1993年,英国地理学家吉莉安·罗斯(英语:Gillian Rose (geographer))指出:“时间地理学在关注人们的日常轨迹方面与女性主義是相通的,并且和女性主义类似,通过考虑制约因素,将这类轨迹与更大的社会结构联系起来。”[20]但是,她指出,时间地理学尚未应用于对女性主义者来说重要的问题上,她称其为“社会科学男性化”的一种形式。[20]在随后的几十年中,女性主义地理学(英语:Feminist geography)家重新审视了时间地理学,并开始将其用作解决女权问题的工具。[21]
In Hägerstrand 1983 and Kuklinski 1987, Hägerstrand cites the writings of Albert Einstein and Arthur Eddington on general relativity as inspirations. Physicalist philosopher and sociologist Otto Neurath is cited in Hägerstrand 1970. While these ideas are important sources for time-geographic ontology, time geography should not be portrayed as exclusively physicalist. Hägerstrand also cited phenomenologistMartin Heidegger and conservationistRachel Carson as major influences, along with numerous geographers (Kuklinski 1987,第507頁). "Hägerstrand wanted to stress the importance of the material aspects of the real world as the basis of life, with an imperative for researchers to take basic constraints into consideration: that natural resources, time, and space are limited... Nevertheless, Torsten Hägerstrand was not a hardcore materialist. His materialism is embedded in a deep concern for the importance of human experiences, reflections, and reasoning for the development of geographical knowledge." (Ellegård & Svedin 2012,第18頁)
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