List of sheep breeds

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List of sheep breeds

This is a list of breeds of domestic sheep. Domestic sheep (Ovis aries) are partially derived from mouflon (Ovis gmelini) stock, and have diverged sufficiently to be considered a different species. Some sheep breeds have a hair coat and are known as haired sheep.

Four breeds of sheep, in the illustrated encyclopedia Meyers Konversationslexikon

Domestic sheep breeds


Sorted alphabetically.


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Acıpayam Turkey Meat, wool[1]
Adal Ethiopia[2] Meat[2]
Afghan Arabi[note 1] Afghanistan[3] Meat[3]
Africana Camura, Colombian Wooless, Pelona, Red African, Rojo Africana, West African[4] Colombia[4] Meat, woolly items[4]
Afrikaner Cape fattest tail South Africa Meat, pelts honed
Afrino South Africa Meat, wool, crossbreeding
Alai Kyrgyzstan[5] Meat, wool[5]
Alcarreña Spain[6] Meat[6]
Algarve Churro Portugal[7] Meat[8]
Algerian sheep[note 1] Ouled Jellal, Western Thin-tailed[9] Algeria[9] Meat[10]
Alpines Steinschaf Germany[11] Meat, wool, vegetation management[11]
Altay China[12] Meat[13]
American Blackbelly United States Trophy hunting
Ancon Otter sheep[14] United States[14]
Appenninica Appenninica, Bariscianese, Chietina Varzese, Perugina del piano[15] Italy[15] Meat[15]
Arabi Iran, Iraq[16] Meat[16]
Arapawa New Zealand[17] Wool[18]
Arkhar-Merino Kazakhstan Wool
Armenian Semicoarsewool Armyanskaya Polugrubosherstnaya[19] Armenia[19] Meat, milk[19]
Askanian Askaniysky[20] Ukraine[20] Wool[20]
Assaf Israel[21] Meat, milk[21]
Aussiedown Australia[22] Meat[22]
Australian White Australia Meat
Awassi Ivesi, Baladi, Deiri, Syrian, Ausi, Nuami, Gezirieh[23] South Eastern Anatolia, Syro-Arabian desert[23] Milk[23]


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Balkhi Afghanistan, North-west Pakistan Meat
Baluchi Baluchi dumda, Mengali, Taraki, Shinwari, Araghi, Farahani, Kermani, Khorasani, Khurasani, Naeini, Neini, Yazdi Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan Wool
Barbados Blackbelly sheep Barbados Black Belly, Black Belly, Barbados Barriga Nigra Barbados Meat
Bardoka Kosovo Milk, meat, wool and research
Basco-Béarnais Spain, France Milk
Bellary Karnataka, India Wool
Beltex Belgium, The Netherlands Meat
Bentheimer Landschaf Bentheim sheep Germany Landscape preservation
Bergamasca Italy Meat
Berichon du Cher France
Beulah Speckled Face United Kingdom Meat
Bibrik Pakistan
Biellese Razza d'Ivrea, Piemontese Alpina Italy Meat, milk
Bizet France Meat
Blackhead Persian Swartkoppersie Somalia Meat
Bleu du Maine Bazougers, Blauköpfiges Fleischschaf, Bluefaced Maine, Blue-headed Maine, Maine-Anjou, Maine à tête bleue, Mayenne Blue France Meat, Wool
Bluefaced Leicester United Kingdom Meat
Blue Texel Netherlands Meat[24]:765
Bond Australia Wool
Border Leicester United Kingdom Meat, wool
Boreray sheep Scotland Meat, wool
Bovec sheep Bovška Ovca, Plezzana, Trentarka, Krainer Steinschaf Italy Meat, milk
Braunes Bergschaf Brown Mountain sheep[25] Germany[25] Meat, vegetation management[26]
Brazilian Somali Berbera Blackhead[27] Somalia[27] Meat[28]
Brianzola Italy Meat
British Milksheep United Kingdom[29] Milk[29]
Bündner Oberland Graubünden, Grisons[30] Switzerland[30] Vegetation management[30]


