final reading, it was felt that Madsen's acting mannerisms were repetitive, and Noth received the role instead.[27] Rounding out the police cast, Dann Florek was cast as Captain Donald Cragen.[28]

On the prosecutor's side, Michael Moriarty was Dick Wolf's choice to play Executive Assistant District Attorney Benjamin "Ben" Stone. The network, however, preferred James Naughton, but, in the end, Wolf's choice would prevail, and Moriarty received the role.[28] As his A.D.A., Richard Brooks and Eriq La Salle were being considered for the role of Paul Robinette. The network favored La Salle but, once again, the producers' choice prevailed, and Brooks received the role.[29] As their boss, Roy Thinnes was cast as District Attorney Alfred Wentworth.[28]



Nearly two years passed between the pilot and production of the series. The producers held options on Dzundza, Noth, Moriarty and Brooks. Each was paid holding money for the additional year and brought back. Florek also returned. Thinnes, however, was starring in Dark Shadows and declined to return. In his place, the producers tapped Steven Hill to play District Attorney Adam Schiff,[29] a character loosely based on real-life New York County District Attorney Robert Morgenthau. Hill brought prestige and experience to the show, and as such, the producers allowed Hill to give insight on the direction he thought the character should go.[30]

Dzundza was disappointed when he realized that the show would be more of an ensemble show rather than a show starring him. Though the cast liked his performance, they increasingly felt uncomfortable around Dzundza, who was also under stress due to the constant commute between New York City and his home in Los Angeles. Dzundza quit after only one season on the show, and Sergeant Greevey was written off as being killed in the line of duty.[31]

He was replaced by Paul Sorvino as Sergeant Phil Cerreta, who was considered more even tempered than either Dzundza's Greevey or Mike Logan. Sorvino was initially excited about the role, but would leave midway through the next season, citing the exhausting schedule demanded by the filming of the show, a need to broaden his horizons, and the desire to preserve his vocal cords for singing opera as reasons for leaving the show. Sergeant Cerreta was written off as having been shot in the line of duty and transferring to a desk job at another precinct.[32]

To replace Sorvino on the series, Wolf cast Jerry Orbach (who had previously guest starred as a defense attorney Frank Lehrman in the season 2 episode "The Wages of Love") in the role of Detective Leonard W. "Lennie" Briscoe.[33] Orbach's characterization of the world-weary, wisecracking Detective Briscoe was based on a similar NYPD character he portrayed in the 1981 film Prince of the City, which Wolf had personally requested Orbach to replicate for the show.[34]

Introduced on a recurring basis during season 2 was Carolyn McCormick as Dr. Elizabeth Olivet, a police psychologist brought in on a case-by-case basis. NBC had been pushing for the producers to add female characters to the all-male cast.[35][36] She was added to the opening credits as "also starring" in Season 3 and 4[37] but, despite the attempts of the producers to include her in as many episodes as possible, it was found to be difficult to incorporate her into the show due to the format leaning heavily on the police and prosecutors.[36] She was removed from the credits in Season 5.[37]

McCormick stayed with the show on a recurring basis, but believed that the character had become less profound and complex, and that her role had been reduced mostly to "psychobabble". She left to star on Cracker after season 7.[38] After the cancellation of Cracker, she returned beginning in season 13 and appeared occasionally until season 20.[39]



By the end of season 3, NBC executives still felt the show did not have enough female characters. On the orders of then-network president Warren Littlefield, new female characters had to be added to the cast or the show would face possible cancellation on its relegated Friday night time slot. Wolf realized that, since there were only six characters on the show, someone had to be dismissed. He chose to dismiss Florek and Brooks from the regular roster, and later said it was the hardest two phone calls he had ever made. Though producers initially claimed the firings, especially that of Brooks, who was said not to get along with Moriarty, were for other reasons, Wolf confirmed that the firings were on the orders of Littlefield.[40]

