心理藥物學(英文:Psychopharmacology )是指以科學方法研究預備、使用心理疾病藥物及這些藥物的效用。心理疾病相關藥物稱為psychotropic medications(psycho:心理的;tropic:作用於)。
- 生物利用度 :(bioavailability)真正身體最終吸收了所用的藥
- 給藥途徑:決定藥物進入血管的速度及完整度
- 電離 (ionisation):非游離形式的藥物因不帶電荷而易滲入細胞膜[8],受住血管或消化系統等體內pH值,及藥物自己的酸度係數(pKa值)影響[9]
- 血漿蛋白結合 (binding):藥物困住在血漿、肌肉或脂肪中而變動不活躍,令到藥物在目標位置濃度降低而效用減少。或者多種藥物同時服用時,藥物甲導致藥物乙濃度太高而藥物過量。
- 生物轉化作用
- 速率方程:例如酒精是zero-order kinetics,即不論飲用多少酒,身體每個小時只能處理最多15毫升的酒精[12]。對應first-order kinetics,藥物濃度越高則消化速度越快。
- 排泄作用,透過不同方法將藥物離開身體,如製造母乳、呼吸、出汗、排尿等。
The other central method through which drugs act is by affecting communications between cells through hormones. Neurotransmitters can usually only travel a microscopic distance before reaching their target at the other side of the synaptic cleft, while hormones can travel long distances before reaching target cells anywhere in the body. Thus, the endocrine system is a critical focus of psychopharmacology because 1) drugs can alter the secretion of many hormones; 2) hormones may alter the behavioral responses to drugs; 3) hormones themselves sometimes have psychoactive properties; and 4) the secretion of some hormones, especially those dependent on the pituitary gland, is controlled by neurotransmitter systems in the brain.
- Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), American Psychological Association
- Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
- Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology, SAGE Publications
- Psychopharmacology, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg
- Neuropsychopharmacology, Nature Publishing Group
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