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California Red United States Meat, wool
California Variegated Mutant CVM, Romeldale/CVM[31] United States[31] Wool[31]
Cambridge United Kingdom meat
Cameroon West Africa[32] Meat[33]
Campanian Barbary Italy[34] Meat, milk[34]
Canadian Arcott Canadian Arcott Sheep Canada[35] Meat[36]
Cărăbaşă Black-headed Teleorman Tigaie Romania
Castlemilk Moorit Castlemilk Shetland, Moorit Shetland[37] Scotland[38] Hobby[37]
Charmoise France[39] Meat[40]
Charollais France[41] Meat[41]
Cheviot Scotland[42] Meat, wool[42]
Border Cheviot[note 2] South Country Cheviot[43] United Kingdom[43] Meat[43]
Brecknock Hill Cheviot[note 2] Brecon Cheviot, Sennybridge Cheviot[44] Wales[44] Meat[45]
North Country Cheviot[note 2] Scotland[46] Meat[46]
Chios Island of Chios, Greece[47] Milk[48]
Cholistani Pakistan[49] Meat[50]
Churra Spanish Churro[51] Spain[52] Meat, milk[53]
Cigaja Croatia Wool, milk
Cikta Hungary[54] Meat[54]
Çine Çaparı Turkey[55]
Clun Forest England[56] Meat, milk, wool[36]
Coburger Fuchsschaf Coburg Fox Sheep[57] Germany[57] Vegetation management[57]
Columbia United States[36] Wool[58]
Comeback Australia[59] Meat, wool[59]
Comisana Lentinese, Red Head, Testa rossa, Faccia rossa[60] Italy[60] Milk[60]
Coolalee Australia[61] Meat[61]
Coopworth New Zealand[62] Meat, wool[62]
Cormo Australia and New Zealand[63] Wool[63]
Corriedale New Zealand[64] Meat, wool[64]
Cotswold United Kingdom[65] Meat, wool[65]
Criollo Creole, Chilludo, Colombian, Lucero, Pampa, Tarhumara, Uruguayan, Venezuelan[66] Central America[67] Meat[66]


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Dala Fur sheep Dala pälsfår[68] Sweden[68]
Dalesbred United Kingdom[69] Meat, wool[70]
Dagliç Turkey[71] Meat, milk[71]
Damani Pakistan[72] Meat, wool[72]
Damara Namibia[73] Meat[73]
Danish Landrace Landfår, Klitfår[74] Denmark[74] Wool[74]
Debouillet United States[36] Wool[75]
Derbyshire Gritstone United Kingdom[76] Meat[76]
Deutsches Bergschaf Weißes Bergschaf, White Mountain, Deutsches Weisses Bergschaf[77] Germany[77] Meat, wool[78]
Devon Closewool United Kingdom[79] Meat[80]
Devon Longwoolled Devon Longwool[81] United Kingdom[81] Meat, wool[81]
Dohne Merino Dohne, El Dohne Merino[82] South Africa[82] Meat, wool[82]
Dorper South Africa[83] Meat[83]
Dorset Dorset Horn, Dorset Horned[84] United Kingdom Meat[84]
Dorset Down United Kingdom[85] Meat[85]
Drenth Heath Sheep Drents Heideschaap[86] Netherlands[86] Vegetation management[86]
Drysdale New Zealand[87] Wool[87]
Duben sheep Bulgaria wool


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Easycare United Kingdom[88] Meat[88]
East Friesian Ostfriesisches Milchschaf[89] Germany[89] Milk[89]
Edilbay Edilbaevskaya, Edilbaev Kazakhstan[90][91] Meat, tail fat[90][91]
Elliottdale Tasmania[92] Meat, Wool[92]
English Leicester Bakewell Leicester, Dishley Leicester, Improved Leicester, Leicester, Leicester Longwool, New Leicester[93] England[93] Meat[93]
Estonian Ruhnu Ruhnu maalammas[94] Estonia[94] Meat, wool[94]
Elinpelin sheep - Bulgaria wool
Exlana sheep[95] United Kingdom meat, wool
Exmoor Horn Exmoor[96] Meat[96]


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Fabrianese Italy Meat, milk
Faroe Faroese Faroe Islands Meat, wool
Fat-tailed sheep (group of breeds) Africa, Middle East, Near East, Pakistan, Northern India, Western China, Mongolia Meat
Finnsheep Suomenlammas, Finnish Landrace Finland Meat, Wool, Milk, Landscape Management
Flanders Milk sheep Belgium
Forystufé Leadersheep, Forystukind Iceland Genetic conservation, herd management
French Alpine sheep France
Friesian Milk sheep Netherlands
Fuglestad Norway


