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This article provides the list of deceased maraji (plural of marja, the supreme legal authority or the source of emulation), both current and deceased, followed by Twelver (also known as Imamiyyah) Shia Muslims around the world. The concept of a marja-i taqlid (lit. source of emulation) is central to Usuli Shi'a Islam.[1] Marja-i taqlids provide religious interpretations on matters of law and rituals. Among the functions of marja-i taqlids is the collection and distribution of religious taxes (zakat and khums).
Note: The names are ordered by date of death (descending) as an arbitrary standard.
Following are ulema (who may or may not be considered maraji) who have spent their major life spans before 350 AH/960 CE:
No |
Image |
Name |
Year of birth[2] CE AH |
Year of death[2] CE AH |
Birth |
Education |
Death |
Website |
Notes |
1 | - | Aban - Abu Sa'id Aban ibn Taghlib ibn Rubah al-Bakri al-Jurairi al-Kindi al-Rabie al-Kufi - |
- - | 758 141 |
Iraq | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia | Biography | ,[3][4] |
2 | - | Abu Baseer - Yehya Bin al-Qasim al-Hadhdha’ - |
- - | - 150 |
- | - | - | Biography | [5] |
3 | - | Ibn Muslim - Mohammad bin Muslim - |
- - | - - |
- | - | - | Biography | [6] |
4 | - | Zakariya Qummi - Zakariya bin Adam-e-Qummi - |
- - | - - |
- | - | - | - | ,[7][8] |
5 | - | Yunus - Yunus bin Abdul-Rahman - |
- - | 825-826 210 |
- | - | - | - | ,[9][10] |
6 | - | Safwan - Abu Muhammad Safwan ibn Yahya al Bajali Bayya' al-Sabiri - |
- - | - - |
- | - | - | - | ,[10][11][12] |
7 | - | Abu Umayr - Muhammad bin Abu-Umayr - |
- - | - - |
- | - | - | - | [10] |
8 | - | Mughirah - Abdullah bin al-Mughirah - |
- - | - - |
- | - | - | - | [10] |
9 | - | Ali al-Uraydi - علي العريضي Abu Hasan Ali al-Uraidhi ibn Ja'far al-Sadiq - |
757- 140- | 835+ 220+ |
Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia | Biography | - |
10 | - | Rad - al-Hassan bin Mahboob al-Rad (or al‑Sarrad or al‑Zarrad) al‑Kufi - |
- - | 839 224 |
- | - | - | - | ,[10][13][14][15] |
11 | - | Abi-Nasr - Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abi-Nasr - |
- - | - - |
- | - | - | - | [10] |
12 | - | Uthman al-Amri - Uthman ibn Sa’id al-Asadi - |
- - | - 267- |
- | - | - | - | [16] |
13 | - | Abū Is’hāq - Abū Is’hāq Ibrāhīm ibn Muhammad ibn Sa’eed ibn Hilāl Thaqafī Isfahānī - |
- - | 896+ 283 |
Iraq | Iraq | Iran | Biography | - |
14 | - | Ahwāzī - Abū Muhammad Husein ibn Sa’īd ibn Hamād ibn Mehrān Ahwāzī - |
- | 896+ 283+ |
Iraq | Iraq | Iran | Biography | [17] |
15 | - | Mohammad al-Amri - Mohammad bin Saeed al-Amri - |
- - | - 305 |
- | - | - | - | [18] |
16 | - | Ummani - al-Hasan ibn 'Ali ibn Abi `Aqil al-`Ummani - |
- - | 941 329 |
- | - | - | - | ,[19][20][21][22] |
17 | - | Qummi - قمي' Ali ibn Babawayh al-Qummi علي بن القمي |
- - | 941 329 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
18 | - | Kulayni - الكليني Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni محمد بن يعقوب الكليني |
864 250 | 941 329 |
Iran | Iraq | Iraq | Biography 1, Biography 2 | [19] |
19 | - | Iskāfī - Abū Alī Muhammad ibn Humām ibn Suhail Iskāfī - |
872 258 | 947 336 |
Iraq | Iraq | Iraq | Biography | - |
Following are ulema who have spent their major life span between 350 AH/961 CE & 1200 AH/1785 CE:
S No |
Image |
Name |
Year of birth[2] CE AH |
Year of death[2] CE AH |
Birth |
Education |
Death |
Website |
Notes |
1 | - | Ibn-e Qūliwayh - Sheikh Abul-Qāsim Ja’far ibn Muhammad son of Ja’far ibn Mūsā ibn Masrūr ibn Qūliwayh-e Qummī - |
- - | 0977 367 |
Iran | Iran | Iran | Biography | - |
2 | - | Ayyashi - عياشي Ayyashi al-Samarqandi عياشي السمرقندي |
- - | 0978 368 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
3 | - | Abū Ghālib Zurārī Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Suleimān ibn Hasan ibn Jahm ibn Bukair ibn A’yun Shaybānī Kūfī Baghdadi - |
898 285 | 0978 368 |
Iraq | Iraq | Iraq | Biography | - |
4 | - | Iskafi - Ibn Junayd al-Iskafi - |
- - | 0991 381 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
5 | - | Shaykh Saduq - شيخ صدوق Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Babawayh al-Qummi أبو جعفر محمد ابن علي ابن بابويه القمي |
918 305 | 0991 380 |
Iran | Iraq | Iran | - | - |
6 | - | Saheb, Al Kafat - صاحب Ismail ibne Ibad صاحب بن عباد |
- - | 0995 384 |
Iran | Iran | Iran | Biography | [19] |
7 | - | Al-Sharif al-Radi or Razi - الرضي Sayyid al-Razi الشريف الرضي |
970 359 | 1015 406 |
Iraq | Iraq | Iraq | - | [19] |
8 | - | Shaykh Mufid - شيخ مفيد Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Nu'man al-'Ukbari al-Baghdadi أبو عبد الله محمد بن محمد بن النعمان البغدادي |
948 336 | 1022 413 |
Iraq | Iraq | Iraq | - | [19] |
9 | Ibn Sīnā - ابن سینا Abū ‘Alī al-Ḥusayn ibn ‘Abd Allāh ibn Sīnā - |
980 Safar 370 | 1037 4 Ramadan 428 |
Iran | Iran | Iran | Biography | - | |
10 | - | Sayyid Murtadhā - سيد مرتضى Abu al-Qāsim ‘Alī ibn Husayn al-Syyid al-Murtadhā Alam al-Huda أبو القاسم علي بن الحسين السيد المرتضى علم الهدى |
965 355 | 1044 436 |
- | - | - | - | ,[19][23] |
11 | - | Halabi - حلبي Abu al-Salah al-Halabi أبو الصلاح الحلبي |
- - | 1055 447 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
