Burns, Emily. "Explore a new loan to the Gallery, Francesco Melzi’s ‘Flora’, part of our new display in Room 12, ‘Leonardo’s Legacy: Francesco Melzi and the Leonardeschi,'" Facebook Live. The National Gallery. 29 May 2019, 6:15 PM. Archived 2019-05-29 at the Wayback Machine.
Catalogue des tableaux anciens et modernes, de diverses ecoles; dessins et statues, formant la galerie de feu Sa Majeste Guillaume II, Roi des Pays-Bas, Prince d’Orange-`Nassau, grand-Duc de Luxembourg, etc. etc. etc. (Amsterdam: 1850), 76-77, cat. no. 191. [Listed as attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.]
Marotzki, Miriam S. (2011). "Die zwei Freunde des Leonardo da Vinci: Eine kunsthistorische Fallstudie". In Classen, Albrecht; Sandidge, Marilyn (eds.). Friendship in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Explorations of a Fundamental Ethical Discourse. Berlin: De Gruyter, Inc. p.602. ISBN9786613166685.
Blotkamp,CarelVincent訳(2004).“Visual Arts: The Doom of the Golden Age”.InFokkema, Douwe;Grijzenhout.Dutch Culture in a European Perspective: Accounting for the past, 1650-2000.5.Assen, The Netherlands:Royal van Gorcum.pp.288.ISBN9023239679
C. J. Nieuwenhuys, Description de la galerie des tableaux de S. M. le roi des Pays bas, avic quelques remarques sur l’histoire des peintures et sur les progress de l’art (Brussels: 1843), 182.
E. de Bruyn, De schilderijenverzameling van Zijne Koninklijke Hoogheid de prins van Oranje te Brussel, Bulletin de la Classe des Beaux Arts, Académie Royale de Belgique 28 (1946), 155-63.
H. E. van Gelder, De kinsteverzameling van kning Willem II, Maandlad voor de Beeldende Kunsten 24 (1948), 137-48.
Erik Hinterding and Femy Horsch, ‘‘’A Small but choice collection’’: the art gallery of King Willem II of the Netherlands (1792-1849)’, Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art 19, no.1/2 (1989), 4-122. [Which includes a ‘Reconstruction of the Collection of Old Master Paintings’ pp.55–122. Provenance for Flora is on page 13 and 114]
Tatyana K. Kustodieva, The Hermitage: Catalogue of Western European Painting; Italian Painting, Thirteenth to Sixteenth Centuries (Moscow and Florence: Iskusstvo Publishers, 1994), 296-7.
Darius A. Spieth, Revolutionary Paris and the Market for Netherlandish Art (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018), 99 note 194 and 270-1.
Wilhelm Suida, Leonardo und sein Kreis (Munich: 1929), 232-33, fig. 302.