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Gaddi Kangra Valley, Bhadarwah India Wool
Galician Ovella galega Spain Meat, milk
Galway Ireland Meat
Gansu Alpine Fine-wool Northwestern Chinese Merino, North-West China Merino China Wool
Gentile di Puglia Merinos d'Italia Italy Wool
German Whiteheaded Mutton Weißkopf, Weißköpfiges Fleischschaf Germany Meat, wool
Gotland Gotland Pälsfår, Gotland pelt Sweden Meat, wool
Gökçeada Turkey
Greenlandic sheep kalaallit savaataat, sava Greenland Meat, wool
Greyface Dartmoor United Kingdom Meat
Grey Troender Grå trøndersau Norway Wool
Gromark Australia Meat, wool
Gulf Coast Native Louisiana Scrub, Pineywoods Native Gulf Coast, United States
Guligas Uzbekistan
Guirra Mediterranean coast of Spain[97] Meat[97]
Gute Gutefår Sweden Genetic conservation


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Hampshire Hampshire Down United Kingdom Meat
Han Mongolia, China[98]
Langzhou Large-tail Han[note 3] Northern China
Small-tail Han[note 3] China Meat
Hanzhong China
Harnai Pakistan[99]
Hasht Nagri Pakistan[100] Meat, wool[100]
Hazaragie Afghanistan[101] Meat[101]
Hebridean St. Kilda sheep Scotland Vegetation management
Heidschnucke Family of sheep including
the three breeds below
Germany Meat, wool, vegetation management
Graue gehörnte Heidschnucke[note 4] Grey Horned Heath Germany Meat, wool, vegetation management
Moorschnucke[note 4] White Polled Heath Germany Meat, wool, vegetation management
Weiße gehörnte Heidschnucke[note 4] White Horned Heath Germany Meat, wool, vegetation management
Herdwick England Meat
Herik Turkey
Hill Radnor Wales Meat
Hog Island United States Wool


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Icelandic sheep íslenska sauðkindin Iceland Meat, milk, wool
Inner Mongolian wool China
Île-de-France Dishley Merino France Meat
Istrian milk Istrian Pramenka Croatia, Slovenia Meat, milk


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Jacob United Kingdom Meat, wool, hide, pet
Jezersko–Solčava sheep Brillenschaf, Carinthian sheep, Seelaenderschaf, Spectacles Sheep[102] Slovenia[102] Meat[103]


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Karacabey Merino Turkey
Kachhi Pakistan
Kajli Pakistan Meat, milk, wool
Kamakuyruk Turkey
Karakul Central Asia Meat, milk, wool, hide
Karayaka Turkey Meat, milk, wool
Kärntner Brillenschaf Spectacled Alpine Sheep Austria Meat, wool, hide
Katahdin United States Meat
Kempen Heath Netherlands
Kerry Hill Wales Meat
Kihnu Native Kihnu maalammas Estonia Wool
Kıvırcık Turkey
Kooka Pakistan Milk
Kashmir Merino Kashmir Wool
Karagouniko Greece


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Lacaune France Milk
Latxa Lacha Spain Milk
Leccese Moscia Leccese Italy Wool, milk
Leineschaf Germany Meat, wool
Lincoln Lincoln Longwool England Wool
Lithuanian Black-headed Lietuvos vietines siurksciavilnês Lithuania Meat, wool
Llanwenog Wales Meat
Lleyn Dafad Llŷn Wales Meat
Lohi Pakistan Wool
Lonk Improved Haslingden England Meat, wool
Luzein sheep