To replace Florek, S. Epatha Merkerson was cast as new squad leader Lieutenant Anita Van Buren. (Merkerson had previously guest starred as a mother of a gunshot victim in the season 1 episode "Mushrooms".)[35] To replace Brooks, Jill Hennessy was cast as Assistant District Attorney Claire Kincaid. Though no initial explanation was given on the show for the departures of Florek's or Brooks's characters, they would both later return in guest appearances, with Captain Cragen having been reassigned to the Internal Affairs Bureau and A.D.A. Robinette having become a defense attorney. Florek also returned to direct a few episodes, and his character was eventually added to the cast of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.[41]

Meanwhile, Moriarty's behavior both on and off the set became problematic for Wolf. After a public statement in which Moriarty called Attorney General Janet Reno a "psychopathic Nazi" for her efforts to censor television violence, Moriarty engaged in a verbal confrontation with Reno at a dinner in Washington, D.C. Wolf asked Moriarty to tone down his comments, and Moriarty responded by quitting the show the next week. This could have been caused by his drinking, as he admits to being "a very bad drunk"[42] before going on the wagon in February 2004. The final storyline for Ben Stone involves his resignation over guilt after a woman he compelled to testify against a Russian mobster was murdered by his cohorts. To replace Moriarty, Sam Waterston was Wolf's first choice for the role of Executive Assistant District Attorney John J. "Jack" McCoy Jr.; Waterston's character was markedly different from Moriarty's in that Jack McCoy was conceived as more emotionally stable and having more sex appeal.[43]

Wolf dismissed Noth when his contract expired at the end of season 5, because he felt that Lennie Briscoe and Mike Logan had become too similar to each other and the writers were having difficulty in writing their dialogue together. Furthermore, Noth had been disgruntled with the show since the dismissals of Florek and Brooks, and remained embittered against Wolf, who he felt was not a friend to his actors. The final storyline for Detective Logan involved his banishment to work on Staten Island in a domestic violence crimes unit as punishment for punching a city council member who had orchestrated the murder of a gay colleague and had managed to get acquitted of the charges. (The made-for-television film Exiled: A Law & Order Movie, in which Noth starred, centers on Logan's attempt to get back into the department's good graces.) Noth was replaced by Benjamin Bratt as Detective Reynaldo "Rey" Curtis, who was hired in an attempt to find an actor even sexier than Noth to join the cast.[44]

Hennessy chose not to renew her three-year contract at the end of season 6 to pursue other projects, and Claire Kincaid was written off as being killed in a drunk driving accident.[45] She was replaced by Carey Lowell as Assistant District Attorney Jamie Ross. Lowell remained with the show until the end of season 8, when she left to spend more time with her daughter. (Jamie Ross was written off as leaving the D.A.'s office for similar reasons.)[46] Lowell (who later returned for a couple guest appearances) was replaced by Angie Harmon as Assistant District Attorney Abigail "Abbie" Carmichael, who was conceived as being much louder and outspoken than any of her predecessors. Harmon auditioned with 85 other women, including Vanessa Williams, for the role, and was picked after Wolf heard her Texas accent.[47]



Beginning in season 8 (1997),[48] J. K. Simmons had the recurring role of Dr. Emil Skoda, a psychiatrist who worked with the Police Department. He appeared in 41 episodes until 2004. He then reappeared for three episodes in season 20.

Bratt left the series at the end of season 9, stating it was an amicable departure and he expected to eventually return for guest appearances. (He ultimately returned for the season 20 episode "Fed".) Detective Curtis was written off as leaving the force in order to take care of his wife, who was suffering from multiple sclerosis, in her final days.[49] He was replaced by Jesse L. Martin as Detective Ed Green, who was conceived of as more of a loose cannon in the mold of Noth's Logan than Bratt's Curtis was.[50] (Briscoe was described as being a recovering alcoholic, as Cragen had been; Green was described as being a recovering compulsive gambler.) In 2000, Steven Hill announced he was leaving the series after season 10. Hill, who was the last remaining member of the original cast, said his departure was mutual with the producers. He was replaced by Dianne Wiest as Interim District Attorney Nora Lewin, and Adam Schiff was written out off-screen as departing to work with Jewish charities and human-rights organizations in Europe.[51]

The following year, Harmon left the show after three seasons (with Abbie Carmichael written off as being called on to serve the U.S. Attorney's office) and was replaced by Elisabeth Röhm as Assistant District Attorney Serena Southerlyn.[52] The year after that, Wiest left the show after two seasons and was replaced by retiring U.S. Senator Fred Thompson as District Attorney Arthur Branch, whose character was conceived of as being much more right-leaning than his predecessors in the D.A.'s office, and was a direct reaction to the September 11 attacks.[53] No mention was made on the show of what happened to Nora Lewin, though producers said her character was only supposed to be an interim D.A.