12 | - | Najjashi - النجاشي Ahmad ibn Ali al-Najjashi احمد بن علي النجاشي |
982 372 | 1058 450 |
- | - | - | [19] | |
13 | - | Shaykh Tusi - شیخ طوسی Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Hasan Tusi ابوجعفر محمد بن حسن طوسی |
995 385 | 1067 460 |
- | - | - | [19] | |
14 | - | Ibn Barraj - بن براج Qazi Abdul-Aziz al-Halabi قاضي عبد العزيز الحلبي |
- - | 1088 481 |
- | - | - | [19] | |
15 | - | Hākim Haskāni, Ibn-e-Haddād - Qāzi Hākim AbulQāsīm Ubeidullāh Ibn Abdullāh Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Haskāni Qurashī Āmirī Neishābūrī |
- - | 1097 490 |
- | - | - | Biography | - |
16 | - | Allamah Tabarsi - العلامة الطبرسي Amin al-Islam Abu Ali Fadal ibn Hassan ibn al-Fadl al-Tabarsi أمين الإسلام الطبرسي |
1073 468 | 1153 548 |
- | - | - | Biography | [19] |
17 | - | Rawandi Qutubuddin Rawandi - |
- - | 1177 573 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
18 | - | Ibne Ashob Ibne Shahr Ashob - |
- - | 1192 603 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
19 | - | Hilli Muhammad Ibn Idrees Hilli - |
1148 543 | 1202 598 |
Iraq | Iraq | Iraq | Biography | [19] |
20 | - | KASHMIRI Sayyed Hussain Qummi |
Iran | Iran | India | [19] | |||
21 | - | Muntajabuddīn Muntajabuddīn Alī Ibn Ubaidullāh Ibn Hasan Ibn Bābiwayh Qummī - |
- 504 | 1204 600 |
Iran | Iran | Iran | Biography | - |
21 | - | Ibn Taoos Syed Razi Al Deen Abul Qasim Ali Ibn Moosa Ibn Jafar Ibn Taoos - |
1193 5 Moharrum 579 | 1266 664 |
Iraq | Iraq | Iraq | Biography | [19] |
22 | - | Nasiruddin Toosi Khwajah Nasiruddin Toosi - |
1201 597 | 1274 673 |
- | - | - | - | ,[19][23] |
23 | - | Ghayas ud Deen Syed Abd al Karim Ibn Jamal ud Deen Ahmed Ibn Moosa Ibn Jafar ibn Taoos - |
1250 648 | 1294 693 |
- | - | - | Biography | - |
24 | - | Muhaqqiq al-Hilli Jafar ibne Yahya ibn Hasan ibne Saeed - |
1205 603 | 1277 676 |
- | - | - | Biography | - |
25 | - | Irbeli Abul Hasan Ali ibne Isā ibne Abulfath Irbeli - |
- - | 1294 693 |
- | - | - | Biography | - |
26 | - | Allamah Hilli Abu Mafsoor Hasan ibn Yusuf ibne Ali ibn Mazaher - |
1250 19 Ramadan 648 | 1325 11 Muharram 726 |
- | - | - | Biography | [19][23] |
27 | - | Mahaqqeqeen Hilli Fakhrul Mahaqqeqeen Hilli - |
- - | 1368 771 |
- | - | - | | [19] |
28 | - | Muhammad ibn Makki Abu Abd Allah Shams ud Deen Mohammed ibn Jamal ud Deen Makki - |
1334 734 | 1385 786 |
Lebanon | Saudi Arabia | Syria | - | [19] |
29 | - | Miqdad Fazil Miqdad - |
- - | 1423 826 |
- | - | - | - | [19] - |
30 | - | Asadi Ahmed bin Fahd Hilli Asadi - |
1355 757 | 1438 841 |
- | - | - | [19] | |
31 | - | Bayādhi Ali bin Yūnus Nabāti Bayādhi - |
1402 804 | 1472 877 |
- | - | - | Biography | - |
32 | - | Kaf’ami Taqiyuddin Ibrahim Kaf’ami - |
- - | 1500 905 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
33 | - | Muhaqqiq al-Karaki Nuraddin Ali ibn Abdul-Aal al-Karki - |
- 870 | 1533 940 |
- | - | - | - | [23] |
34 | - | Shaheed Saani Jamal ud Deen ibn Noor ud Deen Ali ibn Fazil Ahmed ibn jamal ud Deen ibn Taqi ibn Mohammed Saleh - |
1505 911 | 1559 966 |
Lebanon | Iraq | Saudi Arabia | - | [19] |
35 | - | Muqaddas Ardebili Mohammed ibn Ahmed Ardebili - |
1500 - | 1585 Safar 993 |
Iran | Iraq | Iraq | Biography | [19] |
36 | - | Shaheed Salis Qazi Nurullah Shustari - |
1549 956 | 1610 1019 |
Iran | Iraq | India | - | [19] |
37 | - | Shaykh Bahai Mohammed bin Hasan al Harthi Jeehi Amili Bahai - |
1547 17 Moharram 953 | 1621 12 Shawwal 1031 |
Lebanon | Iran | Iran | Biography | [19] |
38 | - | Mulla Sadra Ṣadr ad-Dīn Muḥammad Shīrāzī - |
1571/2 | 1641 1050 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
39 | - | Allameh Majlisi Awwal Mohammad Taqi Majlisi - |
- - | 1660 1070 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
40 | - | Mulla Mazandarani Saleh Mazandarani - |
- - | 1675 1086 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
41 | - | Muhaqqiq Sabzwari Muhammad Baqir Sabzwari - |
1608 - | 1679 1090 |
- | - | - | - | [24] |
42 | - | Mulla Faiz Kashani Mohammed Mohsin Faiz Kashani - |
1598 1007 | 1680 1091 |
Iran | Iran | Iran | Biography | [19] |
43 | Muhaqqiq Khwansari Husain Khwansari - |
1607 - | 1687 1098 |
- | - | - | - | [24] | |
44 | - | Shaykh Ameli Shaykh Hurr Ameli - |
1624 8 Rajab 1033 | 1693 21 Ramadan 1104 |
- | - | - | Biography | [19] |
45 | - | Allamah Bahrani Sayyed Hashim Bahrani - |
- - | 1696 1107 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
46 | Allamah Majlesi Sani Mohammad Baqir Majlisi - |
1628 1037 | 1699 1111 |
Iran | Iran | Iran | Biography | [19] | |
47 | - | Jazaeri Sayyed Ne’matullah Jazaeri - |
1640 - | 1700 1112 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
48 | - | Aqa Khunsari Jamaluddin Mohammad Khunsari - |
- - | 1713 1125 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
49 | - | Mirza Afandi Mirza Abdullah Isfahani Afandi - |
- - | 1718 1130 |
- | - | - | - | [19][25] |
50 | - | 'Fazil-e-Hindi Muhammad Bahauddin Fazil bin Hasan bin Muhammad Isfahani - |
- 1062 | 1725 1137 |
- | - | - | Biography | ,[19][24] |
51 | - | Sahib Hadaeq Yusuf bin Ahmed - |
- - | 1772 1186 |
- | - | - | - | [19] |
52 | - | Wahid Al-Bihbahani Muhammad Baqir bin Muhammad Akmal - |