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Magra sheep Bikaneri Chokhla, Chakri, Bikaneri Rajasthan, India Wool
Maltese Malta
Manchega Spain Meat, milk
Marwari India Meat, wool
Manx Loaghtan Loaghtyn, Loghtan Isle of Man Wool
Masai Kenya
Masham England Meat, wool
Massese sheep Italy Milk
Meatmaster South Africa Meat
Mehraban Iran Meat
Merinizzata Italiana Italy Meat, wool
Merino Spain, Turkey Meat, wool
Argentine Merino[note 5] Argentina Meat, wool
Arles Merino[note 5] France Meat, wool
Booroola Merino[note 5] Australia Wool, research
Delaine Merino[note 5] United States Wool
East Merino sheep[note 5] France Meat, wool
Karacabey Merino[note 5] Turkey
Medium-wool Merino[note 5]
Merinofleischschaf[note 5]
Merinolandschaf[note 5] Germany Meat, wool
Merino Longwool[note 5]
Poll Merino[note 5] Australia Meat, wool
South African Merino[note 5] South Africa Meat, wool
South African Meat Merino[note 5] SAMM South Africa Meat, wool
Strong Wool Merino[note 5]
Transylvanian Merino[note 5] Romania
Ming Black
Montadale United States Meat, wool
Morada Nova Brazilian Woolless Brazil Meat


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Najdi Nejdi Saudi Arabia Meat, milk, wool
Namaqua Afrikaner South Africa Meat, pelts
Nali Western India India Wool
Navajo-Churro sheep United States Wool
Nederlandse Bonte Schaap[104] Dutch Spotted Sheep[105] Netherlands meat, wool
Nellore palia, jodipi, dora India Meat
Newfoundland Newfoundland Local Canada
Nilgiri India
Noire du Velay France Meat
Nolana sheep
Norfolk Horn Blackface Norfolk Horned, Norfolk Horned, Old Norfolk, Old Norfolk Horned United Kingdom Meat
North Ronaldsay Orkney Scotland Wool
Northern European short-tailed sheep (group of breeds) Baltic states, British Isles, Scandinavia, Germany, Russia Meat, milk, wool
Norwegian Fur


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Orkhon Mongolia Wool
Ouessant Ushant, Breton Island Dwarf France[106] Wool, hobby
Oxford Oxford Down United Kingdom Meat


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Pag Island Paška ovca Croatia Meat, milk
Panama United States Meat
Pedi sheep Bapedi South Africa Meat
Pelibüey Cubano Rojo Caribbean, Mexico, South America Meat
Perendale New Zealand Meat
Pinzirita Sicily Milk
Pitt Island Chatham Islands, New Zealand Wool
Polwarth Australia Meat, wool
Polypay United States Meat, wool
Portland England Meat
Pramenka Lička, Istarska, Kupreška or Dubska pramenka Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia Meat, milk, wool
Priangan Garut Indonesia Meat, ram fighting
Polish Heath Poland
Poll Dorset Australia Meat
Polled Dorset United States Meat
Pomeranian Coarsewool Sheep Pomeranian Sheep, Rauhwolliges Pommersches Landschaf Germany Meat, vegetation management


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Qashqai China
Qiaoke China
Qinghai Black Tibetan China
Qinghai Semifinewool China
Quadrella Italy
Quanglin Large-Tail China


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Rabo Largo
Racka Ovce cápová, Cápovice Hungary Meat, milk, wool
Rahmany sheep El-rahmani Egypt Meat, milk, wool
Rambouillet Rambouillet Merino, French Merino France Meat, wool
Rasa Aragonesa Aragón Meat
Red Engadine Engadine Switzerland
Red Karaman Turkey
Red Maasai East Africa Meat
Rhoen sheep vegetation management
Rideau Arcott Canada
Romanov Russia Meat
Romney sheep Romney Marsh United Kingdom Meat, wool
Roslag Roslagsfår Sweden Meat, wool
Rouge de l'Ouest Tête rouge du Maine France Meat
Rouge du Roussillon Roussillion Red France Meat, wool
Rough Fell United Kingdom Meat
Roux du Valais Walliser Landschaf, Roux du Pays Switzerland Meat, wool
Ruda Albania, Croatia Wool
Rya Ryafår, Swedish Carpet Wool Sheep Sweden Wool
Ryeland United Kingdom Meat


