List of Amalgam Comics characters

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The following is a list of fictional characters that appear, or are only mentioned briefly, in the 24 one-shots of Amalgam Comics. They are listed by comic book title and a teams section is also provided. The amalgamations of characters or the Amalgam versions of one character are given. Plots of the Amalgam comic books are given in the list of Amalgam Comics publications and additional information about characters is provided in the references.

Main event (February – May 1996)


DC versus Marvel Comics / Marvel Comics versus DC #1–4 (February – May 1996) was a joint publication by DC Comics and Marvel Comics and the main event of the intercompany crossover. DC published #1 and #4 and Marvel #2 and #3.

First appearance in DC versus Marvel #1 (February 1996)

  • The Brothers. The Brothers are a pair of cosmic entities that represent the DC Universe and the Marvel Universe.[1]
  • Access (Axel Asher). A native of both universes.[2]

First appearance in Marvel versus DC #3 (April 1996)

First appearance in "DC/Marvel All Access" #4 (December 1996)

First appearance in "Unlimited Access" #4 (January 1998)

Amalgam Comics

April 1996 – DC Comics



Doctor Strangefate


Legends of the Dark Claw


April 1996 – Marvel Comics

Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Bullets and Bracelets

  • Diana Prince (Princess Diana of Themyscira). An Amalgam Universe version of DC's Wonder Woman (Diana Prince) with elements of Marvel's Elektra Natchios.[46]
  • The Punisher (Trevor Castle). An amalgamation of DC's Steve Trevor and Marvel's Punisher.[47]
  • The Bronze Panther. An amalgamation of DC's Bronze Tiger and Marvel's Black Panther.[48]
  • War Monarch (Jim Rhodes). An amalgamation of DC's Monarch and Marvel's War Machine.[49][50]
  • Big Titania. An amalgamation of DC's Big Barda and Marvel's Titania.[51]
  • Bernadeth. An Amalgam Universe version of DC's Bernadeth.
  • Lashina. An Amalgam Universe version of DC's Lashina.
  • Mad Harriet. An Amalgam Universe version of DC's Mad Harriet.
  • Stompa. An Amalgam Universe version of DC's Stompa.
  • Granny Harkness. An amalgamation of DC's Granny Goodness and Marvel's Agatha Harkness.
  • Thanoseid. An amalgamation of DC's Darkseid and Marvel's Thanos.
  • Kanto. An Amalgam Universe version of DC's Kanto.
  • All Highfather Odin. An amalgamation of DC's Highfather and Marvel's Odin.
  • Scott Free. An Amalgam Universe version of DC's Mister Miracle.[52]

Magneto and the Magnetic Men

Speed Demon



June 1997 – DC Comics


  • Alicia Murdock the Little Blind Girl. An Amalgam Universe character of whom Marvel's part of the amalgamation is Alicia Masters and Daredevil (Matt Murdock). DC's part of the amalgamation is unknown.
  • The Bat-Thing (Kirk Sallis). An amalgamation of DC's Man-Bat and Marvel's Man-Thing.[68]
  • Bingle-Burry the Two-Headed Dog. An Amalgam Universe character of whom DC and Marvel's parts of the amalgamation are both unknown.
  • Detective Clark Bullock. An Amalgam Universe version of DC's Harvey Bullock.
  • Detective Christine Montoya. An Amalgam Universe version of DC's Renee Montoya.
  • Francie-Ellen Sallis. An amalgamation of DC's Francine Langstrom and Marvel's Ellen Sallis.
  • Howard the Mxyzptlx. An amalgamation of DC's Mister Mxyzptlk and Marvel's Howard the Duck.

Dark Claw Adventures

  • Patch Malone (an alternate identity used by the Dark Claw). An amalgamation of DC's Matches Malone (an alternate identity used by Batman) and Marvel's Patch (an alternate identity used by Wolverine).
  • Lady Talia. An amalgamation of DC's Talia al Ghul and Marvel's Lady Deathstrike.[69]
  • Ra's a-Pocalypse. An amalgamation of DC's Ra's al Ghul and Marvel's Apocalypse.[70]
  • THX 1138. This is a reference to THX 1138 (1971), George Lucas' first feature film.[71]
  • Ubuwong. An amalgamation of DC's Ubu and Marvel's Wong.[72]
  • Cybercroc. An amalgamation of DC's Killer Croc and Marvel's Cyber.
  • The Bloodcrow. An amalgamation of DC's Scarecrow and Marvel's Bloodscream.
  • Spiral Harley. An amalgamation of DC's Harley Quinn and Marvel's Spiral.
  • The Omega Beast. An amalgamation of DC's KGBeast and Marvel's Omega Red.