1706 1118 | 1791 1206 |
- | - | - | - | ,[19][23] |
53 | - | Mulla Naraqi Mohammad Mahdee Naraqi - |
1715 1128 | 1795 1209 |
Iran | Iran | Iran | Biography | [19] |
54 | - | Allamah Bahrul Uloom Sayyed Mohammad Mahdi Bahrul Uloom - |
1742 Shawwal 1155 | 1797 1212 |
Iraq | Iraq | Iraq | Biography | [19] |
Following are ulema (who may or may not be considered maraji) who have spent their major life span after 1201 AH/1785 CE & 1300 AH/1883 CE:
S No |
Image |
Name |
Year of birth | Year of death | Birth |
Education |
Death |
Website |
Notes |
1 | - | Ayatullah Ameli Sayyed Jawad Husainee Ameli |
1811 1226 |
- | [19] | ||||
2 | - | Ayatullah Kashifal Ghita Shaikh Ja’far Kashifal Ghita |
1813 1228 |
- | [26] | ||||
3 | - | Mirza-ye Qomi Mirza Abolghasem Gilani |
1739 | 1815 1231 |
[19] | ||||
4 | - | Tabatabai Sayyed Ali Tabatabai |
1816 1231 |
[19] | |||||
5 | - | Ghufraan Ma'ab - غفران ماب Syed Dildar Ali Naqvi Naseerabadi سيد دلدار على نصيرابادى |
1753 17 Rabi-us-sani 1166 | 10 January 1820 19 Rajab-ul-Murajjab1235 |
India | India - Iran - Iraq | India | Biography 1, Biography 2 | - |
6 | - | Ayatullah Mujahid Sayyed Mohammad Mujahid |
1827 1242 |
[19] | |||||
7 | - | Mulla Naraqi II Mulla Ahmad Naraqi |
1771 1185 | 1829 1245 |
Iran | Iran | Iran | Biography | - |
8 | - | Shabbar Sayyed Abdullah Shabbar |
1827 1242 |
[19] | |||||
9 | - | Mirza Mujtahid Mirza Maseeh Mujtahid |
1830 1245 |
[19] | |||||
10 | - | Shafti Sayyed Mohammad Baqir Shafti |
1844 1260 |
Iran | Iraq | Iran | Biography | [19] | |
11 | - | Mulla Barghani Mohammad Taqi Barghani |
25 October 1847 1264 |
[19] | |||||
12 | - | Sadr al-Din Sadr al-Din bin Saleh |
1779 1194 | 1848 1264 |
Lebanon | Iraq | Iran | - | |
13 | Saheb e Jawahir - Najafi Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Najafi |
1785 1200 | 1850 1265 |
Iraq | Iraq | Iraq | - | [19] | |
14 | Shaikh Ansari Murtaza bin Muhammad Amin Ansari - |
1799 1214 | 1864 1282 |
Iran | Iraq | Iraq | Biography | [19] | |
15 | - | Aalam-ul-ulama Sayyed Sibt-e-Hussain |
1868 1952 |
16 | Mulla Sabzavari Hadi Sabzewari |
1873 1289 |
Iran | Iran | Iran | [19] | |||
17 | Mulla Keni Ali Keni |
1888 1306 |
[19] | ||||||
18 | - | Meer Husain Meer Hamid Husain Musavi |
1888 1306 |
[19] | |||||
19 | - | Mulla Hamadani Husain Quli Hamadani |
1893 1311 |
[19] | |||||
20 | Mirzaye Shirazi Sayyed Mohammad Hassan Shirazi |
1895 1312 |
Iran | Iraq | Iraq | [19] | |||
21 | - | Mirza Rashti Mirza Habibullah Rashti |
1894 1312 |
Iran | Iraq | Iraq | [19] | ||
22 | - | Abul Hasan Kaskmiri Allama Abul Hasan Rizvi Kashmiri Lucknowi |
1313 |
India | India- Iraq | Iraq | [19] | ||
23 | Mirza Jilweh Mirza Abul Hasan Jilweh |
1896 1314 |
Iran | Iran | Iran | [19] | |||
24 | Allamah Ashrafi Mulla Muhammad Ashrafi |
1804 1219 | 1898 1315 |
Iran | Iran - Iraq | Iran | [19] | ||
25 | Allamah Assadabadi Sayyed Jamaluddin Assadabadi |
1897 1314 |
[19] |
Following are ulema (who may or may not be considered maraji) who have spent their major life span after 1301 AH/1884 CE to 1400 AH/1980 CE:
S No |
Image |
Name |
Year of birth | Year of death | Birth |
Death |
Notes |
1 | Mirza Mohammad Hasan Ashtiyani میرزا محمدحسن آشتیانی |
1832 | 1901 (aged 68–69) | Ashtian, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Sublime State of Persia | [19] | |
2 | Mirza Muhammad Baqir Sharif Tabatabaei میرزا محمدباقر شریف طباطبایی |
14 October 1823 | 5 November 1901 (aged 78) | Isfahan, Sublime State of Persia | Jandagh, Sublime State of Persia | - | |
3 | Mirza Husain Noori Tabarsi میرزا حسین نوری طبرسی |
1839 | 1902 (aged 63–64) | Pichdeh Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | Biography [19] | |
4 | Aqa Reza Hamedani آقا رضا همدانی |
1834 | 1904 (aged 69–70) | Sublime State of Persia | Baghdad vilayet | [19] | |
5 | Mohammad Taha Najafi محمد طه نجف |
1825 | 1905 (aged 79–80) | Najaf, Baghdad Eyalet | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | [19] | |
6 | Sayed Murtaza Razavi Kashmiri سیدمرتضی رضوی کشمیری |
1851 | 1905 (aged 53–54) | British India | Baghdad vilayet | [27] | |
7 | Sheikh Mohammad Behari شیخ محمد بهاری |
1849 | 1907 (aged 57–58) | Bahar Sublime State of Persia | Bahar Sublime State of Persia | [19] | |
8 | Mohammad Bagher Estahbanati محمد باقر اصطهباناتی |
1837 | 8 March 1908 (aged 70–71) | Estahban, Sublime State of Persia | Shiraz, Sublime State of Persia | - | |
9 | Mirza Hossein Khalili Tehrani میرزا حسین خلیلی تهرانی |
1815 | 4 November 1908 (aged 92–93) | Najaf, Baghdad Eyalet | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | [28] | |
10 | Sheikh Fazlullah Nouri شيخ فضلالله نوری |
24 December 1843 | 31 July 1909 (aged 65) | Mazandaran Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Sublime State of Persia | [19] | |
11 | Seyyed Abdollah Behbahani سیدعبدالله بهبهانی |
1840 | 15 July 1910 (aged 69–70) | Najaf, Baghdad Eyalet | Tehran, Sublime State of Persia | - | |
12 | Hakeem Mirza Jahangir Khan Qashqai حکیم میرزاجهانگیرخان قشقایی |
1827 | 16 September 1910 (aged 82–83) | Kezen, Sublime State of Persia | Isfahan, Sublime State of Persia | [19] | |
13 | Mirza Abutaleb Zanjani میرزا ابوطالب زنجانی |
