肺螺类(学名:Pulmonata),亦作有肺类,旧作有肺目肺螺目肺螺亚纲,是腹足纲异鳃类支序之下的一个非正式群组。这个群组包括有蛞蝓,均可以透过其外套膜肺(pallial lung)而不是来呼吸空气。本群组除了包括有蜗牛淡水螺,还包括多个海螺的科。

Quick Facts 科学分类, 类群 ...
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 软体动物门 Mollusca
纲: 腹足纲 Gastropoda
演化支 直腹足类 Orthogastropoda
演化支 后生腹足类 Apogastropoda
亚纲: 异鳃亚纲 Heterobranchia
非正式类群 有肺类 Pulmonata
Cuvier, 1814

传统定义的肺螺类分类单元的物种在Jörger et al. (2010)被发现原来是个多系群[1]。肺螺类已知从石炭纪开始就已经开始出现,直到现在[2]

肺螺类物种有一个心室和一个肾脏,还有一个相互连接、左右对称的神经系统。外套膜腔位于身体的右侧,而且没有鳃,而是演变成一个布满血管的肺。大多数物种都有,但没有口盖,而且本分类元还包括有几种没有外壳的蛞蝓。肺类类物种都雌雄间性,部分群组​还拥有用作交配的恋矢(love darts)[3]


在原来的《旁得和林德伯格的腹足类分类 (1997年)》,本支序是一个目级分类元,包括下列各个分类元:

  • 收眼亚目 Systellommatophora Pilsbry, 1948
  • 基眼亚目 Basommatophora Keferstein in Bronn, 1864:淡水螺及池塘的螺
  • 真有肺亚目 Eupulmonata Haszprunar & Huber, 1990
    • Infraorder Acteophila Dall, 1885 (= formerly Archaeopulmonata)
      • Superfamily Melampoidea Stimpson, 1851
    • Infraorder Trimusculiformes Minichev & Starobogatov, 1975
    • 柄眼下目 Stylommatophora A. Schmidt, 1856
      Shells of pulmonate styllomatophoran snails in a museum collection
      An artistic but scientifically incorrect version of various European land snails and slugs (one species here is not a pulmonate), their food plants and fungi, and a beetle that eats mollusks, bottom right.
      • 直尿道小目 Orthurethra
      • Superfamily Achatinelloidea Gulick, 1873
      • Superfamily Cochlicopoidea Pilsbry, 1900
      • Superfamily Partuloidea Pilsbry, 1900
      • Superfamily Pupilloidea Turton, 1831
      • 弯尿道小目 Sigmurethra
      • Superfamily Acavoidea Pilsbry, 1895
      • 非洲大蜗牛总科 Achatinoidea Swainson, 1840
      • Superfamily Aillyoidea Baker, 1960
      • Superfamily Arionoidea J.E. Gray in Turnton, 1840
      • Superfamily Buliminoidea Clessin, 1879
      • Superfamily Camaenoidea Pilsbry, 1895
      • 烟管蜗牛总科 Clausilioidea Mörch, 1864
      • Superfamily Dyakioidea Gude & Woodward, 1921
      • Superfamily Gastrodontoidea Tryon, 1866
      • Superfamily Helicoidea Rafinesque, 1815
      • Superfamily Helixarionoidea Bourguignat, 1877
      • Superfamily Limacoidea Rafinesque, 1815
      • Superfamily Oleacinoidea H. & A. Adams, 1855
      • Superfamily Orthalicoidea Albers-Martens, 1860
      • Superfamily Plectopylidoidea Moellendorf, 1900
      • Superfamily Polygyroidea Pilsbry, 1894
      • Superfamily Punctoidea Morse, 1864
      • Superfamily Rhytidoidea Pilsbry, 1893
      • Superfamily Sagdidoidera Pilsbry, 1895
      • Superfamily Staffordioidea Thiele, 1931
      • Superfamily Streptaxoidea J.E. Gray, 1806
      • Superfamily Strophocheiloidea Thiele, 1926
      • Superfamily Trigonochlamydoidea Hese, 1882
      • Superfamily Zonitoidea Mörch, 1864
      • ? Superfamily Athoracophoroidea P. Fischer, 1883 = Tracheopulmonata
      • ? Superfamily Succineoidea Beck, 1837 = Heterurethra


Examples of Pulmonata: Achatina fulica top right, Bielzia coerulans top left, Praticolella berlandieriana center right, Megalobulimus oblongus in the center, Euglandina rosea center left, Helix pomatia bottom right & Ashmunella levettei bottom left

