Kudimura, kudumura kana kudunura (Cut through- chop through; amputate; 2. Cut in two; 3. Shorten (dress story, distance). Vakadimura nyama: they cut the meat for distribution. Uri kudimura rungano urwo: you are shortening that story.

Kurerutsa Mutauro

  • dimu (ideophone of Cutting through(log, stick, something stretched with one stroke). Dimu (Cut-off piece wood, string).
  • Kudimudza (Cause someone to cut across string; 2. Take short cut) kureva kugurira. Dimudzira neyapakati: take the short cut that cuts across.
  • Kudimuka (Be, or be able to be, broken or cut, across).
  • Kudembuka kana kudimbuka (to break, to become parted) zvichireva kugurika.

Kurerutsa Mutauro yeBantu

  • VaZigula vanoti kudumula (cut; slice; break; subtract; decide) kureva kudimura. VaZigula vanoti kudumulisa (cut too much or cut a lot) kureva kudimurisa.
  • VaZigula vanoti kudumulwa (be cut; be sliced) zvichireva kudimurwa. VaZigula vanoti kudumuliswa (be cut too much) zvichireva kudimuriswa.
  • VaZigula vanoti kudumka (break slowly - flexible object; be broken) vachireva kudimuka. VaLenje vanoti timbula (cut up; break); VaShona vanoti dimbura.
  • VaKikuyu vanoti kotembuka (to become parted) zvichireva kudembuka. VaHerero vanoti pangurura, timbura kana tembura (divide) vachireva kupatsanura.
  • Nsenga vanoti kukema (v. to cut off a piece). Mamwe mazwi: kukemuka (to be chipped but still useable). Madudzirwo: kukinga (meet someone) kureva kuchinga.

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