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See also: Appendix:Variations of "epi"
From Ancient Greek ἐπί (epí, “on top of”).
- Above in location or position.
- epilittoral is above a littoral zone, epinasal is above the nose, epinecral is above a necral layer
- Upon, atop, directly on top of in terms of position.
- epibenthos is benthic organisms that live on top of the sediment, epipetric is growing on rocks, epispinal is on the spinal cord
- (biology) Relating to epigenetics.
- epichromosomal is outside of a chromosome, epiclone is an epigenetic clone, epigenome is the total epigenetic state of a cell
- Secondary: a consequence, by-product, additional, or lesser version.
- epilanguage is a second language used regularly for some purpose or purposes, epiphenomenon is an activity, process, or state that is the result of another, epitoxoid is a toxoid that generates less of an immune response than an original one
- A part or segment that is located on the upper part of an object.
- epikarst is the upper part of a karst system, epiphase is the upper phase of a multiphase system, episternum is the upper segment of the sternum
- A part or locatation that is outer, particularly an outer layer.
- epidermis is the outer layer of the skin of vertebrates, epipleuron is the outer margin of an elytron of a beetle, epitrochlea is a projection on the outer side of the distal end of the humerus
- (chemistry) Denotes an epimeric form.
- epicedrol is an epimer of cedrol, epicholesterol is the 3α- isomer of cholesterol, epitestosterone is an inactive epimer of the steroid hormone testosterone
- Located on the surface.
- epifascial is on the surface of a fascia, epilimnion is on the surface layer of a liquid body, epixylous is growing or living on the surface of wood
- (zoology) Epibiotic: an organism that lives on another organism.
- epiparasitism is behaviour of epibiotic parasites, episymbiont is an epibiotic symbiont, episymbiotic is of or relating to an epibiotic symbiotic relationship
- Outward in direction or projection.
- epignathous is hook-billed, epinasty is a nastic movement which bends a plant part outwards, epipod is a small projection arising from the thoracic legs of a crustacean
- More, above a usual quantity, additional in quantity.
- epicadmium is used attributively to describe kinetic energies above that at which cadmium has a large neutron cross section, epidemic is an occurrence of a disease or disorder in a population at a frequency higher than that expected in a given time period, epimenorrhagia is excessive menstruation
- Beyond, meta, transcending.
- epimuscular is relating to the transmission of force without the use of muscles, epilanguage is a more subconscious, self-imposed, form of metalanguage, epitheory is a theory based on a more fundamental theory or on a metatheory
- (biology) Epidemiology
- Near in position.
- epicellular is when bacteria live in close proximity to but not inside a host cell, epistellar is when a gas giant has a close orbit to its parent star, epituberculosis is abnormal symptoms near the site of a tuberculous lesion
- Outranked, above in rank.
- epifamily is a rank between family and superfamily, epiphyletic is mostly monophyletic but containing some hybrids, eparchy was an administrative sub-provincial unit in post-Ottoman independent Greece
- Surrounding in position: the edges of the root entity.
- epifascicular is surrounding a fascicle, epimacular is surrounding, or on the edge of the macula, epiperimetric is surrounding a perimeter
- Covering: the root entity is covered.
- epiglottis is a cartilaginous organ in the throat of terrestrial vertebrates covering the glottis when swallowing to prevent food and liquid from entering the trachea, epispore is the thickish outer coat of certain spores, episcope is a form of projector that projects images of opaque objects
- After in time.
- epiclassical is coming after the classical period and, epigenesis is changes in the mineral content of rock after its formation, Epipaleolithic is the Mesolithic period (post-Paleolithic)
- Overlapping in position.
- epilobous is having overlapping lobes, epipharynx is a structure that overlaps the mouth in certain insects, epipole is the intersection of the baselines of two cameras used to form a stereo image
- Mapping onto, passing along, resolving to.
- epimorphism is a morphism analogous to a surjective function epiplexis is a rhetorical device where a sequence of rhetorical questions is used to elicit an emotional response, episememe is the meaning expressed by a tagmeme
- Top: a part that is positioned at the uppermost of multiple levels.
- epipelagic is of, pertaining to, or inhabiting the water from the surface of the sea down to 200 metres, epiplankton is plankton normally living in the top hundred fathoms of a body of water (at a depth of about 180 metres or less), epivalve is the apical (top) valve of a diatom
- Front or anterior in position.
- epicnemial is relating to the anterior of the tibia, epiplastron is either of the foremost pair of lateral plates in the plastron of turtles, episternum is the anterior part of the pleuron of an insect
- Entirety, a system being referred to as a whole.
- epichaperome is a network of chaperomes present in cancer cells, epiorganism is a group of organisms (such as a hive of bees, epicrisis is a critical or analytical study, evaluation, or summing up, especially of a medical case history
- Outside of in position.
- epidural is of or pertaining to the space immediately outside the dura mater, episkeletal is above or outside the endoskeleton, epicycloid is the locus of a point on the circumference of a circle that rolls without slipping on the circumference of another circle
- Shallow in depth.
- epithermal is describing deposits of minerals formed from warm water at shallow depth, epicortex is a thin layer of polysaccharide on the surface of the cortex, epigeous is growing on, or close to, the ground
- Similar, in the same form of, resembling.
- epimorphic is that becomes segmented prior to hatching, epiascidiate is in the form of a tube, epicalyx is a group of bracts resembling a calyx
- Upwards in direction or growth.
- epiphallus is in some gastropods, an enlargement of the vas deferens that continues beyond the apex of the penis, epifilm is an epitaxial film, epigrowth is epitaxial growth
Derived terms
terms derived from above
- eparterial
- epaxial
- epencephalic
- epiaortic
- epicanthus
- epicentre
- epicline
- epicondyle
- epicondylic
- epicortical
- epicotylar
- epicranial
- epifacial
- epigonadal
- epihyoid
- epijugal
- epilaryngeal
- epilittoral
- epimarginal
- epimetamorphic
- epinasal
- epinecral
- epineural
- epioccipital
- Epipaleolithic
- epipapillary
- epiparietal
- epiperineurial
- epiperiosteal
- epipharyngeal
- epiphreatic
- epipleural
- episaturation
- episeptal
- epispadias
- episquamosal
- epistratum
- epitracheal
- epitympanic
terms derived from upon
terms derived from epigenetics
terms derived from secondary
terms derived from upper
terms derived from outer
terms derived from epimer
terms derived from surface
terms derived from epibiotic
terms derived from outward
terms derived from more
terms derived from beyond
terms derived from near
terms derived from outranked
terms derived from surrounding
terms derived from covering
terms derived from after
terms derived from overlapping
terms derived from mapping
terms derived from top
terms derived from front
terms derived from entirety
terms derived from outside
terms derived from shallow
terms derived from similar
terms derived from upwards
From Ancient Greek ἐπί (epí, “on top of”).
- above, over, on, in addition to
Derived terms
From Dutch epi-, from Ancient Greek ἐπί (epí, “on top of”).
- epi-:
- above, over, on
Alternative forms
- ep-
Derived terms
Category Indonesian terms prefixed with epi- not found
Further reading
- “epi-” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Agency for Language Development and Cultivation – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016.
Derived terms
Further reading
Derived from Ancient Greek ἐπί (epí).
Derived terms
Further reading
- epi- in Polish dictionaries at PWN
- epi- (above, over, on, in addition to)
Derived terms
- epi- (above, over, on, in addition to)
Derived terms
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