根据《布歇特和洛克罗伊的腹足类分类 (2005年)》,Glacidorboidea被搬到异鳃类支序之下的下异鳃类群组,本分类余下下列各个分类[4]








真有肺类(Eupulmonata)支序包括the clades Systellommatophora and Stylommatophora


收眼类支序(Systellommatophora = Gymnomorpha)之下有两总科[5],分别为:

Clade Stylommatophora

Contains the subclades Elasmognatha, Orthurethra and the informal group Sigmurethra

Subclade Elasmognatha
  • Superfamily Succineoidea
  • Superfamily Athoracophoroidea
    • Family Athoracophoridae
Subclade Orthurethra
Informal Group Sigmurethra
  • Superfamily Clausilioidea
    • Family Clausiliidae
    • † Family Anadromidae
    • † Family Filholiidae
    • † Family Palaeostoidae
  • Superfamily Orthalicoidea
    • Family Orthalicidae
    • Family Cerionidae
    • Family Coelociontidae
    • † Family Grangerellidae
    • Family Megaspiridae
    • Family Placostylidae
    • Family Urocoptidae
  • Superfamily Achatinoidea
  • Superfamily Aillyoidea
    • Family Aillyidae
  • Superfamily Testacelloidea
    • Family Testacellidae
    • Family Oleacinidae
    • Family Spiraxidae
  • Superfamily Papillodermatoidea
    • Family Papillodermatidae
  • Superfamily Streptaxoidea
  • Superfamily Rhytidoidea
    • Family Rhytididae
    • Family Chlamydephoridae
    • Family Haplotrematidae
    • Family Scolodontidae
  • Superfamily Acavoidea
    • Family Acavidae
    • Family Caryodidae
    • Family Dorcasiidae
    • Family Macrocyclidae
    • Family Megomphicidae
    • Family Strophocheilidae
  • Superfamily Punctoidea
    • Family Punctidae
    • † Family Anastomopsidae
    • Family Charopidae
    • Family Cystopeltidae
    • Family Discidae
    • Family Endodontidae
    • Family Helicodiscidae
    • Family Oreohelicidae
    • Family Thyrophorellidae
  • Superfamily Sagdoidea
    • Family Sagdidae
limacoid clade
  • Superfamily Staffordioidea
    • Family Staffordiidae
  • Superfamily Dyakioidea
    • Family Dyakiidae
  • Superfamily Gastrodontoidea
    • Family Gastrodontidae
    • Family Chronidae
    • Family Euconulidae
    • Family Oxychilidae
    • Family Pristilomatidae
    • Family Trochomorphidae
    • Fossil taxa probably belonging to the Gastrodontoidea
      • Subfamily † Archaeozonitinae
      • Subfamily † Grandipatulinae
      • Subfamily † Palaeoxestininae
  • Superfamily Parmacelloidea
    • Family Parmacellidae
    • Family Milacidae
    • Family Trigonochlamydidae
  • Superfamily Zonitoidea
  • Superfamily Helicarionoidea
  • Superfamily Limacoidea
other Sigmurethra

Two superfamilies belongs to clade Sigmurethra, but they are not in the limacoid clade.

  • Superfamily Arionoidea
    • Family Arionidae
    • Family Anadenidae
    • Family Ariolimacidae
    • Family Binneyidae
    • Family Oopeltidae
    • Family Philomycidae
  • Superfamily Helicoidea
    • Family Helicidae
    • Family Bradybaenidae
    • Family Camaenidae
    • Family Cepolidae
    • Family Cochlicellidae
    • Family Elonidae
    • Family Epiphragmophoridae
    • Family Halolimnohelicidae
    • Family Helicodontidae
    • Family Helminthoglyptidae
    • Family Humboldtianidae
    • Family Hygromiidae
    • Family Monadeniidae
    • Family Pleurodontidae
    • Family Polygyridae
    • Family Sphincterochilidae
    • Family Thysanophoridae
    • Family Trissexodontidae
    • Family Xanthonychidae


Jörger et al. (2010)[1] analyzed major groups within the Heterobranchia using genetic data and found that Pulmonata as traditionally defined was polyphyletic, for instance some pulmonates were more closely related to Sacoglossa and Acochlidia. They proposed the more inclusive taxon Panpulmonata to unite the clades Siphonarioidea, Sacoglossa, Glacidorboidea, Pyramidelloidea, Amphiboloidea, Hygrophila, Acochlidia and Eupulmonata.[1]



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