10 December 1843 | 16 March 1911 (aged 67) | Zanjan Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Sublime State of Persia | [29] | |
14 | Mola Muhammad Kazim Khurasani ملا محمد کاظم خراسانی |
1839 | 12 December 1911 (aged 71–72) | Mashhad, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | [19] | |
15 | Allameh Ali Asghar Mazandarani علامه علیاصغر مازندرانی |
1826 | 1911 (aged 84–85) | Amirkola, Sublime State of Persia | Amirkola, Sublime State of Persia | - | |
16 | Abdallah Mazandarani عبدالله مازندرانی |
1840 | 21 October 1912 (aged 71–72) | Amol, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | - | |
17 | Sheikh Reza Tabrizi آقا رضا تبریزی |
1848 | 1912 (aged 63–64) | Sublime State of Persia | Baghdad vilayet | Biography in Arabic. | |
18 | Seyed Ahmad Karbala'i Tehrani سید احمد کربلایی تهرانی |
1864 | 1913 (aged 48–49) | Baghdad vilayet | Baghdad vilayet | Biography in Farsi [30] | |
19 | Haj Sheikh Mohammad Baqer Behari Hamedani حاج شیخ محمّد باقر بهاری همدانی |
1859 | 1914 (aged 54–55) | Bahar Sublime State of Persia | Hamadan, Sublime State of Persia | [19] | |
20 | Akhund Mullah Mohammad Kashani آخوند ملا محمد کاشانی |
1834 | 3 July 1915 (aged 80–81) | Kashan, Sublime State of Persia | Isfahan, Sublime State of Persia | - | |
21 | Mohammad Ali Rashti محمدعلی رشتی |
1836 | 1915 (aged 78–79) | Sublime State of Persia | Sublime State of Persia | - | |
22 | Sayyed Mohammad Kazim Tabatabai Yazdi سید محمدکاظم طباطبایی یزدی |
1831 | 28 April 1919 (aged 87–88) | Yazd, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Mandatory Iraq | [19] | |
23 | Sayyid Ismail as-Sadr السيد إسماعيل الصدر |
1842 | 29 August 1919 (aged 76–77) | Isfahan, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Mandatory Iraq | [19] | |
24 | Mirza Sayyed Mohammad Tabatabai میرزا سید محمد طباطبائی |
22 December 1842 | 28 January 1920 (aged 77) | Karbala, Baghdad Eyalet | Karbala, Mandatory Iraq | - | |
25 | Mirza Muhammad-Taqi Golshan Shirazi Ha'eri ميرزا محمدتقى گلشن شيرازى حائرى |
1840 | 28 August 1920 (aged 79–80) | Shiraz, Sublime State of Persia | Karbala, Mandatory Iraq | [19] | |
26 | Mulla Fathullah Qaravi Shirazi Esfahani فتحالله غروی اصفهانی |
25 January 1850 | 18 December 1920 (aged 70) | Isfahan, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Mandatory Iraq | [19] | |
27 | Mulla Habibullah Shareef Kashani ملا حبیبالله شریف کاشانی |
1846 | 19 February 1922 (aged 75–76) | Kashan, Sublime State of Persia | Kashan, Sublime State of Persia | [19] | |
28 | Aqa Nuruddin Nori Iraqi آقانورالدین نوری عراقی |
1862 | 10 January 1923 (aged 60–61) | Arak, Sublime State of Persia | Arak, Sublime State of Persia | [19] | |
29 | Seyed Mohammad Baqir Durcheye سید محمدباقر درچهای |
1854 | 4 December 1923 (aged 68–69) | Dorcheh, Sublime State of Persia | Dorcheh, Sublime State of Persia | [19] | |
30 | Seyyed Abd al-Husayn Mousavi Dezfuli Najafi Lari سید عبدالحسین موسوی دزفولی نجفی لاری |
10 January 1848 | 9 May 1924 (aged 76) | Dezful, Sublime State of Persia | Jahrom, Sublime State of Persia | [19] | |
31 | Mohammad Khalissi Zadeh محمد خالصیزاده |
1868 | 25 February 1925 (aged 56–57) | Kadhimiya, Baghdad vilayet | Mashhad, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
32 | Mirza Jawad Agha Maleki Tabrizi میرزا جواد آقا ملکی تبریزی |
1857 | 3 July 1925 (aged 67–68) | Tabriz, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Imperial State of Iran | Biography [19] | |
33 | Haj Aqa Nourollah Esfahani حاج آقا نورالله نجفی اصفهانی |
1859 | 1927 (aged 67–68) | Isfahan, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
34 | Mohammad Baqer Rizvi Lucknowi محمد باقر رضوی لکهنو |
1928 | British India | Mandatory Iraq | [19] | ||
35 | Movlazada Mahammad Hasan Ismayil oglu Shakavi Mövlazadə Məhəmməd Həsən Ismayıl oğlu Şəkəvi محمد مولازاده حسن اسماعیل اوغلۇ شکوی |
1854 | 1932 (aged 77–78) | Shaki, Russian Empire | Tbilisi, Russian Empire | - | |
36 | Sheikh Mohammad Jawad al-Balaghi al-Najafi الشيخ محمد جواد البلاغي النجفي |
1865 | 10 December 1933 (aged 67–68) | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | Najaf, Mandatory Iraq | [19] | |
37 | Sayyed Musa Zarabadi Qazwini سید موسی زرآبادی قزوینی |
1877 | 15 July 1934 (aged 56–57) | Qazvin, Sublime State of Persia | Qazvin, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
38 | Seyyed Abul Qasim Hosseini Najafi Dehkurdi سید ابوالقاسم حسینی نجفی دهکردی |
1855 | 12 January 1935 (aged 79–80) | Dehkord, Sublime State of Persia | Isfahan, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
39 | Seyed Hasan Sadr سید حسن صدر |
2 June 1856 | 12 June 1935 (aged 79) | Kadhimiya, Baghdad Eyalet | Kadhimiya, Kingdom of Iraq | [19] | |
40 | Mirza Mohammad Hussain Naini میرزا محمدحسین نائینی |
25 May 1860 | 14 August 1936 (aged 76) | Nain Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Kingdom of Iraq | Biography [19] | |
41 | Abdolkarim Haeri Yazdi عبدالکریم حائری یزدی |
1859 | 30 January 1937 (aged 77–78) | Meybod, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Imperial State of Iran | Biography [19] | |
42 | Seyyed Hassan Modarres سید حسن مدرس |
1870 | 1 December 1937 (aged 66–67) | Sarabeh, Sublime State of Persia | Kashmar, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