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Sakiz Çesme Turkey Wool
Saraja[107] Turkmenistan Wool, meat
Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Island, United States Wool
Santa Inês Brazil Meat
Sardinian Brabei Sarda, Pecora Sarda Italy Milk
Sardi (Moroccan sheep) Morocco Meat, milk, wool
Schwarzköpfiges Fleischschaf
Schwarzes Bergschaf
Scottish Blackface Blackfaced Highland, Kerry, Linton, Scotch Blackface, Scotch Horn, Scottish Highland, Scottish Mountain Scotland Meat
Scottish Dunface Scottish Tanface, Old Scottish Short-wool Scotland (extinct)[108] Meat, wool
Serrai Serres+breed Serraika, Serron Greece, Serres Meat, milk, wool [109]
Shetland Shetland Islands Meat, wool
Shropshire United Kingdom Meat
Sicilian Barbary Sicily
Skudde skudden Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland [110] Meat, vegetation management, felting
Soay Scotland Meat
Somali Berbera Blackhead Somalia Meat
Sopravissana Italy Milk
South Devon United Kingdom
South Dorset United Kingdom
South Hampshire United Kingdom
Southdown United Kingdom Meat
South Wales Mountain Wales
Spælsau Old Norwegian Short Tail Landrace Norway Meat
St. Croix Virgin Island white Virgin Islands Meat
Suffolk United Kingdom Meat
Sumavska Czech Republic Meat, milk, wool
Swaledale United Kingdom Meat, wool
Swedish Fur Sweden
Schweizer Schwarzbraunes Bergschaf
Schweizer Alpenschaf
Såne Denmark Meat, pelt


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Taleshi Iran Meat
Tan [zh] China Hides, meat
Targhee United States Wool
Teeswater United Kingdom Meat
TEFRom New Zealand Meat, wool
Texel Netherlands Meat
Ţigaie Romania Meat, milk, wool
Tiroler Steinschaf Pecora della Roccia Tirolese Austria Meat, wool
Ţsurcană Romania Meat, milk, wool
Tukidale Tuki Tuki in New Zealand, then Australia Meat, specialty carpet wool[111]
Tunis Tunisian Barbary Tunisia Meat
Tuj Turkey
Türkgeldi Turkey


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Uda Chad, Niger, northern Cameroon, northern Nigeria Meat


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Valachian sheep Native Wallachian sheep Czech Republic Meat, milk, wool
Valachian Improved sheep Czech Republic Meat, milk, wool
Valais Blacknose Wallis Blacknose, Walliser Schwarznasenschaf, Blacknosed Swiss, Visp, Visperschaf Switzerland Meat, wool
Van Rooy Van Rooy White Persian South Africa Meat
Vendéen France Meat


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Waziri Pakistan Meat, wool
Weißes Bergschaf
Welsh Hill Speckled Face Wales
Welsh Mountain sheep Defaid Mynydd Cymreig Wales Meat
Badger Face Welsh Mountain[note 6] Defaid Idloes, Badger Faced Welsh Mountain, Welsh Badger-faced Wales Meat
Balwen Welsh Mountain sheep[note 6] Wales Meat
Black Welsh Mountain sheep[note 6] Defaid Mynydd Duon Wales Meat
South Wales Mountain[note 6] Wales
Wensleydale England Meat
West African Dwarf Djallonke, Fouta Djallon sheep[112] West Africa and Central Africa[112] Meat
White Horned Heath
White Karaman Akkaraman[113] Located in Central Anatolia, provinces adjacent to Eastern Anatolia and Southern Anatolia, the Black Sea region, and the Mediterranean regions close to Central Anatolia.[113]
White Suffolk Australia Meat
Whiteface Dartmoor United Kingdom Meat
Whitefaced Woodland Penistone sheep England Meat
White Maritza sheep Bulgaria
Wiltipoll Australia Meat
Wiltshire Horn United Kingdom Meat


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Xalda Spain Meat[114]
Xaxi Ardia Spain[115]
Xinjiang Finewool China Meat, wool [116]


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Yankasa Nigeria Meat
Yellow sheep Yorkshire
Yemen White Yemen
Yunnan Semifinewool China


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Zaïre Long-Legged
Zeeland Milk
Zelazna Zeleznienska Poland Meat
Zeta Yellow
Zwartbles Netherlands Meat, milk, cheese
Zulu sheep Nguni South Africa Meat


  1. Arabi subtype
  2. Cheviot subtype
  3. Han subtype
  4. Heidschnucke subtype
  5. Merino subtype
  6. Welsh Mountain subtype

See also


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