佛漢·威廉斯出生於格洛斯特郡的下安普尼(英语:Down Ampney),而其父亞瑟·佛漢·威廉斯則是一名副主教。父親逝世後,他在1875年被其母親玛格丽特·蘇珊·威奇伍德(Margaret Susan Wedgwood,1843–1937,陶瓷家約書亞·威奇伍德之曾孫女)照顧,並於其位於市北處的利斯山地方的家庭同住。達爾文為威廉斯的伯叔,兩者間頗有關係。
Toward the Unknown Region, song for chorus and orchestra, setting of Walt Whitman(1906)
Five Mystical Songs for baritone, chorus and orchestra, settings of George Herbert(1911)
Fantasia on Christmas Carols for baritone, chorus, and orchestra(1912; arranged also for reduced orchestra of organ, strings, percussion)
Mass in G小調 for unaccompanied choir(1922)
Sancta Civitas(The Holy City) oratorio, text mainly from the Book of Revelation(1923-25)
Te Deum in G(1928)
Benedicite for soprano, chorus, and orchestra(1929)
In Windsor Forest, adapted from the opera Sir John in Love(1929)
Three Choral Hymns(1929)
Magnificat for contralto, women's chorus, and orchestra(1932)
Five Tudor Portraits for contralto, baritone, chorus, and orchestra(1935)
Dona nobis pacem,沃特·衛特曼詞及其他(1936)
Festival Te Deum for chorus and orchestra or organ(1937)
Serenade to Music for sixteen solo voices and orchestra, a setting of Shakespeare(1938)
A Song for Thanksgiving(原作 Thanksgiving for Victory) for narrator, soprano solo, children's chorus, mixed chorus, and orchestra(1944)
An Oxford Elegy for narrator, mixed chorus and small orchestra(1949)
Three Shakespeare Songs ,為SATB沒有伴奏的,用作英聯邦國家音樂競賽(The British Federation of Music Festivals National Competitive Festival ,1951)
Hodie, a Christmas oratorio(1954)
Folk songs of the Four Seasons for unaccompanied SSA chorus.
Epithalamion for baritone solo, chorus, flute, piano, and strings(1957)
Numerous hymns, some of which were first published in the English Hymnal of 1906, of which Vaughan Williams was the musical editor, collaborating with Percy Dearmer.
"Linden Lea",歌(1901)
The House of Life(1904)
Songs of Travel(1904)
"The Sky Above The Roof"(1908)
On Wenlock Edge, song cycle for tenor, piano and string quartet(1909)
Along the Field, for tenor and violin
Three Poems by Walt Whitman for baritone and piano(1920)
Four Poems by Fredegond Shove: for baritone and piano(1922)
Four Hymns for Tenor, Viola and Strings(1914)
Merciless Beauty for tenor, two violins, and cello
Four Last Songs(Vaughan Williams)|Four Last Songs to poems of Ursula Vaughan Williams
Ten William Blake|Blake songs, song cycle for high voice and oboe(1957)
49th Parallel, 1940, his first, talked into it by Muir Mathieson to assuage his guilt at being able to do nothing for the war-effort