Huic familiae est distributio paene cosmopolitana, sed praecipue in Hemisphaera Septentrionali. In Hemisphaera autem Meridiana, Africa Australis est mirifice copiosa a numeris huius familiae. Haec familia in Antarctica, Groenlandia septentrionali, et Sahara abest.
Plurimae classificationes hodiernae segregatam Lobeliacearum familiam inter Campanulaceas ut subfamilia Lobelioidearum disponunt.
Folia sunt simplicia, sine stipulis, saepe alterna, rarius opposita. Flores sunt bisexuales, campanulati, in angusta corolla tubaeforme consistentes, parvis lobis extendentibus; multi sunt caerulei. Fructus sunt baccae vel capsulae.
Borsch, T., N. Korotkova, T. Raus, W. Lobin, et C. Loehne. 2009. The petD group II intron as a genus and species level marker: Utility for tree inference and species identification in the diverse genus Campanula (Campanulaceae). Willdenowia 39:7–33. PDF.
Cosner, M. E., L. A. Raubeson, et R. K. Jansen: 2007. Chloroplast DNA rearrangements in Campanulaceae: phylogenetic utility of highly rearranged genomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 4(27):1–17.
Eddie, W. M. M., T. Shulkina, J. Gaskin, R. C. Haberle, et R. K. Jansen. 2003. Phylogeny of Campanulaceae s. str. inferred from ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 90(4):554–575.
Fedorov, A., et M. Kovanda. 1976. "Campanulaceae." In Flora Europaea, edd. T. G. Tutin, V. H. Heywood, N. A. Burges, D. M. Moore, D. H. Valentine, S. M. Walters, et D.A. Webb, 74–93. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.
Lammers, T. G. 2007. World Checklist and Bibliography of Campanulaceae. Richmond, Surrey: Kew Publishing.
Roquet, C., L. Sáez, J. J. Aldasoro, S. Alfonso, M. L. Alarcón, et N. Garcia-Jacas. 2008. Natural delineation, molecular phylogeny and floral evolution in Campanula.Systematic Botany 33:203–217. PDF.