Ahmadiyya translations of the Quran

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Ahmadiyya translations of the Quran

There exist Ahmadiyya translations of the Quran in over 70 languages.[1] Portions of the scripture have been translated into multiple other languages. The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement has produced translations into at least 7 languages. The period of the late 1980s and the early 1990s saw an acceleration in the number of translations being produced by the Ahmadiyya movement.

Some of the many Quran translations by Ahmadiyya translators at the 2009 Frankfurt Book Fair

Some of the earliest translations were produced by Ahmadiyya scholars and today there are still many languages for which only translations authored by Ahmadiyya Community exist. All translations are published alongside the Arabic text.


The Quran translations authored by Ahmadiyya scholars always feature translated verses alongside the original Arabic text. Before the translations are published, they are checked, scrutinized and proof-read by a wide array of individuals for errors. A similar procedure is undertaken when revised versions of the translations are produced. In particular, guidance is sought from the caliph of the Community with regards to textual and other linguistic difficulties. Since the majority of the Quran translations have been made available from the 1980s, most translations have sought advice from Caliph IV and Caliph V.

Complete translations

More information Year, Language ...
YearLanguage[2]TitleExample (1:1)External links
1953[nb 1]DutchDe Heilige Qur'an
met Nederlandse Vertaling
In naam van Allah, de Barmhartige, de Genadevolle.Web Archived 2017-07-07 at the Wayback Machine
1953SwahiliQur'an Tukufu
Pamoja na Tafsiri na Maelezo Kwa Swahili[4]
Kwa jina la Mwenyezi Mungu, Mwingi wa rehema, Mwingi wa ukarimu.Web

1970EsperantoLa Nobla KuranoJe la nomo de Allah, la Donema, la Pardonema.Web

1970[nb 2]IndonesianAl Qur'an
dengan Terjemahan dan Tafsir Singkat
Aku baca dengan nama Allah, Maha Pemurah, Maha Penyayang.PDF
1974LugandaKur'āni Entukuvu
mu Luganda[5]

1976YorubaAlkurani Mimọ[6]
1988[nb 3]Japanese聖クルアーン[8]Web

1988KikuyuKũrani Theru[9]Web


1989MalayTerjemahan dan Pecahan Loghat Alquranul Karim[2][11]-PDF (selected verses)
1989Persianقرآن مجيد - ترجمه فارسی[12]Online

1989VietnameseThánh Thư Koran[13][2]Web

1990[nb 4]AlbanianKurani Kerim
Arabisht - shqip
Në emër të Allahut Rahman dhe Rahim.Online

1990IgboKoran Nsọ[17]
1990MendeKurana Gayemagoi[18]
1990Pashtoقران مجید سره دَ پښتو ترجمیOnline

1990TurkishKur'an-i Kerim ve Türkçe meali[19]Online

1990TuvaluTe Kulani Tapu[20]Selected verses (PDF)
1991TagalogAng Banal Na Koran[2][21]
1992HausaAl-Kur'ani Mai Tsarki
Takui Cikin Arabic da Fassara Cikin Hausa[22]
1998SundaneseSelected verses (PDF)
2002JulaKurana Saniman Julakan Na
Ani Arabukan Na[23]
2002KikambaKulani Ntheu
Maandiko ma Kialavu na Ualyulo kwa Kikamba[24]

2004Mauritian CreoleLe Saint Qur'an
Texte Arabe avec traduction en créole[25]

2005UzbekКуръони Карим[26]Online

Selected verses (PDF)
2007FulaSelected verses (PDF)
2007MandinkaSelected verses (PDF)
2008KyrgyzЧексиз ырайым кылуучу, сурабастан берүүчү (жана) кайра-кайра ырайым кылуучу Алланын аты менен.[27]Selected verses (online)
2008MalagasyNy Kor'any Masina
Amin'ny Teny Arabo sy Ny Dikani Amin'ny Teny Malagasy[28]

2008Asante TwiKur'aan Kronkron No
Arabek Atwerεnsεm ne Asante Nkyerεaseε[29]