After 12 years on Law & Order, Orbach announced in March 2004 that he was leaving the show at the end of season 14 for the spin-off Law & Order: Trial by Jury. Lennie Briscoe was written off as retiring from the NYPD and later taking a position as an investigator for the D.A.'s office. He was replaced at the 27th Precinct by Detective Joe Fontana, played by Dennis Farina.[54] At the time, Orbach would not state the reason for his departure,[54] but it was eventually revealed that he had been battling prostate cancer (for over 10 years) and that his role on Trial by Jury was designed to be less taxing on him than his role on the original series was. However, Orbach died from his cancer on December 28, 2004, and was featured in only the first two episodes of Trial by Jury. (His character was subsequently written off as having also died off-screen, though this was not revealed on the original series until the season 18 episode "Burn Card".)[55]

Season 15 would see the departure of Röhm mid-season. Röhm's final scene on the show, in the episode "Ain't No Love", sparked controversy within the fanbase, as A.D.A. Southerlyn asked Arthur Branch if she was being fired because she was a lesbian, a fact the scripts had never even hinted at until then.[56] Wolf said Röhm's departure was unexpected, and she exited the show in January 2005. For a few seasons, she had often argued opposing points to McCoy and Branch, and he thought she would be better as a defender rather than a prosecutor. Her replacement was Annie Parisse as Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Borgia.

Later that season, Martin departed early to film Rent. Ed Green was temporarily written off as being shot in the line of duty and being replaced during his recovery by Detective Nick Falco, played by Michael Imperioli, who had previously guest starred as a murder suspect in the season 6 episode "Atonement".[57] Parisse left the series at the end of season 16 (with A.D.A. Borgia written off as being murdered), and Farina announced shortly afterward that he too was leaving Law & Order to pursue other projects. (Detective Fontana was written off as having retired off-screen.)[58]



By this point, NBC executives believed the series was beginning to show its age, as the ratings had been declining since Orbach's departure.[59] Farina had never been popular with fans when he replaced Orbach, and it was felt that the cast just did not seem to mesh well together anymore.[56] In an effort to revitalize the show, Wolf replaced Parisse with Alana de la Garza as Assistant District Attorney Consuela "Connie" Rubirosa, while Martin's Green was promoted to senior detective and partnered with Detective Nina Cassady, played by Milena Govich, who had worked with Wolf on the short-lived series Conviction and served as the show's first female detective of the main cast.[59] She also briefly appeared as a bartender in the season 16 episode titled "Flaw".

However, Govich proved to be even more unpopular with fans than her predecessor was, and she left the show after one season, with the explanation being that Detective Cassady's assignment to the precinct had been temporary and had been transferred out. She was replaced by Jeremy Sisto, who had previously guest starred as a defense attorney in the season 17 episode "The Family Hour", as Detective Cyrus Lupo.[60] Around the same time, Thompson announced he would leave the show to seek the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. (No explanation was given within the show regarding Arthur Branch's off-screen departure.) Waterston's character was promoted to Interim District Attorney (later made full District Attorney in season 20) and his former position was filled in by Executive Assistant District Attorney Michael Cutter, played by Linus Roache.[61][62]

Martin later announced that he would leave the show for the second and last time near the end of season 18 to pursue other endeavors, and Detective Green was written off as resigning from the force due to burnout. He was replaced by Anthony Anderson as Detective Kevin Bernard.[56] In 2010, Merkerson announced that she would leave the show at the end of season 20, with Lieutenant Van Buren given a season-long story arc involving her battling cervical cancer.[63] However, the cancellation of the show rendered this moot.



