Shoko rokuti kupoterera kana kupota rinoreva kuenda nenzira inotenderera. Mamwe mashoko anoreva zvimwe ndeanoti: kukomberera; kutenderera kana kumonereka, .

  • Potererai nekuseri ndiko kune musuwo wekupinda nawo.
  • Bhazi rinopoterera gomo kuti risvike pachikoro.
  • Kupotereka kana kutendereka (circulate as in blood)
  • Kumoneredza (1. Encircle. 2. Wind round) apa kureva kupoteredza.
  • Kudzengerera kana kudzemberera (Circle purposefully).
  • -dzengeredza (make to circle).
  • Kudzerereka kana kuzerereka (Turn round and round quickly). Chipo aizerereka pamuzerere wakasungirwa pamupfuti.

Mamwe Mazwi

  • Kudzunguruka (go round as the hand of a clock).
  • Kungwiririka rotate very fast).
  • Kungwiriridza (to make something rotate)
  • Kutenderera (to turn round and round; revolve)
  • Kutenderedza (to cause something or someone to rotate)
  • Kusika (to spin on axis especially stick held between extended palms).
  • Kunyera kana kunyerereka (to spin; turn as a top).
  • Kunyeresa (cause to spin).
  • Kuzungura (rotate winnowing-basket, etc).
  • Kupotereka, kutendereka, kutenderera, kundeya kana kuzeya (whirl round).
  • Kundeya (to turn around on or as if on an axis).
  • Kubomba (Go around) zvichireva kupota.

Kurerutsa Mutauro

  • Mugwagwa unomonereka kwazvo uchinzvenga makomo: the road takes many twists and turns to avoid the hills.
  • Akamoneredza musha newaya: he ran a wire round his homestead.
  • Gondo rinodzengerera pamusha kana raona huku: a hawk will circle about a village when it has seen a fowl.
  • Waswerodzengeredza mombe pasina uswa, kusaka dzine nzara.

Mazwi eBantu

  • KiKagulu inoti -bota (v. spin, twist). Umbundu vanoti pota (spin). Nyanja inoti ku-pota (to go round and round) kureva kupoterera.
  • Nyanja vanoti kukweta (to turn). Nyanja inoti kukwetama (to go round; to turn) kureva kupoterera.
  • Nyanja inoti kukwetera (to go round; wind) kureva kupoterera. VaNdau vanoti kupota (v. to go in; to enter).
  • Nyanja inoti madzi akwetera pa pote (the water whirls at the pool) kureva mvura inomonerka padziva.
  • Maconde inoti -pota kana -popota (v. twist, twine).

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