層次 (語言學)
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層次(拉丁文:stratum)喺語言學入面係一種語言,透過接觸,影響到或者受影響跟另一個語言嘅。底層(拉丁文:substratum)係種語言有權力或者威望低過其他語言嘅,而頂層(拉丁文:superstratum)係種語言有權力或者威望高過嘅。底層語言同頂層語言互相都有影響,但係方式唔同。附褦層(拉丁文:adstratum)係種語言戥隔籬第二種語言有接觸,但冇乜高過或者低過嘅威望。隻概念「層次」初初發展由意大利語言學家Graziadio Isaiah Ascoli(1829–1907),並喺1932年知名喺英語世界,憑藉份著作寫由另開兩位作者嘅。[1]
呢篇文或者呢段要 翻譯(或者由 英文維基加料)。 |
兩隻概念都適用於一種侵擾語言建立自己嘅地位喺另一笪領土上高,通常係出於移民。頂層情況(本地話一路保持,侵擾話消失)或者底層情況(本地話消失,侵擾話一路保持)通常變得明顯只會喺幾代人之後,期間侵擾語言存在於diaspora嘅文化裏頭。爲了等侵擾話持續得落去(底層情況),啲移民一係獲取政治精英地位,一係移民夠大量對於當地人口來講(即侵擾着定性爲侵略或者殖民;譬如羅馬帝國催生羅曼各語喺意大利之外,取代丟高卢話與及其他印歐語[註 1])。頂層嘅例子有啲精英入侵人口但最終採用了本土下層語言嘅。比如法國勃艮地人同埋法蘭克人,佢哋最終放棄了佢哋嘅日耳曼話,而改用了啲其他印歐語屬羅曼語分支嘅,同時喺隻過程中影響了當地語言好深。
埞柵 | 結果語言 | 底層 | 頂層 | 頂層引入由 |
南中國(百越埞) | 粵語 閩語 吳語 | 各古越語 | 上古漢語、中古漢語 | 漢化 |
Levant | Levantine Arabic | Western Aramaic | Classical Arabic | Arabs during the Muslim conquests |
Egypt | Egyptian Arabic | Coptic | ||
Mesopotamia | Mesopotamian Arabic | Eastern Aramaic | ||
Maghreb (North Africa) | Algerian, Libyan, Moroccan, and Tunisian Arabic | Berber languages, Punic language, and Vulgar Latin | ||
Ethiopia | Amharic | Central Cushitic languages | South Semitic languages | Bronze Age Semitic expansion |
Eritrea/Ethiopia | Tigrinya, Tigré and Ge'ez | Central Cushitic and North Cushitic languages | ||
England | Middle English | Common Brittonic | Old English | Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain |
Cornwall | Cornish English | Cornish | Modern English | Anglicisation of Cornish people |
Ireland | Irish English | Irish (Gaelic) | the English during the Plantations of Ireland in the 16th century | |
Scotland | Scottish English | Middle Scots and Scottish Gaelic (from native Scottish people) | the English during Scottish Reformation in the 16th century | |
Singapore | Singaporean Mandarin | Southern Chinese varieties: Min Nan, Teochew, Cantonese, Hainanese | Standard Mandarin | Singapore Government during the Speak Mandarin Campaign |
France | French | Gaulish | Vulgar Latin, later Old Frankish[2] | Romans after the Gallic Wars, later various Germanic peoples during the Migration Period |
Portugal | Portuguese | Gallaecian and Lusitanian languages[未記出處或冇根據] | Vulgar Latin, later Visigothic | |
Spain | Old Spanish | Iberian languages | Latin | Romans who annexed it to the Roman Empire (1st century BC-5th century AD) |
Canary Islands | Canarian Spanish | Guanche | Andalusian Spanish | Andalusians during the incorporation of the Canary Islands into the Crown of Castile |
Mexico | Mexican Spanish | Nahuatl | Spanish of the 15th century | Spaniards during the Spanish Conquest
of the 15th century |
Central Andes | Andean Spanish | Quechua, Aymaran languages | ||
Paraguay | Paraguayan Spanish | Guaraní | ||
Philippines | Chavacano | Tagalog, Ilokano, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Bangingi, Sama, Tausug, Yakan, and Malay | ||
Brazil | Brazilian Portuguese | Tupi, Bantu languages[3] | Portuguese of the 15th century | the Portuguese during the colonial period |
Angola | Angolan Portuguese | Umbundu, Kimbundu, and Kikongo | the Portuguese during the colonial rule in Africa | |
Jamaica | Jamaican Patois | African languages of transported African slaves | Early Modern English | the English during the British Empire |
Israel | Israeli Hebrew | Arabic dialects, Yiddish, German, Russian and other Jewish languages | Purified Hebrew constructed from Biblical and mishnaic Hebrew | Jewish emigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries who revived then re-introduced Hebrew |
Shetland and Orkney | Insular Scots | Norn | Scots | Acquisition by Scotland in the 15th century |
Norway | Bokmål | Old Norwegian | Danish | Union with Danish crown, 1380–1814. |
Argentina/Uruguay | Rioplatense Spanish | Neapolitan, various Italian Languages | Spanish | Italian immigration to Uruguay and Argentina |
埞柵 | 結果語言 | 底層 | 頂層 | 頂層引入由 |
法國 | 古法國話 | 高盧羅曼話 | 古法蘭克語 | 墨洛溫王朝統治高盧,公元500年左右 |
英倫 | 中古英國話 | 古英文 | 古諾曼法語 | 諾曼征服期間嘅諾曼人 |
希臘 | 通俗希臘話 | 中古希臘話 | 鄂圖曼土耳其話 | 鄂圖曼土耳其人,君士坦丁堡陷落之後以及跟尾佔領希臘期間 |
西班牙 | 早期現代西班牙話 | 古西班牙語 | 阿剌伯話(透過莫乍立話) | 倭馬也人,征服西班牙期間,以及阿剌伯話、莫乍立話使用者喺安達盧斯;之後佢哋着吸收到卡斯提亞同埋其他基督教王國。 |
馬耳他 | 馬耳他語 | 古典阿剌伯話,西古羅-阿剌伯話 | 西西里話,跟尾有意大利話佮其他羅曼話[4] | 諾曼人同亞拉岡人,16世紀聖約翰騎士團喺群島成立[5] |
- 雖然,特別係北便或者東邊法國照舊有明顯Celts影響:Calafell, F., Biagini, S. A., Carracedo, Á., & Comas, D. (2019). Reshaping the Hexagone: the genetic landscape of modern France.
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