After 12 years, the series was announced to be returning following the abandonment of its For the Defense spin-off. On November 1, 2021, Jeffrey Donovan was cast as a series regular to portray a New York Police Department detective, later revealed as Frank Cosgrove.[64][65] At that time it was also reported that Sam Waterston and Anthony Anderson, who starred in earlier seasons of the series, and additional former cast members were also in talks to return.[66] Waterston previously stated in 2015 that he would be open to returning.[67] Other previous cast members including S. Epatha Merkerson, Jeremy Sisto and Alana de la Garza hold starring roles on Chicago Med and FBI, respectively, with both also being part of the franchise and Wolf Entertainment series.[68] On November 23, 2021, it was announced that Hugh Dancy had been cast as an assistant district attorney and that Anderson had signed a one-year deal to return as Detective Kevin Bernard.[69] On December 10, 2021, it was revealed that Camryn Manheim had been cast as Lieutenant Kate Dixon, the successor to Merkerson's character, Lieutenant Anita Van Buren. Manheim portrayed minor characters in previous seasons of the series.[70] In December 2021, Odelya Halevi was added to the cast as Assistant District Attorney Samantha Maroun.[71] A day later, Waterston was announced to have finalized a one-year deal to return as District Attorney Jack McCoy.[72]

On May 10, 2022, the series was renewed by NBC for a 22nd season.[7] Later that same month, it was announced that Anderson would not return for the new season.[73] On June 7, Waterston signed a new deal to return for the 22nd season, making him the longest-running cast member of the series.[74] A week later, Mehcad Brooks was announced to have joined the cast, replacing Anderson.[75]

In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police who investigate crime, and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.
—Opening narration, spoken by Steven Zirnkilton.[76][77]


本剧常常在开头剧情影射真实案件,其影射方式让观众很容易识别出是哪起案件。[78] 一些真实案件的受害者对此感到被利用或被剥削,[78]包括一名律师拉维·巴特拉英语Ravi Batra于2004年控告剧组诽谤,因为本剧第14季第7集英语Law & Order (season 14)出现一位名字与特征皆和自己相似的律师。[79]巴特拉与剧组后来以未知数目的金额达成庭外和解。[80]







1995到1996年间的季度,《法律与秩序》第一次重播在周间的有线电视频道A&E上播出。A&E的播出被认为替当前NBC每周播出的《法律与秩序》剧集吸引一批更大的新观众群。2002年,A&E不再续订对《法律与秩序》的联卖权,因为该合约金额是当初1995年的四倍。[81]到了2021年,本剧在Sundance TV英语Sundance TVTNTWe TV英语We TVNewsNation英语NewsNationCourt TV Mystery英语Court TV MysteryBBC AmericaBounce TV英语Bounce TV等频道上重播。

自从2020年,《法律与秩序》被选中的几季连同《芝加哥烈焰》、《芝加哥警署》、《芝加哥医情》、《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》和《法律与秩序:犯案动机英语Law & Order: Criminal Intent》在孔雀平台上提供串流。然而,不像《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》被选中的几季可以免费观看,《法律与秩序》只提供孔雀的付费订阅会员观看。[82]