43 | al-Sayyid Haydar al-Sadr السید حيدر الصدر |
1891 | 1937 (aged 45–46) | Samarra, Baghdad vilayet | Kadhimiya, Kingdom of Iraq | - | |
44 | Abbas Mohaddith Qomi عباس محدث قمی |
1877 | 21 January 1941 (aged 63–64) | Qom, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Kingdom of Iraq | Biography [19] | |
45 | Hassan Ali Nokhodaki Isfahani حسنعلی نخودکی اصفهانی |
4 May 1863 | 29 August 1942 (aged 79) | Isfahan, Sublime State of Persia | Mashhad, Imperial State of Iran | Biography [19] | |
46 | Aqa Ziyauddin Araki آقا ضیاءالدین عراقی |
1861 | 7 December 1942 (aged 80–81) | Arak Sublime State of Persia | Najaf Kingdom of Iraq | [19] | |
47 | Mohammad Hossein Gharavi Esfahani محمد حسين الغروي الأصفهاني |
18 December 1878 | 14 December 1942 (aged 63) | Kadhimiya, Baghdad vilayet | Najaf Kingdom of Iraq | - | |
48 | Sayyid Mohammad Taqi Ibn Sayyid Morteza al-Mosawi Mofti al-Shia السيّد محمّد تقي ابن السيّد مرتضى الموسوي مفتي الشيعة |
1865 | 14 December 1942 (aged 76–77) | Sublime State of Persia | Kingdom of Iraq | [31][32] | |
49 | Mohammad Nezam Al Olama Estahbanati محمدنظام العلما اصطهباناتی |
6 January 1849 | 20 December 1942 (aged 93) | Estahban Sublime State of Persia | Estahban, Imperial State of Iran | - | |
50 | Seyed Mohammad Hassan Hosseini Quchani سید محمد حسن حسینی قوچانی |
1878 | 28 April 1944 (aged 65–66) | Khosraviyeh, Sublime State of Persia | Quchan, Imperial State of Iran | - | |
51 | Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Durcheye سید محمدمهدی درچه ای |
1862 | 22 February 1945 (aged 82–83) | Dorcheh Sublime State of Persia | Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
52 | Sayyed Abu I-Hassan Mosawi al-Isfahani سید ابوالحسن موسوی اصفهانی |
1861 | 4 November 1946 (aged 84–85) | Isfahan, Sublime State of Persia | Kadhimiya, Kingdom of Iraq | Biography [19] | |
53 | Mirza Mohammad Mahdi Gharavi Esfahani Khorasani میرزا محمد مهدی غروی اصفهانی خراسانی |
1886 | 12 November 1946 (aged 59–60) | Isfahan, Sublime State of Persia | Mashhad, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
54 | Allameh Sayyed Ali Aqa Qazi Tabatabaei Tabrizi علامه سید علی آقا قاضی طباطبایی تبریزی |
29 April 1866 | 28 January 1947 (aged 80) | Tabriz, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Kingdom of Iraq | - | |
55 | Seyed Hossein Tabatabaei Qomi سید حسین طباطبایی قمی |
17 December 1865 | 7 March 1947 (aged 81) | Qom, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Kingdom of Iraq | [19] | |
56 | Sheikh Muhammad Kadhim Ibn Haydar al-Shirazi الشيخ محمد كاظم بن حيدر الشيرازي |
1875 | 1947 (aged 71–72) | Shiraz, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Kingdom of Iraq | - | |
57 | Mirza Mohammad Ali Shahabadi میرزامحمدعلی شاهآبادی |
1875 | 24 November 1949 (aged 73–74) | Isfahan, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
58 | Sheikh Ali Akbar Nahawandi شیخ علی اکبر نهاوندی |
1861 | 6 February 1950 (aged 88–89) | Sublime State of Persia | Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
59 | Sayyid Mohsin al-Amin al-Ameli السيد محسن الأمين العاملي |
1867 | 29 March 1952 (aged 84–85) | Jabal Amil, Lebanon | Najaf, Kingdom of Iraq | [19] | |
60 | Seyed Mohammad Taqi Mosawi Khonsari سید محمدتقی موسوی خوانساری |
1888 | 27 August 1952 (aged 63–64) | Khansar Sublime State of Persia | Hamadan, Imperial State of Iran | Biography [19] | |
61 | Seyyed Mohammad Hojjat Hossein Kuh-Kamari سید محمد حجت کوه کمره ای |
1893 | 18 January 1953 (aged 60–61) | Tabriz, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Imperial State of Iran | - | |
62 | Sardar Kabuli سردار کابلی |
14 February 1876 | 17 June 1953 (aged 77) | Kabul, Afghanistan | Kermanshah, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
63 | Sadr al-Din al-Sadr سید صدرالدین صدر |
1882 | 26 November 1953 (aged 70–71) | Kadhimiya, Baghdad vilayet | Qom, Imperial State of Iran | - | |
64 | Sheikh Mohammed Hussain Kashif al-Ghita الشيخ محمد حسين كاشف الغطاء |
1877 | 19 July 1954 (aged 76–77) | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | Kerend-e Gharb, Imperial State of Iran | Biography [19] | |
65 | Mohammad Hossein Esheni Qudejani محمد حسین اشنی قودجانی |
1868 | 5 May 1956 (aged 87–88) | Qudejan Sublime State of Persia | Isfahan, Imperial State of Iran | - | |
66 | Seyed Jamaluddin Gulpaygani سید جمالالدین گلپایگانی |
1878 | 26 August 1957 (aged 78–79) | Saidabad Sublime State of Persia | Golpayegan, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
67 | Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi عبدالحسين شرف الدين الموسوي |
1872 | 31 December 1957 (aged 85) | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | Tyre, Lebanon | [19] | |
68 | Mirza Mahdi al-Hosseini al-Shirazi الميرزا مهدي الحسيني الشيرازي |
8 May 1887 | 14 February 1961 (aged 73) | Karbala, Baghdad vilayet | Karbala, Iraqi Republic (1958–1968) | Biography | |
69 | Seyyed Husayn Tabatabaei Burujardi سید حسین طباطبایی بروجردی |
23 March 1875 | 30 March 1961 (aged 86) | Borujerd, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Imperial State of Iran | Biography [19] | |
70 | Seyyed Abol Qasem Kashani سید ابوالقاسم کاشانی |
