长棘星螺(学名:Guildfordia yoka),又名长刺螺[3],是一种深海海螺物种,属于海洋腹足纲软体动物蝾螺科刺螺属的一个物种[4][5]

Quick Facts 长刺螺, 科学分类 ...
Shell of Guildfordia yoka. Museum specimen
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 软体动物门 Mollusca
纲: 腹足纲 Gastropoda
目: 钟螺目 Trochida
总科: 钟螺总科 Trochoidea
科: 蝾螺科 Turbinidae
属: 刺螺属 Guildfordia
长刺螺 G. yoka
Guildfordia yoka
Jousseaume, 1899[1]
  • Guildfordia delicata Habe & Okutani, 1983
  • Guildfordia yoca Schepman, 1908[2]


这种热带的海洋生物物种栖息于西太平洋的日本和菲律宾对开海域,见于水深200、500米(660、1,640英尺)的海洋[6]; 也见于中国大陆台湾[4]。常栖息在潮下带[4]


The size of the shell varies between 70、105 mm(2.8、4.1英寸). The color pattern of the shell varies from very light brownish to purple-brown. Some specimens contain only 6 whorls instead of 7 as in the holotype. The upper whorls are smooth, then follows the body whorl with scarcely 2 rows of granules, instead of 7 or 8. Towards the keel it has very irregular radiating ribs, which leave however a nearly smooth zone above the keel, with only a few spiral striae.

The base of the shell is less convex than the upper part. Some specimens lack the rose-coloured line round the umbilical callosity. The aperture is oval, thick, with the nucleus in the external lower corner. The outer surface is slightly rugose, by irregular wrinkles, almost parallel with the basal margin of the operculum. The nucleus is marked by an olive spot.[2]


Embryos of Guildfordia yoka develop into free-swimming planktonic larvae with several bands of cilia (trocophore). Later they develop into juvenile veligers, finally into fully grown adults.[6]




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