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- to discard the false and retain the true; to sift the true from the false
- 要完全地反映整個的事物,反映事物的本質,反映事物的內部規律性,就必須經過思考作用,將豐富的感覺材料加以去粗取精、去偽存真、由此及彼、由表及裡的改造製作工夫,造成概念和理論的系統,就必須從感性認識躍進到理性認識。 [MSC, trad.]
- From: 1937, 毛澤東 (Mao Zedong), 《實踐論》 (On Practice), 《毛澤東選集》. English translation based on the Foreign Languages Press edition
- Yào wánquán de fǎnyìng zhěnggè de shìwù, fǎnyìng shìwù de běnzhì, fǎnyìng shìwù de nèibù guīlǜxìng, jiù bìxū jīngguò sīkǎo zuòyòng, jiāng fēngfù de gǎnjué cáiliào jiāyǐ qùcūqǔjīng, qùwěicúnzhēn, yóucǐjíbǐ, yóubiǎojílǐ de gǎizào zhìzuò gōngfu, zàochéng gàiniàn hé lǐlùn de xìtǒng, jiù bìxū cóng gǎnxìng rènshi yuèjìn dào lǐxìng rènshi. [Pinyin]
- Fully to reflect a thing in its totality, to reflect its essence, to reflect its inherent laws, it is necessary through the exercise of thought to reconstruct the rich data of sense perception, discarding the dross and selecting the essential, eliminating the false and retaining the true, proceeding from the one to the other and from the outside to the inside, in order to form a system of concepts and theories—it is necessary to make a leap from perceptual to rational knowledge.
要完全地反映整个的事物,反映事物的本质,反映事物的内部规律性,就必须经过思考作用,将丰富的感觉材料加以去粗取精、去伪存真、由此及彼、由表及里的改造制作工夫,造成概念和理论的系统,就必须从感性认识跃进到理性认识。 [MSC, simp.]
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