19 November 1882 | 14 March 1962 (aged 79) | Tehran, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
71 | Sayyid Abdul Hadi Hussaini Shirazi السيد عبد الهادي الحسيني الشيرازي |
1888 | 13 July 1962 (aged 73–74) | Samarra, Baghdad vilayet | Najaf, Iraqi Republic (1958–1968) | - | |
72 | Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar محمد رضا المُظَفَّر |
10 October 1904 | 30 January 1964 (aged 59) | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | Najaf, Iraqi Republic (1958–1968) | [19] | |
73 | Seyyed Hibatuddin Shahrestani سید هبة الدین شهرستانی |
20 May 1884 | 7 February 1967 (aged 82) | Samarra, Baghdad vilayet | Baghdad, Iraqi Republic (1958–1968) | [19] | |
74 | Syed Mohsin Nawab Rizvi سید محسن نواب رضوی |
14 April 1911 | 26 August 1969 (aged 58) | Lucknow, British India | Lucknow, India | [33] | |
75 | Agha Bozorg Tehrani آقابزرگ تهرانی |
7 April 1876 | 20 February 1970 (aged 93) | Tehran, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Republic of Iraq | [19] | |
76 | Sayyid Mohsin al-Tabatabai al-Hakeem السيد محسن الطبابائي الحكيم |
31 May 1889 | 2 June 1970 (aged 81) | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | Najaf, Republic of Iraq | Biography [19] | |
77 | Abdul Hosein Amini عبدالحسین امینی |
1902 | 3 July 1970 (aged 67–68) | Sarab, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
78 | Seyyed Mohammad Taqi Ghazanfari سید محمدتقی غضنفری |
1886 | 26 March 1971 (aged 84–85) | Khansar, Sublime State of Persia | Khansar, Imperial State of Iran | - | |
79 | Sheikh Mohammad Kuhistani شیخ محمد کوهستانی |
1888 | 28 April 1972 (aged 83–84) | Kuhestan, Sublime State of Persia | Mashhad, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
80 | Mirza Abol Hassan Sharani میرزا ابوالحسن شعرانی |
1902 | 3 November 1973 (aged 70–71) | Tehran, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
81 | Seyed Mahmood Husseini Shahroudi سید محمود حسینی شاهرودی |
1883 | 5 September 1974 (aged 90–91) | Shahroud, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Republic of Iraq | [19] | |
82 | Mir Seyyed Ali Bahbahani میر سید علی بهبهانی |
1885 | 21 November 1975 (aged 89–90) | Behbahan, Sublime State of Persia | Ahvaz, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
83 | Sayyid Mohammad Hadi al-Milani السيد محمد هادي الحسيني الميلاني |
1 July 1895 | 7 August 1975 (aged 80) | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | Mashhad, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
84 | Haj Aqa Rahim Arbab حاج آقا رحیم ارباب |
1880 | December 10, 1976 (aged 95–96) | Chermahin, Sublime State of Persia | Isfahan, Imperial State of Iran | [19] | |
85 | Noureddin Esheni Qudejani نورالدین اشنی قودجانی |
1903 | 14 October 1978 (aged 74–75) | Eshen, Sublime State of Persia | Isfahan, Imperial State of Iran | - | |
86 | Morteza Motahhari مرتضی مطهری |
31 January 1919 | 1 May 1979 (aged 60) | Fariman, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Iran | Biography [19] | |
87 | Sayyid Ahmed Ibn Razi al-Musawi al-Tabrizi al-Mustanbit أحمد بن رضي الموسوي التبريزي المستنبط |
24 May 1907 | 31 May 1979 (aged 72) | Tabriz, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Republic of Iraq | - | |
88 | Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr السيد محمد باقر الصدر |
1 March 1935 | 9 April 1980 (aged 45) | Kadhimiya, Kingdom of Iraq | Baghdad, Republic of Iraq | [19] |
Following are ulema (who may or may not be considered maraji) who have spent their major life span after 1400 AH/1980 CE:
S No |
Image |
Name |
Year of birth | Year of death | Birth |
Death |
Notes |
1 | Mir Asadollah Madani میر اسدالله مدنی |
1914 | 11 September 1981 (aged 66–67) | Azarshahr, Sublime State of Persia | Tabriz, Iran | [19] | |
2 | Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i سید محمد حسین طباطبائی |
16 March 1904 | 7 November 1981 (aged 77) | Tabriz, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Iran | Official website Biography [19] | |
3 | Seyed Abdol Hossein Dastgheib Shirazi سید عبدالحسین دستغیب شیرازی |
8 December 1913 | 11 December 1981 (aged 68) | Shiraz, Sublime State of Persia | Shiraz, Iran | Biography 1, Biography 2 | |
4 | Seyed Abdollah Musawi Shirazi سید عبدالله موسوی شیرازی |
25 February 1892 | 29 September 1984 (aged 92) | Shiraz, Sublime State of Persia | Mashhad, Iran | [19] | |
5 | Seyed Ahmad Khonsari سید احمد خوانساری |
24 August 1891 | 20 January 1985 (aged 93) | Khansar, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Iran | - | |
6 | Mohammad-Taher Shubayr al-Khaqani محمد طاهر شبير الخاقاني |
30 November 1911 | 28 January 1986 (aged 74) | Ahwaz, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Iran | - | |
7 | Seyed Mohammad Kazem Shariatmadari سید محمدکاظم شریعتمداری |
5 January 1906 | 3 April 1986 (aged 80) | Tabriz, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Iran | [19] | |
8 | Seyed Ali Naqi Naqvi سید علینقی نقوی |
26 December 1905 | 18 May 1988 (aged 82) | Lucknow, British India | Lucknow, India | [19] | |
9 | Seyed Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini سيد روح الله موسوی خمینی |
17 May 1900 | 3 June 1989 (aged 89) | Khomeyn, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Iran | [19] | |
