事实速览 斯义桂, 男歌手 ...
斯义桂 |
英文名 | Yi-Kwei Sze |
国籍 | 美国 |
籍贯 | 浙江省奉化县斯张村(今属宁波市奉化区岳林街道) |
出生 | (1915-04-29)1915年4月29日
逝世 | 1994年5月11日(1994歲—05—11)(79歲)
配偶 | 邢幽幽(1938年-?) 李蕙芳(1947年-1994年)[1] |
儿女 | 子:斯端仑 女:斯美绮 |
父母 | 斯礼遂(父) |
音乐类型 | 声乐 |
Shiji 1998 "斯义桂 1915 年诞生于上海。他的祖籍在浙江奉化县斯张村。父亲斯礼遂是位出色的石匠,青年时代挑着铺盖与工具,取道宁波海路,闯进上海滩,在澳门路开了爿石作坊,承建了南京路老九庄綢缎店(现朵云轩)、福州路江西路金城银行(现交通银行)、 ..."
Song on Record: Volume 1, Lieder - Page 194 0521027969 Alan Blyth - 2006 "As a postscript one should mention the performance by the Chinese bass Yi-Kwei Sze, a powerful singer. He was a pupil of Kipnis and had obviously studied his master so closely that he virtually reproduced the older singer's interpretation."
Cathay by the Bay: Glimpses of San Francisco's Chinatown George Kao - 1988 "We were all eyes and ears when, midway through Act I, the curtain parted and a fanfare announced the King of Egypt in the person of Yi- Kwei Sze, basso, of Shanghai. Dressed in brilliant regal robes, carrying a scepter emblematic of his ..."
West & East - Volumes 1-3 - Page xviii 1956 "Mr. Yi-Kwei Sze, the internationally famous Chinese bass-baritone, with his wife as accompanist and their boy, was here on a two-week sojourn during which he held three concerts for the music lovers of Free China. The famed singer sang a ..."
侨眷画家斯端仑. 浙江省归国华侨联合会. 2008-11-12 [2019-12-14]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-16).