Pronunciation 1
For pronunciation and definitions of かんご – see the following entries. |
【漢語】 |
- [noun] kango, a Japanese word of Chinese origin, or a Japanese word coined along Chinese lines (a Sino-Japanese word)
- [noun] (less commonly) the Chinese language
- [noun] the ancient Chinese language, the language of the Han (漢 / 汉 (hàn)) ethnicity
- [noun] retained their original meanings in Classical Chinese, such as 天 (ten, “heaven”), 天下 (tenka, “the world”) or 菩薩 (bosatsu, “bodhisattva”)
- [noun] were repurposed to translate Western concepts, such as 社会 (shakai, “society”), 文化 (bunka, “culture”), 過渡 (kato, “transition”) or 博士 (hakushi, “doctor”)
- [noun] were newly coined from Classical Chinese syllables, morphemes or graphemes, such as 出超 (shutchō, “trade surplus”) or 腺 (sen, “gland”), where words coined from more than one syllable are called wasei kango (和製漢語) and coined kanji are called kokuji (国字)
【喚語】 |
- [noun] to think of something that wants to be said
(This term, かんご (kango), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.) |
(The following entry is uncreated: 閑語.)
Pronunciation 2
For pronunciation and definitions of かんご – see the following entries. |
【歓語】 |
- [noun] having fun while talking together
- [verb] to have fun while talking together
(This term, かんご (kango), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.) |
(The following entries are uncreated: 歓娯, 刊誤, 款晤, 款語, 閑語, 感悟.)