10 | Sayyid Shahab ud-Din Mar'ashi Najafi سید شهابالدین مرعشی نجفی |
21 July 1897 | 29 August 1990 (aged 93) | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | Qom, Iran | Biography [19] | |
11 | Seyed Abul Qasim Musawi Khoei سيد ابولقاسم موسوي الخوئي |
19 November 1899 | 8 August 1992 (aged 92) | Khoy, Sublime State of Persia | Kufa, Republic of Iraq | Official website Biography [19] | |
12 | Mirza Hashem Amoli Larijani میرزا هاشم آملی لاریجانی |
26 February 1899 | 25 February 1993 (aged 93) | Larijan Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Iran | - | |
13 | Seyed Abd al-A'la al-Sabziwari سید عبدالاعلی سبزواری |
21 December 1910 | 16 August 1993 (aged 82) | Sabzevar, Sublime State of Persia | Najaf, Republic of Iraq | - | |
14 | Seyed Mohammad Reza Golpaygani سید محمدرضا گلپایگانی |
20 March 1899 | 9 December 1993 (aged 94) | Isfahan, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Iran | Biography 1, Biography 2 [19] | |
15 | Mirza Ali Akbar Marandi میرزا علی اکبر مرندی |
1897 | 29 March 1994 (aged 96–97) | Tabriz, Sublime State of Persia | Marand, Iran | [19] | |
16 | Mohammad Ali Araki محمدعلی اراکی |
22 December 1894 | 24 November 1994 (aged 99) | Arak, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Iran | Biography [19] | |
17 | Mohammad-Taqi Shoushtari محمد تقی شوشتری |
1903 | 19 May 1995 (aged 91–92) | Najaf, Baghdad vilayet | Shushtar, Iran | [19] | |
18 | Seyed Reza Bahaadini سید رضا بهاءالدینی |
29 March 1908 | 19 July 1997 (aged 89) | Qom, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Iran | Biography [19] | |
19 | Seyed Mohammad Rohani سید محمد روحانی |
11 May 1920 | 21 August 1997 (aged 77) | Qom, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Iran | - | |
20 | Ali Gharavi علي الغروي |
1931 | 18 June 1998 (aged 66–67) | Tabriz, Imperial State of Iran | Karbala, Republic of Iraq | - | |
21 | Allameh Mohammad-Taqi Ja'fari علامه محمد تقی جعفری |
15 August 1925 | 16 November 1998 (aged 73) | Tabriz, Imperial State of Iran | London, United Kingdom | Official website [19] | |
22 | Ahmad Bigdeli Azari-Qomi احمد بیگدلی آذری قمی |
1924 | 31 January 1999 (aged 74–75) | Qom, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Iran | - | |
23 | Mohammad Sadeq al-Sadr مُحمّد صادق الصدر |
23 February 1943 | 19 February 1999 (aged 55) | Kadhimiya, Kingdom of Iraq | Najaf, Republic of Iraq | [19] | |
24 | Seyed Mohammad Hussaini Shirazi سید محمد حسینی شیرازی |
31 August 1928 | 17 December 2001 (aged 73) | Najaf, Mandatory Iraq | Qom, Iran | Official website [19] | |
25 | Seyed Muhammad Ali Movahed Abtahi سید محمدعلی موحد ابطحی |
1930 | 20 September 2002 (aged 71–72) | Isfahan, Imperial State of Iran | Tehran, Iran | - | |
26 | Mohammad Taqi Bahlool محمدتقی بهلول |
17 June 1910 | 29 July 2005 (aged 95) | Gonabad, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Iran | Biography 1, Biography 2 | |
27 | Seyed Abolqasem Kokabi سید ابوالقاسم کوکبی |
1926 | 20 December 2005 (aged 78–79) | Tabriz, Imperial State of Iran | Qom, Iran | - | |
28 | Mirza Javad Tabrizi ميرزا جواد تبريزى |
1926 | 20 November 2006 (aged 79–80) | Tabriz, Imperial State of Iran | Qom, Iran | Official website [19] | |
29 | Seyed Hassan Tabatabaei Qomi سید حسن طباطبایی قمی |
1912 | 7 June 2007 (aged 94–95) | Mashhad, Sublime State of Persia | Karaj, Iran | - | |
30 | Mohammad Fazel Lankarani محمد فاضل لنکرانی |
1931 | 16 June 2007 (aged 75–76) | Qom, Imperial State of Iran | Qom, Iran | Official website Biography | |
31 | Mohammad-Taqi Bahjat Foumani محمدتقی بهجت فومنی |
24 August 1916 | 17 May 2009 (aged 92) | Fouman, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Iran | Official website | |
32 | Hussein-Ali Montazeri حسینعلی منتظری |
24 September 1922 | 19 December 2009 (aged 87) | Najafabad, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Iran | Official website | |
33 | Ali Safi Golpaygani علی صافی گلپایگانی |
1913 | 3 January 2010 (aged 96–97) | Golpayegan Sublime State of Persia | Golpayegan, Iran | - | |
34 | Sayyid Mohammad Mofti al-shia Mousavi السيد محمد مفتي الشيعة موسوي |
1928 | 19 May 2010 (aged 81–82) | Ardabil, Imperial State of Iran | Qom, Iran | Official Website | |
35 | Sayyid Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah السيد محمد حسين فضل الله |
16 November 1935 | 4 July 2010 (aged 74) | Najaf, Kingdom of Iraq | Beirut, Lebanon | Official Website | |
36 | Sayyid Abbas Hosseini Kashani السید عباس حسيني کاشانی |
1931 | 18 July 2010 (aged 78–79) | Karbala, Mandatory Iraq | Iran | Official Website | |
37 | Mirza Mohammad Hassan Ahmadi Faqih ميرزا محمد حسن احمدى فقيه |
1951 | 29 August 2010 (aged 58–59) | Yazd, Imperial State of Iran | Yazd, Iran | Official Website | |
38 | Mohammad Ebrahim Ansari محمد إبراهيم الأنصاري |
1936 | 19 February 2011 (aged 74–75) | Kingdom of Iraq | Iraq | Biography | |
39 | Mohammad Sadeqi Tehrani محمد صادقی تهرانی |
21 March 1926 | 21 March 2011 (aged 85) | Tehran, Imperial State of Iran | Qom, Iran | Official Website | |
40 | Mohsen Koochebaghi Tabrizi محسن کوچه باغی تبریزی |
9 January 1924 | 3 August 2011 (aged 87) | Tabriz, Sublime State of Persia | Tabriz, Iran | Official Website[permanent dead link] | |
