100 Soundscapes of Japan

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The 100 Soundscapes of Japan (日本の音風景100選) are a number of noises selected by the Ministry of the Environment as particularly representative of the country. They were chosen in 1996, as part of government efforts to combat noise pollution and to protect and promote protection of the environment.[1]

There were 738 submissions received from all over the country and the 100 "best" were selected after examination by the Japan Soundscape Study Group.[1] These soundscapes are intended to function as symbols for local people and to promote the rediscovery of the sounds of everyday life.[1] The follow-up Sixth National Assembly on Soundscape Conservation was held in Matsuyama in 2002.[2]

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Soundscape Category Location Prefecture Image Sound
Drift ice in the Sea of Okhotsk (オホーツク海の流氷)SeaSea of Okhotsk shoreHokkaidō
Bell of Sapporo Clock Tower (時計台の鐘)BellsSapporoHokkaidō
Bell of Hakodate Russian Orthodox Church (函館ハリストス正教会の鐘)BellsHakodateHokkaidō
Mountain creatures in Asahidake, Mount Daisetsu (大雪山旭岳の山の生き物)WildlifeHigashikawaHokkaidō
Japanese crane sanctuary, Tsurui (鶴居のタンチョウサンクチュアリ)BirdsTsuruiHokkaidō
Black-tailed gulls in Kabushima, Hachinohe Port (八戸港・蕪島のウミネコ)BirdsHachinoheAomori Prefecture
Wild birds of Lake Ogawara shore (小川原湖畔の野鳥)BirdsMisawaAomori Prefecture
Oirase River stream (奥入瀬の渓流)WaterTowadakoAomori Prefecture
Nebuta (Neputa) Festival (ねぶた祭・ねぷたまつり)MatsuriAomori/HirosakiAomori Prefecture
Kaminari-iwa (Thunder Rock), Goishi coastline (碁石海岸・雷岩)SeaŌfunatoIwate Prefecture
Nambu Fūrin (Japanese wind chimes) at Mizusawa Station (水沢駅の南部風鈴)Local lifeŌshūIwate Prefecture
Bells of Chagu Chagu Umakko (チャグチャグ馬コの鈴の音)MatsuriTakizawaIwate Prefecture

