Therefore you powers of the Earth, or Lord Eſau, the Elder brother, becauſe you have appeared to rule the Creation, firſt take notice, That the power that ſets you to work, is ſelviſh Covetouſnes, and an aſpiring Pride, to live in glory and eaſe over Iacob, the meek Spirit; […] theſe two Powers ſtill hath been the Curſe, that hath led the Earth, mankind, into confuſion and death by their imaginary and ſelviſh teaching and ruling, and it could be no otherwiſe; […] And theſe, and ſuch as theſe, have ſtill been the Butt, at whom, the powers of the Earth in all ages of the world, by their ſelviſh Laws, have ſhot their fury. […] not one Lording over another, but all looking upon each other, as equals in the Creation; ſo that our Maker may be glorified in the work of his own hands, and that every one may ſee, he is no reſpecter of Perſons, but equally loves his whole Creation, and hates nothing but the Serpent, which is Covetouſneſs, branching forth into ſelviſh Imagination, Pride, Envie, Hypocriſie, Vncleanneſs; […] And not the Inheritance of covetous proud Feſh, that is ſelviſh, and enmity to the Spirit.