Generation Hex

JLX Unleashed

Lobo the Duck

  • Lobo the Duck. An amalgamation of DC's Lobo and Marvel's Howard the Duck.[95]
  • The Impossible Dawg. An amalgamation of DC's Dawg and Marvel's Impossible Man.[96]
  • Vikki Valkyrie. An amalgamation of DC's Vicki Vale and Marvel's Valkyrie.
  • Hawkhawk. An amalgamation of DC's Hawkman and Marvel's Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond).
  • Doctor Bongface. An amalgamation of DC's Scarface and Marvel's Doctor Bong.[97]
  • Al Forbush. An amalgamation of DC's Ma Hunkel and Marvel's Blind Al and Irving Forbush.[98]
  • Bevarlene. An amalgamation of DC's Darlene Spritzer and Marvel's Beverly Switzler.[99]
  • Ambush the Lunatik. An amalgamation of DC's Ambush Bug and Marvel's Lunatik.[100]
  • Jonas Turnip. An amalgamation of DC's Jonas Glim and Marvel's Space Turnip.[101]
  • Daryl Rutabaga. An amalgamation of elements of DC's Jonas Glim and elements of Marvel's Space Turnip.[102]
  • Billie the Millie. An amalgamation of DC's Billy the Girl and Marvel's Millie the Model.[103]
  • Gamorola. An amalgamation of DC's Princess Shao-La and Marvel's Gamora.[104]
  • Gold-Kidney Lady. An amalgamation of DC's Goldstar and Marvel's Kidney Lady.[105]
  • The Godthing. An amalgamation of DC's Gawd and Marvel's Chair-Thing.[106]

Super-Soldier: Man of War

June 1997 – Marvel Comics

Challengers of the Fantastic

The Exciting X-Patrol

Iron Lantern

The Magnetic Men featuring Magneto

Spider-Boy Team-Up

Thorion of the New Asgods

  • Thorion the Hunter. An amalgamation of DC's Orion and Marvel's Thor.
    • Don Free (a human identity used by Thorion). An amalgamation of DC's Scott Free and Marvel's Donald Blake.
    • Thorion the Celestial (a cosmic being that Thorion evolves into). An amalgamation of DC's Orion and Marvel's Thor and the Celestials.
  • L'ok D'saad. An amalgamation of DC's DeSaad and Marvel's Loki.
  • Bald'r Lightbringer. An amalgamation of DC's Lightray and Marvel's Balder.
  • Oberon Foster. An amalgamation of DC's Oberon and Marvel's Jane Foster.
  • Big Sif. An amalgamation of DC's Big Barda and Marvel's Sif.
  • Heimron. An amalgamation of DC's Metron and Marvel's Heimdall.
  • Infinity the Beta-Ray Man. An amalgamation of DC's Infinity-Man and Marvel's Beta Ray Bill.
  • Steppenorn the Wolf Queen. An amalgamation of DC's Steppenwolf and Marvel's Karnilla the Norn Queen.
  • Granny Gullin the Boar God. An amalgamation of DC's Granny Goodness and Marvel's Gullin the Boar God.
  • The Absorbing Bug. An amalgamation of DC's Forager and Marvel's Absorbing Man.
  • Devilance the Storm-Giant. An amalgamation of DC's Devilance and Marvel's version of the Storm Giants of Norse mythology.
  • The Enchanted Tigra. An amalgamation of DC's Tigra and Marvel's Enchantress.


