由於海龍的作品深受巴比倫文化的影響,所以他曾被少數學者認為他是一位帶有埃及或腓尼基血統的希臘人。[3]但現代學者卻認為他是一位純希臘人。[4][1][5]數學歷史學家卡爾·本雅明·博耶(C. B. Boyer)解釋,海龍之所以被認為是埃及人或腓尼基人,是因為他的作品帶有濃烈的巴比倫色彩。但是最少自亞歷山大大帝時期起至古典時代(Classical antiquity)結束的一段時期,希臘的確與美索不達米亞有許多來往,而且不難看到巴比倫的算術和代數幾何學一直對希臘化文明產生重大影響。[4]
Research Machines plc. The Hutchinson dictionary of scientific biography. 亞平頓: Helicon Publishing. 2004年: 546. Hero of Alexandria (lived c. AD 60) Greek mathematician and engineer, the greatest experimentalist of antiquity
George Sarton (1936年). "The Unity and Diversity of the Mediterranean World", Osiris2, 第406至463頁 [第429頁] . John H. Lienhard. Hero of Alexandria. The Engines of Our Ingenuity. 第1038集http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi1038.htm|transcripturl=缺少標題 (幫助). 1995年. NPR. KUHF-FM Houston. T. D. De Marco (1974年). "Gas-Turbine Standby-Power Generation for Water-Treatment Plants", Journal American Water Works Association66 (2), 第133至138頁. Victor J. Katz (1998年). A History of Mathematics: An Introduction, 第184頁. Addison Wesley. ISBN 0-321-01618-1. Justin E. Wilson (2006年). Heron’s Formula (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Boyer. Greek Trigonometry and Mensuration. A History of Mathematics. 1968年 [1991年]: 第171至172頁. At least from the days of Alexander the Great to the close of the classical world, there undoubtedly was much intercommunication between Greece and Mesopotamia, and it seems to be clear that the Babylonian arithmetic and algebraic geometry continued to exert considerable influence in the Hellenistic world. This aspect of mathematics, for example, appears so strongly in Heron of Alexandria (fl. ca. A.D. 100) that Heron once was thought to be Egyptian or Phoenician rather than Greek. Now it is thought that Heron portrays a type of mathematics that had long been present in Greece but does not find a representative among the great figures - except perhaps as betrayed by Ptolemy in the Tetrabiblos.請檢查|date=中的日期值 (幫助)