More information 季数, 播出时间(ET) ...
季数 播出时间(ET 集数 首映 季终 电视季度 收视人数
日期 收视
日期 收视
1 星期二晚上10点 22 1990年9月13日 (1990-09-13) 待定 1991年6月9日 (1991-06-09) 待定 1990–91 33 12.2
2 22 1991年9月17日 (1991-09-17) 待定 1992年5月12日 (1992-05-12) 待定 1991–92 46 12.1
3 星期三晚上10点 22 1992年9月23日 (1992-09-23) 待定 1993年5月19日 (1993-05-19) 待定 1992–93 56 12.1
4 22 1993年9月15日 (1993-09-15) 待定 1994年5月25日 (1994-05-25) 待定 1993–94 38 15.3
5 23 1994年9月21日 (1994-09-21) 待定 1995年5月24日 (1995-05-24) 待定 1994–95 27 15.3
6 23 1995年9月20日 (1995-09-20) 待定 1996年5月22日 (1996-05-22) 待定 1995–96 24 15.3
7 23 1996年9月18日 (1996-09-18) 待定 1997年5月21日 (1997-05-21) 待定 1996–97 27 15
8 24 1997年9月24日 (1997-09-24) 待定 1998年5月20日 (1998-05-20) 待定 1997–98 24 14.1
9 24 1998年9月23日 (1998-09-23) 待定 1999年5月26日 (1999-05-26) 待定 1998–99 20 13.8
10 24 1999年9月22日 (1999-09-22) 待定 2000年5月24日 (2000-05-24) 待定 1999–2000 13 19.48
11 24 2000年10月18日 (2000-10-18) 待定 2001年5月23日 (2001-05-23) 待定 2000–01 27 17.7
12 24 2001年9月26日 (2001-09-26) 待定 2002年5月22日 (2002-05-22) 待定 2001–02 7 19.5
13 24 2002年10月2日 (2002-10-02) 待定 2003年5月21日 (2003-05-21) 待定 2002–03 10 17.3
14 24 2003年9月24日 (2003-09-24) 待定 2004年5月19日 (2004-05-19) 待定 2003–04 14 15.9
15 24 2004年9月22日 (2004-09-22) 待定 2005年5月18日 (2005-05-18) 待定 2004–05 25 13.0
16 22 2005年9月21日 (2005-09-21) 待定 2006年5月17日 (2006-05-17) 待定 2005–06 35 11.2
17 星期五晚上10点 22 2006年9月22日 (2006-09-22) 待定 2007年5月18日 (2007-05-18) 待定 2006–07 54 9.4
18 星期三晚上10点 18 2008年1月2日 (2008-01-02) 待定 2008年5月21日 (2008-05-21) 待定 2007–08 38 9.7
19 22 2008年11月5日 (2008-11-05) 待定 2009年6月3日 (2009-06-03) 待定 2008–09 62 8.2
20 星期五晚上8点(第1到12集)
23 2009年9月25日 (2009-09-25) 待定 2010年5月24日 (2010-05-24) 待定 2009–10 60 8.2
21 星期四晚上8点 10 2022年2月24日 (2022-02-24) 待定 2022年5月19日 (2022-05-19) 待定 2021–22 待定 待定






2021年11月23日,休·丹希确认会加入演出第21季,安东尼·安德森也确认会回归演出他的原剧角色凯文·贝尔纳英语Kevin Bernard[69]

2021年12月10日,卡姆琳·曼海姆被揭晓将饰演副警监凯特·狄克森,S·伊佩瑟·默克森饰演的副警监安妮塔·范·布伦英语Anita Van Buren的继任者。曼海姆在前几季里饰演次要角色。[70]2021年12月15日,欧迪雅·哈列维确认会加入饰演助理地区检察官萨曼莎·马龙[71]。隔天,山姆·沃尔特斯顿确认达成为期一年的合约回归饰演地区检察官杰克·麦考伊英语Jack McCoy[72]《法律与秩序》于2022年2月24日12年来第一次正式播出新的一集。

2022年5月10日,NBC续订本剧第22季。[94]2022年5月26日,安东尼·安德森确认不会回归第22季。[95]2022年6月7日,山姆·沃尔特斯顿确认会在第22季回归饰演其原有角色麦考伊。[96]2022年6月13日,有报导指出麦卡德·布鲁克斯英语Mehcad Brooks将会出演第22季。[97]


《法律与秩序》的长寿与成功催生出六部美剧(《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》、《法律与秩序:犯案动机英语Law & Order: Criminal Intent》、《法律与秩序:陪审团英语Law & Order: Trial by Jury》、《法律与秩序:洛杉矶英语Law & Order: Los Angeles》、《法律与秩序:真实重案英语Law & Order: True Crime》及《法律与秩序:有组织犯罪英语Law & Order: Organized Crime》)和一部电视电影(《放逐:法律与秩序电影英语Exiled: A Law & Order Movie》)。《法律与秩序》这个名字的商业潜力抵销了对于失败外传(例如《法律与秩序:陪审团英语Law & Order: Trial by Jury》和《法律与秩序:洛杉矶英语Law & Order: Los Angeles》)可能侵蚀原剧观众的担忧。[98]为了与其它系列剧集区分开来,《法律与秩序》常常被制片与评论家比喻为“母舰”。[99]