The All-Star Winners Squadron in Super Soldier: Man of War #1 (June 1997)
  • The 100 – first mentioned in Iron Lantern #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's 100 and Marvel's Maggia.
    Members: Doctor Whiplash
  • The All-Star Winners Squadron – first appeared in Super-Soldier: Man of War #1. Headquarters: Midtown Clubhouse, 1940s Metropolis.[152]
    An amalgamation of DC's All-Star Squadron and Marvel's All-Winners Squad.
    Members: the American Belle, the Human Lantern, the Aqua-Mariner, Super-Soldier, the Whiz, "Brooklyn" Barnes (mascot)
  • The Brotherhood of Injustice – first mentioned in JLX #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Injustice League and Marvel's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
    Members: Ms. Tique
    Former members: Runaway
  • The Challengers of the Fantastic – first appeared in Challengers of the Fantastic #1.[5]
    An amalgamation of DC's Challengers of the Unknown and Marvel's Fantastic Four.
    Members: Reed "Prof" Richards, Ben "Rocky" Grimm, Johnny "Red" Storm, Susan "Ace" Storm
  • The Challenger Haters of Evil – first appeared in Challengers of the Fantastic #1.[153]
    An amalgamation of DC's League of Challenger-Haters and Marvel's Masters of Evil.
    Members: the Multi-Master, Diablo the Volcano Man, Drabny the Fixer, Radioactive Kra, Ultivac the Multi-Robot
  • Extreme Works - first mentioned in JLX #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Extreme Justice and Marvel's Force Works.
  • The Fantastic Legion – first mentioned in Spider-Boy #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Legion of Super-Heroes and Marvel's Fantastic Four.
  • The Female Furies – first appeared in Bullets and Bracelets #1.[154]
    An Amalgam Universe version of DC's Female Furies.
    Members: Bernadeth, Lashina, Mad Harriet, Stompa
    Former members: Big Titania
  • The Frightful Five – first appeared in Spider-Boy Team-Up #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's the Fatal Five and Marvel's the Frightful Four.
    Members: Tharlock, Valinus, Manorb, the Agamotto Empress, Spartacus
  • Generation Hex – first appeared in Generation Hex #1.[155]
    An amalgamation of elements of DC's Western comics and Marvel's Generation X.
    Members: Jono Hex, Aurora Trigger, El Papamondo, Johnny Random, Madame Banshee, Nightgate, Northstar Trigger, Pow Wow Boom Boom Smith, Retribution, Skinhunter, Thunderchick – Daughter of Thunderhawk, Thunderhawk, the White Whip
  • The Hand – first appeared in Bullets and Bracelets #1.
    An Amalgam Universe version of Marvel's Hand.
  • The Hellfire League of Injustice – first appeared in JLX Unleashed #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Injustice League and Marvel's Hellfire Club.
    Members: Savage Shaw, Lord Maxwell Hodge, Dark Firebird, Mistress Maxima
  • The Howling Commandos – first appeared in Super-Soldier: Man of War #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Easy Company and Marvel's Howling Commandos.
    Members: Sgt. Rock, Wildman Percy, Little Dum Dum, Bulldozer Gabriel, Ice-Cream Cohen, Rebel Farmer, Dino Four-Eyes
  • HYDRA – first appeared in Super-Soldier #1.
    An Amalgam Universe version of Marvel's HYDRA.
    Members: the Green Skull (alias Lex Luthor), Madame Cat, Nuke, Deathlok, Baron Zero
  • The Imperial Suicide Squad – first mentioned in The Exciting X-Patrol #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Suicide Squad and Marvel's Imperial Guard.
    Members: Amanda Deathbird
  • Infinite Kickers, Inc. – first mentioned in Challengers of the Fantastic #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Infinity, Inc. and Marvel's Kickers, Inc.
  • The Judgment League Avengers (JLA) – first appeared in JLX #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Justice League of America (JLA) and Marvel's Avengers.
    Members: Super-Soldier, the Dark Claw, the Speed Demon, Iron Lantern, the Canary, Captain Marvel, Goliath, Hawkeye, the Angelhawk, Thorion the Hunter, the Red Vision, the White Witch, the Blue Jacket, Wonder-Gold
  • The Justice League X-Men (JLX) – first appeared in JLX #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Justice League of America (JLA) and Marvel's X-Men.
    Members: Mister X, Apollo, Firebird, the Iceberg, Wonder Woman (a.k.a. Amazon), Runaway, the Aqua-Mariner, Chaos, Mercury, Kokoro
  • The Legion of Evil Mutants – first mentioned in X-Patrol #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Legion of Super-Villains and Marvel's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
  • The Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099 – first appeared in Spider-Boy Team-Up #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Legion of Super-Heroes and Marvel's 1969 version of the Guardians of the Galaxy, with elements of Marvel's Marvel 2099 comics.