Sagradu Al Kur'an
k'un Traduson na Kriol[30]
Na Nomi di Allah, Klementi, Miserikordios.
2010MāoriTe Kurānu Tapu[31]PDF
2013YaoKulaani Jaambone
Mmavalaango Ga Nchiyao[32]
Selected verses (PDF)
2015BurmeseSelected verses (PDF)
दा डोगरी अनुवाद
अ'ऊँ अल्लाह दा नाँऽ लेइयै (पढ़ना) जो बेहद कर्म करने आहला (ते) बार-बार रैहम करने आहला ऐPDF
2023 Hebrew הַקֻּרְאָן הַמְּפֹאָר[33] בשם אלוהים הרחמן והרחום. Full PDF Translation

European languages

More information No., Title ...
No. Title Language Primary location of language Year published Translator(s) Notes/External links
2 Kur'an Časni: Arapski texsti bosanskiprijevod[34][2] Bosnian Bosnia and Herzegovina; more generally the Balkans 2008 Fahrija Avdić; Wasim Ahmad Online version
3 Свещеният Коран[2][35] Bulgarian Bulgaria; more generally the Balkans 1991 PDF (selected verses)
4 El Sagrat Alcorà: Amb text Àrab I traducció al Català[36][2] Catalan Catalonia, Spain; Andorra; Roussillon, France 2003 PDF version
5 Svatý Korán: Arabský text a Český překlad[37][2] Czech Czech Republic 1990 Šera Alího PDF version
6 Koranen: med dansk oversaettelse[38][2] Danish Denmark 1967 A.S. Madsen Online version

PDF version
* De Heilige Qoer-an Dutch Netherlands; Flanders, Belgium 1934 Muhammad Ali PDF version Archived 2022-01-19 at the Wayback Machine
7 De Heilige Qor'aan - met Nederlandse vertaling[39][2] Dutch 1953 Online Archived 2017-07-07 at the Wayback Machine
8 The Holy Quran - Arabic Text and English translation[40][2] English Australia; Canada; United Kingdom; United States; New Zealand;
parts of Africa, the Caribbean, and South Asia
1955 Sher Ali Online version

PDF version
English 1971 Muhammad Zafarullah Khan
9 Le Saint Coran: Texte arabe et traduction français[41][2] French France; Quebec, Canada;

parts of West Africa and Central Africa
1985 PDF version
* Le Quran Sacre French 1990 PDF version Archived 2022-01-19 at the Wayback Machine
10 Der Heilige Qur-ân: Arabisch und Deutsch[42][2] German Germany; Switzerland; more sparsely Central Europe 1954 Online version

PDF version
* Der Koran German 1964 Sadr-ud-Din PDF version Archived 2021-01-25 at the Wayback Machine
11 Το Ιερό Κοράνιο[43][2] Greek Greece 1989 Hamid Aziz Rehman Online version
12 Il Sacro Qur'an[2][44] Italian Italy; Switzerland 1986 PDF (selected verses)
13 Den Hellige Qur'ânen: Arabisk texst med Norsk oversettelse[45][2] Norwegian Norway 1996 PDF version
14 Swiety Koran: Tekst Arabskii tlumaczenie Polskie[46][2] Polish Poland 1990 Online version (including short commentary)

PDF version
15 O Sogrado Al-Corão: Texto arabe e tradução portuguêsa[47][2] Portuguese Brazil; Portugal; more sparsely South America and Southern Africa 1988 Online version

PDF version
16 Священный Коран: Арабский текст c русским переводом[48][2] Russian Russia; post-Soviet states; Israel 1987 Rustam Khamatvaleev; Ravil Bukharaev; Rana Khalid Ahmad Online version

PDF version
* El Sagrado Quran Spanish Spain; most of South America; most of Central America; Equatorial Guinea;

more sparsely Western Europe
1986 PDF version Archived 2022-01-19 at the Wayback Machine
17 El Sagrado Corán con texto en Árabe y traducción al Español[49][2] Spanish 1988 Antonio Carrillo Robles Online version (including short commentary)