Suzumushi (bell-ringing insects) in Miyagino (宮城野のスズムシ)InsectsSendaiMiyagi Prefecture
Singing frogs and wild birds of the Hirose River (広瀬川のカジカガエルと野鳥)Wildlife/BirdsSendaiMiyagi Prefecture
Reed fields at the mouth of the Kitakami River (北上川河口のヨシ原)VegetationIshinomakiMiyagi Prefecture
Wild geese in Izunuma and Uchinuma lakes (伊豆沼・内沼のマガン)BirdsKurikoma/Wakayanagi/HasamaMiyagi Prefecture
Pinewoods of wind (風の松原)VegetationNoshiroAkita Prefecture
Cicadas at Yama-dera (山寺の蝉)InsectsYamagataYamagata Prefecture
"Matsu-no-Kanjin" conches (trumpet shells) (松の勧進の法螺貝)MatsuriTsuruokaYamagata Prefecture
Swans at the mouth of Mogami River (最上川河口の白鳥)BirdsSakataYamagata Prefecture
Little Birds Forest in Fukushima City (福島市小鳥の森)BirdsFukushimaFukushima Prefecture
Natural irrigation channel of Ōuchi-juku (大内宿の自然用水)WaterShimogōFukushima Prefecture
Weaving of ramie fabric (からむし織のはた音)Transport/IndustryShōwaFukushima Prefecture
Waves of Izura-kaigan coast (五浦海岸の波音)SeaKita-ibarakiIbaraki Prefecture
Tree frogs in Ajisai-zaka, Mount Ohirasan (太平山あじさい坂の雨蛙)FrogsTochigiTochigi Prefecture
Suikinkutsu in Suikintei Garden (水琴亭の水琴窟)Daily lifeYoshiiGunma Prefecture
Time bell of Kawagoe (川越の時の鐘)BellKawagoeSaitama Prefecture
Insects singing in Oshikiri, Arakawa River (荒川・押切の虫の声)InsectsKumagaya (Kōnan)Saitama Prefecture
Waterfall on conduit bridge (樋橋の落水)WaterKatori (Sawara)Chiba Prefecture
Himeharuzemi cicadas in Mamenbara (麻綿原のヒメハルゼミ)InsectsŌtakiChiba Prefecture
Vicinity of Shibamata Taishakuten and "Yagiri-no-Watashi" ferry (柴又帝釈天界隈と矢切の渡し)ComplexMatsudo/KatsushikaChiba Prefecture/Tokyo
Time bell at the hill of Ueno (上野のお山の時の鐘)BellsTaitōTokyo
Sounds of birds, water, and trees at Sanpōji-ike Pond (三宝寺池の鳥と水と樹々の音)Birds/Water/VegetationNerimaTokyo
Keyaki (zelkova), tree-lined boulevard in Seikei Gakuen Campus (成蹊学園ケヤキ並木)VegetationMusashinoTokyo
Ship whistles for the New Year at Yokohama Port (横浜港新年を迎える船の汽笛)Local lifeYokohamaKanagawa Prefecture
Approach to Kawasaki Daishi Temple (川崎大師の参道)Local lifeKawasakiKanagawa Prefecture
Stream and wild birds singing sounds in Dohogawa Park (道保川公園のせせらぎと野鳥の声)Water/BirdsSagamiharaKanagawa Prefecture
Bean Geese in Fukushimagata Lagoon (福島潟のヒシクイ)BirdsNiigata (Toyosaka)Niigata Prefecture
Himeharuzemi cicadas in Oyama (尾山のヒメハルゼミ)InsectsItoigawa ()Niigata Prefecture
Shōmyō Falls (称名滝)WaterfallsTateyamaToyama Prefecture
"Ennaka" channel and Owara Kaze no bon (エンナカの水音とおわら風の盆)MatsuriToyama (Yatsuo)Toyama Prefecture
Wood carving in Inami (井波の木彫りの音)CraftsNanto (Inami)Toyama Prefecture
Cicada chorus droning in Honda-no-Mori Forest (本多の森の蝉時雨)InsectsKanazawaIshikawa Prefecture
Bells of temples in Teramachi (寺町寺院群の鐘)BellsKanazawaIshikawa Prefecture
Tokimizu fountain in Minowaki (蓑脇の時水)WaterEchizen (Takefu)Fukui Prefecture
Wild birds forest at lakeshore at the foot of Mount Fuji (富士山麓・西湖畔の野鳥の森)BirdsFujikawaguchikoYamanashi Prefecture
Bell of Zenkō-ji (善光寺の鐘)BellsNaganoNagano Prefecture
Little birds singing in Enrei (塩嶺の小鳥のさえずり)BirdsOkaya/ShiojiriNagano Prefecture
Frogs singing in Yashima-shitsugen Wetland (八島湿原の蛙鳴)WildlifeShimosuwa/SuwaNagano Prefecture
Suikinkutsu in Udatsu-no-machi (卯建の町の水琴窟)Local lifeMinoGifu Prefecture
Playing in Yoshida River (吉田川の川遊び)Local lifeGujō (Hachiman)Gifu Prefecture
Cormorant Fishing on the Nagara River (長良川の鵜飼)Local lifeGifu/SekiGifu Prefecture
"Nami-Kozo", rumbling of the Enshunada Sea (遠州灘の海鳴・波小僧)WaterEnshunada SeaShizuoka Prefecture
Steam locomotives of Ōigawa Railway (大井川鉄道のSL)Transport/IndustryKawanehon (Honkawane)Shizuoka Prefecture
Wild birds of Higashiyama Botanical Garden (東山植物園の野鳥)BirdsNagoyaAichi Prefecture
Wave sounds at Kojigahama Beach, Cape Irago (伊良湖岬恋路ヶ浜の潮騒)SeaTahara (Atsumi)Aichi Prefecture
