Ralph Fox[*][[Ralph Fox (matematician american)|]][11]
Robert Wells[*][[Robert Wells (Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1964 on "Immersion Cobordism Groups" supervised by John Willard Milnor)|]][12] Jarek Kwapisz[*][[Jarek Kwapisz (Polish American mathematics professor)|]][12] Tadatoshi Akiba[*][[Tadatoshi Akiba (politician japonez)|]][12] Anthony V. Phillips[*][[Anthony V. Phillips (Ph.D. Princeton University 1966)|]][12] Alfredo Poirier[*][[Alfredo Poirier (Ph.D. State University of New York at Stony Brook 1993)|]][12] Peter Jack Kahn[*][[Peter Jack Kahn (Ph.D. Princeton University 1964)|]][12] Jonathan Sondow[*][[Jonathan Sondow (Ph.D. Princeton University 1965)|]][12] Zuei-Zong Yeh[*][[Zuei-Zong Yeh (Ph.D. Princeton University 1959)|]][12] Lyman Porter Hurd[*][[Lyman Porter Hurd (Ph.D. Princeton University 1988)|]][12] Saeed Zakeri[*][[Saeed Zakeri (Ph.D. State University of New York at Stony Brook 1999)|]][12] ...încă 8
Cunoscut pentru
Milnor–Moore theorem[*][[Milnor–Moore theorem (Algebraic theorem)|]] Milnor–Thurston kneading theory[*][[Milnor–Thurston kneading theory (mathematical theory in topological dynamics)|]] Fary–Milnor theorem[*][[Fary–Milnor theorem (three-dimensional smooth curves with small total curvature must be unknotted)|]] Milnor conjecture[*][[Milnor conjecture (Theorem that the slice genus of the (p, q) torus knot is (p-1)(q-1)/2)|]] Švarc–Milnor lemma[*][[Švarc–Milnor lemma (lemma in geometric group theory, giving sufficient conditions for when a group equipped with an isometric action on a metric space is quasi-isometric to the metric space)|]] Milnor K-theory[*][[Milnor K-theory |]] Milnor number[*][[Milnor number (An invariant that plays a role in algebraic geometry and singularity theory)|]] Milnor map[*][[Milnor map |]] Milnor–Wood inequality[*][[Milnor–Wood inequality |]]