Adkins,Lesley Adkins,Roy A.(1998).Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome.Oxford University Press,USA.ISBN 9780195123326.
Propertius, The Poems (Oxford World's Classics) - see especially Lyne's introduction
David Slavitt, Propertius in Love: The Elegies Univ. of Cal. Press (2002)
Vincent Katz, The Complete Elegies of Sextus Propertius Princeton University Press (2004)
D.Feeney, Literature and Religion at Rome: Cultures, Contexts, and Beliefs
M.Beard, J. North & S.Price, Religions of Rome
J.North, 'Religion and Politics: from Republic to Principate' in Journal of Roman Studies 76
J.Hallett, 'Queens, princeps and women of the Augustan elite: Propertius' Cornelia elegy and the Res Gestae Divi Augusti' in R. Winkes (ed.) 'The Age of Augustus'
Max Turiel, " Propertivs: Algunas Elegías y Variaciones ", Spanish edition, ( Ediciones RIE, 2008 ), ISBN 978-84-96785-56-4.