Isobue whistling of female divers in Ise-Shima area (伊勢志摩の海女の磯笛)Local lifeToba/ShimaMie Prefecture
Evening bell of Mii (三井の晩鐘)BellsŌtsuShiga Prefecture
Hikone Castle time bell and insects singing (彦根城の時報鐘と虫の音)Bells/InsectsHikoneShiga Prefecture
Bamboo forest in Kyoto (京の竹林)VegetationKyotoKyoto Prefecture
Rurikei stream (るり渓)WaterNantan (Sonobe)Kyoto Prefecture
Squeaking sand of Kotobikihama Beach (琴引浜の鳴き砂)Singing sandKyōtango (Amino)Kyoto Prefecture
Matsumushi crickets (Xenogrillus marmorata) at the banks of Yodo River (淀川河川敷のマツムシ)InsectsOsakaOsaka Prefecture
Kawachi Ondo song in the precincts of Jōkō-ji (常光寺境内の河内音頭)MatsuriYaoOsaka Prefecture
Sand eel fishing at Tarumi Port (垂水漁港のイカナゴ漁)Local lifeKobeHyōgo Prefecture
Danjiri Drums at Kenka Matsuri of Nada (灘のけんか祭りのだんじり太鼓)MatsuriHimejiHyōgo Prefecture
Deer of Kasugano and temple bells in the neighbourhood (春日野の鹿と諸寺の鐘)Wildlife/BellsNaraNara Prefecture
Kino River heard inside the giant rock of Mount Fudō (不動山の巨石で聞こえる紀ノ川)WaterHashimotoWakayama Prefecture
Nachi Falls (那智の滝)WaterfallsNachikatsuuraWakayama Prefecture
Migratory birds at Mizutori Park (水鳥公園の渡り鳥)BirdsYonagoTottori Prefecture
Mitoku River and singing frogs (三徳川のせせらぎとカジカガエル)WildlifeMisasaTottori Prefecture
Inshu paper-making (因州和紙の紙すき)CraftsTottori (Aoya/Saji)Tottori Prefecture
Squeaking sand of Kotogahama Beach (琴ヶ浜海岸の鳴き砂)Singing sandŌdaShimane Prefecture
Stream and waterwheels of Bitchu River, Suwada Cave (諏訪洞・備中川のせせらぎと水車)WaterManiwa (Hokubō)Okayama Prefecture
Brooks of Shinjōshuku (新庄宿の小川)WaterShinjōOkayama Prefecture
Bell of Peace in Hiroshima (広島の平和の鐘)BellsHiroshimaHiroshima Prefecture
Kyo-onro tower bell at Senkō-ji (千光寺驚音楼の鐘)BellsOnomichiHiroshima Prefecture
Yamaguchi Line steam locomotives (山口線のSL)Transport/IndustryOgōri/TsuwanoYamaguchi/Shimane Prefecture
Eddying current of Naruto (鳴門の渦潮)SeaNarutoTokushima Prefecture
Awa Odori dance (阿波踊り)MatsuriTokushimaTokushima Prefecture
Ōkubo-ji bell and pilgrim bells (大窪寺の鐘とお遍路さんの鈴)BellsSanuki (Nagao)Kagawa Prefecture
Mannō-ike Pond "Yuru-nuki" streams (満濃池のゆるぬきとせせらぎ)WaterMannōKagawa Prefecture
Time drums of Shin-u Kaku Hotel, Dōgo Onsen (道後温泉振鷺閣の刻太鼓)DrumsMatsuyamaEhime Prefecture
Wave sounds of Mikurodo Cave, Cape Muroto (室戸岬・御厨人窟の波音)SeaMurotoKōchi Prefecture
Kaki Yamakasa of Hakata Gion Yamakasa (博多祗園山笠の舁き山笠)MatsuriFukuokaFukuoka Prefecture
Bell of Kanzeon-ji (観世音寺の鐘)BellsDazaifuFukuoka Prefecture
Wave sounds and ship whistles at the Kanmon-kaikyo Strait (関門海峡の潮騒と汽笛)SeaKitakyūshū/ShimonosekiFukuoka/Yamaguchi Prefecture
Hikiyama-bayashi music at Karatsu Kunchi Festival (唐津くんちの曳山囃子)MatsuriKaratsuSaga Prefecture
Imari pottery (伊万里の焼物の音)CraftsImariSaga Prefecture
Atomic air-raided camphor tree at Sanno Jinja (山王神社被爆の楠の木)VegetationNagasakiNagasaki Prefecture
Water discharge at Tsūjunkyō Bridge (通潤橋の放水)WaterYamato (Yabe)Kumamoto Prefecture
Dolphins in the sea of Itsuwa (五和の海のイルカ)WildlifeAmakusa (Itsuwa)Kumamoto Prefecture
Water scoop (hydropower) of Onta Sarayama (小鹿田皿山の唐臼)Water/CraftsOntaŌita Prefecture
Soughing of the wind through pine trees of Oka Castle remains (岡城跡の松籟)VegetationTaketaŌita Prefecture
"Yagura-no-Todoro" water roaring at Sannomiyakyō Gorge (三之宮峡の櫓の轟)WaterfallsKobayashiMiyazaki Prefecture
Wild deer of Ebino-kōgen Highlands (えびの高原の野生鹿)WildlifeEbinoMiyazaki Prefecture
Cranes of Izumi (出水のツル)BirdsIzumiKagoshima Prefecture
Chigami River stream and trams (千頭川の渓流とトロッコ)Water/Local lifeYakushimaKagoshima Prefecture
Subtropical creatures along Shiira River (後良川周辺の亜熱帯林の生き物)WildlifeTaketomi (Iriomote)Okinawa Prefecture
Eisa (エイサー)MatsuriYonashiro/KatsurenOkinawa Prefecture

See also


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