41 | Mojtaba Tehrani مجتبي تهراني |
30 March 1937 | 2 January 2013 (aged 75) | Tehran, Imperial State of Iran | Tehran, Iran | Official Website | |
42 | Seyed Mohammad Ezodin Hosseini Zanjani سید محمد عزالدین حسيني زنجانی |
1 February 1921 | 14 May 2013 (aged 92) | Zanjan Sublime State of Persia | Mashhad, Iran | Official Website | |
43 | Seyed Yousef Madani Tabrizi سيد يوسف مدنی تبریزی |
1928 | 16 June 2013 (aged 84–85) | Tabriz, Imperial State of Iran | Qom, Iran | Official Website | |
44 | Moslem Malakouti مسلم ملكوتی |
5 June 1924 | 24 April 2014 (aged 89) | Sarab, Sublime State of Persia | Tehran, Iran | Official Website | |
45 | Sayyid Mohammad Baqer Mosawi Shirazi سید محمدباقر موسوی شیرازی |
26 November 1931 | 13 May 2014 (aged 82) | Shiraz, Imperial State of Iran | Tehran, Iran | Official Website | |
46 | Sayyid Morteza Hosseini Fayaz السيد مرتضى الحسيني فياض |
9 April 1929 | 20 August 2014 (aged 85) | Najaf, Mandatory Iraq | Iraq | Biography[permanent dead link] | |
47 | Seyed Mohammad Bagher Movahed Abtahi سید محمدباقر موحد ابطحی |
1928 | 5 February 2014 (aged 85–86) | Isfahan, Imperial State of Iran | Tehran, Iran | - | |
48 | Abdol Hamid Sharbiani عبدالحمید شربیانی |
1927 | 22 September 2015 (aged 87–88) | Imperial State of Iran | Iran | [36] | |
49 | Seyed Taqi Tabatabaei Qomi سید تقی طباطبایی قمی |
21 February 1923 | 26 October 2016 (aged 93) | Mashhad, Sublime State of Persia | Karbala, Iraq | - | |
50 | Seyed Abdol Karim Mousavi Ardebili سید عبدالکریم موسوی اردبیلی |
26 January 1926 | 23 November 2016 (aged 90) | Ardabil, Imperial State of Iran | Tehran, Iran | Official Website | |
51 | Seyed Javad Fatemi Tabrizi سید جواد فاطمی تبریزی |
25 September 1923 | 8 January 2017 (aged 93) | Sublime State of Persia | Iran | Official Website [37] | |
52 | Sayyid Mohammad Ali Tabatabaei Hassani السيد محمد علي الطباطبائي الحسني |
22 August 1945 | 1 February 2017 (aged 71) | Karbala, Kingdom of Iraq | London, United Kingdom | Official Website | |
53 | Hossein Rasti Kashani حسین راستی کاشانی |
1927 | 20 September 2017 (aged 89–90) | Kashan, Imperial State of Iran | Tehran, Iran | [38][39] | |
54 | Morteza Tehrani مرتضی تهرانی |
1933 | 21 July 2018 (aged 84–85) | Tehran, Imperial State of Iran | Mashhad, Iran | Official Website [40][41] | |
55 | Mohammad Ali Esmaeelpoor Ghomsheie محمدعلی اسماعیلپور قمشهای |
1940 | 11 August 2018 (aged 77–78) | Imperial State of Iran | Iran | Official Website [42][43] | |
56 | Javad Gharavi Aliari جواد غروی علیاری |
1935 | 6 September 2018 (aged 82–83) | Tabriz, Imperial State of Iran | Qom, Iran | Official Website [44] | |
57 | Mohaqiq Kabuli محقق كابلى |
29 May 1928 | 11 June 2019 (aged 91) | Turkman Valley, Afghanistan | Kabul, Afghanistan | Official Website [45] | |
58 | Sayyid Mohammad Shahroudi السيد محمد شاهرودي |
1 December 1925 | 7 July 2019 (aged 93) | Najaf, Mandatory Iraq | Tehran, Iran | Official Website Archived 2018-03-12 at the Wayback Machine [46] | |
59 | Mohammad Asif Mohseni محمد آصف محسني |
26 April 1935 | 5 August 2019 (aged 84) | Kandahar, Afghanistan | Kabul, Afghanistan | [47] | |
60 | Yousef Saanei يوسف صانعي |
16 October 1937 | 12 September 2020 (aged 82) | Isfahan, Imperial State of Iran | Qom, Iran | Official Website [48] | |
61 | Sayyid Abbas Modaressi Yazdi السيد عباس مدرسي يزدي |
1943 | 19 November 2020 (aged 76–77) | Najaf, Kingdom of Iraq | Qom, Iran | [49] | |
62 | Sayyid Mohammad Saeed Tabatabai al-Hakim السيد محمد سعيد الطباطبائي الحكيم |
1 February 1936 | 3 September 2021 (aged 85) | Najaf, Kingdom of Iraq | Najaf, Iraq | Official Website | |
63 | Lotfollah Saafi Golpaygani لطف الله صافی گلپایگانی |
20 February 1919 | 1 February 2022 (aged 102) | Golpayegan, Sublime State of Persia | Qom, Iran | Official Website [50] | |
64 | Shamsodin Mohammad Mojtahedi Najafi شمس الدین محمد مجتهدی نجفی |
22 March 1933 | 27 February 2022 (aged 88) | Imperial State of Iran | Iran | [51] | |
65 | Sayyid Mohammad Alavi Ali Hosseini Gorgani السيد محمد على علوى حسينى گرگانى |
1940 | 15 March 2022 (aged 81–82) | Najaf, Kingdom of Iraq | Tehran, Iran | Official Website [52] | |
66 | Sayyid Raghib AleKamooneh Hosseini السيد راغب آل كمونة الحسيني |
1942 | 16 May 2022 (aged 79–80) | Kingdom of Iraq | Iraq | Biography | |
67 | Sayyid Mohammad Sadeq Hosayni Rouhani السيد محمد صادق حسيني روحاني |
16 July 1926 | 16 December 2022 (aged 96) | Qom, Imperial State of Iran | Qom, Iran | Official Website [53] | |
68 | Muhammad Hussain Najafi محمد حسين النجفي |
10 April 1932 | 21 August 2023 (aged 91) | Jehanian, British India | Sargodha, Pakistan | Official website | |
69 | Qasem Taei قاسم الطائي |
1960 | 16 September 2023 (aged 62–63) | Iraqi Republic (1958–1968) | Iraq | Official Website | |
70 | Muhammad Mahdi al-Khorasani محمد مهدي الخراساني |
22 December 1928 | 17 September 2023 (aged 94) | Iraq | - | ||
71 | Mohammad Reza Nekoonam محمد رضا نکونام |
9 January 1949 | 7 August 2024 (aged 75) | Golpayegan, Imperial State of Iran | Iran | Official Website | |
72 | Abbas Mahfouzi عباس محفوظی |
9 August 1928 | 10 September 2024 (aged 96) | Rudsar, Imperial State of Iran | Iran | Official Website |
Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.