    Members: Bouncing Ball, Cannonfire, Chameleon, Darkstar, Dream Date, Fantastic Lad, Growing Boy / Living Colossus, Invisible Girl, Lady Bug, Living Lightning Lad / 'Lectron, Living Lightning Lass / Sparkler, Martinex 5, Molecule Lad / Nucleus, Multiple Maid / Myriad, Paste-Eater Pete, Phantomcat, Phoenetix, Psi-Girl, Shadowstar, Spider-Boy 2099, Star Charlie / Mass, Sun Lord, Timberwolf by Night, Universe Boy, Vance Cosmic, Xcel
  • The Microstar Micronauts -first appeared in Exciting X-Patrol #1.
    An Amalgam Universe version of Marvel's Micronauts.
  • The Mutant Outsiders – first mentioned in Magneto and the Magnetic Men #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Outsiders and Marvel's New Mutants.
    Former members: Kokoro, Haloroma
  • New Western Teen Malform Force - first mentioned in Generation Hex #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's New Teen Titans and Marvel's X-Force.
    Members: Pow Wow Boom Boom Smith
  • The New York Special Crimes Unit – first appeared in Spider-Boy #1. Headquarters: New York, New York.[156]
    An amalgamation of DC's Metropolis Special Crimes Unit and Marvel's version of the New York Police Department.
    Members: Captain Sam Makoa, Roxy Leech, "Flash" Thompson, "Brookyn" Barnes
  • The Offending Society – first mentioned in Lobo the Duck #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Justice Society of America (JSA) and Marvel's Defenders.
    Members: Doctor Strangefate, the Skulk, Vikki Valkyrie, Hawkhawk, Lobo the Duck
  • The Quentin Carnival – first appeared in Speed Demon #1.[157]
    An Amalgam Universe version of Marvel's Quentin Carnival.
    Members: Blaze Allen (the Speed Demon), the Blob, "the Clown", "the Flying Gambonnos", Miss Miracle, Puck, "the Ringmaster", Wally Allen (Kid Demon)
  • The Shadow Guild – first appeared in JLX Unleashed #1.[158]
    An amalgamation of elements of DC's Obsidian and Marvel's Thieves' Guild.
    Members: the Wraith (Todd LeBeau)
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. – first appeared in Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1.
    An Amalgam Universe version of Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D.
    Members: Bruce Wayne, Nick Fury, Dum Dum Dugan, Sgt. Rock, Moonwing, the Black Bat
  • The Sinister Society – first appeared in The Magnetic Men featuring Magneto #1.[159]
    An amalgamation of DC's Secret Society of Super Villains and Marvel's Sinister Six.
    Members: Kultron, Deathborg, the Black Vulture, Soniklaw, Vance Cosmic, Quasimodox, Chemodam
  • Spitfire and the Blackhawks – first mentioned in Challengers of the Fantastic #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Blackhawks and Marvel's Spitfire and the Troubleshooters.
  • The Star Brand Corps – first mentioned in Speed Demon #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Green Lantern Corps with elements of Marvel's Star Brand comics.
    Members: Hal "Madman" Jordan, Sinestro
  • The Terrible Three – first appeared in Speed Demon #1.[160]
    An amalgamation of DC's Terrible Trio and Marvel's Sinister Six.
    Members: the Scarecrow, Siliconman, the Two-Faced Goblin
  • Thunder Crusaders- first mentioned in Challengers of the Fantastic #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents and the Mighty Crusaders.
    Members: Dynashield, No-Fly
  • The Un-People – first appeared in Challengers of the Fantastic #1. Headquarters: Super Town, New Asgard.[161]
    An amalgamation of DC's Forever People and Marvel's Inhumans.
    Members: Big Gorgon, Dream Crystal, Lockbroot, Medusa Moonrider, Triserinak, Vykin the Black Bolt
  • The Weaponers of A.I.M. – first mentioned in Iron Lantern #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Weaponers of Qward and Marvel's A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics).
    Members: H.E.C.T.O.R. (Highly Evolved Creature Totally Oriented for Revenge)
  • X-League of America- first appeared in DC/Marvel: All Access #4.
    An amalgamation of DC's Justice League of America and Marvel's Avengers and X-Men.
    Members: Captain America Jr, Dark Light, Flash Bang, Green Cyclops, Green Goliath, Jean Black, King Ice, Martian Phoenix, Mutant Man, Quick Freeze, Thor-El, Redwing, Wonder Wasp
  • The X-Patrol – first appeared in X-Patrol #1. Headquarters: the X-Building.[162]
    An amalgamation of DC's Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans, and Marvel's X-Men.
    Members: the Beastling, Ravenyia Dayspring, Niles Cable, Shatterstarfire, Dial H.U.S.K., the Torpedo, Jericho, Ferro Man, Elasti-Girl
  • X-tremists- first mentioned in JLX #1.
    DC's part of the amalgamation is the Extremists; Marvel's part is unknown.
    Members: Lord Nimrod
  • The Young Commandos – first mentioned in Spider-Boy #1.
    An amalgamation of DC's Boy Commandos and Marvel's Young Allies.
    Members: "Brooklyn" Barnes


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