PDF version
18 Den Heliga Qur'anen: Arabisk Text med Svenska översättning[50][2] Swedish Sweden; parts of Finland 1988 Qanita Sadiqa PDF version

South Asian languages

More information No., Title ...
No. Title Language Primary location of language Year published Translator(s) Notes/External links
1 [2] Assamese Assam, India 1990 Khan Bahadur Ataur Rahman Khan Online version

PDF version
2 [2] Bengali Bangladesh; Eastern India 1990 Online version

PDF version
3 પવિત્ર અલ કુરઆન અલ હકીમ[2] Gujarati Gujarat, India 1990 Online version

PDF version
4 कुरान मजीढ - के हिन्दी अनुवाद[51][2] Hindi India 1987 Online version
5 [2] Kannada Southern India 2004 Muhammad Yusuf PDF version
6 [2] Kashmiri Kashmir Valley 1998 Online version

PDF version
7 [2] Malayalam Kerala, India 1991
8 [2] Meitei Manipur, India 1990 Ahmad Hasan Online version

PDF version
9 मराठी पवित्र क़ुरआन ए हकीम[2] Marathi Maharashtra and Goa, India 1992 Online version
10 पवित्र कुरान नेपाली अनुवाद[2] Nepali Nepal 2001 Online eversion

PDF version
11 ପବିତ୍ର କୋରାନ[2] Oriya Odisha, India 1989 Abdul Qadir Khan; Mohammad Anwar-ul Haque Online version

PDF version
12 ਕੁਰਆਨ ਮਜੀਦ ਦਾ ਗੁਰਮੁਖੀ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ[2] Punjabi (Gurmukhi) Punjab, India 1983 Online version (including short commentary)

PDF version
13 قران مجید سرائیکی ترجمے نال[52][2] Saraiki Bahawalpur South Punjab, Pakistan 1990 Muhammad Sakani Baloch, Rafiq Ahmad Naeem Sakani Baloch Online version

PDF version
14 قران مجید سنڌي ترجمي سان[53][2] Sindhi Sindh, Pakistan; Kutch, India 1991 Abdul Qadir Dahri; Ghous Baksh Shaikh Online version

PDF version
15 [54] Sinhalese Sri Lanka 2015 Online (first 10 parts)
16 [2] Tamil Southern India 1989
17 పవిత్ర ఖురాన్ గ్రంథము[2] Telugu Southern India 1991 Online version
18 تفسیر صغیر (Tafseer-e-Sagheer)[55][2] Urdu Pakistan; parts of Northern India 1957 Caliph II PDF version (includes Commentary)
قرآن کریم: اردو ترجمہ[56][2] Urdu 2000 Caliph IV PDF version
قرآن کریم: ترجمہ[57][2] Urdu Mir Ishaq PDF version

Lahore Ahmadiyya Translation

More information Year, Language ...
YearLanguageTitleExample (1:1)External links
1979IndonesianQur'an Suci Terjemah & Tafsir-PDF
2001JavaneseQur'an Suchi Jarwa Jawi-PDF


More information Title, Title in English ...
Title Title in English Language Year published Author(s) Translations Notes/External links
Commentary on the Holy Quran: Surah Al-Fateha Urdu Mirza Ghulam Ahmad English by Muhammad Zafarullah Khan Exegesis compiled from the writings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, on the first chapter of the Quran. Only the first volume has been translated in English. PDF (English)
حقائق الفرقان (Haqaiq al-furqan) Inner Verities of the Discriminant Urdu Caliph I None 4 volumes. Link
تفسير کبير(Tafseer-e-Kabeer) The Extensive Commentary Urdu Caliph II None 10 volumes. Exegesis on all chapters of the Quran excluding chapters 3 to 9.Link
تفسیر صغیر(Tafseer-e-Sagheer) The Short Commentary Urdu Caliph II None PDF


The portions translations are mainly "selected verses", but there are also some translations that just have translated some parts. The selected verses are created for celebrating the centenary of Ahmadiyya Community in 1989.[58]

See also


  1. The project was started in 1945[3]
  2. Revised in 2006.
  3. Revised in 2016.[7] (in Japanese)
  4. Revised in 2003.[14]


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