Template:Tts Thomas Hellriegel(德国)Thomas Hellriegel (GER) Template:Tts GregWelch(澳大利亚)GregWelch (AUS) Template:Tts 1995 Mark Allen(美国)Mark Allen (USA) Template:Tts
Introduction to the Kalman Filter (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), SIGGRAPH 2001 Course, GregWelch and Gary Bishop Kalman filtering chapter from Stochastic Models, Estimation
Charlton Elle Macpherson George Gittoes Glenn McGrath Glenn Stevens 高夫·惠特蘭 GregWelch 伊恩·索普 Jack Gibson Jason Stevens John Antill John Seru Joyce Jacobs Kathy
(原始内容存档于2022-04-08). 全球首富马斯克,440亿美元收购推特!. [2022-05-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-26). Welch, Matt. Gatekeepers Very Afraid That Elon Musk Will Remove the Gates From