《法律与秩序》有与其它系列剧集产生交叉集。此外,本剧亦与《纽约卧底警探英语New York Undercover》和《定罪英语Conviction (2006 TV series)》产生交叉;尽管皆不属于《法律与秩序》系列,它们皆同处一个架空世界,且皆由迪克·沃夫开创。本剧还与《凶杀:街头生涯英语Homicide: Life on the Street》产生数集交叉集。《法律与秩序》的成功催生出两部处于相同宇宙的外部系列(《芝加哥系列》及《联邦调查局系列英语FBI (franchise)》)。《芝加哥》与《法律与秩序》两部系列借由《芝加哥烈焰》和《芝加哥警署》在《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》里的交叉集产生连结。

本剧被改编为场景设为伦敦的英国电视剧《法律与秩序:英国英语Law & Order: UK》。


《法律与秩序》播映期间获得多部电视奖项提名,其中赢得的奖项包括1997年黄金时段艾美奖最佳剧集英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series、分别于1999年与2005年颁给山姆·沃尔特斯顿杰利·欧贝屈英语Jerry Orbach(死后追赠)的美国演员工会奖杰出电视系列剧男演员,以及多次爱伦·坡奖电视系列剧最佳集数。

2002年,《法律与秩序》于电视指南50部史上最伟大电视节目英语TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time排名24。[100][101]本剧还在娱乐周刊新电视经典(英语:New TV Classics)列表中排名27。[102]



标题为《法律与秩序合辑》(英语:Law & Order Producer's Collection)的盒装版于2000年以VHS发行。[104]该3卷录像带包含本剧的其中6集。

环球工作室英语Universal Pictures Home Entertainment区域1以DVD发行了14季,以及本剧的完整系列。《法律与秩序完整系列》盒装版包含全部20季。每一季皆个别包装(以托盘堆叠的形式),并有全新的封面。该盒装还有名为《剧集导读》(英语:The Episode Guide)的50页彩色书;除了每集的标题和剧情大纲,还收录本剧的冷知识、幕后花絮、剧本笔记和超过80张彩色照片。在区域2,环球Playback(英语:Universal Playback)在英国发行了本剧前7季的DVD。在区域4环球影业在澳洲与新西兰发行了全部20季的DVD。

标题 集数 发行日期
区域1 区域2 区域4
第1年 22 2002年10月15日 / 2013年6月4日(slimline版) 2003年6月16日 2003年4月2日 / 2011年8月31日(slimline版)
第2年 22 2004年5月4日 / 2014年6月3日(slimline版) 2005年2月28日 2011年8月31日
第3年 22 2005年5月24日 / 2014年6月3日(slimline版) 2005年11月21日 2011年8月31日
第4年 22 2005年12月6日 / 2014年6月3日(slimline版) 2006年7月17日 2011年8月31日
第5年 23 2007年4月3日 / 2014年6月3日(slimline版) 2007年7月23日 2011年8月31日
第6年 23 2008年12月2日 / 2015年5月26日(slimline版) 2009年2月16日 2011年8月31日
第7年 23 2010年1月19日 / 2015年5月26日(slimline版) 2010年4月12日 2011年8月31日
第8年 24 2010年12月7日 / 2015年5月26日(slimline版) 2011年8月31日
第9年 24 2011年12月6日(slimline版) 2016年8月3日
第10年 24 2012年2月28日(slimline版) 2016年8月3日
第11年 24 2012年11月6日(slimline版) 2016年8月3日
第12年 24 2013年2月26日(slimline版) 2016年10月5日
第13年 24 2013年11月5日(slimline版) 2016年10月5日
第14年 24 2004年9月14日 / 2014年2月25日(slimline版) 2016年10月5日
第15年 24 2014年11月4日(slimline版) 2017年3月2日
第16年 22 2014年11月4日(slimline版) 2017年3月2日
第17年 22 2014年11月4日(slimline版) 2017年3月2日
第18年 18 2015年5月5日(slimline版) 2017年4月5日
第19年 22 2015年5月5日(slimline版) 2017年4月5日
第20年 23 2015年5月5日(slimline版) 2017年4月5日
1-20季全系列 456 2011年11月8日(盒装版) 2016年11月16日[105]





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