when von Mises (1935 [1920]) launched a critique of socialism." Economic Calculation under Socialism: The Austrian Contribution, by Vaughn, Karen. 2004
Neumann)1942年的著作《巨獸:國家社會主義的結構與實踐(英语:Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of NationalSocialism)》,它深入研究了納粹主義和納粹德國的統治階級,包括四個明顯不同的集團,即大工業界、政黨、官僚以及軍隊,這些集團有著一致的利益、環環
counter-protesters at whitepower rally in Virginia. New York Post. 2017-08-12 [2017-08-12]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-13). Car Plows Into Crowd After White Nationalist
the Balance of Power in Industrial Relations" American Business Law Journal Vol. 33, 1996 Ballam, Deborah A. "The Impact of the National Labor Relations